#include <QtxFontEdit.h>
+#include <QtxInfoPanel.h>
// External includes
#include <QDir>
#include <QSet>
+ QString wrap(const QString& text, const QString& tag)
+ { return QString("<%1>%2</%3>").arg(tag).arg(text).arg(tag);}
// function : GeometryGUI::activateModule()
// purpose : Called when GEOM module is activated
bool GeometryGUI::activateModule( SUIT_Study* study )
+ //InfoPanel
+ SalomeApp_Application* app = dynamic_cast<SalomeApp_Application*>( application() );
+ app->infoPanel()->setTitle(tr("Welcome to GEOM"));
+ int gb1 = app->infoPanel()->addGroup(tr( "Create a shape"));
+ QString lbl1 = wrap("vertices", "li") + wrap("edges", "li") + wrap("wires", "li") + wrap("faces", "li") + wrap("shells", "li") + wrap("solids", "li");
+ QString lbl2 = wrap("box, cylinder...", "li") + wrap("boolean operations","li");
+ lbl1 = tr("Bottom-up construction:") + wrap(lbl1, "ul") + tr("Primitives construction:") + wrap(lbl2, "ul");
+ app->infoPanel()->addLabel(lbl1, Qt::AlignLeft, gb1);
+ int gb2 = app->infoPanel()->addGroup(tr("Import a shape"));
+ lbl1 = wrap("brep", "li") + wrap("step", "li") + wrap("iges", "li") + wrap("stl", "li") + wrap("xao", "li");
+ lbl1 = tr("Available formats:") + wrap(lbl1, "ul");
+ app->infoPanel()->addLabel(Qt::AlignLeft, gb2);
+ //end InfoPanel
if ( CORBA::is_nil( myComponentGeom ) )
return false;
return false;
setMenuShown( true );
setToolShown( true );
// import Python module that manages GEOM plugins (need to be here because SalomePyQt API uses active module)
PyGILState_STATE gstate = PyGILState_Ensure();
PyObject* pluginsmanager = PyImport_ImportModuleNoBlock((char*)"salome_pluginsmanager");
return true;
setMenuShown( false );
setToolShown( false );
disconnect( application()->desktop(), SIGNAL( windowActivated( SUIT_ViewWindow* ) ),
this, SLOT( onWindowActivated( SUIT_ViewWindow* ) ) );
void GeometryGUI::windows( QMap<int, int>& mappa ) const
mappa.insert( SalomeApp_Application::WT_ObjectBrowser, Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea );
+ mappa.insert( SalomeApp_Application::WT_InfoPanel, Qt::RightDockWidgetArea );
mappa.insert( SalomeApp_Application::WT_NoteBook, Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea );
mappa.insert( SalomeApp_Application::WT_PyConsole, Qt::BottomDockWidgetArea );