#include <TColStd_MapOfTransient.hxx>
#include <TColStd_HSequenceOfInteger.hxx>
+#include <Resource_DataMapIteratorOfDataMapOfAsciiStringAsciiString.hxx>
+#include <map>
+#include <string>
#include <Standard_ErrorHandler.hxx> // CAREFUL ! position of this file is critic : see Lucien PIGNOLONI / OCC
static GEOM_Engine* TheEngine = NULL;
- aScript += "\n\tpass\n";
- aValidScript = true;
+ Resource_DataMapOfAsciiStringAsciiString aEntry2StEntry, aStEntry2Entry;
+ Resource_DataMapIteratorOfDataMapOfAsciiStringAsciiString anEntryToNameIt;
+ if ( isPublished )
+ {
+ // build maps entry <-> studyEntry
+ for (anEntryToNameIt.Initialize( theObjectNames );
+ anEntryToNameIt.More();
+ anEntryToNameIt.Next())
+ {
+ const TCollection_AsciiString& aEntry = anEntryToNameIt.Key();
+ // look for an object by entry
+ TDF_Label L;
+ TDF_Tool::Label( aDoc->GetData(), aEntry, L );
+ if ( L.IsNull() ) continue;
+ Handle(GEOM_Object) obj = GEOM_Object::GetObject( L );
+ // fill maps
+ if ( !obj.IsNull() ) {
+ TCollection_AsciiString aStudyEntry (obj->GetAuxData());
+ aEntry2StEntry.Bind( aEntry, aStudyEntry);
+ aStEntry2Entry.Bind( aStudyEntry, aEntry );
+ }
+ }
+ }
Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfInteger) aSeq = FindEntries(aScript);
Standard_Integer aLen = aSeq->Length(), objectCounter = 0, aStart = 1, aScriptLength = aScript.Length();
- Resource_DataMapOfAsciiStringAsciiString aNames;
+ Resource_DataMapOfAsciiStringAsciiString aNameToEntry;
//Replace entries by the names
TCollection_AsciiString anUpdatedScript, anEntry, aName, aBaseName("geomObj_");
anEntry = aScript.SubString(aSeq->Value(i), aSeq->Value(i+1));
if(theObjectNames.IsBound(anEntry)) {
aName = theObjectNames.Find(anEntry);
- if ( theObjectNames.IsBound( aName ) && anEntry != theObjectNames( aName ))
+ if ( aNameToEntry.IsBound( aName ) && anEntry != aNameToEntry( aName ))
{ // diff objects have same name - make a new name
TCollection_AsciiString aName2;
Standard_Integer i = 0;
do {
aName2 = aName + "_" + ++i;
- } while ( theObjectNames.IsBound( aName2 ) && anEntry != theObjectNames( aName2 ));
+ } while ( aNameToEntry.IsBound( aName2 ) && anEntry != aNameToEntry( aName2 ));
aName = aName2;
theObjectNames( anEntry ) = aName;
else {
do {
aName = aBaseName + TCollection_AsciiString(++objectCounter);
- } while(theObjectNames.IsBound(aName));
+ } while(aNameToEntry.IsBound(aName));
theObjectNames.Bind(anEntry, aName);
- theObjectNames.Bind(aName, anEntry); // to detect same name of diff objects
+ aNameToEntry.Bind(aName, anEntry); // to detect same name of diff objects
anUpdatedScript += aName;
- aNames.Bind(aName, "1");
aStart = aSeq->Value(i+1) + 1;
//Add final part of the script
if(aSeq->Value(aLen) < aScriptLength) anUpdatedScript += aScript.SubString(aSeq->Value(aLen)+1, aScriptLength);
+ // Make script to publish in study
+ if ( isPublished )
+ {
+ map< int, string > anEntryToCommandMap; // sort publishing commands by object entry
+ for (anEntryToNameIt.Initialize( theObjectNames );
+ anEntryToNameIt.More();
+ anEntryToNameIt.Next())
+ {
+ const TCollection_AsciiString& aEntry = anEntryToNameIt.Key();
+ const TCollection_AsciiString& aName = anEntryToNameIt.Value();
+ if ( !aEntry2StEntry.IsBound( aEntry ))
+ continue; // was not published
+ TCollection_AsciiString aCommand("\n\tgeompy."), aFatherEntry;
+ // find a father entry
+ const TCollection_AsciiString& aStudyEntry = aEntry2StEntry( aEntry );
+ TCollection_AsciiString aFatherStudyEntry =
+ aStudyEntry.SubString( 1, aStudyEntry.SearchFromEnd(":") - 1 );
+ if ( aStEntry2Entry.IsBound( aFatherStudyEntry ))
+ aFatherEntry = aStEntry2Entry( aFatherStudyEntry );
+ // make a command
+ if ( !aFatherEntry.IsEmpty() && theObjectNames.IsBound( aFatherEntry )) {
+ aCommand += "addToStudyInFather( ";
+ aCommand += theObjectNames( aFatherEntry ) + ", ";
+ }
+ else
+ aCommand += "addToStudy( ";
+ aCommand += aName + ", \"" + aName + "\" )";
+ // bind a command to the last digit of the entry
+ int tag =
+ aEntry.SubString( aEntry.SearchFromEnd(":")+1, aEntry.Length() ).IntegerValue();
+ anEntryToCommandMap.insert( make_pair( tag, aCommand.ToCString() ));
+ }
+ // add publishing commands to the script
+ map< int, string >::iterator anEntryToCommand = anEntryToCommandMap.begin();
+ for ( ; anEntryToCommand != anEntryToCommandMap.end(); ++anEntryToCommand ) {
+ //cout << anEntryToCommand->first << endl;
+ anUpdatedScript += (char*)anEntryToCommand->second.c_str();
+ }
+ }
+ anUpdatedScript += "\n\tpass\n";
+ aValidScript = true;
return anUpdatedScript;