#include "PVGUI_Module.h"
+#include "PVGUI_Module_impl.h"
#include "PVGUI_ProcessModuleHelper.h"
#include "PVGUI_ViewModel.h"
#include "PVGUI_ViewManager.h"
#include "PVGUI_ViewWindow.h"
-#include <SUIT_MessageBox.h>
#include <SUIT_Desktop.h>
+#include <SUIT_MessageBox.h>
+#include <SUIT_ResourceMgr.h>
#include <SUIT_Session.h>
#include <LightApp_Application.h>
#include <LightApp_SelectionMgr.h>
-#include <QtxActionMenuMgr.h>
+#include <QtxActionToolMgr.h>
+#include <QAction>
#include <QApplication>
-#include <QDockWidget>
-#include <QInputDialog>
-#include <QStringList>
-#include <QMenu>
#include <QIcon>
+#include <QInputDialog>
#include <QString>
+#include <QStringList>
+#include <QToolBar>
-#include <pqOptions.h>
#include <pqApplicationCore.h>
#include <pqActiveServer.h>
-#include <pqComparativeVisPanel.h>
-#include <pqMainWindowCore.h>
+#include <pqActiveView.h>
+#include <pqClientAboutDialog.h>
#include <pqObjectBuilder.h>
-#include <pqPipelineBrowser.h>
-#include <pqPipelineMenu.h>
+#include <pqOptions.h>
+#include <pqRenderView.h>
+#include <pqRubberBandHelper.h>
#include <pqServer.h>
#include <pqServerManagerModel.h>
#include <pqServerResource.h>
+#include <pqUndoStack.h>
+#include <pqVCRController.h>
#include <pqViewManager.h>
#include <vtkPVMain.h>
#include <vtkProcessModule.h>
-// PVGUI_Module::pqImplementation
-class PVGUI_Module::pqImplementation
- pqImplementation(QWidget* parent) :
- //AssistantClient(0),
- Core(parent)//,
- //RecentFilesMenu(0),
- //ViewMenu(0),
- //ToolbarsMenu(0)
- {
- }
- ~pqImplementation()
- {
- //delete this->ViewMenu;
- //delete this->ToolbarsMenu;
- //if(this->AssistantClient)
- // {
- // this->AssistantClient->closeAssistant();
- // delete this->AssistantClient;
- // }
- }
- //QPointer<QAssistantClient> AssistantClient;
- //Ui::MainWindow UI;
- pqMainWindowCore Core;
- //pqRecentFilesMenu* RecentFilesMenu;
- //pqViewMenu* ViewMenu;
- //pqViewMenu* ToolbarsMenu;
- //QLineEdit* CurrentTimeWidget;
- //QSpinBox* CurrentTimeIndexWidget;
- QPointer<pqServer> ActiveServer;
- QString DocumentationDir;
- static vtkPVMain* myPVMain;
- static pqOptions* myPVOptions;
- static PVGUI_ProcessModuleHelper* myPVHelper;
vtkPVMain* PVGUI_Module::pqImplementation::myPVMain = 0;
pqOptions* PVGUI_Module::pqImplementation::myPVOptions = 0;
PVGUI_ProcessModuleHelper* PVGUI_Module::pqImplementation::myPVHelper = 0;
PVGUI_ViewWindow* pvWnd = dynamic_cast<PVGUI_ViewWindow*>( wnd );
pvWnd->setMultiViewManager( &Implementation->Core.multiViewManager() );
- pvCreateActions();
+ pvCreateActions();
+ pvCreateMenus();
+ pvCreateToolBars();
+ setupDockWidgetsContextMenu();
// Now that we're ready, initialize everything ...
- \brief Create actions for ParaView GUI operations
- duplicating menus and toolbars in MainWindow class of
- the standard ParaView GUI client application.
+ \brief Manage the label of Undo operation.
+void PVGUI_Module::onUndoLabel(const QString& label)
+ action(UndoId)->setText(
+ label.isEmpty() ? tr("Can't Undo") : QString(tr("&Undo %1")).arg(label));
+ action(UndoId)->setStatusTip(
+ label.isEmpty() ? tr("Can't Undo") : QString(tr("Undo %1")).arg(label));
- In particular, ParaView is responsible for updating "Sources" and "Filters" menus.
- For this, specific menu managers created by pqMainWindowCore class are used, and PVGUI_Module
- is responsible for creation of corresponding QMenu objects only.
+ \brief Manage the label of Redo operation.
-void PVGUI_Module::pvCreateActions()
+void PVGUI_Module::onRedoLabel(const QString& label)
- // TODO...
- SUIT_Desktop* desk = application()->desktop();
- // Manage plug-ins
- int actionManagePlugins = 999;
- createAction( actionManagePlugins, tr( "TOP_MANAGE_PLUGINS" ), QIcon(), tr( "MEN_MANAGE_PLUGINS" ),
- tr( "STB_MANAGE_PLUGINS" ), 0, desk, false, &Implementation->Core, SLOT( onManagePlugins() ) );
- int aPVMnu = createMenu( tr( "MEN_TOOLS" ), -1, -1, 50 );
- createMenu( actionManagePlugins, aPVMnu, 10 );
- // Install ParaView managers for "Sources" and "Filters" menus
- QMenu* res = 0;
- aPVMnu = createMenu( tr( "Sources" ), -1, -1, 60 );
- res = getMenu( aPVMnu );
- if ( res ){
- Implementation->Core.setSourceMenu( res );
- connect(&this->Implementation->Core,
- SIGNAL(enableSourceCreate(bool)),
- res,
- SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+ action(RedoId)->setText(
+ label.isEmpty() ? tr("Can't Redo") : QString(tr("&Redo %1")).arg(label));
+ action(RedoId)->setStatusTip(
+ label.isEmpty() ? tr("Can't Redo") : QString(tr("Redo %1")).arg(label));
+ \brief Manage the label of Undo Camera operation.
+void PVGUI_Module::onCameraUndoLabel(const QString& label)
+ action(CameraUndoId)->setText(
+ label.isEmpty() ? tr("Can't Undo Camera") : QString(tr("U&ndo %1")).arg(label));
+ action(CameraUndoId)->setStatusTip(
+ label.isEmpty() ? tr("Can't Undo Camera") : QString(tr("Undo %1")).arg(label));
+ \brief Manage the label of Redo Camera operation.
+void PVGUI_Module::onCameraRedoLabel(const QString& label)
+ action(CameraRedoId)->setText(
+ label.isEmpty() ? tr("Can't Redo Camera") : QString(tr("R&edo %1")).arg(label));
+ action(CameraRedoId)->setStatusTip(
+ label.isEmpty() ? tr("Can't Redo Camera") : QString(tr("Redo %1")).arg(label));
+ \brief Slot to delete all objects.
+void PVGUI_Module::onDeleteAll()
+ pqObjectBuilder* builder = pqApplicationCore::instance()->getObjectBuilder();
+ Implementation->Core.getApplicationUndoStack()->beginUndoSet("Delete All");
+ builder->destroyPipelineProxies();
+ Implementation->Core.getApplicationUndoStack()->endUndoSet();
+ \brief Slot to check/uncheck the action for corresponding selection mode.
+void PVGUI_Module::onSelectionModeChanged(int mode)
+ if( toolMgr()->toolBar( mySelectionControlsTb )->isEnabled() ) {
+ if(mode == pqRubberBandHelper::SELECT) //surface selection
+ action(SelectCellsOnId)->setChecked(true);
+ else if(mode == pqRubberBandHelper::SELECT_POINTS) //surface selection
+ action(SelectPointsOnId)->setChecked(true);
+ else if(mode == pqRubberBandHelper::FRUSTUM)
+ action(SelectCellsThroughId)->setChecked(true);
+ else if(mode == pqRubberBandHelper::FRUSTUM_POINTS)
+ action(SelectPointsThroughId)->setChecked(true);
+ else if (mode == pqRubberBandHelper::BLOCKS)
+ action(SelectBlockId)->setChecked(true);
+ else // INTERACT
+ action(InteractId)->setChecked(true);
- aPVMnu = createMenu( tr( "Filters" ), -1, -1, 70 );
- res = getMenu( aPVMnu );
- if ( res ){
- Implementation->Core.setFilterMenu( res );
- connect(&this->Implementation->Core,
- SIGNAL(enableFilterCreate(bool)),
- res,
- SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+ \brief Slot to manage the change of axis center.
+void PVGUI_Module::onShowCenterAxisChanged(bool enabled)
+ action(ShowCenterId)->setEnabled(enabled);
+ action(ShowCenterId)->blockSignals(true);
+ pqRenderView* renView = qobject_cast<pqRenderView*>(
+ pqActiveView::instance().current());
+ action(ShowCenterId)->setChecked( renView ? renView->getCenterAxesVisibility() : false);
+ action(ShowCenterId)->blockSignals(false);
+ \brief Slot to set tooltips for the first anf the last frames, i.e. a time range of animation.
+void PVGUI_Module::setTimeRanges(double start, double end)
+ action(FirstFrameId)->setToolTip(QString("First Frame (%1)").arg(start, 0, 'g'));
+ action(LastFrameId)->setToolTip(QString("Last Frame (%1)").arg(end, 0, 'g'));
+ \brief Slot to manage the plaing process of animation.
+void PVGUI_Module::onPlaying(bool playing)
+ SUIT_ResourceMgr* resMgr = SUIT_Session::session()->resourceMgr();
+ if(playing) {
+ disconnect( action(PlayId), SIGNAL( triggered() ),
+ &Implementation->Core.VCRController(), SLOT( onPlay() ) );
+ connect( action(PlayId), SIGNAL( triggered() ),
+ &Implementation->Core.VCRController(), SLOT( onPause() ) );
+ action(PlayId)->setIcon(QIcon(resMgr->loadPixmap("ParaView",tr("ICON_PAUSE"),false)));
+ action(PlayId)->setText("Pa&use");
+ else {
+ connect( action(PlayId), SIGNAL( triggered() ),
+ &Implementation->Core.VCRController(), SLOT( onPlay() ) );
+ disconnect( action(PlayId), SIGNAL( triggered() ),
+ &Implementation->Core.VCRController(), SLOT( onPause() ) );
+ action(PlayId)->setIcon(QIcon(resMgr->loadPixmap("ParaView",tr("ICON_PLAY"),false)));
+ action(PlayId)->setText("&Play");
+ }
+ Implementation->Core.setSelectiveEnabledState(!playing);
+ \brief Slot to add camera link.
+void PVGUI_Module::onAddCameraLink()
+ pqView* vm = pqActiveView::instance().current();
+ pqRenderView* rm = qobject_cast<pqRenderView*>(vm);
+ if(rm) rm->linkToOtherView();
+ else SUIT_MessageBox::warning(getApp()->desktop(),
- \brief Create dock widgets for ParaView widgets such as object inspector, pipeline browser, etc.
- ParaView pqMainWIndowCore class is fully responsible for these dock widgets' contents.
+ \brief Slot to show information about ParaView.
-void PVGUI_Module::setupDockWidgets()
+void PVGUI_Module::onHelpAbout()
- SUIT_Desktop* desk = application()->desktop();
- // See ParaView src/Applications/Client/MainWindow.cxx
- QDockWidget* pipelineBrowserDock = new QDockWidget( tr( "Pipeline Browser" ), desk );
- pipelineBrowserDock->setAllowedAreas( Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea|Qt::NoDockWidgetArea|Qt::RightDockWidgetArea );
- desk->addDockWidget( Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea, pipelineBrowserDock );
- Implementation->Core.setupPipelineBrowser( pipelineBrowserDock );
- pqPipelineBrowser *browser = Implementation->Core.pipelineBrowser();
- Implementation->Core.pipelineMenu().setModels(browser->getModel(), browser->getSelectionModel());
- // TODO...
- /*connect(this->Implementation->UI.actionChangeInput, SIGNAL(triggered()),
- browser, SLOT(changeInput()));
- connect(this->Implementation->UI.actionDelete, SIGNAL(triggered()),
- browser, SLOT(deleteSelected()));
- pqPipelineBrowserContextMenu *browserMenu =
- new pqPipelineBrowserContextMenu(browser);
- browserMenu->setMenuAction(this->Implementation->UI.actionFileOpen);
- browserMenu->setMenuAction(this->Implementation->UI.actionChangeInput);
- browserMenu->setMenuAction(this->Implementation->UI.actionDelete);
- browserMenu->setMenuAction(this->Implementation->UI.actionToolsCreateCustomFilter);*/
- QDockWidget* objectInspectorDock = new QDockWidget( tr( "Object Inspector" ), desk );
- objectInspectorDock->setAllowedAreas( Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea|Qt::NoDockWidgetArea|Qt::RightDockWidgetArea );
- desk->addDockWidget( Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea, objectInspectorDock );
- pqProxyTabWidget* const proxyTab = Implementation->Core.setupProxyTabWidget( objectInspectorDock );
- // TODO...
- /* QObject::connect(
- proxyTab->getObjectInspector(),
- SIGNAL(helpRequested(QString)),
- this,
- SLOT(showHelpForProxy(QString)));
- QObject::connect(
- proxyTab->getObjectInspector(),
- SIGNAL(preaccept()),
- this,
- SLOT(onPreAccept()));
- QObject::connect(
- proxyTab->getObjectInspector(),
- SIGNAL(postaccept()),
- this,
- SLOT(onPostAccept()));*/
- QDockWidget* statisticsViewDock = new QDockWidget( tr( "Statistics View" ), desk );
- statisticsViewDock->setAllowedAreas( Qt::BottomDockWidgetArea|Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea|Qt::NoDockWidgetArea|Qt::RightDockWidgetArea );
- desk->addDockWidget( Qt::BottomDockWidgetArea, statisticsViewDock );
- Implementation->Core.setupStatisticsView( statisticsViewDock );
- QDockWidget* animationPanelDock = new QDockWidget( tr( "Animation Inspector" ), desk );
- desk->addDockWidget( Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea, animationPanelDock );
- pqAnimationPanel* animation_panel = Implementation->Core.setupAnimationPanel( animationPanelDock );
- // TODO...
- /* animation_panel->setCurrentTimeToolbar(
- this->Implementation->UI.currentTimeToolbar);*/
- QDockWidget* lookmarkBrowserDock = new QDockWidget( tr( "Lookmark Browser" ), desk );
- QSizePolicy sp( QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Preferred );
- sp.setHorizontalStretch( 0 );
- sp.setVerticalStretch( 0 );
- lookmarkBrowserDock->setSizePolicy( sp );
- lookmarkBrowserDock->setFloating( false );
- desk->addDockWidget( Qt::RightDockWidgetArea, lookmarkBrowserDock );
- Implementation->Core.setupLookmarkBrowser( lookmarkBrowserDock );
- QDockWidget* lookmarkInspectorDock = new QDockWidget( tr( "Lookmark Inspector" ), desk );
- lookmarkInspectorDock->setAllowedAreas( Qt::RightDockWidgetArea );
- desk->addDockWidget( Qt::RightDockWidgetArea, lookmarkInspectorDock );
- Implementation->Core.setupLookmarkInspector( lookmarkInspectorDock );
- QDockWidget* comparativePanelDock = new QDockWidget( tr( "Comparative View Inspector" ), desk );
- desk->addDockWidget( Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea, comparativePanelDock );
- pqComparativeVisPanel* cv_panel = new pqComparativeVisPanel( comparativePanelDock );
- comparativePanelDock->setWidget(cv_panel);
- QDockWidget* animationViewDock = new QDockWidget( tr( "Animation View" ), desk );
- desk->addDockWidget( Qt::BottomDockWidgetArea, animationViewDock );
- Implementation->Core.setupAnimationView( animationViewDock );
- QDockWidget* selectionInspectorDock = new QDockWidget( tr( "Selection Inspector" ), desk );
- selectionInspectorDock->setAllowedAreas( Qt::AllDockWidgetAreas );
- desk->addDockWidget( Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea, selectionInspectorDock );
- Implementation->Core.setupSelectionInspector( selectionInspectorDock );
- // Setup the statusbar ...
- Implementation->Core.setupProgressBar( desk->statusBar() );
- // Set up the dock window corners to give the vertical docks more room.
- desk->setCorner(Qt::BottomLeftCorner, Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea);
- desk->setCorner(Qt::BottomRightCorner, Qt::RightDockWidgetArea);
- // Setup the default dock configuration ...
- lookmarkBrowserDock->hide();
- lookmarkInspectorDock->hide();
- statisticsViewDock->hide();
- animationPanelDock->hide();
- comparativePanelDock->hide();
- animationViewDock->hide();
- selectionInspectorDock->hide();
+ pqClientAboutDialog* const dialog = new pqClientAboutDialog(getApp()->desktop());
+ dialog->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
+ dialog->show();
return aMVM;
-QMenu* PVGUI_Module::getMenu( const int id )
- QMenu* res = 0;
- LightApp_Application* anApp = getApp();
- SUIT_Desktop* desk = anApp->desktop();
- if ( desk ){
- QtxActionMenuMgr* menuMgr = desk->menuMgr();
- res = menuMgr->findMenu( id );
- }
- return res;
\brief Activate module.
\param study current study
--- /dev/null
+// LIGHT : sample (no-corba-engine) SALOME module
+// Copyright (C) 2003 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
+// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// Lesser General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
+// File : PVGUI_Module_MenuActions.cxx
+// Author : Margarita KARPUNINA
+#include "PVGUI_Module_impl.h"
+#include <QtxAction.h>
+#include <QtxActionMenuMgr.h>
+#include <QtxActionToolMgr.h>
+#include <SUIT_Desktop.h>
+#include <SUIT_ResourceMgr.h>
+#include <SUIT_Session.h>
+#include <LightApp_Application.h>
+#include <QAction>
+#include <QMenu>
+#include <QToolBar>
+#include <pqApplicationCore.h>
+#include <pqColorScaleToolbar.h>
+#include <pqMainWindowCore.h>
+#include <pqObjectInspectorDriver.h>
+#include <pqPipelineBrowser.h>
+#include <pqProgressManager.h>
+#include <pqRubberBandHelper.h>
+#include <pqScalarBarVisibilityAdaptor.h>
+#include <pqUndoStack.h>
+#include <pqVCRController.h>
+ \brief Create actions for ParaView GUI operations
+ duplicating menus and toolbars in MainWindow class of
+ the standard ParaView GUI client application.
+void PVGUI_Module::pvCreateActions()
+ SUIT_Desktop* desk = application()->desktop();
+ SUIT_ResourceMgr* resMgr = SUIT_Session::session()->resourceMgr();
+ QPixmap aPixmap;
+ QAction* anAction;
+ QtxAction* aQtxAction;
+ // --- Menu "File"
+ // Open File
+ aPixmap = resMgr->loadPixmap( "ParaView", tr("ICON_OPEN_FILE"), false );
+ createAction( OpenFileId, tr("TOP_OPEN_FILE"), QIcon(aPixmap),
+ 0, desk, false, &Implementation->Core, SLOT( onFileOpen() ) );
+ // Load State
+ anAction = createAction( LoadStateId, tr("TOP_LOAD_STATE"), QIcon(),
+ 0, desk, false, &Implementation->Core, SLOT( onFileLoadServerState() ) );
+ connect( &Implementation->Core, SIGNAL( enableFileLoadServerState(bool) ),
+ anAction, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) );
+ // Save State
+ anAction = createAction( SaveStateId, tr("TOP_SAVE_STATE"), QIcon(),
+ 0, desk, false, &Implementation->Core, SLOT( onFileSaveServerState() ) );
+ connect( &Implementation->Core, SIGNAL( enableFileSaveServerState(bool) ),
+ anAction, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) );
+ // Save Data
+ aPixmap = resMgr->loadPixmap( "ParaView", tr("ICON_SAVE_DATA"), false );
+ anAction = createAction( SaveDataId, tr("TOP_SAVE_DATA"), QIcon(aPixmap),
+ 0, desk, false, &Implementation->Core, SLOT( onFileSaveData() ) );
+ connect( &Implementation->Core, SIGNAL( enableFileSaveData(bool) ),
+ anAction, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) );
+ // Save Screenshot
+ aPixmap = resMgr->loadPixmap( "ParaView", tr("ICON_SAVE_SCREENSHOT"), false );
+ anAction = createAction( SaveScreenshotId, tr("TOP_SAVE_SCREENSHOT"), QIcon(aPixmap),
+ 0, desk, false, &Implementation->Core, SLOT( onFileSaveScreenshot() ) );
+ connect( &Implementation->Core, SIGNAL( enableFileSaveScreenshot(bool) ),
+ anAction, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) );
+ // Export
+ anAction = createAction( ExportId, tr("TOP_EXPORT"), QIcon(),
+ tr("MEN_EXPORT"), tr("STB_EXPORT"),
+ 0, desk, false, &Implementation->Core, SLOT( onFileExport() ) );
+ connect( &Implementation->Core, SIGNAL( enableExport(bool) ),
+ anAction, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) );
+ // Save Animation
+ aPixmap = resMgr->loadPixmap( "ParaView", tr("ICON_SAVE_ANIMATION"), false );
+ anAction = createAction( SaveAnimationId, tr("TOP_SAVE_ANIMATION"), QIcon(aPixmap),
+ 0, desk, false, &Implementation->Core, SLOT( onFileSaveAnimation() ) );
+ connect( &Implementation->Core, SIGNAL( enableFileSaveAnimation(bool) ),
+ anAction, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) );
+ // Save Geometry
+ aPixmap = resMgr->loadPixmap( "ParaView", tr("ICON_SAVE_GEOMETRY"), false );
+ anAction = createAction( SaveGeometryId, tr("TOP_SAVE_GEOMETRY"), QIcon(aPixmap),
+ 0, desk, false, &Implementation->Core, SLOT( onSaveGeometry() ) );
+ connect( &Implementation->Core, SIGNAL( enableFileSaveGeometry(bool) ),
+ anAction, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) );
+ // Connect
+ aPixmap = resMgr->loadPixmap( "ParaView", tr("ICON_CONNECT"), false );
+ anAction = createAction( ConnectId, tr("TOP_CONNECT"), QIcon(aPixmap),
+ 0, desk, false, &Implementation->Core, SLOT( onServerConnect() ) );
+ connect( &Implementation->Core, SIGNAL( enableServerConnect(bool) ),
+ anAction, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) );
+ // Disconnect
+ aPixmap = resMgr->loadPixmap( "ParaView", tr("ICON_DISCONNECT"), false );
+ anAction = createAction( DisconnectId, tr("TOP_DISCONNECT"), QIcon(aPixmap),
+ 0, desk, false, &Implementation->Core, SLOT( onServerDisconnect() ) );
+ connect( &Implementation->Core, SIGNAL( enableServerDisconnect(bool) ),
+ anAction, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) );
+ // --- Menu "Edit"
+ pqUndoStack* undoStack = Implementation->Core.getApplicationUndoStack();
+ // Undo
+ aPixmap = resMgr->loadPixmap( "ParaView", tr("ICON_UNDO"), false );
+ anAction = createAction( UndoId, tr("TOP_UNDO"), QIcon(aPixmap),
+ tr("MEN_UNDO"), tr("STB_UNDO"), Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_Z,
+ desk, false, undoStack, SLOT( undo() ) );
+ connect( undoStack, SIGNAL( canUndoChanged(bool) ),
+ anAction, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) );
+ connect( undoStack, SIGNAL( undoLabelChanged(const QString&) ),
+ this, SLOT( onUndoLabel(const QString&) ) );
+ anAction->setEnabled( undoStack->canUndo() );
+ onUndoLabel(undoStack->undoLabel());
+ // Redo
+ aPixmap = resMgr->loadPixmap( "ParaView", tr("ICON_REDO"), false );
+ anAction = createAction( RedoId, tr("TOP_REDO"), QIcon(aPixmap),
+ tr("MEN_REDO"), tr("STB_REDO"), Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_Y,
+ desk, false, undoStack, SLOT( redo() ) );
+ connect( undoStack, SIGNAL( canRedoChanged(bool) ),
+ anAction, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) );
+ connect( undoStack, SIGNAL( redoLabelChanged(const QString&) ),
+ this, SLOT( onRedoLabel(const QString&) ) );
+ anAction->setEnabled( undoStack->canRedo() );
+ onRedoLabel(undoStack->redoLabel());
+ // Camera Undo
+ aPixmap = resMgr->loadPixmap( "ParaView", tr("ICON_CAMERA_UNDO"), false );
+ anAction = createAction( CameraUndoId, tr("TOP_CAMERA_UNDO"), QIcon(aPixmap),
+ tr("MEN_CAMERA_UNDO"), tr("STB_CAMERA_UNDO"), Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_C+Qt::Key_B,
+ desk, false, &Implementation->Core, SLOT( onEditCameraUndo() ) );
+ connect( &Implementation->Core, SIGNAL( enableCameraUndo(bool) ),
+ anAction, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) );
+ connect( &Implementation->Core, SIGNAL( cameraUndoLabel(const QString&) ),
+ this, SLOT( onCameraUndoLabel(const QString&) ) );
+ // Camera Redo
+ aPixmap = resMgr->loadPixmap( "ParaView", tr("ICON_CAMERA_REDO"), false );
+ anAction = createAction( CameraRedoId, tr("TOP_CAMERA_REDO"), QIcon(aPixmap),
+ tr("MEN_CAMERA_REDO"), tr("STB_CAMERA_REDO"), Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_C+Qt::Key_F,
+ desk, false, &Implementation->Core, SLOT( onEditCameraRedo() ) );
+ connect( &Implementation->Core, SIGNAL( enableCameraRedo(bool) ),
+ anAction, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) );
+ connect( &Implementation->Core, SIGNAL( cameraRedoLabel(const QString&) ),
+ this, SLOT( onCameraRedoLabel(const QString&) ) );
+ pqPipelineBrowser* browser = Implementation->Core.pipelineBrowser();
+ // Change Input
+ createAction( ChangeInputId, tr("TOP_CHANGE_INPUT"), QIcon(),
+ 0, desk, false, browser, SLOT( changeInput() ) );
+ // Delete
+ createAction( DeleteId, tr("TOP_DELETE"), QIcon(),
+ tr("MEN_DELETE"), tr("STB_DELETE"),
+ 0, desk, false, browser, SLOT( deleteSelected() ) );
+ // Delet All
+ createAction( DeleteAllId, tr("TOP_DELETE_ALL"), QIcon(),
+ 0, desk, false, this, SLOT( onDeleteAll() ) );
+ // Interact
+ aPixmap = resMgr->loadPixmap( "ParaView", tr("ICON_INTERACT"), false );
+ anAction = createAction( InteractId, tr("TOP_INTERACT"), QIcon(aPixmap),
+ tr("MEN_INTERACT"), tr("STB_INTERACT"), 0, desk, true,
+ Implementation->Core.renderViewSelectionHelper(), SLOT( endSelection() ) );
+ anAction->setChecked( true ); ///!!!
+ connect( Implementation->Core.renderViewSelectionHelper(), SIGNAL( interactionModeChanged(bool) ),
+ anAction, SLOT( setChecked(bool) ) );
+ // Select Cells On
+ aPixmap = resMgr->loadPixmap( "ParaView", tr("ICON_SELECT_CELLS_ON"), false );
+ anAction = createAction( SelectCellsOnId, tr("TOP_SELECT_CELLS_ON"), QIcon(aPixmap),
+ tr("MEN_SELECT_CELLS_ON"), tr("STB_SELECT_CELLS_ON"), Qt::Key_S, desk, true,
+ Implementation->Core.renderViewSelectionHelper(), SLOT( beginSurfaceSelection() ) );
+ connect( Implementation->Core.renderViewSelectionHelper(), SIGNAL( enableSurfaceSelection(bool) ),
+ anAction, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) );
+ // Select Points On
+ aPixmap = resMgr->loadPixmap( "ParaView", tr("ICON_SELECT_POINTS_ON"), false );
+ anAction = createAction( SelectPointsOnId, tr("TOP_SELECT_POINTS_ON"), QIcon(aPixmap),
+ tr("MEN_SELECT_POINTS_ON"), tr("STB_SELECT_POINTS_ON"), 0, desk, true,
+ Implementation->Core.renderViewSelectionHelper(), SLOT( beginSurfacePointsSelection() ) );
+ connect( Implementation->Core.renderViewSelectionHelper(), SIGNAL( enableSurfacePointsSelection(bool) ),
+ anAction, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) );
+ // Select Cells Through
+ aPixmap = resMgr->loadPixmap( "ParaView", tr("ICON_SELECT_CELLS_THROUGH"), false );
+ anAction = createAction( SelectCellsThroughId, tr("TOP_SELECT_CELLS_THROUGH"), QIcon(aPixmap),
+ Implementation->Core.renderViewSelectionHelper(), SLOT( beginFrustumSelection() ) );
+ connect( Implementation->Core.renderViewSelectionHelper(), SIGNAL( enableFrustumSelection(bool) ),
+ anAction, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) );
+ // Select Points Through
+ aPixmap = resMgr->loadPixmap( "ParaView", tr("ICON_SELECT_POINTS_THROUGH"), false );
+ anAction = createAction( SelectPointsThroughId, tr("TOP_SELECT_POINTS_THROUGH"), QIcon(aPixmap),
+ Implementation->Core.renderViewSelectionHelper(), SLOT( beginFrustumPointsSelection() ) );
+ connect( Implementation->Core.renderViewSelectionHelper(), SIGNAL( enableFrustumPointSelection(bool) ),
+ anAction, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) );
+ // Select Block
+ aPixmap = resMgr->loadPixmap( "ParaView", tr("ICON_SELECT_BLOCK"), false );
+ anAction = createAction( SelectBlockId, tr("TOP_SELECT_BLOCK"), QIcon(aPixmap),
+ tr("MEN_SELECT_BLOCK"), tr("STB_SELECT_BLOCK"), Qt::Key_B, desk, true,
+ Implementation->Core.renderViewSelectionHelper(), SLOT( beginBlockSelection() ) );
+ connect( Implementation->Core.renderViewSelectionHelper(), SIGNAL( enableBlockSelection(bool) ),
+ anAction, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) );
+ // Create action group for exclusively selected modes
+ QActionGroup* aModeGroup = new QActionGroup( desk );
+ aModeGroup->addAction( action(InteractId) );
+ aModeGroup->addAction( action(SelectCellsOnId) );
+ aModeGroup->addAction( action(SelectPointsOnId) );
+ aModeGroup->addAction( action(SelectCellsThroughId) );
+ aModeGroup->addAction( action(SelectPointsThroughId) );
+ aModeGroup->addAction( action(SelectBlockId) );
+ connect( Implementation->Core.renderViewSelectionHelper(), SIGNAL( selectionModeChanged(int) ),
+ this, SLOT( onSelectionModeChanged(int) ) );
+ // When a selection is marked, we revert to interaction mode.
+ connect( Implementation->Core.renderViewSelectionHelper(), SIGNAL( selectionFinished(int, int, int, int) ),
+ Implementation->Core.renderViewSelectionHelper(), SLOT( endSelection() ) );
+ // Setting
+ createAction( SettingsId, tr("TOP_SETTINGS"), QIcon(),
+ 0, desk, false, &Implementation->Core, SLOT( onEditSettings() ) );
+ // View Settings
+ createAction( ViewSettingsId, tr("TOP_VIEW_SETTINGS"), QIcon(),
+ 0, desk, false, &Implementation->Core, SLOT( onEditViewSettings() ) );
+ // --- Menu "View"
+ // Camera submenu -> Reset
+ aPixmap = resMgr->loadPixmap( "ParaView", tr("ICON_RESET_CAMERA"), false );
+ anAction = createAction( ResetCameraId, tr("TOP_RESET_CAMERA"), QIcon(aPixmap),
+ 0, desk, false, &Implementation->Core, SLOT( resetCamera() ) );
+ connect( &Implementation->Core, SIGNAL( enableFileSaveScreenshot(bool) ),
+ anAction, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) );
+ // Camera submenu -> +X
+ aPixmap = resMgr->loadPixmap( "ParaView", tr("ICON_+X"), false );
+ anAction = createAction( PositiveXId, tr("TOP_+X"), QIcon(aPixmap),
+ tr("MEN_+X"), tr("STB_+X"),
+ 0, desk, false, &Implementation->Core, SLOT( resetViewDirectionPosX() ) );
+ connect( &Implementation->Core, SIGNAL( enableFileSaveScreenshot(bool) ),
+ anAction, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) );
+ // Camera submenu -> -X
+ aPixmap = resMgr->loadPixmap( "ParaView", tr("ICON_-X"), false );
+ anAction = createAction( NegativeXId, tr("TOP_-X"), QIcon(aPixmap),
+ tr("MEN_-X"), tr("STB_-X"),
+ 0, desk, false, &Implementation->Core, SLOT( resetViewDirectionNegX() ) );
+ connect( &Implementation->Core, SIGNAL( enableFileSaveScreenshot(bool) ),
+ anAction, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) );
+ // Camera submenu -> +Y
+ aPixmap = resMgr->loadPixmap( "ParaView", tr("ICON_+Y"), false );
+ anAction = createAction( PositiveYId, tr("TOP_+Y"), QIcon(aPixmap),
+ tr("MEN_+Y"), tr("STB_+Y"),
+ 0, desk, false, &Implementation->Core, SLOT( resetViewDirectionPosY() ) );
+ connect( &Implementation->Core, SIGNAL( enableFileSaveScreenshot(bool) ),
+ anAction, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) );
+ // Camera submenu -> -Y
+ aPixmap = resMgr->loadPixmap( "ParaView", tr("ICON_-Y"), false );
+ anAction = createAction( NegativeYId, tr("TOP_-Y"), QIcon(aPixmap),
+ tr("MEN_-Y"), tr("STB_-Y"),
+ 0, desk, false, &Implementation->Core, SLOT( resetViewDirectionNegY() ) );
+ connect( &Implementation->Core, SIGNAL( enableFileSaveScreenshot(bool) ),
+ anAction, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) );
+ // Camera submenu -> +Z
+ aPixmap = resMgr->loadPixmap( "ParaView", tr("ICON_+Z"), false );
+ anAction = createAction( PositiveZId, tr("TOP_+Z"), QIcon(aPixmap),
+ tr("MEN_+Z"), tr("STB_+Z"),
+ 0, desk, false, &Implementation->Core, SLOT( resetViewDirectionPosZ() ) );
+ connect( &Implementation->Core, SIGNAL( enableFileSaveScreenshot(bool) ),
+ anAction, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) );
+ // Camera submenu -> -Z
+ aPixmap = resMgr->loadPixmap( "ParaView", tr("ICON_-Z"), false );
+ anAction = createAction( NegativeZId, tr("TOP_-Z"), QIcon(aPixmap),
+ tr("MEN_-Z"), tr("STB_-Z"),
+ 0, desk, false, &Implementation->Core, SLOT( resetViewDirectionNegZ() ) );
+ connect( &Implementation->Core, SIGNAL( enableFileSaveScreenshot(bool) ),
+ anAction, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) );
+ // Show Center
+ aPixmap = resMgr->loadPixmap( "ParaView", tr("ICON_SHOW_CENTER"), false );
+ aQtxAction = new QtxAction( tr("TOP_SHOW_CENTER"), QIcon(aPixmap),
+ tr("MEN_SHOW_CENTER"), 0, desk );
+ aQtxAction->setStatusTip( tr( "PRP_APP_SHOW_CENTER" ) );
+ aQtxAction->setCheckable( true );
+ registerAction( ShowCenterId, aQtxAction );
+ connect( aQtxAction, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ),
+ &Implementation->Core, SLOT( setCenterAxesVisibility(bool) ) );
+ connect( &Implementation->Core, SIGNAL( enableShowCenterAxis(bool) ),
+ this, SLOT( onShowCenterAxisChanged(bool) ), Qt::QueuedConnection );
+ // Reset Center
+ aPixmap = resMgr->loadPixmap( "ParaView", tr("ICON_RESET_CENTER"), false );
+ anAction = createAction( ResetCenterId, tr("TOP_RESET_CENTER"), QIcon(aPixmap),
+ tr("MEN_RESET_CENTER"), tr("STB_RESET_CENTER"), 0, desk, false,
+ &Implementation->Core, SLOT( resetCenterOfRotationToCenterOfCurrentData() ) );
+ connect( &Implementation->Core, SIGNAL( enableResetCenter(bool) ),
+ anAction, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) );
+ // Pick Center
+ aPixmap = resMgr->loadPixmap( "ParaView", tr("ICON_PICK_CENTER"), false );
+ aQtxAction = new QtxAction( tr("TOP_PICK_CENTER"), QIcon(aPixmap),
+ tr("MEN_PICK_CENTER"), 0, desk );
+ aQtxAction->setStatusTip( tr( "PRP_APP_PICK_CENTER" ) );
+ aQtxAction->setCheckable( true );
+ registerAction( PickCenterId, aQtxAction );
+ connect( aQtxAction, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ),
+ &Implementation->Core, SLOT( pickCenterOfRotation(bool) ) );
+ connect( &Implementation->Core, SIGNAL( enablePickCenter(bool) ),
+ aQtxAction, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) );
+ connect( &Implementation->Core, SIGNAL( pickingCenter(bool) ),
+ aQtxAction, SLOT( setChecked(bool) ) );
+ // Show Color Legend
+ aPixmap = resMgr->loadPixmap( "ParaView", tr("ICON_SHOW_COLOR_LEGEND"), false );
+ aQtxAction = new QtxAction( tr("TOP_SHOW_COLOR_LEGEND"), QIcon(aPixmap),
+ tr("MEN_SHOW_COLOR_LEGEND"), 0, desk );
+ aQtxAction->setStatusTip( tr( "PRP_APP_SHOW_COLOR_LEGEND" ) );
+ aQtxAction->setCheckable( true );
+ aQtxAction->setEnabled(false);
+ registerAction( ShowColorLegendId, aQtxAction );
+ pqScalarBarVisibilityAdaptor* sbva = new pqScalarBarVisibilityAdaptor( aQtxAction );
+ connect( Implementation->Core.getObjectInspectorDriver(),
+ SIGNAL( representationChanged(pqDataRepresentation*, pqView*) ),
+ sbva,
+ SLOT( setActiveRepresentation(pqDataRepresentation*) ) );
+ // --- Menu "Sources" and "Filters"
+ // As ParaView is responsible for updating "Sources" and "Filters" menus,
+ // actions for these menus are created inside the pqMainWindowCore.
+ // So, the creation of corresponding QMenu object is in the PVGUI_Module::pvCreateMenus().
+ // --- Menu "Animation"
+ pqVCRController* vcrcontroller = &Implementation->Core.VCRController();
+ // First Frame
+ aPixmap = resMgr->loadPixmap( "ParaView", tr("ICON_FIRST_FRAME"), false );
+ anAction = createAction( FirstFrameId, tr("TOP_FIRST_FRAME"), QIcon(aPixmap),
+ 0, desk, false, vcrcontroller, SLOT( onFirstFrame() ) );
+ connect( vcrcontroller, SIGNAL( enabled(bool) ), anAction, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) );
+ // Previous Frame
+ aPixmap = resMgr->loadPixmap( "ParaView", tr("ICON_PREVIOUS_FRAME"), false );
+ anAction = createAction( PreviousFrameId, tr("TOP_PREVIOUS_FRAME"), QIcon(aPixmap),
+ 0, desk, false, vcrcontroller, SLOT( onPreviousFrame() ) );
+ connect( vcrcontroller, SIGNAL( enabled(bool) ), anAction, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) );
+ // Play
+ aPixmap = resMgr->loadPixmap( "ParaView", tr("ICON_PLAY"), false );
+ anAction = createAction( PlayId, tr("TOP_PLAY"), QIcon(aPixmap),
+ tr("MEN_PLAY"), tr("STB_PLAY"),
+ 0, desk, false, vcrcontroller, SLOT( onPlay() ) );
+ connect( vcrcontroller, SIGNAL( enabled(bool) ), anAction, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) );
+ // Next Frame
+ aPixmap = resMgr->loadPixmap( "ParaView", tr("ICON_NEXT_FRAME"), false );
+ anAction = createAction( NextFrameId, tr("TOP_NEXT_FRAME"), QIcon(aPixmap),
+ 0, desk, false, vcrcontroller, SLOT( onNextFrame() ) );
+ connect( vcrcontroller, SIGNAL( enabled(bool) ), anAction, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) );
+ // Last Frame
+ aPixmap = resMgr->loadPixmap( "ParaView", tr("ICON_LAST_FRAME"), false );
+ anAction = createAction( LastFrameId, tr("TOP_LAST_FRAME"), QIcon(aPixmap),
+ 0, desk, false, vcrcontroller, SLOT( onLastFrame() ) );
+ connect( vcrcontroller, SIGNAL( enabled(bool) ), anAction, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) );
+ // Loop
+ aPixmap = resMgr->loadPixmap( "ParaView", tr("ICON_LOOP"), false );
+ aQtxAction = new QtxAction( tr("TOP_LOOP"), QIcon(aPixmap),
+ tr("MEN_LOOP"), 0, desk );
+ aQtxAction->setStatusTip( tr( "PRP_APP_LOOP" ) );
+ aQtxAction->setCheckable(true);
+ registerAction( LoopId, aQtxAction );
+ connect( aQtxAction, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), vcrcontroller, SLOT( onLoop(bool) ) );
+ connect( vcrcontroller, SIGNAL( enabled(bool) ), aQtxAction, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) );
+ connect( vcrcontroller, SIGNAL( loop(bool) ), aQtxAction, SLOT( setChecked(bool) ) );
+ connect( vcrcontroller, SIGNAL( playing(bool) ), this, SLOT( onPlaying(bool) ) );
+ connect( vcrcontroller, SIGNAL( timeRanges(double, double) ),
+ this, SLOT( setTimeRanges(double, double) ) );
+ // --- Menu "Tools"
+ // Create Custom Filter
+ createAction( CreateCustomFilterId, tr("TOP_CREATE_CUSTOM_FILTER"), QIcon(),
+ 0, desk, false, &Implementation->Core, SLOT( onToolsCreateCustomFilter() ) );
+ // Manage Custom Filters
+ createAction( ManageCustomFiltersId, tr("TOP_MANAGE_CUSTOM_FILTERS"), QIcon(),
+ 0, desk, false, &Implementation->Core, SLOT( onToolsManageCustomFilters() ) );
+ // Create Lookmark
+ createAction( CreateLookmarkId, tr("TOP_CREATE_LOOKMARK"), QIcon(),
+ 0, desk, false, &Implementation->Core, SLOT( onToolsCreateLookmark() ) );
+ // Manage Links
+ createAction( ManageLinksId, tr("TOP_MANAGE_LINKS"), QIcon(),
+ 0, desk, false, &Implementation->Core, SLOT( onToolsManageLinks() ) );
+ // Add Camera Link
+ createAction( AddCameraLinkId, tr("TOP_ADD_CAMERA_LINK"), QIcon(),
+ 0, desk, false, this, SLOT( onAddCameraLink() ) );
+ // Manage Plugins/Extensions
+ createAction( ManagePluginsExtensionsId, tr( "TOP_MANAGE_PLUGINS" ), QIcon(),
+ 0, desk, false, &Implementation->Core, SLOT( onManagePlugins() ) );
+ // Dump Widget Names
+ createAction( DumpWidgetNamesId, tr( "TOP_DUMP_WIDGET_NAMES" ), QIcon(),
+ 0, desk, false, &Implementation->Core, SLOT( onToolsDumpWidgetNames() ) );
+ // Record Test
+ createAction( RecordTestId, tr( "TOP_RECORD_TEST" ), QIcon(),
+ 0, desk, false, &Implementation->Core, SLOT( onToolsRecordTest() ) );
+ // Record Test Screenshot
+ createAction( RecordTestScreenshotId, tr( "TOP_RECORD_TEST_SCREENSHOT" ), QIcon(),
+ 0, desk, false, &Implementation->Core, SLOT( onToolsRecordTestScreenshot() ) );
+ // Play Test
+ createAction( PlayTestId, tr( "TOP_PLAY_TEST" ), QIcon(),
+ tr( "MEN_PLAY_TEST" ), tr( "STB_PLAY_TEST" ),
+ 0, desk, false, &Implementation->Core, SLOT( onToolsPlayTest() ) );
+ // Max Window Size
+ aQtxAction = new QtxAction( tr("TOP_MAX_WINDOW_SIZE"), QIcon(),
+ tr("MEN_MAX_WINDOW_SIZE"), 0, desk );
+ aQtxAction->setStatusTip( tr( "PRP_APP_MAX_WINDOW_SIZE" ) );
+ aQtxAction->setCheckable(true);
+ registerAction( MaxWindowSizeId, aQtxAction );
+ connect( aQtxAction, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), &Implementation->Core, SLOT( enableTestingRenderWindowSize(bool) ) );
+ // Timer Log
+ createAction( TimerLogId, tr( "TOP_TIMER_LOG" ), QIcon(),
+ tr( "MEN_TIMER_LOG" ), tr( "STB_TIMER_LOG" ),
+ 0, desk, false, &Implementation->Core, SLOT( onToolsTimerLog() ) );
+ // Output Window
+ createAction( OutputWindowId, tr( "TOP_OUTPUT_WINDOW" ), QIcon(),
+ 0, desk, false, &Implementation->Core, SLOT( onToolsOutputWindow() ) );
+ // Python Shell
+ createAction( PythonShellId, tr( "TOP_PYTHON_SHELL" ), QIcon(),
+ 0, desk, false, &Implementation->Core, SLOT( onToolsPythonShell() ) );
+ // --- Menu "Help"
+ // About
+ createAction( AboutParaViewId, tr( "TOP_ABOUT" ), QIcon(),
+ tr( "MEN_ABOUT" ), tr( "STB_ABOUT" ),
+ 0, desk, false, this, SLOT( onHelpAbout() ) );
+ // ParaView Help
+ // TODO...
+ // Enable Tooltips
+ aQtxAction = new QtxAction( tr("TOP_ENABLE_TOOLTIPS"), QIcon(),
+ tr("MEN_ENABLE_TOOLTIPS"), 0, desk );
+ aQtxAction->setStatusTip( tr( "PRP_APP_ENABLE_TOOLTIPS" ) );
+ aQtxAction->setCheckable(true);
+ registerAction( EnableTooltipsId, aQtxAction );
+ \brief Create menus for ParaView GUI operations
+ duplicating menus in pqMainWindow ParaView class
+ In particular, ParaView is responsible for updating "Sources" and "Filters" menus.
+ For this, specific menu managers created by pqMainWindowCore class are used, and PVGUI_Module
+ is responsible for creation of corresponding QMenu objects only.
+void PVGUI_Module::pvCreateMenus()
+ // --- Menu "File"
+ int aPVMnu = createMenu( tr( "MEN_DESK_FILE" ), -1, -1 );
+ createMenu( OpenFileId, aPVMnu, 5 );
+ createMenu( separator(), aPVMnu, -1, 5 );
+ createMenu( LoadStateId, aPVMnu, 15 );
+ createMenu( SaveStateId, aPVMnu, 15 );
+ createMenu( separator(), aPVMnu, -1, 15 );
+ createMenu( SaveDataId, aPVMnu, 25 );
+ createMenu( SaveScreenshotId, aPVMnu, 25 );
+ createMenu( ExportId, aPVMnu, 25 );
+ createMenu( separator(), aPVMnu, -1, 25 );
+ createMenu( SaveAnimationId, aPVMnu, 35 );
+ createMenu( SaveGeometryId, aPVMnu, 35 );
+ createMenu( separator(), aPVMnu, -1, 35 );
+ createMenu( ConnectId, aPVMnu, 45 );
+ createMenu( DisconnectId, aPVMnu, 45 );
+ createMenu( separator(), aPVMnu, -1, 45 );
+ // --- Menu "Edit"
+ aPVMnu = createMenu( tr( "MEN_DESK_EDIT" ), -1, -1 );
+ createMenu( UndoId, aPVMnu );
+ createMenu( RedoId, aPVMnu );
+ createMenu( separator(), aPVMnu );
+ createMenu( CameraUndoId, aPVMnu );
+ createMenu( CameraRedoId, aPVMnu );
+ createMenu( separator(), aPVMnu );
+ createMenu( ChangeInputId, aPVMnu );
+ createMenu( DeleteId, aPVMnu );
+ createMenu( DeleteAllId, aPVMnu );
+ createMenu( separator(), aPVMnu );
+ createMenu( InteractId, aPVMnu );
+ createMenu( SelectCellsOnId, aPVMnu );
+ createMenu( SelectPointsOnId, aPVMnu );
+ createMenu( SelectCellsThroughId, aPVMnu );
+ createMenu( SelectPointsThroughId, aPVMnu );
+ createMenu( SelectBlockId, aPVMnu );
+ createMenu( separator(), aPVMnu );
+ createMenu( SettingsId, aPVMnu );
+ createMenu( ViewSettingsId, aPVMnu );
+ createMenu( separator(), aPVMnu );
+ // --- Menu "View"
+ aPVMnu = createMenu( tr( "MEN_DESK_VIEW" ), -1, -1 );
+ int aCameraMnu = createMenu( tr( "MEN_CAMERA" ), aPVMnu );
+ createMenu( ResetCameraId, aCameraMnu );
+ createMenu( PositiveXId, aCameraMnu );
+ createMenu( NegativeXId, aCameraMnu );
+ createMenu( PositiveYId, aCameraMnu );
+ createMenu( NegativeYId, aCameraMnu );
+ createMenu( PositiveZId, aCameraMnu );
+ createMenu( NegativeZId, aCameraMnu );
+ createMenu( separator(), aPVMnu );
+ createMenu( ShowCenterId, aPVMnu );
+ createMenu( ResetCenterId, aPVMnu );
+ createMenu( PickCenterId, aPVMnu );
+ createMenu( ShowColorLegendId, aPVMnu );
+ createMenu( separator(), aPVMnu );
+ // --- Menu "Sources"
+ // Install ParaView managers for "Sources" menu
+ QMenu* aRes = 0;
+ aPVMnu = createMenu( tr( "MEN_DESK_SOURCES" ), -1, -1, 60 );
+ if ( (aRes = getMenu( aPVMnu )) ) {
+ Implementation->Core.setSourceMenu( aRes );
+ connect( &Implementation->Core, SIGNAL( enableSourceCreate(bool) ),
+ aRes, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) );
+ }
+ // --- Menu "Filters"
+ // Install ParaView managers for "Filters" menu
+ aPVMnu = createMenu( tr( "MEN_DESK_FILTERS" ), -1, -1, 70 );
+ if ( (aRes = getMenu( aPVMnu )) ) {
+ Implementation->Core.setFilterMenu( aRes );
+ connect( &Implementation->Core, SIGNAL( enableFilterCreate(bool) ),
+ aRes, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) );
+ }
+ // --- Menu "Animation"
+ int anAnimationMnu = createMenu( tr( "MEN_DESK_ANIMATION" ), -1, -1, 80 );
+ createMenu( FirstFrameId, anAnimationMnu );
+ createMenu( PreviousFrameId, anAnimationMnu );
+ createMenu( PlayId, anAnimationMnu );
+ createMenu( NextFrameId, anAnimationMnu );
+ createMenu( LastFrameId, anAnimationMnu );
+ createMenu( LoopId, anAnimationMnu );
+ // --- Menu "Tools"
+ int aToolsMnu = createMenu( tr( "MEN_DESK_TOOLS" ), -1, -1, 90 );
+ createMenu( CreateCustomFilterId, aToolsMnu );
+ createMenu( ManageCustomFiltersId, aToolsMnu );
+ createMenu( CreateLookmarkId, aToolsMnu );
+ createMenu( ManageLinksId, aToolsMnu );
+ createMenu( AddCameraLinkId, aToolsMnu );
+ createMenu( ManagePluginsExtensionsId, aToolsMnu );
+ createMenu( separator(), aToolsMnu );
+ createMenu( DumpWidgetNamesId, aToolsMnu );
+ createMenu( RecordTestId, aToolsMnu );
+ createMenu( RecordTestScreenshotId, aToolsMnu );
+ createMenu( PlayTestId, aToolsMnu );
+ createMenu( MaxWindowSizeId, aToolsMnu );
+ createMenu( separator(), aToolsMnu );
+ createMenu( TimerLogId, aToolsMnu );
+ createMenu( OutputWindowId, aToolsMnu );
+ createMenu( separator(), aToolsMnu );
+ createMenu( PythonShellId, aToolsMnu );
+ // --- Menu "Help"
+ int aHelpMnu = createMenu( tr( "MEN_DESK_HELP" ), -1, -1 );
+ createMenu( AboutParaViewId, aHelpMnu );
+ // ParaView Help
+ // It's needed to install module docs into <module>_ROOT_DIR/share/doc/salome/gui/<module>
+ // createMenu( ParaViewHelpId, aHelpMnu );
+ createMenu( EnableTooltipsId, aHelpMnu );
+ createMenu( separator(), aHelpMnu );
+ \brief Create toolbars for ParaView GUI operations
+ duplicating toolbars in pqMainWindow ParaView class
+void PVGUI_Module::pvCreateToolBars()
+ SUIT_Desktop* desk = application()->desktop();
+ SUIT_ResourceMgr* resMgr = SUIT_Session::session()->resourceMgr();
+ QPixmap aPixmap;
+ QtxAction* aQtxAction;
+ // --- Toolbar "Main Controls"
+ int aToolId = createTool( tr("TOOL_MAIN_CONTROLS") );
+ createTool( OpenFileId, aToolId );
+ createTool( SaveDataId, aToolId );
+ createTool( separator(), aToolId );
+ createTool( ConnectId, aToolId );
+ createTool( DisconnectId, aToolId );
+ //createTool( separator(), aToolId );
+ //createTool( ParaViewHelpId, aToolId );
+ // --- Toolbar "Selection Controls"
+ mySelectionControlsTb = createTool( tr("TOOL_SELECTION_CONTROLS") );
+ createTool( InteractId, mySelectionControlsTb );
+ createTool( SelectCellsOnId, mySelectionControlsTb );
+ createTool( SelectPointsOnId, mySelectionControlsTb );
+ createTool( SelectCellsThroughId, mySelectionControlsTb );
+ createTool( SelectPointsThroughId, mySelectionControlsTb );
+ createTool( SelectBlockId, mySelectionControlsTb );
+ // --- Toolbar "Undo/Redo Controls"
+ aToolId = createTool( tr("TOOL_UNDOREDO_CONTROLS") );
+ createTool( UndoId, aToolId );
+ createTool( RedoId, aToolId );
+ // --- Toolbar "VCR Controls"
+ aToolId = createTool( tr("TOOL_VCR_CONTROLS") );
+ createTool( FirstFrameId, aToolId );
+ createTool( PreviousFrameId, aToolId );
+ createTool( PlayId, aToolId );
+ createTool( NextFrameId, aToolId );
+ createTool( LastFrameId, aToolId );
+ createTool( LoopId, aToolId );
+ pqProgressManager* progress_manager = pqApplicationCore::instance()->getProgressManager();
+ progress_manager->addNonBlockableObject( toolMgr()->toolBar( aToolId ) );
+ // --- Toolbar "Active Variable Controls"
+ aToolId = createTool( tr("TOOL_ACTIVE_VARIABLE_CONTROLS") );
+ createTool( ShowColorLegendId, aToolId );
+ // To set up the color map tool buttons.
+ pqColorScaleToolbar* colorScale = Implementation->Core.getColorScaleEditorManager();
+ // Edit Color Map
+ aPixmap = resMgr->loadPixmap( "ParaView", tr("ICON_EDIT_COLOR_MAP"), false );
+ aQtxAction = new QtxAction( tr("TOP_EDIT_COLOR_MAP"), QIcon(aPixmap),
+ tr("MEN_EDIT_COLOR_MAP"), 0, desk );
+ aQtxAction->setStatusTip( tr( "PRP_APP_EDIT_COLOR_MAP" ) );
+ registerAction( EditColorMapId, aQtxAction );
+ connect( &Implementation->Core, SIGNAL( enableVariableToolbar(bool) ),
+ aQtxAction, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) );
+ colorScale->setColorAction( aQtxAction ); /// !!!
+ createTool( EditColorMapId, aToolId );
+ // Reset Range
+ aPixmap = resMgr->loadPixmap( "ParaView", tr("ICON_RESET_RANGE"), false );
+ aQtxAction = new QtxAction( tr("TOP_RESET_RANGE"), QIcon(aPixmap),
+ tr("MEN_RESET_RANGE"), 0, desk );
+ aQtxAction->setStatusTip( tr( "PRP_APP_RESET_RANGE" ) );
+ registerAction( ResetRangeId, aQtxAction );
+ connect( &Implementation->Core, SIGNAL( enableVariableToolbar(bool) ),
+ aQtxAction, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) );
+ colorScale->setRescaleAction( aQtxAction ); /// !!!
+ createTool( ResetRangeId, aToolId );
+ // --- Toolbar "Representation"
+ QToolBar* aTB = toolMgr()->toolBar( createTool( tr("TOOL_REPRESENTATION") ) );
+ Implementation->Core.setupRepresentationToolbar(aTB);
+ QList<QAction*> anActns = aTB->actions();
+ for (int i = 0; i < anActns.size(); ++i)
+ connect( &Implementation->Core, SIGNAL( enableVariableToolbar(bool) ),
+ anActns.at(i), SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) );
+ // --- Toolbar "Camera Controls"
+ aToolId = createTool( tr("TOOL_CAMERA_CONTROLS") );
+ createTool( ResetCameraId, aToolId );
+ createTool( PositiveXId, aToolId );
+ createTool( NegativeXId, aToolId );
+ createTool( PositiveYId, aToolId );
+ createTool( NegativeYId, aToolId );
+ createTool( PositiveZId, aToolId );
+ createTool( NegativeZId, aToolId );
+ // --- Toolbar "Center Axes Controls"
+ aToolId = createTool( tr("TOOL_CENTER_AXES_CONTROLS") );
+ createTool( ShowCenterId, aToolId );
+ createTool( ResetCenterId, aToolId );
+ createTool( PickCenterId, aToolId );
+ // --- Toolbar "Common Filters"
+ aTB = toolMgr()->toolBar( createTool( tr("TOOL_COMMON_FILTERS") ) );
+ Implementation->Core.setupCommonFiltersToolbar(aTB);
+ //QList<QAction*> anActns = aTB->actions();
+ //for (int i = 0; i < anActns.size(); ++i)
+ // createTool(anActns.at(i),aToolId); /// !!!
+ // --- Toolbar "Lookmarks"
+ Implementation->Core.setupLookmarkToolbar(toolMgr()->toolBar(createTool( tr("TOOL_LOOKMARKS") )));
+ \brief Returns QMenu by its id.
+QMenu* PVGUI_Module::getMenu( const int id )
+ QMenu* res = 0;
+ LightApp_Application* anApp = getApp();
+ SUIT_Desktop* desk = anApp->desktop();
+ if ( desk ){
+ QtxActionMenuMgr* menuMgr = desk->menuMgr();
+ res = menuMgr->findMenu( id );
+ }
+ return res;