--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2010-2012 CEA/DEN
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+import os
+import stat
+import shutil
+import tarfile
+import src
+BINARY = "binary"
+SOURCE = "Source"
+PROJECT = "Project"
+SAT = "Sat"
+PROJECT_TEMPLATE = """#!/usr/bin/env python
+#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
+# The path to the archive root directory
+root_path : ""
+# path to the PROJECT
+project_path : $root_path + "PROJECT/"
+# Where to search the archives of the products
+ARCHIVEPATH : $root_path + "ARCHIVES"
+# Where to search the pyconf of the applications
+APPLICATIONPATH : $project_path + "applications/"
+# Where to search the pyconf of the products
+PRODUCTPATH : $project_path + "products/"
+# Where to search the pyconf of the jobs of the project
+JOBPATH : $project_path + "jobs/"
+# Where to search the pyconf of the machines of the project
+MACHINEPATH : $project_path + "machines/"
+SITE_TEMPLATE = ("""#!/usr/bin/env python
+#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
+ log :
+ {
+ log_dir : $USER.workdir + "/LOGS"
+ }
+ test :{
+ tmp_dir_with_application : '/tmp' + $VARS.sep + $VARS.user + """
+"""$VARS.sep + $APPLICATION.name + $VARS.sep + 'test'
+ tmp_dir : '/tmp' + $VARS.sep + $VARS.user + $VARS.sep + 'test'
+ timeout : 150
+ }
+project_file_paths : [$VARS.salometoolsway + $VARS.sep + \"..\" + $VARS.sep"""
+""" + \"""" + PROJECT_DIR + """\" + $VARS.sep + "project.pyconf"]
+# Define all possible option for the package command : sat package <options>
+parser = src.options.Options()
+parser.add_option('b', 'binaries', 'boolean', 'binaries',
+ _('Produce a binary package.'), False)
+parser.add_option('f', 'force_creation', 'boolean', 'force_creation',
+ _('Create the archive even if there are missing products.'), False)
+parser.add_option('s', 'sources', 'boolean', 'sources',
+ _('Produce a compilable archive of the sources of the application.'), False)
+parser.add_option('p', 'project', 'string', 'project',
+ _('Produce an archive that contains a project.'), "")
+parser.add_option('', 'sat', 'boolean', 'sat',
+ _('Produce an archive that contains salomeTools.'), False)
+parser.add_option('n', 'name', 'string', 'name',
+ _('The name or full path of the archive.'), None)
+parser.add_option('', 'with_vcs', 'boolean', 'with_vcs',
+ _('Only source package: do not make archive of vcs products.'), False)
+def add_files(tar, name_archive, d_content, logger):
+ '''Create an archive containing all directories and files that are given in
+ the d_content argument.
+ :param tar tarfile: The tarfile instance used to make the archive.
+ :param name_archive str: The name of the archive to make.
+ :param d_content dict: The dictionary that contain all directories and files
+ to add in the archive.
+ d_content[label] =
+ (path_on_local_machine, path_in_archive)
+ :param logger Logger: the logging instance
+ :return: 0 if success, 1 if not.
+ :rtype: int
+ '''
+ # get the max length of the messages in order to make the display
+ max_len = len(max(d_content.keys(), key=len))
+ success = 0
+ # loop over each directory or file stored in the d_content dictionary
+ for name in d_content.keys():
+ # display information
+ len_points = max_len - len(name)
+ logger.write(name + " " + len_points * "." + " ", 3)
+ # Get the local path and the path in archive
+ # of the directory or file to add
+ local_path, archive_path = d_content[name]
+ in_archive = os.path.join(name_archive, archive_path)
+ # Add it in the archive
+ try:
+ tar.add(local_path, arcname=in_archive)
+ logger.write(src.printcolors.printcSuccess(_("OK")), 3)
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.write(src.printcolors.printcError(_("KO ")), 3)
+ logger.write(e, 3)
+ success = 1
+ logger.write("\n", 3)
+ return success
+def produce_relative_launcher(config,
+ logger,
+ file_dir,
+ file_name,
+ binaries_dir_name):
+ '''Create a specific SALOME launcher for the binary package. This launcher
+ uses relative paths.
+ :param config Config: The global configuration.
+ :param logger Logger: the logging instance
+ :param file_dir str: the directory where to put the launcher
+ :param file_name str: The launcher name
+ :param binaries_dir_name str: the name of the repository where the binaries
+ are, in the archive.
+ :return: the path of the produced launcher
+ :rtype: str
+ '''
+ # Get the launcher template
+ profile_install_dir = os.path.join(binaries_dir_name,
+ config.APPLICATION.profile.product)
+ withProfile = src.fileEnviron.withProfile.replace( "PROFILE_INSTALL_DIR",
+ profile_install_dir )
+ before, after = withProfile.split(
+ "# here your local standalone environment\n")
+ # create an environment file writer
+ writer = src.environment.FileEnvWriter(config,
+ logger,
+ file_dir,
+ src_root=None)
+ filepath = os.path.join(file_dir, file_name)
+ # open the file and write into it
+ launch_file = open(filepath, "w")
+ launch_file.write(before)
+ # Write
+ writer.write_cfgForPy_file(launch_file, for_package = binaries_dir_name)
+ launch_file.write(after)
+ launch_file.close()
+ # change the rights in order to make the file executable for everybody
+ os.chmod(filepath,
+ stat.S_IRUSR |
+ stat.S_IRGRP |
+ stat.S_IROTH |
+ stat.S_IWUSR |
+ stat.S_IXUSR |
+ stat.S_IXGRP |
+ stat.S_IXOTH)
+ return filepath
+def binary_package(config, logger, options, tmp_working_dir):
+ '''Prepare a dictionary that stores all the needed directories and files to
+ add in a binary package.
+ :param config Config: The global configuration.
+ :param logger Logger: the logging instance
+ :param options OptResult: the options of the launched command
+ :param tmp_working_dir str: The temporary local directory containing some
+ specific directories or files needed in the
+ binary package
+ :return: the dictionary that stores all the needed directories and files to
+ add in a binary package.
+ {label : (path_on_local_machine, path_in_archive)}
+ :rtype: dict
+ '''
+ # Get the list of product installation to add to the archive
+ l_products_name = config.APPLICATION.products.keys()
+ l_product_info = src.product.get_products_infos(l_products_name,
+ config)
+ l_install_dir = []
+ l_not_installed = []
+ for prod_name, prod_info in l_product_info:
+ # ignore the native and fixed products
+ if (src.product.product_is_native(prod_info)
+ or src.product.product_is_fixed(prod_info)):
+ continue
+ if src.product.check_installation(prod_info):
+ l_install_dir.append((prod_name, prod_info.install_dir))
+ else:
+ l_not_installed.append(prod_name)
+ # Print warning or error if there are some missing products
+ if len(l_not_installed) > 0:
+ text_missing_prods = ""
+ for p_name in l_not_installed:
+ text_missing_prods += "-" + p_name + "\n"
+ if not options.force_creation:
+ msg = _("ERROR: there are missing products installations:")
+ logger.write("%s\n%s" % (src.printcolors.printcError(msg),
+ text_missing_prods),
+ 1)
+ return None
+ else:
+ msg = _("WARNING: there are missing products installations:")
+ logger.write("%s\n%s" % (src.printcolors.printcWarning(msg),
+ text_missing_prods),
+ 1)
+ # construct the name of the directory that will contain the binaries
+ binaries_dir_name = "BINARIES-" + config.VARS.dist
+ # construct the correlation table between the product names, there
+ # actual install directories and there install directory in archive
+ d_products = {}
+ for prod_name, install_dir in l_install_dir:
+ path_in_archive = os.path.join(binaries_dir_name, prod_name)
+ d_products[prod_name] = (install_dir, path_in_archive)
+ # create the relative launcher and add it to the files to add
+ launcher_name = config.APPLICATION.profile.launcher_name
+ launcher_package = produce_relative_launcher(config,
+ logger,
+ tmp_working_dir,
+ launcher_name,
+ binaries_dir_name)
+ d_products["launcher"] = (launcher_package, launcher_name)
+ return d_products
+def source_package(sat, config, logger, options, tmp_working_dir):
+ '''Prepare a dictionary that stores all the needed directories and files to
+ add in a source package.
+ :param config Config: The global configuration.
+ :param logger Logger: the logging instance
+ :param options OptResult: the options of the launched command
+ :param tmp_working_dir str: The temporary local directory containing some
+ specific directories or files needed in the
+ binary package
+ :return: the dictionary that stores all the needed directories and files to
+ add in a source package.
+ {label : (path_on_local_machine, path_in_archive)}
+ :rtype: dict
+ '''
+ # Get all the products that are prepared using an archive
+ logger.write("Find archive products ... ")
+ d_archives, l_pinfo_vcs = get_archives(config, logger)
+ logger.write("Done\n")
+ d_archives_vcs = {}
+ if not options.with_vcs:
+ # Make archives with the products that are not prepared using an archive
+ # (git, cvs, svn, etc)
+ logger.write("Construct archives for vcs products ... ")
+ d_archives_vcs = get_archives_vcs(l_pinfo_vcs,
+ sat,
+ config,
+ logger,
+ tmp_working_dir)
+ logger.write("Done\n")
+ # Create a project
+ logger.write("Create the project ... ")
+ d_project = create_project_for_src_package(config,
+ tmp_working_dir,
+ options.with_vcs)
+ logger.write("Done\n")
+ # Add salomeTools
+ tmp_sat = add_salomeTools(config, tmp_working_dir)
+ d_sat = {"salomeTools" : (tmp_sat, "salomeTools")}
+ # Add a sat symbolic link
+ tmp_satlink_path = os.path.join(tmp_working_dir, 'sat')
+ t = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(tmp_working_dir)
+ if os.path.lexists(tmp_satlink_path):
+ os.remove(tmp_satlink_path)
+ os.symlink(os.path.join('salomeTools', 'sat'), 'sat')
+ os.chdir(t)
+ d_sat["sat link"] = (tmp_satlink_path, "sat")
+ return src.merge_dicts(d_archives, d_archives_vcs, d_project, d_sat)
+def get_archives(config, logger):
+ '''Find all the products that are get using an archive and all the products
+ that are get using a vcs (git, cvs, svn) repository.
+ :param config Config: The global configuration.
+ :param logger Logger: the logging instance
+ :return: the dictionary {name_product :
+ (local path of its archive, path in the package of its archive )}
+ and the list of specific configuration corresponding to the vcs
+ products
+ :rtype: (Dict, List)
+ '''
+ # Get the list of product informations
+ l_products_name = config.APPLICATION.products.keys()
+ l_product_info = src.product.get_products_infos(l_products_name,
+ config)
+ d_archives = {}
+ l_pinfo_vcs = []
+ for p_name, p_info in l_product_info:
+ # ignore the native and fixed products
+ if (src.product.product_is_native(p_info)
+ or src.product.product_is_fixed(p_info)):
+ continue
+ if p_info.get_source == "archive":
+ archive_path = p_info.archive_info.archive_name
+ archive_name = os.path.basename(archive_path)
+ else:
+ l_pinfo_vcs.append((p_name, p_info))
+ d_archives[p_name] = (archive_path,
+ os.path.join(ARCHIVE_DIR, archive_name))
+ return d_archives, l_pinfo_vcs
+def add_salomeTools(config, tmp_working_dir):
+ '''Prepare a version of salomeTools that has a specific site.pyconf file
+ configured for a source package.
+ :param config Config: The global configuration.
+ :param tmp_working_dir str: The temporary local directory containing some
+ specific directories or files needed in the
+ source package
+ :return: The path to the local salomeTools directory to add in the package
+ :rtype: str
+ '''
+ # Copy sat in the temporary working directory
+ sat_tmp_path = src.Path(os.path.join(tmp_working_dir, "salomeTools"))
+ sat_running_path = src.Path(config.VARS.salometoolsway)
+ sat_running_path.copy(sat_tmp_path)
+ # Update the site.pyconf file that contains the path to the project
+ site_pyconf_name = "site.pyconf"
+ site_pyconf_dir = os.path.join(tmp_working_dir, "salomeTools", "data")
+ site_pyconf_file = os.path.join(site_pyconf_dir, site_pyconf_name)
+ ff = open(site_pyconf_file, "w")
+ ff.write(SITE_TEMPLATE)
+ ff.close()
+ return sat_tmp_path.path
+def get_archives_vcs(l_pinfo_vcs, sat, config, logger, tmp_working_dir):
+ '''For sources package that require that all products are get using an
+ archive, one has to create some archive for the vcs products.
+ So this method calls the clean and source command of sat and then create
+ the archives.
+ :param l_pinfo_vcs List: The list of specific configuration corresponding to
+ each vcs product
+ :param sat Sat: The Sat instance that can be called to clean and source the
+ products
+ :param config Config: The global configuration.
+ :param logger Logger: the logging instance
+ :param tmp_working_dir str: The temporary local directory containing some
+ specific directories or files needed in the
+ source package
+ :return: the dictionary that stores all the archives to add in the source
+ package. {label : (path_on_local_machine, path_in_archive)}
+ :rtype: dict
+ '''
+ # clean the source directory of all the vcs products, then use the source
+ # command and thus construct an archive that will not contain the patches
+ l_prod_names = [pn for pn, __ in l_pinfo_vcs]
+ # clean
+ logger.write(_("clean sources\n"))
+ args_clean = config.VARS.application
+ args_clean += " --sources --products "
+ args_clean += ",".join(l_prod_names)
+ sat.clean(args_clean, batch=True, verbose=0, logger_add_link = logger)
+ # source
+ logger.write(_("get sources"))
+ args_source = config.VARS.application
+ args_source += " --products "
+ args_source += ",".join(l_prod_names)
+ sat.source(args_source, batch=True, verbose=0, logger_add_link = logger)
+ # make the new archives
+ d_archives_vcs = {}
+ for pn, pinfo in l_pinfo_vcs:
+ path_archive = make_archive(pn, pinfo, tmp_working_dir)
+ d_archives_vcs[pn] = (path_archive,
+ os.path.join(ARCHIVE_DIR, pn + ".tgz"))
+ return d_archives_vcs
+def make_archive(prod_name, prod_info, where):
+ '''Create an archive of a product by searching its source directory.
+ :param prod_name str: The name of the product.
+ :param prod_info Config: The specific configuration corresponding to the
+ product
+ :param where str: The path of the repository where to put the resulting
+ archive
+ :return: The path of the resulting archive
+ :rtype: str
+ '''
+ path_targz_prod = os.path.join(where, prod_name + ".tgz")
+ tar_prod = tarfile.open(path_targz_prod, mode='w:gz')
+ local_path = prod_info.source_dir
+ tar_prod.add(local_path, arcname=prod_name)
+ tar_prod.close()
+ return path_targz_prod
+def create_project_for_src_package(config, tmp_working_dir, with_vcs):
+ '''Create a specific project for a source package.
+ :param config Config: The global configuration.
+ :param tmp_working_dir str: The temporary local directory containing some
+ specific directories or files needed in the
+ source package
+ :param with_vcs boolean: True if the package is with vcs products (not
+ transformed into archive products)
+ :return: The dictionary
+ {"project" : (produced project, project path in the archive)}
+ :rtype: Dict
+ '''
+ # Create in the working temporary directory the full project tree
+ project_tmp_dir = os.path.join(tmp_working_dir, PROJECT_DIR)
+ products_pyconf_tmp_dir = os.path.join(project_tmp_dir,
+ "products")
+ compil_scripts_tmp_dir = os.path.join(project_tmp_dir,
+ "products",
+ "compil_scripts")
+ env_scripts_tmp_dir = os.path.join(project_tmp_dir,
+ "products",
+ "env_scripts")
+ patches_tmp_dir = os.path.join(project_tmp_dir,
+ "products",
+ "patches")
+ application_tmp_dir = os.path.join(project_tmp_dir,
+ "applications")
+ for directory in [project_tmp_dir,
+ compil_scripts_tmp_dir,
+ env_scripts_tmp_dir,
+ patches_tmp_dir,
+ application_tmp_dir]:
+ src.ensure_path_exists(directory)
+ # Create the pyconf that contains the information of the project
+ project_pyconf_name = "project.pyconf"
+ project_pyconf_file = os.path.join(project_tmp_dir, project_pyconf_name)
+ ff = open(project_pyconf_file, "w")
+ ff.close()
+ # Loop over the products to get there pyconf and all the scripts
+ # (compilation, environment, patches)
+ # and create the pyconf file to add to the project
+ lproducts_name = config.APPLICATION.products.keys()
+ l_products = src.product.get_products_infos(lproducts_name, config)
+ for p_name, p_info in l_products:
+ # ignore native and fixed products
+ if (src.product.product_is_native(p_info) or
+ src.product.product_is_fixed(p_info)):
+ continue
+ find_product_scripts_and_pyconf(p_name,
+ p_info,
+ config,
+ with_vcs,
+ compil_scripts_tmp_dir,
+ env_scripts_tmp_dir,
+ patches_tmp_dir,
+ products_pyconf_tmp_dir)
+ find_application_pyconf(config, application_tmp_dir)
+ d_project = {"project" : (project_tmp_dir, PROJECT_DIR )}
+ return d_project
+def find_product_scripts_and_pyconf(p_name,
+ p_info,
+ config,
+ with_vcs,
+ compil_scripts_tmp_dir,
+ env_scripts_tmp_dir,
+ patches_tmp_dir,
+ products_pyconf_tmp_dir):
+ '''Create a specific pyconf file for a given product. Get its environment
+ script, its compilation script and patches and put it in the temporary
+ working directory. This method is used in the source package in order to
+ construct the specific project.
+ :param p_name str: The name of the product.
+ :param p_info Config: The specific configuration corresponding to the
+ product
+ :param config Config: The global configuration.
+ :param with_vcs boolean: True if the package is with vcs products (not
+ transformed into archive products)
+ :param compil_scripts_tmp_dir str: The path to the temporary compilation
+ scripts directory of the project.
+ :param env_scripts_tmp_dir str: The path to the temporary environment script
+ directory of the project.
+ :param patches_tmp_dir str: The path to the temporary patch scripts
+ directory of the project.
+ :param products_pyconf_tmp_dir str: The path to the temporary product
+ scripts directory of the project.
+ '''
+ # read the pyconf of the product
+ product_pyconf_path = src.find_file_in_lpath(p_name + ".pyconf",
+ product_pyconf_cfg = src.pyconf.Config(product_pyconf_path)
+ # find the compilation script if any
+ if src.product.product_has_script(p_info):
+ compil_script_path = src.Path(p_info.compil_script)
+ compil_script_path.copy(compil_scripts_tmp_dir)
+ product_pyconf_cfg[p_info.section].compil_script = os.path.basename(
+ p_info.compil_script)
+ # find the environment script if any
+ if src.product.product_has_env_script(p_info):
+ env_script_path = src.Path(p_info.environ.env_script)
+ env_script_path.copy(env_scripts_tmp_dir)
+ product_pyconf_cfg[p_info.section].environ.env_script = os.path.basename(
+ p_info.environ.env_script)
+ # find the patches if any
+ if src.product.product_has_patches(p_info):
+ patches = src.pyconf.Sequence()
+ for patch_path in p_info.patches:
+ p_path = src.Path(patch_path)
+ p_path.copy(patches_tmp_dir)
+ patches.append(os.path.basename(patch_path), "")
+ product_pyconf_cfg[p_info.section].patches = patches
+ if with_vcs:
+ # put in the pyconf file the resolved values
+ for info in ["git_info", "cvs_info", "svn_info"]:
+ if info in p_info:
+ for key in p_info[info]:
+ product_pyconf_cfg[p_info.section][info][key] = p_info[
+ info][key]
+ else:
+ # if the product is not archive, then make it become archive.
+ if src.product.product_is_vcs(p_info):
+ product_pyconf_cfg[p_info.section].get_source = "archive"
+ if not "archive_info" in product_pyconf_cfg[p_info.section]:
+ product_pyconf_cfg[p_info.section].addMapping("archive_info",
+ src.pyconf.Mapping(product_pyconf_cfg),
+ "")
+ product_pyconf_cfg[p_info.section
+ ].archive_info.archive_name = p_info.name + ".tgz"
+ # write the pyconf file to the temporary project location
+ product_tmp_pyconf_path = os.path.join(products_pyconf_tmp_dir,
+ p_name + ".pyconf")
+ ff = open(product_tmp_pyconf_path, 'w')
+ ff.write("#!/usr/bin/env python\n#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-\n\n")
+ product_pyconf_cfg.__save__(ff, 1)
+ ff.close()
+def find_application_pyconf(config, application_tmp_dir):
+ '''Find the application pyconf file and put it in the specific temporary
+ directory containing the specific project of a source package.
+ :param config Config: The global configuration.
+ :param application_tmp_dir str: The path to the temporary application
+ scripts directory of the project.
+ '''
+ # read the pyconf of the application
+ application_name = config.VARS.application
+ application_pyconf_path = src.find_file_in_lpath(
+ application_name + ".pyconf",
+ application_pyconf_cfg = src.pyconf.Config(application_pyconf_path)
+ # Change the workdir
+ application_pyconf_cfg.APPLICATION.workdir = src.pyconf.Reference(
+ application_pyconf_cfg,
+ src.pyconf.DOLLAR,
+ 'VARS.salometoolsway + $VARS.sep + ".."')
+ # Prevent from compilation in base
+ application_pyconf_cfg.APPLICATION.no_base = "yes"
+ # write the pyconf file to the temporary application location
+ application_tmp_pyconf_path = os.path.join(application_tmp_dir,
+ application_name + ".pyconf")
+ ff = open(application_tmp_pyconf_path, 'w')
+ ff.write("#!/usr/bin/env python\n#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-\n\n")
+ application_pyconf_cfg.__save__(ff, 1)
+ ff.close()
+def project_package(project_file_path, tmp_working_dir):
+ '''Prepare a dictionary that stores all the needed directories and files to
+ add in a project package.
+ :param project_file_path str: The path to the local project.
+ :param tmp_working_dir str: The temporary local directory containing some
+ specific directories or files needed in the
+ project package
+ :return: the dictionary that stores all the needed directories and files to
+ add in a project package.
+ {label : (path_on_local_machine, path_in_archive)}
+ :rtype: dict
+ '''
+ d_project = {}
+ # Read the project file and get the directories to add to the package
+ project_pyconf_cfg = src.pyconf.Config(project_file_path)
+ paths = {"ARCHIVEPATH" : "archives",
+ "APPLICATIONPATH" : "applications",
+ "PRODUCTPATH" : "products",
+ "JOBPATH" : "jobs",
+ "MACHINEPATH" : "machines"}
+ # Loop over the project paths and add it
+ for path in paths:
+ if path not in project_pyconf_cfg:
+ continue
+ # Add the directory to the files to add in the package
+ d_project[path] = (project_pyconf_cfg[path], paths[path])
+ # Modify the value of the path in the package
+ project_pyconf_cfg[path] = src.pyconf.Reference(
+ project_pyconf_cfg,
+ src.pyconf.DOLLAR,
+ 'project_path + "/' + paths[path] + '"')
+ # Modify some values
+ if "project_path" not in project_pyconf_cfg:
+ project_pyconf_cfg.addMapping("project_path",
+ src.pyconf.Mapping(project_pyconf_cfg),
+ "")
+ project_pyconf_cfg.project_path = ""
+ # Write the project pyconf file
+ project_file_name = os.path.basename(project_file_path)
+ project_pyconf_tmp_path = os.path.join(tmp_working_dir, project_file_name)
+ ff = open(project_pyconf_tmp_path, 'w')
+ ff.write("#!/usr/bin/env python\n#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-\n\n")
+ project_pyconf_cfg.__save__(ff, 1)
+ ff.close()
+ d_project["Project hat file"] = (project_pyconf_tmp_path, project_file_name)
+ return d_project
+def description():
+ '''method that is called when salomeTools is called with --help option.
+ :return: The text to display for the package command description.
+ :rtype: str
+ '''
+ return _("The package command creates an archive of the application.")
+def run(args, runner, logger):
+ '''method that is called when salomeTools is called with package parameter.
+ '''
+ # Parse the options
+ (options, args) = parser.parse_args(args)
+ # Check that a type of package is called, and only one
+ all_option_types = (options.binaries,
+ options.sources,
+ options.project != "",
+ options.sat)
+ # Check if no option for package type
+ if all_option_types.count(True) == 0:
+ msg = _("Error: Precise a type for the package\nUse one of the "
+ "following options: --binaries, --sources, --project or --sat")
+ logger.write(src.printcolors.printcError(msg), 1)
+ logger.write("\n", 1)
+ return 1
+ # Check for only one option for package type
+ if all_option_types.count(True) > 1:
+ msg = _("Error: You can use only one type for the package\nUse only one"
+ " of the following options: --binaries, --sources, --project or"
+ " --sat")
+ logger.write(src.printcolors.printcError(msg), 1)
+ logger.write("\n", 1)
+ return 1
+ # Get the package type
+ if options.binaries:
+ package_type = BINARY
+ if options.sources:
+ package_type = SOURCE
+ if options.project:
+ package_type = PROJECT
+ if options.sat:
+ package_type = SAT
+ # The repository where to put the package if not Binary or Source
+ package_default_path = runner.cfg.USER.workdir
+ if package_type in [BINARY, SOURCE]:
+ # Check that the command has been called with an application
+ src.check_config_has_application(runner.cfg)
+ # Display information
+ logger.write(_("Packaging application %s\n") % src.printcolors.printcLabel(
+ runner.cfg.VARS.application), 1)
+ # Get the default directory where to put the packages
+ package_default_path = os.path.join(runner.cfg.APPLICATION.workdir,
+ src.ensure_path_exists(package_default_path)
+ elif package_type == PROJECT:
+ # check that the project is visible by SAT
+ if options.project not in runner.cfg.PROJECTS.project_file_paths:
+ site_path = os.path.join(runner.cfg.VARS.salometoolsway,
+ "data",
+ "site.pyconf")
+ msg = _("ERROR: the project %(proj)s is not visible by salomeTools."
+ "\nPlease add it in the %(site)s file." % {
+ "proj" : options.project, "site" : site_path})
+ logger.write(src.printcolors.printcError(msg), 1)
+ logger.write("\n", 1)
+ return 1
+ # Print
+ src.printcolors.print_value(logger, "Package type", package_type, 2)
+ # get the name of the archive or construct it
+ if options.name:
+ if os.path.basename(options.name) == options.name:
+ # only a name (not a path)
+ archive_name = options.name
+ dir_name = package_default_path
+ else:
+ archive_name = os.path.basename(options.name)
+ dir_name = os.path.dirname(options.name)
+ # suppress extension
+ if archive_name[-len(".tgz"):] == ".tgz":
+ archive_name = archive_name[:-len(".tgz")]
+ if archive_name[-len(".tar.gz"):] == ".tar.gz":
+ archive_name = archive_name[:-len(".tar.gz")]
+ else:
+ dir_name = package_default_path
+ if package_type == BINARY:
+ archive_name = (runner.cfg.APPLICATION.name +
+ "-" +
+ runner.cfg.VARS.dist)
+ if package_type == SOURCE:
+ archive_name = (runner.cfg.APPLICATION.name +
+ "-" +
+ "SRC")
+ if package_type == PROJECT:
+ project_name, __ = os.path.splitext(
+ os.path.basename(options.project))
+ archive_name = ("PROJECT" +
+ "-" +
+ project_name)
+ if package_type == SAT:
+ archive_name = ("salomeTools" +
+ "-" +
+ runner.cfg.INTERNAL.sat_version)
+ path_targz = os.path.join(dir_name, archive_name + ".tgz")
+ # Print the path of the package
+ src.printcolors.print_value(logger, "Package path", path_targz, 2)
+ # Create a working directory for all files that are produced during the
+ # package creation and that will be removed at the end of the command
+ tmp_working_dir = os.path.join(runner.cfg.VARS.tmp_root,
+ runner.cfg.VARS.datehour)
+ src.ensure_path_exists(tmp_working_dir)
+ logger.write("\n", 3)
+ msg = _("Preparation of files to add to the archive")
+ logger.write(src.printcolors.printcLabel(msg), 2)
+ logger.write("\n", 2)
+ if package_type == BINARY:
+ d_files_to_add = binary_package(runner.cfg,
+ logger,
+ options,
+ tmp_working_dir)
+ if not(d_files_to_add):
+ return 1
+ if package_type == SOURCE:
+ d_files_to_add = source_package(runner,
+ runner.cfg,
+ logger,
+ options,
+ tmp_working_dir)
+ if package_type == PROJECT:
+ d_files_to_add = project_package(options.project, tmp_working_dir)
+ if package_type == SAT:
+ d_files_to_add = {"salomeTools" : (runner.cfg.VARS.salometoolsway, "")}
+ logger.write("\n", 2)
+ logger.write(src.printcolors.printcLabel(_("Actually do the package")), 2)
+ logger.write("\n", 2)
+ # Creating the object tarfile
+ tar = tarfile.open(path_targz, mode='w:gz')
+ # Add the files to the tarfile object
+ res = add_files(tar, archive_name, d_files_to_add, logger)
+ tar.close()
+ # remove the working directory
+ shutil.rmtree(tmp_working_dir)
+ # Print again the path of the package
+ logger.write("\n", 2)
+ src.printcolors.print_value(logger, "Package path", path_targz, 2)
+ return res
\ No newline at end of file