* behind returned mesh. This cause an overhead but it is lesser in memory.
* This method returns an array too. This array allows to the caller to know the mapping between nodeids in 'this' and nodeids in
* returned mesh. This is quite usefull for MEDCouplingFieldDouble on nodes for example...
+ * 'arr' is in old2New format of size ret->getNumberOfCells like MEDCouplingUMesh::zipCoordsTraducer is.
* The returned mesh has to be managed by the caller.
MEDCouplingMesh *MEDCouplingPointSet::buildPartAndReduceNodes(const int *start, const int *end, DataArrayInt*& arr) const
- * Array returned is the correspondance new to old.
+ * Array returned is the correspondance old to new.
* The maximum value stored in returned array is the number of nodes of 'this' minus 1 after call of this method.
* The size of returned array is the number of nodes of the old (previous to the call of this method) number of nodes.
* -1 values in returned array means that the corresponding old node is no more used.