# Tests
+ INCLUDE(UnitTest)
+ TestExportToGEOM.py
+ )
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright (C) 2013-2016 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
-# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-# See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
-# make test
-# Adding KERNEL and GUI libraries to environment so that Salome launches correctly
-if (WIN32)
-# -B ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/salome/examples/testme.py
-# salome test
-INSTALL(FILES CTestTestfileInstall.cmake
- RENAME CTestTestfile.cmake)
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright (C) 2016 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
-# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-# See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
-SET(SALOME_TEST_DRIVER "$ENV{KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/bin/salome/appliskel/salome_test_driver.py")
- ADD_TEST(${TEST_NAME} python ${SALOME_TEST_DRIVER} ${TIMEOUT} ${tfile}.py)
## email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com<mailto:webmaster.salome@opencascade.com>
-import salome
from salome.shaper import model
-from salome.geom import geomBuilder
-import os
-import tempfile
-geompy = geomBuilder.New(salome.myStudy)
-## Get the last object published in the GEOM section of the object browser
-def getLastGEOMShape():
- sb = salome.myStudy.NewBuilder()
- comp = salome.myStudy.FindComponent("GEOM")
- obj = None
- if comp:
- iterator = salome.myStudy.NewChildIterator( comp )
- sobj = None
- while iterator.More():
- sobj = iterator.Value()
- iterator.Next()
- if sobj:
- obj = sobj.GetObject()
- else:
- raise Exception("GEOM component not found.")
- return obj
-## Get the sub-object i of an object in the object browser
-# Numerotation starts at 1
-def getSubObject(obj, i):
- ok, sub_sobj = salome.ObjectToSObject(obj).FindSubObject(i)
- if not ok:
- raise Exception("No child found at %i for %s"%(i, obj.GetName()))
- sub_obj = sub_sobj.GetObject()
- return sub_obj
-def dumpShaper(fileName):
- model.begin()
- dump=model.moduleDocument().addFeature("Dump")
- dump.string("file_path").setValue(fileName)
- dump.string("file_format").setValue("py")
- model.do()
- model.end()
- pass
-def getTmpFileName(ext):
- tempdir = tempfile.gettempdir()
- tmp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".%s"%ext, prefix='shaper_', dir=tempdir, delete=False)
- tmp_filename = tmp_file.name
- return tmp_filename
-# Create 2 boxes
-# Create a group of faces
-# Create a field of faces
-# exportToGEOM
-# Check the result
-# Check the dump
-def testSeveralExportsToGEOM():
- model.begin()
- partSet = model.moduleDocument()
- Part_1 = model.addPart(partSet)
- Part_1_doc = Part_1.document()
- Box_1 = model.addBox(Part_1_doc, 10, 10, 10)
- Box_2 = model.addBox(Part_1_doc, 20, 20, 20)
- Translation_1 = model.addTranslation(Part_1_doc, [model.selection("SOLID", "Box_1_1")], model.selection("EDGE", "PartSet/OX"), -10)
- Partition_1 = model.addPartition(Part_1_doc, [model.selection("SOLID", "Translation_1_1"), model.selection("SOLID", "Box_2_1")])
- Group_1 = model.addGroup(Part_1_doc, [model.selection("FACE", "Partition_1_1_1/Modified_Face_1_1"), model.selection("FACE", "Box_2_1/Top")])
- model.do()
- model.end()
- # First export to GEOM
- model.exportToGEOM(Part_1_doc)
- # Check that the GEOM object has 1 compsolid and 2 solids
- geomObject_1 = getLastGEOMShape()
- assert geompy.NumberOfSubShapes(geomObject_1, geompy.ShapeType["COMPSOLID"]) == 1
- assert geompy.NumberOfSolids(geomObject_1) == 2
- # Check that the group has 2 faces
- geomGroup_1 = getSubObject(geomObject_1, 1)
- assert geompy.NumberOfFaces(geomGroup_1) == 2
- # Add a third box
- Box_3 = model.addBox(Part_1_doc, 10, 10, 10)
- Translation_2 = model.addTranslation(Part_1_doc, [model.selection("SOLID", "Box_3_1")], model.selection("EDGE", "PartSet/OX"), 20)
- # Second export to GEOM
- model.exportToGEOM(Part_1_doc)
- # Check that the GEOM object has 3 solids
- geomObject_2 = getLastGEOMShape()
- assert geompy.NumberOfSolids(geomObject_2) == 3
- # Dump the salome study (only CORBA modules, SHAPER dump is not in it)
- tempdir = tempfile.gettempdir()
- dumpFileGeomBase = "dump_test_geom"
- dumpFileGeom = os.path.join(tempdir, "%s.py"%dumpFileGeomBase)
- salome.myStudy.DumpStudy(tempdir, dumpFileGeomBase, True, False)
- # Dump SHAPER
- dumpFileShaper = os.path.join(tempdir, "dump_test_shaper.py")
- dumpShaper(dumpFileShaper)
- # Load SHAPER dump
- execfile(dumpFileShaper)
- # Load GEOM dump
- execfile(dumpFileGeom)
- # Clean files
- files = [dumpFileGeom, dumpFileShaper]
- for f in files:
- os.remove(f)
- pass
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- testSeveralExportsToGEOM()
\ No newline at end of file
+partSet = model.moduleDocument()
+Part_1 = model.addPart(partSet)
+Part_1_doc = Part_1.document()
+Sketch_1 = model.addSketch(Part_1_doc, model.defaultPlane("XOY"))
+SketchLine_1 = Sketch_1.addLine(0, 0, 0, 50)
+SketchLine_2 = Sketch_1.addLine(0, 50, 50, 50)
+SketchConstraintCoincidence_1 = Sketch_1.setCoincident(SketchLine_1.endPoint(), SketchLine_2.startPoint())
+SketchLine_3 = Sketch_1.addLine(50, 50, 50, 0)
+SketchConstraintCoincidence_2 = Sketch_1.setCoincident(SketchLine_2.endPoint(), SketchLine_3.startPoint())
+SketchLine_4 = Sketch_1.addLine(50, 0, 0, 0)
+SketchConstraintCoincidence_3 = Sketch_1.setCoincident(SketchLine_3.endPoint(), SketchLine_4.startPoint())
+SketchConstraintCoincidence_4 = Sketch_1.setCoincident(SketchLine_4.endPoint(), SketchLine_1.startPoint())
+SketchConstraintRigid_1 = Sketch_1.setFixed(SketchLine_1.startPoint())
+SketchConstraintVertical_1 = Sketch_1.setVertical(SketchLine_1.result())
+SketchConstraintLength_1 = Sketch_1.setLength(SketchLine_4.result(), 50)
+SketchConstraintLength_2 = Sketch_1.setLength(SketchLine_1.result(), 50)
+SketchConstraintParallel_1 = Sketch_1.setParallel(SketchLine_1.result(), SketchLine_3.result())
+SketchConstraintParallel_2 = Sketch_1.setParallel(SketchLine_2.result(), SketchLine_4.result())
+SketchConstraintPerpendicular_1 = Sketch_1.setPerpendicular(SketchLine_1.result(), SketchLine_4.result())
+Extrusion_1 = model.addExtrusion(Part_1_doc, [model.selection("FACE", "Sketch_1/Face-SketchLine_1r-SketchLine_2r-SketchLine_3r-SketchLine_4r")], model.selection(), 50, 0)
+++ /dev/null
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-import os
-import tempfile
-import sys
-import salome
-theStudy = salome.myStudy
-from salome.shaper import model
-from salome.geom import geomBuilder
-geompy = geomBuilder.New(salome.myStudy)
-## Get the last object published in the GEOM section of the object browser
-def getLastGEOMShape():
- sb = salome.myStudy.NewBuilder()
- comp = salome.myStudy.FindComponent("GEOM")
- obj = None
- if comp:
- iterator = salome.myStudy.NewChildIterator( comp )
- sobj = None
- while iterator.More():
- sobj = iterator.Value()
- iterator.Next()
- if sobj:
- obj = sobj.GetObject()
- else:
- raise Exception("GEOM component not found.")
- return obj
-## Get the sub-object i of an object in the object browser
-# Numerotation starts at 1
-def getSubObject(obj, i):
- ok, sub_sobj = salome.ObjectToSObject(obj).FindSubObject(i)
- if not ok:
- raise Exception("No child found at %i for %s"%(i, obj.GetName()))
- sub_obj = sub_sobj.GetObject()
- return sub_obj
-def dumpShaper(fileName):
- model.begin()
- dump=model.moduleDocument().addFeature("Dump")
- dump.string("file_path").setValue(fileName)
- dump.string("file_format").setValue("py")
- model.do()
- model.end()
- pass
-def getTmpFileName(ext):
- tempdir = tempfile.gettempdir()
- tmp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".%s"%ext, prefix='shaper_', dir=tempdir, delete=False)
- tmp_filename = tmp_file.name
- return tmp_filename
-def testGroupsAndFieldsExportToGEOM():
- model.begin()
- partSet = model.moduleDocument()
- Part_1 = model.addPart(partSet)
- Part_1_doc = Part_1.document()
- Box_1 = model.addBox(Part_1_doc, 10, 10, 10)
- Box_2 = model.addBox(Part_1_doc, 20, 20, 20)
- Translation_1 = model.addTranslation(Part_1_doc, [model.selection("SOLID", "Box_1_1")], model.selection("EDGE", "PartSet/OX"), -10)
- Partition_1 = model.addPartition(Part_1_doc, [model.selection("SOLID", "Translation_1_1"), model.selection("SOLID", "Box_2_1")])
- Box_3 = model.addBox(Part_1_doc, 10, 10, 10)
- Translation_2 = model.addTranslation(Part_1_doc, [model.selection("SOLID", "Box_3_1")], model.selection("EDGE", "PartSet/OX"), 20)
- Group_1 = model.addGroup(Part_1_doc, [model.selection("FACE", "Partition_1_1_1/Modified_Face_1_1"), model.selection("FACE", "Box_2_1/Top"), model.selection("FACE", "Translation_2_1/Translated_Face_1")])
- Group_1.result().setName("faces_top")
- Group_2 = model.addGroup(Part_1_doc, [model.selection("EDGE", "Partition_1_1_1/Modified_Face_1_4&Partition_1_1_1/Modified_Face_1_2"), model.selection("EDGE", "Partition_1_1_2/Modified_Face_2_2&Partition_1_1_2/Modified_Face_2_1"), model.selection("EDGE", "Translation_2_1/Translated_Face_4&Translation_2_1/Translated_Face_2")])
- Group_2.result().setName("edges_x")
- Group_3 = model.addGroup(Part_1_doc, [model.selection("VERTEX", "Translation_1_1/Translated_Face_6&Partition_1_1_1/Modified_Face_1_4&Partition_1_1_1/Modified_Face_1_2"), model.selection("VERTEX", "Translation_2_1/Translated_Face_5&Translation_2_1/Translated_Face_4&Translation_2_1/Translated_Face_2"), model.selection("VERTEX", "Translation_2_1/Translated_Face_5&Translation_2_1/Translated_Face_3&Translation_2_1/Translated_Face_2"), model.selection("VERTEX", "Translation_1_1/Translated_Face_6&Partition_1_1_1/Modified_Face_1_3&Partition_1_1_1/Modified_Face_1_2"), model.selection("VERTEX", "Partition_1_1_2/Modified_Face_2_3&Partition_1_1_2/Modified_Face_2_1&Box_2_1/Right"), model.selection("VERTEX", "Partition_1_1_2/Modified_Face_2_1&Box_2_1/Front&Box_2_1/Right"), model.selection("VERTEX", "Partition_1_1_1/Modified_Face_1_3&Partition_1_1_1/Modified_Face_1_2&Partition_1_1_2/Modified_Face_2_4"), model.selection("VERTEX", "Translation_2_1/Translated_Face_6&Translation_2_1/Translated_Face_3&Translation_2_1/Translated_Face_2")])
- Group_3.result().setName("vertices_bottom")
- Group_4 = model.addGroup(Part_1_doc, [model.selection("SOLID", "Partition_1_1_1"), model.selection("SOLID", "Translation_2_1")])
- Group_4.result().setName("solids_small")
- Field_1 = model.addField(Part_1_doc, 1, "DOUBLE", 1, ["Comp 1"], [model.selection("SOLID", "Partition_1_1_1"), model.selection("SOLID", "Partition_1_1_2"), model.selection("SOLID", "Translation_2_1")])
- Field_1.result().setName("Field_solids")
- Field_1.addStep(0, 0, [[0], [1], [2], [3]])
- Field_2 = model.addField(Part_1_doc, 1, "DOUBLE", 1, ["Comp 1"], [model.selection("FACE", "Partition_1_1_1/Modified_Face_1_2"), model.selection("FACE", "Partition_1_1_2/Modified_Face_2_1"), model.selection("FACE", "Translation_2_1/Translated_Face_2"), model.selection("FACE", "Partition_1_1_1/Modified_Face_1_1"), model.selection("FACE", "Box_2_1/Top"), model.selection("FACE", "Translation_2_1/Translated_Face_1")])
- Field_2.result().setName("Field_faces")
- Field_2.addStep(0, 0, [[0], [1], [1], [1], [2], [2], [2]])
- Field_3 = model.addField(Part_1_doc, 1, "DOUBLE", 1, ["Comp 1"], [model.selection("EDGE", "Partition_1_1_1/Modified_Face_1_4&Partition_1_1_1/Modified_Face_1_2"), model.selection("EDGE", "Partition_1_1_2/Modified_Face_2_2&Partition_1_1_2/Modified_Face_2_1"), model.selection("EDGE", "Translation_2_1/Translated_Face_4&Translation_2_1/Translated_Face_2"), model.selection("EDGE", "Translation_1_1/Translated_Face_6&Partition_1_1_1/Modified_Face_1_2"), model.selection("EDGE", "Translation_2_1/Translated_Face_5&Translation_2_1/Translated_Face_2"), model.selection("EDGE", "Translation_2_1/Translated_Face_5&Translation_2_1/Translated_Face_1"), model.selection("EDGE", "Translation_1_1/Translated_Face_6&Partition_1_1_1/Modified_Face_1_1"), model.selection("EDGE", "Partition_1_1_2/Modified_Face_2_3&Box_2_1/Top"), model.selection("EDGE", "Box_2_1/Front&Box_2_1/Top"), model.selection("EDGE", "Partition_1_1_2/Modified_Face_2_2&Box_2_1/Top"), model.selection("EDGE", "Box_2_1/Top&Box_2_1/Right")])
- Field_3.result().setName("Field_edges")
- Field_3.addStep(0, 0, [[0], [1], [1], [1], [2], [2], [2], [2], [3], [3], [3], [3]])
- Field_4 = model.addField(Part_1_doc, 1, "DOUBLE", 1, ["Comp 1"], [model.selection("VERTEX", "Translation_1_1/Translated_Face_6&Partition_1_1_1/Modified_Face_1_4&Partition_1_1_1/Modified_Face_1_2"), model.selection("VERTEX", "Translation_1_1/Translated_Face_6&Partition_1_1_1/Modified_Face_1_3&Partition_1_1_1/Modified_Face_1_2"), model.selection("VERTEX", "Translation_2_1/Translated_Face_5&Translation_2_1/Translated_Face_4&Translation_2_1/Translated_Face_2"), model.selection("VERTEX", "Translation_2_1/Translated_Face_5&Translation_2_1/Translated_Face_3&Translation_2_1/Translated_Face_2"), model.selection("VERTEX", "Translation_2_1/Translated_Face_6&Translation_2_1/Translated_Face_3&Translation_2_1/Translated_Face_2"), model.selection("VERTEX", "Partition_1_1_2/Modified_Face_2_1&Box_2_1/Front&Box_2_1/Right"), model.selection("VERTEX", "Partition_1_1_2/Modified_Face_2_3&Partition_1_1_2/Modified_Face_2_1&Box_2_1/Right"), model.selection("VERTEX", "Partition_1_1_1/Modified_Face_1_3&Partition_1_1_1/Modified_Face_1_2&Partition_1_1_2/Modified_Face_2_4"), model.selection("VERTEX", "Translation_1_1/Translated_Face_6&Partition_1_1_1/Modified_Face_1_1&Partition_1_1_1/Modified_Face_1_3"), model.selection("VERTEX", "Translation_1_1/Translated_Face_6&Partition_1_1_1/Modified_Face_1_4&Partition_1_1_1/Modified_Face_1_1"), model.selection("VERTEX", "Translation_2_1/Translated_Face_5&Translation_2_1/Translated_Face_4&Translation_2_1/Translated_Face_1"), model.selection("VERTEX", "Translation_2_1/Translated_Face_5&Translation_2_1/Translated_Face_3&Translation_2_1/Translated_Face_1"), model.selection("VERTEX", "Partition_1_1_2/Modified_Face_2_2&Partition_1_1_2/Modified_Face_2_3&Box_2_1/Top"), model.selection("VERTEX", "Partition_1_1_2/Modified_Face_2_3&Box_2_1/Top&Box_2_1/Right"), model.selection("VERTEX", "Partition_1_1_2/Modified_Face_2_2&Box_2_1/Front&Box_2_1/Top"), model.selection("VERTEX", "Box_2_1/Front&Box_2_1/Top&Box_2_1/Right")])
- Field_4.result().setName("Field_vertices")
- Field_4.addStep(0, 0, [[0], [1], [1], [1], [1], [1], [1], [1], [1], [2], [2], [2], [2], [3], [3], [3], [3]])
- model.exportToGEOM(Part_1_doc)
- model.do()
- model.end()
-# check the groups content by the coordinates of a point on its sub-shapes
-def checkGroupByCoords(group, coords, tolerance=1e-7):
- for coord in coords:
- p = geompy.MakeVertex(*coord)
- assert geompy.MinDistance(group, p) < tolerance
- pass
-## Check the result imported in GEOM
-def checkResultInGEOM():
- geomObject_1 = getLastGEOMShape()
- group_1_GEOM = getSubObject(geomObject_1, 1)
- assert group_1_GEOM.GetName() == 'faces_top'
- assert geompy.NumberOfFaces(group_1_GEOM) == 3
- # coordinates of the barycenters of the faces of Group_1
- coords_1 = [[-5, 5, 10], [10, 10, 20], [25, 5, 10]]
- checkGroupByCoords(group_1_GEOM, coords_1)
- group_2_GEOM = getSubObject(geomObject_1, 2)
- assert group_2_GEOM.GetName() == 'edges_x'
- assert geompy.NumberOfEdges(group_2_GEOM) == 3
- # coordinates of the barycenters of the edges of Group_2
- coords_2 = [[-5, 0, 0], [10, 0, 0], [25, 0, 0]]
- checkGroupByCoords(group_2_GEOM, coords_2)
- group_3_GEOM = getSubObject(geomObject_1, 3)
- assert group_3_GEOM.GetName() == 'vertices_bottom'
- assert geompy.NumberOfSubShapes(group_3_GEOM, geompy.ShapeType["VERTEX"]) == 8
- # coordinates of the points of of Group_3
- coords_3 = [[-10, 0, 0], [-10, 10, 0], [0, 10, 0], [0, 20, 0], [20, 20, 0], [20, 10, 0], [30, 10, 0], [30, 0, 0]]
- checkGroupByCoords(group_3_GEOM, coords_3)
- group_4_GEOM = getSubObject(geomObject_1, 4)
- assert group_4_GEOM.GetName() == 'solids_small'
- assert geompy.NumberOfSolids(group_4_GEOM) == 2
- # coordinates of the barycenters of the solids of Group_4
- coords_4 = [[-5, 5, 5], [25, 5, 5]]
- checkGroupByCoords(group_4_GEOM, coords_4)
- field_1_GEOM = getSubObject(geomObject_1, 5)
- assert field_1_GEOM.GetName() == 'Field_solids'
- assert field_1_GEOM.GetStep(0).GetValues() == [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]
- field_2_GEOM = getSubObject(geomObject_1, 6)
- assert field_2_GEOM.GetName() == 'Field_faces'
- assert field_2_GEOM.GetStep(0).GetValues() == [0.0, 0.0, 2.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0]
- field_3_GEOM = getSubObject(geomObject_1, 7)
- assert field_3_GEOM.GetName() == 'Field_edges'
- assert field_3_GEOM.GetStep(0).GetValues() == [0.0, 2.0, 0.0, 2.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 3.0, 3.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 3.0, 0.0, 3.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.0, 0.0, 2.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
- field_4_GEOM = getSubObject(geomObject_1, 8)
- assert field_4_GEOM.GetName() == 'Field_vertices'
- assert field_4_GEOM.GetStep(0).GetValues() == [2.0, 1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 1.0, 1.0, 3.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 2.0, 1.0]
- pass
-def checkDump():
- # Dump the salome study (only CORBA modules, SHAPER dump is not in it)
- tempdir = tempfile.gettempdir()
- dumpFileGeomBase = "dump_test_geom"
- dumpFileGeom = os.path.join(tempdir, "%s.py"%dumpFileGeomBase)
- salome.myStudy.DumpStudy(tempdir, dumpFileGeomBase, True, False)
- # Dump SHAPER
- dumpFileShaper = os.path.join(tempdir, "dump_test_shaper.py")
- dumpShaper(dumpFileShaper)
- # Load SHAPER dump
- execfile(dumpFileShaper)
- # Load GEOM dump
- execfile(dumpFileGeom)
- # Clean files
- files = [dumpFileGeom, dumpFileShaper]
- for f in files:
- os.remove(f)
- pass
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- # create 3 boxes with groups and fields
- testGroupsAndFieldsExportToGEOM()
- # check the result in GEOM
- checkResultInGEOM()
- # check that dump produces no error and can be reloaded
- checkDump()
- # check the result of the dump
- checkResultInGEOM()
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright (C) 2007-2016 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
-# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-# See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import unittest, sys, os
-class SalomeSession(object):
- def __init__(self, script):
- import runSalome
- run_script = "runSalome.py"
- if sys.platform == 'win32':
- module_dir = os.getenv("KERNEL_ROOT_DIR")
- if module_dir: run_script = os.path.join(module_dir, "bin", "salome", run_script)
- pass
- sys.argv = [run_script]
- sys.argv += ["--terminal"]
- sys.argv += ["--modules=SHAPER,GEOM"]
- sys.argv += ["%s" % script]
- if sys.platform == 'win32':
- main_module_path = sys.modules['__main__'].__file__
- sys.modules['__main__'].__file__ = ''
- clt, d = runSalome.main()
- if sys.platform == 'win32':
- sys.modules['__main__'].__file__ = main_module_path
- return
- def __del__(self):
- port = os.getenv('NSPORT')
- import killSalomeWithPort
- killSalomeWithPort.killMyPort(port)
- return
- pass
-class MyTest(unittest.TestCase):
- def testFunction(self):
- SalomeSession(sys.argv[1])
- pass
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright (C) 2016 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
-# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-# See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
- TestExportToGEOM
- TestExportToGEOMAllGroupsAndFields
## @package Plugins
# ExportFeature class definition
+import EventsAPI
import ModelAPI
-import ExchangeAPI
+import GeomAPI
+import GeomAlgoAPI
import salome
from salome.geom import geomBuilder
-from salome.shaper import model
-import os
-def getTmpFileName(ext):
- import tempfile
- tempdir = tempfile.gettempdir()
- tmp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".%s"%ext, prefix='shaper_', dir=tempdir, delete=False)
- tmp_filename = tmp_file.name
- return tmp_filename
+def getObjectIndex(theName):
+ aStudy = salome.myStudy
+ aId = 0
+ aObj = aStudy.FindObjectByName(theName, "GEOM")
+ while len(aObj) != 0:
+ aId = aId + 1
+ aName = theName + '_' + str(aId)
+ aObj = aStudy.FindObjectByName(aName, "GEOM")
+ return aId
## @ingroup Plugins
# Feature to export all shapes and groups into the GEOM module
## The constructor.
def __init__(self):
- pass
+ ## Shape that will be exported (the compound if there are several exported bodies)
+ self.shape = None
+ ## BRep representation of the exported shape (a stream that will be sent to GEOM and converted to GEOM object)
+ self.brep = None
## Export kind. Static.
def getKind(self):
return ExportFeature.ID()
- ## This feature is action: has no property pannel and executes immediately.
+ ## This feature is action: has no property pannel and executes immideately.
def isAction(self):
return True
def initAttributes(self):
- ## Export the results, groups and fields via XAO
- def exportViaXAO(self):
- tmpXAOFile = getTmpFileName("xao")
- self.tmpXAOFile = tmpXAOFile
- #print "Export to %s"%tmpXAOFile
- exportXAO = ExchangeAPI.exportToXAO(self.Part, tmpXAOFile, "automatic_shaper_export_to_XAO")
- if not os.path.exists(tmpXAOFile) or os.stat(tmpXAOFile).st_size == 0:
- exportXAO.feature().setError("Error in exportToXAO. No XAO file has been created.")
+ ## Exports all bodies
+ def exportBodies(self):
+ global ShapeIndex
+ kResultBodyType = "Bodies"
+ aPartSize = self.Part.size(kResultBodyType)
+ if aPartSize == 0:
+ EventsAPI.Events_InfoMessage("ExportFeature","No results in the active document").send()
- imported, shape, subShapes, groups, fields = self.geompy.ImportXAO(tmpXAOFile)
- self.geompy.addToStudy( shape, shape.GetName() )
- # add sub-shapes and groups to the object browser
- for obj in subShapes + groups:
- name = obj.GetName()
- self.geompy.addToStudyInFather(shape, obj, name)
- # add fields to the object browser
- for field in fields:
- name = field.GetName()
- self.geompy.addToStudyInFather(shape, field, name)
- # add steps to the object browser
- steps = field.getSteps()
- for i_step in steps:
- step = field.getStep(i_step)
- i_stamp = step.GetStamp()
- step_name = "Step %i %i"%(i_step, i_stamp)
- self.geompy.addToStudyInFather( field, step, step_name )
- # Remove the temporary file
- os.remove(tmpXAOFile)
- pass
+ anObjList = [self.Part.object(kResultBodyType, idx) for idx in xrange(aPartSize)]
+ aShapesList = GeomAlgoAPI.ShapeList()
+ aName = ""
+ for idx, anObject in enumerate(anObjList):
+ aResult = ModelAPI.modelAPI_Result(anObject)
+ aBodyResult = ModelAPI.modelAPI_ResultBody(aResult)
+ if not aBodyResult:
+ continue
+ aShape = aBodyResult.shape()
+ if aShape is not None and not aShape.isNull():
+ aShapesList.append(aShape)
+ if len(aShapesList) == 1:
+ aName = aBodyResult.data().name()
+ # issue 1045: create compound if there are more than one shape
+ if len(aShapesList) > 1:
+ self.shape = GeomAlgoAPI.GeomAlgoAPI_CompoundBuilder.compound(aShapesList)
+ aName = "ShaperResults"
+ elif len(aShapesList) == 1:
+ self.shape = aShapesList[0]
+ # so, only one shape is always in the result
+ aDump = self.shape.getShapeStream()
+ # Load shape to SALOME Geom
+ aBrep = self.geompy.RestoreShape(aDump)
+ # Make unique name
+ aId = getObjectIndex(aName)
+ if aId != 0:
+ aName = aName + '_' + str(aId)
+ self.geompy.addToStudy(aBrep, aName)
+ self.brep = aBrep
+ ## Exports all groups
+ def exportGroups(self):
+ # iterate all features to find groups
+ aFeaturesNum = self.Part.size("Features")
+ groupIndex = 0
+ for anIndex in range(0, aFeaturesNum):
+ aFeature = self.Part.object("Features", anIndex)
+ aSelectionList = aFeature.data().selectionList("group_list")
+ # if a group has been found
+ if aSelectionList:
+ aFeature = ModelAPI.objectToFeature(aFeature)
+ if aFeature.firstResult() is not None:
+ aName = aFeature.firstResult().data().name()
+ groupIndex = groupIndex + 1
+ self.createGroupFromList(aSelectionList, aName)
+ ## Returns a type of the shape in the old GEOM representation
+ def shapeType(self, shape):
+ if shape.isVertex():
+ return "VERTEX"
+ elif shape.isEdge():
+ return "EDGE"
+ elif shape.isFace():
+ return "FACE"
+ return "SOLID"
+ ## Creates a group by given list of selected objects and the name
+ # @param theSelectionList: list of selected objects
+ # @param theGroupName: name of the group to create
+ def createGroupFromList(self, theSelectionList, theGroupName):
+ # iterate on all selected entities of the group
+ # and get the corresponding ID
+ aSelectionNum = theSelectionList.size()
+ Ids = []
+ groupType = ""
+ for aSelIndex in range(0, aSelectionNum):
+ aSelection = theSelectionList.value(aSelIndex)
+ # issue 1326: bodies that are already concealed did not exported, so groups should not be invalid
+ aContext = ModelAPI.modelAPI_Result(aSelection.context())
+ # chcking of concealment removed because of #1799, remark #13 "aContext.isConcealed()"
+ if aContext is None or aContext.isDisabled():
+ continue
+ anID = GeomAlgoAPI.GeomAlgoAPI_CompoundBuilder.id(self.shape, aSelection.value())
+ if anID == 0:
+ #it may be a compound of objects if movement of the group to the end
+ # splits the original element to several (issue 1146)
+ anExp = GeomAPI.GeomAPI_ShapeExplorer(aSelection.value(), GeomAPI.GeomAPI_Shape.SHAPE)
+ while anExp.more():
+ anID = GeomAlgoAPI.GeomAlgoAPI_CompoundBuilder.id(self.shape, anExp.current())
+ if anID != 0:
+ Ids.append(anID)
+ groupType = self.shapeType(anExp.current())
+ anExp.next()
+ else:
+ Ids.append(anID)
+ groupType = self.shapeType(aSelection.value())
+ if len(Ids) <> 0:
+ aGroup = self.geompy.CreateGroup(self.brep, self.geompy.ShapeType[groupType])
+ self.geompy.UnionIDs(aGroup,Ids)
+ self.geompy.addToStudyInFather(self.brep, aGroup, theGroupName)
+ ## Exports all fields
+ def exportFields(self):
+ # iterate all features to find fields
+ aFeaturesNum = self.Part.size("Features")
+ fieldIndex = 0
+ for anIndex in range(0, aFeaturesNum):
+ aFeature = self.Part.object("Features", anIndex)
+ aSelectionList = aFeature.data().selectionList("selected")
+ # if a field has been found
+ if aSelectionList:
+ aFeature = ModelAPI.objectToFeature(aFeature)
+ if aFeature.firstResult() is not None:
+ aName = aFeature.firstResult().data().name()
+ fieldIndex = fieldIndex + 1
+ self.createFieldFromFeature(aFeature, aName)
+ ## Returns a type of the shape type in the old GEOM representation
+ def selectionDim(self, theSelectionType):
+ selType=theSelectionType.lower() # more or less independed approach
+ if selType== "vertex":
+ return 0
+ if selType== "edge":
+ return 1
+ if selType== "face":
+ return 2
+ if selType== "solid":
+ return 3
+ return -1
+ ## Returns a type of the shape type in the GeomAPI_Shape representation
+ def geomAPISelectionDim(self, theSelectionType):
+ selType=theSelectionType.lower() # more or less independed approach
+ if selType== "vertex":
+ return GeomAPI.GeomAPI_Shape.VERTEX
+ if selType== "edge":
+ return GeomAPI.GeomAPI_Shape.EDGE
+ if selType== "face":
+ return GeomAPI.GeomAPI_Shape.FACE
+ if selType== "solid":
+ return GeomAPI.GeomAPI_Shape.SOLID
+ return GeomAPI.GeomAPI_Shape.SHAPE
+ ## Creates a field by the field feature and the name
+ # @param theField: the field feature
+ # @param theFieldName: name of the field to create
+ def createFieldFromFeature(self, theField, theFieldName):
+ # iterate on all selected entities of the field
+ # and get the corresponding ID
+ aTables = theField.tables("values")
+ aSelection = theField.selectionList("selected")
+ # set component names
+ aComps = theField.stringArray("components_names")
+ aCompNames = []
+ aCompNum = aComps.size()
+ for aCompIndex in range(0, aCompNum):
+ aCompNames.append(aComps.value(aCompIndex))
+ #if len(Ids) <> 0:
+ aDim = self.selectionDim(aSelection.selectionType())
+ aResField = self.geompy.CreateField(self.brep, theFieldName, aTables.type(), aDim, aCompNames)
+ #self.geompy.UnionIDs(theField,Ids)
+ self.geompy.addToStudyInFather(self.brep, aResField, theFieldName)
+ # set default values to all not filled sub-shapes (fields in GEOM support only full set of subs)
+ Ids={}
+ anExp = GeomAPI.GeomAPI_ShapeExplorer(self.shape, self.geomAPISelectionDim(aSelection.selectionType()))
+ while anExp.more():
+ anID = GeomAlgoAPI.GeomAlgoAPI_CompoundBuilder.id(self.shape, anExp.current())
+ if anID != 0:
+ Ids[anID]=anExp.current()
+ anExp.next()
+ SelectedIds={}
+ for aSelIndex in range(aSelection.size()):
+ selShape = aSelection.value(aSelIndex).value()
+ # searching for this shape in Ids
+ for a in Ids.items():
+ if (a[1].isSame(selShape)):
+ SelectedIds[a[0]] = aSelIndex
+ # values here are in the same order as in field
+ listOfValues = Ids.items()
+ listOfValues.sort()
+ # set steps
+ aStepsNum = aTables.tables()
+ for aStepIndex in range(0, aStepsNum):
+ aStamp = theField.intArray("stamps").value(aStepIndex)
+ aValues = []
+ for aValId in listOfValues:
+ aRow = 0 # default value if not from selection
+ if SelectedIds.has_key(aValId[0]): # take the value from the table
+ aRow = SelectedIds[aValId[0]] + 1 # plus one to avoid default string
+ aCols = aTables.columns()
+ for aCol in range(0, aCols):
+ aVal = aTables.valueStr(aRow, aCol, aStepIndex)
+ if aTables.type() == 0: # bool
+ if aVal == "True":
+ aVal = True
+ else:
+ aVal = False
+ elif aTables.type() == 1: # int
+ aVal = int(aVal)
+ elif aTables.type() == 2: # double
+ aVal = float(aVal)
+ aValues.append(aVal)
+ aStep = aResField.addStep(aStepIndex + 1, aStamp, aValues)
+ if aStep:
+ self.geompy.addToStudyInFather( aResField, aStep, aStep.GetName() )
## Exports all shapes and groups into the GEOM module.
def execute(self):
self.geompy = geomBuilder.New(salome.myStudy)
- self.exportViaXAO()
+ # Export bodies and groups
+ self.exportBodies()
+ self.exportGroups()
+ self.exportFields()
#include "ExchangeAPI_Export.h"
-#include <ModelAPI_Document.h>
-#include <ModelAPI_Feature.h>
#include <ModelHighAPI_Tools.h>
-#include <ModelHighAPI_Dumper.h>
-#include <ModelHighAPI_Services.h>
-ExchangeAPI_Export::ExchangeAPI_Export(const std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature>& theFeature)
-: ModelHighAPI_Interface(theFeature)
- initialize();
-/// Constructor with values for XAO export.
-ExchangeAPI_Export::ExchangeAPI_Export(const std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature>& theFeature,
- const std::string & theFilePath,
- const std::string & theAuthor,
- const std::string & theGeometryName)
-: ModelHighAPI_Interface(theFeature)
- initialize();
- fillAttribute("XAO", theFeature->string(ExchangePlugin_ExportFeature::EXPORT_TYPE_ID()));
- fillAttribute(theFilePath, theFeature->string(ExchangePlugin_ExportFeature::XAO_FILE_PATH_ID()));
- fillAttribute(theAuthor, theFeature->string(ExchangePlugin_ExportFeature::XAO_AUTHOR_ID()));
- fillAttribute(theGeometryName,
- theFeature->string(ExchangePlugin_ExportFeature::XAO_GEOMETRY_NAME_ID()));
- fillAttribute("XAO", theFeature->string(ExchangePlugin_ExportFeature::FILE_FORMAT_ID()));
- execute();
- apply(); // finish operation to make sure the export is done on the current state of the history
-/// Constructor with values for export in other formats than XAO.
-ExchangeAPI_Export::ExchangeAPI_Export(const std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature>& theFeature,
- const std::string & theFilePath,
- const std::list<ModelHighAPI_Selection> & theSelectionList,
- const std::string & theFileFormat)
-: ModelHighAPI_Interface(theFeature)
- initialize();
- fillAttribute("Regular", theFeature->string(ExchangePlugin_ExportFeature::EXPORT_TYPE_ID()));
- fillAttribute(theFilePath, theFeature->string(ExchangePlugin_ExportFeature::FILE_PATH_ID()));
- fillAttribute(theSelectionList,
- theFeature->selectionList(ExchangePlugin_ExportFeature::SELECTION_LIST_ID()));
- fillAttribute(theFileFormat, theFeature->string(ExchangePlugin_ExportFeature::FILE_FORMAT_ID()));
- execute();
- apply(); // finish operation to make sure the export is done on the current state of the history
-void ExchangeAPI_Export::dump(ModelHighAPI_Dumper& theDumper) const
- FeaturePtr aBase = feature();
- const std::string& aDocName = theDumper.name(aBase->document());
- theDumper << aBase << " = model.";
- std::string exportType = aBase->string(ExchangePlugin_ExportFeature::EXPORT_TYPE_ID())->value();
- if (exportType == "XAO") {
- std::string tmpXAOFile = aBase->string(ExchangePlugin_ExportFeature::XAO_FILE_PATH_ID())->value();
- theDumper << "exportToXAO(" << aDocName << ", '" << tmpXAOFile << "'" ;
- std::string theAuthor = aBase->string(ExchangePlugin_ExportFeature::XAO_AUTHOR_ID())->value();
- if (not theAuthor.empty())
- theDumper << ", '" << theAuthor << "'";
- std::string theGeometryName = aBase->string(ExchangePlugin_ExportFeature::XAO_GEOMETRY_NAME_ID())->value();
- if (not theGeometryName.empty())
- theDumper << ", '" << theGeometryName << "'";
- theDumper << ")" << std::endl;
- }
- else {
- theDumper << "exportToFile(" << aDocName << ", " <<
- aBase->string(ExchangePlugin_ExportFeature::FILE_PATH_ID()) << ", " <<
- aBase->selectionList(ExchangePlugin_ExportFeature::SELECTION_LIST_ID()) ;
- std::string theFileFormat = aBase->string(ExchangePlugin_ExportFeature::FILE_FORMAT_ID())->value();
- if (not theFileFormat.empty())
- theDumper << ", '" << theFileFormat << "'";
- theDumper << ")" << std::endl;
- }
-ExportPtr exportToFile(const std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Document> & thePart,
+void exportToFile(const std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Document> & thePart,
const std::string & theFilePath,
const std::list<ModelHighAPI_Selection> & theSelectionList,
const std::string & theFileFormat)
- apply(); // finish previous operation to make sure all previous operations are done
std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature> aFeature =
- return ExportPtr(new ExchangeAPI_Export(aFeature, theFilePath, theSelectionList, theFileFormat));
+ fillAttribute("Regular", aFeature->string(ExchangePlugin_ExportFeature::EXPORT_TYPE_ID()));
+ fillAttribute(theFilePath, aFeature->string(ExchangePlugin_ExportFeature::FILE_PATH_ID()));
+ fillAttribute(theSelectionList,
+ aFeature->selectionList(ExchangePlugin_ExportFeature::SELECTION_LIST_ID()));
+ fillAttribute(theFileFormat, aFeature->string(ExchangePlugin_ExportFeature::FILE_FORMAT_ID()));
+ aFeature->execute();
-ExportPtr exportToXAO(const std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Document> & thePart,
+void exportToXAO(const std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Document> & thePart,
const std::string & theFilePath,
const std::string & theAuthor,
const std::string & theGeometryName)
- apply(); // finish previous operation to make sure all previous operations are done
std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature> aFeature =
- return ExportPtr(new ExchangeAPI_Export(aFeature, theFilePath, theAuthor, theGeometryName));
+ fillAttribute("XAO", aFeature->string(ExchangePlugin_ExportFeature::EXPORT_TYPE_ID()));
+ fillAttribute(theFilePath, aFeature->string(ExchangePlugin_ExportFeature::XAO_FILE_PATH_ID()));
+ fillAttribute(theAuthor, aFeature->string(ExchangePlugin_ExportFeature::XAO_AUTHOR_ID()));
+ fillAttribute(theGeometryName,
+ aFeature->string(ExchangePlugin_ExportFeature::XAO_GEOMETRY_NAME_ID()));
+ fillAttribute("XAO", aFeature->string(ExchangePlugin_ExportFeature::FILE_FORMAT_ID()));
+ aFeature->execute();
class ModelHighAPI_Selection;
-/// \class ExchangeAPI_Export
-/// \ingroup CPPHighAPI
-/// \brief Interface for Export feature.
-class ExchangeAPI_Export: public ModelHighAPI_Interface
- /// Constructor without values.
- explicit ExchangeAPI_Export(const std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature>& theFeature);
- /// Constructor with values for XAO export.
- explicit ExchangeAPI_Export(const std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature>& theFeature,
- const std::string & theFilePath,
- const std::string & theAuthor = std::string(),
- const std::string & theGeometryName = std::string());
- /// Constructor with values for export in other formats than XAO.
- explicit ExchangeAPI_Export(const std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature>& theFeature,
- const std::string & theFilePath,
- const std::list<ModelHighAPI_Selection> & theSelectionList,
- const std::string & theFileFormat = std::string());
- /// Destructor.
- virtual ~ExchangeAPI_Export();
- INTERFACE_7(ExchangePlugin_ExportFeature::ID(),
- exportType, ExchangePlugin_ExportFeature::EXPORT_TYPE_ID(),
- ModelAPI_AttributeString, /** ExportType */,
- filePath, ExchangePlugin_ExportFeature::FILE_PATH_ID(),
- ModelAPI_AttributeString, /** file path */,
- xaoFilePath, ExchangePlugin_ExportFeature::XAO_FILE_PATH_ID(),
- ModelAPI_AttributeString, /** xao_file_path */,
- fileFormat, ExchangePlugin_ExportFeature::FILE_FORMAT_ID(),
- ModelAPI_AttributeString, /** file format */,
- selectionList, ExchangePlugin_ExportFeature::SELECTION_LIST_ID(),
- ModelAPI_AttributeString, /** selection list */,
- xaoAuthor, ExchangePlugin_ExportFeature::XAO_AUTHOR_ID(),
- ModelAPI_AttributeString, /** xao author */,
- xaoGeometryName, ExchangePlugin_ExportFeature::XAO_GEOMETRY_NAME_ID(),
- ModelAPI_AttributeString, /** xao geometry name */)
- /// Dump wrapped feature
- virtual void dump(ModelHighAPI_Dumper& theDumper) const;
-/// Pointer on Export object
-typedef std::shared_ptr<ExchangeAPI_Export> ExportPtr;
/**\ingroup CPPHighAPI
* \brief Export to file
-ExportPtr exportToFile(const std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Document> & thePart,
+void exportToFile(const std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Document> & thePart,
const std::string & theFilePath,
const std::list<ModelHighAPI_Selection> & theSelectionList,
const std::string & theFileFormat = std::string());
* \brief Export XAO
-ExportPtr exportToXAO(const std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Document> & thePart,
+void exportToXAO(const std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Document> & thePart,
const std::string & theFilePath,
const std::string & theAuthor = std::string(),
const std::string & theGeometryName = std::string());
// make shape for export from all results
std::list<GeomShapePtr> aShapes;
- std::list<ResultBodyPtr> aResults;
int aBodyCount = document()->size(ModelAPI_ResultBody::group());
for (int aBodyIndex = 0; aBodyIndex < aBodyCount; ++aBodyIndex) {
ResultBodyPtr aResultBody =
if (!aResultBody.get())
- aResults.push_back(aResultBody);
GeomShapePtr aShape = (aShapes.size() == 1)
? *aShapes.begin()
// geometry name
- std::string aGeometryName = string(ExchangePlugin_ExportFeature::XAO_GEOMETRY_NAME_ID())->value();
- if (aGeometryName.empty() and aBodyCount == 1){
- // get the name from the first result
- ResultBodyPtr aResultBody = *aResults.begin();
- aGeometryName = aResultBody->data()->name();
- }
+ std::string aGeometryName = string(ExchangePlugin_ExportFeature::XAO_GEOMETRY_NAME_ID())->value();
// groups
AttributeSelectionPtr aSelection = aSelectionList->value(aSelectionIndex);
// complex conversion of reference id to element index
- // gives bad id in case the selection is done from python script
- // => using GeomAlgoAPI_CompoundBuilder::id instead
- // int aReferenceID_old = aSelection->Id();
- int aReferenceID = GeomAlgoAPI_CompoundBuilder::id(aShape, aSelection->value());
+ int aReferenceID = aSelection->Id();
std::string aReferenceString = XAO::XaoUtils::intToString(aReferenceID);
int anElementID =
aXao.getGeometry()->getElementIndexByReference(aGroupDimension, aReferenceString);
AttributeSelectionPtr aSelection = aSelectionList->value(aRow - 1);
// complex conversion of reference id to element index
- // gives bad id in case the selection is done from python script
- // => using GeomAlgoAPI_CompoundBuilder::id instead
- //int aReferenceID_old = aSelection->Id();
- int aReferenceID = GeomAlgoAPI_CompoundBuilder::id(aShape, aSelection->value());
+ int aReferenceID = aSelection->Id();
std::string aReferenceString = XAO::XaoUtils::intToString(aReferenceID);
anElementID =
aXao.getGeometry()->getElementIndexByReference(aFieldDimension, aReferenceString);
/// Computes or recomputes the results
EXCHANGEPLUGIN_EXPORT virtual void execute();
- /// Reimplemented from ModelAPI_Feature::isMacro(). Returns false.
- // Not a macro. Otherwise, the feature will be deleted after being executed
- EXCHANGEPLUGIN_EXPORT virtual bool isMacro() const { return false; }
+ /// Reimplemented from ModelAPI_Feature::isMacro(). Returns true.
+ EXCHANGEPLUGIN_EXPORT virtual bool isMacro() const { return true; }
/// Reimplemented from ModelAPI_Feature::isPreviewNeeded(). Returns false.
EXCHANGEPLUGIN_EXPORT virtual bool isPreviewNeeded() const { return false; }
- /// Do not put in history.
- /// Since it is not a macro, it is not deleted, but we don't want to see it.
- bool isInHistory() { return false; }
/// Performs export of the file
EXCHANGEPLUGIN_EXPORT void exportFile(const std::string& theFileName,
<element index="1"/>
- <fields count="1">
- <field name="Field_1" type="double" dimension="face">
- <components count="2">
- <component column="0" name="temperatue"/>
- <component column="1" name="porosity"/>
- </components>
- <steps count="1">
- <step number="0" stamp="10">
- <element index="0">
- <value component="0">2</value>
- <value component="1">5</value>
- </element>
- <element index="1">
- <value component="0">3</value>
- <value component="1">6</value>
- </element>
- <element index="2">
- <value component="0">1</value>
- <value component="1">4</value>
- </element>
- <element index="3">
- <value component="0">1</value>
- <value component="1">4</value>
- </element>
- <element index="4">
- <value component="0">1</value>
- <value component="1">4</value>
- </element>
- <element index="5">
- <value component="0">1</value>
- <value component="1">4</value>
- </element>
- </step>
- </steps>
- </field>
- </fields>
+ <fields count="0"/>
# Check exported file
- import filecmp
- assert filecmp.cmp("Data/export.xao", "Data/export_ref.xao")
+# import filecmp
+# assert filecmp.cmp("Data/export.xao", "Data/export_ref.xao")
if __name__ == '__main__':
aFeatureKind = theFeature.getKind()
if aFeatureKind in self.myFeatures:
# Dump only feature created by user (in history).
- # Also dump Export features (hard-coded here in order not to change the data model).
# For all other features, just keep their name.
- if theForce or theFeature.isInHistory() or aFeatureKind=="Export":
+ if theForce or theFeature.isInHistory():