The default option, 'conformal', implies that the meshes produced by HOMARD will be conformal, as expected in the finite element method. This is a classical choice for most of the simulation software with the finite element method.
-Nevertheless, if the computation is available with non conformal meshes, 3 possibilities are available:
+The treatment of non conformal meshes is possible.
.. image:: images/create_case_4.png
:align: center
-* 1 node per element: an element must not have more than one hanging node with its neighbours.
-* 1 node per edge: every single edge of an element ban be split once while its neighbour is not.
-* free: no limit for the number of hanging node.
+Some extra options can be given by the advanced options.
.. index:: single: boundary
Advanced options
-Default: no advanced option.
+Default: no advanced option. Nevertheless, some advanced options can be defined :
+The pyramids
-Nevertheless, some advanced options can be defined :
+The first option is about the pyramids.
.. image:: images/create_case_7.png
:align: center
- segment
- triangle
- quadrangle
- - tetraedron
- - hexaedron
+ - tetrahedron
+ - hexahedron
- prism
If pyramids are present into the initial mesh, HOMARD stops with an error. However, if no refinement will be in contact with any edge of those pyramids, the "Authorized pyramids" whould be checked. The adaptation will go on and the pyramids will be back as they are into the initial mesh.
+Nevertheless, if the computation is available with non conformal meshes, 3 possibilities are available:
+Which conformity?
+With a conformal refinement, the choice is given between the standard conformal refinement, default option, and a refinement into boxes, e.g. without any staircases.
+.. image:: images/create_case_8.png
+ :align: center
+Which non conformity?
+With a non conformal refinement, 4 choices are available:
+* standard non conformal refinement, default option
+* refinement into boxes, e.g. without any staircases
+* 1 node per edge: every single edge of an element ban be split once while its neighbour is not.
+* free: no limit for the number of hanging node.
+.. image:: images/create_case_9.png
+ :align: center
+The external format
+.. index:: single: MED
+.. index:: single: Saturne
+By default, the external format is MED. When coupled with Saturne 2D, it is necessary to precise it to correctly deal with the pseudo 2D situation.
+.. image:: ../images/create_case_1.png
+ :align: center
The pursuit of a case
:width: 229
:height: 116
-Hexaedrons are split in eight. Each of the quadrangular faces is split into 4 quadrangular faces. Edges are created connecting each centre of opposite faces. This generates a new point located at the centre of the hexaedron.
+Hexaedrons are split in eight. Each of the quadrangular faces is split into 4 quadrangular faces. Edges are created connecting each centre of opposite faces. This generates a new point located at the centre of the hexahedron.
.. image:: ../images/dec_hex.png
:align: center
:width: 116
:height: 116
-The conformal strategy for the hexaedrons is based on tetraedrons and pyramids. The situation depends on the number of non conformities, following the rules for the quadrangles. Here is some examples from the 66 possible situations.
+The conformal strategy for the hexahedrons is based on tetrahedrons and pyramids. The situation depends on the number of non conformities, following the rules for the quadrangles. Here is some examples from the 66 possible situations.
-For an hexaedron with one face cut, we create 4 edges, 4 tetraedrons and 5 pyramids.
+For an hexahedron with one face cut, we create 4 edges, 4 tetrahedrons and 5 pyramids.
.. image:: ../images/hexaface.png
:align: center
:width: 384
:height: 101
-For an hexaedron with only one edge cut, we create deux internal edges and four pyramids.
+For an hexahedron with only one edge cut, we create deux internal edges and four pyramids.
.. image:: ../images/hexa1arete.png
:align: center
:width: 384
:height: 101
-For an hexaedron with two edges cut, we create one central point 10 edges, 12 tetraedrons and 2 pyramids.
+For an hexahedron with two edges cut, we create one central point 10 edges, 12 tetrahedrons and 2 pyramids.
.. image:: ../images/hexa2aretes.png
:align: center
:width: 384
:height: 101
-For an hexaedron with three edges cut, we create one central point, 11 edges and 18 tetraedrons.
+For an hexahedron with three edges cut, we create one central point, 11 edges and 18 tetrahedrons.
.. image:: ../images/hexa3aretes.png
:align: center
L'option par défaut, 'conforme', implique que les maillages produits par HOMARD seront conformes au sens des éléments finis. C'est le choix classique de la plupart des logiciels de simulation par éléments finis.
-Néanmoins, si le calcul est possible avec des maillages non conformes, on a le choix entre 3 possibilités :
+Il est possible également de traiter des maillages non conformes.
.. image:: images/create_case_4.png
:align: center
-* 1 noeud par maille : une maille ne peut posséder qu'un seul noeud de non conformité avec ses voisines.
-* 1 noeud par arête : chaque arête d'une maille peut être découpée sans que la maille voisine par cette arête ne le soit.
-* quelconque : aucune limitation sur les raccords de conformité d'une maille à l'autre.
+Des variantes peuvent être obtenues avec les options avancées.
.. index:: single: frontière
Les options avancées
-Par défaut, aucune option avancée n'est active.
+Par défaut, aucune option avancée n'est active. Néanmoins, on peut définir quelques options avancées.
+Les pyramides
-Néanmoins, on peut définir une option avancée :
+La première concerne la gestion des mailles pyramidales.
.. image:: images/create_case_7.png
:align: center
Si le maillage initial comporte des pyramides, il y a arrêt en erreur. Toutefois, si on est certain que les raffinements ultérieurs ne toucheront aucune des arêtes des pyramides, on cochera la case "Pyramides autorisées". Les adaptations se dérouleront normalement et les pyramides seront restituées telles quelles dans le maillage final.
+Quelle conformité ?
+Pour un raffinement conforme, on a le choix entre le raffinement conforme standard, option par défaut, ou un raffinement par boîte, c'est-à-dire interdisant le raffinement en escalier.
+.. image:: images/create_case_8.png
+ :align: center
+Quelle non-conformité ?
+Pour un raffinement non conforme, on a le choix entre 4 possibilités :
+* raffinement conforme standard, option par défaut
+* raffinement par boîte, c'est-à-dire interdisant le raffinement en escalier
+* 1 noeud par arête : chaque arête d'une maille peut être découpée sans que la maille voisine par cette arête ne le soit.
+* quelconque : aucune limitation sur les raccords de conformité d'une maille à l'autre.
+.. image:: images/create_case_9.png
+ :align: center
+Le format externe
+.. index:: single: MED
+.. index:: single: Saturne
+Par défaut le format des mailles externes est le format MED. Dans le cas d'un calcul Saturne 2D, on doit le préciser ici pour gérer correctement le caractère pseudo-2D du maillage.
+.. image:: ../images/create_case_1.png
+ :align: center
La poursuite d'un cas
** Form generated from reading UI file 'CreateCase.ui'
-** Created: Mon Dec 14 17:01:30 2015
+** Created: Tue Dec 15 14:39:25 2015
** by: Qt User Interface Compiler version 4.6.3
** WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost when recompiling UI file!
CBAdvanced->setText(QApplication::translate("CreateCase", "Advanced options", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8));
GBAdvancedOptions->setTitle(QApplication::translate("CreateCase", "Advanced options", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8));
CBPyramid->setText(QApplication::translate("CreateCase", "Authorized pyramids", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8));
- GBConforme->setTitle(QApplication::translate("CreateCase", "Conformit\303\251", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8));
+ GBConforme->setTitle(QApplication::translate("CreateCase", "Conformity +", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8));
RBStandard->setText(QApplication::translate("CreateCase", "Standard", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8));
RBBox->setText(QApplication::translate("CreateCase", "Box", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8));
RBNC1NpA->setText(QApplication::translate("CreateCase", "1 node per edge", 0, QApplication::UnicodeUTF8));
<item row="1" column="0">
<widget class="QGroupBox" name="GBConforme">
<property name="title">
- <string>Conformité</string>
+ <string>Conformity +</string>
<layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout_3">
<item row="0" column="0">
<source>Non conformal option</source>
<translation>Option de non conformité</translation>
+ <message>
+ <source>Conformity +</source>
+ <translation>Conformité +</translation>
+ </message>
<source>Non conformal option</source>
+ <message>
+ <source>Conformity type</source>
+ <translation>適合タイプ</translation>
+ </message>