--- /dev/null
+Advanced usage of ADAO
+This section presents advanced methods to use the ADAO module, how to get more
+information, or how to use it without the graphical user interface (GUI).
+Exporting an ADAO command file (JDC) to YACS in console mode
+An export command can use the Python file generated by the editor used to build
+the ADAO command file (JDC). If the ADAO command file is named "Study1.comm",
+then a file named "Study1.py" can be found in the same directory. The complete
+procedure is the following:
+#. using the SALOME application including ADAO module, launch SALOME with ``./runAppli -k``
+#. initialise the command line session with: ``./runSession``
+#. execute the export command: ``python ${ADAO_ROOT_DIR}/bin/salome/AdaoYacsSchemaCreator.py <input Python file> <output YACS xml scheme>``
+#. standard output comes on console, successive executions can be done
+#. stop SALOME: ``shutdownSalome.py`` or ``killSalome.py``
+#. exit from the session: ``CTRL+D``
+Be careful, if the output YACS xml scheme already exists, this command replace
+it without asking the user. The command accepts files with or without path
+It is not necessary to launch and shut down SALOME each time if the application
+is already running.
+Running an ADAO calculation scheme in YACS in console mode
+This section describes how to execute in console mode a YACS calculation scheme,
+obtained using the ADAO "Export to YACS" function. It uses the standard YACS
+console mode, wich will be briefly recall here (see YACS documentation for more
+The way to do that is as follows:
+#. using the SALOME application including ADAO module, launch SALOME with ``./runAppli -k``
+#. initialise the command line session with: ``./runSession``
+#. change to the YACS calculation scheme directory to be executed
+#. execute the YACS supervisor: ``driver <ADAO YACS xml scheme>``
+#. standard output comes on console, successive executions can be done
+#. stop SALOME: ``shutdownSalome.py`` or ``killSalome.py``
+#. exit from the session: ``CTRL+D``
+It is not necessary to launch and shut down SALOME each time if the application
+is already running.
+Getting more information when running an assimilation calculation
+(Use the logging functionality of the library)
+Complex time or step treatments during an assimilation calculation
+(Scheduling input data)
--- /dev/null
+Examples on using the ADAO module
+This section presents some examples on using the ADAO module in SALOME.
+Building a simple estimation case with explicit data definition
+This simple example is a demonstration one, and describes how to set a BLUE
+estimation framework in order to get *weighted least square estimated state* of
+a system from an observation of the state and from an *a priori* knowledge (or
+background) of this state. In other words, we look for the weighted middle
+between the observation and the background vectors. All the numerical values of
+this example are arbitrary.
+Experimental set up
+We choose to operate in a 3-dimensional space. 3D is chosen in order to restrict
+the size of numerical object to explicitly enter by the user, but the problem is
+not dependant of the dimension and can be set in dimension 1000... The observed
+state is of value 1 in each direction, so:
+ ``Yo = [1 1 1]``
+The background state, wich represent some *a priori* knowledge or a
+regularization, is of value of 0 in each direction, which is:
+ ``Xb = [0 0 0]``
+Data assimilation requires information on errors covariances for observation and
+background variables. We choose here to have uncorrelated errors (that is,
+diagonal matrices) and to have the same variance of 1 for all variables (that
+is, identity matrices. We get:
+ ``B = R = [1 0 0 ; 0 1 0 ; 0 0 1]``
+Last, we need an observation operator to convert the background value in the
+space of observation value. Here, because the space dimensions are the same, we
+can choose the identity as the observation operator:
+ ``H = [1 0 0 ; 0 1 0 ; 0 0 1]``
+With such choices, the Best Linear Unbiased Estimator (BLUE) will be the
+average vector between ``Yo`` and ``Xb``, named the *analysis* and denoted by
+ ``Xa = [0.5 0.5 0.5]``
+As en extension of this example, one can change the variances for ``B`` or ``R``
+independantly, and the analysis will move to ``Yo`` or ``Xb`` in inverse
+proportion of the variances in ``B`` and ``R``. It is also equivalent to serach
+for the analysis thought a BLUE algorithm or a 3DVAR one.
+Using the GUI to build the ADAO case
+First, you have to activate the ADAO module by choosing the appropriate module
+button or menu of SALOME, and you will see:
+ .. _adao_activate:
+ .. image:: images/adao_activate.png
+ :align: center
+ .. centered::
+ **Activating the module ADAO in SALOME**
+.. |eficas_new| image:: images/eficas_new.png
+ :align: middle
+Choose the "*New*" button in this window. You will directly get the EFICAS
+interface for variables definition, along with the "*Object browser*". You can
+then click on the "*New*" button |eficas_new| to create a new ADAO case, and you
+will see:
+ .. _adao_viewer:
+ .. image:: images/adao_viewer.png
+ :align: center
+ :width: 100%
+ .. centered::
+ **The EFICAS viewer for cases definition in module ADAO**
+Then fill in the variables to build the ADAO case by using the experimental set
+up described above. All the technical information given above will be directly
+inserted in the ADAO case definition, by using the *String* type for all the
+variables. When the case definition is ready, save it to a "*JDC (\*.comm)*"
+native file somewhere in your path. Remember that other files will be also
+created near this first one, so it is better to make a specific directory for
+your case, and to save the file inside. The name of the file will appear in the
+"*Object browser*" window, under the "*ADAO*" menu. The final case definition
+looks like this:
+ .. _adao_jdcexample01:
+ .. image:: images/adao_jdcexample01.png
+ :align: center
+ :width: 100%
+ .. centered::
+ **Definition of the experimental set up chosen for the ADAO case**
+To go further, we need now to generate the YACS scheme from the ADAO case
+definition. In order to do that, right click on the name of the file case in the
+"*Object browser*" window, and choose the "*Export to YACS*" submenu as below:
+ .. _adao_exporttoyacs:
+ .. image:: images/adao_exporttoyacs.png
+ :align: center
+ :scale: 75%
+ .. centered::
+ **"*Export to YACS*" submenu to generate the YACS scheme from the ADAO case**
+This command will generate the YACS scheme, activate YACS module in SALOME, and
+open the new scheme in the YACS module GUI [#]. After reordering the nodes by
+using the "*arrange local node*" submenu of the YACS graphical view of the
+scheme, you get the following representation of the generated ADAO scheme:
+ .. _yacs_generatedscheme:
+ .. image:: images/yacs_generatedscheme.png
+ :align: center
+ :width: 100%
+ .. centered::
+ **YACS generated scheme from the ADAO case**
+After that point, all the modifications, executions and post-processing of the
+data assimilation scheme will be done in YACS. In order to check the result in a
+simple way, we create here a new YACS node by using the "*inline script node*"
+submenu of the YACS graphical view, and we name it "*PostProcessing*".
+This script will retrieve the data assimilation analysis from the
+"*algoResults*" output port of the computation bloc (which gives access to a
+SALOME Python Object), and will print it on the standard output.
+To obtain this, the inline script node need to have an input port of type
+"*pyobj*" named "*results*", that have to be linked graphically to the
+"*algoResults*" output port of the computation bloc. Then the code to fill in
+the script node is::
+ Xa = results.ADD.get("Analysis").valueserie(-1)
+ print
+ print "Analysis =",Xa
+ print
+The augmented YACS scheme can be saved (overwriting the generated scheme if the
+simple "*Save*" command or button is used, or with a new name). Then,
+classically in YACS, it have to be prepared for run, and then executed. After
+completion, the printing on standard output is available in the "*YACS Container
+Log*", obtained throught the right click menu of the "*proc*" window in the YACS
+scheme as shown below:
+ .. _yacs_containerlog:
+ .. image:: images/yacs_containerlog.png
+ :align: center
+ :width: 100%
+ .. centered::
+ **YACS menu for Container Log, and dialog window showing the log**
+We verify that the result is correct by checking that the log contains the
+following line::
+ Analysis = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]
+as shown in the image above.
+As a simple extension of this example, one can notice that the same problem
+solved with a 3DVAR algorithm gives the same result. This algorithm can be
+chosen at the ADAO case building step, before entering in YACS step. The
+ADAO 3DVAR case will look completly similar to the BLUE algoritmic case, as
+shown by the following figure:
+ .. _adao_jdcexample01:
+ .. image:: images/adao_jdcexample02.png
+ :align: center
+ :width: 100%
+ .. centered::
+ **Defining an ADAO 3DVAR case looks completly similar to a BLUE case**
+There is only one keyword changing, with "*ThreeDVAR*" instead of "*Blue*".
+Building a simple estimation case with external data definition by functions
+It is useful to get parts or all of the data from external definition, using
+Python script files to provide access to the data. As an example, we build here
+an ADAO case representing the same experimental set up as in the above example
+`Building a simple estimation case with explicit data definition`_, but using
+data form a single one external Python script file.
+First, we write the following script file, using conventional names for the
+desired variables. Here, all the input variables are defined in the script, but
+the user can choose to split the file in several ones, or to mix explicit data
+definition in the ADAO GUI and implicit data definition by external files. This
+script looks like::
+ #-*-coding:iso-8859-1-*-
+ import numpy
+ #
+ # Definition of the Background as a vector
+ # ----------------------------------------
+ Background = [0, 0, 0]
+ #
+ # Definition of the Observation as a vector
+ # -----------------------------------------
+ Observation = "1 1 1"
+ #
+ # Definition of the Background Error covariance as a matrix
+ # ---------------------------------------------------------
+ BackgroundError = numpy.array([[1., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 1.]])
+ #
+ # Definition of the Observation Error covariance as a matrix
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------
+ ObservationError = numpy.matrix("1 0 0 ; 0 1 0 ; 0 0 1")
+ #
+ # Definition of the Observation Operator as a matrix
+ # --------------------------------------------------
+ ObservationOperator = numpy.identity(3)
+The names of the Python variables above are mandatory, in order to define the
+right variables, but the Python script can be bigger and define classes,
+functions, etc. with other names. It shows different ways to define arrays and
+matrices, using list, string (as in Numpy or Octave), Numpy array type or Numpy
+matrix type, and Numpy special functions. All of these syntaxes are valid.
+After saving this script somewhere in your path (named here
+"*test003_ADAO_example_scripts.py*" for the example), we use the GUI to build
+the ADAO case. The procedure to fill in the case is similar except that, instead
+of selecting the "*String*" option for the "*FROM*" keyword, we select the
+"*Script*" one. This leads to a "*SCRIPT_DATA/SCRIPT_FILE*" entry in the tree,
+allowing to choose a file as:
+ .. _adao_scriptentry01:
+ .. image:: images/adao_scriptentry01.png
+ :align: center
+ :width: 100%
+ .. centered::
+ **Defining an input value using an external script file**
+Other steps and results are exactly the same as in the `Building a simple
+estimation case with explicit data definition`_ previous example.
+In fact, this script methodology allows to retrieve data from inline or previous
+calculations, from static files, from database or from stream, all of them
+outside of SALOME. It allows also to modify easily some input data, for example
+debug purpose or for repetitive process. **But be careful, it is not a "safe"
+process, in the sense that erroneous data, or errors in calculations, can be
+directly injected into the YACS scheme execution.**
+Adding parameters to control the data assimilation algorithm
+One can add some optional parameters to control the data assimilation algorithm
+calculation. This is done by using the "*AlgorithmParameters*" keyword in the
+definition of the ADAO case, which is an option of the algorithm. This keyword
+requires a Python dictionary containing some key/value pairs.
+For example, with a 3DVAR algorithm, the possible keys are "*Minimizer*",
+"*MaximumNumberOfSteps*", "*Bounds*". Bounds can be given by a list of list of
+pairs of lower/upper bounds for each variable, with possibly ``None`` every time
+there is no bound. If no bounds at all are required on the control variables,
+then one can choose the "BFGS" or "CG" minimisation algorithm for the 3DVAR
+This dictionary has to be defined in an external Python script file, using the
+mandatory variable name "*AlgorithmParameters*" for the dictionary. All the keys
+inside the dictionary are optional, they all have default values, and can exist
+without being used. For example::
+ #-*-coding:iso-8859-1-*-
+ #
+ AlgorithmParameters = {
+ "Minimizer" : "CG", # Possible choice : "LBFGSB", "TNC", "CG", "BFGS"
+ "MaximumNumberOfSteps" : 10,
+ }
+Then the script can be added to the ADAO case, in a file entry describing the
+"*AlgorithmParameters*" keyword, as follows:
+ .. _adao_scriptentry02:
+ .. image:: images/adao_scriptentry02.png
+ :align: center
+ :width: 100%
+ .. centered::
+ **Adding parameters to control the algorithm**
+Other steps and results are exactly the same as in the `Building a simple
+estimation case with explicit data definition`_ previous example.
+.. [#] For more information on YACS, see the the *YACS User Guide* available in the main "*Help*" menu of SALOME GUI.
--- /dev/null
+Using the module ADAO
+This section presents the usage of the ADAO module in SALOME.
+Logical procedure to build an ADAO test case
+The construction of an ADAO case follows a simple approach to define the set of
+input data, either static or dynamic data, and then generates a complete block
+diagram used in Y. Many variations exist for the definition of input data, but
+the logical sequence remains unchanged.
+First of all, the user is considered to know the input data needed to set up the
+data assimilation study. These data can be in SALOME or not.
+**Basically, the procedure involves the following steps:**
+#. **Activate the ADAO module and use the editor GUI,**
+#. **Build and modify the ADAO case and save it,**
+#. **Export the ADAO case as a YACS scheme,**
+#. **Modify and supplement the YACS scheme and save it,**
+#. **Execute the YACS case and obtain the results.**
+Each step will be detailed later in the next section.
+Detailed procedure to build an ADAO test case
+Activate the ADAO module and use the editor GUI
+As always for a module, it has to be activated by choosing the appropriate
+module button (or menu) in the toolbar of SALOME. A popup appears, allowing to
+choose between creating a new study, or opening an already existing one:
+ .. _adao_activate:
+ .. image:: images/adao_activate.png
+ :align: center
+ .. centered::
+ **Activating the module ADAO in SALOME**
+.. |eficas_new| image:: images/eficas_new.png
+ :align: middle
+.. |eficas_save| image:: images/eficas_save.png
+ :align: middle
+Choosing the "*New*" button, an embedded case editor EFICAS [#]_ will be opened,
+along with the standard "*Object browser*". You can then click on the "*New*"
+button |eficas_new| (or choose the "*New*" entry in the "*File*" menu) to create
+a new ADAO case, and you will see:
+ .. _adao_viewer:
+ .. image:: images/adao_viewer.png
+ :align: center
+ :width: 100%
+ .. centered::
+ **The EFICAS editor for cases definition in module ADAO**
+It is a good habit to save the ADAO case now, by pushing the "*Save*" button
+|eficas_save| or by choosing the "*Save/Save as*" entry in the "*File*" menu.
+You will be prompted for a location in your file tree and a name, that will be
+completed by a "*.comm*" extension used for JDC EFICAS files.
+Build and modify the ADAO case and save it
+To build a case using EFICAS, you have to go through a series of steps for
+selecting a keyword and then filling in its value. The structured editor
+indicates hierarchical types, values or keywords allowed. Incomplete or
+incorrect keywords are identified by a visual error red flag.
+At the end, you have to save your ADAO case.
+Export the ADAO case as a YACS scheme
+Modify and supplement the YACS scheme and save it
+Execute the YACS case and obtain the results
+Reference description of the commands and keywords available throught the GUI
+Algorithm : "ThreeDVAR", "Blue", "EnsembleBlue", "Kalman"...
+.. [#] For more information on EFICAS, see the the *EFICAS User Guide* available in the main "*Help*" menu of SALOME GUI.