self.verifyFile(os.path.join(job_params.result_directory, "result.txt"),
+ ############################################
+ # test of command job type with pre_command
+ ############################################
+ def test_command_pre(self):
+ case_test_dir = os.path.join(TestCompo.test_dir, "command_pre")
+ mkdir_p(case_test_dir)
+ # command to be run before the job
+ pre_command = ""
+ pre_command_text = "echo 'it works!' > in.txt"
+ abs_pre_command_file = os.path.join(case_test_dir, pre_command)
+ f = open(abs_pre_command_file, "w")
+ f.write(pre_command_text)
+ f.close()
+ os.chmod(abs_pre_command_file, 0o755)
+ # job script
+ script_file = ""
+ script_text = """#! /usr/bin/env python
+ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ in_f = open("in.txt", "r")
+ in_text =
+ in_f.close()
+ f = open('result.txt', 'w')
+ f.write(in_text)
+ f.close()
+ """
+ abs_script_file = os.path.join(case_test_dir, script_file)
+ f = open(abs_script_file, "w")
+ f.write(script_text)
+ f.close()
+ os.chmod(abs_script_file, 0o755)
+ # job params
+ local_result_dir = os.path.join(case_test_dir, "result_com_pre_job-")
+ job_params = self.create_JobParameters()
+ job_params.job_type = "command"
+ job_params.job_file = script_file
+ job_params.pre_command = pre_command
+ job_params.in_files = []
+ job_params.out_files = ["result.txt"]
+ job_params.local_directory = case_test_dir
+ # create and launch the job
+ launcher = salome.naming_service.Resolve('/SalomeLauncher')
+ resManager= salome.lcc.getResourcesManager()
+ for resource in self.ressources:
+ print "Testing command job on ", resource
+ job_params.result_directory = local_result_dir + resource
+ job_params.job_name = "CommandPreJob_" + resource
+ = resource
+ # use the working directory of the resource
+ resParams = resManager.GetResourceDefinition(resource)
+ wd = os.path.join(resParams.working_directory,
+ "CommandPreJob" + self.suffix)
+ job_params.work_directory = wd
+ job_id = launcher.createJob(job_params)
+ launcher.launchJob(job_id)
+ # wait for the end of the job
+ jobState = launcher.getJobState(job_id)
+ print "Job %d state: %s" % (job_id,jobState)
+ while jobState != "FINISHED" and jobState != "FAILED" :
+ time.sleep(3)
+ jobState = launcher.getJobState(job_id)
+ print "Job %d state: %s" % (job_id,jobState)
+ pass
+ # verify the results
+ self.assertEqual(jobState, "FINISHED")
+ launcher.getJobResults(job_id, "")
+ self.verifyFile(os.path.join(job_params.result_directory, "result.txt"),
+ "it works!\n")
+ #################################
+ # test of command salome job type
+ #################################
+ def test_command_salome(self):
+ case_test_dir = os.path.join(TestCompo.test_dir, "command_salome")
+ mkdir_p(case_test_dir)
+ # job script
+ data_file = "in.txt"
+ script_file = ""
+ script_text = """#! /usr/bin/env python
+ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ import os,sys
+ # verify import salome
+ import salome
+ text_result = os.getenv("ENV_TEST_VAR","")
+ f = open('result.txt', 'w')
+ f.write(text_result)
+ f.close()
+ in_f = open("in.txt", "r")
+ in_text =
+ in_f.close()
+ os.mkdir("copie")
+ f = open(os.path.join("copie",'copie.txt'), 'w')
+ f.write(in_text)
+ f.close()
+ """
+ abs_script_file = os.path.join(case_test_dir, script_file)
+ f = open(abs_script_file, "w")
+ f.write(script_text)
+ f.close()
+ os.chmod(abs_script_file, 0o755)
+ #environement script
+ env_file = ""
+ env_text = """export ENV_TEST_VAR="expected"
+ """
+ f = open(os.path.join(case_test_dir, env_file), "w")
+ f.write(env_text)
+ f.close()
+ # write data file
+ f = open(os.path.join(case_test_dir, data_file), "w")
+ f.write("to be copied")
+ f.close()
+ # job params
+ local_result_dir = os.path.join(case_test_dir, "result_comsalome_job-")
+ job_params = self.create_JobParameters()
+ job_params.job_type = "command_salome"
+ job_params.job_file = script_file
+ job_params.env_file = env_file
+ job_params.in_files = [data_file]
+ job_params.out_files = ["result.txt", "copie"]
+ job_params.local_directory = case_test_dir
+ # create and launch the job
+ launcher = salome.naming_service.Resolve('/SalomeLauncher')
+ resManager= salome.lcc.getResourcesManager()
+ for resource in self.ressources:
+ print "Testing command salome job on ", resource
+ job_params.result_directory = local_result_dir + resource
+ job_params.job_name = "CommandSalomeJob_" + resource
+ = resource
+ # use the working directory of the resource
+ resParams = resManager.GetResourceDefinition(resource)
+ wd = os.path.join(resParams.working_directory,
+ "CommandSalomeJob" + self.suffix)
+ job_params.work_directory = wd
+ job_id = launcher.createJob(job_params)
+ launcher.launchJob(job_id)
+ # wait for the end of the job
+ jobState = launcher.getJobState(job_id)
+ print "Job %d state: %s" % (job_id,jobState)
+ while jobState != "FINISHED" and jobState != "FAILED" :
+ time.sleep(3)
+ jobState = launcher.getJobState(job_id)
+ print "Job %d state: %s" % (job_id,jobState)
+ pass
+ # verify the results
+ self.assertEqual(jobState, "FINISHED")
+ launcher.getJobResults(job_id, "")
+ self.verifyFile(os.path.join(job_params.result_directory, "result.txt"),
+ "expected")
+ self.verifyFile(os.path.join(job_params.result_directory,
+ "copie",'copie.txt'),
+ "to be copied")
+ # verify getJobWorkFile
+ mydir = os.path.join(case_test_dir, "work_dir" + resource)
+ success = launcher.getJobWorkFile(job_id, "result.txt", mydir)
+ self.assertEqual(success, True)
+ self.verifyFile(os.path.join(mydir, "result.txt"), "expected")
+ success = launcher.getJobWorkFile(job_id, "copie", mydir)
+ self.assertEqual(success, True)
+ self.verifyFile(os.path.join(mydir, "copie", "copie.txt"),
+ "to be copied")
+ pass
+ pass
+ pass
if __name__ == '__main__':
- # creat study
+ # create study
import salome