#include "Interpolation3DSurf.hxx"
/*! \class InterpolationMatrix
This class enables the storage of an interpolation matrix Wij mapping
-source field Sj to target field Ti via Ti=Wij.Sj.
+source field Sj to target field Ti via Ti=Vi^(-1).Wij.Sj.
The matrix is built and stored on the processors belonging to the source
namespace ParaMEDMEM
\param local_group processor group containing the local processors
\param distant_group processor group containing the distant processors
\param method interpolation method
- */
+ */
const ParaMEDMEM::ParaMESH& source_support,
-const ProcessorGroup& local_group,
-const ProcessorGroup& distant_group,
+const ProcessorGroup& source_group,
+const ProcessorGroup& target_group,
const string& method):
-_mapping(local_group, distant_group),
+ _source_support(*source_support.getMesh()),
+ _mapping(source_group, target_group),
+ _method(method),
+ _source_group(source_group),
+ _target_group(target_group),
+ _source_volume(0)
int nbelems= _source_support.getNumberOfElements(MED_EN::MED_CELL,MED_EN::MED_ALL_ELEMENTS);
- _row_offsets.resize(nbelems+1,0);
+ _row_offsets.resize(nbelems+1);
+ for (int i=0; i<nbelems+1; i++)
+ _row_offsets[i]=0;
+ _coeffs.resize(nbelems);
-adds the contribution of a distant subdomain to the interpolation matrix
+\brief Adds the contribution of a distant subdomain to the interpolation matrix.
+The method adds contribution to the interpolation matrix.
+For each row of the matrix, elements are addded as
+a (column, coeff) pair in the _coeffs array. This column number refers
+to an element on the target side via the _col_offsets array. It is made of a series
+of (iproc, ielem) pairs.
+The number of elements per row is stored in the row_offsets array.
\param distant_support local representation of the distant subdomain
\param iproc_distant id of the distant subdomain (in the distant group)
\param distant_elems mapping between the local representation of the subdomain and the actual elem ids on the distant subdomain
void InterpolationMatrix::addContribution(MEDMEM::MESH& distant_support, int iproc_distant, int* distant_elems)
- // computing the intersections between distant and local elements
+ //creating the interpolator structure
MEDMEM::Interpolation* interpolator;
- if (distant_support.getMeshDimension()==2 && distant_support.getSpaceDimension()==3)
- interpolator=new MEDMEM::Interpolation3DSurf();
- else if (distant_support.getMeshDimension()==2 && distant_support.getSpaceDimension()==2)
- interpolator=new MEDMEM::Interpolation2D();
- int nbelems= _source_support.getNumberOfElements(MED_EN::MED_CELL,MED_EN::MED_ALL_ELEMENTS);
+ if (distant_support.getMeshDimension()==2 && distant_support.getSpaceDimension()==3)
+ interpolator=new MEDMEM::Interpolation3DSurf();
+ else if (distant_support.getMeshDimension()==2 && distant_support.getSpaceDimension()==2)
+ interpolator=new MEDMEM::Interpolation2D();
+ //computation of the intersection volumes between source and target elements
+ int source_size= _source_support.getNumberOfElements(MED_EN::MED_CELL,MED_EN::MED_ALL_ELEMENTS);
vector<map<int,double> > surfaces = interpolator->interpol_maillages(distant_support,_source_support);
- delete interpolator;
+ delete interpolator;
+ if (surfaces.size() != source_size)
+ throw MEDEXCEPTION("uncoherent number of rows in interpolation matrix");
+ //computing the vectors containing the source and target element volumes
+ MEDMEM::SUPPORT target_support(&distant_support,"all cells", MED_EN::MED_CELL);
+ MEDMEM::FIELD<double>* target_triangle_surf = distant_support.getArea(&target_support);
+ MEDMEM::SUPPORT source_support (const_cast<MEDMEM::MESH*>(&_source_support),"all cells", MED_EN::MED_CELL);
+ MEDMEM::FIELD<double>* source_triangle_surf = _source_support.getArea(&source_support);
+ //storing the source volumes
+ _source_volume.resize(source_size);
+ for (int i=0; i<source_size;i++)
+ _source_volume[i]=source_triangle_surf->getValueIJ(i+1,1);
+ //loop over the elements to build the interpolation
+ //matrix structures
+ for (int ielem=0; ielem < surfaces.size(); ielem++)
+ {
+ _row_offsets[ielem+1]+=surfaces[ielem].size();
+ // _source_indices.push_back(make_pair(iproc_distant, ielem));
+ for (map<int,double>::const_iterator iter=surfaces[ielem].begin();
+ iter!=surfaces[ielem].end();
+ iter++)
+ {
+ //surface of the target triangle
+ double surf = target_triangle_surf->getValueIJ(iter->first,1);
+ //locating the (iproc, itriangle) pair in the list of columns
+ vector<pair<int,int> >::iterator iter2 = find (_col_offsets.begin(), _col_offsets.end(),make_pair(iproc_distant,iter->first));
+ int col_id;
+ if (iter2==_col_offsets.end())
+ {
+ //(iproc, itriangle) is not registered in the list
+ //of distant elements
- if (surfaces.size() != nbelems)
- throw MEDEXCEPTION("uncoherent number of rows in interpolation matrix");
+ _col_offsets.push_back(make_pair(iproc_distant,iter->first));
+ col_id =_col_offsets.size();
+ _mapping.addElementFromSource(iproc_distant,distant_elems[iter->first-1]);
+ _target_volume.push_back(surf);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ col_id=iter2-_col_offsets.begin()+1;
+ }
- MEDMEM::SUPPORT support(&distant_support,"all cells", MED_EN::MED_CELL);
- MEDMEM::FIELD<double>* triangle_surf = distant_support.getArea(&support);
+ //the non zero coefficient is stored
+ //ielem is the row,
+ //col_id is the number of the column
+ //iter->second is the value of the coefficient
- for (int ielem=0; ielem < surfaces.size(); ielem++)
- {
- _row_offsets[ielem+1]+=surfaces[ielem].size();
- // _source_indices.push_back(make_pair(iproc_distant, ielem));
- for (map<int,double>::const_iterator iter=surfaces[ielem].begin();
- iter!=surfaces[ielem].end();
- iter++)
- {
- //surface of the source triangle
- double surf = triangle_surf->getValueIJ(iter->first,1);
- //oriented surfaces are not considered
- surf = (surf>0)?surf:-surf;
- //locating the (iproc, itriangle) pair in the list of columns
- vector<pair<int,int> >::iterator iter2 = find (_col_offsets.begin(), _col_offsets.end(),make_pair(iproc_distant,iter->first));
- int col_id;
- //(iproc, itriangle) is not registered in the list
- //of distant elements
- if (iter2==_col_offsets.end())
- {
- _col_offsets.push_back(make_pair(iproc_distant,iter->first));
- col_id =_col_offsets.size();
- _mapping.addElementFromSource(iproc_distant,distant_elems[iter->first-1]);
- }
- else
- {
- col_id=iter2-_col_offsets.begin()+1;
- }
- //the column indirection number is registered
- //with the interpolation coefficient
- //actual column number is obtained with _col_offsets[col_id]
- _col_numbers.push_back(col_id);
- _coeffs.push_back(iter->second/surf);
- }
- }
- delete triangle_surf;
+ _coeffs[ielem].push_back(make_pair(col_id,iter->second));
+ }
+ }
+ delete source_triangle_surf;
+ delete target_triangle_surf;
-// intersect (_local_support,_distant_support);
-// const int* conn_source_index = _local_support->getConnectivityIndex(MED_EN::MED_NODAL,MED_EN::MED_ALL_ELEMENTS);
-// const int* conn_source = distant_support->getConnectivity(MED_EN::MED_NODAL,MED_EN::MED_ALL_ELEMENTS);
-// const double* coords_source = _local_support->getCoords(MED_EN::MED_FULL_INTERLACE);
-// for (int ielem=0; ielem< _local_support->getNumberOfElements(MED_EN::MED_CELL); ielem++)
-// {
-// MED_EN::medGeometryElementType type = distant_support->getElementType(ielem);
-// switch (type)
-// {
-// case MED_EN::TRIA3 :
-// double* coords=new int[3*dim];
-// for (ielem_distant=0; ielem_distant<distant_support->getNumberOfElements(MED_EN::MED_CELL);ielem_distant++)
-// {
-// int ielem_target=*iter;
-// for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
-// {
-// int node = conn[conn_source_index[ielem]+i];
-// for (int idim=0; i<dim; idim++)
-// coords[idim+dim*i]=coords_source[node*dim+idim];
-// }
-// double* moments = new double[dim+1];
-// intersection (target_support, ielem_target, dim, coords,intersection_moments);
-// }
-// //intersection_moments :
-// // 0 -> int(1.dV)
-// // 1 -> int(x.dV)
-// // 2 -> int(y.dV)
-// // 3 -> int(z.dV)
-// if (intersection_moments[0]>0)
-// {
-// _source_indices.push_back(make_pair(iproc_distant, ielem);
-// _col_numbers.push_back(ielem_target);
-// _row_offsets[irow]++;
-// _coeffs.push_back(intersection_moments[0]);
-// for (int i=0; i<dim; i++)
-// _coeffs.push_back(intersection_moments[i+1]);
-// _mapping.addElementFromSource(ielem,iproc_distant,ielem_target);
-// }
-// }
-// irow++;
-// }
+/*! The call to this method updates the arrays on the target side
+so that they know which amount of data from which processor they
+should expect.
+That call makes actual interpolations via multiply method
void InterpolationMatrix::prepare()
+ \brief performs t=Ws, where t is the target field, s is the source field
+ The call to this method must be called both on the working side
+and on the idle side. On the working side, the vector T=VT^(-1).(W.S)
+is computed and sent. On the idle side, no computation is done, but the
+result from the working side is received and the field is updated.
+ \param field source field on processors involved on the source side, target field on processors on the target side
+ */
void InterpolationMatrix::multiply(MEDMEM::FIELD<double>& field) const
- double* target_value = new double[_col_offsets.size()* field.getNumberOfComponents()];
- for (int i=0; i< _col_offsets.size()* field.getNumberOfComponents();i++)
- {
- target_value[i]=0.0;
- }
- int nbrows= _source_support.getNumberOfElements(MED_EN::MED_CELL,MED_EN::MED_ALL_ELEMENTS);
- for (int irow=0; irow<nbrows; irow++)
- {
- for (int icol=_row_offsets[irow]; icol< _row_offsets[irow+1];icol++)
- {
- for (int icomp=0; icomp<field.getNumberOfComponents(); icomp++)
- {
- double coeff_row = field.getValueIJ(irow+1,icomp+1);
- target_value[_col_numbers[icol]-1]+=_coeffs[icol]*coeff_row;
- }
- }
- }
- _mapping.sendRecv(target_value,field);
+ vector<double> target_value(_col_offsets.size()* field.getNumberOfComponents(),0.0);
+ //computing the matrix multiply on source side
+ if (_source_group.containsMyRank())
+ {
+ int nbcomp = field.getNumberOfComponents();
+ int nbrows= _source_support.getNumberOfElements(MED_EN::MED_CELL,MED_EN::MED_ALL_ELEMENTS);
+ // performing W.S
+ // W is the intersection matrix
+ // S is the source vector
+ for (int irow=0; irow<nbrows; irow++)
+ for (int icomp=0; icomp< nbcomp; icomp++)
+ {
+ double coeff_row = field.getValueIJ(irow+1,icomp+1);
+ for (int icol=_row_offsets[irow]; icol< _row_offsets[irow+1];icol++)
+ {
+ int colid= _coeffs[irow][icol-_row_offsets[irow]].first;
+ double value = _coeffs[irow][icol-_row_offsets[irow]].second;
+ target_value[(colid-1)*nbcomp+icomp]+=value*coeff_row;
+ }
+ }
+ // performing VT^(-1).(W.S)
+ // where VT^(-1) is the inverse of the diagonal matrix containing
+ // the volumes of target cells
+ for (int i=0; i<_col_offsets.size();i++)
+ for (int icomp=0; icomp<nbcomp; icomp++)
+ target_value[i*nbcomp+icomp] /= _target_volume[i];
+ }
+ //on source side : sending T=VT^(-1).(W.S)
+ //on target side :: receiving T and storing it in field
+ _mapping.sendRecv(&target_value[0],field);
- if (_col_offsets.size()>0)
- delete[] target_value;
+ \brief performs s=WTt, where t is the target field, s is the source field, WT is the transpose matrix from W
+ The call to this method must be called both on the working side
+and on the idle side. On the working side, the target vector T is received and the
+ vector S=VS^(-1).(WT.T) is computed to update the field.
+On the idle side, no computation is done, but the field is sent.
+ \param field source field on processors involved on the source side, target field on processors on the target side
+ */
+void InterpolationMatrix::transposeMultiply(MEDMEM::FIELD<double>& field) const
+ vector<double> source_value(_col_offsets.size()* field.getNumberOfComponents(),0.0);
+ _mapping.reverseSendRecv(&source_value[0],field);
+ //treatment of the transpose matrix multiply on the source side
+ if (_source_group.containsMyRank())
+ {
+ int nbcomp = field.getNumberOfComponents();
+ int nbrows = _source_support.getNumberOfElements(MED_EN::MED_CELL,MED_EN::MED_ALL_ELEMENTS);
+ vector<double> target_value(nbrows,0.0);
+ //performing WT.T
+ //WT is W transpose
+ //T is the target vector
+ for (int irow=0; irow<nbrows; irow++)
+ for (int icol=_row_offsets[irow]; icol< _row_offsets[irow+1];icol++)
+ for (int icomp=0; icomp<nbcomp; icomp++)
+ {
+ int colid= _coeffs[irow][icol-_row_offsets[irow]].first;
+ double value = _coeffs[irow][icol-_row_offsets[irow]].second;
+ double coeff_row = source_value[colid-1];
+ target_value[irow*nbcomp+icomp]+=value*coeff_row;
+ }
+ //performing VS^(-1).(WT.T)
+ //VS^(-1) is the inverse of the diagonal matrix storing
+ //volumes of the source cells
+ for (int i=0; i<nbrows; i++)
+ for (int icomp; icomp<nbcomp; icomp++)
+ target_value[i*nbcomp+icomp]/=_source_volume[i];
+ //storing S= VS^(-1).(WT.T)
+ for (int irow=0; irow<nbrows; irow++)
+ for (int icomp=0; icomp<nbcomp; icomp++)
+ field.setValueIJ(irow+1,icomp+1,target_value[irow*nbcomp+icomp]);
+ }
if (_interpolation_matrix !=0)
delete _interpolation_matrix;
/*! Synchronization process for exchanging topologies
void IntersectionDEC::synchronize()
+ const ParaMEDMEM::ParaMESH* para_mesh = _local_field->getSupport()->getMesh();
+ cout <<"size of Interpolation Matrix"<<sizeof(InterpolationMatrix)<<endl;
+ _interpolation_matrix = new InterpolationMatrix (*para_mesh, *_source_group,*_target_group,"P0");
//setting up the communication DEC on both sides
- if (_source_field!=0)
+ if (_source_group->containsMyRank())
- const ParaMEDMEM::ParaMESH* para_mesh = _source_field->getSupport()->getMesh();
- _interpolation_matrix = new InterpolationMatrix (*para_mesh, *_source_group,*_target_group,"P0");
//locate the distant meshes
ElementLocator locator(*para_mesh, *_target_group);
MESH* distant_mesh=0;
int* distant_ids=0;
for (int i=0; i<_target_group->size(); i++)
- {
- // int idistant_proc = (i+_source_group->myRank())%_target_group->size();
- int idistant_proc=i;
- //gathers pieces of the target meshes that can intersect the local mesh
- locator.exchangeMesh(idistant_proc,distant_mesh,distant_ids);
- if (distant_mesh !=0)
- {
- //adds the contribution of the distant mesh on the local one
- int idistant_proc_in_union=_union_group->translateRank(_target_group,idistant_proc);
- cout <<"add contribution from proc "<<idistant_proc_in_union<<" to proc "<<_union_group->myRank()<<endl;
- _interpolation_matrix->addContribution(*distant_mesh,idistant_proc_in_union,distant_ids);
- delete distant_mesh;
- delete[] distant_ids;
- distant_mesh=0;
- distant_ids=0;
- }
- }
- }
- if (_target_field!=0)
+ {
+ // int idistant_proc = (i+_source_group->myRank())%_target_group->size();
+ int idistant_proc=i;
+ //gathers pieces of the target meshes that can intersect the local mesh
+ locator.exchangeMesh(idistant_proc,distant_mesh,distant_ids);
+ if (distant_mesh !=0)
+ {
+ //adds the contribution of the distant mesh on the local one
+ int idistant_proc_in_union=_union_group->translateRank(_target_group,idistant_proc);
+ cout <<"add contribution from proc "<<idistant_proc_in_union<<" to proc "<<_union_group->myRank()<<endl;
+ _interpolation_matrix->addContribution(*distant_mesh,idistant_proc_in_union,distant_ids);
+ delete distant_mesh;
+ delete[] distant_ids;
+ distant_mesh=0;
+ distant_ids=0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (_target_group->containsMyRank())
- const ParaMEDMEM::ParaMESH* para_mesh = _target_field->getSupport()->getMesh();
- _interpolation_matrix = new InterpolationMatrix (*para_mesh, *_source_group,*_target_group,"P0");
ElementLocator locator(*para_mesh, *_source_group);
MESH* distant_mesh=0;
int* distant_ids=0;
for (int i=0; i<_source_group->size(); i++)
- {
- // int idistant_proc = (i+_target_group->myRank())%_source_group->size();
- int idistant_proc=i;
- //gathers pieces of the target meshes that can intersect the local mesh
- locator.exchangeMesh(idistant_proc,distant_mesh,distant_ids);
- cout << " Data sent from "<<_union_group->myRank()<<" to source proc "<< idistant_proc<<endl;
- if (distant_mesh!=0)
- {
- delete distant_mesh;
- delete[] distant_ids;
- distant_mesh=0;
- distant_ids=0;
- }
- }
- }
+ {
+ // int idistant_proc = (i+_target_group->myRank())%_source_group->size();
+ int idistant_proc=i;
+ //gathers pieces of the target meshes that can intersect the local mesh
+ locator.exchangeMesh(idistant_proc,distant_mesh,distant_ids);
+ cout << " Data sent from "<<_union_group->myRank()<<" to source proc "<< idistant_proc<<endl;
+ if (distant_mesh!=0)
+ {
+ delete distant_mesh;
+ delete[] distant_ids;
+ distant_mesh=0;
+ distant_ids=0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // _volume_vector=para_mesh->getVolume();
void IntersectionDEC::recvData()
- _interpolation_matrix->multiply(*_target_field->getField());
+ if (_source_group->containsMyRank())
+ _interpolation_matrix->transposeMultiply(*_local_field->getField());
+ else if (_target_group->containsMyRank())
+ _interpolation_matrix->multiply(*_local_field->getField());
void IntersectionDEC::sendData()
- _interpolation_matrix->multiply(*_source_field->getField());
+ if (_source_group->containsMyRank())
+ _interpolation_matrix->multiply(*_local_field->getField());
+ else if (_target_group->containsMyRank())
+ _interpolation_matrix->transposeMultiply(*_local_field->getField());
//building the buffer of the elements to be sent
vector<int> offsets = _send_proc_offsets;
for (int i=0; i<_sending_ids.size();i++)
int iproc = _sending_ids[i].first;
+/*! Exchanging field data between two groups of processes
+ *
+ * \param field MEDMEM field containing the values to be sent
+ *
+ * The ids that were defined by addElementFromSource method
+ * are sent.
+ */
+void MxN_Mapping::reverseSendRecv(double* recvfield, MEDMEM::FIELD<double>& field) const
+ CommInterface comm_interface=_union_group->getCommInterface();
+ const MPIProcessorGroup* group = static_cast<const MPIProcessorGroup*>(_union_group);
+ int nbcomp=field.getNumberOfComponents();
+ double* sendbuf=0;
+ double* recvbuf=0;
+ if (_recv_ids.size() >0)
+ sendbuf = new double[_recv_ids.size()*nbcomp];
+ if (_sending_ids.size()>0)
+ recvbuf = new double[_sending_ids.size()*nbcomp];
+ int* sendcounts = new int[_union_group->size()];
+ int* senddispls=new int[_union_group->size()];
+ int* recvcounts=new int[_union_group->size()];
+ int* recvdispls=new int[_union_group->size()];
+ for (int i=0; i< _union_group->size(); i++)
+ {
+ sendcounts[i]=nbcomp*(_recv_proc_offsets[i+1]-_recv_proc_offsets[i]);
+ senddispls[i]=nbcomp*(_recv_proc_offsets[i]);
+ recvcounts[i]=nbcomp*(_send_proc_offsets[i+1]-_send_proc_offsets[i]);
+ recvdispls[i]=nbcomp*(_send_proc_offsets[i]);
+ }
+ //building the buffer of the elements to be sent
+ vector<int> offsets = _recv_proc_offsets;
+ for (int iproc=0; iproc<_union_group->size();iproc++)
+ for (int i=_recv_proc_offsets[iproc]; i<_recv_proc_offsets[iproc+1]; i++)
+ {
+ for (int icomp=0; icomp<nbcomp; icomp++)
+ sendbuf[i*nbcomp+icomp]=field.getValueIJ(_recv_ids[i],icomp+1);
+ // offsets[iproc]++;
+ }
+ // for (int i=0; i<_recv_ids.size();i++)
+// {
+// // int iproc = _recv_ids[i].first;
+// int iproc=_recv_ids[i];
+// for (int icomp=0; icomp<nbcomp; icomp++)
+// // sendbuf[offsets[iproc]*nbcomp+icomp]=recvfield[i+1*nbcomp+icomp];
+// sendbuf[offsets[iproc]*nbcomp+icomp]=field.getValueIJ(i+1,icomp+1);
+// offsets[iproc]++;
+// }
+ //communication phase
+ const MPI_Comm* comm = group->getComm();
+ comm_interface.allToAllV(sendbuf, sendcounts, senddispls, MPI_DOUBLE,
+ recvbuf, recvcounts, recvdispls, MPI_DOUBLE,
+ *comm);
+ //setting zero values in the field
+ // for (int i=0; i< field.getSupport()->getNumberOfElements(MED_EN::MED_ALL_ELEMENTS);i++)
+ // for (int j=0; j<field.getNumberOfComponents(); j++)
+ // field.setValueIJ(i+1,j+1,0.0);
+ //setting the received values in the field
+ double* recvptr=recvbuf;
+ for (int i=0; i< _send_proc_offsets[_union_group->size()]; i++)
+ {
+ for (int icomp=0; icomp<nbcomp; icomp++)
+ {
+ // recvfield[(_sending_ids[i].second-1)*nbcomp+icomp]+=*recvptr;
+ recvfield[i*nbcomp+icomp]=*recvptr;
+ recvptr++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (sendbuf!=0) delete[] sendbuf;
+ if (recvbuf!=0) delete[] recvbuf;
+ delete[] sendcounts;
+ delete[] recvcounts;
+ delete[] senddispls;
+ delete[] recvdispls;