return newArr;
+ * Modify all elements of \a this array, so that
+ * an element _x_ becomes <em> val ^ x </em>. Contrary to DataArrayInt::applyPow
+ * all values in \a this have to be >= 0 if val is \b not integer.
+ * \param [in] val - the value used to apply pow on all array elements.
+ * \throw If \a this is not allocated.
+ * \warning If an exception is thrown because of presence of 0 element in \a this
+ * array and \a val is \b not integer, all elements processed before detection of the zero element remain
+ * modified.
+ */
+void DataArrayDouble::applyPow(double val) throw(INTERP_KERNEL::Exception)
+ checkAllocated();
+ double *ptr=getPointer();
+ std::size_t nbOfElems=getNbOfElems();
+ int val2=(int)val;
+ bool isInt=((double)val2)==val;
+ if(!isInt)
+ {
+ for(std::size_t i=0;i<nbOfElems;i++,ptr++)
+ {
+ if(*ptr>=0)
+ *ptr=pow(*ptr,val);
+ else
+ {
+ std::ostringstream oss; oss << "DataArrayDouble::applyPow (double) : At elem # " << i << " value is " << *ptr << " ! must be >=0. !";
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(oss.str().c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for(std::size_t i=0;i<nbOfElems;i++,ptr++)
+ *ptr=pow(*ptr,val2);
+ }
+ declareAsNew();
+ * Modify all elements of \a this array, so that
+ * an element _x_ becomes \f$ val ^ x \f$.
+ * \param [in] val - the value used to apply pow on all array elements.
+ * \throw If \a this is not allocated.
+ * \throw If \a val < 0.
+ * \warning If an exception is thrown because of presence of 0 element in \a this
+ * array, all elements processed before detection of the zero element remain
+ * modified.
+ */
+void DataArrayDouble::applyRPow(double val) throw(INTERP_KERNEL::Exception)
+ checkAllocated();
+ if(val<0.)
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("DataArrayDouble::applyRPow : the input value has to be >= 0 !");
+ double *ptr=getPointer();
+ std::size_t nbOfElems=getNbOfElems();
+ for(std::size_t i=0;i<nbOfElems;i++,ptr++)
+ *ptr=pow(val,*ptr);
+ declareAsNew();
* Returns a new DataArrayDouble created from \a this one by applying \a
* FunctionToEvaluate to every tuple of \a this array. Textual data is not copied.
+ * Returns a new DataArrayDouble that is the result of pow of two given arrays. There are 3
+ * valid cases.
+ *
+ * \param [in] a1 - an array to pow up.
+ * \param [in] a2 - another array to sum up.
+ * \return DataArrayDouble * - the new instance of DataArrayDouble.
+ * The caller is to delete this result array using decrRef() as it is no more
+ * needed.
+ * \throw If either \a a1 or \a a2 is NULL.
+ * \throw If \a a1->getNumberOfTuples() != \a a2->getNumberOfTuples()
+ * \throw If \a a1->getNumberOfComponents() != 1 or \a a2->getNumberOfComponents() != 1.
+ * \throw If there is a negative value in \a a1.
+ */
+DataArrayDouble *DataArrayDouble::Pow(const DataArrayDouble *a1, const DataArrayDouble *a2) throw(INTERP_KERNEL::Exception)
+ if(!a1 || !a2)
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("DataArrayDouble::Pow : at least one of input instances is null !");
+ int nbOfTuple=a1->getNumberOfTuples();
+ int nbOfTuple2=a2->getNumberOfTuples();
+ int nbOfComp=a1->getNumberOfComponents();
+ int nbOfComp2=a2->getNumberOfComponents();
+ if(nbOfTuple!=nbOfTuple2)
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("DataArrayDouble::Pow : number of tuples mismatches !");
+ if(nbOfComp!=1 || nbOfComp2!=1)
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("DataArrayDouble::Pow : number of components of both arrays must be equal to 1 !");
+ MEDCouplingAutoRefCountObjectPtr<DataArrayDouble> ret=DataArrayDouble::New(); ret->alloc(nbOfTuple,1);
+ const double *ptr1(a1->begin()),*ptr2(a2->begin());
+ double *ptr=ret->getPointer();
+ for(int i=0;i<nbOfTuple;i++,ptr1++,ptr2++,ptr++)
+ {
+ if(*ptr1>=0)
+ {
+ *ptr=pow(*ptr1,*ptr2);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::ostringstream oss; oss << "DataArrayDouble::Pow : on tuple #" << i << " of a1 value is < 0 (" << *ptr1 << ") !";
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(oss.str().c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ return ret.retn();
+ * Apply pow on values of another DataArrayDouble to values of \a this one.
+ *
+ * \param [in] other - an array to pow to \a this one.
+ * \throw If \a other is NULL.
+ * \throw If \a this->getNumberOfTuples() != \a other->getNumberOfTuples()
+ * \throw If \a this->getNumberOfComponents() != 1 or \a other->getNumberOfComponents() != 1
+ * \throw If there is a negative value in \a this.
+ */
+void DataArrayDouble::powEqual(const DataArrayDouble *other) throw(INTERP_KERNEL::Exception)
+ if(!other)
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("DataArrayDouble::powEqual : input instance is null !");
+ int nbOfTuple=getNumberOfTuples();
+ int nbOfTuple2=other->getNumberOfTuples();
+ int nbOfComp=getNumberOfComponents();
+ int nbOfComp2=other->getNumberOfComponents();
+ if(nbOfTuple!=nbOfTuple2)
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("DataArrayDouble::powEqual : number of tuples mismatches !");
+ if(nbOfComp!=1 || nbOfComp2!=1)
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("DataArrayDouble::powEqual : number of components of both arrays must be equal to 1 !");
+ double *ptr=getPointer();
+ const double *ptrc=other->begin();
+ for(int i=0;i<nbOfTuple;i++,ptrc++,ptr++)
+ {
+ if(*ptr>=0)
+ *ptr=pow(*ptr,*ptrc);
+ else
+ {
+ std::ostringstream oss; oss << "DataArrayDouble::powEqual : on tuple #" << i << " of this value is < 0 (" << *ptr << ") !";
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(oss.str().c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ declareAsNew();
* Useless method for end user. Only for MPI/Corba/File serialsation for multi arrays class.
* Server side.
int tmp=1;
for(int j=0;j<*ptr;j++)
- *ptr=val;
+ *ptr=tmp;
MEDCOUPLING_EXPORT void applyLin(double a, double b, int compoId) throw(INTERP_KERNEL::Exception);
MEDCOUPLING_EXPORT void applyLin(double a, double b) throw(INTERP_KERNEL::Exception);
MEDCOUPLING_EXPORT void applyInv(double numerator) throw(INTERP_KERNEL::Exception);
+ MEDCOUPLING_EXPORT void applyPow(double val) throw(INTERP_KERNEL::Exception);
+ MEDCOUPLING_EXPORT void applyRPow(double val) throw(INTERP_KERNEL::Exception);
MEDCOUPLING_EXPORT DataArrayDouble *negate() const throw(INTERP_KERNEL::Exception);
MEDCOUPLING_EXPORT DataArrayDouble *applyFunc(int nbOfComp, FunctionToEvaluate func) const throw(INTERP_KERNEL::Exception);
MEDCOUPLING_EXPORT DataArrayDouble *applyFunc(int nbOfComp, const char *func) const throw(INTERP_KERNEL::Exception);
MEDCOUPLING_EXPORT void multiplyEqual(const DataArrayDouble *other) throw(INTERP_KERNEL::Exception);
MEDCOUPLING_EXPORT static DataArrayDouble *Divide(const DataArrayDouble *a1, const DataArrayDouble *a2) throw(INTERP_KERNEL::Exception);
MEDCOUPLING_EXPORT void divideEqual(const DataArrayDouble *other) throw(INTERP_KERNEL::Exception);
+ MEDCOUPLING_EXPORT static DataArrayDouble *Pow(const DataArrayDouble *a1, const DataArrayDouble *a2) throw(INTERP_KERNEL::Exception);
+ MEDCOUPLING_EXPORT void powEqual(const DataArrayDouble *other) throw(INTERP_KERNEL::Exception);
MEDCOUPLING_EXPORT void updateTime() const { }
MEDCOUPLING_EXPORT void getTinySerializationIntInformation(std::vector<int>& tinyInfo) const;
def ParaMEDMEMDataArrayDoubleIdiv(self,*args):
import _MEDCoupling
return _MEDCoupling.DataArrayDouble____idiv___(self, self, *args)
+def ParaMEDMEMDataArrayDoubleIpow(self,*args):
+ import _MEDCoupling
+ return _MEDCoupling.DataArrayDouble____ipow___(self, self, *args)
def ParaMEDMEMMEDCouplingFieldDoubleIadd(self,*args):
import _MEDCoupling
return _MEDCoupling.MEDCouplingFieldDouble____iadd___(self, self, *args)
+ def testSwig2DAPow1(self):
+ d=DataArrayInt(10)
+ d.iota(0)
+ d1=d.deepCpy()
+ d.setIJ(2,0,-2)
+ self.assertTrue((d**2).isEqual(DataArrayInt([0,1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81])))
+ self.assertTrue((d**3).isEqual(DataArrayInt([0,1,-8,27,64,125,216,343,512,729])))
+ for elt in [d]:
+ elt**=2
+ pass
+ self.assertTrue(d.isEqual(DataArrayInt([0,1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81])))
+ self.assertTrue((d1[:4]**d1[:4]).isEqual(DataArrayInt([1,1,4,27])))
+ self.assertTrue((3**d1[:4]).isEqual(DataArrayInt([1,3,9,27])))
+ d2=d1[:4]
+ d2**=d2
+ self.assertTrue(d2.isEqual(DataArrayInt([1,1,4,27])))
+ self.assertRaises(InterpKernelException,d2.__pow__,-1)#non supporting negative pow in DataArrayInt.__pow__
+ self.assertRaises(InterpKernelException,d2.__ipow__,-1)#non supporting negative pow in DataArrayInt.__pow__
+ #
+ d=DataArrayDouble(10)
+ d.iota(0)
+ d1=d.deepCpy()
+ d.setIJ(2,0,-2.)
+ self.assertTrue((d**2).isEqual(DataArrayDouble([0,1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81]),1e-12))
+ self.assertTrue((d**3).isEqual(DataArrayDouble([0,1,-8,27,64,125,216,343,512,729]),1e-12))
+ self.assertRaises(InterpKernelException,d.__pow__,3.1)#3.1 is double not integer -> not supporting negative values in d
+ for elt in [d]:
+ elt**=2
+ pass
+ self.assertTrue(d.isEqual(DataArrayDouble([0,1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81]),1e-12))
+ self.assertTrue((d1[:4]**d1[:4]).isEqual(DataArrayDouble([1,1,4,27]),1e-12))
+ self.assertTrue((3**d1[:4]).isEqual(DataArrayDouble([1,3,9,27]),1e-12))
+ d2=d1[:4]
+ d2**=d2
+ self.assertTrue(d2.isEqual(DataArrayDouble([1,1,4,27]),1e-12))
+ d2**=-0.5
+ self.assertTrue(d2.isEqual(DataArrayDouble([1,1,1./2,1./sqrt(27.)]),1e-14))
+ d3=-1./d1[1:5]
+ self.assertTrue((3**d3).isEqual(DataArrayDouble([0.3333333333333333,0.5773502691896257,0.6933612743506348,0.7598356856515925]),1e-14))
+ d4=d3.deepCpy() ; d4.abs()
+ self.assertTrue((d4**d3).isEqual(DataArrayDouble([1.,sqrt(2.),1.4422495703074083,sqrt(2.)]),1e-14))
+ d4**=d3
+ self.assertTrue(d4.isEqual(DataArrayDouble([1.,sqrt(2.),1.4422495703074083,sqrt(2.)]),1e-14))
+ pass
def setUp(self):
%newobject ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble::Substract;
%newobject ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble::Multiply;
%newobject ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble::Divide;
+%newobject ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble::Pow;
%newobject ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble::substr;
%newobject ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble::changeNbOfComponents;
%newobject ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble::keepSelectedComponents;
%newobject ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble::__rmul__;
%newobject ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble::__div__;
%newobject ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble::__rdiv__;
+%newobject ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble::__pow__;
+%newobject ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDouble::__rpow__;
%newobject ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDoubleTuple::buildDADouble;
%newobject ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingMesh::deepCpy;
%newobject ParaMEDMEM::MEDCouplingMesh::checkDeepEquivalOnSameNodesWith;
+ DataArrayDouble *__pow__(PyObject *obj) throw(INTERP_KERNEL::Exception)
+ {
+ const char msg[]="Unexpected situation in __pow__ !";
+ double val;
+ DataArrayDouble *a;
+ DataArrayDoubleTuple *aa;
+ std::vector<double> bb;
+ int sw;
+ convertObjToPossibleCpp5(obj,sw,val,a,aa,bb);
+ switch(sw)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ {
+ MEDCouplingAutoRefCountObjectPtr<DataArrayDouble> ret=self->deepCpy();
+ ret->applyPow(val);
+ return ret.retn();
+ }
+ case 2:
+ {
+ return DataArrayDouble::Pow(self,a);
+ }
+ case 3:
+ {
+ MEDCouplingAutoRefCountObjectPtr<DataArrayDouble> aaa=aa->buildDADouble(1,self->getNumberOfComponents());
+ return DataArrayDouble::Pow(self,aaa);
+ }
+ case 4:
+ {
+ MEDCouplingAutoRefCountObjectPtr<DataArrayDouble> aaa=DataArrayDouble::New(); aaa->useArray(&bb[0],false,CPP_DEALLOC,1,(int)bb.size());
+ return DataArrayDouble::Pow(self,aaa);
+ }
+ default:
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(msg);
+ }
+ }
+ DataArrayDouble *__rpow__(PyObject *obj) throw(INTERP_KERNEL::Exception)
+ {
+ const char msg[]="Unexpected situation in __rpow__ !";
+ double val;
+ DataArrayDouble *a;
+ DataArrayDoubleTuple *aa;
+ std::vector<double> bb;
+ int sw;
+ convertObjToPossibleCpp5(obj,sw,val,a,aa,bb);
+ switch(sw)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ {
+ MEDCouplingAutoRefCountObjectPtr<DataArrayDouble> ret=self->deepCpy();
+ ret->applyRPow(val);
+ return ret.retn();
+ }
+ case 3:
+ {
+ MEDCouplingAutoRefCountObjectPtr<DataArrayDouble> aaa=aa->buildDADouble(1,self->getNumberOfComponents());
+ return DataArrayDouble::Pow(aaa,self);
+ }
+ case 4:
+ {
+ MEDCouplingAutoRefCountObjectPtr<DataArrayDouble> aaa=DataArrayDouble::New(); aaa->useArray(&bb[0],false,CPP_DEALLOC,1,(int)bb.size());
+ return DataArrayDouble::Pow(aaa,self);
+ }
+ default:
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(msg);
+ }
+ }
+ PyObject *___ipow___(PyObject *trueSelf, PyObject *obj) throw(INTERP_KERNEL::Exception)
+ {
+ const char msg[]="Unexpected situation in __ipow__ !";
+ double val;
+ DataArrayDouble *a;
+ DataArrayDoubleTuple *aa;
+ std::vector<double> bb;
+ int sw;
+ convertObjToPossibleCpp5(obj,sw,val,a,aa,bb);
+ switch(sw)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ {
+ self->applyPow(val);
+ Py_XINCREF(trueSelf);
+ return trueSelf;
+ }
+ case 2:
+ {
+ self->powEqual(a);
+ Py_XINCREF(trueSelf);
+ return trueSelf;
+ }
+ case 3:
+ {
+ MEDCouplingAutoRefCountObjectPtr<DataArrayDouble> aaa=aa->buildDADouble(1,self->getNumberOfComponents());
+ self->powEqual(aaa);
+ Py_XINCREF(trueSelf);
+ return trueSelf;
+ }
+ case 4:
+ {
+ MEDCouplingAutoRefCountObjectPtr<DataArrayDouble> aaa=DataArrayDouble::New(); aaa->useArray(&bb[0],false,CPP_DEALLOC,1,(int)bb.size());
+ self->powEqual(aaa);
+ Py_XINCREF(trueSelf);
+ return trueSelf;
+ }
+ default:
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception(msg);
+ }
+ }
PyObject *computeTupleIdsNearTuples(const DataArrayDouble *other, double eps)
DataArrayInt *c=0,*cI=0;