// update _faceEntryEnfVertexListMap
TEnfVertexList& currentEnfVertexList = _faceEntryEnfVertexListMap[theFaceEntry];
for (TEnfVertexList::iterator it = currentEnfVertexList.begin() ; it != currentEnfVertexList.end() ; ++it) {
- if (TEnfVertexCmp(&(*it),&oldEnfVertex) == 0){
+ if (TEnfVertexCmp(&(*it),&oldEnfVertex)) {
// update _enfVertexList
for (TEnfVertexList::iterator it = _enfVertexList.begin() ; it != _enfVertexList.end() ; ++it) {
- if (TEnfVertexCmp(&(*it),&oldEnfVertex) == 0){
+ if (TEnfVertexCmp(&(*it),&oldEnfVertex)) {
// update _faceEntryEnfVertexListMap
TEnfVertexList& currentEnfVertexList = _faceEntryEnfVertexListMap[theFaceEntry];
for (TEnfVertexList::iterator it = currentEnfVertexList.begin() ; it != currentEnfVertexList.end() ; ++it) {
- if (TEnfVertexCmp(&(*it),&oldEnfVertex) == 0){
+ if (TEnfVertexCmp(&(*it),&oldEnfVertex)) {
// update _enfVertexList
for (TEnfVertexList::iterator it = _enfVertexList.begin() ; it != _enfVertexList.end() ; ++it) {
- if (TEnfVertexCmp(&(*it),&oldEnfVertex) == 0){
+ if (TEnfVertexCmp(&(*it),&oldEnfVertex)) {
// update _faceEntryEnfVertexListMap
TEnfVertexList& currentEnfVertexList = _faceEntryEnfVertexListMap[theFaceEntry];
for (TEnfVertexList::iterator it = currentEnfVertexList.begin() ; it != currentEnfVertexList.end() ; ++it) {
- if (TEnfVertexCmp(&(*it),&oldEnfVertex) == 0){
+ if (TEnfVertexCmp(&(*it),&oldEnfVertex)) {
// update _enfVertexList
for (TEnfVertexList::iterator it = _enfVertexList.begin() ; it != _enfVertexList.end() ; ++it) {
- if (TEnfVertexCmp(&(*it),&oldEnfVertex) == 0){
+ if (TEnfVertexCmp(&(*it),&oldEnfVertex)) {
// update _enfVertexList
for (TEnfVertexList::iterator it = _enfVertexList.begin() ; it != _enfVertexList.end() ; ++it) {
- if (TEnfVertexCmp(&(*it),&oldEnfVertex) == 0){
+ if (TEnfVertexCmp(&(*it),&oldEnfVertex)) {
toNotify = true;
// update _faceEntryEnfVertexListMap
TEnfVertexList& currentEnfVertexList = _faceEntryEnfVertexListMap[theFaceEntry];
for (TEnfVertexList::iterator it = currentEnfVertexList.begin() ; it != currentEnfVertexList.end() ; ++it) {
- if (TEnfVertexCmp(&(*it),&oldEnfVertex) == 0){
+ if (TEnfVertexCmp(&(*it),&oldEnfVertex)) {
toNotify = true;
save << " " << "__ATTRACTORS_END__";
- TFaceEntryCoordsListMap::const_iterator it_enf = _faceEntryCoordsListMap.begin();
- if (it_enf != _faceEntryCoordsListMap.end()) {
+ TFaceEntryEnfVertexListMap::const_iterator it_enf = _faceEntryEnfVertexListMap.begin();
+ if (it_enf != _faceEntryEnfVertexListMap.end()) {
save << " " << "__ENFORCED_VERTICES_BEGIN__";
- for (; it_enf != _faceEntryCoordsListMap.end(); ++it_enf) {
+ for (; it_enf != _faceEntryEnfVertexListMap.end(); ++it_enf) {
save << " " << it_enf->first;
- TEnfVertexCoordsList coordsList = it_enf->second;
- TEnfVertexCoordsList::const_iterator it_coordsList = coordsList.begin();
- for (; it_coordsList != coordsList.end(); ++it_coordsList) {
- TEnfVertex enfVertex = _coordsEnfVertexMap[(*it_coordsList)];
- save << " " << enfVertex.name;
- save << " " << enfVertex.coords[0];
- save << " " << enfVertex.coords[1];
- save << " " << enfVertex.coords[2];
- TEnfVertexGroupNameMap::const_iterator it_enfGroup = _enfVertexGroupNameMap.find(*it_evl);
- if (it_enfGroup != _enfVertexGroupNameMap.end()) {
- save << " " << "__ENF_GROUP_BEGIN__";
- save << " " << it_enfGroup->second ;
- save << " " << "__ENF_GROUP_END__";
- }
- */
+ TEnfVertexList enfVertexList = it_enf->second;
+ TEnfVertexList::const_iterator it_enfVertexList = enfVertexList.begin();
+ for (; it_enfVertexList != enfVertexList.end(); ++it_enfVertexList) {
+ TEnfVertex enfVertex = (*it_enfVertexList);
+ save << " " << enfVertex.name << ";";
+ save << " " << enfVertex.geomEntry << ";";
+ if (enfVertex.coords.size()) {
+ save << " " << enfVertex.coords[0] << ";";
+ save << " " << enfVertex.coords[1] << ";";
+ save << " " << enfVertex.coords[2] << ";";
+ }
+ else {
+ save <<" ; ; ;";
+ }
+ save << " " << enfVertex.grpName;
save << " " << "$"; // "$" is a mark of enforced vertex end
save << "#"; // "#" is a mark of enforced shape end
hasEnforcedVertex = true;
+// TFaceEntryEnfVertexListMap _faceEntryEnfVertexListMap;
+// TEnfVertexList _enfVertexList;
+// // maps to get "manual" enf vertex (through their coordinates)
+// TFaceEntryCoordsListMap _faceEntryCoordsListMap;
+// TCoordsEnfVertexMap _coordsEnfVertexMap;
+// // maps to get "geom" enf vertex (through their geom entries)
+// TFaceEntryEnfVertexEntryListMap _faceEntryEnfVertexEntryListMap;
+// TEnfVertexEntryEnfVertexMap _enfVertexEntryEnfVertexMap;
std::string enfVertexEntry, enfValue, enfGroup, trace;
std::ostringstream oss;
while (isOK && hasEnforcedVertex) {
TEnfGroupName grpName;
// TEntryList faceEntries; // any use ?
} TEnfVertex;
struct CompareEnfVertices
bool operator () (const TEnfVertex &e1, const TEnfVertex &e2) const
- {
-// MESSAGE("Comparing 2 enf vertices");
return true;
- }
int TEnfVertexCmp(const TEnfVertex *e1, const TEnfVertex *e2) {
if (e1->coords.size() && e2->coords.size())
sameCoords = (e1->coords[0] == e2->coords[0]) && (e1->coords[1] == e2->coords[1]) && (e1->coords[2]
== e2->coords[2]);
- if( sameCoords && (e1->geomEntry == e2->geomEntry) && (e1->grpName == e2->grpName)
- && (e1->name == e2->name))
- return 0;
+ return ( sameCoords && (e1->geomEntry == e2->geomEntry) && (e1->grpName == e2->grpName)
+ && (e1->name == e2->name));
} else
return (e1 < e2);
- // TODO Affecter un nom de groupe vide
string theFaceEntry = theFace->GetStudyEntry();
+ if (theFaceEntry == "") {
+ GEOM::GEOM_Gen_ptr geomGen = SMESH_Gen_i::GetGeomEngine();
+ SMESH_Gen_i *smeshGen = SMESH_Gen_i::GetSMESHGen();
+ string aName;
+ if (theFace->GetShapeType() == GEOM::FACE)
+ aName = "Face_";
+ if (theFace->GetShapeType() == GEOM::COMPOUND)
+ aName = "Compound_";
+ aName += theFace->GetEntry();
+ SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr theSFace = geomGen->PublishInStudy(smeshGen->GetCurrentStudy(), NULL, theFace, aName.c_str());
+ if (!theSFace->_is_nil())
+ theFaceEntry = theSFace->GetID();
+ }
if (theFaceEntry == "")
THROW_SALOME_CORBA_EXCEPTION( "Geom object is not published in study" ,SALOME::BAD_PARAM );
MESSAGE("IDL : GetName : " << theFace->GetName());
- // TODO Affecter un nom de groupe vide
string theFaceEntry = theFace->GetStudyEntry();
+ if (theFaceEntry == "") {
+ GEOM::GEOM_Gen_ptr geomGen = SMESH_Gen_i::GetGeomEngine();
+ SMESH_Gen_i *smeshGen = SMESH_Gen_i::GetSMESHGen();
+ string aName;
+ if (theFace->GetShapeType() == GEOM::FACE)
+ aName = "Face_";
+ if (theFace->GetShapeType() == GEOM::COMPOUND)
+ aName = "Compound_";
+ aName += theFace->GetEntry();
+ SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr theSFace = geomGen->PublishInStudy(smeshGen->GetCurrentStudy(), NULL, theFace, aName.c_str());
+ if (!theSFace->_is_nil())
+ theFaceEntry = theSFace->GetID();
+ }
if (theFaceEntry == "")
THROW_SALOME_CORBA_EXCEPTION( "Geom object is not published in study" ,SALOME::BAD_PARAM );
MESSAGE("IDL : GetName : " << theFace->GetName());
MESSAGE("IDL : SetEnforcedVertex ( "<< theFaceEntry << ", " << x << ", " << y << ", " << z << ", " << theVertexName << ")");
try {
// x = y = z = 0.;
// measureOp->PointCoordinates(theVertex, x, y, z);
- // TODO publish geom objects it not published
string theFaceEntry = theFace->GetStudyEntry();
string theVertexEntry = theVertex->GetStudyEntry();
+ GEOM::GEOM_Gen_ptr geomGen = SMESH_Gen_i::GetGeomEngine();
+ SMESH_Gen_i *smeshGen = SMESH_Gen_i::GetSMESHGen();
+ string aName;
+ if (theFaceEntry == "") {
+ if (theFace->GetShapeType() == GEOM::FACE)
+ aName = "Face_";
+ if (theFace->GetShapeType() == GEOM::COMPOUND)
+ aName = "Compound_";
+ aName += theFace->GetEntry();
+ SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr theSFace = geomGen->PublishInStudy(smeshGen->GetCurrentStudy(), NULL, theFace, aName.c_str());
+ if (!theSFace->_is_nil())
+ theFaceEntry = theSFace->GetID();
+ }
+ if (theFaceEntry == "")
+ THROW_SALOME_CORBA_EXCEPTION( "Geom object is not published in study" ,SALOME::BAD_PARAM );
if (theVertexEntry == "") {
- GEOM::GEOM_Gen_ptr geomGen = SMESH_Gen_i::GetGeomEngine();
- SMESH_Gen_i *smeshGen = SMESH_Gen_i::GetSMESHGen();
- string aName;
if (theVertex->GetShapeType() == GEOM::VERTEX)
aName = "Vertex_";
if (theVertex->GetShapeType() == GEOM::COMPOUND)
aName = "Compound_";
aName += theVertex->GetEntry();
- MESSAGE("Publish");
-// geomGen->AddInStudy(smeshGen->GetCurrentStudy(), theVertex, aName.c_str(), NULL);
SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr theSVertex = geomGen->PublishInStudy(smeshGen->GetCurrentStudy(), NULL, theVertex, aName.c_str());
if (!theSVertex->_is_nil())
theVertexEntry = theSVertex->GetID();
- MESSAGE("Done, study entry: " << theVertexEntry);
-// if ((theFaceEntry == "") || (theVertexEntry == ""))
- if (theFaceEntry == "")
+ if (theVertexEntry == "")
THROW_SALOME_CORBA_EXCEPTION( "Geom object is not published in study" ,SALOME::BAD_PARAM );
string theVertexName = theVertex->GetName();
string theFaceEntry = theFace->GetStudyEntry();
+ if (theFaceEntry == "") {
+ GEOM::GEOM_Gen_ptr geomGen = SMESH_Gen_i::GetGeomEngine();
+ SMESH_Gen_i *smeshGen = SMESH_Gen_i::GetSMESHGen();
+ string aName;
+ if (theFace->GetShapeType() == GEOM::FACE)
+ aName = "Face_";
+ if (theFace->GetShapeType() == GEOM::COMPOUND)
+ aName = "Compound_";
+ aName += theFace->GetEntry();
+ SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr theSFace = geomGen->PublishInStudy(smeshGen->GetCurrentStudy(), NULL, theFace, aName.c_str());
+ if (!theSFace->_is_nil())
+ theFaceEntry = theSFace->GetID();
+ }
if (theFaceEntry == "")
THROW_SALOME_CORBA_EXCEPTION( "Geom object is not published in study" ,SALOME::BAD_PARAM );
string theFaceEntry = theFace->GetStudyEntry();
+ if (theFaceEntry == "") {
+ GEOM::GEOM_Gen_ptr geomGen = SMESH_Gen_i::GetGeomEngine();
+ SMESH_Gen_i *smeshGen = SMESH_Gen_i::GetSMESHGen();
+ string aName;
+ if (theFace->GetShapeType() == GEOM::FACE)
+ aName = "Face_";
+ if (theFace->GetShapeType() == GEOM::COMPOUND)
+ aName = "Compound_";
+ aName += theFace->GetEntry();
+ SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr theSFace = geomGen->PublishInStudy(smeshGen->GetCurrentStudy(), NULL, theFace, aName.c_str());
+ if (!theSFace->_is_nil())
+ theFaceEntry = theSFace->GetID();
+ }
if (theFaceEntry == "")
THROW_SALOME_CORBA_EXCEPTION( "Geom object is not published in study" ,SALOME::BAD_PARAM );
MESSAGE("IDL : GetName : " << theFace->GetName());
std::string theFaceEntry = theFace->GetStudyEntry();
std::string theVertexEntry = theVertex->GetStudyEntry();
- if ((theFaceEntry == "") || (theVertexEntry == ""))
+ GEOM::GEOM_Gen_ptr geomGen = SMESH_Gen_i::GetGeomEngine();
+ SMESH_Gen_i *smeshGen = SMESH_Gen_i::GetSMESHGen();
+ string aName;
+ if (theFaceEntry == "") {
+ if (theFace->GetShapeType() == GEOM::FACE)
+ aName = "Face_";
+ if (theFace->GetShapeType() == GEOM::COMPOUND)
+ aName = "Compound_";
+ aName += theFace->GetEntry();
+ SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr theSFace = geomGen->PublishInStudy(smeshGen->GetCurrentStudy(), NULL, theFace, aName.c_str());
+ if (!theSFace->_is_nil())
+ theFaceEntry = theSFace->GetID();
+ }
+ if (theFaceEntry == "")
+ THROW_SALOME_CORBA_EXCEPTION( "Geom object is not published in study" ,SALOME::BAD_PARAM );
+ if (theVertexEntry == "") {
+ if (theVertex->GetShapeType() == GEOM::VERTEX)
+ aName = "Vertex_";
+ if (theVertex->GetShapeType() == GEOM::COMPOUND)
+ aName = "Compound_";
+ aName += theVertex->GetEntry();
+ SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr theSVertex = geomGen->PublishInStudy(smeshGen->GetCurrentStudy(), NULL, theVertex, aName.c_str());
+ if (!theSVertex->_is_nil())
+ theVertexEntry = theSVertex->GetID();
+ }
+ if (theVertexEntry == "")
THROW_SALOME_CORBA_EXCEPTION( "Geom object is not published in study" ,SALOME::BAD_PARAM );
MESSAGE("IDL : UnsetEnforcedVertexGeom ( "<< theFaceEntry << ", " << theVertexEntry << ")");
try {
string theFaceEntry = theFace->GetStudyEntry();
+ if (theFaceEntry == "") {
+ GEOM::GEOM_Gen_ptr geomGen = SMESH_Gen_i::GetGeomEngine();
+ SMESH_Gen_i *smeshGen = SMESH_Gen_i::GetSMESHGen();
+ string aName;
+ if (theFace->GetShapeType() == GEOM::FACE)
+ aName = "Face_";
+ if (theFace->GetShapeType() == GEOM::COMPOUND)
+ aName = "Compound_";
+ aName += theFace->GetEntry();
+ SALOMEDS::SObject_ptr theSFace = geomGen->PublishInStudy(smeshGen->GetCurrentStudy(), NULL, theFace, aName.c_str());
+ if (!theSFace->_is_nil())
+ theFaceEntry = theSFace->GetID();
+ }
if (theFaceEntry == "")
THROW_SALOME_CORBA_EXCEPTION( "Geom object is not published in study" ,SALOME::BAD_PARAM );
MESSAGE("IDL : GetName : " << theFace->GetName());
MESSAGE("IDL : UnsetEnforcedVertices ( "<< theFaceEntry << ")");
void EnforcedTreeWidgetDelegate::setEditorData(QWidget *editor,
const QModelIndex &index) const
+ QModelIndex parent = index.parent();
+ QString entry = parent.child(index.row(), ENF_VER_ENTRY_COLUMN).data(Qt::EditRole).toString();
QString value = index.model()->data(index, Qt::EditRole).toString();
- if (index.column() == ENF_VER_X_COLUMN || \
- index.column() == ENF_VER_Y_COLUMN || \
- index.column() == ENF_VER_Z_COLUMN) {
- SMESHGUI_SpinBox *lineEdit = static_cast<SMESHGUI_SpinBox*>(editor);
+ if (index.column() == ENF_VER_X_COLUMN ||
+ index.column() == ENF_VER_Y_COLUMN ||
+ index.column() == ENF_VER_Z_COLUMN)
+ {
+ // If no entry for current index => manual enforced vertex
+ // Editor is a SMESHGUI_SpinBox
+ if (entry.isEmpty()) {
+ SMESHGUI_SpinBox *lineEdit = static_cast<SMESHGUI_SpinBox*>(editor);
+ lineEdit->setText(value);
+ } else {
+ // If there is an entry => selected enforced vertexEntry
+ // Editor is a read-only QLineEdit
+ QLineEdit *lineEdit = static_cast<QLineEdit*>(editor);
+ lineEdit->setText("");
+ lineEdit->setReadOnly(true);
+ }
+ } else if ((entry.isEmpty()) && (index.column() == ENF_VER_NAME_COLUMN)) {
+ // If there is an entry => selected enforced vertexEntry
+ // Editor is a read-only QLineEdit
+ QLineEdit *lineEdit = static_cast<QLineEdit*>(editor);
+ lineEdit->setReadOnly(true);
else {
QLineEdit *lineEdit = static_cast<QLineEdit*>(editor);
if (! vertexExists(model, index, lineEdit->GetString())) {
model->setData(index, lineEdit->GetValue(), Qt::EditRole);
- }
- else if (index.column() == ENF_VER_NAME_COLUMN) {
+ } else if (index.column() == ENF_VER_NAME_COLUMN) {
QLineEdit *lineEdit = static_cast<QLineEdit*>(editor);
QString value = lineEdit->text();
if (! vertexExists(model, index, value)) {
int row = index.row();
int col = index.column();
- if (parent.isValid()) {
+ if (parent.isValid() && !value.isEmpty()) {
if (col == ENF_VER_X_COLUMN || col == ENF_VER_Y_COLUMN || col == ENF_VER_Z_COLUMN) {
double x, y, z;
if (col == ENF_VER_X_COLUMN) {
- else if (index.column() == ENF_VER_NAME_COLUMN) {
+// else if (col == ENF_VER_ENTRY_COLUMN) {
+// // Compare entries if no coords (= selected geom)
+// xString = parent.child(row, ENF_VER_X_COLUMN).data(Qt::EditRole).toString();
+// if (xString.isEmpty) {
+// int nbChildren = model->rowCount(parent);
+// for (int i = 0 ; i < nbChildren ; i++) {
+// if (i != row) {
+// QString childName = parent.child(i, ENF_VER_ENTRY_COLUMN).data(Qt::EditRole).toString();
+// if (childName == value) {
+// exists = true;
+// break;
+// }
+// }
+// }
+// }
+// }
+ else if (col == ENF_VER_NAME_COLUMN) {
int nbChildren = model->rowCount(parent);
for (int i = 0 ; i < nbChildren ; i++) {
if (i != row) {
void BLSURFPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator::update(QTreeWidgetItem* item, int column) {
// MESSAGE("BLSURFPluginGUI_HypothesisCreator::updateVertexList");
QVariant x = item->data(ENF_VER_X_COLUMN, Qt::EditRole);
- if (! x.isNull()) {
+ QVariant entry = item->data(ENF_VER_ENTRY_COLUMN, Qt::EditRole);
+ if (!x.isNull() && !entry.isNull()) {
QVariant y = item->data(ENF_VER_Y_COLUMN, Qt::EditRole);
QVariant z = item->data(ENF_VER_Z_COLUMN, Qt::EditRole);
QVariant vertexName = item->data(ENF_VER_NAME_COLUMN, Qt::EditRole);
if (parent) {
QString shapeName = parent->data(ENF_VER_NAME_COLUMN, Qt::EditRole).toString();
QString toolTip = shapeName + QString(": ") + vertexName.toString();
- toolTip += QString("(") + x.toString();
- toolTip += QString(", ") + y.toString();
- toolTip += QString(", ") + z.toString();
- toolTip += QString(")");
+ QString entryName = parent->data(ENF_VER_ENTRY_COLUMN, Qt::EditRole).toString();
+ if (entryName.isEmpty()) {
+ toolTip += QString("(") + x.toString();
+ toolTip += QString(", ") + y.toString();
+ toolTip += QString(", ") + z.toString();
+ toolTip += QString(")");
+ }
typedef std::vector<double> TEnfVertexCoords;
// List of enforced vertices
typedef std::set< TEnfVertexCoords > TEnfVertexCoordsList;
- // Enforced vertex
- typedef struct {
- TEnfName name;
- TEntry geomEntry;
- TEnfVertexCoords coords;
- TEnfName grpName;
- } TEnfVertex;
+// Enforced vertex
+typedef struct {
+ TEnfName name;
+ TEntry geomEntry;
+ TEnfVertexCoords coords;
+ TEnfName grpName;
+} TEnfVertex;
+int TEnfVertexCmp(const TEnfVertex *e1, const TEnfVertex *e2) {
+ if (e1 && e2) {
+ bool sameCoords = true;
+ if (e1->coords.size() && e2->coords.size())
+ sameCoords = (e1->coords[0] == e2->coords[0]) && (e1->coords[1] == e2->coords[1]) && (e1->coords[2]
+ == e2->coords[2]);
+ return ( sameCoords && (e1->geomEntry == e2->geomEntry) && (e1->grpName == e2->grpName)
+ && (e1->name == e2->name));
+ } else
+ return (e1 < e2);
+struct CompareEnfVertices
+ bool operator () (const TEnfVertex &e1, const TEnfVertex &e2) const
+ return true;
// List of enforced vertices
-typedef std::set< TEnfVertex > TEnfVertexList;
+typedef std::set< TEnfVertex, CompareEnfVertices > TEnfVertexList;
- // Map Coords / Enforced vertex
-typedef std::map< TEnfVertexCoords, TEnfVertex > TCoordsEnfVertexMap;
+// Map Face Entry / List of enforced vertices
+typedef std::map< TEntry, TEnfVertexList > TFaceEntryEnfVertexListMap;
-// Map Entry / List of coords
-typedef std::map< TEntry, TEnfVertexCoordsList > TEntryCoordsListMap;
+// // Map Coords / Enforced vertex
+// typedef std::map< TEnfVertexCoords, TEnfVertex > TCoordsEnfVertexMap;
+// // Map Entry / List of coords
+// typedef std::map< TEntry, TEnfVertexCoordsList > TEntryCoordsListMap;
typedef struct
double myAngleMeshS, myAngleMeshC, myGradation;
double myPhySize, myGeoMin, myGeoMax, myPhyMin,myPhyMax;
bool myAllowQuadrangles, myDecimesh,mySmpsurface,mySmpedge,mySmppoint,myEnforcedVertex;
- TEnfVertexCoordsList coordsList;
- TEntryCoordsListMap entryCoordsListMap;
- TCoordsEnfVertexMap coordsEnfVertexMap;
+ TEnfVertexList enfVertexList;
+ TFaceEntryEnfVertexListMap faceEntryEnfVertexListMap;
+// TEntryCoordsListMap entryCoordsListMap;
+// TCoordsEnfVertexMap coordsEnfVertexMap;
TGroupNameEnfVertexListMap groupNameEnfVertexListMap;
- TEnfVertexGroupNameMap enfVertexGroupNameMap;
QString myName;
} BlsurfHypothesisData;