+ * Performs a drift to the rectangular input matrix \a matr.
+ * This method generate a dense matrix starting from an input dense matrix \a matr and input array \a arr.
+ * \param [in] matr The rectangular dense matrix (with only one component). The number of rows of \a matr must be equal to the number of tuples of \a arr
+ * \param [in] arr The array of coords to be appended in the input dense matrix \a matr. Typically arr is an array of coordinates.
+ * \param [out] delta the delta of number of columns between returned dense matrix and input dense matrix \a matr. \a delta is equal to number of components of \a arr + 1.
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("MEDCouplingFieldDiscretizationKriging::PerformDriftRect : invalid input dense matrix ! Must be allocated not NULL and with exactly one component !");
+ if(!arr || !arr->isAllocated())
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("MEDCouplingFieldDiscretizationKriging::PerformDriftRect : invalid input array of coordiantes ! Must be allocated and not NULL !");
+ int spaceDimension(arr->getNumberOfComponents()),nbOfPts(arr->getNumberOfTuples()),nbOfEltInMatrx(matr->getNumberOfTuples());
+ delta=spaceDimension+1;
+ int nbOfCols(nbOfEltInMatrx/nbOfPts);
+ if(nbOfEltInMatrx%nbOfPts!=0)
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("MEDCouplingFieldDiscretizationKriging::PerformDriftRect : size of input dense matrix and input arrays mismatch ! NbOfElems in matrix % nb of tuples in array must be equal to 0 !");
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("Wrap of MEDCouplingFieldDiscretizationKriging::operateOnDenseMatrix : invalid input matrix as DataArrayDouble ! Must be allocated with one component !");
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("Wrap of MEDCouplingFieldDiscretizationKriging::OperateOnDenseMatrixH3 : invalid input matrix as DataArrayDouble ! Must be allocated with one component !");
+ throw INTERP_KERNEL::Exception("Wrap of MEDCouplingFieldDiscretizationKriging::OperateOnDenseMatrixH2Ln : invalid input matrix as DataArrayDouble ! Must be allocated with one component !");