#include <sstream>
#include <string>
+#ifndef WIN32
+# include <sys/stat.h>
+# include <dirent.h>
+# include <unistd.h>
+# define _separator_ '/'
+#include <io.h>
+#define F_OK 0
+#define access _access
+# include <windows.h>
+# define _separator_ '\\'
namespace XGUI_Tools {
QString dir(const QString& path, bool isAbs)
return aName;
+std::wstring strToWStr(const std::string& theStr) {
+ size_t aLen = theStr.size();
+ std::wstring aResult(aLen, L'#');
+ mbstowcs(&aResult[0], theStr.c_str(), aLen);
+ return aResult;
+std::string getTmpDirByPath( const std::string& theTmpPath)
+ std::string aTmpDir = theTmpPath;
+ if (aTmpDir == "" || access(aTmpDir.c_str() , F_OK) != 0) {
+#ifdef WIN32
+ char *Tmp_dir = getenv("TEMP");
+ if (Tmp_dir == NULL) {
+ Tmp_dir = getenv("TMP");
+ if (Tmp_dir == NULL)
+ aTmpDir = "C:\\";
+ else
+ aTmpDir = Tmp_dir;
+ }
+ else
+ aTmpDir = Tmp_dir;
+ aTmpDir = "/tmp/";
+ }
+ if (aTmpDir.back() != _separator_)
+ aTmpDir += _separator_;
+ srand((unsigned int)time( NULL ));
+ //Get a random number to present a name of a sub directory
+ int aRND = 999 + (int)(100000.0*rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0));
+ char buffer[127];
+ sprintf(buffer, "%d", aRND);
+ std::string aSubDir(buffer);
+ if (aSubDir.size() <= 1)
+ aSubDir = "123049876";
+ aTmpDir += aSubDir; //Get RND sub directory
+ std::string aDir = aTmpDir;
+ for(aRND = 0; access(aDir.c_str() , F_OK) == 0; aRND++) {
+ sprintf( buffer, "%d", aRND );
+ aDir = aTmpDir + buffer; //Build a unique directory name
+ }
+ if (aDir.back() != _separator_)
+ aDir += _separator_;
+#ifdef WIN32
+ CreateDirectory(strToWStr(aDir).c_str(), NULL);
+ mkdir( aDir.c_str(), 0x1ff );
+ return aDir;
+std::string getTmpDirByEnv( const char* thePathEnv)
+ char* aVal = thePathEnv[0] == 0 ? 0 : getenv(thePathEnv);
+ std::string dir = aVal ? aVal : "";
+ return getTmpDirByPath(dir).c_str();
+void removeTemporaryFiles(const std::string& theDirectory,
+ const std::list<std::string>& theFiles)
+ std::string aDirName = theDirectory;
+ std::list<std::string>::const_iterator aFilesIter = theFiles.cbegin();
+ for(; aFilesIter != theFiles.cend(); aFilesIter++) {
+ const std::string& aFile = *aFilesIter;
+ if(access(aFile.c_str() , F_OK) != 0)
+ continue;
+#ifdef WIN32
+ DeleteFile(strToWStr(aFile).c_str());
+ unlink(aFile.c_str());
+ }
+ if(access(aDirName.c_str() , F_OK) == 0) {
+#ifdef WIN32
+ RemoveDirectory(strToWStr(aDirName).c_str());
+ rmdir(aDirName.c_str());
+ }
/// \param thePrs a presentation
/// \return string value
XGUI_EXPORT QString generateName(const std::shared_ptr<ModuleBase_ViewerPrs>& thePrs);
+/// Creates and returns the temporary directory (with random name) using the environment variable
+/// path to location of such directories,
+std::string getTmpDirByEnv( const char* thePathEnv);
+/// Removes files and directory where they are located
+void removeTemporaryFiles(const std::string& theDirectory,
+ const std::list<std::string>& theFiles);
std::list<std::string> aFiles;
- saveDocument(myTmpDir.path(), aFiles);
- if (!XGUI_CompressFiles::compress(myCurrentFile, aFiles))
- return false;
+ // issue #2899: create a temporary directory, save and then remove it
+ std::string aTmpDir = XGUI_Tools::getTmpDirByEnv("SALOME_TMP_DIR");
+ std::string aTmpDir = XGUI_Tools::getTmpDirByEnv("");
+ saveDocument(QString(aTmpDir.c_str()), aFiles);
+ bool aResult = XGUI_CompressFiles::compress(myCurrentFile, aFiles);
+ XGUI_Tools::removeTemporaryFiles(aTmpDir, aFiles);
- updateCommandStatus();
+ if (aResult) {
+ updateCommandStatus();
- return true;
+ }
+ return aResult;