+++ /dev/null
- * Config_XMLReader.cpp
- *
- * Created on: Mar 14, 2014
- * Author: sbh
- */
-#include <Config_XMLReader.h>
-#include <Event_Loop.hxx>
-#include <libxml\parser.h>
-#include <libxml\tree.h>
-#ifdef WIN32
-//For GetModuleFileNameW
-#include <windows.h>
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-#include <iostream>
-Config_XMLReader::Config_XMLReader(const std::string& theXmlFileName)
- std::string prefix;
- //Get path to *.xml files (typically ./bin/../plugins/)
-#ifdef WIN32
- HMODULE hModule = GetModuleHandleW(NULL);
- WCHAR wchar_path[MAX_PATH];
- GetModuleFileNameW(hModule, wchar_path, MAX_PATH);
- char char_path[MAX_PATH];
- char DefChar = ' ';
- WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, wchar_path, -1, char_path, MAX_PATH, &DefChar, NULL);
- prefix = std::string(char_path);
- //chop "bin\XGUI.exe"
- unsigned found = prefix.rfind("bin");
- if(found != std::string::npos)
- prefix.replace(found, prefix.length(), "plugins\\");
- //TODO(sbh): Find full path to binary on linux
- prefix = "../plugins/";
- m_DocumentPath = prefix + theXmlFileName;
- * Read all nodes (recursively if processChildren() is true
- * for a node). For each read node the processNode will be
- * called.
- */
-void Config_XMLReader::readAll()
- xmlNodePtr aRoot = findRoot();
- readRecursively(aRoot);
- * Allows to customize reader's behavior for a node. Virtual.
- * The default implementation does nothing. (In debug mode prints
- * some info)
- */
-void Config_XMLReader::processNode(xmlNodePtr aNode)
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- std::cout << "Config_XMLReader::processNode: "
- << aNode->name << " content: "
- << aNode->content << std::endl;
- #endif
- * Defines which nodes should be processed recursively. Virtual.
- * The default implementation to read all nodes.
- */
-bool Config_XMLReader::processChildren(xmlNodePtr aNode)
- return true;
-xmlNodePtr Config_XMLReader::findRoot()
- xmlDocPtr aDoc;
- aDoc = xmlParseFile(m_DocumentPath.c_str());
- if(aDoc == NULL) {
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- std::cout << "Config_XMLReader::import: " << "Document " << m_DocumentPath
- << " is not parsed successfully." << std::endl;
- #endif
- return NULL;
- }
- xmlNodePtr aRoot = xmlDocGetRootElement(aDoc);
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- if(aRoot == NULL) {
- std::cout << "Config_XMLReader::import: " << "Error: empty document";
- }
- #endif
- return aRoot;
- * Calls processNode() for each child (for some - recursively)
- * of the given node.
- * \sa ReadAll()
- */
-void Config_XMLReader::readRecursively(xmlNodePtr theParent)
-<<<<<<< Updated upstream
- if(!theParent)
- return;
- xmlNodePtr aNode = theParent->xmlChildrenNode;
- for(; aNode; aNode = aNode->next) {
- processNode(aNode);
- if(processChildren(aNode)) {
- readRecursively(aNode);
- static Event_ID aFeatureEvent = Event_Loop::EventByName("Feature");
- xmlNodePtr aGroupNode = (static_cast<xmlNodePtr>(theRoot))->xmlChildrenNode;
- Event_Loop* aEvLoop = Event_Loop::Loop();
- if(!aEvLoop) {
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- std::cout << "Config_XMLReader::importWorkbench: "
- << "No event loop registered" << std::endl;
- #endif
- return false;
- }
- for(; aGroupNode; aGroupNode = aGroupNode->next) { // searching for record
- if(!IsNode(aGroupNode, "group"))
- continue;
- std::string aGroupName = getProperty(aGroupNode, FEATURE_GROUP_NAME);
- if(aGroupName.empty())
- continue;
- xmlNodePtr aFtNode = aGroupNode->xmlChildrenNode;
- for(; aFtNode; aFtNode = aFtNode->next) {
- if(!IsNode(aFtNode, "feature"))
- continue;
- //Create feature...
- Config_FeatureMessage aMessage(aFeatureEvent, this);
- fillFeature(aFtNode, aMessage);
- aMessage.m_group = aGroupName;
- aEvLoop->Send(aMessage);
->>>>>>> Stashed changes
- }
- }
- * void* -> xmlNodePtr
- */
-xmlNodePtr Config_XMLReader::node(void* theNode)
- return static_cast<xmlNodePtr>(theNode);
- * Returns named property for a given node as std::string.
- */
-std::string Config_XMLReader::getProperty(xmlNodePtr theNode, const char* name)
- std::string result = "";
- char* aPropChars = (char*) xmlGetProp(theNode, BAD_CAST name);
- if(!aPropChars || aPropChars[0] == 0)
- return result;
- result = std::string(aPropChars);
- return result;
- * Returns true if theNode is XML node with a given name.
- */
-bool Config_XMLReader::isNode(xmlNodePtr theNode, const char* theNodeName, ...)
- bool result = false;
- const xmlChar* aName = theNode->name;
- if(!aName || theNode->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
- return false;
- if(!xmlStrcmp(aName, (const xmlChar *) theNodeName))
- return true;
- va_list args; // define argument list variable
- va_start (args, theNodeName); // init list; point to last defined argument
- while(true) {
- char *anArg = va_arg (args, char *); // get next argument
- if(anArg == NULL)
- break;
- if(!xmlStrcmp(aName, (const xmlChar *) anArg)) {
- va_end (args); // cleanup the system stack
- return true;
- }
- }
- va_end (args); // cleanup the system stack
- return false;