Vector addVectorVertices( in Vertex v1, in Vertex v2 )
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
-// long countVector()
-// raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
-// Vector getVector( in long i )
-// raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+ long countVector()
+ raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+ Vector getVector( in long i )
+ raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
Cylinder addCylinder( in Vertex base, in Vector direction, in double radius, in double height )
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
-// long countCylinder()
-// raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
-// Cylinder getCylinder( in long i )
-// raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+ long countCylinder()
+ raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+ Cylinder getCylinder( in long i )
+ raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
in double height )
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
-// long countPipe()
-// raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
-// Pipe getPipe( in long i )
-// raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+ long countPipe()
+ raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+ Pipe getPipe( in long i )
+ raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
// void removeAssociation()
// raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
- void setScalar( in double val ) //CS_NOT_SPEC
+ void setColor (in double val)
+ raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+ void setScalar( in double val ) //CS_NOT_SPEC --> To delete
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
Edge getEdge( in long n ) raises(SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
Vertex getVertex( in long n ) raises(SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
- void setScalar( in double val ) //CS_NOT_SPEC
+ void setColor (in double value)
+ raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+ void setScalar( in double val ) //CS_NOT_SPEC --> To delete
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
// void removeAssociation()
// raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
- void setScalar( in double val ) //CS_NOT_SPEC
+ void setColor (in double value)
+ raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+ void setScalar( in double val ) //CS_NOT_SPEC --> To delete
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void clearAssociation()
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
- void setScalar( in double val ) //CS_NOT_SPEC
+ void setColor (in double value)
+ raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+ void setScalar( in double val ) //CS_NOT_SPEC --> To delete
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
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-<meta name="KeyWords" content="Environnement de développement, Logiciel scientifique"><title>Projet HEXABLOCK</title></head>\r
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-<big><big><b><font size="+3"><big><big>HexaBlock</big></big></font></b></big></big><b><font size="+3"><br>\r
-<small>Bibliothèque de formes</small><br><small><small><br>Documentation interne du moteur</small></small><br>\r
-<blockquote><i><span style="font-weight: bold;"></span><br>\r
-Ce document constitue la documentation interne du composant HEXABLOCK.<br>Ce\r
-document fait partie des sources du projet et est géré en\r
-configuration Pour le mettre à jour, utiliser kompozer, disponible sur\r
-<hr width="100%">\r
-<p><img src="blue-ball.gif" alt="o" height="12" width="12"><b> Table of contents :</b>\r
- \r
-<table style="width: 677px; height: 108px;">\r
-<dt><img src="green-ball.gif" alt="o" height="12" width="12"> <a href="#Partie_1">Partie 1 : Prévisualisation des éléments créés</a></dt>\r
-<dt><img src="green-ball.gif" alt="o" height="12" width="12"> <a href="#Partie_2">Partie 2 : Nouvelles fonctions de construction</a></dt><ul><li><a href="#Partie_2">Création d'hexaèdres</a></li><li><a href="#Partie_2.2">Génération d'hexaèdres par révolution</a></li><li><a href="#Partie_2.3">Substitution d'hexaèdres</a></li></ul>\r
-<td><img src="green-ball.gif" alt="o" height="12" width="12"> <a href="#Partie_3">Partie 3 : Bibliothèques de formes</a></td>\r
-<tr><td><img src="green-ball.gif" alt="o" height="12" width="12"> <a href="#Partie_4">Partie 4 : Evolution des associations</a></td></tr></tbody>\r
-<p><img src="blue-ball.gif" alt="o" height="12" width="12"><b> See also :</b></p><center>\r
-<table style="width: 677px; height: 60px;">\r
-<dt><img src="green-ball.gif" alt="o" height="12" width="12"> <a href="LastNews.html"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Last news</span></a></dt>\r
-<tr><td><img src="green-ball.gif" alt="o" height="12" width="12"> Last last News : Voir les <a href="#Partie_3">nouvelles formes </a><br> </td></tr><tr><td><img src="green-ball.gif" alt="o" height="12" width="12"> Précisions sur las <a href="AssoLines.html">associations par lignes</a></td></tr><tr>\r
-<dt><img src="green-ball.gif" alt="o" height="12" width="12"> <a href="Questions.html"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Frequently asked questions</span></a></dt>\r
-</tr><tr><td><img src="green-ball.gif" alt="o" height="12" width="12"> <a href="Bugs.html">Maintenance</a></td></tr>\r
-<hr width="100%">\r
-<p><a name="Partie_1"></a></p>\r
-<p><big><img src="blue-ball.gif" alt="o" height="12" width="12"><b><font size="+1"><big> Partie 1 : prévisualisation des éléments créés</big></font></b></big></p>Pour\r
-que SALOME puisse prévisualiser le "document" en cours de modivication,\r
-il est nécessaire de créer une copie de l'original. L'évolution\r
-majeure du moteur consiste à implémenter une fonction de\r
-copie. <br><br>Ce qui revient à ajouter dans la classe Document la méthode suivante :<br><br>\r
-<table style="width: 80%; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; font-family: monospace;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">\r
-<td>Document* copyDocument ();\r
-<br>La valeur rendue est le document copié.<br>Les éléments copiés sont les éléments\r
-intrinsèques du document : vertices, edges, quadrangles, hexaèdres,\r
-lois. Qui sont aussi ceux sauvegardés dans un texte XML. On ne stocke\r
-pas les éléments intermédiaires de construction (grilles, vecteurs,\r
-etc...).<br><br>Cette règle pourra être remise en cause si l'application interactive a besoin d'autres informations.<br><br>La copie se déroule ainsi :<br><ul><li>Chaque élément dispose d'un champ (nommé <span style="font-weight: bold;">clone</span>) qui permet de mémoriser l'adresse du dernier élément copié à partir de cet élément dans le cadre de la copie de document.</li><li>Copier les\r
-éléments de bas niveau (les vertices) : méthode <span style="font-weight: bold;">Vertex::duplicate(Document* cible)</span>. Cette méthode ne rend pas de pointeur ; elle crée un clone du sommet courant et le mémorise sur le champ <span style="font-weight: bold;">clone</span> de la classe <span style="font-weight: bold;">Vertex</span>.</li><li>Copier les éléments présents de plus haut niveau dans l'ordre (edges, quads, hexas) : méthode virtuelle <span style="font-weight: bold;">EltBase::duplicate ()</span></li><ul><li>Si\r
-un élément utilise n éléments de plus bas niveau, sa copie utilise les\r
-copies des éléments utilisés. Il est aisé de retrouver la copie car on\r
-en a stocké l'adresse.</li><li>Détail\r
-: la méthode duplicate n'a pas besoin d'argument de type Document* elle\r
-reprend le document cible des éléments de plus bas niveau..</li></ul><li>Copier les lois</li></ul>Les associations sont copiées lors de la copie de chaque élément.<br><br><br>\r
-<a href="#DebutPage">Retour au début</a>\r
-<hr width="100%">\r
-<p><a name="Partie_2"></a></p>\r
-<p><big><img src="blue-ball.gif" alt="o" height="12" width="12"></big><b><font size="+1"><big>\r
- Partie 2 : Nouvelles fonctions de construction</big></font></b></p><p><big><img src="green-ball.gif" style="width: 12px; height: 12px;" alt="o"></big><b><font size="+1"><big> 2.1 Création d'Hexaèdres</big></font></b></p>\r
-<p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: left;" align="left">Il s'agit de construire un hexaèdre à partir de quadrangles déjà créés dans le\r
-modèle de blocs. Cet hexaèdre est produit à partir des 4 cas suivants :</p>\r
-<ul style="margin-top: 0cm;" type="disc"><li class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: left;">à partir de 2 quadrangles reliés ou pas,</li><li class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: left;">à partir de 3 quadrangles tous reliés,</li><li class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: left;">à partir de 4 quadrangles tous reliés,</li><li class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: left;">à partir de 5 quadrangles tous reliés.</li></ul>Les points d'entrée sont naturellement :<br><br>\r
-<span style="font-size: 11pt; font-family: Garamond;"></span>\r
-<table style="width: 80%; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; font-family: monospace;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">\r
-<td>Hexa* <a href="#addHexa2Quads">addHexa2Quads</a> (Quad* q1, Quad* q2);<br>Hexa* <a href="#addHexa3Quads">addHexa3Quads</a> (Quad* q1, Quad* q2, Quad* q3);<br>Hexa* <a href="#addHexa4Quads">addHexa4Quads</a> (Quad* q1, Quad* q2, Quad* q3, Quad* q4);<br>Hexa* <a href="#addHexa5Quads">addHexa5Quads</a> (Quad* q1, Quad* q2, Quad* q3, Quad* q4, Quad* q5);</td>\r
-</table><p>Chacun des cas amène une discussion. La démarche est la suivante : </p><ul><li>Les quadrangles passés en argument dans un ordre quelconque.</li><li>Un\r
-analyseur d'intersections (classe <span style="font-weight: bold;">AnaQuads</span>,\r
-définie dans\r
-HexAnaQuads.hxx) détermine les arêtes communes aux n quadrangles passés\r
-en argument. et mémorise ces informations qui seront transmises aux\r
-fonctions internes, afin de ne pas répêter ces calculs d'intersection.</li><li>En fonction du nombre d'arêtes communes à chaque quadrangle, on se ramène à 7 cas. </li><li>Si le nombre d'arêtes communes est insuffisant, le cas est rejeté.</li><li>On nomme ces cas en se servant de la nomenclature des faces dans le projet : (A, B, C, D, E,F)</li></ul>Remarques :<br><ul><li>Les quadrangles passés en arguments sont considérés comme planaires, il n'y a pas de contrôle d'arguments en entrée à ce niveau</li><li>Ils\r
-sont sensés générer des quadrangles planaires et non croisés. Par\r
-exemple pour addHexaQuadsACD() : il n'y a pas de contrôle de planéité\r
-de la face B. </li></ul><img src="red-ball.gif" style="width: 12px; height: 12px;" alt="o"> <span style="font-weight: bold;">Rappel : formalisation des Hexaèdres/Quadrangles/Vertex</span><br><br><a name="RappelNotations"></a><br>Pour rappel :<br><table style="width: 80%; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; font-family: monospace;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">\r
-<td> \r
-// z=0 z=1 \r
-y=0 y=1 x=0 x=1<br>enum EnumHQuad {Q_A, Q_B, Q_C, Q_D, Q_E, Q_F, HQ_MAXI};<br></td>\r
-</table><br>La face A est opposée à B, C est opposée à D, E à F. La\r
-position des faces A, C, E normales à Oz, Oy, Ox est purement\r
-théorique. Elle améliore la visualisation. Les orientations sont en\r
-fait interchangeables. On peut intervertir les couples (C,D) et\r
-(E,F), on peut intervertir A et B, C et D, E et F, l'essentiel est\r
-d'avoir une cohérence avec les autres dénominations d'edges (ac,\r
-af, ad ...) ou de sommets (ace, acf, adf ...) et les\r
-conventions de départ.<br><br>L'arête située entre la face X et la face Y est notée xy. Un sommet situé entre les 3 faces X, Y Z est noté xyz :<br><br><table style="font-family: monospace; width: 500px; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2"><tbody><tr><td style="width: 50%;"><br> 6=bde +----bd-----+ bdf=7<br> \r
-/| /|<br> be | <big><span style="font-weight: bold;">B</span></big> bf |<br> / | / |<br> 4=bce +----bc-----+...|...bcf=5<br> | de <big><big style="font-weight: bold;">D</big></big> | df<br> \r
-| <big><span style="font-weight: bold;">E</span></big> | | <big style="font-weight: bold;">F</big>\r
-| \r
-z<br> ce |\r
-<span style="font-weight: bold;"><big>C</big> </span> cf \r
-| \r
-^<br> 2=ade...|...+----ad-|---+ adf=3 | y<br> \r
-| / | \r
-/ \r
-| /<br> |\r
-ae <big><span style="font-weight: bold;">A</span></big> |\r
-af \r
-| /<br> \r
-|/ \r
-|/ \r
-|/<br> 0=ace +----ac-----+ acf=1 +-----> x<br> <br><br></td>\r
-</table><br><img src="red-ball.gif" style="width: 12px; height: 12px;" alt="o"> <span style="font-weight: bold;">La classe AnaQuads</span><br><br>Cette\r
-classe analyse les relations topologiques existant entre plusieurs\r
-quandrangles. Un objet de ce type est créé au début de chaque fonction\r
-addHexaXQuads.<br><br>Le constructeur est :<br><br>\r
-<span style="font-size: 11pt; font-family: Garamond;"></span>\r
-<table style="width: 80%; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; font-family: monospace;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">\r
-<td>AnaQuads (Quad* q1, Quad* q2, Quad* q3=NULL, Quad* q4=NULL, Quad* q5=NULL);<br></td>\r
-</table><br>Les champs affectés lors de la construction de l'objet :<br><br><table style="width: 80%; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2"><tbody><tr><td>MawQuads </td><td>Constante égale à 5 5</td></tr><tr><td>int nbr_quads;</td><td>Nombre de quadrangles</td></tr><tr><td>int nbr_aretes;</td><td>Nombre total d'arêtes</td></tr><tr><td>Quad* tab_quads [i];</td><td>Le ième quadrangle passé en argument </td></tr><tr><td>int inter_nbre [i];</td><td>Nombre d'intersections du ième quadrangle</td></tr><tr><td>int inter_edge [i][j];</td><td>Nro d'arête de i intersectant le jème quadrangle</td></tr><tr><td>int inter_quad [i][j];</td><td>Nro de quadrangle présent sur la jème arete du iéme quad</td></tr></tbody></table><br><img src="red-ball.gif" style="width: 12px; height: 12px;" alt="o"> <span style="font-weight: bold;">La classe Cramer</span><br><br>Cette\r
-classe résout un système linéaire de n équations à n inconnues.\r
-Quand n est "petit", n<10. Peut être réutilisée sur un autre projet.\r
-<br>Implémentation : HexCramer.hxx.<br>Test unitaire : test_cramer dans test_hexa1.cxx<br><br><br>\r
-<span style="font-size: 11pt; font-family: Garamond;"></span>\r
-<table style="width: 80%; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; font-family: monospace;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">\r
-<td>int test_cramer (int nbargs, cpchar tabargs[])<br>{<br> double matrice [] = { 2, 7, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 9, 5 };<br> double second_membre [] = { 1, 1, 1 };<br> Hex::Real3 solution;<br> <span style="font-weight: bold;">Hex::Cramer system(3)</span>; // On dimensionne le système de Cramer à la construction<br><br> int ier = <span style="font-weight: bold;">system.resoudre</span> (matrice, second_membre, solution);<br><br> \r
-cout << " Solution = (" << solution[0] << ", "\r
-<< solution[1] << ", " << solution[2] <br> << "), ier = " << ier << endl;<br> \r
- \r
- // Pour vérifier : <br> Hex::Real3 produit;<br> <span style="font-weight: bold;">system.multiply</span> (solution, produit);<br> \r
-cout << " Produit = (" << produit[0] << ", "\r
-<< produit[1] << ", " << produit[2] <br> << ")" << endl;<br> return HOK;<br>}<br></td>\r
-</table><br><br><br><a name="addHexa2Quads"></a><br><img src="red-ball.gif" style="width: 12px; height: 12px;" alt="o"> <span style="font-weight: bold;">Création d'un hexaèdre avec deux quadrangles : </span> <ul><li>La classe AnaQuads ne détecte aucune arête commune : appel à addHexaQuadsAB</li><li>La classe AnaQuads détecte une arête commune : appel à addHexaQuadsAC</li></ul><table style="text-align: left; width: 90%;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2"><tbody><tr><td style="vertical-align: middle; text-align: center;"><p><img src="Quads_AB.png" style="width: 282px; height: 226px;" alt="En diedre"></p></td><td style="vertical-align: middle; text-align: center;"><img src="Quads_AC.png" style="width: 278px; height: 223px;" alt="Vis a vis"></td></tr><tr><td style="vertical-align: middle;">addHexa2Quads avec 2 quadrangles non reliés. <br>Fonction : addHexaQuadsAB</td><td style="vertical-align: middle;">addHexa2Quads avec 2 quadrangles reliés. <br>Fonction : addHexaQuadsAC</td></tr></tbody></table><p><span style="font-weight: bold;"></span></p><p><span style="font-weight: bold;">addHexaQuadAB</span> :</p>Les huits sommets sont présents, il manque quatre arêtes verticales ce, cf, df, de.<br>La\r
-difficuté consiste à faire correspondre deux à deux les quatre sommets\r
-de chaque quadrangle sans que les arêtes ne se croisent. La situation\r
-est analogue à <span style="font-weight: bold;">mergeQuads</span> ou <span style="font-weight: bold;">joinQuads</span>, sauf que dans ces cas, on passe\r
-en argument quatre vertex pour déterminer dans ambiguité les sommets\r
-correspondants deux à deux. On a choisi ici\r
-d'automatiser l'association :<br><ul><li>il\r
-existe huit combinaisons permettant d'associer deux à deux les 4\r
-sommets de 2 quadrangles : décalage de 0 à 3 dans un sens puis dans\r
-l'autre. </li><li>Pour chaque combinaison, on calcule la longueur totale des 4 arêtes créées.</li><li>On retient la combinaison qui mène à une longueur minimale.</li></ul>Une fois la combinaison optimale établie :<br><ul><li>Création\r
-des 4 arêtes verticales en fonction des combinaisons, stockées dans un\r
-tableau tedge[4]. Le premier vertex fourni est celui de la face A. </li><li>Création des 4 quadrangles verticaux.</li><li>Création de l'hexaèdre.</li></ul>Pour créer le i-ème quadrangle vertical : <br><ul><li>l'arête verticale de gauche e_left = tedge[i]</li><li>l'arête verticale de droite e_left = tedge[(i+1) modulo 4]</li><li>l'arête\r
-horizontale basse s'obtient grâce à la fonction Quad::findEdge (v1,\r
-v2). On recherche dans le quadrangle A l'arête dont les 2 sommets sont\r
-les extrémités amont des arêtes e_left et e_right, qui par construction\r
-appartiennent au quadrangle A.</li><li>idem pour l'arête haute ; sauf que ce sont les extrémités aval.</li></ul> <p><span style="font-weight: bold;">addHexaQuadAC</span> :</p><p>Deux\r
-faces présentes A et C, une arête commune ac. Il manque deux sommets\r
-bde et bdf à partir desquels on construit les arêtes manquantes bd,\r
-be, de, bf, df. <br>On doit s'assurer de la planéité des quadrangles créés. </p><p>La\r
-solution n'est pas unique. Il existe une infinité de sommets pouvant\r
-définir un hexaèdre conforme. On se contente ici d'en choisir une\r
-et de démontrer que l'objet créé est conforme. </p><p>Le point bde (resp bdf) est construit en\r
-sommant les vecteurs ac et ce (resp af et cf), ce qui revient à\r
-définir un parallélogramme. On assure ainsi sa présence dans le plan E\r
-(resp. F). Les faces créées E et F sont donc planaires.</p><p>Pour démontrer la planéité de la face B :<br></p><table style="width: 80%; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; font-family: monospace;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">\r
-<td><ol><li>(ae , af) coplanaires (donnée)</li><li>be = ae (construction d'un parallèlogramme)</li><li>df = af (idem)</li><li>(1), (2), (3) => (be, bf) coplanaires </li></ol></td>\r
-</table><br>On procéderait de la même manière pour établir que la face D est plane.<br><br>La fonction s'écrit ainsi :<br><ul><li>q_a est le premier quadrangle fourni, q_c le second</li><li>L'edge e_ac est défini qrâce à la strucrure AnaQuads</li><li>On effectue un calcul analogue aux deux extrémités s (amont et aval) de e_ac :</li><ul><li>vx1 = extrémité étudiée de e_ac, vx2 l'autre</li><li>vxa\r
-= sommet adjacent de vx1 sur la face A, différent de vx2. Il est\r
-obtenu en prenant le sommet opposé à vx2 sur la face A. L'indice de vxa\r
-dans qa vaut vx2+2 modulo 4.</li><li>de même, vxc = sommet adjacent de vx1 sur la face C.</li><li>Calcul des coordonnées et création du vertex tv_bdx[s] (x représente la choix entre e et f).</li><li>Création des deux arêtes manquantes te_bx[s] et te_dx[s]</li><li>Création du quadrangle latéral tq_ef [s]</li></ul><li>Création de l'arête e_bd à partir des deux vertices de tv_bdx</li><li>Création\r
-du quadrangle D à partir de te_dx[], e_ef, te_dx[1] et de l'arête\r
-opposée à e_ac dans A (fonction Quad::getOpposedEdge(e,n)</li><li>Création du quadrangle B à partir de te_bx[], e_ef, te_bx[1] et de\r
-l'arête opposée à e_ac dans C (fonction Quad::getOpposedEdge(e,n)</li><li>Création de l'hexaèdre</li></ul><p><a name="addHexa3Quads"></a></p><p><img src="red-ball.gif" style="width: 12px; height: 12px;" alt="o"> <span style="font-weight: bold;">Création d'un hexaèdre avec trois quadrangles : </span> </p><ul><li>La\r
-classe AnaQuads détecte deux arêtes communes : appel à\r
-addHexaQuadsACD. La face A sera celle qui possède deux arêtes communes,\r
-la face C la suivante, D la derniére.</li><li>La classe AnaQuads \r
-détecte trois arêtes communes : appel à addHexaQuadsACE. Ce cas est\r
-symétrique, la face A sera la première de la liste, C la seconde.</li></ul><p></p><br><table style="text-align: left; width: 90%;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2"><tbody><tr><td style="vertical-align: middle; text-align: center;"><p><img src="Quads_ACD.png" style="width: 282px; height: 226px;" alt="En diedre"></p></td><td style="vertical-align: middle; text-align: center;"><img src="Quads_ACE.png" style="width: 278px; height: 223px;" alt="Trièdre"></td></tr><tr><td style="vertical-align: middle;">addHexa2Quads avec 3 quadrangles disposés en U. <br>Fonction : addHexaQuadsACD</td><td style="vertical-align: middle;">addHexa2Quads avec quadrangles disposés en trièdre<br>Fonction : addHexaQuadsACE</td></tr></tbody></table><p><br></p><p><span style="font-weight: bold;">addHexaQuadACD</span> :</p><p>Tous les sommets sont présents. Il reste à créer :</p><ul><li>Les arêtes be et bf </li><li>Les quadrangles E, B, F en déterminant les arêtes qui les constituent. </li></ul><p>La difficulté est d'identifier clairement les arêtes et les sommets à partir des quadrangles existant : </p><ul><li>q_a est le quadrangle qui possède deux arêtes communes, q_b et q_c les suivants.</li><li>On exploite les indices d'edges communs fournis par <span style="font-weight: bold;">AnaQuads</span>. Rappelons que dans un quadrangle le ième edge est adjacent aux edges i-1 et i+1 et opposé à l'edge i+2.</li><li>e_ac et e_ad sont les intersections de q_a avec q_c et q_d. (nommés ici mais non utilisés dans le programme)</li><li>e_bc est l'arête opposée à e_ac dans q_c, e_bd est l'arête opposée à e_ad dans q_d.</li><li>e_ae\r
-est l'arête suivante de e_ac dans q_a, e_af l'arête précédente.\r
-Ce choix arbitraire détermine les autres dénominations.</li><li>e_ce est l'arête adjacente de e_ac dans q_c qui a un sommet commun (v_ace) avec e_ae.</li><li>e_de est l'arête adjacente de e_ac dans q_d qui a un sommet commun (v_ade) avec e_ae.</li><li>v_acf est le sommet commun à e_af et e_cf</li><li>v_adf est le sommet commun à e_af et e_df</li><li>Création de l'arete e_be à paertir de e_bce et v_bde, puis de l'arête e_bf,</li><li>Créations des quadrangles q_b, q_e, q_f</li><li>Création de l'hexaèdre.</li></ul><p></p><p><span style="font-weight: bold;">addHexaQuadACE</span> :</p><p>Il\r
-est nécessaire de créer le sommet v_bdf. Il est l'intersection des\r
-plans (B, D, F). Chaque plan est défini par trois points présents sur\r
-les autres quadrangles :</p><ul><li>Le plan B est défini par les sommets bcd, bce, bcf . Son vecteur normal norm_b est le produit vectoriel de bc par be.</li><li>Le plan D est défini par les sommets adf, ade, adb. Son vecteur normal norm_d est le produit vectoriel de ac par ae.</li><li>Le\r
-plan F est défini par les sommets adf, acf, bcf. Son vecteur\r
-normal norm_f est le produit vectoriel de ae par ec.</li></ul><p>Soit un plan P défini par un point A et un vecteur normal N. Un point M appartient à P si le produit scalaire N.AM est nul</p><p>On obtient le système d'équations <br></p><table style="width: 80%; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; font-family: monospace;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">\r
-<td><ol><li>(bdf,bce) . norm_b = 0</li><li>(bdf,ade) . norm_d = 0</li><li>(bdf,acf) . norm_f = 0</li></ol></td>\r
-</table>Equivalent à : <br><table style="width: 80%; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; font-family: monospace;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">\r
-<td><ol><li> norme_b[0]*X + norme_b[1]*Y + norme_b[2]*Z = prod_scalaire (v_bce, norm_b)</li><li> norme_d[0]*X + norme_d[1]*Y + norme_d[2]*Z = prod_scalaire (v_ade, norm_d)</li><li> norme_f[0]*X + norme_f[1]*Y + norme_f[2]*Z = prod_scalaire (v_acf, norm_f)</li></ol></td>\r
-</table><br>Ce système de 3 équations à trois inconnues est résolu par la méthode de <span style="font-weight: bold;">Cramer</span> au moyen d'une classe du même nom défini dans le nouveau fichier <span style="font-weight: bold;">HexCramer.hxx.</span> Notons qu'un test unitaire de la classe Cramer existe dans le fichier test_quads.cxx<br style="font-weight: bold;"><p>Une fois le système résolu ; s'il n'est pas régulier on retourne un vecteur nul, la suite est aisée :</p><ul><li>Création du vertex s_bdf à partir des coordonnées calculées</li><li>Détermination\r
-des sommets opposés s_be, s_bcf, s_adf en utilisant la méthode\r
-Edge::commonVertex (edge) sur les arêtes dèja déterminées.</li><li>Création des 3 arêtes manquantes e_bd, e_bf, e_df</li><li>Création des quadrangles manquants q_b, q_d, q_f.</li><li>Création de l'hexaèdre.</li></ul><p><a name="addHexa4Quads"></a></p><p><img src="red-ball.gif" style="width: 12px; height: 12px;" alt="o"> <span style="font-weight: bold;">Création d'un hexaèdre avec quatre quadrangles : </span> </p><ul><li>La classe AnaQuads \r
-détecte trois arêtes communes : appel à addHexaQuadsACDE. La face A sera la première trouvée qui en possède trois,\r
-la face E la suivante à trois arêtes,C et D lles deux autres faces à deux arêtes communes.</li><li>La classe AnaQuads détecte quatre arêtes communes : appel à\r
-addHexaQuadsABCD. Ce\r
-cas est\r
-symétrique chaque face possède deux arêtes. La face A sera la première\r
-de la liste, C et D les deux faces sécantes à A, B la dernière.</li></ul><table style="text-align: left; width: 90%;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2"><tbody><tr><td style="vertical-align: middle; text-align: center;"><p><img src="Quads_ABCD.png" style="width: 282px; height: 226px;" alt="En tunnel"></p></td><td style="vertical-align: middle; text-align: center;"><img src="Quads_ACDE.png" style="width: 278px; height: 223px;" alt="En but"></td></tr><tr><td style="vertical-align: middle;">addHexa2Quads avec 4 quadrangles disposés en tunnel. <br>Fonction : addHexaQuadsABCD</td><td style="vertical-align: middle;">addHexa2Quads avec 4 quadrangles disposés en fauteuil. <br>Fonction : addHexaQuadsACDE</td></tr></tbody></table><p><span style="font-weight: bold;">addHexaQuadABCD</span> :</p><p>Le\r
-rôle des quadrangles passés en arguments est symétrique On nommera q_a\r
-le premier trouvé, q_c le premier qui intersecte q_a, q_c le second et\r
-q_d celui qui n'intersecte pas q_a.</p><p>Tous les sommets et arêtes sont présents. Il suffit de créer les deux quadrangles E et F:</p><p>Les problèmes de détermination des variables se traitent comme dans <span style="font-weight: bold;">addHexaQuadABC</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: bold;">addHexaQuadACDE</span> :</p><p>Le rôle de q_a et qc est symétrique. Ils ont chacun trois arêtes communes avec les autres. q_e et q_f n'en ont que 2.</p><p>Tous les sommets sont présents. Il suffit de créer l'arête e_bf et les deux quadrangles B et F:</p><p>Les edges se déterminent aisément grâce aux indices d'intersection fournis par <span style="font-weight: bold;">AnaQuads</span>. Il suffit<small><small><small><small> </small></small></small></small>de prendre l'opposé. On utilise la propriété de la classe Quad : l'indice d'une arête opposée à l'arête i vaut i+2.</p><table style="width: 80%; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; font-family: monospace;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2"><tbody><tr><td> int nc_ac = strquads.inter_edge[pos_c][pos_a]; // Nro dans q_c de e_ac<br> int nc_ce = strquads.inter_edge[pos_c][pos_e]; // Nro dans q_c de e_ce<br> int nd_ad = strquads.inter_edge[pos_d][pos_a]; // Nro dans q_d de e_ad<br> int nd_de = strquads.inter_edge[pos_d][pos_e]; // Nro dans q_d de e_de<br> int ne_ae = strquads.inter_edge[pos_e][pos_a]; // Nro dans q_e de e_ae<br><br> Edge* e_af = q_a->getEdge ((na_ac + 3) MODULO QUAD4);<br> Edge* e_bc = q_c->getEdge ((nc_ac + 2) MODULO QUAD4);<br> Edge* e_cf = q_c->getEdge ((nc_ce + 2) MODULO QUAD4);<br> Edge* e_bd = q_d->getEdge ((nd_ad + 2) MODULO QUAD4);<br> Edge* e_df = q_d->getEdge ((nd_de + 2) MODULO QUAD4);<br> Edge* e_be = q_e->getEdge ((ne_ae + 2) MODULO QUAD4);<br><br> Vertex* v_bcf = e_cf->opposedVertex (e_cf->commonVertex (e_af));<br> Vertex* v_bdf = e_df->opposedVertex (e_df->commonVertex (e_af));</td>\r
-</table><p><a name="addHexa5Quads"></a></p><img src="red-ball.gif" style="width: 12px; height: 12px;" alt="o"> <span style="font-weight: bold;">Création d'un hexaèdre avec cinq quadrangles : </span> <br><br>Il n'y a pas besoin de dissocier plusieurs cas, le travail est réalisé directement dans la méthode <span style="font-weight: bold;">addHexa5Quads</span>().<br><p style="text-align: center;"><img src="Quads_5.png" style="width: 278px; height: 223px;" alt="En but"></p>Ce cas est assez simple : c'est un hexaèdre auquel il manque la face que l'on convient de nommer B.<br><ul><li>La face q_a est celle qui possède 4 intersections.</li><li>Une\r
-fois son indice qbase déterminé dans AnaQuads, on boucle sur les 4\r
-quadrangles sécants à q_a et on obtient l'arête opposée t_edge[i] et le\r
-quadrangle associé tquad[i]. Les quadrangles q_c, g_d, q_e, q_f se\r
-retrouvent dans le tableau tquad dans un ordre exploitable, le problème\r
-étant symétrique.</li><li>On construit qb à partir des t_edge[i] donnés dans\r
-cet odre : q_b = new Quad (tedge[0], tedge[1], tedge[2],\r
-tedge[3]);</li><li>Enfin l'hexaèdre : hexa = new Hexa (q_a, q_b, tquad[0], tquad[2], tquad[1], tquad[3])</li></ul><p><a href="index.html#DebutPage">Retour au début</a></p><a name="Partie_2.2"></a><p><big><img src="green-ball.gif" style="width: 12px; height: 12px;" alt="o"></big><b><font size="+1"><big> 2.2 Génération d'Hexaèdres par révolution</big></font></b></p><p>Le pont d'entrée dans la classe Document est :<br>\r
-<span style="font-size: 11pt; font-family: Garamond;"></span>\r
-</p><table style="width: 80%; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; font-family: monospace;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">\r
-<td>Elements* revolutionQuads (Quads& start, Vertex* center, Vector* axis, vector<double>& angles);<br></td>\r
-</table><br>Avec :<br><ul><li><span style="font-weight: bold;">start</span> est la liste des quadrangles de départ. Ils doivent constituer une surface libre. Rappelons que le type <span style="font-weight: bold;">Quads</span> est équivalent à <span style="font-weight: bold;">vector<Quad*></span></li><li><span style="font-weight: bold;">center</span> et <span style="font-weight: bold;">axis</span> sont respectivement le centre et l'axe de la rotation</li><li>le vecteur <span style="font-weight: bold;">angles</span> définit pour chaque incrément l'angle de la rotation.</li></ul><br><br><br><table style="text-align: left; width: 90%;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2"><tbody><tr><td style="vertical-align: middle; text-align: center;"><p><img src="QuadRevolution1.png" style="width: 282px; height: 226px;" alt="En diedre"></p></td><td style="vertical-align: middle; text-align: center;"><img src="QuadRevolution2.png" style="width: 278px; height: 223px;" alt="Trièdre"></td></tr><tr><td style="vertical-align: middle;">Avant la revolution : on a coloré les quadrangles à déplacer, ainsi que l'axe de rotation.</td><td style="vertical-align: middle;">Résultat de la revolution.</td><td style="vertical-align: middle;"></td></tr></tbody></table><br><p><a href="index.html#DebutPage">Retour au début</a></p><a name="Partie_2.3"></a><p><big><img src="green-ball.gif" style="width: 12px; height: 12px;" alt="o"></big><b><font size="+1"><big> 2.3 Substitution d'Hexaèdres</big></font></b></p><p>Il\r
-s'agit de remplacer un hexaèdre ou des hexaèdres par une autre série\r
-d'hexaaaèdres. Pour pouvoir effectuer ce remplacement, cette autre\r
-série d'hexaèdres doit vérifier des conditions de collage de faces.<br>\r
-<span style="font-size: 11pt; font-family: Garamond;"></span>\r
-</p><br><br><table style="text-align: left; width: 90%;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2"><tbody><tr><td style="vertical-align: middle; text-align: center;"><p><img src="ReplaceBefore.gif" style="width: 282px; height: 226px;" alt="En diedre"></p></td><td style="vertical-align: middle; text-align: center;"><img src="ReplaceResult.gif" style="width: 278px; height: 223px;" alt="Trièdre"></td></tr><tr><td style="vertical-align: middle; text-align: center;">Exemple\r
-: remplacement des 3 hexaèdres jaunes centraux par 3 fois 5 nouveaux\r
-hexaèdres qui sont construits par extrusion des 5 quadrangles marrons\r
-(le motif).</td><td style="vertical-align: middle; text-align: center;">Résultat du remplacement. </td></tr></tbody></table><br><br>La signature de la fonction est la suivante :<br><table style="width: 80%; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; font-family: monospace;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">\r
-<td>Elements* Document::revolutionQuads (Hexas& pattern, Vertex* p1, Vertex* c1, <br> \r
- \r
- Vertex*\r
-p2, Vertex* c2, Vertex* p3, Vertex* c3);<br></td>\r
-</table><br>Avec :<br><ul><li><span style="font-weight: bold;">pattern </span>est la liste des hexaèdres à extruder.<span style="font-weight: bold;"></span></li><li><span style="font-weight: bold;">c1, c2 </span>et <span style="font-weight: bold;">c3</span>\r
-définissent le quadrangle "cible" QB. Soit QA la face opposée à QB. A\r
-partir de cette face, on définit l'ensemble des n hexaèdres liés par\r
-les faces "opposées" (QAi, QBi). </li><li><span style="font-weight: bold;">p1, p2 </span>et <span style="font-weight: bold;">p3</span> sont les vertices du pattern qui seront associés resperctivement à c1, c2 et c3. </li></ul><p></p><p style="font-weight: bold;"><big>Conditions : </big></p><ul><li>Le pattern doit avoir exactement 4 faces latérales externes, que l'on appellera pqc, pqd, pqe, pqf. </li><li>Les\r
-faces"transversales" inférieure et supérieure doivent être\r
-superposables : le motif des quadrangles qui constituent ces faces doit\r
-être identique.</li><li>c1,c2 et c3 sont sur une face externe.</li></ul><p></p><p>Pour désigner les faces d'un hexaèdres, on utilise les <a href="#RappelNotations">notations habituelles</a> définies plus haut.</p><p><big><span style="font-weight: bold;">Conventions et orientations</span></big> : </p><ul><li>Les\r
-3 vertices de départ du pattern définissent deux edges : pe_ac (sens\r
-Ox) et pe_ae (sens oy) et 3 vertices pv_aed, pv_ace, pv_acf. \r
-pv_ace est celui des 3 vertices qui est commun aux deux edges, pv_ade\r
-la première des extrémités. </li><li>Les 4 faces latérales externes du pattern sont notées pq_c, pq_d, pq_e, pq_f.</li><li>Les\r
-3 vertices cibles définissent un quadrangle cq_b , deux edges \r
- ce_bc (Ox) et ce_be (Oy) et 3 vertices cv_bed, cv_bce et cv_bcf. Comme pour le pattern.</li></ul><br><p><a href="index.html#DebutPage">Retour au début</a>\r
-</p><hr width="100%">\r
-<p><a name="Partie_3"></a></p>\r
-<p><img src="blue-ball.gif" alt="o" height="12" width="12"><b><font size="+1">\r
- <big>Partie 3 : Bibliothèque de formes</big></font></b></p><p>Cette biblothèque est constituée de quatre nouvelles formes :<br></p><ul><li>La demi-sphère trouée </li><li>Le huitième de sphère trouée</li><li>La demi-écorce trouée</li><li>Le huitième d'écorce trouée </li></ul><p>Ces formes sont implémentées (et traduites ....) de la façon suivante :</p><table style="width: 80%; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; font-family: monospace;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">\r
-<td><span style="font-family: monospace;">Elements* makeSphere (Vertex* center, </span><span style="font-family: monospace;">Vector* vx, Vector* vz,</span><span style="font-family: monospace;"> <br> double radius, </span><span style="font-family: monospace;">double radhole, </span><span style="font-family: monospace;"><br> Vertex*\r
-plorig, </span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> int\r
-nrad, int nang, int nhaut);</span><span style="font-family: monospace;"></span><span style="font-family: monospace;"></span><br></td>\r
-<tr><td><span style="font-family: monospace;">Elements* makePartSphere (Vertex* center, </span><span style="font-family: monospace;"></span><span style="font-family: monospace;">Vector* vx, Vector* vz,</span><span style="font-family: monospace;"> </span><span style="font-family: monospace;"><br> double radius, </span><span style="font-family: monospace;"></span><span style="font-family: monospace;">double radhole</span><span style="font-family: monospace;">,</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> Vertex*\r
-plorig, </span><span style="font-family: monospace;">double angle,</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> int\r
-nrad, int nang, int nhaut);</span></td></tr><tr><td><span style="font-family: monospace;">Elements* makeRind (Vertex* center, </span><span style="font-family: monospace;"></span><span style="font-family: monospace;">Vector* vx, Vector* vz,</span><span style="font-family: monospace;"> </span><span style="font-family: monospace;"><br> double radius, double radint, </span><span style="font-family: monospace;"></span><span style="font-family: monospace;">double radhole</span><span style="font-family: monospace;">,</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> Vertex*\r
-plorig, </span><span style="font-family: monospace;"></span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> int\r
-nrad, int nang, int nhaut);</span></td></tr><tr><td><span style="font-family: monospace;">Elements* makePartRind (Vertex* center, </span><span style="font-family: monospace;"></span><span style="font-family: monospace;">Vector* vx, Vector* vz,</span><span style="font-family: monospace;"> <br> </span><span style="font-family: monospace;">double radius, double radint, </span><span style="font-family: monospace;"></span><span style="font-family: monospace;">double radhole</span><span style="font-family: monospace;">,</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> Vertex*\r
-plorig, </span><span style="font-family: monospace;">double angle,</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> int\r
-nrad, int nang, int nhaut);</span></td></tr></tbody>\r
-</table><br>Remarques :<br><ul><li>Le plan sécant ne passe pas\r
-forcément par le centre de la sphère. Il définit le demi-espace dans\r
-lequel se situe l'objet à dessiner. Il peut même être disjoint de la\r
-sphère. S'il est "en dessous", la sphère est entièrement dessinée, s'il\r
-est "au dessus", l'objet sera vide. </li></ul><p><big><img src="green-ball.gif" style="width: 12px; height: 12px;" alt="o"></big><b><font size="+1"><big> 3.1 <span style="font-family: Terminal;"></span> Aspect visuel (exemples)</big></font></b></p><br>Conditions<br><table style="text-align: left; width: 90%;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2"><tbody><tr><td style="vertical-align: middle; text-align: center;"><p><img src="HemiSphere.png" style="width: 282px; height: 226px;" alt="Demi Sphere trouee"></p></td><td style="vertical-align: middle; text-align: center;"><img src="PartSphere.png" style="width: 278px; height: 223px;" alt="Huitième de sphère"></td></tr><tr><td style="vertical-align: middle; text-align: center;">Demi-Sphère trouée (makeSphere ())</td><td style="vertical-align: middle; text-align: center;">Huitième de sphère trouée (makePartSphere ())</td></tr><tr><td style="vertical-align: middle; text-align: center;"><p><img src="Rind.png" style="width: 282px; height: 226px;" alt="Ecorce trouée"> </p></td><td style="vertical-align: middle; text-align: center;"><p><img src="PartRind.png" style="width: 282px; height: 226px;" alt="Huitième d'ecorce"> </p></td></tr><tr><td style="text-align: center;" valign="middle">Demi écorce trouée (makeRind ())</td><td style="text-align: center;" valign="middle">Huitième d'écorce trouée (makePartRind ())</td></tr></tbody></table><p><big><img src="green-ball.gif" style="width: 12px; height: 12px;" alt="o"></big><b><font size="+1"><big> 3.1 <span style="font-family: Terminal;"></span> Im</big></font></b><b><font size="+1"><big>plémentation</big></font></b></p><p>Toutes ces fonctions publiques appellent une seule fonction de la classe <span style="font-weight: bold;">Elements :</span></p><table style="width: 80%; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; font-family: monospace;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">\r
-<tr><td><span style="font-family: monospace;">int makeRind (EnumGrid type, Vertex* center, </span><span style="font-family: monospace;"></span><span style="font-family: monospace;">Vector* vx, Vector* vz,</span><span style="font-family: monospace;"> <br> </span><span style="font-family: monospace;">double radius, double radint, </span><span style="font-family: monospace;"></span><span style="font-family: monospace;">double radhole</span><span style="font-family: monospace;">,</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> Vertex*\r
-plorig, </span><span style="font-family: monospace;">double angle,</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> int\r
-nrad, int nang, int nhaut);</span></td></tr></tbody>\r
-</table><br>Une fonction <span style="font-weight: bold;">controlRind() </span>vérifie\r
-la cohérence des arguments passés en entrée et calcule les deux extrema\r
-de l'angle d'élévation phi (voir chapitre suivant).<br>Une boucle à triple indice sur (nrad, nang, nhaut) calcule les coordonnées des sommets par appel de la fonction <span style="font-weight: bold;">getCylPoint (nx,ny,nz, px,py,pz)</span>.<br>Ce\r
-calcul se fait sur une sphère de centre O et d'axe Oz, dont les\r
-hexaedres sont comptés à partir de l'axe Ox de façon à remplir le\r
-secteur angulaire theta.. Les coordonnées sont ensuite replacées dans\r
-les coordonnes utilisateur grâce à la fonction <span style="font-weight: bold;">transfoVertices</span>(). Edges, quadrangles et hexaèdres sont ensuites assemblés grâce à la fonction <span style="font-weight: bold;">fillGrid</span>().<br><br><p><big><img src="green-ball.gif" style="width: 12px; height: 12px;" alt="o"></big><b><font size="+1"><big> 3.2 Détermination de l'angle d'élévation (phi) <span style="font-family: Terminal;"></span> </big></font></b></p>L'angle\r
-d'azimuth theta (longitude) est défini explicitement par l'utilisateur.\r
-L'angle d'élévation phi est délimité par la position du plan\r
-horizontal et par le diamètre du trou. Soit :<br><ul><li>Une sphère de centre O et de rayon R.</li><li>La phère est traversée par un trou cylindrique de rayon r.</li><li>Un plan défini par son vecteur normal n (vertical sur la figure qui suit) et un point A</li></ul><p style="text-align: center;"><img src="Sphere.gif" style="width: 373px; height: 311px;" alt="Sphere"></p>A partir de ces éléments de base, on définit<small><small><small><small><small><small> </small></small></small></small></small></small>:<br><ul><li>Le point H, projection orhogonale du centre O de la sphere sur le plan (A,n)</li><li>L'angle alpha défini par le centre O et le cylindre : sin (alpha) = r/R</li><li>L'angle beta délimité par l'horizontale et l'intersection du plan (A,n) et de la sphère. </li><ul><li>sin (beta) = OH/R</li><li>et OH = OA.n/|n| (produit scalaire de OA par le vecteur unitaire associé à n).</li></ul></ul>L'angle d'élévation phi est encadré par les valeurs suivantes : <ul><li>max (alpha-pi/2, beta) <= phi <= pi/2 - alpha</li></ul><br><p><a href="index.html#DebutPage">Retour au début</a>\r
-</p><hr width="100%">\r
-<p><a name="Partie_4"></a></p>\r
-<p><img src="blue-ball.gif" alt="o" height="12" width="12"><b><font size="+1">\r
- <big>Partie 4 : Evolution des associations</big></font></b></p><p class="MsoNormal">Cette tâche est composée de 3 évolutions, au sujet de\r
-l'association, qui sont décrites ci-après.</p><p><big><img src="green-ball.gif" style="width: 12px; height: 12px;" alt="o"></big><b><font size="+1"><big> 4.1 Nouveaux objets <span style="font-family: Terminal;"></span> </big></font></b></p>\r
-<p class="MsoNormal">Il s'agissait d'ajouter de nouveaux objets\r
-intermédiaires de travail, comme le vecteur ou le cylindre :</p>\r
-<ul style="margin-top: 0cm;" type="square"><li class="MsoNormal" style="">le\r
- cercle défini par un\r
- centre, un\r
- rayon et une\r
- normale,</li><li class="MsoNormal" style="">la\r
- sphère définie par un\r
- centre et un\r
- rayon.<br></li></ul>Il était p aussi associer \r
-les objets intermédiaires aux objets géométriques venant du\r
-composant GEOM de SALOME :<br><ul style="margin-top: 0cm;" type="square"><li class="MsoNormal" style="">un\r
- cercle,</li><li class="MsoNormal" style="">une\r
- sphère,</li><li class="MsoNormal" style="">un\r
- cylindre.</li></ul> <p><big><img src="green-ball.gif" style="width: 12px; height: 12px;" alt="o"></big><b><font size="+1"><big> 4.2 Associations prédéfinies <span style="font-family: Terminal;"></span> </big></font></b></p><p class="MsoNormal">La deuxième évolution consiste à améliorer les associations\r
-des modèles de blocs prédéfinis en calculant automatiquement des associations\r
-implicites, les fonctions concernées sont les suivantes:</p>\r
-<ul style="margin-top: 0cm;" type="square"><li class="MsoNormal" style="">ajouter\r
- une grille cylindrique .</li><li class="MsoNormal" style="">ajouter\r
- une grille sphérique.</li><li class="MsoNormal" style="">ajouter\r
- un cylindre, un tuyau.</li><li class="MsoNormal" style="">ajouter\r
- l’intersection de 2 cylindres ou de 2 tuyaux.</li><li class="MsoNormal" style="">faire\r
- de même pour toutes les nouvelles fonctions : ecorces et portions de sphères.</li></ul>\r
-<p class="MsoNormal">Pour chaque arête (sphérique) concernée, on associera un arc de cercle.</p><p class="MsoNormal">Il est inutile d'associer les faces, SMESH est capable de mailler si les arêtes sont associées.</p><p class="MsoNormal"><big><span style="font-weight: bold;">Implémentation</span></big> </p><p class="MsoNormal">Rappelons que l'objet Shape de HexaBlock est constitué :</p><ul><li>D'une chaine de caractère (b_rep) qui permet de décrire toute forme de GEOM</li><li>De deux paramètres <span style="font-style: italic;">debut</span> et <span style="font-style: italic;">fin</span> compris entre 0 et 1 permettant de délimiter la ligne décrite par la b-rep quand c'en est une</li></ul><p class="MsoNormal">Deux opérations sont nécessaires :</p><ol><li> créer un cercle au moyen de GEOM,</li><li>découper ce cercle en arcs de cercle qui seront associés aux arêtes concernées.</li></ol><p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-weight: bold;">Opération 1 </span>:\r
-Le cercle à créer est en fait un arc de cercle orienté de 360\r
-degrés. Il est en effet nécessaire de définir une origine. GEOM\r
-permet de générer finir un tel\r
-cercle, à partir duquel HexaBlock définira des arcs au moyen des\r
-paramètres <span style="font-style: italic;">debut</span> et <span style="font-style: italic;">fin</span> des shapes :</p><p class="MsoNormal">Cette action est assurée par la fonction <span style="font-weight: bold;">geom_create_circle</span>\r
-qui génère la brep du cercle à partir de son centre, de son rayon,\r
-de son vecteur normal, du vecteur Ox qui permet de définir son\r
-origine.</p><br><span style="font-weight: bold;"></span><table style="width: 80%; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; font-family: monospace;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">\r
-<tr><td><span style="font-family: monospace;"></span><span style="font-family: monospace;"></span><span style="font-family: monospace;">void <span style="font-weight: bold;">geom_create_circle</span> (double* centre, double rayon, Vector* normale,<br> \r
-double* ox, string& brep)<br>{<br> gp_Pnt gp_center (centre [dir_x], centre [dir_y], centre [dir_z]);<br> \r
-gp_Vec gp_ox (ox \r
-[dir_x], ox [dir_y], ox \r
-[dir_z]);<br> gp_Vec gp_norm (normale->getDx(), normale->getDy(), normale->getDz());<br><br> <span style="font-weight: bold;">gp_Ax2</span> gp_axes (gp_center, gp_norm, gp_ox);<br> <span style="font-weight: bold;">gp_Circ</span> gp_circ (gp_axes, rayon);<br><br> TopoDS_Edge geom_circ = <span style="font-weight: bold;">BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge</span>(gp_circ).Edge();<br> ostringstream stream_shape;<br> <span style="font-weight: bold;">BRepTools::Write</span>(geom_circ, stream_shape);<br><br> brep = stream_shape.str();<br>}</span><span style="font-family: monospace;"></span></td></tr></tbody>\r
-</table><br>GEOM permet de définir un tel cercle (calsse <span style="font-style: italic;">gp_Circ</span>) à partir d'un systemes d'axes 2D (classe <span style="font-style: italic;">gp_Ax2</span> ) et d'un rayon. Ce cercle esr ensuite transformé en forme <span style="font-style: italic;">TopoDS_Shape</span> qui est l'objet GEOM que l'on maniplule habituellement losque l'on procède aux associations. Plus précisément en <span style="font-style: italic;">TopoDS_Edge</span> au moyen de <span style="font-style: italic;">BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge</span><span style="font-family: monospace;"></span>. Enfin l'objet est transformé en chaine de caractères de format Brep via <span style="font-style: italic;">ostringstream</span>.<br><br><span style="font-weight: bold;">Opération 2 </span>:\r
-On dispose d'une b-rep décrivant un arc de cercle de 360 degrés.\r
-Il est aisé de définir proportionnellement pour chacun des edges\r
-constituant la ligne associée à la portion de cercle les paramètres\r
-début et fin par rapport aux angles de départ et d'arrivée de chaque\r
-arc. Cette opération fut d'ailleurs réalisée lors de la préservarion\r
-des associations lors d'un "cut". On réutilisera donc la fonction <span style="font-style: italic;">Elements::cutAssociation(...) </span>moyennant quelques aménagements.<br><p class="MsoNormal"></p><p><big><img src="green-ball.gif" style="width: 12px; height: 12px;" alt="o"></big><b><font size="+1"><big> 4.3 Propagation des associations <span style="font-family: Terminal;"></span> </big></font></b></p><p class="MsoNormal"><br>La troisième évolution consiste à améliorer la propagation\r
-automatique des associations, les fonctions concernées sont les suivantes:</p>\r
-<ul style="margin-top: 0cm;" type="disc"><li class="MsoNormal" style="">fusionner\r
- ou déconnecter des sommets, des arêtes, des quadrangles :</li><ul style="margin-top: 0cm;" type="circle"><li class="MsoNormal" style="">s’il\r
- y a des associations, ne pas les perdre,</li></ul><li class="MsoNormal" style="">prismer\r
- un ou des quadrangles :</li><ul style="margin-top: 0cm;" type="circle"><li class="MsoNormal" style="">s’il\r
- y a des associations dans la direction de l’extrusion, les propager,</li></ul><li class="MsoNormal" style="">ajouter\r
- des hexaèdres par translation, par rotation, par homothétie ou par\r
- symétries :</li><ul style="margin-top: 0cm;" type="circle"><li class="MsoNormal" style="">si\r
- les hexaèdres sources ont une association, alors les propager,</li></ul><li class="MsoNormal" style="">faire\r
- de même pour la fonction «révolution» du lot 2.</li></ul>\r
-<p class="MsoNormal"><o:p></o:p></p>\r
-<p class="MsoNormal">Ces trois évolutions seront implémentées dans le moteur.\r
-Seule le première évolution (création de sphères ou cercles) sera implémentée\r
-dans la partie interactive. </p><br><br><img src="red-ball.gif" style="width: 12px; height: 12px;" alt="o"> <span style="font-weight: bold;">Implémentation :</span><br><br><br>En\r
-ce qui concerne les associations propagées par les transformations, la\r
-fonction de base de l'implémentation est transfo_brep. <br>Cette fonction reprend la matrice du modèle de blocs et l'applique à la shape décrite par la brep.<br><br><table style="text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 859px; height: 65px;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2"><tbody><tr><td style="width: 80%;"><span style="font-family: monospace;">// ====================================================== transfo_brep<br>void transfo_brep (string& brep, Matrix* matrice, string& trep)<br>{<br> BRep_Builder builder;<br> TopoDS_Shape shape_orig;<br> ostringstream stream_shape;<br> gp_Trsf transfo;<br><br> \r
-double \r
-a11,a12,a13,a14, a21,a22,a23,a24, a31,a32,a33,a34;<br> matrice->getCoeff (a11,a12,a13,a14, a21,a22,a23,a24, a31,a32,a33,a34);<br> transfo.SetValues (a11,a12,a13,a14, a21,a22,a23,a24, a31,a32,a33,a34, <br> \r
-Epsil2, Epsil2);<br><br> istringstream stream_brep (brep);<br> BRepTools::Read (shape_orig, stream_brep, builder);<br> <br> BRepBuilderAPI_Transform brep_transfo (shape_orig, transfo, Standard_True);<br> TopoDS_Shape result = brep_transfo.Shape();<br><br> BRepTools::Write (result, stream_shape);<br> trep = stream_shape.str();<br>}<br></span><span style="font-family: monospace;"></span></td></tr></tbody></table><br><br>Pour la fonction de prismQuads, on utilise une variante simplifiée : <br><br><table style="text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 859px; height: 65px;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2"><tbody><tr><td style="width: 80%;"><span style="font-family: monospace;">// ====================================================== translate_brep<br>void translate_brep (string& brep, double dir[], string& trep)<br>{<br> gp_Trsf transfo;<br> BRep_Builder builder;<br> TopoDS_Shape orig;<br> ostringstream stream_shape;<br><br> \r
-gp_Vec \r
-vecteur (dir [dir_x], dir [dir_y],\r
-dir [dir_z]);<br> transfo.SetTranslation (vecteur);<br> istringstream stream_brep (brep);<br> BRepTools::Read (orig, stream_brep, builder);<br> <br> TopLoc_Location loc_orig = orig.Location();<br> gp_Trsf trans_orig = loc_orig.Transformation();<br> TopLoc_Location loc_result (transfo * trans_orig);<br> TopoDS_Shape result = orig.Located (loc_result);<br><br> BRepTools::Write (result, stream_shape);<br> trep = stream_shape.str();<br>}<br></span><span style="font-family: monospace;"></span></td></tr></tbody></table><br><br>Pour la fonction de prismQuads, on utilise une variante simplifiée : <br><br><br><br><img src="red-ball.gif" style="width: 12px; height: 12px;" alt="o"> <span style="font-weight: bold;">Propagation des associations pour les transformations :</span><span style="font-weight: bold;"></span><br><br><br>L'exemple donné est makeScale <br><br><table style="text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 859px; height: 65px;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2"><tbody><tr><td style="width: 80%;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"># ======================================================= make_grid</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;">def make_grid (doc) :</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> ori = doc.addVertex ( 0, 0, 0)</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> vz = doc.addVector ( 0, 0, 1)</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> vx = doc.addVector ( 1 ,0, 0)</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> dr = 1</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> da = 360</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> dl = 1</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> nr = 1</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> na = 6</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> nl = 1</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> grid = doc.makeCylindrical (ori, vx,vz, dr,da,dl, nr,na,nl, False)</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> return grid</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"># ======================================================= test_scale</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;">def test_scale () :</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> doc = hexablock.addDocument()</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> grid = make_grid (doc)</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> dest = doc.addVertex (15, 0, 0)</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> grid2 = doc.makeScale (grid, dest, 0.5)</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> return doc</span></td></tr></tbody></table><br><br><table style="width: 859px; height: 65px; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2"><tbody><tr><td style="width: 80%;"><img style="width: 701px; height: 568px;" alt="transfo" src="transfo.png"></td></tr></tbody></table><br><br><br><br><img src="red-ball.gif" style="width: 12px; height: 12px;" alt="o"> <span style="font-weight: bold;">Propagation des associations pour la fonction prism</span><span style="font-weight: bold;">Quads</span><br><br>Pour la fonction prismQuads :<br><br><br><table style="text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 737px; height: 297px;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2"><tbody><tr><td style="width: 80%;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"># ========================================================== test_prism</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;">def test_prism () :</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> doc = hexablock.addDocument()</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> nr = 1</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> na = 6</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> nl = 1</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> grid = make_grid (doc, nr, na, nl)</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> liste = [ ]</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> for nx in range (nr) :</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> for ny in range (na) :</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> cell = grid.getQuadIJ (nx, ny, nl)</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> liste.append (cell);</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> axis = doc.addVector (1, 1, 1);</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> bloc = doc.prismQuads (liste, axis, 3)</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> return doc</span></td></tr></tbody></table><br><br><span style="font-weight: bold;"></span><table style="text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; font-family: monospace; width: 909px; height: 535px;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">\r
-<tr><td><span style="font-family: monospace;"></span><span style="font-family: monospace;"></span><span style="font-family: monospace;"><br><br><br><br><br></span><div style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"><img style="width: 498px; height: 403px;" alt="Prisme" src="prism.png"></span><br><span style="font-family: monospace;"></span></div><span style="font-family: monospace;"><br><br><br></span><span style="font-family: monospace;"></span></td></tr></tbody>\r
-</table><br><br><img src="red-ball.gif" style="width: 12px; height: 12px;" alt="o"> <span style="font-weight: bold;">Propagation des associations pour la fonction revolutionQuads</span><br><br>Pour la fonction revolutionQuads <br><br><br><table style="text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 737px; height: 297px;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2"><tbody><tr><td style="width: 80%;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"># ========================================================== test_revolution<br>def test_revolution () :<br> doc = hexablock.addDocument()<br> nr = 1<br> na = 6<br> nl = 1<br> grid = make_grid (doc, nr, na, nl)<br><br> liste = [ ]<br> for nx in range (nr) :<br> for ny in range (na) :<br> cell = grid.getQuadIJ (nx, ny, nl)<br> print " ... cell = ", cell<br> liste.append (cell);<br></span>ss<br><br><span style="font-family: monospace;"> center = doc.addVertex (0, -10, 0);<br> axis = doc.addVector (1, 0, 0);<br> angles = [5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 20, 15, 10, 5 ]<br></span>ss<br><span style="font-family: monospace;"> bloc = doc.revolutionQuads (liste, center, axis, angles);<br> return doc<br></span><span style="font-family: monospace;"></span></td></tr></tbody></table><br><br><table style="width: 734px; height: 484px; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2"><tbody><tr><td style="width: 80%;"><img style="width: 474px; height: 383px;" alt="Macaroni" src="macaroni.png" align="middle"></td></tr></tbody></table><br><p><a href="index.html#DebutPage">Retour au début</a></p>\r
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+<big><big><b><font size="+3"><big><big>HexaBlock</big></big></font></b></big></big><b><font size="+3"><br>
+<small>Bibliothèque de formes</small><br><small><small><br>Documentation interne du moteur</small></small><br>
+<blockquote><i><span style="font-weight: bold;"></span><br>
+Ce document constitue la documentation interne du composant HEXABLOCK.<br>Ce
+document fait partie des sources du projet et est géré en
+configuration Pour le mettre à jour, utiliser kompozer, disponible sur
+<hr width="100%">
+<p><img src="blue-ball.gif" alt="o" height="12" width="12"><b> Table of contents :</b>
+<table style="width: 677px; height: 108px;">
+<dt><img src="green-ball.gif" alt="o" height="12" width="12"> <a href="#Partie_1">Partie 1 : Prévisualisation des éléments créés</a></dt>
+<dt><img src="green-ball.gif" alt="o" height="12" width="12"> <a href="#Partie_2">Partie 2 : Nouvelles fonctions de construction</a></dt><ul><li><a href="#Partie_2">Création d'hexaèdres</a></li><li><a href="#Partie_2.2">Génération d'hexaèdres par révolution</a></li><li><a href="#Partie_2.3">Substitution d'hexaèdres</a></li></ul>
+<td><img src="green-ball.gif" alt="o" height="12" width="12"> <a href="#Partie_3">Partie 3 : Bibliothèques de formes</a></td>
+<tr><td><img src="green-ball.gif" alt="o" height="12" width="12"> <a href="#Partie_4">Partie 4 : Evolution des associations</a></td></tr></tbody>
+<p><img src="blue-ball.gif" alt="o" height="12" width="12"><b> See also :</b></p><center>
+<table style="width: 677px; height: 60px;">
+<dt><img src="green-ball.gif" alt="o" height="12" width="12"> <a href="LastNews.html"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Last news</span></a></dt>
+<tr><td><img src="green-ball.gif" alt="o" height="12" width="12"> Last last News : Voir les <a href="#Partie_3">nouvelles formes </a><br> </td></tr><tr><td><img src="green-ball.gif" alt="o" height="12" width="12"> Précisions sur las <a href="AssoLines.html">associations par lignes</a></td></tr><tr>
+<dt><img src="green-ball.gif" alt="o" height="12" width="12"> <a href="Questions.html"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Frequently asked questions</span></a></dt>
+</tr><tr><td><img src="green-ball.gif" alt="o" height="12" width="12"> <a href="Bugs.html">Maintenance</a></td></tr>
+<hr width="100%">
+<p><a name="Partie_1"></a></p>
+<p><big><img src="blue-ball.gif" alt="o" height="12" width="12"><b><font size="+1"><big> Partie 1 : prévisualisation des éléments créés</big></font></b></big></p>Pour
+que SALOME puisse prévisualiser le "document" en cours de modivication,
+il est nécessaire de créer une copie de l'original. L'évolution
+majeure du moteur consiste à implémenter une fonction de
+copie. <br><br>Ce qui revient à ajouter dans la classe Document la méthode suivante :<br><br>
+<table style="width: 80%; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; font-family: monospace;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
+<td>Document* copyDocument ();
+<br>La valeur rendue est le document copié.<br>Les éléments copiés sont les éléments
+intrinsèques du document : vertices, edges, quadrangles, hexaèdres,
+lois. Qui sont aussi ceux sauvegardés dans un texte XML. On ne stocke
+pas les éléments intermédiaires de construction (grilles, vecteurs,
+etc...).<br><br>Cette rège pourra être remise en cause si l'application interactive a besoin d'autres informations.<br><br>La copie se déroule ainsi :<br><ul><li>Chaque élément dispose d'un champ (nommé <span style="font-weight: bold;">clone</span>) qui permet de mémoriser l'adresse du dernier élément copié à partir de cet élément dans le cadre de la copie de document.</li><li>Copier les
+éléments de bas niveau (les vertices) : méthode <span style="font-weight: bold;">Vertex::duplicate(Document* cible)</span>. Cette méthode ne rend pas de pointeur ; elle crée un clone du sommet courant et le mémorise sur le champ <span style="font-weight: bold;">clone</span> de la classe <span style="font-weight: bold;">Vertex</span>.</li><li>Copier les éléments présents de plus haut niveau dans l'ordre (edges, quads, hexas) : méthode virtuelle <span style="font-weight: bold;">EltBase::duplicate ()</span></li><ul><li>Si
+un élément utilise n éléments de plus bas niveau, sa copie utilise les
+copies des éléments utilisés. Il est aisé de retrouver la copie car on
+en a stocké l'adresse.</li><li>Détail
+: la méthode duplicate n'a pas besoin d'argument de type Document* elle
+reprend le document cible des éléments de plus bas niveau..</li></ul><li>Copier les lois</li></ul>Les associations sont copiées lors de la copie de chaque élément.<br><br><br>
+<a href="#DebutPage">Retour au début</a>
+<hr width="100%">
+<p><a name="Partie_2"></a></p>
+<p><big><img src="blue-ball.gif" alt="o" height="12" width="12"></big><b><font size="+1"><big>
+ Partie 2 : Nouvelles fonctions de construction</big></font></b></p><p><big><img src="green-ball.gif" style="width: 12px; height: 12px;" alt="o"></big><b><font size="+1"><big> 2.1 Création d'Hexaèdres</big></font></b></p>
+<p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: left;" align="left">Il s'agit de construire un hexaèdre à partir de quadrangles déjà créés dans le
+modèle de blocs. Cet hexaèdre est produit à partir des 4 cas suivants :</p>
+<ul style="margin-top: 0cm;" type="disc"><li class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: left;">à partir de 2 quadrangles reliés ou pas,</li><li class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: left;">à partir de 3 quadrangles tous reliés,</li><li class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: left;">à partir de 4 quadrangles tous reliés,</li><li class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: left;">à partir de 5 quadrangles tous reliés.</li></ul>Les points d'entrée sont naturellement :<br><br>
+<span style="font-size: 11pt; font-family: Garamond;"></span>
+<table style="width: 80%; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; font-family: monospace;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
+<td>Hexa* <a href="#addHexa2Quads">addHexa2Quads</a> (Quad* q1, Quad* q2);<br>Hexa* <a href="#addHexa3Quads">addHexa3Quads</a> (Quad* q1, Quad* q2, Quad* q3);<br>Hexa* <a href="#addHexa4Quads">addHexa4Quads</a> (Quad* q1, Quad* q2, Quad* q3, Quad* q4);<br>Hexa* <a href="#addHexa5Quads">addHexa5Quads</a> (Quad* q1, Quad* q2, Quad* q3, Quad* q4, Quad* q5);</td>
+</table><p>Chacun des cas amène une discussion. La démarche est la suivante : </p><ul><li>Les quadrangles passés en argument dans un ordre quelconque.</li><li>Un
+analyseur d'intersections (classe <span style="font-weight: bold;">AnaQuads</span>,
+définie dans
+HexAnaQuads.hxx) détermine les arêtes communes aux n quadrangles passés
+en argument. et mémorise ces informations qui seront transmises aux
+fonctions internes, afin de ne pas répêter ces calculs d'intersection.</li><li>En fonction du nombre d'arêtes communes à chaque quadrangle, on se ramène à 7 cas. </li><li>Si le nombre d'arêtes communes est insuffisant, le cas est rejeté.</li><li>On nomme ces cas en se servant de la nomenclature des faces dans le projet : (A, B, C, D, E,F)</li></ul>Remarques :<br><ul><li>Les quadrangles passés en arguments sont considérés comme planaires, il n'y a pas de contrôle d'arguments en entrée à ce niveau</li><li>Ils
+sont sensés générer des quadrangles planaires et non croisés. Par
+exemple pour addHexaQuadsACD() : il n'y a pas de contrôle de planéité
+de la face B. </li></ul><img src="red-ball.gif" style="width: 12px; height: 12px;" alt="o"> <span style="font-weight: bold;">Rappel : formalisation des Hexaèdres/Quadrangles/Vertex</span><br><br><a name="RappelNotations"></a><br>Pour rappel :<br><table style="width: 80%; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; font-family: monospace;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
+// z=0 z=1
+y=0 y=1 x=0 x=1<br>enum EnumHQuad {Q_A, Q_B, Q_C, Q_D, Q_E, Q_F, HQ_MAXI};<br></td>
+</table><br>La face A est opposée à B, C est opposée à D, E à F. La
+position des faces A, C, E normales à Oz, Oy, Ox est purement
+théorique. Elle améliore la visualisation. Les orientations sont en
+fait interchangeables. On peut intervertir les couples (C,D) et
+(E,F), on peut intervertir A et B, C et D, E et F, l'essentiel est
+d'avoir une cohérence avec les autres dénominations d'edges (ac,
+af, ad ...) ou de sommets (ace, acf, adf ...) et les
+conventions de départ.<br><br>L'arête située la face X et la face Y est notée xy. Un sommet situé entre les 3 faces X, Y Z est noté xyz :<br><br><table style="font-family: monospace; width: 500px; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2"><tbody><tr><td style="width: 50%;"><br> 6=bde +----bd-----+ bdf=7<br>
+/| /|<br> be | <span style="font-weight: bold;">B</span> bf |<br> / | / |<br> 4=bce +----bc-----+...|...bcf=5<br> | de <big style="font-weight: bold;">D</big> | df<br>
+| <span style="font-weight: bold;">E</span> | | F
+z<br> ce |
+<span style="font-weight: bold;">C </span> cf
+^<br> 2=ade...|...+----ad-|---+ adf=3 | y<br>
+| / |
+| /<br> |
+ae <span style="font-weight: bold;">A</span> |
+| /<br>
+|/<br> 0=ace +----ac-----+ acf=1 +-----> x<br> <br><br></td>
+</table><br><img src="red-ball.gif" style="width: 12px; height: 12px;" alt="o"> <span style="font-weight: bold;">La classe AnaQuads</span><br><br>Cette
+classe analyse les relations topologiques existant entre plusieurs
+quandrangles. Un objet de ce type est créé au début de chaque fonction
+addHexaXQuads.<br><br>Le constructeur est :<br><br>
+<span style="font-size: 11pt; font-family: Garamond;"></span>
+<table style="width: 80%; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; font-family: monospace;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
+<td>AnaQuads (Quad* q1, Quad* q2, Quad* q3=NULL, Quad* q4=NULL, Quad* q5=NULL);<br></td>
+</table><br>Les champs affectés lors de la construction de l'objet :<br><br><table style="width: 80%; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2"><tbody><tr><td>MawQuads </td><td>Constante égale à 5 5</td></tr><tr><td>int nbr_quads;</td><td>Nombre de quadrangles</td></tr><tr><td>int nbr_aretes;</td><td>Nombre total d'arêtes</td></tr><tr><td>Quad* tab_quads [i];</td><td>Le ième quadrangle passé en argument </td></tr><tr><td>int inter_nbre [i];</td><td>Nombre d'intersections du ième quadrangle</td></tr><tr><td>int inter_edge [i][j];</td><td>Nro d'arête de i intersectant le jème quadrangle</td></tr><tr><td>int inter_quad [i][j];</td><td>Nro de quadrangle présent sur la jème arete du iéme quad</td></tr></tbody></table><br><img src="red-ball.gif" style="width: 12px; height: 12px;" alt="o"> <span style="font-weight: bold;">La classe Cramer</span><br><br>Cette
+classe résout un système linéaire de n équations à n inconnues.
+Quand n est "petit", n<10. Peut être réutilisée sur un autre projet.
+<br>Implémentation : HexCramer.hxx.<br>Test unitaire : test_cramer dans test_hexa1.cxx<br><br><br>
+<span style="font-size: 11pt; font-family: Garamond;"></span>
+<table style="width: 80%; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; font-family: monospace;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
+<td>int test_cramer (int nbargs, cpchar tabargs[])<br>{<br> double matrice [] = { 2, 7, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 9, 5 };<br> double second_membre [] = { 1, 1, 1 };<br> Hex::Real3 solution;<br> <span style="font-weight: bold;">Hex::Cramer system(3)</span>; // On dimensionne le système de Cramer à la construction<br><br> int ier = <span style="font-weight: bold;">system.resoudre</span> (matrice, second_membre, solution);<br><br>
+cout << " Solution = (" << solution[0] << ", "
+<< solution[1] << ", " << solution[2] <br> << "), ier = " << ier << endl;<br>
+ // Pour vérifier : <br> Hex::Real3 produit;<br> <span style="font-weight: bold;">system.multiply</span> (solution, produit);<br>
+cout << " Produit = (" << produit[0] << ", "
+<< produit[1] << ", " << produit[2] <br> << ")" << endl;<br> return HOK;<br>}<br></td>
+</table><br><br><br><a name="addHexa2Quads"></a><br><img src="red-ball.gif" style="width: 12px; height: 12px;" alt="o"> <span style="font-weight: bold;">Création d'un hexaèdre avec deux quadrangles : </span> <ul><li>La classe AnaQuads ne détecte aucune arête commune : appel à addHexaQuadsAB</li><li>La classe AnaQuads détecte une arête commune : appel à addHexaQuadsAC</li></ul><table style="text-align: left; width: 90%;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2"><tbody><tr><td style="vertical-align: middle; text-align: center;"><p><img src="Quads_AB.png" style="width: 282px; height: 226px;" alt="En diedre"></p></td><td style="vertical-align: middle; text-align: center;"><img src="Quads_AC.png" style="width: 278px; height: 223px;" alt="Vis a vis"></td></tr><tr><td style="vertical-align: middle;">addHexa2Quads avec 2 quadrangles non reliés. <br>Fonction : addHexaQuadsAB</td><td style="vertical-align: middle;">addHexa2Quads avec 2 quadrangles reliés. <br>Fonction : addHexaQuadsAC</td></tr></tbody></table><p><span style="font-weight: bold;"></span></p><p><span style="font-weight: bold;">addHexaQuadAB</span> :</p>Les huits sommets sont présents, il manque quatre arêtes verticales ce, cf, df, de.<br>La
+difficuté consiste à faire correspondre deux à deux les quatre sommets
+de chaque quadrangle sans que les arêtes ne se croisent. La situation
+est analogue à <span style="font-weight: bold;">mergeQuads</span> ou <span style="font-weight: bold;">joinQuads</span>, sauf que dans ces cas, on passe
+en argument quatre vertex pour déterminer dans ambiguité les sommets
+correspondants deux à deux. On a choisi ici
+d'automatiser l'association :<br><ul><li>il
+existe huit combinaisons permettant d'associer deux à deux les 4
+sommets de 2 quadrangles : décalage de 0 à 3 dans un sens puis dans
+l'autre. </li><li>Pour chaque combinaison, on calcule la longueur totale des 4 arêtes créées.</li><li>On retient la combinaison qui mène à une longueur minimale.</li></ul>Une fois la combinaison optimale établie :<br><ul><li>Création
+des 4 arêtes verticales en fonction des combinaisons, stockées dans tu
+tableau tedge[4]. Le premier vertex fourni est celui de la face A. </li><li>Création des 4 quadrangles verticaux.</li><li>Création de l'hexaèdre.</li></ul>Pour créer le i-ème quadrangle vertical : <br><ul><li>l'arête verticale de gauche e_left = tedge[i]</li><li>l'arête verticale de droite e_left = tedge[(i+1) modulo 4]</li><li>l'arête
+horizontale basse s'obtient grâce à la fonction Quad::findEdge (v1,
+v2). On recherche dans le quadrangle A l'arête dont les 2 sommets sont
+les extrémités amont des arêtes e_left et e_right, qui par construction
+appartiennent au quadrangle A.</li><li>idem pour l'arête haute ; sauf que ce sont les extrémités aval.</li></ul> <p><span style="font-weight: bold;">addHexaQuadAC</span> :</p><p>Deux
+faces présentes A et C, une arête commune ac. Il manque deux sommets
+bde et bdf à partir des quels on construit les arêtes manquantes bd,
+be, de, bf, df. <br>On doit s'assurer de ma planéité des quadrangles créés. </p><p>La
+solution n'est pas unique. Il existe une infinité de sommets pouvant
+définir un hexaèdre conforme. On se contente ici d'en choisir une
+et de démontrer que l'objet créé est conforme. </p><p>Le point bde (resp bdf) est construit en
+sommant les vecteurs ac et ce (resp af et cf), ce qui revient à
+définir un parallélogramme. On assure ainsi sa présence dans le plan E
+(resp. F). Les faces créées E et F sont donc planaires.</p><p>Pour démontrer la planéité de la face B :<br></p><table style="width: 80%; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; font-family: monospace;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
+<td><ol><li>(ae , af) coplanaires (donnée)</li><li>be = ae (construction d'un parallèlogramme)</li><li>df = af (idem)</li><li>(1), (2), (3) => (be, bf) coplanaires </li></ol></td>
+</table><br>On procéderait de la même manière pour établir que la face D est plane.<br><br>La fonction s'écrit ainsi :<br><ul><li>q_a est le premier quadrangle fourni, q_c le second</li><li>L'edge e_ac est défini qrâce à la strucrure AnaQuads</li><li>On effectue un calcul analogue aux deux extrémités s (amont et aval) de e_ac :</li><ul><li>vx1 = extrémité étudiée de e_ac, vx2 l'autre</li><li>vxa
+= sommet adjacent de vx1 sur la face A, différent de vx2. Il est
+obtenu en prenant le sommet opposé à vx2 sur la face A. L'indice de vxa
+dans qa vaut vx2+2 modulo 4.</li><li>de même, vxc = sommet adjacent de vx1 sur la face C.</li><li>Calcul des coordonnées et création du vertex tv_bdx[s] (x représente la choix entre e et f).</li><li>Création des deux arêtes manquantes te_bx[s] et te_dx[s]</li><li>Création des du quadrangle latéral tq_ef [s]</li></ul><li>Création de l'arête e_bd à partir dses deux vertices de tv_bdx</li><li>Création
+du quadrangle D à partir de te_dx[], e_ef, te_dx[1] et de l'arête
+opposée à e_ac dans A (fonction Quad::getOpposedEdge(e,n)</li><li>Création du quadrangle B à partir de te_bx[], e_ef, te_bx[1] et de
+l'arête opposée à e_ac dans C (fonction Quad::getOpposedEdge(e,n)</li><li>Création de l'hexaèdre</li></ul><p><a name="addHexa3Quads"></a></p><p><img src="red-ball.gif" style="width: 12px; height: 12px;" alt="o"> <span style="font-weight: bold;">Création d'un hexaèdre avec trois quadrangles : </span> </p><ul><li>La
+classe AnaQuads détecte deux arêtes communes : appel à
+addHexaQuadsACD. La face A sera celle qui possède deux arêtes communes,
+la face C la suivante, D la derniére.</li><li>La classe AnaQuads
+détecte trois arêtes communes : appel à addHexaQuadsACE. Ce cas est
+symétrique, la face A sera la première de la liste, C la seconde.</li></ul><p></p><br><table style="text-align: left; width: 90%;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2"><tbody><tr><td style="vertical-align: middle; text-align: center;"><p><img src="Quads_ACD.png" style="width: 282px; height: 226px;" alt="En diedre"></p></td><td style="vertical-align: middle; text-align: center;"><img src="Quads_ACE.png" style="width: 278px; height: 223px;" alt="Trièdre"></td></tr><tr><td style="vertical-align: middle;">addHexa2Quads avec 3 quadrangles disposés en U. <br>Fonction : addHexaQuadsACD</td><td style="vertical-align: middle;">addHexa2Quads avec quadrangles disposés en trièdre<br>Fonction : addHexaQuadsACE</td></tr></tbody></table><p><br></p><p><span style="font-weight: bold;">addHexaQuadACD</span> :</p><p>Tous les sommets sont présents. Il reste à créer :</p><ul><li>Les arêtes be et bf </li><li>Les quadrangles E, B, F en déterminant les arêtes qui les constituent. </li></ul><p>La difficulté est d'identifier clairement les arêtes et les sommets à partir des quadrangles existant : </p><ul><li>q_a est le quadrangle qui possède deux arêtes communes, q_b et q_c les suivants.</li><li>On exploite les indices d'edges communs fournis par <span style="font-weight: bold;">AnaQuads</span>. Rappelons que dans un quadrangle le ième edge est adjacent aux edges i-1 et i+1 et opposé à l'edge i+2.</li><li>e_ac et e_ad sont les intersections de q_a avec q_c et q_d. (nommés ici mais non utilisés dans le programme)</li><li>e_bc est l'arête opposée à e_ac dans q_c, e_bd est l'arête opposée à e_ad dans q_d.</li><li>e_ae
+est l'arête suivante de e_ac dans q_a, e_af l'arête précédente.
+Ce choix arbitraire détermine les autres dénominations.</li><li>e_ce est l'arête adjacente de e_ac dans q_c qui a un sommet commun (v_ace) avec e_ae.</li><li>e_de est l'arête adjacente de e_ac dans q_d qui a un sommet commun (v_ade) avec e_ae.</li><li>v_acf est le sommet commun à e_af et e_cf</li><li>v_adf est le sommet commun à e_af et e_df</li><li>Création de l'arete e_be à paertir de e_bce et v_bde, puis de l'arête e_bf,</li><li>Créations des quadrangles q_b, q_e, q_f</li><li>Création de l'hexaèdre.</li></ul><p></p><p><span style="font-weight: bold;">addHexaQuadACE</span> :</p><p>Il
+est nécessaire de créer le sommet v_bdf. Il est l'intersection des
+plans (B, D, F). Chaque plan est défini par trois points présents sur
+les autres quadrangles :</p><ul><li>Le plan B est défini par les sommets bcd, bce, bcf . Son vecteur normal norm_b est le produit vectoriel de bc par be.</li><li>Le plan D est défini par les sommets adf, ade, adb. Son vecteur normal norm_d est le produit vectoriel de ac par ae.</li><li>Le
+plan F est défini par les sommets adf, acf, bcf. Son vecteur
+normal norm_f est le produit vectoriel de ae par ec.</li></ul><p>Soit un plan P défini par un point A et un vecteur normal N. Un point M appartient à P si le produit scalaire N.AM est nul</p><p>On obtient le système d'équations <br></p><table style="width: 80%; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; font-family: monospace;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
+<td><ol><li>(bdf,bce) . norm_b = 0</li><li>(bdf,ade) . norm_d = 0</li><li>(bdf,acf) . norm_f = 0</li></ol></td>
+</table>Equivalent à : <br><table style="width: 80%; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; font-family: monospace;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
+<td><ol><li> norme_b[0]*X + norme_b[1]*Y + norme_b[2]*Z = prod_scalaire (v_bce, norm_b)</li><li> norme_d[0]*X + norme_d[1]*Y + norme_d[2]*Z = prod_scalaire (v_ade, norm_d)</li><li> norme_f[0]*X + norme_f[1]*Y + norme_f[2]*Z = prod_scalaire (v_acf, norm_f)</li></ol></td>
+</table><br>Ce système de 3 équations à trois inconnues est résolu par la méthode de <span style="font-weight: bold;">Cramer</span> au moyen d'une classe du même nom défini dans le nouveau fichier <span style="font-weight: bold;">HexCramer.hxx.</span> Notons qu'un test unitaire de la classe Cramer existe dans le fichier test_quads.cxx<br style="font-weight: bold;"><p>Une fois le système résolu ; s'il n'est pas régulier on retourne un vecteur nul, la suite est aisée :</p><ul><li>Création du vertex s_bdf à partir des coordonnées calculées</li><li>Détermination
+des sommets opposés s_be, s_bcf, s_adf en utilisant la méthode
+Edge::commonVertex (edge) sur les arêtes dèja déterminées.</li><li>Création des 3 arêtes manquantes e_bd, e_bf, e_df</li><li>Création des quadrangles manquants q_b, q_d, q_f.</li><li>Création de l'hexaèdre.</li></ul><p><a name="addHexa4Quads"></a></p><p><img src="red-ball.gif" style="width: 12px; height: 12px;" alt="o"> <span style="font-weight: bold;">Création d'un hexaèdre avec quatre quadrangles : </span> </p><ul><li>La classe AnaQuads
+détecte trois arêtes communes : appel à addHexaQuadsACDE. La face A sera la première trouvée qui en possède trois,
+la face E la suivante à trois arêtes,C et D lles deux autres faces à deux arêtes communes.</li><li>La classe AnaQuads détecte quatre arêtes communes : appel à
+addHexaQuadsABCD. Ce
+cas est
+symétrique chaque face possède deux arêtes. La face A sera la première
+de la liste, C et D les deux faces sécantes à A, B la dernière.</li></ul><table style="text-align: left; width: 90%;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2"><tbody><tr><td style="vertical-align: middle; text-align: center;"><p><img src="Quads_ABCD.png" style="width: 282px; height: 226px;" alt="En tunnel"></p></td><td style="vertical-align: middle; text-align: center;"><img src="Quads_ACDE.png" style="width: 278px; height: 223px;" alt="En but"></td></tr><tr><td style="vertical-align: middle;">addHexa2Quads avec 4 quadrangles disposés en tunnel. <br>Fonction : addHexaQuadsABCD</td><td style="vertical-align: middle;">addHexa2Quads avec 4 quadrangles disposés en fauteuil. <br>Fonction : addHexaQuadsACDE</td></tr></tbody></table><p><span style="font-weight: bold;">addHexaQuadABCD</span> :</p><p>Le
+rôle des quadrangles passés en arguments est symétrique On nommera q_a
+le premier trouvé, q_c le premier qui intersecte q_a, q_c le second et
+q_d celui qui n'intersecte pas q_a.</p><p>Tous les sommets et arêtes sont présents. Il suffit de créer les deux quadrangles E et F:</p><p>Les problèmes de détermination des variables se traiotent comme dans <span style="font-weight: bold;">addHexaQuadABC</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: bold;">addHexaQuadACDE</span> :</p><p>Le rôle de q_a et qc est symétrique. Ils ont chacun trois arêtes communes avec les autres. q_e et q_f n'en ont que 2.</p><p>Tous les sommets sont présents. Il suffit de créer l'arête e_bf et les deux quasrangles B et F:</p><p>Les edges se déterminent aisément grâce aux indices d'interection fournis par <span style="font-weight: bold;">AnaQuads</span>. Il suffiit de prendre l'opposé :<span style="font-family: monospace;">et à la propriété de la classe Quad : l'indice d'une arête opposée à l'arête i vaut i+2.</span></p><table style="width: 80%; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; font-family: monospace;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2"><tbody><tr><td> int nc_ac = strquads.inter_edge[pos_c][pos_a]; // Nro dans q_c de e_ac<br> int nc_ce = strquads.inter_edge[pos_c][pos_e]; // Nro dans q_c de e_ce<br> int nd_ad = strquads.inter_edge[pos_d][pos_a]; // Nro dans q_d de e_ad<br> int nd_de = strquads.inter_edge[pos_d][pos_e]; // Nro dans q_d de e_de<br> int ne_ae = strquads.inter_edge[pos_e][pos_a]; // Nro dans q_e de e_ae<br><br> Edge* e_af = q_a->getEdge ((na_ac + 3) MODULO QUAD4);<br> Edge* e_bc = q_c->getEdge ((nc_ac + 2) MODULO QUAD4);<br> Edge* e_cf = q_c->getEdge ((nc_ce + 2) MODULO QUAD4);<br> Edge* e_bd = q_d->getEdge ((nd_ad + 2) MODULO QUAD4);<br> Edge* e_df = q_d->getEdge ((nd_de + 2) MODULO QUAD4);<br> Edge* e_be = q_e->getEdge ((ne_ae + 2) MODULO QUAD4);<br><br> Vertex* v_bcf = e_cf->opposedVertex (e_cf->commonVertex (e_af));<br> Vertex* v_bdf = e_df->opposedVertex (e_df->commonVertex (e_af));</td>
+</table><p><a name="addHexa5Quads"></a></p><img src="red-ball.gif" style="width: 12px; height: 12px;" alt="o"> <span style="font-weight: bold;">Création d'un hexaèdre avec cinq quadrangles : </span> <br><br>Il n'y a pas besoin de dissocier plusieurs cas, le travail est réalisé directement dans la méthode <span style="font-weight: bold;">addHexa5Quads</span>().<br><p style="text-align: center;"><img src="Quads_5.png" style="width: 278px; height: 223px;" alt="En but"></p>Ce cas est assez simple : c'est un hexaèdre auquel il manque la face que l'on convient de nommer B.<br><ul><li>La face q_a est celle qui possède 4 intersections.</li><li>Une
+fois son indice qbase déterminé dans AnaQuads, on boucle sur les 4
+quadrangles sécants à q_a et on obtient l'arête opposée t_edge[i] et le
+quadrangle associé tquad[i]. Les quadrangles q_c, g_d, q_e, q_f se
+retrouvent dans le tableau tquad dans un ordre exploitable, le problème
+étant symétrique.</li><li>On construit qb à partir des t_edge[i] donnés dans
+cet odre : q_b = new Quad (tedge[0], tedge[1], tedge[2],
+tedge[3]);</li><li>Enfin l'hexaèdre : hexa = new Hexa (q_a, q_b, tquad[0], tquad[2], tquad[1], tquad[3])</li></ul><p><a href="index.html#DebutPage">Retour au début</a></p><a name="Partie_2.2"></a><p><big><img src="green-ball.gif" style="width: 12px; height: 12px;" alt="o"></big><b><font size="+1"><big> 2.2 Génération d'Hexaèdres par révolution</big></font></b></p><p>Le pont d'entrée dans la classe Document est :<br>
+<span style="font-size: 11pt; font-family: Garamond;"></span>
+</p><table style="width: 80%; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; font-family: monospace;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
+<td>Elements* revolutionQuads (Quads& start, Vertex* center, Vector* axis, vector<double>& angles);<br></td>
+</table><br>Avec :<br><ul><li><span style="font-weight: bold;">start</span> est la liste des quadrangles de départ. Ils doivent costituer une surface libre.Rappelons que le type <span style="font-weight: bold;">Quads</span> est équivalent à <span style="font-weight: bold;">vector<Quad*></span></li><li><span style="font-weight: bold;">center</span> et <span style="font-weight: bold;">axis</span> sont respecttivement le centre et l'axe de la rotation</li><li>le vecteur <span style="font-weight: bold;">angles</span> définit pour chaque incrément l'angle de la rotation.</li></ul><br><br><br><table style="text-align: left; width: 90%;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2"><tbody><tr><td style="vertical-align: middle; text-align: center;"><p><img src="QuadRevolution1.png" style="width: 282px; height: 226px;" alt="En diedre"></p></td><td style="vertical-align: middle; text-align: center;"><img src="QuadRevolution2.png" style="width: 278px; height: 223px;" alt="Trièdre"></td></tr><tr><td style="vertical-align: middle;">Avant la revolution : on a coloré les quadrangles à déplacer, ainsi que l'axe de rotation.</td><td style="vertical-align: middle;">Résultat de la revolution.</td><td style="vertical-align: middle;"></td></tr></tbody></table><br><p><a href="index.html#DebutPage">Retour au début</a></p><a name="Partie_2.3"></a><p><big><img src="green-ball.gif" style="width: 12px; height: 12px;" alt="o"></big><b><font size="+1"><big> 2.3 Substitution d'Hexaèdres</big></font></b></p><p>Il
+s'agit de remplacer un hexaèdre ou des hexaèdres par une autre série
+d'hexaaaèdres. Pour pouvoir effectuer ce remplacement, cette autre
+série d'hexaèdres doit vérifier des conditions de collage de faces.<br>
+<span style="font-size: 11pt; font-family: Garamond;"></span>
+</p><br><br><table style="text-align: left; width: 90%;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2"><tbody><tr><td style="vertical-align: middle; text-align: center;"><p><img src="ReplaceBefore.gif" style="width: 282px; height: 226px;" alt="En diedre"></p></td><td style="vertical-align: middle; text-align: center;"><img src="ReplaceResult.gif" style="width: 278px; height: 223px;" alt="Trièdre"></td></tr><tr><td style="vertical-align: middle; text-align: center;">Exemple
+: remplacement des 3 hexaèdres jaunes centraux par 3 fois 5 nouveaux
+hexaèdres qui sont construits par extrusion des 5 quadrangles marrons
+(le motif).</td><td style="vertical-align: middle; text-align: center;">Résultat du remplacement. </td></tr></tbody></table><br><br>La signature de la fonction est la suivante :<br><table style="width: 80%; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; font-family: monospace;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
+<td>Elements* Document::revolutionQuads (Hexas& pattern, Vertex* p1, Vertex* c1, <br>
+ Vertex*
+p2, Vertex* c2, Vertex* p3, Vertex* c3);<br></td>
+</table><br>Avec :<br><ul><li><span style="font-weight: bold;">pattern </span>est la liste des hexaèdres à extruder.<span style="font-weight: bold;"></span></li><li><span style="font-weight: bold;">c1, c2 </span>et <span style="font-weight: bold;">c3</span>
+définissent le quadrangle "cible" QB. Soit QA la face opposée à QB. A
+partir de cette face, on définit l'ensemble des n hexaèdres liés par
+les faces "opposées" (QAi, QBi). </li><li><span style="font-weight: bold;">p1, p2 </span>et <span style="font-weight: bold;">p3</span> sont les vertices du pattern qui seront associés resperctivement à c1, c2 et c3. </li></ul><p></p><p style="font-weight: bold;"><big>Conditions : </big></p><ul><li>Le pattern doit avoir exactement 4 faces latérales externes, que l'on appellera pqc, pqd, pqe, pqf. </li><li>Les
+faces"transversales" inférieure et supérieure et doivent être
+superposables : le motif des quadrangles qui constituent ces faces doit
+être identique.</li><li>c1,c2 et c3 sont sur une face externe</li></ul><p></p><p>Pour désigner les faces d'un hexaèdres, on utilise les <a href="#RappelNotations">notations habituelles</a> définies plus haut.</p><p><big><span style="font-weight: bold;">Conventions et orientations</span></big> : </p><ul><li>Les
+3 vertices de départ du pattern définissent deux edges : pe_ac (sens
+Ox) et pe_ae (sens oy) et 3 vertices pv_aed, pv_ace, pv_acf.
+pv_ace est celui des 3 vertices qui est commun aux deux edges, pv_ade
+la première des extrémités. </li><li>Les 4 faces latérales externes du pattern sont notées pq_c, pq_d, pq_e, pq_f.</li><li>Les
+3 vertices cibles définissent un quadrangle cq_b , deux edges
+ ce_bc (Ox) et ce_be (Oy) et 3 vertices cv_bed, cv_bce et cv_bcf.
+définis comme pout le pattern.</li></ul><br> (A suivre ...)<p></p><p></p><p><br> </p><p><a href="index.html#DebutPage">Retour au début</a>
+</p><hr width="100%">
+<p><a name="Partie_3"></a></p>
+<p><img src="blue-ball.gif" alt="o" height="12" width="12"><b><font size="+1">
+ <big>Partie 3 : Bibliothèque de formes</big></font></b></p><p>Cette biblothèque est constituée de quatre nouvelles formes :<br></p><ul><li>La demi-sphère trouée </li><li>Le huitième de sphère trouée</li><li>La demi-écorce trouée</li><li>Le huitième d'écorce trouée </li></ul><p>Ces formes sont implémentées (et traduites ....) de la façon suivante :</p><table style="width: 80%; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; font-family: monospace;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
+<td><span style="font-family: monospace;">Elements* makeSphere (Vertex* center, </span><span style="font-family: monospace;">Vector* vx, Vector* vz,</span><span style="font-family: monospace;"> <br> double radius, </span><span style="font-family: monospace;">double radhole, </span><span style="font-family: monospace;"><br> Vertex*
+plorig, </span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> int
+nrad, int nang, int nhaut);</span><span style="font-family: monospace;"></span><span style="font-family: monospace;"></span><br></td>
+<tr><td><span style="font-family: monospace;">Elements* makePartSphere (Vertex* center, </span><span style="font-family: monospace;"></span><span style="font-family: monospace;">Vector* vx, Vector* vz,</span><span style="font-family: monospace;"> </span><span style="font-family: monospace;"><br> double radius, </span><span style="font-family: monospace;"></span><span style="font-family: monospace;">double radhole</span><span style="font-family: monospace;">,</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> Vertex*
+plorig, </span><span style="font-family: monospace;">double angle,</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> int
+nrad, int nang, int nhaut);</span></td></tr><tr><td><span style="font-family: monospace;">Elements* makeRind (Vertex* center, </span><span style="font-family: monospace;"></span><span style="font-family: monospace;">Vector* vx, Vector* vz,</span><span style="font-family: monospace;"> </span><span style="font-family: monospace;"><br> double radius, double radint, </span><span style="font-family: monospace;"></span><span style="font-family: monospace;">double radhole</span><span style="font-family: monospace;">,</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> Vertex*
+plorig, </span><span style="font-family: monospace;"></span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> int
+nrad, int nang, int nhaut);</span></td></tr><tr><td><span style="font-family: monospace;">Elements* makePartRind (Vertex* center, </span><span style="font-family: monospace;"></span><span style="font-family: monospace;">Vector* vx, Vector* vz,</span><span style="font-family: monospace;"> <br> </span><span style="font-family: monospace;">double radius, double radint, </span><span style="font-family: monospace;"></span><span style="font-family: monospace;">double radhole</span><span style="font-family: monospace;">,</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> Vertex*
+plorig, </span><span style="font-family: monospace;">double angle,</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> int
+nrad, int nang, int nhaut);</span></td></tr></tbody>
+</table><br>Remarques :<br><ul><li>Le plan sécant ne passe pas
+forcément par le centre de la sphère. Il définit le demi-espace dans
+lequel se situe l'objet à dessiner.Il peut même être disjoint de la
+sphère. S'il est "en dessous", la sphère est entièrement dessinée, s'il
+est "au dessus", l'objet sera vide. </li></ul><br><p><big><img src="green-ball.gif" style="width: 12px; height: 12px;" alt="o"></big><b><font size="+1"><big> 3.1 <span style="font-family: Terminal;"></span> Aspect visuel (exemples)</big></font></b></p><br>Conditions<br><table style="text-align: left; width: 90%;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2"><tbody><tr><td style="vertical-align: middle; text-align: center;"><p><img src="HemiSphere.png" style="width: 282px; height: 226px;" alt="Demi Sphere trouee"></p></td><td style="vertical-align: middle; text-align: center;"><img src="PartSphere.png" style="width: 278px; height: 223px;" alt="Huitième de sphère"></td></tr><tr><td style="vertical-align: middle; text-align: center;">Demi-Sphère trouée (makeSphere ())</td><td style="vertical-align: middle; text-align: center;">Huitième de sphère trouée (makePartSphere ())</td></tr><tr><td style="vertical-align: middle; text-align: center;"><p><img src="Rind.png" style="width: 282px; height: 226px;" alt="Ecorce trouée"> </p></td><td style="vertical-align: middle; text-align: center;"><p><img src="PartRind.png" style="width: 282px; height: 226px;" alt="Huitième d'ecorce"> </p></td></tr><tr><td style="text-align: center;" valign="middle">Demi écorce trouée (makeRind ())</td><td style="text-align: center;" valign="middle">Huitième d'écorce trouée (makePartRind ())</td></tr></tbody></table><p><big><img src="green-ball.gif" style="width: 12px; height: 12px;" alt="o"></big><b><font size="+1"><big> 3.1 <span style="font-family: Terminal;"></span> Im</big></font></b><b><font size="+1"><big>plémentation</big></font></b></p><p>Toutes ces fonctions publiques appellent une seule fonction de la classe <span style="font-weight: bold;">Elements :</span></p><table style="width: 80%; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; font-family: monospace;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
+<tr><td><span style="font-family: monospace;">int makeRind (EnumGrid type, Vertex* center, </span><span style="font-family: monospace;"></span><span style="font-family: monospace;">Vector* vx, Vector* vz,</span><span style="font-family: monospace;"> <br> </span><span style="font-family: monospace;">double radius, double radint, </span><span style="font-family: monospace;"></span><span style="font-family: monospace;">double radhole</span><span style="font-family: monospace;">,</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> Vertex*
+plorig, </span><span style="font-family: monospace;">double angle,</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> int
+nrad, int nang, int nhaut);</span></td></tr></tbody>
+</table><br>Une fonction <span style="font-weight: bold;">controlRind() </span>vérifie
+la cohérence des arguments passés en entrée et calcule les deux extrema
+de l'angle d'élévation phi (voir chapitre suivant).<br>Une boucle à triple indice sur (nrad, nang, nhaut) calculme les coordonnées des sommets par appel de la fonction <span style="font-weight: bold;">getCylPoint (nx,ny,nz, px,py,pz)</span>.<br>Ce
+calcul se fait sur une sphère de centre O et d'axe Oz, dont les
+hexaedres sont comptés à partir de l'axe Ox de façon à remplir le
+secteur angulaire theta.. Les coordonnées sont ensuite replacées dans
+les coordonnes utilisateur grâce à la fonction <span style="font-weight: bold;">transfoVertices</span>(). Edges, quadrangles et hexaèdres sont ensuites assemblés grâce à la fonction <span style="font-weight: bold;">fillGrid</span>().<br><br><p><big><img src="green-ball.gif" style="width: 12px; height: 12px;" alt="o"></big><b><font size="+1"><big> 3.2 Détermination de l'angle d'élévation (phi) <span style="font-family: Terminal;"></span> </big></font></b></p>L'angle
+d'azimuth theta (longitude) est défini explicitement par l'utilisateur.
+L'angle d'élévation phi est délimité par la position du plan
+horizontal et par le diamètre du trou. Soit :<br><ul><li>Une sphère de centre O et de rayon R.</li><li>La phère est traversée par un trou cylindrique de rayon r.</li><li>Un plan défini par son vecteur normal n (vertical sur la figure qui suit) et un point A</li></ul><p style="text-align: center;"><img src="Sphere.gif" style="width: 373px; height: 311px;" alt="Sphere"></p>A partir de ces éléments de base, on définit<small><small><small><small><small><small> </small></small></small></small></small></small>:<br><ul><li>Le point H, projection orhogonale du centre O de la sphere sur le plan (A,n)</li><li>L'angle alpha défini par le centre O et le cylindre : sin (alpha) = r/R</li><li>L'angle beta délimité par l'horizontale et l'intersection du plan (A,n) et de la sphère. </li><ul><li>sin (beta) = OH/R</li><li>et OH = OA.n/|n| (produit scalaire de OA par le vecteur unitaire associé à n).</li></ul></ul>L'angle d'élévation phi est encadré par les valeurs suivantes : <ul><li>max (alpha-pi/2, beta) <= phi <= pi/2 - alpha</li></ul><br><p><a href="index.html#DebutPage">Retour au début</a>
+</p><hr width="100%">
+<p><a name="Partie_4"></a></p>
+<p><img src="blue-ball.gif" alt="o" height="12" width="12"><b><font size="+1">
+ <big>Partie 4 : Evolution des associations</big></font></b></p><p class="MsoNormal">Cette tâche est composée de 3 évolutions, au sujet de
+l'association, qui sont décrites ci-après.</p><p><big><img src="green-ball.gif" style="width: 12px; height: 12px;" alt="o"></big><b><font size="+1"><big> 4.1 Nouveaux objets <span style="font-family: Terminal;"></span> </big></font></b></p>
+<p class="MsoNormal">Il s'agissait d'ajouter de nouveaux objets
+intermédiaires de travail, comme le vecteur ou le cylindre :</p>
+<ul style="margin-top: 0cm;" type="square"><li class="MsoNormal" style="">le
+ cercle défini par un
+ centre, un
+ rayon et une
+ normale,</li><li class="MsoNormal" style="">la
+ sphère définie par un
+ centre et un
+ rayon.<br></li></ul>Il était p aussi associer
+les objets intermédiaires aux objets géométriques venant du
+composant GEOM de SALOME :<br><ul style="margin-top: 0cm;" type="square"><li class="MsoNormal" style="">un
+ cercle,</li><li class="MsoNormal" style="">une
+ sphère,</li><li class="MsoNormal" style="">un
+ cylindre.</li></ul> <p><big><img src="green-ball.gif" style="width: 12px; height: 12px;" alt="o"></big><b><font size="+1"><big> 4.2 Associations prédéfinies <span style="font-family: Terminal;"></span> </big></font></b></p><p class="MsoNormal">La deuxième évolution consiste à améliorer les associations
+des modèles de blocs prédéfinis en calculant automatiquement des associations
+implicites, les fonctions concernées sont les suivantes:</p>
+<ul style="margin-top: 0cm;" type="square"><li class="MsoNormal" style="">ajouter
+ une grille cylindrique .</li><li class="MsoNormal" style="">ajouter
+ une grille sphérique.</li><li class="MsoNormal" style="">ajouter
+ un cylindre, un tuyau.</li><li class="MsoNormal" style="">ajouter
+ l’intersection de 2 cylindres ou de 2 tuyaux.</li><li class="MsoNormal" style="">faire
+ de même pour toutes les nouvelles fonctions : ecorces et portions de sphères.</li></ul>
+<p class="MsoNormal">Pour chaque arête (sphérique) concernée, on associera un arc de cercle.</p><p class="MsoNormal">Il est inutile d'associer laes faces, SMESH est capable de mailler si les arêtes sont associées.</p><p class="MsoNormal"><big><span style="font-weight: bold;">Implémentation</span></big> </p><p class="MsoNormal">Rappelons que l'objet Shape de HexaBlock est constitué :</p><ul><li>D'une chaine de caractère (b_rep) qui permet de décrire toute forme de GEOM</li><li>De deux paramètres <span style="font-style: italic;">debut</span> et <span style="font-style: italic;">fin</span> compris entre 0 et 1 permettant de délimiter la ligne décrite par la b-rep quand c'en est une</li></ul><p class="MsoNormal">Deux opérations sont nécessaires :</p><ol><li> créer un cercle au moyen de GEOM,</li><li>découper ce cercle en arcs de cercle qui seront associés aux arêtes concernées.</li></ol><p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-weight: bold;">Opération 1 </span>:
+Le cercle à créer est en fait un arc de cercle orienté de 360
+degrés. Il est en effet nécessaire de définir une origine. GEOM
+permet de générer finir un tel
+cercle, à partir duquel HexaBlock définira des arcs au moyen des
+paramètres <span style="font-style: italic;">debut</span> et <span style="font-style: italic;">fin</span> des shapes :</p><p class="MsoNormal">Cette action est assurée par la fonction <span style="font-weight: bold;">geom_create_circle</span>
+qui génère la brep du cercle à partir de son centre, de son rayon,
+de son vecteur normal, du vecteur Ox qui permet de définir son
+origine.</p><br><span style="font-weight: bold;"></span><table style="width: 80%; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; font-family: monospace;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
+<tr><td><span style="font-family: monospace;"></span><span style="font-family: monospace;"></span><span style="font-family: monospace;">void <span style="font-weight: bold;">geom_create_circle</span> (double* centre, double rayon, Vector* normale,<br>
+double* ox, string& brep)<br>{<br> gp_Pnt gp_center (centre [dir_x], centre [dir_y], centre [dir_z]);<br>
+gp_Vec gp_ox (ox
+[dir_x], ox [dir_y], ox
+[dir_z]);<br> gp_Vec gp_norm (normale->getDx(), normale->getDy(), normale->getDz());<br><br> <span style="font-weight: bold;">gp_Ax2</span> gp_axes (gp_center, gp_norm, gp_ox);<br> <span style="font-weight: bold;">gp_Circ</span> gp_circ (gp_axes, rayon);<br><br> TopoDS_Edge geom_circ = <span style="font-weight: bold;">BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge</span>(gp_circ).Edge();<br> ostringstream stream_shape;<br> <span style="font-weight: bold;">BRepTools::Write</span>(geom_circ, stream_shape);<br><br> brep = stream_shape.str();<br>}</span><span style="font-family: monospace;"></span></td></tr></tbody>
+</table><br>GEOM permet de définir un tel cercle (calsse <span style="font-style: italic;">gp_Circ</span>) à partir d'un systemes d'axes 2D (classe <span style="font-style: italic;">gp_Ax2</span> ) et d'un rayon. Ce cercle esr ensuite transformé en forme <span style="font-style: italic;">TopoDS_Shape</span> qui est l'objet GEOM que l'on maniplule habituellement losque l'on procède aux associations. Plus précisément en <span style="font-style: italic;">TopoDS_Edge</span> au moyen de <span style="font-style: italic;">BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge</span><span style="font-family: monospace;"></span>. Enfin l'objet est transformé en chaine de caractères de format Brep via <span style="font-style: italic;">ostringstream</span>.<br><br><span style="font-weight: bold;">Opération 2 </span>:
+On dispose d'une b-rep décrivant un arc de cercle de 360 degrés.
+Il est aisé de définir proportionnellement pour chacun des edges
+constituant la ligne associée à la portion de cercle les paramètres
+début et fin par rapport aux angles de départ et d'arrivée de chaque
+arc. Cette opération fut d'ailleurs réalisée lors de la préservarion
+des associations lors d'un "cut". On réutilisera donc la fonction <span style="font-style: italic;">Elements::cutAssociation(...) </span>moyennant quelques aménagements.<br><p class="MsoNormal"></p><p><big><img src="green-ball.gif" style="width: 12px; height: 12px;" alt="o"></big><b><font size="+1"><big> 4.3 Propagation des associations <span style="font-family: Terminal;"></span> </big></font></b></p><p class="MsoNormal"><br>La troisième évolution consiste à améliorer la propagation
+automatique des associations, les fonctions concernées sont les suivantes:</p>
+<ul style="margin-top: 0cm;" type="disc"><li class="MsoNormal" style="">fusionner
+ ou déconnecter des sommets, des arêtes, des quadrangles :</li><ul style="margin-top: 0cm;" type="circle"><li class="MsoNormal" style="">s’il
+ y a des associations, ne pas les perdre,</li></ul><li class="MsoNormal" style="">prismer
+ un ou des quadrangles :</li><ul style="margin-top: 0cm;" type="circle"><li class="MsoNormal" style="">s’il
+ y a des associations dans la direction de l’extrusion, les propager,</li></ul><li class="MsoNormal" style="">ajouter
+ des hexaèdres par translation, par rotation, par homothétie ou par
+ symétries :</li><ul style="margin-top: 0cm;" type="circle"><li class="MsoNormal" style="">si
+ les hexaèdres sources ont une association, alors les propager,</li></ul><li class="MsoNormal" style="">faire
+ de même pour la fonction «révolution» du lot 2.</li></ul>
+<p class="MsoNormal"><o:p></o:p></p>
+<p class="MsoNormal">Ces trois évolutions seront implémentées dans le moteur.
+Seule le première évolution (création de sphères ou cercles) sera implémentée
+dans la partie interactive. </p><br><br><img src="red-ball.gif" style="width: 12px; height: 12px;" alt="o"> <span style="font-weight: bold;">Implémentation :</span><br><br><br>En
+ce qui concerne les associations propagées par les transformations, la
+fonction de base de l'implémentation est transfo_brep. <br>Cette fonction reprend la matrice du modèle de blocs et l'applique à la shape décrite par la brep.<br><br><table style="text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 859px; height: 65px;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2"><tbody><tr><td style="width: 80%;"><span style="font-family: monospace;">// ====================================================== transfo_brep<br>void transfo_brep (string& brep, Matrix* matrice, string& trep)<br>{<br> BRep_Builder builder;<br> TopoDS_Shape shape_orig;<br> ostringstream stream_shape;<br> gp_Trsf transfo;<br><br>
+a11,a12,a13,a14, a21,a22,a23,a24, a31,a32,a33,a34;<br> matrice->getCoeff (a11,a12,a13,a14, a21,a22,a23,a24, a31,a32,a33,a34);<br> transfo.SetValues (a11,a12,a13,a14, a21,a22,a23,a24, a31,a32,a33,a34, <br>
+Epsil2, Epsil2);<br><br> istringstream stream_brep (brep);<br> BRepTools::Read (shape_orig, stream_brep, builder);<br> <br> BRepBuilderAPI_Transform brep_transfo (shape_orig, transfo, Standard_True);<br> TopoDS_Shape result = brep_transfo.Shape();<br><br> BRepTools::Write (result, stream_shape);<br> trep = stream_shape.str();<br>}<br></span><span style="font-family: monospace;"></span></td></tr></tbody></table><br><br>Pour la fonction de prismQuads, on utilise une variante simplifiée : <br><br><table style="text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 859px; height: 65px;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2"><tbody><tr><td style="width: 80%;"><span style="font-family: monospace;">// ====================================================== translate_brep<br>void translate_brep (string& brep, double dir[], string& trep)<br>{<br> gp_Trsf transfo;<br> BRep_Builder builder;<br> TopoDS_Shape orig;<br> ostringstream stream_shape;<br><br>
+vecteur (dir [dir_x], dir [dir_y],
+dir [dir_z]);<br> transfo.SetTranslation (vecteur);<br> istringstream stream_brep (brep);<br> BRepTools::Read (orig, stream_brep, builder);<br> <br> TopLoc_Location loc_orig = orig.Location();<br> gp_Trsf trans_orig = loc_orig.Transformation();<br> TopLoc_Location loc_result (transfo * trans_orig);<br> TopoDS_Shape result = orig.Located (loc_result);<br><br> BRepTools::Write (result, stream_shape);<br> trep = stream_shape.str();<br>}<br></span><span style="font-family: monospace;"></span></td></tr></tbody></table><br><br>Pour la fonction de prismQuads, on utilise une variante simplifiée : <br><br><br><br><img src="red-ball.gif" style="width: 12px; height: 12px;" alt="o"> <span style="font-weight: bold;">Propagation des associations pour les transformations :</span><span style="font-weight: bold;"></span><br><br><br>L'exemple donné est makeScale <br><br><table style="text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 859px; height: 65px;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2"><tbody><tr><td style="width: 80%;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"># ======================================================= make_grid</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;">def make_grid (doc) :</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> ori = doc.addVertex ( 0, 0, 0)</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> vz = doc.addVector ( 0, 0, 1)</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> vx = doc.addVector ( 1 ,0, 0)</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> dr = 1</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> da = 360</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> dl = 1</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> nr = 1</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> na = 6</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> nl = 1</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> grid = doc.makeCylindrical (ori, vx,vz, dr,da,dl, nr,na,nl, False)</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> return grid</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"># ======================================================= test_scale</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;">def test_scale () :</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> doc = hexablock.addDocument()</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> grid = make_grid (doc)</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> dest = doc.addVertex (15, 0, 0)</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> grid2 = doc.makeScale (grid, dest, 0.5)</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> return doc</span></td></tr></tbody></table><br><br><table style="width: 859px; height: 65px; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2"><tbody><tr><td style="width: 80%;"><img style="width: 701px; height: 568px;" alt="transfo" src="transfo.png"></td></tr></tbody></table><br>ss<br><br><br><img src="red-ball.gif" style="width: 12px; height: 12px;" alt="o"> <span style="font-weight: bold;">Propagation des associations pour la fonction prism</span><span style="font-weight: bold;">Quads</span><br><br>Pour la fonction prismQuads :<br><br><br><br><table style="text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 737px; height: 297px;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2"><tbody><tr><td style="width: 80%;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"># ========================================================== test_prism</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;">def test_prism () :</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> doc = hexablock.addDocument()</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> nr = 1</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> na = 6</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> nl = 1</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> grid = make_grid (doc, nr, na, nl)</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> liste = [ ]</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> for nx in range (nr) :</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> for ny in range (na) :</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> cell = grid.getQuadIJ (nx, ny, nl)</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> liste.append (cell);</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> axis = doc.addVector (1, 1, 1);</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> bloc = doc.prismQuads (liste, axis, 3)</span><br style="font-family: monospace;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"> return doc</span></td></tr></tbody></table><br><br><span style="font-weight: bold;"></span><table style="text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; font-family: monospace; width: 909px; height: 535px;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
+<tr><td><span style="font-family: monospace;"></span><span style="font-family: monospace;"></span><span style="font-family: monospace;"><br><br><br><br><br></span><div style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"><img style="width: 498px; height: 403px;" alt="Prisme" src="prism.png"></span><br><span style="font-family: monospace;"></span></div><span style="font-family: monospace;"><br><br><br></span><span style="font-family: monospace;"></span></td></tr></tbody>
+</table><br><br><br><img src="red-ball.gif" style="width: 12px; height: 12px;" alt="o"> <span style="font-weight: bold;">Propagation des associations pour la fonction revolutionQuads</span><br><br><br>Pour la fonction revolutionQuads <br><br><br><br><table style="text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 737px; height: 297px;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2"><tbody><tr><td style="width: 80%;"><span style="font-family: monospace;"># ========================================================== test_revolution<br>def test_revolution () :<br> doc = hexablock.addDocument()<br> nr = 1<br> na = 6<br> nl = 1<br> grid = make_grid (doc, nr, na, nl)<br><br> liste = [ ]<br> for nx in range (nr) :<br> for ny in range (na) :<br> cell = grid.getQuadIJ (nx, ny, nl)<br> print " ... cell = ", cell<br> liste.append (cell);<br></span>ss<br><br><span style="font-family: monospace;"> center = doc.addVertex (0, -10, 0);<br> axis = doc.addVector (1, 0, 0);<br> angles = [5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 20, 15, 10, 5 ]<br></span>ss<br><span style="font-family: monospace;"> bloc = doc.revolutionQuads (liste, center, axis, angles);<br> return doc<br></span><span style="font-family: monospace;"></span></td></tr></tbody></table><br><br><br><br><table style="width: 734px; height: 484px; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2"><tbody><tr><td style="width: 80%;"><img style="width: 474px; height: 383px;" alt="Macaroni" src="macaroni.png" align="middle"></td></tr></tbody></table><br><br><br><br><br><p><a href="index.html#DebutPage">Retour au début</a></p>
+<hr width="100%">
\ No newline at end of file
// ======================================================== Constructeur
Cylinder::Cylinder(Vertex* b, Vector* v, double r, double h)
- : EltBase (b->dad())
+ : EltBase (b->dad(), EL_CYLINDER)
c_base = b;
c_dir = v;
HexDump (c_dir);
cout << endl;
+ if (c_base==NULL || c_dir==NULL || el_root==NULL)
+ setError ();
+ else
+ {
+ double tol = el_root->getTolerance ();
+ double norme = c_dir ->getNorm ();
+ if (c_radius <= tol || c_height <= tol || norme <= tol)
+ setError ();
+ }
// ======================================================== rdiffers
bool rdiffers (double v1, double v2)
return HOK;
// ======================================================== parseName
-int parseName (XmlTree* node, EltBase* elt)
+int parseName (XmlTree* node, const string& nom, EltBase* elt)
+ int lg = nom.size();
+ int nroid = 0;
+ for (int nc=1 ; nc<lg ; nc++)
+ nroid = 10*nroid + nom[nc] - '0';
+ elt->setId (nroid);
const string& name = node->findValue ("name");
if (name=="")
return HERR;
get_coords (coords, px, py, pz);
Vertex* vertex = addVertex (px, py, pz);
- parseName (node, vertex);
+ parseName (node, nom, vertex);
Shape* shape = NULL;
if (brep != "" )
get_names (vertices, V_TWO, tname);
edge = new Edge (t_vertex [tname[0]], t_vertex [tname[1]]);
t_edge [nom] = edge;
- parseName (node, edge);
+ parseName (node, nom, edge);
else if (type=="Shape" && edge!=NULL)
quad = new Quad (t_edge [tname[0]], t_edge [tname[1]],
t_edge [tname[2]], t_edge [tname[3]]);
t_quad [nom] = quad;
- parseName (node, quad);
+ parseName (node, nom, quad);
else if (type=="Shape" && quad!=NULL)
t_quad [tname[2]], t_quad [tname[3]],
t_quad [tname[4]], t_quad [tname[5]]);
t_hexa [nom] = hexa;
- parseName (node, hexa);
+ parseName (node, nom, hexa);
rubrique = xml.findChild ("ListVectors");
Vector* vector = addVector (px, py, pz);
t_vector [nom] = vector;
- parseName (node, vector);
+ parseName (node, nom, vector);
rubrique = xml.findChild ("ListDicretizationLaws");
e_law = NULL;
e_clone = NULL;
+ if (isBad())
+ return;
+ else if (BadElement (va) || BadElement (vb))
+ {
+ setError ();
+ return;
+ }
+ else if (va == vb)
+ {
+ setError ();
+ return;
+ }
majReferences ();
// ======================================================== Constructeur 2
: EltBase (other->dad(), EL_EDGE)
e_vertex [V_AMONT] = e_vertex [V_AVAL ] = NULL;
+ if (BadElement (other))
+ setError ();
e_propag = NOTHING;
e_way = true;
virtual void replaceVertex (Vertex* old, Vertex* nouveau);
virtual void clearAssociation () { tab_assoc.clear() ; }
virtual void setAssociation (Shape* forme);
- int addAssociation (Shape* forme);
+ virtual bool isAssociated () { return tab_assoc.size() > 0 ; }
+ virtual int addAssociation (Shape* forme);
Edge (Vertex* va, Vertex* vb);
Edge (Edge* other);
int Elements::makeCartesianGrid (Vertex* orig, Vector* v1, Vector* v2,
Vector* v3, int px, int py, int pz, int mx, int my, int mz)
+ if (BadElement (orig) || BadElement(v1) || BadElement(v2) || BadElement(v3)
+ || px<=0 || py<=0 || pz <= 0
+ || v1->getNorm () <= Epsil || v2->getNorm () <= Epsil
+ || v3->getNorm () <= Epsil)
+ {
+ setError ();
+ return HERR;
+ }
resize (GR_CARTESIAN, px+mx, py+my, pz+mz);
makeCartesianNodes (orig, v1, v2, v3, px, py, pz, mx, my, mz);
int Elements::makeCylindricalGrid (Vertex* c, Vector* b, Vector* h,
double dr, double da, double dl, int nr, int na, int nl, bool fill)
+ if (BadElement (c) || BadElement(b) || BadElement(h)
+ || nr<=0 || na<=0 || nl <= 0 || dr < Epsil || da < Epsil || dl < Epsil
+ || b->getNorm () <= Epsil || h->getNorm () <= Epsil)
+ {
+ setError ();
+ return HERR;
+ }
resize (GR_CYLINDRIC, nr, na, nl);
cyl_closed = da >= 360.0;
makeCylindricalNodes (c, b, h, dr, da, dl, nr, na, nl, fill);
// ====================================================== makeSphericalGrid
int Elements::makeSphericalGrid (Vertex* c, Vector* dv, int nb, double k)
- resize (GR_SPHERIC, nb);
- if (nb<0)
- return HERR;
- else if (dv->getDx()<=ZEROR || dv->getDy()<=ZEROR || dv->getDz()<=ZEROR)
+ if (BadElement (c) || BadElement(dv)
+ || nb<=0 || k < Epsil
+ || dv->getDx()<=Epsil || dv->getDy()<=Epsil || dv->getDz()<=Epsil)
+ {
+ setError ();
return HERR;
+ }
+ resize (GR_SPHERIC, nb);
Vertex* i_node [HV_MAXI]; // Les noeuds de l'hexa englobant
Edge* i_edge [HE_MAXI]; // Les noeuds de l'hexa englobant
printf ("\n");
printf (" *** joinQuads : donnees incorrectes\n");
printf (" *** le %deme quadrangle de depart est NULL\n", nro);
+ setError ();
return HERR;
else if (face->getNbrParents()>1)
printf (" *** joinQuads : donnees incorrectes\n");
printf (" *** le %deme quadrangle de depart n'est pas une "
"face externe\n", nro);
- face->dump ();
+ face->dump ();
+ setError ();
return HERR;
orig [nro]->setMark (nro);
if (e_orig==NULL || e_dest==NULL)
+ {
+ setError ();
return HERR;
+ }
StrOrient orient (v1, v3, v2, v4);
int ier = this ->coupler (0, cible, &orient);
if (ier!=HOK)
- return HERR;
+ {
+ setError ();
+ return HERR;
+ }
ier = orig[0]->coupler (cible, &orient, this);
return ier;
// ====================================================== getHexaIJK
Hexa* Elements::getHexaIJK (int nx, int ny, int nz)
+ if (isBad())
+ return NULL;
if (nx<0 || nx>=size_hx || ny<0 || ny>=size_hy || nz<0 || nz>=size_hz)
return NULL;
else if (grid_nocart)
// ====================================================== getQuadIJ
Quad* Elements::getQuadIJ (int nx, int ny, int nz)
+ if (isBad())
+ return NULL;
if (nx<0 || nx>=size_qx || ny<0 || ny>=size_qy || nz<0 || nz>=size_qz)
return NULL;
else if (grid_nocart)
// ====================================================== getQuadJK
Quad* Elements::getQuadJK (int nx, int ny, int nz)
+ if (isBad())
+ return NULL;
if (nx<0 || nx>=size_qx || ny<0 || ny>=size_qy || nz<0 || nz>=size_qz)
return NULL;
else if (grid_nocart)
// ====================================================== getQuadIK
Quad* Elements::getQuadIK (int nx, int ny, int nz)
+ if (isBad())
+ return NULL;
if (nx<0 || nx>=size_qx || ny<0 || ny>=size_qy || nz<0 || nz>=size_qz)
return NULL;
else if (grid_nocart)
// ====================================================== getEdgeI
Edge* Elements::getEdgeI (int nx, int ny, int nz)
+ if (isBad())
+ return NULL;
if (nx<0 || nx>=size_ex || ny<0 || ny>=size_ey || nz<0 || nz>=size_ez)
return NULL;
else if (grid_nocart)
// ====================================================== getEdgeJ
Edge* Elements::getEdgeJ (int nx, int ny, int nz)
+ if (isBad())
+ return NULL;
if (nx<0 || nx>=size_ex || ny<0 || ny>=size_ey || nz<0 || nz>=size_ez)
return NULL;
else if (grid_nocart)
// ====================================================== getEdgeK
Edge* Elements::getEdgeK (int nx, int ny, int nz)
+ if (isBad())
+ return NULL;
if (nx<0 || nx>=size_ex || ny<0 || ny>=size_ey || nz<0 || nz>=size_ez)
return NULL;
else if (grid_nocart)
// ====================================================== getVertexIJK
Vertex* Elements::getVertexIJK (int nx, int ny, int nz)
+ if (isBad())
+ return NULL;
if (nx<0 || nx>=size_vx || ny<0 || ny>=size_vy || nz<0 || nz>=size_vz)
return NULL;
else if (grid_nocart)
// ====================================================== makeCylinder
int Elements::makeCylinder (Cylinder* cyl, Vector* vx, int nr, int na, int nl)
+ if (BadElement (cyl) || BadElement (vx) || nr<=0 || na <=3 || nl <=0
+ || vx->getNorm () <= Epsil)
+ {
+ setError ();
+ return HERR;
+ }
Vertex* orig = cyl->getBase ();
Vector* dir = cyl->getDirection ();
double ray = cyl->getRadius ();
// ====================================================== makePipe
int Elements::makePipe (Cylinder* cyl, Vector* vx, int nr, int na, int nl)
+ if (BadElement (cyl) || BadElement (vx) || nr<=0 || na <=3 || nl <=0
+ || vx->getNorm () <= Epsil)
+ {
+ setError ();
+ return HERR;
+ }
Vertex* orig = cyl->getBase ();
Vector* dir = cyl->getDirection ();
double ray = cyl->getRadius ();
// ====================================================== prismQuads
int Elements::prismQuads (Quads& tstart, Vector* dir, int nbiter)
+ if (BadElement (dir) || dir->getNorm () <= Epsil || nbiter <= 0)
+ {
+ setError ();
+ return HERR;
+ }
el_root->markAll (NO_USED);
int nbcells = tstart.size ();
nbr_vertex = 0;
int mode)
int nbiter = tlen.size();
- if (nbiter==0)
+ if (BadElement (dir) || dir->getNorm () <= Epsil || nbiter <= 0)
+ {
+ setError ();
return HERR;
+ }
el_root->markAll (NO_USED);
int nbcells = tstart.size ();
int Elements::revolutionQuads (Quads& start, Vertex* center, Vector* axis,
RealVector &angles)
- int nbiter = angles.size();
- if (center==NULL || axis==NULL || nbiter==0)
+ int nbiter = angles.size();
+ int nbcells = start.size ();
+ if (BadElement (center) || BadElement(axis) || nbiter==0 || nbcells==0
+ || axis->getNorm () <= Epsil)
+ {
+ setError ();
return HERR;
+ }
el_root->markAll (NO_USED);
- int nbcells = start.size ();
nbr_vertex = 0;
nbr_edges = 0;
RealVector& tdr, RealVector& tda, RealVector& tdh,
bool fill)
+ if (BadElement (orig) || BadElement(base) || BadElement(haut)
+ || base->getNorm () <= Epsil || haut->getNorm () <= Epsil
+ || tdr.size () <= 0 || tda.size () <= 0 || tdh.size () <= 0)
+ {
+ setError ();
+ return HERR;
+ }
int nr = tdr.size() - 1;
int na = tda.size();
int nl = tdh.size();
angle += tda[nro];
resize (GR_CYLINDRIC, nr, na, nl);
- cyl_closed = angle >= 360.0;
+ cyl_closed = angle >= 359.9;
int ier = makeBasicCylinder (tdr, tda, tdh, fill);
if (ier!=HOK)
replaceHexa (nh, &pattern, pil_hexa[nh-1]);
- for (int nh=1 ; nh<=nbh ; nh++)
+ for (int nh=0 ; nh<=nbh ; nh++)
pil_quad[nh]->remove ();
extrudeQuad (&pattern);
// ====================================================== makeSphericalGrid
int Elements::makeSphericalGrid (Vertex* c, double rayon, int nb, double k)
- resize (GR_SPHERIC, nb);
- if (nb<0)
- return HERR;
- else if (rayon <=ZEROR)
+ if (nb<=0 || rayon <=Epsil || k <= Epsil || BadElement (c))
+ {
+ setError ();
return HERR;
+ }
+ resize (GR_SPHERIC, nb);
Vertex* i_node [HV_MAXI]; // Les noeuds de l'hexa englobant
Edge* i_edge [HE_MAXI]; // Les noeuds de l'hexa englobant
el_root = doc;
el_type = type;
- el_id = el_root->doc_nbr_elt [type];
+ el_id = 0;
el_next = NULL;
el_assoc = NULL;
el_status = HOK;
el_mark = 0;
- el_root->doc_nbr_elt [type] ++;
- el_root->doc_last_elt [type] -> el_next = this;
- el_root->doc_last_elt [type] = this;
+ if (el_root==NULL)
+ {
+ el_name = "NoValid";
+ setError ();
+ return;
+ }
+ el_id = el_root->doc_nbr_elt [el_type];
+ el_root->doc_nbr_elt [el_type] ++;
+ el_root->doc_last_elt [el_type] -> el_next = this;
+ el_root->doc_last_elt [el_type] = this;
el_root->setDeprecated (1);
char buffer [16];
- sprintf (buffer, "%c%04d", ABR_TYPES[el_type], el_id);
- el_name = buffer;
+ el_name = getName (buffer);
// =================================================== Destructeur
EltBase::~EltBase ()
if (el_root->debug (2))
cout << " Vertex " << el_name << " : setAssociation" << endl;
+// ========================================================= addAssociation
+int EltBase::addAssociation (Shape* forme)
+ setAssociation (forme);
+ return HOK;
// ========================================================= dumpRef
void EltBase::dumpRef ()
printf ("\n");
+// ========================================================= addAssociation
+bool EltBase::canBeAssociated ()
+ bool rep = isValid() && isHere()
+ && (el_type==EL_VERTEX || el_type==EL_EDGE || el_type==EL_QUAD);
+ return rep;
+// ========================================================= addAssociation
+void EltBase::setId (int ln)
+ char buffer [16];
+ bool defname = el_name == getName (buffer);
+ el_id = ln;
+ int maxid = std::max (el_root->doc_nbr_elt[el_type], ln+1);
+ el_root->doc_nbr_elt[el_type] = maxid;
+ if (defname)
+ el_name = getName (buffer);
#define GetClone(elt) ((elt)==NULL ? NULL : elt->getClone())
#define BadElement(elt) (elt)==NULL || (elt)->isBad()
-#define ABR_TYPES "xveqhw????"
+#define ABR_TYPES "xveqhwgcp????"
virtual bool isBad () { return el_status!=HOK; }
virtual void setAssociation (Shape* forme);
+ virtual int addAssociation (Shape* forme);
virtual void clearAssociation () { el_assoc = NULL ; }
virtual void duplicate () {}
virtual Shape* getAssociation () { return el_assoc ; }
+ virtual bool isAssociated () { return el_assoc != NULL ; }
void copyAssociation (EltBase* orig);
void replaceAssociation (EltBase* orig);
+ bool canBeAssociated ();
public :
virtual void replaceEdge (Edge* old, Edge* nouveau)
EltBase* next () { return el_next; }
void setNext (EltBase* suivant) { el_next = suivant; }
int getId () { return el_id; }
- void setId (int ln) { el_id = ln; }
+ void setId (int ln);
Document* dad () { return el_root; }
EnumElt getType () { return el_type; }
bool isHere () { return el_type!=EL_REMOVED; }
for (int n1=0 ; n1<HQ_MAXI ; n1++)
- if (h_quad [n1] == NULL)
+ if (BadElement (h_quad [n1]))
el_root->putError (W_H_NULL_QUAD,
el_root->glob->namofHexaQuad (n1));
- el_status = 886;
+ setError (886);
for (int n2=n1+1 ; n2<HQ_MAXI ; n2++)
el_root->putError (W_H_EQ_QUAD,
el_root->glob->namofHexaQuad (n1),
el_root->glob->namofHexaQuad (n2));
- el_status = 888;
+ setError (888);
for (int n1=0 ; n1<HV_MAXI ; n1++)
- if (h_vertex [n1] == NULL)
+ if (BadElement (h_vertex [n1]))
el_root->putError (W_H_NULL_QUAD,
el_root->glob->namofHexaVertex (n1));
- el_status = 886;
+ setError (886);
for (int n2=n1+1 ; n2<HQ_MAXI ; n2++)
el_root->putError (W_H_EQ_QUAD,
el_root->glob->namofHexaVertex (n1),
el_root->glob->namofHexaVertex (n2));
- el_status = 888;
+ setError (888);
: Cylinder (b, v, re, h)
c_int_radius = ri;
+ if (isBad () || c_int_radius <= el_root->getTolerance ()
+ || c_int_radius >= c_radius)
+ setError ();
// ========================================================= saveXml
void Pipe::saveXml (XmlWriter* xml)
q_edge [nro] = new Edge (q_vertex[nro],
q_vertex[(nro+1) MODULO QUAD4]);
+ if (BadElement (q_vertex [nro]) || BadElement (q_edge [nro]))
+ setError ();
+ else
+ for (int nv=nro+1 ; nv<QUAD4 ; nv++)
+ if (q_vertex[nv] == q_vertex[nro])
+ setError ();
majReferences ();
int prec = (nro+1) MODULO QUAD4;
Vertex* node = NULL;
- int nc = q_edge[nro] -> inter (q_edge[prec]);
- if (nc>=0)
- node = q_edge[nro]->getVertex (nc);
- else
- el_status = 888;
+ if (BadElement (q_edge[nro]))
+ setError ();
+ else
+ {
+ for (int nv=nro+1 ; nv<QUAD4 ; nv++)
+ if (q_edge[nv] == q_edge[nro])
+ setError ();
+ int nc = q_edge[nro] -> inter (q_edge[prec]);
+ if (nc>=0)
+ node = q_edge[nro]->getVertex (nc);
+ else
+ setError (888);
+ }
q_vertex [prec] = node;
- if (el_status != HOK)
+ if (isBad())
printf (" +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ \n");
printf (" +++ Quadrangle impossible \n");
printf (" %s = %s\n", el_name.c_str(), t_ori [ q_orientation ]);
return q_orientation;
+// ========================================================== setAssociation
+void Quad::setAssociation (Shape* forme)
+ clearAssociation ();
+ addAssociation (forme);
virtual void replaceEdge (Edge* old, Edge* nouveau);
virtual void replaceVertex (Vertex* old, Vertex* nouveau);
+ virtual void setAssociation (Shape* forme);
+ virtual int addAssociation (Shape* forme);
virtual void clearAssociation () { tab_assoc.clear() ; }
- int addAssociation (Shape* forme);
+ virtual bool isAssociated () { return tab_assoc.size() > 0 ; }
const Shapes& getAssociations () { return tab_assoc ; }
virtual void duplicate ();
Quad* getClone () { return q_clone ; }
enum EnumCoord { dir_x, dir_y, dir_z, DIM3 };
enum EnumGroup { HexaCell, QuadCell, EdgeCell,
HexaNode, QuadNode, EdgeNode, VertexNode};
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- <slot>show()</slot>
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+ <slot>hide()</slot>
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+ <y>40</y>
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<string>Edge of model</string>
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<string>Edges of model</string>
- <layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout_2">
- <item row="0" column="0" rowspan="2">
- <widget class="QListWidget" name="edges_lw"/>
+ <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_3">
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QListWidget" name="edges_lw">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Preferred">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
+ <property name="maximumSize">
+ <size>
+ <width>16777215</width>
+ <height>16777215</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
<property name="title">
<string>Line of the geometry</string>
- <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_3">
+ <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout">
- <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout_4">
- <item>
+ <layout class="QFormLayout" name="formLayout_4">
+ <item row="0" column="0">
<widget class="QLabel" name="label_4">
<property name="text">
<string>Line : </string>
- <item>
+ <item row="0" column="1">
<widget class="QLineEdit" name="single_line_le">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Minimum" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
<property name="readOnly">
- <widget class="QListWidget" name="lines_lw"/>
+ <widget class="QListWidget" name="lines_lw">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Preferred">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
<layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout">
- <width>294</width>
+ <width>241</width>
<property name="title">
- <layout class="QFormLayout" name="formLayout_3">
- <property name="fieldGrowthPolicy">
- <enum>QFormLayout::AllNonFixedFieldsGrow</enum>
- </property>
- <item row="2" column="0">
- <widget class="QLabel" name="label_6">
- <property name="text">
- <string> Name </string>
- </property>
- </widget>
- </item>
- <item row="2" column="1">
- <widget class="QLineEdit" name="name_le">
- <property name="sizePolicy">
- <sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Fixed">
- <horstretch>0</horstretch>
- <verstretch>0</verstretch>
- </sizepolicy>
- </property>
- <property name="maximumSize">
- <size>
- <width>127</width>
- <height>16777215</height>
- </size>
- </property>
- <property name="text">
- <string/>
- </property>
+ <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout">
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QWidget" name="widget_3" native="true">
+ <layout class="QFormLayout" name="formLayout_4">
+ <item row="0" column="0">
+ <widget class="QLabel" name="label_6">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string> Name </string>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="0" column="1">
+ <widget class="QLineEdit" name="name_le">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Minimum" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
+ <property name="maximumSize">
+ <size>
+ <width>16777215</width>
+ <height>16777215</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ <property name="text">
+ <string/>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ </layout>
- <item row="3" column="0" colspan="2">
+ <item>
<widget class="QWidget" name="widget" native="true">
<layout class="QFormLayout" name="formLayout">
<item row="0" column="0">
<item row="0" column="1">
<widget class="QLineEdit" name="vex_le_rb1">
<property name="sizePolicy">
- <sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Minimum" vsizetype="Fixed">
<property name="maximumSize">
- <width>127</width>
+ <width>16777215</width>
- <item row="2" column="0">
+ <item row="1" column="0">
<widget class="QLabel" name="label_4">
<property name="text">
- <item row="2" column="1">
+ <item row="1" column="1">
<widget class="QLineEdit" name="vec_le_rb1">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Minimum" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
<property name="maximumSize">
- <width>127</width>
+ <width>16777215</width>
- <item row="4" column="0" colspan="2">
+ <item>
<widget class="QWidget" name="widget_2" native="true">
<layout class="QFormLayout" name="formLayout_2">
<item row="0" column="0">
<item row="0" column="1">
<widget class="QLineEdit" name="v0_le_rb0">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Minimum" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
<property name="maximumSize">
- <width>127</width>
+ <width>16777215</width>
<item row="1" column="1">
<widget class="QLineEdit" name="v1_le_rb0">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Minimum" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
<property name="maximumSize">
- <width>127</width>
+ <width>16777215</width>
- <item>
- <spacer name="verticalSpacer">
- <property name="orientation">
- <enum>Qt::Vertical</enum>
- </property>
- <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
- <size>
- <width>20</width>
- <height>10</height>
- </size>
- </property>
- </spacer>
- </item>
+ <tabstops>
+ <tabstop>rb0</tabstop>
+ <tabstop>rb1</tabstop>
+ <tabstop>name_le</tabstop>
+ <tabstop>vex_le_rb1</tabstop>
+ <tabstop>vec_le_rb1</tabstop>
+ <tabstop>v0_le_rb0</tabstop>
+ <tabstop>v1_le_rb0</tabstop>
+ </tabstops>
- <width>298</width>
- <height>306</height>
+ <width>194</width>
+ <height>256</height>
<property name="sizePolicy">
- <sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Expanding">
<layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout">
- <layout class="QFormLayout" name="formLayout">
- <item row="0" column="0">
- <widget class="QLabel" name="label">
- <property name="text">
- <string>name :</string>
- </property>
- </widget>
- </item>
- <item row="0" column="1">
- <widget class="QLineEdit" name="name_le">
- <property name="maximumSize">
- <size>
- <width>127</width>
- <height>16777215</height>
- </size>
- </property>
- </widget>
- </item>
- <item row="1" column="0">
- <widget class="QLabel" name="label_2">
- <property name="text">
- <string>kind : </string>
- </property>
- </widget>
- </item>
- <item row="1" column="1">
- <widget class="QComboBox" name="kind_cb">
- <item>
- <property name="text">
- <string>Edge Cell</string>
- </property>
- </item>
- <item>
+ <widget class="QFrame" name="frame">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
+ <property name="frameShape">
+ <enum>QFrame::StyledPanel</enum>
+ </property>
+ <property name="frameShadow">
+ <enum>QFrame::Raised</enum>
+ </property>
+ <layout class="QFormLayout" name="formLayout">
+ <item row="0" column="0">
+ <widget class="QLabel" name="label">
<property name="text">
- <string>Quad Cell</string>
+ <string>name :</string>
- </item>
- <item>
- <property name="text">
- <string>Hexa Cell</string>
- </property>
- </item>
- <item>
- <property name="text">
- <string>Vertex Node</string>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="0" column="1">
+ <widget class="QLineEdit" name="name_le">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Minimum" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
- </item>
- <item>
- <property name="text">
- <string>Edge Node</string>
- </property>
- </item>
- <item>
- <property name="text">
- <string>Quad Node</string>
+ <property name="maximumSize">
+ <size>
+ <width>16777215</width>
+ <height>16777215</height>
+ </size>
- </item>
- <item>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="1" column="0">
+ <widget class="QLabel" name="label_2">
<property name="text">
- <string>Hexa Node</string>
+ <string>kind : </string>
- </item>
- </widget>
- </item>
- </layout>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="1" column="1">
+ <widget class="QComboBox" name="kind_cb">
+ <item>
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>Edge Cell</string>
+ </property>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>Quad Cell</string>
+ </property>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>Hexa Cell</string>
+ </property>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>Vertex Node</string>
+ </property>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>Edge Node</string>
+ </property>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>Quad Node</string>
+ </property>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>Hexa Node</string>
+ </property>
+ </item>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ </layout>
+ </widget>
<layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout">
<item row="0" column="0" rowspan="2">
- <widget class="QListWidget" name="eltBase_lw"/>
+ <widget class="QListWidget" name="eltBase_lw">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Preferred">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ <tabstops>
+ <tabstop>name_le</tabstop>
+ <tabstop>eltBase_lw</tabstop>
+ <tabstop>kind_cb</tabstop>
+ </tabstops>
#include <SVTK_ViewModel.h>
#include <SVTK_ViewWindow.h>
+#include <VTKViewer_ViewModel.h>
#include <SOCC_ViewModel.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace HEXABLOCK::GUI;
SVTK_ViewWindow* HEXABLOCKGUI::currentVtkView = NULL;
OCCViewer_ViewWindow* HEXABLOCKGUI::currentOccView = NULL;
+bool HEXABLOCKGUI::assocInProgress = false;
SalomeApp_Module( "HEXABLOCK" ), // default name
// _documentCnt(0),
_isSaved( false ),
- _suitVM(0),//,
+ moduleActivatedOnce(false),
+ vtkViewManager(0),//,
+ occViewManager(0),
// _selectFromTree( false )
- _makeHemiSphereDiag(0)
+ _makeHemiSphereDiag(0),
+ currentDialog(NULL)
// _studyContextMap.clear();
const std::string& container )
Engines::EngineComponent_var comp = app->lcc()->FindOrLoad_Component( container.c_str(), "GEOM" );
+ MESSAGE("INITINITINITINIT comp : " << comp);
GEOM::GEOM_Gen_ptr clr = GEOM::GEOM_Gen::_narrow(comp);
return clr;
_hexaEngine = InitHEXABLOCKGen( dynamic_cast<SalomeApp_Application*>( app ) );
_geomEngine = InitGEOMGen( dynamic_cast<SalomeApp_Application*>( app ) );
+ MESSAGE("INITINITINITINIT clr 2: " << _geomEngine);
QWidget* aParent = application()->desktop();
DEBTRACE(app << " " << application() << " " << application()->desktop() << " " << aParent);
// add component to study
if (createSComponent()) updateObjBrowser();
void HEXABLOCKGUI::viewManagers( QStringList& list ) const
// list.append( SVTK_Viewer::Type() );
bool HEXABLOCKGUI::activateModule( SUIT_Study* theStudy )
// showDockWidgets(false);
+ if (_dwInputPanel) _dwInputPanel->close();
// // import Python module that manages HEXABLOCK plugins (need to be here because SalomePyQt API uses active module)
// PyGILState_STATE gstate = PyGILState_Ensure();
// connect( getApp(), SIGNAL(studyClosed()), _genericGui,SLOT (onCleanOnExit()));
+// vtkViewManager = getApp()->getViewManager(SVTK_Viewer::Type(), true); //create the view manager if it doesn't exist
LightApp_SelectionMgr* sm = getApp()->selectionMgr();
SUIT_ViewManager* vm;
updateObjBrowser(); // objects can be removed
+ if (vtkViewManager==NULL || !vtkViewManager->getViewsCount()) newDocument();
+ if (_currentGraphicView != NULL)
+ _currentGraphicView->get_SUIT_ViewWindow()->setFocus();
return bOk;
bool HEXABLOCKGUI::deactivateModule( SUIT_Study* theStudy )
- DEBTRACE("HEXABLOCKGUI::deactivateModule");
+ MESSAGE("HEXABLOCKGUI::deactivateModule");
setMenuShown( false );
setToolShown( false );
+ if (_dwInputPanel) _dwInputPanel->close();
showDockWidgets( false );
// QtGuiContext *context = QtGuiContext::getQtCurrent();
// _studyContextMap[theStudy->id()] = context;
HEXABLOCKGUI::currentVtkView->SetSelectionMode( ActorSelection ); //default selectionMode in VTKView
-// if (HEXABLOCKGUI::currentOccView)
-// {
-// //getDisplayer()->globalSelection();//???? //defaut selectionMode in OccView
-// }
+ if (HEXABLOCKGUI::currentOccView != NULL)
+ {
+ getApp()->selectionMgr()->clearSelected();
+ //defaut selectionMode in OccView
+ if (currentDialog != NULL)
+ {
+ currentDialog->globalSelection();
+ currentDialog->localSelection(GEOM::GEOM_Object::_nil(), TopAbs_SHAPE);
+ }
+ }
// if ( _patternDataSelectionModel ){
- getApp()->selectionMgr()->setEnabled( true, OCCViewer_Viewer::Type() );
+ getApp()->selectionMgr()->setEnabled( false, OCCViewer_Viewer::Type() );
- getApp()->selectionMgr()->setEnabled( true, SVTK_Viewer::Type() );
+ getApp()->selectionMgr()->setEnabled( false, SVTK_Viewer::Type() );
return SalomeApp_Module::deactivateModule( theStudy );
return result;
// --- Default windows
void HEXABLOCKGUI::windows( QMap<int, int>& theMap ) const
// }
QString HEXABLOCKGUI::engineIOR() const
void HEXABLOCKGUI::onWindowActivated( SUIT_ViewWindow* svw)
- DEBTRACE("HEXABLOCKGUI::onWindowActivated");
- OCCViewer_ViewWindow* anOccVw = dynamic_cast<OCCViewer_ViewWindow*>(svw);
+ DEBTRACE("HEXABLOCKGUI::onWindowActivated");
+ MESSAGE("HEXABLOCKGUI::onWindowActivated");
+ OCCViewer_ViewWindow* anOccVw = dynamic_cast<OCCViewer_ViewWindow*>(svw);
- if ( anOccVw != NULL )
- currentOccView = dynamic_cast<OCCViewer_ViewWindow*>(svw);
-// OCCViewer_Viewer* aModel = dynamic_cast<OCCViewer_Viewer*>(svw);
+ if ( anOccVw != NULL)
+ {
+ currentOccView->installEventFilter(this);
+ if (anOccVw != currentOccView)
+ currentOccView = anOccVw;
+ }
- // we want to switch automatically to the right model
- // only VTK view
- SVTK_ViewWindow* viewWindow = dynamic_cast<SVTK_ViewWindow*>(svw);
- if (!viewWindow) return;
- if (getApp()->activeModule() && getApp()->activeModule()->moduleName().compare("HEXABLOCK") != 0) //CS_TODO?
- getApp()->activateModule("HEXABLOCK");
+ // we want to switch automatically to the right model
+ // only VTK view
+ SVTK_ViewWindow* viewWindow = dynamic_cast<SVTK_ViewWindow*>(svw);
+ if (!viewWindow) return;
- switchModel( viewWindow );
+ if (getApp()->activeModule() && getApp()->activeModule()->moduleName().compare("HEXABLOCK") != 0) //CS_TODO?
+ getApp()->activateModule("HEXABLOCK");
+ if (viewWindow != currentVtkView)
+ {
+ switchModel( viewWindow );
+ currentVtkView = viewWindow;
+ }
void HEXABLOCKGUI::onWindowClosed( SUIT_ViewWindow* svw)
void HEXABLOCKGUI::onViewManagerAdded( SUIT_ViewManager* vm)
// // this, SLOT( OnKeyPress( SUIT_ViewWindow*, QKeyEvent* ) ) );
// // connect( vm, SIGNAL( mousePress( SUIT_ViewWindow*, QMouseEvent* ) ),
// // this, SLOT( OnMousePress( SUIT_ViewWindow*, QMouseEvent* ) ) );
-// // connect( vm, SIGNAL( mouseMove ( SUIT_ViewWindow*, QMouseEvent* ) ),
-// // this, SLOT( OnMouseMove( SUIT_ViewWindow*, QMouseEvent* ) ) );
+// connect( vm, SIGNAL( mouseMove ( SUIT_ViewWindow*, QMouseEvent* ) ),
+// this, SLOT( OnMouseMove( SUIT_ViewWindow*, QMouseEvent* ) ) );
// LightApp_SelectionMgr* sm = getApp()->selectionMgr();
// myOCCSelectors.append( new GEOMGUI_OCCSelector( ((OCCViewer_ViewManager*)vm)->getOCCViewer(), sm ) );
QStandardItem *item = _patternDataModel->itemFromIndex ( currentIndex );
- //We don't do anything for single items having no association
+ //We don't do anything for single items
if ( item->type() == VERTEXITEM || item->type() == EDGEITEM ||
- item->type() == QUADITEM || item->type() == HEXAITEM) return;
+ item->type() == QUADITEM || item->type() == HEXAITEM)
+ return;
+ //No associations for HEXA
+ QVariant treeVariant = HEXA_TREE_ROLE );
+ if ( !treeVariant.isValid() ) return;
+ int eltType = treeVariant.toInt();
+ if (eltType == HEXA_DIR_TREE) return;
QMenu menu( _patternDataTreeView );
//Show association(s)
//1) *********** user input panel ( contain user's edit dialog box )
_dwInputPanel = new QDockWidget(aParent);
+// QLayout* inputLayout = new QVBoxLayout(aParent);
+// _dwInputPanel->setLayout(inputLayout);
// _dwInputPanel->setWindowFlags(Qt::FramelessWindowHint);
// _dwInputPanel->setWindowFlags(Qt::WindowTitleHint);
_dwInputPanel->setWindowTitle("Input Panel");
// _dwInputPanel->setMinimumHeight(DWINPUT_MINIMUM_HEIGHT);
- _dwInputPanel->setMinimumWidth(DW_MINIMUM_WIDTH); // --- force a minimum until display
+ _dwInputPanel->setMinimumWidth(DWINPUT_MINIMUM_WIDTH); // --- force a minimum until display
// _stacked = new QStackedWidget(_dwInputPanel);
aParent->addDockWidget( Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea, _dwInputPanel );
aParent->tabifyDockWidget( _dwObjectBrowser, _dwPattern );
- aParent->tabifyDockWidget( _dwPattern, /*_dwAssociation );
- aParent->tabifyDockWidget( _dwAssociation, */_dwGroups );
+// aParent->tabifyDockWidget( _dwPattern, /*_dwAssociation );
+// aParent->tabifyDockWidget( _dwAssociation, */_dwGroups );
+ aParent->tabifyDockWidget( _dwPattern, _dwGroups );
aParent->tabifyDockWidget( _dwGroups, _dwMesh );
// connect( _dwGroups, SIGNAL( visibilityChanged(bool) ), this, SLOT( showGroupsMenus(bool) ) );
// connect( _dwMesh, SIGNAL( visibilityChanged(bool) ), this, SLOT( showMeshMenus(bool) ) );
// popup menu on data tree view
// set selections for each view
- if ( _patternDataSelectionModel ) delete _patternDataSelectionModel;
- if ( _patternBuilderSelectionModel ) delete _patternBuilderSelectionModel;
- if ( _groupsSelectionModel ) delete _groupsSelectionModel;
- if ( _meshSelectionModel ) delete _meshSelectionModel;
+// if ( _patternDataSelectionModel ) delete _patternDataSelectionModel;
+// if ( _patternBuilderSelectionModel ) delete _patternBuilderSelectionModel;
+// if ( _groupsSelectionModel ) delete _groupsSelectionModel;
+// if ( _meshSelectionModel ) delete _meshSelectionModel;
_patternDataSelectionModel = new PatternDataSelectionModel( _patternDataModel );
_patternBuilderSelectionModel = new PatternBuilderSelectionModel( _patternBuilderModel, _patternDataSelectionModel );
connect( _meshSelectionModel, SIGNAL( selectionChanged(const QItemSelection &, const QItemSelection &) ),
this, SLOT( onSelectionChanged(const QItemSelection &, const QItemSelection &) ) );
- currentVtkView = dynamic_cast<SVTK_ViewWindow*>( _currentGraphicView->get_SUIT_ViewWindow() );
DocumentGraphicView* HEXABLOCKGUI::newGraphicView()
- DocumentGraphicView *newGView = 0;
+ DocumentGraphicView *newGView = NULL;
SUIT_ViewWindow *suitVW = NULL;
- SUIT_ViewManager *suitVM = getApp()->getViewManager(SVTK_Viewer::Type(), true);
- MESSAGE("suitVM->getViewsCount() => " << suitVM->getViewsCount() );
- suitVW = suitVM->getActiveView();
- if ( _documentView.count(suitVW) > 0)
- suitVW = suitVM->createViewWindow();
+ //For the first time initialize occ view manager
+ if (_documentView.size() == 0)
+ {
+ occViewManager = getApp()->getViewManager( OCCViewer_Viewer::Type(), true );
+ occViewManager->getActiveView()->setClosable(false);
+ currentOccView = dynamic_cast<OCCViewer_ViewWindow*>(occViewManager->getActiveView());
+ }
- if ( suitVW ){
- suitVW->setClosable(false);
- newGView = new DocumentGraphicView(getApp(), suitVW, application()->desktop());
- _documentView[suitVW] = newGView;
+ vtkViewManager = getApp()->getViewManager( SVTK_Viewer::Type(), true );
+ if (_documentView.size() == 0)
+ {
+ suitVW = vtkViewManager->getActiveView();
+ suitVW->setClosable(false);
+ else
+ suitVW = vtkViewManager->createViewWindow();
+ currentVtkView = dynamic_cast<SVTK_ViewWindow*>(suitVW);
+ currentVtkView->installEventFilter(this);
+ newGView = new DocumentGraphicView(getApp(), suitVW, application()->desktop());
+ _documentView[suitVW] = newGView;
return newGView;
+//DocumentGraphicView* HEXABLOCKGUI::newGraphicView()
+// MESSAGE("HEXABLOCKGUI::newGraphicView");
+// DocumentGraphicView *newGView = 0;
+// SUIT_ViewWindow *suitVW = NULL;
+// SUIT_ViewManager *vtkViewManager = getApp()->getViewManager(SVTK_Viewer::Type(), true);
+// MESSAGE("suitVM->getViewsCount() => " << suitVM->getViewsCount() );
+// suitVW = suitVM->getActiveView();
+// if ( _documentView.count(suitVW) > 0)
+// suitVW = suitVM->createViewWindow();
+// if ( suitVW ){
+//// suitVW->setClosable(false);
+// suitVW->setClosable(true);
+// newGView = new DocumentGraphicView(getApp(), suitVW, application()->desktop());
+// _documentView[suitVW] = newGView;
+// }
+// return newGView;
void HEXABLOCKGUI::testDocument()
void HEXABLOCKGUI::newDocument()
- SUIT_ViewWindow *suitVW = NULL;
-// std::stringstream name;
-// name << "newDoc_" << ++_documentCnt;
-// QString fileName = name.str().c_str();
- QMainWindow *aParent = application()->desktop();
- QWidget *central = aParent->centralWidget();
- if (central)
- central->setFocus();
- else
- DEBTRACE("No Central Widget");
-// BasicGUI_PointDlg* aDlg = new BasicGUI_PointDlg( NULL, aParent );
-// aDlg->show();
- // Create Document from HEXABLOCK ENGINE
- // WARNING : IN HEXABLOCK component, GUI and ENGINE share the same process
- HEXABLOCK_ORB::Document_ptr docIn = _hexaEngine->addDocument("default");
- HEXA_NS::Document* doc = NULL;
- QString docEntry;
- // looking doc impl ( c++ )
- Document_impl* dServant = DownCast<Document_impl*>( docIn );
- ASSERT( dServant );
- if ( dServant) doc = dServant->GetImpl();
-// doc->reorderFaces(); //CS_TEST
- // looking for docEntry
- if ( !CORBA::is_nil(docIn) ){
- CORBA::String_var anIOR = SalomeApp_Application::orb()->object_to_string( docIn );
- QString docIOR =;
- SalomeApp_Study* study = dynamic_cast<SalomeApp_Study*>( SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication()->activeStudy() );
- if ( !docIOR.isEmpty() ) {
- _PTR(SObject) SO( study->studyDS()->FindObjectIOR( docIOR.toLatin1().constData() ) );
- if ( SO )
- docEntry = SO->GetID().c_str();
- }
- }
- DEBTRACE("HEXABLOCKGUI::newDocument docEntry "<<docEntry.toStdString());
- // Now create Document Model
- _currentModel = new DocumentModel( doc, docEntry, this ); //CS_TOCHECK this
-// _currentModel->setHeaderData(0, Qt::Horizontal, tr("HELLOH0"));
-// _currentModel->setHeaderData(1, Qt::Horizontal, tr("HELLOH1"));
-// _currentModel->setHeaderData(0, Qt::Vertical, tr("HELLOV0"));
- _patternDataModel = new PatternDataModel(this);
- _patternBuilderModel = new PatternBuilderModel(this);
-// _associationsModel = new AssociationsModel(this);
- _groupsModel = new GroupsModel(this);
- _meshModel = new MeshModel(this);
- _patternDataModel->setSourceModel(_currentModel);
- _patternBuilderModel->setSourceModel(_currentModel);
-// _associationsModel->setSourceModel(_currentModel);
- _groupsModel->setSourceModel(_currentModel);
- _meshModel->setSourceModel(_currentModel);
- // --- new Graphic view ( SVTK )
- _currentGraphicView = newGraphicView();
- suitVW = _currentGraphicView->get_SUIT_ViewWindow();
- // --- setting model
- _currentGraphicView->setModel(_currentModel);
-// _currentGraphicView->setModel(_patternDataModel);
-// connect( _currentModel, SIGNAL(patternDataChanged() ), _currentGraphicView, SLOT ( onPatternDatachanged() ) );
- _patternDataTreeView->setModel(_patternDataModel);//_currentModel;
-// _patternDataTreeView->setModel(_currentModel);//;
- _patternBuilderTreeView->setModel(_patternBuilderModel);//_currentModel;
-// _associationTreeView->setModel(_associationsModel);
- _groupsTreeView->setModel(_groupsModel);
- _meshTreeView->setModel(_meshModel);
- // --- setting selection model
- if ( _patternDataSelectionModel ) delete _patternDataSelectionModel;
- if ( _patternBuilderSelectionModel ) delete _patternBuilderSelectionModel;
- if ( _groupsSelectionModel ) delete _groupsSelectionModel;
- if ( _meshSelectionModel ) delete _meshSelectionModel;
- _patternDataSelectionModel = new PatternDataSelectionModel(_patternDataModel);
- _patternBuilderSelectionModel = new PatternBuilderSelectionModel( _patternBuilderModel, _patternDataSelectionModel );
- _groupsSelectionModel = new GroupsSelectionModel(_groupsModel);
- _meshSelectionModel = new MeshSelectionModel(_meshModel);
- _patternDataSelectionModel->setSalomeSelectionMgr( selectionMgr() );
-// _meshSelectionModel->setSalomeSelectionMgr( selectionMgr() );
- _currentGraphicView->setSelectionModel(_patternDataSelectionModel);
- _patternDataTreeView->setSelectionModel(_patternDataSelectionModel);
- _patternDataTreeView->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection); //QAbstractItemView::MultiSelection //CS_TEST
- _patternBuilderTreeView->setSelectionModel(_patternBuilderSelectionModel);
- _groupsTreeView->setSelectionModel(_groupsSelectionModel);
- _meshTreeView->setSelectionModel(_meshSelectionModel);
- _meshTreeView->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection);
- _treeViewDelegate->setDocumentModel( _currentModel );
- _treeViewDelegate->setPatternDataSelectionModel( _patternDataSelectionModel );
- _treeViewDelegate->setPatternBuilderSelectionModel( _patternBuilderSelectionModel );
- _treeViewDelegate->setGroupsSelectionModel( _groupsSelectionModel/*_groupsTreeView->selectionModel()*/ );
- _treeViewDelegate->setMeshSelectionModel( _meshSelectionModel/*_meshTreeView->selectionModel()*/ );
- connect( _patternDataSelectionModel, SIGNAL( selectionChanged(const QItemSelection &, const QItemSelection &) ),
- this, SLOT( onSelectionChanged(const QItemSelection &, const QItemSelection &) ) );
- connect( _patternBuilderSelectionModel, SIGNAL( selectionChanged(const QItemSelection &, const QItemSelection &) ),
- this, SLOT( onSelectionChanged(const QItemSelection &, const QItemSelection &) ) );
- connect( _groupsSelectionModel, SIGNAL( selectionChanged(const QItemSelection &, const QItemSelection &) ),
- this, SLOT( onSelectionChanged(const QItemSelection &, const QItemSelection &) ) );
- connect( _meshSelectionModel, SIGNAL( selectionChanged(const QItemSelection &, const QItemSelection &) ),
- this, SLOT( onSelectionChanged(const QItemSelection &, const QItemSelection &) ) );
- // salome view/object browser/model management
- _documentModels[ suitVW ] = _currentModel;
-// _salomeViews[ _currentModel ] = suitVW;
-// std::map<const QAbstractItemModel*, SUIT_ViewWindow*> _salomeViews;
- _salomeViewWindows[docEntry] = suitVW;
- currentVtkView = dynamic_cast<SVTK_ViewWindow*>( _currentGraphicView->get_SUIT_ViewWindow() );
- currentVtkView->raise();
-// _currentGraphicView->setWindowTitle( _currentModel->getName() );
-// currentVtkView->setWindowTitle( _currentModel->getName() );
-// showDockWidgets(true);
-// showPatternMenus
-// _dwPattern->setVisible(true);
-// _dwPattern->toggleViewAction()->setVisible(true);
- _dwPattern->raise();
-// testDocument();
-// test_make_cart_grid();
-// test_make_elmts_transform();
- showAllMenus();
- getApp()->updateObjectBrowser();
+ SUIT_ViewWindow *suitVW = NULL;
+ // std::stringstream name;
+ // name << "newDoc_" << ++_documentCnt;
+ // QString fileName = name.str().c_str();
+ QMainWindow *aParent = application()->desktop();
+ QWidget *central = aParent->centralWidget();
+ if (central)
+ central->setFocus();
+ else
+ DEBTRACE("No Central Widget");
+ // BasicGUI_PointDlg* aDlg = new BasicGUI_PointDlg( NULL, aParent );
+ // aDlg->show();
+ // Create Document from HEXABLOCK ENGINE
+ // WARNING : IN HEXABLOCK component, GUI and ENGINE share the same process
+ HEXABLOCK_ORB::Document_ptr docIn = _hexaEngine->addDocument("default");
+ HEXA_NS::Document* doc = NULL;
+ QString docEntry;
+ // looking doc impl ( c++ )
+ Document_impl* dServant = DownCast<Document_impl*>( docIn );
+ ASSERT( dServant );
+ if ( dServant) doc = dServant->GetImpl();
+ // doc->reorderFaces(); //CS_TEST
+ // looking for docEntry
+ if ( !CORBA::is_nil(docIn) ){
+ CORBA::String_var anIOR = SalomeApp_Application::orb()->object_to_string( docIn );
+ QString docIOR =;
+ SalomeApp_Study* study = dynamic_cast<SalomeApp_Study*>( SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication()->activeStudy() );
+ if ( !docIOR.isEmpty() ) {
+ _PTR(SObject) SO( study->studyDS()->FindObjectIOR( docIOR.toLatin1().constData() ) );
+ if ( SO )
+ docEntry = SO->GetID().c_str();
+ }
+ }
+ DEBTRACE("HEXABLOCKGUI::newDocument docEntry "<<docEntry.toStdString());
+ // Now create Document Model
+ _currentModel = new DocumentModel( doc, docEntry, this ); //CS_TOCHECK this
+ // _currentModel->setHeaderData(0, Qt::Horizontal, tr("HELLOH0"));
+ // _currentModel->setHeaderData(1, Qt::Horizontal, tr("HELLOH1"));
+ // _currentModel->setHeaderData(0, Qt::Vertical, tr("HELLOV0"));
+ _patternDataModel = new PatternDataModel(this);
+ _patternBuilderModel = new PatternBuilderModel(this);
+ // _associationsModel = new AssociationsModel(this);
+ _groupsModel = new GroupsModel(this);
+ _meshModel = new MeshModel(this);
+ _patternDataModel->setSourceModel(_currentModel);
+ _patternBuilderModel->setSourceModel(_currentModel);
+ // _associationsModel->setSourceModel(_currentModel);
+ _groupsModel->setSourceModel(_currentModel);
+ _meshModel->setSourceModel(_currentModel);
+ // --- new Graphic view ( SVTK )
+ _currentGraphicView = newGraphicView();
+ suitVW = _currentGraphicView->get_SUIT_ViewWindow();
+ // --- setting model
+ _currentGraphicView->setModel(_currentModel);
+ // _currentGraphicView->setModel(_patternDataModel);
+ // connect( _currentModel, SIGNAL(patternDataChanged() ), _currentGraphicView, SLOT ( onPatternDatachanged() ) );
+ _patternDataTreeView->setModel(_patternDataModel);//_currentModel;
+ // _patternDataTreeView->setModel(_currentModel);//;
+ _patternBuilderTreeView->setModel(_patternBuilderModel);//_currentModel;
+ // _associationTreeView->setModel(_associationsModel);
+ _groupsTreeView->setModel(_groupsModel);
+ _meshTreeView->setModel(_meshModel);
+ // if ( _patternDataSelectionModel ) delete _patternDataSelectionModel;
+ // if ( _patternBuilderSelectionModel ) delete _patternBuilderSelectionModel;
+ // if ( _groupsSelectionModel ) delete _groupsSelectionModel;
+ // if ( _meshSelectionModel ) delete _meshSelectionModel;
+ // --- setting selection model
+ _patternDataSelectionModel = new PatternDataSelectionModel(_patternDataModel);
+ _patternBuilderSelectionModel = new PatternBuilderSelectionModel( _patternBuilderModel, _patternDataSelectionModel );
+ _groupsSelectionModel = new GroupsSelectionModel(_groupsModel);
+ _meshSelectionModel = new MeshSelectionModel(_meshModel);
+ _patternDataSelectionModel->setSalomeSelectionMgr( selectionMgr() );
+ // _meshSelectionModel->setSalomeSelectionMgr( selectionMgr() );
+ _currentGraphicView->setSelectionModel(_patternDataSelectionModel);
+ _patternDataTreeView->setSelectionModel(_patternDataSelectionModel);
+ _patternDataTreeView->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection); //QAbstractItemView::MultiSelection //CS_TEST
+ _patternBuilderTreeView->setSelectionModel(_patternBuilderSelectionModel);
+ _groupsTreeView->setSelectionModel(_groupsSelectionModel);
+ _meshTreeView->setSelectionModel(_meshSelectionModel);
+ _meshTreeView->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection);
+ _treeViewDelegate->setDocumentModel( _currentModel );
+ _treeViewDelegate->setPatternDataSelectionModel( _patternDataSelectionModel );
+ _treeViewDelegate->setPatternBuilderSelectionModel( _patternBuilderSelectionModel );
+ _treeViewDelegate->setGroupsSelectionModel( _groupsSelectionModel/*_groupsTreeView->selectionModel()*/ );
+ _treeViewDelegate->setMeshSelectionModel( _meshSelectionModel/*_meshTreeView->selectionModel()*/ );
+ connect( _patternDataSelectionModel, SIGNAL( selectionChanged(const QItemSelection &, const QItemSelection &) ),
+ this, SLOT( onSelectionChanged(const QItemSelection &, const QItemSelection &) ) );
+ connect( _patternBuilderSelectionModel, SIGNAL( selectionChanged(const QItemSelection &, const QItemSelection &) ),
+ this, SLOT( onSelectionChanged(const QItemSelection &, const QItemSelection &) ) );
+ connect( _groupsSelectionModel, SIGNAL( selectionChanged(const QItemSelection &, const QItemSelection &) ),
+ this, SLOT( onSelectionChanged(const QItemSelection &, const QItemSelection &) ) );
+ connect( _meshSelectionModel, SIGNAL( selectionChanged(const QItemSelection &, const QItemSelection &) ),
+ this, SLOT( onSelectionChanged(const QItemSelection &, const QItemSelection &) ) );
+ // salome view/object browser/model management
+ _documentModels[ suitVW ] = _currentModel;
+ // _salomeViews[ _currentModel ] = suitVW;
+ // std::map<const QAbstractItemModel*, SUIT_ViewWindow*> _salomeViews;
+ _salomeViewWindows[docEntry] = suitVW;
+ currentVtkView = dynamic_cast<SVTK_ViewWindow*>( _currentGraphicView->get_SUIT_ViewWindow() );
+ currentVtkView->raise();
+ // _currentGraphicView->setWindowTitle( _currentModel->getName() );
+ // currentVtkView->setWindowTitle( _currentModel->getName() );
+ // showDockWidgets(true);
+ // showPatternMenus
+ // _dwPattern->setVisible(true);
+ // _dwPattern->toggleViewAction()->setVisible(true);
+ _dwPattern->raise();
+ // testDocument();
+ // test_make_cart_grid();
+ // test_make_elmts_transform();
+ showAllMenus();
+ getApp()->updateObjectBrowser();
+ graphicViewIsEmpty[suitVW] = true;
void HEXABLOCKGUI::slot_modelChanged(const QModelIndex &topLeft, const QModelIndex &bottomRight)
//std::cout << "HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Model changed." << std::endl;
if (!selectedFiles.isEmpty())
selectedFile = selectedFiles.first();
- } else {
- selectedFile = inFile;
- }
+ } else
+ selectedFile = inFile;
if (! selectedFile.isEmpty()){
- newDocument();
- _currentModel->load(selectedFile);
- renameObject( _currentModel->documentEntry(), _currentModel->getName() );
+ if (vtkViewManager==NULL || vtkViewManager->getViewsCount()==0 || !graphicViewIsEmpty[vtkViewManager->getActiveView()])
+ newDocument();
+ _currentModel->load(selectedFile);
+ renameObject( _currentModel->documentEntry(), _currentModel->getName() );
+ graphicViewIsEmpty[vtkViewManager->getActiveView()] = false;
tr( "Save HexaBlock Document" ),
false );
- //std::cout<<"HEXABLOCKGUI::saveDocument()"<<std::endl;
if ( !aFilename.isEmpty() ) {
- //std::cout<<"!aFilename.isEmpty()"<<std::endl;
_currentModel->save( aFilename );
//CS_TODO save doc
void HEXABLOCKGUI::_showDialogBox( HexaBaseDialog* diag )
+ if (vtkViewManager == NULL || vtkViewManager->getViewsCount() == 0) return;
if (!diag) return;
MESSAGE("if (!diag) return;");
if (!_dwInputPanel) return;
MESSAGE("if (!_dwInputPanel) return;");
+ currentDialog = diag;
- diag->setMeshSelectionModel(_meshSelectionModel/*_meshTreeView->selectionModel()*/);
+ diag->setMeshSelectionModel(_meshSelectionModel);
- QWidget* w = _dwInputPanel->widget();
- if (w) w->hide();
+ //close the current widget
+ if (_treeViewDelegate != NULL)
+ _treeViewDelegate->closeDialog();
- if ( !_dwInputPanel->isVisible() ) _dwInputPanel->setVisible(true);
- _dwInputPanel->setWidget(diag);
- _dwInputPanel->setWindowTitle(diag->windowTitle());
- diag->show();
+ if (_dwInputPanel->widget())
+ _dwInputPanel->widget()->close();
+ //Temporary for debugging EdgeAssoc Faked InfoDialog
+ if (diag == _edgeAssocDiag)
+ diag->debugEdgeAssoc = true;
+ else
+ diag->debugEdgeAssoc = false;
+ if (diag == _quadAssocDiag || diag == _edgeAssocDiag)
+ assocInProgress = true;
+ else
+ assocInProgress = false;
+ //show the dialog box in the dockwidget
+ diag->resetSizeAndShow(_dwInputPanel);
+ diag->setFocus();
void HEXABLOCKGUI::addVertex()
_showDialogBox( _edgeDiag );
void HEXABLOCKGUI::addQuad()
if ( !_quadDiag ){
void HEXABLOCKGUI::assocVertex()
+ if (!_dwInputPanel) return;
QWidget* d = dynamic_cast<SUIT_Desktop*>(_dwInputPanel->parent());
if ( !_vertexAssocDiag ){
_vertexAssocDiag = new VertexAssocDialog( NULL, d );
+ if (!_vertexAssocDiag) return;
+ //close current widget
+ if (_treeViewDelegate != NULL) _treeViewDelegate->closeDialog();
+ if (_dwInputPanel->widget()) _dwInputPanel->widget()->close();
+ //add the vertex assoc dialog in the dockwidget
+ if ( !_dwInputPanel->isVisible() ) _dwInputPanel->setVisible(true);
- //_vertexAssocDiag->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
+ _vertexAssocDiag->adjustSize();
+ assocInProgress = true;
void HEXABLOCKGUI::setPropagation()
- if (!_dwInputPanel) return;
- PropagationDialog* diag = new PropagationDialog(_dwInputPanel, HexaBaseDialog::NEW_MODE);
- diag->setDocumentModel(_currentModel);
- diag->setMeshSelectionModel(_meshSelectionModel);
- //diag->setValue(p);
- diag->setFocus();
- _dwInputPanel->setWidget(diag);
- _dwInputPanel->setWindowTitle( diag->windowTitle() );
- diag->clear();
+ if ( !_propagationDiag ){
+ _propagationDiag = new PropagationDialog(_dwInputPanel, HexaBaseDialog::NEW_MODE);
+ }
+ _showDialogBox( _propagationDiag );
- SUIT_MessageBox::information( 0, tr( "HEXA_INFO" ), tr( "ASSOCIATION CLEARED" ) );
+// SUIT_MessageBox::information( 0, tr( "HEXA_INFO" ), tr( "ASSOCIATION CLEARED" ) );
void HEXABLOCKGUI::clearAllAssociations()
if( anApp )
return dynamic_cast<LightApp_SelectionMgr*>( anApp->selectionMgr() );
- return 0;
+ return NULL;
QStringList HEXABLOCKGUI::getQuickDirList()
// void HEXABLOCKGUI::newMesh( const std::string& meshName,
// int dim,
// const std::string& container )
return myComponentSMESH;
-// bool HEXABLOCKGUI::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event)
-// {
-// if ( event->type() == QEvent::Enter ){//QEvent::Show ){ //QEvent::KeyPress) {
+ bool HEXABLOCKGUI::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event)
+ {
+ if ( event->type() == QEvent::Enter ){//QEvent::Show ){ //QEvent::KeyPress) {
// showDocumentMenus( false );
// showPatternMenus( false );
// showAssociationMenus( false );
// showMeshMenus( true );
// }
-// return false;
-// } else {
-// // standard event processing
-// return QObject::eventFilter(obj, event);
-// }
-// }
+ OCCViewer_ViewWindow* occWindow = dynamic_cast<OCCViewer_ViewWindow*>(obj);
+ if ( occWindow != NULL )
+ {
+ occWindow->setFocus();
+ }
+ SVTK_ViewWindow* vtkWindow = dynamic_cast<SVTK_ViewWindow*>(obj);
+ if (vtkWindow != NULL)
+ {
+// vtkWindow->setFocus();
+ }
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ // standard event processing
+ return QObject::eventFilter(obj, event);
+ }
+ }
// try {
// // throw SALOME_Exception(LOCALIZED("assocVertex"));
static SVTK_ViewWindow* currentVtkView;
static OCCViewer_ViewWindow* currentOccView;
+ static bool assocInProgress;
protected slots:
void onWindowActivated( SUIT_ViewWindow* svw);
void onWindowClosed( SUIT_ViewWindow* svw);
+// void OnMouseMove( SUIT_ViewWindow*, QMouseEvent* );
virtual void onViewManagerAdded( SUIT_ViewManager* );
virtual void onViewManagerRemoved( SUIT_ViewManager* );
// virtual CAM_DataModel* createDataModel();
bool createSComponent();
// virtual bool isSelectionCompatible();
+ virtual bool eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event);
void _showDialogBox( HEXABLOCK::GUI::HexaBaseDialog* diag );
+ HEXABLOCK::GUI::HexaBaseDialog* currentDialog;
// bool _selectFromTree;
HEXABLOCKGUI_Resource* _myresource;
QDockWidget *_dwObjectBrowser; // Salome study
QDockWidget *_dwInputPanel; // user Input
// Dialog Box ( to keep persistent values )
HEXABLOCK::GUI::VertexDialog* _vertexDiag;
HEXABLOCK::GUI::EdgeDialog* _edgeDiag;
HEXABLOCK::GUI::MeshSelectionModel *_meshSelectionModel;
- SUIT_ViewManager *_suitVM;
+ SUIT_ViewManager *vtkViewManager;
+ SUIT_ViewManager *occViewManager;
std::map<QString, SUIT_ViewWindow*> _salomeViewWindows; // key = entry
std::map<SUIT_ViewWindow*, HEXABLOCK::GUI::DocumentModel*> _documentModels;
std::map<SUIT_ViewWindow*, HEXABLOCK::GUI::DocumentGraphicView*> _documentView;
+ std::map<SUIT_ViewWindow*, bool> graphicViewIsEmpty;
// static std::map<HEXABLOCK::GUI::DocumentModel*, SUIT_ViewWindow*> _salomeViews;
// int _documentCnt;
bool _isSaved;
+ bool moduleActivatedOnce;
void testDocument();
#include <iostream>
#include <QtGui>
+#include <qpixmap.h>
+#include <qrect.h>
+#include <qstyle.h>
#include "utilities.h"
+#include "HEXABLOCKGUI.hxx"
#include "HEXABLOCKGUI_DocumentDelegate.hxx"
-#include "HEXABLOCKGUI_DocumentItem.hxx"
-#include "HEXABLOCKGUI_DocumentPanel.hxx"
using namespace std;
using namespace HEXABLOCK::GUI;
+//QWidget* currentEditor = NULL;
DocumentDelegate::DocumentDelegate(QDockWidget *dw, QObject *parent)
: QItemDelegate(parent),
- _meshSelectionModel(0)
+ _meshSelectionModel(0),
+ _currentEditor(NULL)
// connect( this, SIGNAL( closeEditor(QWidget *, QAbstractItemDelegate::EndEditHint) ),
// this, SLOT( onCloseEditor(QWidget *, QAbstractItemDelegate::EndEditHint) ) );
-// void DocumentDelegate::commitEditor()
-// {
-// MESSAGE("DocumentDelegate::commitEditor(){")
-// MESSAGE("* sender is: " << sender() );
-// QWidget* editor = qobject_cast<QWidget*>(sender());
-// emit commitData(editor);
-// // emit closeEditor(editor);
-// MESSAGE("}");
-// }
QWidget *DocumentDelegate::createEditor( QWidget *parent,
const QStyleOptionViewItem &option,
const QModelIndex &index ) const
MESSAGE("* _dw is: " << _dw);
MESSAGE("* item is: " <<;
- HexaBaseDialog *editor = 0;
+ //close current editor if there's one before creating a new one
+ if (_currentEditor != NULL)
+ {
+ delete _currentEditor;
+ _currentEditor = NULL;
+ }
+ HexaBaseDialog *editor = NULL;
+ if (_dw->widget()) _dw->widget()->close();
+ if ( !_dw->isVisible() ) _dw->setVisible(true);
switch ( ){
- case VERTEX_TREE : editor = new VertexDialog(parent, HexaBaseDialog::UPDATE_MODE); break;
- case EDGE_TREE : editor = new EdgeDialog(parent, /*HexaBaseDialog::NEW_MODE*/HexaBaseDialog::INFO_MODE); break;
- case QUAD_TREE : editor = new QuadDialog(parent, HexaBaseDialog::INFO_MODE); break;
- case HEXA_TREE : editor = new HexaDialog(parent, HexaBaseDialog::INFO_MODE); break;
- case VECTOR_TREE : editor = new VectorDialog(parent, HexaBaseDialog::INFO_MODE); break;
- case CYLINDER_TREE : editor = new CylinderDialog(parent, HexaBaseDialog::INFO_MODE); break;
- case PIPE_TREE : editor = new PipeDialog(parent, HexaBaseDialog::INFO_MODE); break;
+ case VERTEX_TREE : editor = new VertexDialog(_dw, HexaBaseDialog::UPDATE_MODE); break;
+ case EDGE_TREE : editor = new EdgeDialog(_dw, /*HexaBaseDialog::NEW_MODE*/HexaBaseDialog::INFO_MODE); break;
+ case QUAD_TREE : editor = new QuadDialog(_dw, HexaBaseDialog::INFO_MODE); break;
+ case HEXA_TREE : editor = new HexaDialog(_dw, HexaBaseDialog::INFO_MODE); break;
+ case VECTOR_TREE : editor = new VectorDialog(_dw, HexaBaseDialog::INFO_MODE); break;
+ case CYLINDER_TREE : editor = new CylinderDialog(_dw, HexaBaseDialog::INFO_MODE); break;
+ case PIPE_TREE : editor = new PipeDialog(_dw, HexaBaseDialog::INFO_MODE); break;
// case ELEMENTS_TREE : break;
// case CROSSELEMENTS_TREE : break;
- case GROUP_TREE : editor = new GroupDialog(parent, HexaBaseDialog::INFO_MODE/*UPDATE_MODE*/); break;
- case LAW_TREE : editor = new LawDialog(parent, HexaBaseDialog::UPDATE_MODE); break;
- case PROPAGATION_TREE : editor = new PropagationDialog(parent, HexaBaseDialog::INFO_MODE); break;
+ case GROUP_TREE : editor = new GroupDialog(_dw, HexaBaseDialog::INFO_MODE/*UPDATE_MODE*/); break;
+ case LAW_TREE : editor = new LawDialog(_dw, HexaBaseDialog::UPDATE_MODE); break;
+ case PROPAGATION_TREE : editor = new PropagationDialog(_dw, HexaBaseDialog::INFO_MODE); break;
- if ( editor ){
+ if ( editor != NULL ){
if ( _documentModel ) editor->setDocumentModel( _documentModel );
- if ( _patternDataSelectionModel ) editor->setPatternDataSelectionModel( _patternDataSelectionModel );
+ if ( _patternDataSelectionModel )
+ {
+ editor->setPatternDataSelectionModel( _patternDataSelectionModel );
+// _patternDataSelectionModel->currentDialog = editor;
+ }
if ( _patternBuilderSelectionModel ) editor->setPatternBuilderSelectionModel( _patternBuilderSelectionModel);
if ( _groupsSelectionModel ) editor->setGroupsSelectionModel( _groupsSelectionModel );
if ( _meshSelectionModel ) editor->setMeshSelectionModel( _meshSelectionModel);
-// QWidget* w = _dw->widget();
-// if (w) w->close();
- if ( !_dw->isVisible() ) _dw->setVisible(true);
- _dw->setWidget( editor );
- _dw->setWindowTitle( editor->windowTitle() );
-// connect ( editor, SIGNAL( editingFinished() ), this, SLOT ( commitEditor() ) );
-// editor->exec();
-// editor->show();
-// editor->raise();
-// editor->setFocus();
+ HEXABLOCKGUI::assocInProgress = false;
+ //show the editor in the dockwidget
+ editor->resetSizeAndShow(_dw);
+ else
+ _dw->close();
+ _currentEditor = editor;
return editor;
-// return new QLineEdit(parent);
+//Close the current edition dialog
+void DocumentDelegate::closeDialog()
+ if (_currentEditor!=NULL)
+ {
+ _currentEditor->close();
+ emit closeEditor(_currentEditor, NoHint);
+ delete _currentEditor;
+ _currentEditor = NULL;
+ }
void DocumentDelegate::setEditorData( QWidget *editor,
const QModelIndex &index) const
switch ( ){
case VERTEX_TREE : {
- HEXA_NS::Vertex *value = HEXA_DATA_ROLE ).value< HEXA_NS::Vertex* >();
+// HEXA_NS::Vertex *value = HEXA_DATA_ROLE ).value< HEXA_NS::Vertex* >();
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex *value = _documentModel->getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>(index);
VertexDialog *vertexEditor = static_cast<VertexDialog*>(editor);
case EDGE_TREE : {
- HEXA_NS::Edge *value = HEXA_DATA_ROLE ).value< HEXA_NS::Edge* >();
+ HEXA_NS::Edge *value = _documentModel->getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Edge*>(index);
EdgeDialog *edgeEditor = static_cast<EdgeDialog*>(editor);
case QUAD_TREE : {
- HEXA_NS::Quad *value = HEXA_DATA_ROLE ).value< HEXA_NS::Quad* >();
+ HEXA_NS::Quad *value = _documentModel->getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Quad*>(index);
QuadDialog *quadEditor = static_cast<QuadDialog*>(editor);
case HEXA_TREE : {
- HEXA_NS::Hexa *value = HEXA_DATA_ROLE ).value< HEXA_NS::Hexa* >();
+ HEXA_NS::Hexa *value = _documentModel->getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Hexa*>(index);
HexaDialog *hexaEditor = static_cast<HexaDialog*>(editor);
case VECTOR_TREE : {
- HEXA_NS::Vector *value = HEXA_DATA_ROLE ).value< HEXA_NS::Vector* >();
+ HEXA_NS::Vector *value = _documentModel->getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vector*>(index);
VectorDialog *vectorEditor = static_cast<VectorDialog*>(editor);
- HEXA_NS::Cylinder *value = HEXA_DATA_ROLE ).value< HEXA_NS::Cylinder* >();
+ HEXA_NS::Cylinder *value = _documentModel->getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Cylinder*>(index);
CylinderDialog *cylinderEditor = static_cast<CylinderDialog*>(editor);
case PIPE_TREE : {
- HEXA_NS::Pipe *value = HEXA_DATA_ROLE ).value< HEXA_NS::Pipe* >();
+ HEXA_NS::Pipe *value = _documentModel->getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Pipe*>(index);
PipeDialog *pipeEditor= static_cast<PipeDialog*>(editor);
-// editor->setFocus();
-// editor->exec();
- MESSAGE("}");
-// void DocumentDelegate::setModelData( QWidget *editor, QAbstractItemModel *model,
-// const QModelIndex &index) const
-// {
-// cout << "//////////////////// CS_BP DocumentDelegate::setModelData BEGIN "<< editor << endl;
-// // // QStandardItem *item = 0;
-// // // QItemDelegate::setModelData( editor, model,index);
-// //
-// // // // CS_TODO : simplification?
-// // QSortFilterProxyModel *pmodel = dynamic_cast<QSortFilterProxyModel *>( model );
-// // if ( pmodel ){
-// // QStandardItemModel *smodel = dynamic_cast<QStandardItemModel *>( pmodel->sourceModel() );
-// // if ( smodel ){
-// // // item = smodel->itemFromIndex(index);
-// // QItemDelegate::setModelData( editor, smodel, pmodel->mapToSource(index));
-// // }
-// // } else {
-// // QStandardItemModel *smodel = dynamic_cast<QStandardItemModel *>( model );
-// // if ( smodel ){
-// // // item = smodel->itemFromIndex(index);
-// // QItemDelegate::setModelData( editor, model,index);
-// // }
-// // }
-// // QItemDelegate::setModelData( editor, model, index);
-// cout << "//////////////////// CS_BP DocumentDelegate::setModelData END"<< editor << endl;
-// }
-void DocumentDelegate::setModelData( QWidget *editor,
- QAbstractItemModel *model,
- const QModelIndex &index) const
-// cout <<" XXXXXXXXXXXXXX setModelData editor => " << editor << endl;
- MESSAGE("DocumentDelegate::setModelData(){");
- MESSAGE("* item is: " <<;
-// HexaDialog *hexaEditor = qobject_cast<HexaDialog*>(editor);
-// // PipeDialog *qtcast = qobject_cast<PipeDialog*>(editor);
-// // PipeDialog *cppcast = dynamic_cast<PipeDialog*>(editor);
-// if ( hexaEditor ){
-// HEXA_NS::Hexa *value = hexaEditor->getValue();
-// cout << "XXXXXXXXXXX DocumentDelegate::setModelData value "<< value << endl;
-// model->setData( index, QVariant::fromValue( value ), HEXA_DATA_ROLE );
-// model->setData( index, value->getName(), Qt::DisplayRole/*Qt::EditRole*/ );
-// model->setData( index, QString::number( reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(value) ), HEXA_ENTRY_ROLE );
-// }
-// editor->show();
-// editor->raise();
-// cout << "AAAAAAA _dw"<< _dw<< endl;
-// cout << "AAAAAAA _dw->widget()"<< _dw->widget() << endl;
-// cout << "AAAAAAA isVisible"<< _dw->isVisible() << endl;
-// cout << "AAAAAAA editor isVisible"<< editor->isVisible() << endl;
-// // editor = new HexaDialog();
-// _dw->setWindowTitle( "HOOOOOOOOOO" );
-// _dw->setWidget(editor);
-// _dw->setVisible(false);
-// // editor->raise();
-// _dw->raise();
-// _dw->setVisible(true);
-// cout << "BBBBBBB _dw"<< _dw<< endl;
-// cout << "BBBBBBB _dw->widget()"<< _dw->widget() << endl;
-// cout << "BBBBBBB isVisible"<< _dw->isVisible() << endl;
-// cout << "BBBBBBB editor isVisible"<< editor->isVisible() << endl;
-// HEXA_NS::Quad *value = quadEditor->getValue();
-// model->setData(index, QVariant::fromValue( value ), HEXA_DATA_ROLE);
- MESSAGE("}");
-void DocumentDelegate::updateEditorGeometry( QWidget *editor,
- const QStyleOptionViewItem &option,
- const QModelIndex &index ) const
- MESSAGE("DocumentDelegate::updateEditorGeometry(){");
- MESSAGE("* item is: " <<;
-// cout << "CS_BP option.rect.size()"<<option.rect.size()<<endl;
- MESSAGE("* option.rect.width() is: " << option.rect.width() << option.rect.width() );
- MESSAGE("* option.rect.x() is: " << option.rect.x() << option.rect.x() );
- MESSAGE("* option.rect.y() is: " << option.rect.y() << option.rect.y() );
-// editor->setGeometry(option.rect);
- editor->show();
-// editor->raise();
-void DocumentDelegate::setDocumentModel( DocumentModel* m )
- _documentModel = m;
-void DocumentDelegate::setPatternDataSelectionModel( PatternDataSelectionModel* s )
- _patternDataSelectionModel = s;
-void DocumentDelegate::setPatternBuilderSelectionModel( PatternBuilderSelectionModel* s )
- _patternBuilderSelectionModel = s;
-void DocumentDelegate::setGroupsSelectionModel( GroupsSelectionModel* s )
- _groupsSelectionModel = s ;
-void DocumentDelegate::setMeshSelectionModel( MeshSelectionModel* s )
- _meshSelectionModel = s;
bool DocumentDelegate::editorEvent ( QEvent *event,
QAbstractItemModel *model,
const QStyleOptionViewItem &option,
const QModelIndex &index )
- MESSAGE("DocumentDelegate::editorEvent(){");
- MESSAGE("* item is: " <<;
- MESSAGE("* event is: " << event->type() );
- Qt::ItemFlags flags = model->flags(index);
- if ( flags == Qt::ItemFlags( ~Qt::ItemIsEditable ) ){
- MESSAGE("* you can select it ");
- } else {
- MESSAGE("* you cannot select it ");
- }
-// bool r;
-// if ( event->type() == 3 ){
-// r = true;
-// } else {
-// r = QItemDelegate::editorEvent ( event, model, option, index );
-// }
-// MESSAGE("* result is: " << r );
-// MESSAGE("}");
-// return r;
- return QItemDelegate::editorEvent ( event, model, option, index );
+ MESSAGE("DocumentDelegate::editorEvent(){");
+ MESSAGE("* item is: " <<;
+ MESSAGE("* event is: " << event->type() );
+ Qt::ItemFlags flags = model->flags(index);
+ if ( flags == Qt::ItemFlags( ~Qt::ItemIsEditable ) ){
+ MESSAGE("* you can select it ");
+ } else {
+ MESSAGE("* you cannot select it ");
+ }
+ //return QItemDelegate::editorEvent ( event, model, option, index );
+ return false;
-// void DocumentDelegate::onCloseEditor( QWidget *w, QAbstractItemDelegate::EndEditHint h)
-// {
-// MESSAGE("DocumentDelegate::onCloseEditor(){");
-// MESSAGE("}");
-// }
-// void DocumentDelegate::onCommitData ( QWidget * editor )
-// {
-// MESSAGE("DocumentDelegate::onCommitData(){");
-// MESSAGE("}");
-// }
-// connect( this, SIGNAL( commitData ( QWidget * ) ),
-// this, SLOT( onCommitData ( QWidget * ) ) );
-// // virtual bool eventFilter ( QObject * editor, QEvent * event )
-// // {
-// // // std::cout << "eventFilter eventFilter " << event->type() << std::endl;
-// // // std::cout << std::endl;
-// //
-// // if (event->type() == QEvent::FocusOut) {
-// // // QKeyEvent *keyEvent = static_cast<QKeyEvent*>(event);
-// // // qDebug() << "Ate key press" << keyEvent->key();
-// // // return true;
-// // return false;
-// // } else {
-// // return QItemDelegate::eventFilter ( editor, event );
-// // // return false;
-// // }
-// void DocumentDelegate::setModelData( QWidget *editor, QAbstractItemModel *model,
-// const QModelIndex &index) const
-// {
-// cout << "*********************** CS_BP DocumentDelegate::setModelData BEGIN "<< editor << endl;
-// QStandardItem *item = 0;
-// // CS_TODO : simplification?
-// QSortFilterProxyModel *pmodel = dynamic_cast<QSortFilterProxyModel *>( model );
-// if ( pmodel ){
-// QStandardItemModel *smodel = dynamic_cast<QStandardItemModel *>( pmodel->sourceModel() );
-// if ( smodel ){
-// item = smodel->itemFromIndex(pmodel->mapToSource(index));
-// }
-// } else {
-// QStandardItemModel *smodel = dynamic_cast<QStandardItemModel *>( model );
-// if ( smodel ){
-// item = smodel->itemFromIndex(index);
-// }
-// }
-// if ( item ){
-// // cout << "item " << item->type() << endl;
-// if ( item->data().isValid() )
-// cout << "*************** item " << item->data(Qt::DisplayRole).toString().toStdString() << endl;
-// switch ( item->type() ){
-// case VERTEXITEM : {
-// VertexDialog *vertexEditor = static_cast<VertexDialog*>(editor);
-// HEXA_NS::Vertex *value = vertexEditor->getValue();
-// model->setData(index, QVariant::fromValue( value ), HEXA_DATA_ROLE);
-// }
-// break;
-// case EDGEITEM : {
-// EdgeDialog *edgeEditor = static_cast<EdgeDialog*>(editor);
-// HEXA_NS::Edge *value = edgeEditor->getValue();
-// model->setData(index, QVariant::fromValue( value ), HEXA_DATA_ROLE);
-// }
-// break;
-// case QUADITEM : {
-// QuadDialog *quadEditor = static_cast<QuadDialog*>(editor);
-// HEXA_NS::Quad *value = quadEditor->getValue();
-// model->setData(index, QVariant::fromValue( value ), HEXA_DATA_ROLE);
-// }
-// break;
-// case HEXAITEM : {
-// HexaDialog *hexaEditor = static_cast<HexaDialog*>(editor);
-// HEXA_NS::Hexa *value = hexaEditor->getValue();
-// model->setData(index, QVariant::fromValue( value ), HEXA_DATA_ROLE);
-// }
-// break;
-// case VECTORITEM : {
-// VectorDialog *vectorEditor = static_cast<VectorDialog*>(editor);
-// HEXA_NS::Vector *value = vectorEditor->getValue();
-// model->setData(index, QVariant::fromValue( value ), HEXA_DATA_ROLE);
-// }
-// break;
-// case CYLINDERITEM : {
-// CylinderDialog *cylinderEditor = static_cast<CylinderDialog*>(editor);
-// HEXA_NS::Cylinder *value = cylinderEditor->getValue();
-// model->setData(index, QVariant::fromValue( value ), HEXA_DATA_ROLE);
-// }
-// break;
-// case PIPEITEM : {
-// PipeDialog *pipeEditor = static_cast<PipeDialog*>(editor);
-// HEXA_NS::Pipe *value = pipeEditor->getValue();
-// model->setData(index, QVariant::fromValue( value ), HEXA_DATA_ROLE);
-// }
-// break;
-// // case ELEMENTSITEM : editor = new ElementsDialog(parent); break;
-// // case CROSSELEMENTSITEM : editor = new CrossElementsDialog(parent); break;
-// case GROUPITEM :{
-// GroupDialog *groupEditor = static_cast<GroupDialog*>(editor);
-// HEXA_NS::Group *value = groupEditor->getValue();
-// model->setData(index, QVariant::fromValue( value ), HEXA_DATA_ROLE);
-// }
-// break;
-// case LAWITEM : {
-// LawDialog *lawEditor = static_cast<LawDialog*>(editor);
-// HEXA_NS::Law *value = lawEditor->getValue();
-// model->setData(index, QVariant::fromValue( value ), HEXA_DATA_ROLE);
-// }
-// break;
-// PropagationDialog *propagationEditor = static_cast<PropagationDialog*>(editor);
-// HEXA_NS::Propagation *value = propagationEditor->getValue();
-// model->setData(index, QVariant::fromValue( value ), HEXA_DATA_ROLE);
-// }
-// break;
-// }
-// }
-// editor->show();
-// cout << "*********************** CS_BP DocumentDelegate::setModelData END "<< editor << endl;
-// }
\ No newline at end of file
+bool DocumentDelegate::eventFilter ( QObject * editor, QEvent * event )
+ if ( event->type() == QEvent::FocusOut ){
+ //((QWidget*) editor->parent())->close();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
#include "HEXABLOCKGUI_DocumentModel.hxx"
#include "HEXABLOCKGUI_DocumentSelectionModel.hxx"
+#include "HEXABLOCKGUI_DocumentItem.hxx"
+#include "HEXABLOCKGUI_DocumentPanel.hxx"
namespace HEXABLOCK
+ void closeDialog();
DocumentDelegate( QDockWidget *dw, QObject *parent = 0);
QWidget *createEditor( QWidget *parent,
void setModelData( QWidget *editor,
QAbstractItemModel *model,
- const QModelIndex &index ) const;
+ const QModelIndex &index ) const {};
- void updateEditorGeometry( QWidget *editor,
+ virtual void updateEditorGeometry( QWidget *editor,
const QStyleOptionViewItem &option,
- const QModelIndex &index ) const;
+ const QModelIndex &index ) const {};
- // can be used by editor
- void setDocumentModel( DocumentModel* m );
+ //Can be used by editor
+ void setDocumentModel( DocumentModel* m ){_documentModel = m;}
- // selection
- void setPatternDataSelectionModel( PatternDataSelectionModel* s );
- void setPatternBuilderSelectionModel( PatternBuilderSelectionModel* s );
- void setGroupsSelectionModel( /*QItemSelectionModel**/ GroupsSelectionModel* s );
- void setMeshSelectionModel( MeshSelectionModel* s );
+ //Selections
+ void setPatternDataSelectionModel( PatternDataSelectionModel* s ){_patternDataSelectionModel = s;}
+ void setPatternBuilderSelectionModel( PatternBuilderSelectionModel* s ){_patternBuilderSelectionModel = s;}
+ void setGroupsSelectionModel( GroupsSelectionModel* s ){_groupsSelectionModel = s ;}
+ void setMeshSelectionModel( MeshSelectionModel* s ){_meshSelectionModel = s;}
- virtual bool editorEvent ( QEvent * event,
- QAbstractItemModel * model,
- const QStyleOptionViewItem & option,
- const QModelIndex & index );
+ protected:
+ mutable QWidget* _currentEditor;
+ virtual bool editorEvent ( QEvent * event,
+ QAbstractItemModel * model,
+ const QStyleOptionViewItem & option, const QModelIndex & index );
+ virtual bool eventFilter ( QObject * editor, QEvent * event );
public slots:
// void onCloseEditor( QWidget *, QAbstractItemDelegate::EndEditHint);
// void onCommitData ( QWidget * editor );
- QDockWidget *_dw; // editor's container
+ QDockWidget* _dw; // creator's container
// can be used by editor
DocumentModel* _documentModel;
#include <vtkRenderer.h>
#include <vtkActorCollection.h>
#include <vtkUnstructuredGrid.h>
+#include <vtkRenderWindowInteractor.h>
+#include <vtkSmartPointer.h>
+#include <SVTK_View.h>
// test tutorial (sphere)
#include <vtkPolyDataMapper.h>
#include <vtkSphereSource.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace HEXABLOCK::GUI;
Document_Actor::Document_Actor( HEXA_NS::Document* doc, const QString& entry ):
_doc( doc )
// SetPointRepresentation(true);
// ===================================================== getUnstructuredGrid
vtkUnstructuredGrid* Associate_Actor::getUnstructuredGrid()
vtkUnstructuredGrid* theGrid = vtkUnstructuredGrid::New();
_doc->reorderFaces(); //CS_TEST
+ std::map<int,vtkIdType> vtkNodeId;
+ std::map<vtkIdType, int> hexaNodeId;
+ // Create points
+ vtkPoints* aPoints = vtkPoints::New();
+ int nbVertex = _doc->countVertex();
+ aPoints->SetNumberOfPoints( nbVertex );
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* v = NULL;
+ int vertexId;
+ for ( int i=0; i <nbVertex; ++i ){
+ v = _doc->getVertex(i);
+ aPoints->SetPoint( i, v->getX()+6, v->getY()+6, v->getZ() );
+ vertexId = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(v); //v->getId();
+ vtkNodeId [ vertexId ] = i;
+ hexaNodeId[ i ] = vertexId ;
+// vtkNodeId [ vertexId ] = i+1;
+// hexaNodeId[ i+1 ] = vertexId ;
+ }
+ theGrid->SetPoints( aPoints );
+ aPoints->Delete();
+// theGrid->SetCells( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
+ // Calculate cells size
+ int nb0DElement = _doc->countVertex();
+ int nbEdge = _doc->countEdge();
+ int nbFace = _doc->countQuad();
+ int nbVolume = _doc->countHexa();
+ vtkIdType aCellsSize = 2*nb0DElement + 3*nbEdge + ( 4 + 1 )*nbFace + ( 8 + 1 )*nbVolume;
+ vtkIdType aNbCells = nb0DElement + nbEdge + nbFace + nbVolume;
+ // Create cells
+ vtkCellArray* aConnectivity = vtkCellArray::New();
+ aConnectivity->Allocate( aCellsSize, 0 );
+ vtkUnsignedCharArray* aCellTypesArray = vtkUnsignedCharArray::New();
+ aCellTypesArray->SetNumberOfComponents( 1 );
+ aCellTypesArray->Allocate( aNbCells * aCellTypesArray->GetNumberOfComponents() );
+ vtkIdList *anIdList = vtkIdList::New();
+ vtkIdType iVtkElem = 0;
+// vtkIdType iVtkElem = 1; //CS_TEST
+ int iHexaElem;
+ for ( int i=0; i<nb0DElement; ++i ){
+ anIdList->SetNumberOfIds( 1 );
+ v = _doc->getVertex(i);
+ iHexaElem = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(v);//v->getId();
+ vtkElemsId[iHexaElem] = iVtkElem;
+ hexaElemsId[iVtkElem] = iHexaElem;
+ anIdList->SetId(0, vtkNodeId[iHexaElem]);
+ aConnectivity->InsertNextCell( anIdList );
+ aCellTypesArray->InsertNextValue( VTK_VERTEX );//getCellType( aType, anElem->IsPoly(), aNbNodes ) );
+ ++iVtkElem;
+ }
+ // EDGE
+ HEXA_NS::Edge* e = NULL;
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* vertexElem = NULL;
+ for ( int i=0; i<nbEdge; ++i ){
+ anIdList->SetNumberOfIds( 2 );
+ e = _doc->getEdge(i);
+ iHexaElem = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(e); //e->getId();
+ vtkElemsId[iHexaElem] = iVtkElem;
+ hexaElemsId[iVtkElem] = iHexaElem;
+ for( vtkIdType j = 0; j< 2; ++j ){ //j< e->countVertex(); ++j ){
+ vertexElem = e->getVertex( j );
+ anIdList->SetId( j, vtkNodeId[ reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(vertexElem) ] );//vertexElem->getId() ]);
+ }
+ aConnectivity->InsertNextCell( anIdList );
+ aCellTypesArray->InsertNextValue( VTK_LINE );//getCellType( aType, anElem->IsPoly(), aNbNodes ) );
+ ++iVtkElem;
+ }
+ // QUAD
+ HEXA_NS::Quad* q = NULL;
+ HEXA_NS::Quad* quadElem = NULL;
+ for ( int i=0; i<nbFace; ++i ){
+ anIdList->SetNumberOfIds( 4 );
+ q = _doc->getQuad(i);
+ iHexaElem = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(q); //q->getId();
+ vtkElemsId[iHexaElem] = iVtkElem;
+ hexaElemsId[iVtkElem] = iHexaElem;
+ for( vtkIdType j = 0; j< 4; ++j ){
+ vertexElem = q->getVertex( j );
+ anIdList->SetId( j, vtkNodeId[ reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(vertexElem) ] );//vertexElem->getId() ]);
+ }
+ aConnectivity->InsertNextCell( anIdList );
+ aCellTypesArray->InsertNextValue( VTK_QUAD );//getCellType( aType, anElem->IsPoly(), aNbNodes ) );
+ ++iVtkElem;
+ }
+ // HEXA
+ HEXA_NS::Hexa* h = NULL;
+ HEXA_NS::Hexa* hexaElem = NULL;
+ std::map<int, int> connectivity;
+ connectivity[0] = 0;
+ connectivity[1] = 1;
+ connectivity[2] = 3;
+ connectivity[3] = 2;
+ connectivity[4] = 4;
+ connectivity[5] = 5;
+ connectivity[6] = 7;
+ connectivity[7] = 6;
+ for ( int i=0; i<nbVolume; ++i ){
+ anIdList->SetNumberOfIds( 8 );
+ h = _doc->getHexa(i);
+ iHexaElem = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(h); //q->getId();
+ vtkElemsId[iHexaElem] = iVtkElem;
+ hexaElemsId[iVtkElem] = iHexaElem;
+ for( vtkIdType j = 0; j< 8; ++j ){
+ vertexElem = h->getVertex( j );// );
+ anIdList->SetId( connectivity[j], vtkNodeId[ reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(vertexElem) ]);//vertexElem->getId() ]);
+ }
+ aConnectivity->InsertNextCell( anIdList );
+ aCellTypesArray->InsertNextValue( VTK_HEXAHEDRON );
+ ++iVtkElem;
+ }
+// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
+// 0 1 3 2 4 5 7 6
+ // Insert cells in grid
+ VTKViewer_CellLocationsArray* aCellLocationsArray = VTKViewer_CellLocationsArray::New();
+ aCellLocationsArray->SetNumberOfComponents( 1 );
+ aCellLocationsArray->SetNumberOfTuples( aNbCells );
+// std::cout << "aNbCells =>" << aNbCells << std::endl;
+ aConnectivity->InitTraversal();
+ for( vtkIdType idType = 0, *pts, npts; aConnectivity->GetNextCell( npts, pts ); idType++ ){
+ aCellLocationsArray->SetValue( idType, aConnectivity->GetTraversalLocation( npts ) );
+ }
+ theGrid->SetCells( aCellTypesArray, aCellLocationsArray,aConnectivity );
+ aCellLocationsArray->Delete();
+ aCellTypesArray->Delete();
+ aConnectivity->Delete();
+ anIdList->Delete();
+ //std::cout << "theGrid->GetNumberOfCells()" << theGrid->GetNumberOfCells() << std::endl;
+ return theGrid;
+ vtkUnstructuredGrid* theGrid = vtkUnstructuredGrid::New();
+ _doc->reorderFaces(); //CS_TEST
std::map<int,vtkIdType> vtkNodeId;
std::map<vtkIdType, int> hexaNodeId;
int vertexId;
for ( int i=0; i <nbVertex; ++i ){
v = _doc->getVertex(i);
- aPoints->SetPoint( i, v->getX(), v->getY(), v->getZ() );
+ aPoints->SetPoint( i, v->getX() + 1, v->getY() + 1, v->getZ() );
vertexId = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(v); //v->getId();
vtkNodeId [ vertexId ] = i;
hexaNodeId[ i ] = vertexId ;
for ( int i=0; i<nb0DElement; ++i ){
anIdList->SetNumberOfIds( 1 );
- // v = _doc->getVertex(i); // Abu
- v = tab_vertex [i];
+ v = _doc->getVertex(i); // Abu
+ // v = tab_vertex [i];
iHexaElem = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(v);//v->getId();
vtkElemsId[iHexaElem] = iVtkElem;
hexaElemsId[iVtkElem] = iHexaElem;
return theGrid;
// =============================================================== Abu : Fin
_suitView( suitView ),
_documentActor( 0 ),
_associateActor (NULL), // Abu
- _currentChanged( false )
+ _currentChanged( false ),
+ firstUpdate(true)
// MESSAGE("DocumentGraphicView::DocumentGraphicView() app"<<app);
// MESSAGE("DocumentGraphicView::DocumentGraphicView() suitView"<<suitView);
_documentActor = new Document_Actor( theDocumentImpl, theDocumentEntry );
theVTKViewWindow->AddActor( _documentActor );
+ QString autreDocentry = "essai";
// -------------------- Abu debut
if (HEXA_NS::special_option())
theVTKViewWindow->RemoveActor( _associateActor );
- _associateActor = new Associate_Actor( theDocumentImpl, theDocumentEntry );
+ // _associateActor = new Associate_Actor( theDocumentImpl, theDocumentEntry );
+ _associateActor = new Associate_Actor( theDocumentImpl, autreDocentry );
theVTKViewWindow->AddActor( _associateActor );
// -------------------- Abu fin
// display HEXABLOCK document model
+// vtkSmartPointer<hexablockInteractorStyle> style = vtkSmartPointer<hexablockInteractorStyle>::New();
+// theVTKViewWindow->GetInteractor()->PushInteractorStyle(style);
+// style->SetCurrentRenderer(theVTKViewWindow->getRenderer());
+// theVTKViewWindow->SetInteractionStyle(0);
+// theVTKViewWindow->SetDynamicPreSelection (true);
- theVTKViewWindow->onFitAll();
+ if (firstUpdate)
+ {
+ theVTKViewWindow->onFitAll();
+ firstUpdate = false;
+ }
+// theVTKViewWindow->GetInteractorStyle()->HighlightProp(_documentActor);
+// theVTKViewWindow->getView()->SetPreselectionProp(0., 1., 0., 2.);
+// theVTKViewWindow->getView()->SetTransparency(_documentActor->getIO(), 0.2);
// myVTKViewWindow->SetSelectionMode( ActorSelection );
// theVTKViewWindow->SetSelectionMode( NodeSelection );
// myVTKViewWindow->SetSelectionMode( FaceSelection );
// #include <SVTK_ViewWindow.h>
#include <SUIT_ViewWindow.h>
#include <SALOME_Actor.h>
+#include <SVTK_InteractorStyle.h>
#include <QAbstractItemView>
#include <QMap>
#include <HexEdge.hxx>
#include <HexHexa.hxx>
#include <HexDocument.hxx>
+#include <vtkInteractorStyleTrackballCamera.h>
+#include <SVTK_RenderWindowInteractor.h>
+#include <vtkActor2D.h>
// class LightApp_Displayer;
// class SalomeApp_Application;
namespace GUI
+ class hexablockInteractorStyle : public SVTK_InteractorStyle
+ {
+ public:
+ hexablockInteractorStyle() {};
+ virtual ~hexablockInteractorStyle() {};
+ public:
+ static hexablockInteractorStyle* New()
+ {
+ return new hexablockInteractorStyle;
+ };
+ virtual void HighlightActor2D(vtkActor2D* actor2D) {std::cout << "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% HIGHLIGHT PROP 2D%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%" << std::endl;};
+ virtual void HighlightProp(vtkProp* prop) {std::cout << "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% HIGHLIGHT PROP %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%" << std::endl;};
+ virtual void HighlightProp3D(vtkProp3D* prop3D) {std::cout << "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% HIGHLIGHT PROP 3D%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%" << std::endl;};
+ };
class Document_Actor : public SALOME_Actor
Document_Actor *_documentActor;
Associate_Actor *_associateActor;
bool _currentChanged;
+ bool firstUpdate;
// See or email :
#include "HEXABLOCKGUI_DocumentItem.hxx"
#include "HexShape.hxx"
#include <inttypes.h>
-#include <QVariant>*/
-//#define _DEVDEBUG_
using namespace std;
using namespace HEXABLOCK::GUI;
-// ----------------------- VERTEX
-VertexItem::VertexItem( HEXA_NS::Vertex* hexaVertex ):
- QStandardItem(),
- _hexaVertex( hexaVertex )
-// char pName[12];
- QString name = _hexaVertex->getName(/*pName*/);
-// QString docEntry = model()->invisibleRootItem()->data(HEXA_ENTRY_ROLE).toString();
- setText(name);
-// setFlags( Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled );//Qt::ItemIsEditable);
- setData( QString::number( reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(_hexaVertex) ), HEXA_ENTRY_ROLE ); //_hexaVertex->dad()
- HEXA_NS::Shape* assoc = hexaVertex->getAssociation();
- if ( assoc ){
- QString entry = QString(assoc->ident.c_str());
- setData( entry + ";" , HEXA_ASSOC_ENTRY_ROLE );
- }
-int VertexItem::type() const
- return VERTEXITEM;
-QVariant VertexItem::data( int role ) const
- if ( role == HEXA_DATA_ROLE ){
- return QVariant::fromValue( _hexaVertex );
- } else if (role == Qt::ForegroundRole ) {
- HEXA_NS::Shape* assoc = _hexaVertex->getAssociation();
- if ( assoc )
- return QColor(Qt::darkGreen);
- else
- return QColor(Qt::black);
- } else {
- return QStandardItem::data( role );
+// ElementItem --------------------------------------------------
+ElementItem::ElementItem( HEXA_NS::EltBase* docElement, QString entry, HexaType ttype, HexaTreeRole treeRole):
+ m_DocElt = docElement;
+ m_type = ttype;
+ if (m_DocElt != NULL)
+ setText(m_DocElt->getName());
+ setData( treeRole, HEXA_TREE_ROLE );
+ setData( entry, HEXA_DOC_ENTRY_ROLE);
+ setData( IDptr(), HEXA_ENTRY_ROLE );
+ //Init assocs entry
+ if (m_DocElt!=NULL && m_DocElt->isAssociated())
+ {
+ QString entry;
+ if (m_type == VERTEXITEM) //Vertex
+ {
+ HEXA_NS::Shape* assoc = m_DocElt->getAssociation();
+ if ( assoc ){
+ entry = QString(assoc->ident.c_str());
+ setData( entry + ";" , HEXA_ASSOC_ENTRY_ROLE );
+ }
+ }
+ else if (m_type == EDGEITEM)
+ {
+ QString entries;
+ const HEXA_NS::Shapes& assocs = ((HEXA_NS::Edge*)m_DocElt)->getAssociations();
+ for( HEXA_NS::Shapes::const_iterator anAssoc = assocs.begin(); anAssoc != assocs.end(); ++anAssoc ){
+ entry = (*anAssoc)->ident.c_str();
+ entries += entry + ";";
+ }
+ if ( !entries.isEmpty() )
+ setData( entries, HEXA_ASSOC_ENTRY_ROLE );
+ }
+ else if (m_type == QUADITEM)
+ {
+ QString entries;
+ const HEXA_NS::Shapes& assocs = ((HEXA_NS::Quad*)m_DocElt)->getAssociations();
+ for( HEXA_NS::Shapes::const_iterator anAssoc = assocs.begin(); anAssoc != assocs.end(); ++anAssoc ){
+ entry = (*anAssoc)->ident.c_str();
+ entries += entry + ";";
+ }
+ if ( !entries.isEmpty() )
+ setData( entries, HEXA_ASSOC_ENTRY_ROLE );
+ }
-void VertexItem::setData ( const QVariant & value, int role )
- if ( role == HEXA_DATA_ROLE ){
- _hexaVertex = value.value<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>();
- emitDataChanged ();
- } else {
-// std::cout << " VertexItem::setData( " << role << ", "<< value.toString().toStdString() << " )" <<std::endl;
- QStandardItem::setData ( value, role );
- }
-// ----------------------- EDGE
-EdgeItem::EdgeItem( HEXA_NS::Edge* hexaEdge ):
- QStandardItem(),
- _hexaEdge( hexaEdge )
-// char pName[12];
-// QString name = _hexaEdge->getName(pName);
- QString name = _hexaEdge->getName();
-// std::cout << "EdgeItem name : "<< name.toStdString() << std::endl;
- setText(name);
- setData( QString::number( reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(_hexaEdge) ), HEXA_ENTRY_ROLE );
- QString entries, entry;
- const HEXA_NS::Shapes& assocs = hexaEdge->getAssociations();
- for( HEXA_NS::Shapes::const_iterator anAssoc = assocs.begin(); anAssoc != assocs.end(); ++anAssoc ){
- entry = (*anAssoc)->ident.c_str();
- entries += entry + ";";
- }
- if ( !entries.isEmpty() )
- setData( entries, HEXA_ASSOC_ENTRY_ROLE );
-int EdgeItem::type() const
- return EDGEITEM;
+//ElementItem::ElementItem( HEXA_NS::EltBase* docElement, HexaType ttype, HexaTreeRole treeRole):
+// m_DocElt = docElement;
+// m_type = ttype;
+// if (m_DocElt != NULL)
+// setText(m_DocElt->getName());
+// setData( treeRole, HEXA_TREE_ROLE );
+// setData( IDptr(), HEXA_ENTRY_ROLE );
+//// if (m_DocElt->isAssociated())
+//// setData( "Y" , HEXA_ASSOC_ENTRY_ROLE );
-QVariant EdgeItem::data( int role ) const
+QVariant ElementItem::data( int role ) const
if ( role == HEXA_DATA_ROLE ){
- return QVariant::fromValue( _hexaEdge );
- } else if (role == Qt::ForegroundRole ) {
- const HEXA_NS::Shapes& assocs = _hexaEdge->getAssociations();
- if ( assocs.size()>0 )
- return QColor(Qt::darkGreen);
- else
- return QColor(Qt::black);
- } else {
- return QStandardItem::data( role );
+ switch(m_type)
+ {
+ case VERTEXITEM: return QVariant::fromValue( (HEXA_NS::Vertex*)m_DocElt );
+ case EDGEITEM: return QVariant::fromValue( (HEXA_NS::Edge*)m_DocElt );
+ case QUADITEM: return QVariant::fromValue( (HEXA_NS::Quad*)m_DocElt );
+ case HEXAITEM: return QVariant::fromValue( (HEXA_NS::Hexa*)m_DocElt );
+ case VECTORITEM: return QVariant::fromValue( (HEXA_NS::Vector*)m_DocElt );
+ case CYLINDERITEM: return QVariant::fromValue( (HEXA_NS::Cylinder*)m_DocElt );
+ case PIPEITEM: return QVariant::fromValue( (HEXA_NS::Pipe*)m_DocElt );
+ case ELEMENTSITEM: return QVariant::fromValue( (HEXA_NS::Elements*)m_DocElt );
+ case CROSSELEMENTSITEM: return QVariant::fromValue( (HEXA_NS::CrossElements*)m_DocElt );
+ default: return QVariant::fromValue( m_DocElt );
+ }
-void EdgeItem::setData ( const QVariant & value, int role )
- if ( role == HEXA_DATA_ROLE ){
- _hexaEdge = value.value<HEXA_NS::Edge*>();
- emitDataChanged ();
- } else {
- QStandardItem::setData ( value, role );
- }
-// ----------------------- QUAD
-QuadItem::QuadItem( HEXA_NS::Quad* hexaQuad ):
- QStandardItem(),
- _hexaQuad( hexaQuad )
-// char pName[12];
- QString name = _hexaQuad->getName(/*pName*/);
- setText(name);
- setData( QString::number(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(_hexaQuad)), HEXA_ENTRY_ROLE );
- QString entries, entry;
- const HEXA_NS::Shapes& assocs = hexaQuad->getAssociations();
- for( HEXA_NS::Shapes::const_iterator anAssoc = assocs.begin(); anAssoc != assocs.end(); ++anAssoc ){
- entry = (*anAssoc)->ident.c_str();
- entries += entry + ";";
- }
- if ( !entries.isEmpty() )
- setData( entries, HEXA_ASSOC_ENTRY_ROLE );
-int QuadItem::type() const
- return QUADITEM;
-QVariant QuadItem::data( int role ) const
- if ( role == HEXA_DATA_ROLE ){
- return QVariant::fromValue( _hexaQuad );
- } else if ( role == Qt::ForegroundRole ) {
- const HEXA_NS::Shapes& assocs = _hexaQuad->getAssociations();
- if ( assocs.size()>0 )
+ if (role == Qt::ForegroundRole ) {
+ if ( m_DocElt->isAssociated() )
return QColor(Qt::darkGreen);
return QColor(Qt::black);
- } else {
- return QStandardItem::data( role );
+ return QStandardItem::data( role );
-void QuadItem::setData ( const QVariant & value, int role )
- if ( role == HEXA_DATA_ROLE ){
- _hexaQuad = value.value<HEXA_NS::Quad*>();
- emitDataChanged ();
- } else {
- QStandardItem::setData ( value, role );
- }
-// ----------------------- HEXA
-HexaItem::HexaItem( HEXA_NS::Hexa* hexaHexa ):
- QStandardItem(),
- _hexaHexa( hexaHexa )
-// char pName[12];
- QString name = _hexaHexa->getName(/*pName*/);
- setText(name);
- setData( QString::number( reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(_hexaHexa)), HEXA_ENTRY_ROLE );
-int HexaItem::type() const
- return HEXAITEM;
-QVariant HexaItem::data( int role ) const
+void ElementItem::setData ( const QVariant& valcont, int role )
if ( role == HEXA_DATA_ROLE ){
- return QVariant::fromValue( _hexaHexa );
- }
- else if ( role == Qt::ForegroundRole ) {
- return QColor(Qt::black);
- }
- else {
- return QStandardItem::data( role );
- }
-void HexaItem::setData ( const QVariant & value, int role )
- if ( role == HEXA_DATA_ROLE ){
- _hexaHexa = value.value<HEXA_NS::Hexa*>();
- emitDataChanged ();
- } else {
- QStandardItem::setData ( value, role );
- }
+ m_DocElt = valcont.value<HEXA_NS::EltBase*>();
+ emitDataChanged ();
-// ----------------------- VECTOR
-VectorItem::VectorItem( HEXA_NS::Vector* hexaVector ):
- QStandardItem(),
- _hexaVector( hexaVector )
-// char pName[12];
- QString name = _hexaVector->getName(/*pName*/);
- setText(name);
- setData( QString::number(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(_hexaVector)), HEXA_ENTRY_ROLE );
-int VectorItem::type() const
- return VECTORITEM;
-QVariant VectorItem::data( int role ) const
- if ( role == HEXA_DATA_ROLE ){
- return QVariant::fromValue( _hexaVector );
- } else {
- return QStandardItem::data( role );
- }
-void VectorItem::setData ( const QVariant & value, int role )
- if ( role == HEXA_DATA_ROLE ){
- _hexaVector = value.value<HEXA_NS::Vector*>();
- emitDataChanged ();
- } else {
- QStandardItem::setData ( value, role );
- }
-// ----------------------- CYLINDER
-CylinderItem::CylinderItem( HEXA_NS::Cylinder* hexaCylinder):
- QStandardItem(),
- _hexaCylinder( hexaCylinder )
-// char pName[12];
- QString name = _hexaCylinder->getName(/*pName*/);
- setText(name);
- setData( QString::number(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(_hexaCylinder)), HEXA_ENTRY_ROLE );
-int CylinderItem::type() const
-QVariant CylinderItem::data( int role ) const
- if ( role == HEXA_DATA_ROLE ){
- return QVariant::fromValue( _hexaCylinder );
- } else {
- return QStandardItem::data( role );
- }
-void CylinderItem::setData ( const QVariant & value, int role )
- if ( role == HEXA_DATA_ROLE ){
- _hexaCylinder = value.value<HEXA_NS::Cylinder*>();
- emitDataChanged ();
- } else {
- QStandardItem::setData ( value, role );
- }
+ } else {
+ QStandardItem::setData ( valcont, role );
+ }
+int ElementItem::type () const {return m_type;}
+bool ElementItem::isAssoc () const {return m_DocElt->isAssociated();}
+QString ElementItem::IDptr() const { return QString::number( reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(m_DocElt) ); }
-// ----------------------- PIPE
-PipeItem::PipeItem( HEXA_NS::Pipe* hexaPipe ):
- QStandardItem(),
- _hexaPipe( hexaPipe )
+// ----------------------- VERTEX (DATA)
+VertexItem::VertexItem( HEXA_NS::Vertex* hexaVertex, QString entry):
+ GraphicElementItem(hexaVertex, entry, VERTEXITEM, VERTEX_TREE)
-// char pName[12];
- QString name = _hexaPipe->getName(/*pName*/);
- setText(name);
- setData( QString::number(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(_hexaPipe)), HEXA_ENTRY_ROLE );
-int PipeItem::type() const
+// ----------------------- EDGE (DATA)
+EdgeItem::EdgeItem( HEXA_NS::Edge* hexaEdge, QString entry ):
+ GraphicElementItem(hexaEdge, entry, EDGEITEM, EDGE_TREE)
- return PIPEITEM;
-QVariant PipeItem::data( int role ) const
- if ( role == HEXA_DATA_ROLE ){
- return QVariant::fromValue( _hexaPipe );
- } else {
- return QStandardItem::data( role );
- }
-void PipeItem::setData ( const QVariant & value, int role )
+// ----------------------- QUAD (DATA)
+QuadItem::QuadItem( HEXA_NS::Quad* hexaQuad, QString entry):
+ GraphicElementItem(hexaQuad, entry, QUADITEM, QUAD_TREE)
- if ( role == HEXA_DATA_ROLE ){
- _hexaPipe = value.value<HEXA_NS::Pipe*>();
- emitDataChanged ();
- } else {
- QStandardItem::setData ( value, role );
- }
-// ----------------------- ELEMENTS
-ElementsItem::ElementsItem( HEXA_NS::Elements* hexaElements ):
- QStandardItem(),
- _hexaElements( hexaElements )
+// ----------------------- HEXA (DATA)
+HexaItem::HexaItem( HEXA_NS::Hexa* hexaHexa , QString entry):
+ GraphicElementItem(hexaHexa,entry, HEXAITEM, HEXA_TREE)
-// char pName[12];
- QString name = _hexaElements->getName(/*pName*/);
- setText(name);
- setData( QString::number(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(_hexaElements)), HEXA_ENTRY_ROLE );
-int ElementsItem::type() const
+// ----------------------- VECTOR (BUILDER)
+VectorItem::VectorItem( HEXA_NS::Vector* hexaVector, QString entry ):
+ StandardElementItem(hexaVector, entry, VECTORITEM, VECTOR_TREE)
-QVariant ElementsItem::data( int role ) const
- if ( role == HEXA_DATA_ROLE ){
- return QVariant::fromValue( _hexaElements );
- } else {
- return QStandardItem::data( role );
- }
-void ElementsItem::setData ( const QVariant & value, int role )
+// ----------------------- CYLINDER (BUILDER)
+CylinderItem::CylinderItem( HEXA_NS::Cylinder* hexaCylinder, QString entry):
+ StandardElementItem(hexaCylinder, entry, CYLINDERITEM, CYLINDER_TREE)
- if ( role == HEXA_DATA_ROLE ){
- _hexaElements = value.value<HEXA_NS::Elements*>();
- emitDataChanged ();
- } else {
- QStandardItem::setData ( value, role );
- }
-// ----------------------- CROSSELEMENTS
-CrossElementsItem::CrossElementsItem( HEXA_NS::CrossElements* hexaCrossElts ):
- QStandardItem(),
- _hexaCrossElts( hexaCrossElts )
+// ----------------------- PIPE (BUILDER)
+PipeItem::PipeItem( HEXA_NS::Pipe* hexaPipe, QString entry ):
+ StandardElementItem(hexaPipe, entry, PIPEITEM, PIPE_TREE)
-// char pName[12];
- QString name = _hexaCrossElts->getName(/*pName*/);
- setText(name);
- setData( QString::number(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(_hexaCrossElts)), HEXA_ENTRY_ROLE );
-int CrossElementsItem::type() const
+// ----------------------- ELEMENTS (NOT USED)
+ElementsItem::ElementsItem( HEXA_NS::Elements* hexaElements, QString entry ):
+ StandardElementItem(hexaElements, entry, ELEMENTSITEM, ELEMENTS_TREE)
-QVariant CrossElementsItem::data( int role ) const
- if ( role == HEXA_DATA_ROLE ){
- return QVariant::fromValue( _hexaCrossElts );
- } else {
- return QStandardItem::data( role );
- }
-void CrossElementsItem::setData ( const QVariant & value, int role )
+// ----------------------- CROSSELEMENTS (NOT USED)
+CrossElementsItem::CrossElementsItem( HEXA_NS::CrossElements* hexaCrossElts, QString entry ):
+ StandardElementItem(hexaCrossElts, entry, CROSSELEMENTSITEM, CROSSELEMENTS_TREE)
- if ( role == HEXA_DATA_ROLE ){
- _hexaCrossElts = value.value<HEXA_NS::CrossElements*>();
- emitDataChanged ();
- } else {
- QStandardItem::setData ( value, role );
- }
// ----------------------- GROUP
GroupItem::GroupItem( HEXA_NS::Group* hexaGroup ):
-QVariant GroupItem::data( int role ) const
+QVariant GroupItem::data( int role ) const
if ( role == HEXA_DATA_ROLE ){
return QVariant::fromValue( _hexaGroup );
} else {
return LAWITEM;
-QVariant LawItem::data( int role ) const
+QVariant LawItem::data( int role ) const
if ( role == HEXA_DATA_ROLE ){
return QVariant::fromValue( _hexaLaw);
} else {
-QVariant PropagationItem::data( int role ) const
+QVariant PropagationItem::data( int role ) const
if ( role == HEXA_DATA_ROLE ){
return QVariant::fromValue( _hexaPropagation );
} else {
QStandardItem::setData ( value, role );
#include <HexLaw.hxx>
#include <HexPropagation.hxx>
+#include "vtkActor.h"
namespace GUI
- enum {
+ enum HexaType {
VERTEXITEM = QStandardItem::UserType + 1,
enum HexaTreeRole {
// QVariant::UserType
- class VertexItem : public QStandardItem
+ //===================================================================================
+ class ElementItem : public QStandardItem
- VertexItem( HEXA_NS::Vertex* hexaVertex );
- virtual int type () const;
- virtual QVariant data ( int role ) const;
- virtual void setData ( const QVariant & value, int role ); //= Qt::UserRole + 1 )
+ ElementItem( HEXA_NS::EltBase* docElement, QString entry, HexaType ttype, HexaTreeRole treeRole);
+ ElementItem( HEXA_NS::EltBase* docElement, HexaType ttype, HexaTreeRole treeRole);
+ virtual QVariant data( int role ) const;
+ virtual void setData ( const QVariant& valcont, int role );
+ int type () const;
+ virtual bool isAssoc() const;
+ virtual QString IDptr() const;
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* _hexaVertex;
+ int m_type;
+ HEXA_NS::EltBase* m_DocElt; // Vertex and so.
+ //===================================================================================
- class EdgeItem : public QStandardItem
+ class GraphicElementItem : public ElementItem
- EdgeItem( HEXA_NS::Edge* hexaEdge );
- virtual int type () const;
- virtual QVariant data ( int role ) const;
- virtual void setData ( const QVariant & value, int role ); //= Qt::UserRole + 1 )
+ GraphicElementItem( HEXA_NS::EltBase* docElement, QString entry, HexaType ttype, HexaTreeRole treeRole):
+ ElementItem( docElement, entry, ttype, treeRole)
+ {
+ }
- HEXA_NS::Edge* _hexaEdge;
+ vtkActor* actor;
+ int IDinActor;
- class QuadItem : public QStandardItem
+ class StandardElementItem : public ElementItem
- public:
- QuadItem( HEXA_NS::Quad* hexaQuad );
- virtual int type () const;
- virtual QVariant data ( int role ) const;
- virtual void setData ( const QVariant & value, int role ); //= Qt::UserRole + 1 )
- private:
- HEXA_NS::Quad* _hexaQuad;
+ public:
+ StandardElementItem( HEXA_NS::EltBase* docElement, QString entry, HexaType ttype, HexaTreeRole treeRole):
+ ElementItem( docElement, entry, ttype, treeRole)
+ {
+ }
- class HexaItem : public QStandardItem
+ class VertexItem : public GraphicElementItem
- HexaItem( HEXA_NS::Hexa* hexaHexa );
- virtual int type () const;
- virtual QVariant data ( int role ) const;
- virtual void setData ( const QVariant & value, int role ); //= Qt::UserRole + 1 )
- private:
- HEXA_NS::Hexa* _hexaHexa;
+ VertexItem( HEXA_NS::Vertex* hexaVertex, QString entry="" );
- class VectorItem : public QStandardItem
+ class EdgeItem : public GraphicElementItem
- VectorItem( HEXA_NS::Vector* hexaVector );
- virtual int type () const;
- virtual QVariant data ( int role ) const;
- virtual void setData ( const QVariant & value, int role ); //= Qt::UserRole + 1 )
- private:
- HEXA_NS::Vector* _hexaVector;
+ EdgeItem( HEXA_NS::Edge* hexaEdge, QString entry="" );
- class CylinderItem : public QStandardItem
+ //-----------------------------------------
+ class QuadItem : public GraphicElementItem
- CylinderItem( HEXA_NS::Cylinder* hexaCyl );
- virtual int type () const;
- virtual QVariant data ( int role ) const;
- virtual void setData ( const QVariant & value, int role ); //= Qt::UserRole + 1 )
- private:
- HEXA_NS::Cylinder* _hexaCylinder;
+ QuadItem( HEXA_NS::Quad* hexaQuad, QString entry="" );
+ //-----------------------------------------
+ class HexaItem : public GraphicElementItem
+ {
+ public:
+ HexaItem( HEXA_NS::Hexa* hexaHexa, QString entry="" );
+ };
+ //-----------------------------------------
- class PipeItem : public QStandardItem
+ class VectorItem : public StandardElementItem
- PipeItem( HEXA_NS::Pipe* hexaPipe );
- virtual int type () const;
- virtual QVariant data ( int role ) const;
- virtual void setData ( const QVariant & value, int role ); //= Qt::UserRole + 1 )
- private:
- HEXA_NS::Pipe* _hexaPipe;
+ VectorItem( HEXA_NS::Vector* hexaVector, QString entry="" );
+ //-----------------------------------------
+ class CylinderItem : public StandardElementItem
+ {
+ public:
+ CylinderItem( HEXA_NS::Cylinder* hexaCyl, QString entry="" );
+ };
+ //-----------------------------------------
- class ElementsItem : public QStandardItem
+ class PipeItem : public StandardElementItem
- ElementsItem( HEXA_NS::Elements* hexaElements );
- virtual int type () const;
- virtual QVariant data ( int role ) const;
- virtual void setData ( const QVariant & value, int role ); //= Qt::UserRole + 1 )
- private:
- HEXA_NS::Elements* _hexaElements;
+ PipeItem( HEXA_NS::Pipe* hexaPipe, QString entry="" );
+ //-----------------------------------------
- class CrossElementsItem : public QStandardItem
+ class ElementsItem : public StandardElementItem
- CrossElementsItem( HEXA_NS::CrossElements* hexaCrossElts );
- virtual int type () const;
- virtual QVariant data ( int role ) const;
- virtual void setData ( const QVariant & value, int role ); //= Qt::UserRole + 1 )
- private:
- HEXA_NS::CrossElements* _hexaCrossElts;
+ ElementsItem( HEXA_NS::Elements* hexaElements, QString entry="" );
+ };
+ //-----------------------------------------
+ class CrossElementsItem : public StandardElementItem
+ {
+ public:
+ CrossElementsItem( HEXA_NS::CrossElements* hexaCrossElts, QString entry="" );
+ //-----------------------------------------
class GroupItem : public QStandardItem
- public:
- GroupItem( HEXA_NS::Group* hexaGroup );
- virtual int type () const;
- virtual QVariant data ( int role ) const;
- virtual void setData ( const QVariant & value, int role ); //= Qt::UserRole + 1 )
- private:
- HEXA_NS::Group* _hexaGroup;
+ public:
+ GroupItem( HEXA_NS::Group* hexaGroup );
+ virtual int type () const;
+ virtual QVariant data ( int role ) const;
+ virtual void setData ( const QVariant & value, int role ); //= Qt::UserRole + 1 )
+ private:
+ HEXA_NS::Group* _hexaGroup;
class LawItem : public QStandardItem
- public:
- LawItem( HEXA_NS::Law* hexaLaw );
- virtual int type () const;
- virtual QVariant data ( int role ) const;
- virtual void setData ( const QVariant & value, int role ); //= Qt::UserRole + 1 )
- private:
- HEXA_NS::Law* _hexaLaw;
+ public:
+ LawItem( HEXA_NS::Law* hexaLaw );
+ virtual int type () const;
+ virtual QVariant data ( int role ) const;
+ virtual void setData ( const QVariant & value, int role ); //= Qt::UserRole + 1 )
+ private:
+ HEXA_NS::Law* _hexaLaw;
class PropagationItem : public QStandardItem
- public:
- PropagationItem( HEXA_NS::Propagation* hexaPropagation );
- virtual int type () const;
- virtual QVariant data ( int role ) const;
- virtual void setData ( const QVariant & value, int role ); //= Qt::UserRole + 1 )
- private:
- HEXA_NS::Propagation* _hexaPropagation;
+ public:
+ PropagationItem( HEXA_NS::Propagation* hexaPropagation );
+ virtual int type () const;
+ virtual QVariant data ( int role ) const;
+ virtual void setData ( const QVariant & value, int role ); //= Qt::UserRole + 1 )
+ private:
+ HEXA_NS::Propagation* _hexaPropagation;
+ //-------------------------------------------------
-// The QStandardItem class provides an item for use with the QStandardItemModel class.
-// Items usually contain text, icons, or checkboxes.
-// Each item can have its own background brush which is set with the setBackground() function. The current background brush can be found with background(). The text label for each item can be rendered with its own font and brush. These are specified with the setFont() and setForeground() functions, and read with font() and foreground().
-// By default, items are enabled, editable, selectable, checkable, and can be used both as the source of a drag and drop operation and as a drop target. Each item's flags can be changed by calling setFlags(). Checkable items can be checked and unchecked with the setCheckState() function. The corresponding checkState() function indicates whether the item is currently checked.
-// You can store application-specific data in an item by calling setData().
-// Each item can have a two-dimensional table of child items. This makes it possible to build hierarchies of items. The typical hierarchy is the tree, in which case the child table is a table with a single column (a list).
-// The dimensions of the child table can be set with setRowCount() and setColumnCount(). Items can be positioned in the child table with setChild(). Get a pointer to a child item with child(). New rows and columns of children can also be inserted with insertRow() and insertColumn(), or appended with appendRow() and appendColumn(). When using the append and insert functions, the dimensions of the child table will grow as needed.
-// An existing row of children can be removed with removeRow() or takeRow(); correspondingly, a column can be removed with removeColumn() or takeColumn().
-// An item's children can be sorted by calling sortChildren().
-// Subclassing
-// When subclassing QStandardItem to provide custom items, it is possible to define new types for them so that they can be distinguished from the base class. The type() function should be reimplemented to return a new type value equal to or greater than UserType.
-// Reimplement data() and setData() if you want to perform custom handling of data queries and/or control how an item's data is represented.
-// Reimplement clone() if you want QStandardItemModel to be able to create instances of your custom item class on demand (see QStandardItemModel::setItemPrototype()).
-// Reimplement read() and write() if you want to control how items are represented in their serialized form.
-// Reimplement operator<() if you want to control the semantics of item comparison. operator<() determines the sorted order when sorting items with sortChildren() or with QStandardItemModel::sort().
-// QStandardItemModel model;
-// QStandardItem *parentItem = model.invisibleRootItem();
-// for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
-// QStandardItem *item = new QStandardItem(QString("item %0").arg(i));
-// parentItem->appendRow(item);
-// parentItem = item;
-// }
-// QStandardItem *item = myStandardItemModel->itemFromIndex(index);
//CS_TODO: relever les fonctions qui nécessitent updateData().
// addGroupElement à tester
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include "HexVertex.hxx"
#include "HexShape.hxx"
+#include <GEOMBase.h>
+#include "HEXABLOCKGUI_SalomeTools.hxx"
#include <qglobal.h>
//#define _DEVDEBUG_
using namespace std;
+//using namespace HEXA_NS;
using namespace HEXABLOCK::GUI;
return _hexaDocument->getName();
+HEXA_NS::EltBase* DocumentModel::getHexaPtr(const QModelIndex& iElt)
+ HEXA_NS::EltBase *elt = NULL;
+ switch ( /*data(iElt, HEXA_TREE_ROLE).toInt()*/ ){
+ case VERTEX_TREE : elt = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(iElt); break;
+ case EDGE_TREE : elt = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Edge*>(iElt); break;
+ case QUAD_TREE : elt = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Quad*>(iElt); break;
+ case HEXA_TREE : elt = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Hexa*>(iElt); break;
+ case VECTOR_TREE : elt = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vector*>(iElt); break;
+ case CYLINDER_TREE : elt = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Cylinder*>(iElt); break;
+ case PIPE_TREE : elt = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Pipe*>(iElt); break;
+ case ELEMENTS_TREE : elt = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Elements*>(iElt); break;
+ case CROSSELEMENTS_TREE : elt = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::CrossElements*>(iElt); break;
+ }
+ return elt;
+DocumentModel::GeomObj* DocumentModel::convertToGeomObj(GEOM::GeomObjPtr geomObjPtr)
+ TopoDS_Shape aShape;
+ DocumentModel::GeomObj *res = NULL;
+ if ( geomObjPtr && GEOMBase::GetShape(geomObjPtr.get(), aShape) && !aShape.IsNull() )
+ {
+ res = new DocumentModel::GeomObj;
+ if (res == NULL) return NULL;
+ QString mainShapeEntry;
+ int subId = -1;
+ QString brep;
+ if ( geomObjPtr->IsMainShape() ){
+ mainShapeEntry = geomObjPtr->GetStudyEntry();
+ brep = shape2string( aShape ).c_str();
+ } else {
+ TopoDS_Shape shape;
+ TopoDS_Shape subshape;
+ GEOM::GEOM_Object_var mainShape = geomObjPtr->GetMainShape();
+ mainShapeEntry = mainShape->GetStudyEntry();
+ // CS_TODO : à optimiser
+ bool okShape = GEOMBase::GetShape( mainShape , shape);//,const TopAbs_ShapeEnum type = TopAbs_SHAPE );
+ bool oksubShape = GEOMBase::GetShape( geomObjPtr.get(), subshape );//,const TopAbs_ShapeEnum type = TopAbs_SHAPE );
+ if ( okShape && oksubShape ){
+ brep = shape2string( subshape ).c_str();
+ subId = GEOMBase::GetIndex( subshape, shape );
+ }
+ }
+ res->name = GEOMBase::GetName( geomObjPtr.get() );
+ res->entry = mainShapeEntry;
+ res->subid = QString::number(subId);
+ res->brep = brep;
+ res->start = 0.;
+ res->end = 1.;
+ }
+ return res;
void DocumentModel::load( const QString& xmlFileName ) // Fill Data
MESSAGE("HEXABLOCKGUI::load() => "<<xmlFileName.toStdString());
- // QString tmp = xmlFileName.section('.', 0, 0); //CS_BP bof
- // _hexaDocument->setFile( tmp.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
- // _hexaDocument->loadXml();
- //std::cout << "AAAAAAAAAA name ->" << _hexaDocument->getName() << std::endl;
- // _hexaDocument->loadXml(tmp.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
_hexaDocument->loadXml(xmlFileName.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
- //std::cout << "BBBBBBBBB name ->" << _hexaDocument->getName() << std::endl;
- //std::cout << "DocumentModel::load ->" << tmp.toStdString() << std::endl;
-// tmp = "/tmp/load.vtk";
-// //_hexaDocument->saveVtk( tmp.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
emit patternDataChanged();
// BUILDER, ASSOCIATION, GROUPS, ... CS_TODO _fillBuilderFrom( _hexaDocument );
void DocumentModel::save( const QString& xmlFileName )
MESSAGE("HEXABLOCKGUI::save() => "<<xmlFileName.toStdString());
- //std::cout << "DocumentModel::save ->" << xmlFileName.toStdString() << std::endl;
- //std::cout << "DocumentModel::save _hexaDocument->" << _hexaDocument << std::endl;
-// QString noSuffix = xmlFileName.section('.', 0, 0);
- //std::cout << "DocumentModel::save ->" << noSuffix.toStdString() << std::endl;
- //_hexaDocument->setFile( noSuffix.toLocal8Bit().constData() ); // Abu
- //_hexaDocument->saveFile(); // Abu
-// _hexaDocument->save( noSuffix.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
_hexaDocument->save( xmlFileName.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
void DocumentModel::updateData()
- //std::cout<<"DocumentModel::updateData() begin"<<std::endl;
- QString tmp = "/tmp/load.vtk";
- ////_hexaDocument->saveVtk( tmp.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
emit patternDataChanged();
- //std::cout<<"DocumentModel::updateData() end"<<std::endl;
void DocumentModel::clearAll()
void DocumentModel::fillData()
- //std::cout<<"DocumentModel::fillData() begin"<<std::endl;
- //std::cout << "DocumentModel::fillData() _hexaDocument->" << _hexaDocument << std::endl;
HEXA_NS::Vertex *v = NULL;
VertexItem *vItem = NULL;
for ( int i=0; i<_hexaDocument->countVertex(); ++i ){
-// /*char pName[12];*/ std::string name;
-// HEXA_NS::Shape *aShape = NULL;
-// QString shapeIDs;
v = _hexaDocument->getVertex(i);
-// name = v->getName(/*pName*/);
-// aShape = v->getAssociation();
- vItem = new VertexItem(v);
- vItem->setData( _entry, HEXA_DOC_ENTRY_ROLE );
-// if ( aShape ){
-// shapeIDs = aShape->ident.c_str();
-// shapeIDs += ";";
-// vItem->setData( QVariant::fromValue(shapeIDs), HEXA_ASSOC_ENTRY_ROLE );
-// }
+ vItem = new VertexItem(v, _entry);
-// std::cout<<name<<":"<< shapeIDs.toStdString() <<std::endl;
-// HEXA_NS::Shape* s = v->getAssociation();
-// std::cout<<"assoc->"<<s<<std::endl;
-// if (s){
-// QList<QStandardItem *> assocItems;
-// assocItems << new QStandardItem(s->ident.c_str());
-// std::cout<<"assoc id =>"<<s->ident<<std::endl;
-// vItem->appendColumn(assocItems);
-// }
-// _vertexDirItem->setEditable( false );//CS_TEST
HEXA_NS::Edge *e = NULL;
EdgeItem *eItem = NULL;
for ( int i=0; i<_hexaDocument->countEdge(); ++i ){
-// /*char pName[12]; */std::string name;
-// HEXA_NS::Shapes shapeList;
-// QString shapeIDs;
e = _hexaDocument->getEdge(i);
-// name = e->getName(pName);
-// shapeList = e->getAssociations();
- eItem = new EdgeItem(e);
- eItem->setData( _entry, HEXA_DOC_ENTRY_ROLE );
-// std::cout << "shapeList.size() => " << shapeList.size() << std::endl;
-// if ( !shapeList.empty() ){
-// for ( HEXA_NS::Shapes::const_iterator aShape = shapeList.begin();
-// aShape != shapeList.end();
-// ++aShape ){
-// shapeIDs += (*aShape)->ident.c_str();
-// shapeIDs += ";";
-// }
-// eItem->setData( QVariant::fromValue(shapeIDs), HEXA_ASSOC_ENTRY_ROLE );
-// }
+ eItem = new EdgeItem(e, _entry);
-// std::cout<<name<<":"<< shapeIDs.toStdString() <<std::endl;
HEXA_NS::Quad *q = NULL;
QuadItem *qItem = NULL;
for ( int i=0; i<_hexaDocument->countQuad(); ++i ){
-// char pName[12]; std::string name;
-// HEXA_NS::Shapes shapeList;
-// QString shapeIDs;
q = _hexaDocument->getQuad(i);
-// name = q->getName(pName);
-// shapeList = q->getAssociations();
- qItem = new QuadItem(q);
- qItem->setData( _entry, HEXA_DOC_ENTRY_ROLE );
-// if ( !shapeList.empty() ){
-// for ( HEXA_NS::Shapes::const_iterator aShape = shapeList.begin();
-// aShape != shapeList.end();
-// ++aShape ){
-// shapeIDs += (*aShape)->ident.c_str();
-// shapeIDs += ";";
-// }
-// eItem->setData( QVariant::fromValue(shapeIDs), HEXA_ASSOC_ENTRY_ROLE );
-// }
+ qItem = new QuadItem(q, _entry);
-// std::cout<<name<<":"<< shapeIDs.toStdString() <<std::endl;
HEXA_NS::Hexa *h = NULL;
HexaItem *hItem = NULL;
for ( int i=0; i<_hexaDocument->countHexa(); ++i ){
h = _hexaDocument->getHexa(i);
- hItem = new HexaItem(h);
- hItem->setData( _entry, HEXA_DOC_ENTRY_ROLE );
+ hItem = new HexaItem(h, _entry);
- //std::cout<<"DocumentModel::fillData() end"<<std::endl;
void DocumentModel::fillBuilder()
- //std::cout<<"DocumentModel::fillBuilder() begin"<<std::endl;
HEXA_NS::Vector *v = NULL;
VectorItem *vItem = NULL;
for ( int i=0; i<_hexaDocument->countVector(); ++i ){
CylinderItem *cItem = NULL;
for ( int i=0; i<_hexaDocument->countCylinder(); ++i ){
c = _hexaDocument->getCylinder(i);
- cItem = new CylinderItem(c);
+ cItem = new CylinderItem(c, _entry);
p = _hexaDocument->getPipe(i);
pItem = new PipeItem(p);
- }
-// _elementsDirItem CS_TODO : no elements
-// HEXA_NS::Elements *e = NULL;
-// ElementsItem *eItem = NULL;
-// for ( int i=0; i<_hexaDocument->countElements(); ++i ){
-// e = _hexaDocument->getElements(i);
-// eItem = new ElementsItem(e);
-// _elementsDirItem->appendRow(eItem);
-// }
-// _crossElementsDirItem
-// HEXA_NS::CrossElements *c = NULL;
-// CrossElementsItem *cItem = NULL;
-// for ( int i=0; i<_hexaDocument->countCrossElements(); ++i ){
-// c = _hexaDocument->getCrossElements(i);
-// cItem = new CrossElementsItem(c);
-// _crossElementsDirItem->appendRow(cItem);
-// }
+ }
void DocumentModel::fillAssociation()
+//------------------------------------------- NEW ITEMS
+//void DocumentModel::fillGroups()
+// HEXA_NS::Group *g = NULL;
+// GroupItem *gItem = NULL;
+// for ( int i=0; i<_hexaDocument->countGroup(); ++i ){
+// g = _hexaDocument->getGroup(i);
+// gItem = new GroupItem(g, _entry);
+// _groupDirItem->appendRow(gItem);
+// }
+//void DocumentModel::fillMesh()
+// HEXA_NS::Law *l = NULL;
+// LawItem *lItem = NULL;
+// for ( int i=0; i<_hexaDocument->countLaw(); ++i ){
+// l = _hexaDocument->getLaw(i);
+// lItem = new LawItem(l);
+// _lawDirItem->appendRow(lItem);
+// }
+// HEXA_NS::Propagation *p = NULL;
+// PropagationItem *pItem = NULL;
+// for ( int i=0; i<_hexaDocument->countPropagation(); ++i ){
+// p = _hexaDocument->getPropagation(i);
+// pItem = new PropagationItem(p, _entry);
+// pItem->setText(QString("Propagation%1").arg(i) );
+// _propagationDirItem->appendRow(pItem);
+// }
+//----------------------------------------------- END NEW ITEMS
void DocumentModel::fillGroups()
- //std::cout<<"DocumentModel::fillGroups() begin"<<std::endl;
-// _groupDirItem
HEXA_NS::Group *g = NULL;
GroupItem *gItem = NULL;
- //std::cout<<"countGroup => "<< _hexaDocument->countGroup() << std::endl;
for ( int i=0; i<_hexaDocument->countGroup(); ++i ){
g = _hexaDocument->getGroup(i);
//std::cout<<"getGroup => "<< i << std::endl;
gItem->setData( _entry, HEXA_DOC_ENTRY_ROLE );
- //std::cout<<"DocumentModel::fillGroups() end"<<std::endl;
void DocumentModel::fillMesh()
// _lawDirItem
HEXA_NS::Law *l = NULL;
LawItem *lItem = NULL;
- //std::cout<<"countLaw => "<< _hexaDocument->countLaw() << std::endl;
for ( int i=0; i<_hexaDocument->countLaw(); ++i ){
l = _hexaDocument->getLaw(i);
- //std::cout<<"getLaw => "<< i << std::endl;
lItem = new LawItem(l);
// _propagationDirItem
HEXA_NS::Propagation *p = NULL;
PropagationItem *pItem = NULL;
- //std::cout<<"countPropagation => "<< _hexaDocument->countPropagation() << std::endl;
for ( int i=0; i<_hexaDocument->countPropagation(); ++i ){
p = _hexaDocument->getPropagation(i);
-// std::cout<<"getPropagation => "<< i << std::endl;
pItem = new PropagationItem(p);
pItem->setText(QString("Propagation%1").arg(i) );
pItem->setData( _entry, HEXA_DOC_ENTRY_ROLE );
-// Qt::ItemFlags DocumentModel::flags(const QModelIndex &index) const
-// {
-// Qt::ItemFlags flags;
-// if (!index.isValid()){
-// std::cout<<"!index.isValid()"<<std::endl;
-// return Qt::ItemIsEnabled;
-// }
-// QStandardItem *item = itemFromIndex ( index );
-// if ( (item->type() == VERTEXITEM) && (_vertexItemFlags != Qt::NoItemFlags) ){
-// flags = _vertexItemFlags;
-// } else if ( (item->type() == EDGEITEM) && (_edgeItemFlags != Qt::NoItemFlags) ){
-// flags = _edgeItemFlags;
-// } else if ( (item->type() == QUADITEM) && (_quadItemFlags != Qt::NoItemFlags) ){
-// flags = _quadItemFlags;
-// } else if ( (item->type() == HEXAITEM) && (_hexaItemFlags != Qt::NoItemFlags) ){
-// flags = _hexaItemFlags;
-// } else if ( (item->type() == VECTORITEM) && (_vectorItemFlags != Qt::NoItemFlags) ){
-// flags = _vectorItemFlags;
-// } else if ( (item->type() == CYLINDERITEM) && (_cylinderItemFlags != Qt::NoItemFlags) ){
-// flags = _cylinderItemFlags;
-// } else if ( (item->type() == PIPEITEM ) && (_pipeItemFlags != Qt::NoItemFlags) ){
-// flags = _pipeItemFlags;
-// } else if ( (item->type() == ELEMENTSITEM) && (_elementsItemFlags != Qt::NoItemFlags) ){
-// flags = _elementsItemFlags;
-// } else if ( (item->type() == CROSSELEMENTSITEM) && (_crossElementsItemFlags != Qt::NoItemFlags) ){
-// flags = _crossElementsItemFlags;
-// } else if ( (item->type() == GROUPITEM) && (_groupItemFlags != Qt::NoItemFlags) ){
-// flags = _groupItemFlags;
-// } else if ( (item->type() == LAWITEM ) && (_lawItemFlags != Qt::NoItemFlags) ){
-// flags = _lawItemFlags;
-// } else if ( (item->type() == PROPAGATIONITEM ) && (_propagationItemFlags != Qt::NoItemFlags) ){
-// flags = _propagationItemFlags;
-// } else {
-// flags = item->flags();
-// }
-// return flags;
-// }
+HEXA_NS::Hexa* DocumentModel::getQuadHexa(HEXA_NS::Quad* quad)
+ HEXA_NS::Hexa* hexa;
+ for ( int i=0; i<_hexaDocument->countHexa(); ++i ){
+ hexa = _hexaDocument->getHexa(i);
+ if (hexa->findQuad(quad) > -1) return hexa;
+ }
+ return NULL;
-// Qt::ItemFlags DocumentModel::flags(const QModelIndex &index) const
-// {
-// Qt::ItemFlags flags;
-// if (!index.isValid()) return Qt::ItemIsEnabled;
-// QStandardItem *item = itemFromIndex ( index );
-// if ( _disallowEdition ){
-// flags = Qt::ItemFlags( ~Qt::ItemIsEditable );
-// } else {
-// flags = item->flags();
-// }
-// return flags;
-// }
Qt::ItemFlags DocumentModel::flags(const QModelIndex &index) const
-// disallowEdition
-// void DocumentModel::allowAllSelection()
-// {
-// _vertexItemFlags = Qt::NoItemFlags;
-// _edgeItemFlags = Qt::NoItemFlags;
-// _quadItemFlags = Qt::NoItemFlags;
-// _hexaItemFlags = Qt::NoItemFlags;
-// _vectorItemFlags = Qt::NoItemFlags;
-// _cylinderItemFlags = Qt::NoItemFlags;
-// _pipeItemFlags = Qt::NoItemFlags;
-// _elementsItemFlags = Qt::NoItemFlags;
-// _crossElementsItemFlags = Qt::NoItemFlags;
-// _groupItemFlags = Qt::NoItemFlags;
-// _lawItemFlags = Qt::NoItemFlags;
-// _propagationItemFlags = Qt::NoItemFlags;
-// }
void DocumentModel::allowDataSelectionOnly()
_vertexItemFlags = Qt::ItemFlags( ~Qt::ItemIsEditable );
_propagationItemFlags = Qt::ItemFlags( ~Qt::ItemIsEnabled );
-// void DocumentModel::allowVertexSelectionOnly()
-// {
-// std::cout << "allowVertexSelectionOnly() allowVertexSelectionOnly() allowVertexSelectionOnly() "<< std::endl;
-// _vertexItemFlags = Qt::ItemFlags( ~Qt::ItemIsEditable);
-// _edgeItemFlags = Qt::ItemFlags( ~Qt::ItemIsEnabled );
-// _quadItemFlags = Qt::ItemFlags( ~Qt::ItemIsEnabled );
-// _hexaItemFlags = Qt::ItemFlags( ~Qt::ItemIsEnabled );
-// _vectorItemFlags = Qt::ItemFlags( ~Qt::ItemIsEnabled );
-// _cylinderItemFlags = Qt::ItemFlags( ~Qt::ItemIsEnabled );
-// _pipeItemFlags = Qt::ItemFlags( ~Qt::ItemIsEnabled );
-// _elementsItemFlags = Qt::ItemFlags( ~Qt::ItemIsEnabled );
-// _crossElementsItemFlags = Qt::ItemFlags( ~Qt::ItemIsEnabled );
-// _groupItemFlags = Qt::ItemFlags( ~Qt::ItemIsEnabled );
-// _lawItemFlags = Qt::ItemFlags( ~Qt::ItemIsEnabled );
-// _propagationItemFlags = Qt::ItemFlags( ~Qt::ItemIsEnabled );
-// // emit layoutChanged();
-// }
void DocumentModel::allowVertexSelectionOnly()
- //std::cout << "allowVertexSelectionOnly() allowVertexSelectionOnly() allowVertexSelectionOnly() "<< std::endl;
_vertexItemFlags = Qt::ItemFlags( ~Qt::ItemIsEditable);
_edgeItemFlags = Qt::ItemFlags( ~Qt::ItemIsEditable );
_quadItemFlags = Qt::ItemFlags( ~Qt::ItemIsEditable );
void DocumentModel::allowEdgeSelectionOnly()
- //std::cout << "allowEdgeSelectionOnly() allowEdgeSelectionOnly() allowEdgeSelectionOnly() "<< std::endl;
_vertexItemFlags = Qt::ItemFlags( ~Qt::ItemIsEnabled );
_edgeItemFlags = Qt::ItemFlags( ~Qt::ItemIsEditable );
_quadItemFlags = Qt::ItemFlags( ~Qt::ItemIsEnabled );
void DocumentModel::allowQuadSelectionOnly()
- //std::cout << "allowQuadSelectionOnly() allowQuadSelectionOnly() allowQuadSelectionOnly() "<< std::endl;
_vertexItemFlags = Qt::ItemFlags( ~Qt::ItemIsEnabled );
_edgeItemFlags = Qt::ItemFlags( ~Qt::ItemIsEnabled );
_quadItemFlags = Qt::ItemFlags( ~Qt::ItemIsEditable );
void DocumentModel::allowVectorSelectionOnly()
- //std::cout << "allowVectorSelectionOnly() allowVectorSelectionOnly() allowVectorSelectionOnly() "<< std::endl;
_vertexItemFlags = Qt::ItemFlags( ~Qt::ItemIsEnabled );
_edgeItemFlags = Qt::ItemFlags( ~Qt::ItemIsEnabled );
_quadItemFlags = Qt::ItemFlags( ~Qt::ItemIsEnabled );
_propagationItemFlags = Qt::ItemFlags( ~Qt::ItemIsEnabled );
-void DocumentModel::allowPipeItemFlags()
- _vertexItemFlags = Qt::ItemFlags( ~Qt::ItemIsEnabled );
- _edgeItemFlags = Qt::ItemFlags( ~Qt::ItemIsEnabled );
- _quadItemFlags = Qt::ItemFlags( ~Qt::ItemIsEnabled );
- _hexaItemFlags = Qt::ItemFlags( ~Qt::ItemIsEnabled );
- _vectorItemFlags = Qt::ItemFlags( ~Qt::ItemIsEnabled );
- _cylinderItemFlags = Qt::ItemFlags( ~Qt::ItemIsEditable );
- _pipeItemFlags = Qt::ItemFlags( ~Qt::ItemIsEnabled );
- _elementsItemFlags = Qt::ItemFlags( ~Qt::ItemIsEnabled );
- _crossElementsItemFlags = Qt::ItemFlags( ~Qt::ItemIsEnabled );
- _groupItemFlags = Qt::ItemFlags( ~Qt::ItemIsEnabled );
- _lawItemFlags = Qt::ItemFlags( ~Qt::ItemIsEnabled );
- _propagationItemFlags = Qt::ItemFlags( ~Qt::ItemIsEnabled );
void DocumentModel::allowElementsSelectionOnly()
- //std::cout << "allowElementsSelectionOnly() allowElementsSelectionOnly() allowElementsSelectionOnly() "<< std::endl;
_vertexItemFlags = Qt::ItemFlags( ~Qt::ItemIsEnabled );
_edgeItemFlags = Qt::ItemFlags( ~Qt::ItemIsEnabled );
_quadItemFlags = Qt::ItemFlags( ~Qt::ItemIsEnabled );
_propagationItemFlags = Qt::ItemFlags( ~Qt::ItemIsEnabled );
void DocumentModel::setName( const QModelIndex& iElt, const QString& name )
- HEXA_NS::EltBase *elt = NULL;
- switch ( data(iElt, HEXA_TREE_ROLE).toInt() ){
- case VERTEX_TREE : elt = HEXA_DATA_ROLE ).value< HEXA_NS::Vertex* >(); break;
- case EDGE_TREE : elt = HEXA_DATA_ROLE ).value< HEXA_NS::Edge* >(); break;
- case QUAD_TREE : elt = HEXA_DATA_ROLE ).value< HEXA_NS::Quad* >(); break;
- case HEXA_TREE : elt = HEXA_DATA_ROLE ).value< HEXA_NS::Hexa* >(); break;
- case VECTOR_TREE : elt = HEXA_DATA_ROLE ).value< HEXA_NS::Vector* >(); break;
- case CYLINDER_TREE : elt = HEXA_DATA_ROLE ).value< HEXA_NS::Cylinder* >(); break;
- case PIPE_TREE : elt = HEXA_DATA_ROLE ).value< HEXA_NS::Pipe* >(); break;
- case ELEMENTS_TREE : elt = HEXA_DATA_ROLE ).value< HEXA_NS::Elements* >(); break;
- case CROSSELEMENTS_TREE : elt = HEXA_DATA_ROLE ).value< HEXA_NS::CrossElements* >(); break;
- case GROUP_TREE :
- {
- HEXA_NS::Group* grp = HEXA_DATA_ROLE ).value< HEXA_NS::Group* >();
- grp->setName( name.toLatin1().data() );
- break;
- }
- case LAW_TREE :
- {
- HEXA_NS::Law* l = HEXA_DATA_ROLE ).value< HEXA_NS::Law* >();
- l->setName( name.toLatin1().data() );
- break;
- }
-// case PROPAGATION_TREE : elt = HEXA_DATA_ROLE ).value< HEXA_NS::Propagation* >(); break;
- }
+ HEXA_NS::EltBase *elt = NULL;
- if ( elt != NULL ) elt->setName( name.toStdString() );
+ switch ( data(iElt, HEXA_TREE_ROLE).toInt() ){
+ case GROUP_TREE :
+ {
+ HEXA_NS::Group* grp = HEXA_DATA_ROLE ).value< HEXA_NS::Group* >();
+ grp->setName( name.toLatin1().data() );
+ break;
+ }
+ case LAW_TREE :
+ {
+ HEXA_NS::Law* l = HEXA_DATA_ROLE ).value< HEXA_NS::Law* >();
+ l->setName( name.toLatin1().data() );
+ break;
+ }
+ // case PROPAGATION_TREE : elt = HEXA_DATA_ROLE ).value< HEXA_NS::Propagation* >(); break;
+ default: elt = getHexaPtr(iElt);
+ }
+ if ( elt != NULL ) elt->setName( name.toStdString() );
+ setData( iElt, name );
- setData( iElt, name );
bool DocumentModel::clearEltAssociations( const QModelIndex& iElt )
bool isOk = false;
- HEXA_NS::EltBase *elt = NULL;
- switch ( data(iElt, HEXA_TREE_ROLE).toInt() ){
- case VERTEX_TREE :
- {
- elt = HEXA_DATA_ROLE ).value< HEXA_NS::Vertex* >();
- //std::cout<<"VERTEX_TREE:"<<std::endl;
- break;
- }
- case EDGE_TREE :
- {
- elt = HEXA_DATA_ROLE ).value< HEXA_NS::Edge* >();
- //std::cout<<"EDGE_TREE :"<<std::endl;
- break;
- }
- case QUAD_TREE :
- {
- elt = HEXA_DATA_ROLE ).value< HEXA_NS::Quad* >();
- //std::cout<<"QUAD_TREE :"<<std::endl;
- break;
- }
- }
+ HEXA_NS::EltBase *elt = getHexaPtr(iElt);
if ( elt != NULL ){
QModelIndex DocumentModel::addVertex( double x, double y, double z )
- //std::cout << "DocumentModel::addVertex() _hexaDocument->" << _hexaDocument << std::endl;
QModelIndex vertexIndex;
HEXA_NS::Vertex* hv = _hexaDocument->addVertex(x, y, z);
if ( hv->isValid() ){
- VertexItem* v = new VertexItem(hv);
- v->setData( _entry, HEXA_DOC_ENTRY_ROLE );
+ VertexItem* v = new VertexItem(hv, _entry);
-// v->appendRow( new QStandardItem("titi") );
-// QList<QStandardItem*> l;
-// l << new QStandardItem("toto");
-// v->appendColumn( l );
vertexIndex = v->index();
emit patternDataChanged();
} else {
QModelIndex edgeIndex;
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hv0 = data(i_v0, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hv1 = data(i_v1, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hv0 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(i_v0);
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hv1 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(i_v1);
HEXA_NS::Edge* he = _hexaDocument->addEdge( hv0, hv1 );
if ( he->isValid() ){
- EdgeItem* e = new EdgeItem(he);
- e->setData( _entry, HEXA_DOC_ENTRY_ROLE );
+ EdgeItem* e = new EdgeItem(he, _entry);
edgeIndex = e->index();
emit patternDataChanged();
- QString tmp = "/tmp/addEdgeVertices.vtk";
- //_hexaDocument->saveVtk( tmp.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
} else {
delete he;
QModelIndex edgeIndex;
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hv = data(i_v, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vector* hvec = data(i_vec, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vector *>();
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hv = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(i_v);
+ HEXA_NS::Vector* hvec = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vector*>(i_vec);
+ if (!hv || !hvec) return edgeIndex;
HEXA_NS::Edge* he = _hexaDocument->addEdge( hv, hvec );
+ if (!he) return edgeIndex;
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hv2 = he->getAval(); //the new vertex resulting from the creation of the edge
+ if (!hv2) return edgeIndex;
+ //ADD the elements in the treeview
if ( he->isValid() ){
- EdgeItem* e = new EdgeItem(he);
- e->setData( _entry, HEXA_DOC_ENTRY_ROLE );
+ //The Edge
+ EdgeItem* e = new EdgeItem(he, _entry);
+ //The Vertex
+ VertexItem* v = new VertexItem(hv2, _entry);
+ _vertexDirItem->appendRow(v);
edgeIndex = e->index();
emit patternDataChanged();
- QString tmp = "/tmp/addEdgeVector.vtk";
- //_hexaDocument->saveVtk( tmp.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
- } else {
+ } else
delete he;
- }
return edgeIndex;
{ //CS_TODO : gestion erreur
QModelIndex quadIndex;
-// QStandardItem *item_v0 = itemFromIndex(i_v0);
-// QStandardItem *item_v1 = itemFromIndex(i_v1);
-// QStandardItem *item_v2 = itemFromIndex(i_v2);
-// QStandardItem *item_v3 = itemFromIndex(i_v3);
-// HASSERT( item_v0->type() == item_v1->type()
-// == item_v2->type() == item_v3->type()
-// == VERTEXITEM );
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hv0 = data(i_v0, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hv1 = data(i_v1, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hv2 = data(i_v2, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hv3 = data(i_v3, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hv0 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(i_v0);
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hv1 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(i_v1);
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hv2 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(i_v2);
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hv3 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(i_v3);
if ( hv0 and hv1 and hv2 and hv3 ){
HEXA_NS::Quad* hq = _hexaDocument->addQuadVertices( hv0, hv1, hv2, hv3 );
if ( hq->isValid() ){
- QuadItem* q = new QuadItem(hq);
- q->setData( _entry, HEXA_DOC_ENTRY_ROLE );
+ QuadItem* q = new QuadItem(hq, _entry);
quadIndex = q->index();
emit patternDataChanged();
- QString tmp = "/tmp/addQuadVertices.vtk";
- //_hexaDocument->saveVtk( tmp.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
} else {
delete hq;
QModelIndex quadIndex;
- HEXA_NS::Edge* he0 = data(e0, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Edge *>();
- HEXA_NS::Edge* he1 = data(e1, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Edge *>();
- HEXA_NS::Edge* he2 = data(e2, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Edge *>();
- HEXA_NS::Edge* he3 = data(e3, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Edge *>();
+ HEXA_NS::Edge* he0 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Edge*>(e0);
+ HEXA_NS::Edge* he1 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Edge*>(e1);
+ HEXA_NS::Edge* he2 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Edge*>(e2);
+ HEXA_NS::Edge* he3 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Edge*>(e3);
if ( he0 and he1 and he2 and he3 ){
- HEXA_NS::Quad* hq = _hexaDocument->addQuad( he0, he1, he2, he3 );
+ HEXA_NS::Quad* hq = _hexaDocument->addQuad( he0, he1, he2, he3 );
if ( hq->isValid() ){
- QuadItem* q = new QuadItem(hq);
- q->setData( _entry, HEXA_DOC_ENTRY_ROLE );
+ QuadItem* q = new QuadItem(hq, _entry);
quadIndex = q->index();
emit patternDataChanged();
- QString tmp = "/tmp/addQuadEdges.vtk";
- //_hexaDocument->saveVtk( tmp.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
} else {
delete hq;
QModelIndex iHexa;
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hv0 = data(iv0, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hv1 = data(iv1, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hv2 = data(iv2, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hv3 = data(iv3, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hv4 = data(iv4, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hv5 = data(iv5, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hv6 = data(iv6, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hv7 = data(iv7, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hv0 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(iv0);
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hv1 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(iv1);
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hv2 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(iv2);
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hv3 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(iv3);
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hv4 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(iv4);
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hv5 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(iv5);
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hv6 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(iv6);
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hv7 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(iv7);
HEXA_NS::Hexa* hh = _hexaDocument->addHexaVertices( hv0, hv1, hv2, hv3,
hv4, hv5, hv6, hv7 );
if ( hh->isValid() ){
- HexaItem* h = new HexaItem(hh);
- h->setData( _entry, HEXA_DOC_ENTRY_ROLE );
+ HexaItem* h = new HexaItem(hh, _entry);
iHexa = h->index();
emit patternDataChanged();
- QString tmp = "/tmp/addHexaVertices.vtk";
- //_hexaDocument->saveVtk( tmp.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
} else {
delete hh;
{ //CS_TODO : gestion erreur
QModelIndex hexaIndex;
-// QStandardItem *item_v0 = itemFromIndex(i_q0);
-// QStandardItem *item_v1 = itemFromIndex(i_q1);
-// QStandardItem *item_v2 = itemFromIndex(i_q2);
-// QStandardItem *item_v3 = itemFromIndex(i_q3);
-// QStandardItem *item_v4 = itemFromIndex(i_q4);
-// QStandardItem *item_v5 = itemFromIndex(i_q5);
- HEXA_NS::Quad* hq0 = data(i_q0, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Quad *>();
- HEXA_NS::Quad* hq1 = data(i_q1, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Quad *>();
- HEXA_NS::Quad* hq2 = data(i_q2, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Quad *>();
- HEXA_NS::Quad* hq3 = data(i_q3, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Quad *>();
- HEXA_NS::Quad* hq4 = data(i_q4, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Quad *>();
- HEXA_NS::Quad* hq5 = data(i_q5, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Quad *>();
+ HEXA_NS::Quad* hq0 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Quad*>(i_q0);
+ HEXA_NS::Quad* hq1 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Quad*>(i_q1);
+ HEXA_NS::Quad* hq2 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Quad*>(i_q2);
+ HEXA_NS::Quad* hq3 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Quad*>(i_q3);
+ HEXA_NS::Quad* hq4 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Quad*>(i_q4);
+ HEXA_NS::Quad* hq5 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Quad*>(i_q5);
HEXA_NS::Hexa* hh = _hexaDocument->addHexa( hq0, hq1, hq2, hq3, hq4, hq5 );
if ( hh->isValid() ){
- HexaItem* h = new HexaItem(hh);
- h->setData( _entry, HEXA_DOC_ENTRY_ROLE );
+ HexaItem* h = new HexaItem(hh, _entry);
hexaIndex = h->index();
emit patternDataChanged();
- QString tmp = "/tmp/addHexaQuad.vtk";
- //_hexaDocument->saveVtk( tmp.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
- } else {
+ } else
delete hh;
- }
return hexaIndex;
HEXA_NS::Hexa* hh = NULL;
HEXA_NS::Quad* hq0, *hq1, *hq2, *hq3, *hq4, *hq5 = NULL;
- hq0 = data( iquads.value(0), HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Quad *>();
- hq1 = data( iquads.value(1), HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Quad *>();
- hq2 = data( iquads.value(2), HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Quad *>();
- hq3 = data( iquads.value(3), HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Quad *>();
- hq4 = data( iquads.value(4), HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Quad *>();
- hq5 = data( iquads.value(5), HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Quad *>();
- if ( hq0 && hq1 ){
- hh = _hexaDocument->addHexa2Quads( hq0, hq1);
- } else if ( hq0 && hq1 && hq2){
- hh = _hexaDocument->addHexa3Quads( hq0, hq1, hq2 );
- } else if ( hq0 && hq1 && hq2 && hq3 ){
- hh = _hexaDocument->addHexa4Quads( hq0, hq1, hq2, hq3 );
- } else if ( hq0 && hq1 && hq2 && hq3 && hq4 ){
- hh = _hexaDocument->addHexa5Quads( hq0, hq1, hq2, hq3, hq4 );
- } else if ( hq0 && hq1 && hq2 && hq3 && hq4 && hq5 ){
- hh = _hexaDocument->addHexa( hq0, hq1, hq2, hq3, hq4, hq5 );
- }
+ hq0 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Quad*>(iquads.value(0));
+ hq1 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Quad*>(iquads.value(1));
+ hq2 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Quad*>(iquads.value(2));
+ hq3 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Quad*>(iquads.value(3));
+ hq4 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Quad*>(iquads.value(4));
+ hq5 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Quad*>(iquads.value(5));
+ if ( hq0 && hq1 && hq2 && hq3 && hq4 && hq5 )
+ hh = _hexaDocument->addHexa( hq0, hq1, hq2, hq3, hq4, hq5 );
+ else if ( hq0 && hq1 && hq2 && hq3 && hq4 )
+ hh = _hexaDocument->addHexa5Quads( hq0, hq1, hq2, hq3, hq4 );
+ else if ( hq0 && hq1 && hq2 && hq3 )
+ hh = _hexaDocument->addHexa4Quads( hq0, hq1, hq2, hq3 );
+ else if ( hq0 && hq1 && hq2)
+ hh = _hexaDocument->addHexa3Quads( hq0, hq1, hq2 );
+ else if ( hq0 && hq1 )
+ hh = _hexaDocument->addHexa2Quads( hq0, hq1);
if ( hh && hh->isValid() ){
- HexaItem* h = new HexaItem(hh);
- h->setData( _entry, HEXA_DOC_ENTRY_ROLE );
- _hexaDirItem->appendRow(h);
- hexaIndex = h->index();
- emit patternDataChanged();
- QString tmp = "/tmp/addHexaQuads.vtk";
- //_hexaDocument->saveVtk( tmp.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
- } else {
+ updateData();
+ unsigned int nbRows = _hexaDirItem->rowCount();
+ if (nbRows > 0)
+ hexaIndex = _hexaDirItem->child(nbRows-1)->index();
+ } else
delete hh;
- }
return hexaIndex;
// raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
QModelIndex DocumentModel::addVector( double dx, double dy, double dz )
- //std::cout << "DocumentModel::addVector" << std::endl;
QModelIndex vectorIndex;
HEXA_NS::Vector* hv = _hexaDocument->addVector(dx, dy, dz);
if ( hv->isValid() ){
- //std::cout << "hv->isValid()" << std::endl;
VectorItem* v = new VectorItem(hv);
vectorIndex = v->index();
-// QStandardItem *toto = new QStandardItem("Toto");
-// std::cout << "before" << std::endl;
-// _vectorDirItem->appendRow(toto);
-// std::cout << "after" << std::endl;
-// vectorIndex = toto->index();
- QString tmp = "/tmp/addVector.vtk";
- //_hexaDocument->saveVtk( tmp.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
- } else {
- //std::cout << "delete hv" << std::endl;
+ } else
delete hv;
- }
return vectorIndex;
QModelIndex iVec;
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hv0 = data(iv0, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hv1 = data(iv1, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hv0 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(iv0);
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hv1 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(iv1);
HEXA_NS::Vector* hvec = _hexaDocument->addVectorVertices( hv0, hv1 );
VectorItem* vec = new VectorItem(hvec);
iVec = vec->index();
- QString tmp = "/tmp/addVectorVertices.vtk";
- //_hexaDocument->saveVtk( tmp.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
} else {
delete hvec;
QModelIndex iCyl;
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hv = data(iv, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vector* hvec = data(ivec, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vector *>();
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hv = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(iv);
+ HEXA_NS::Vector* hvec = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vector*>(ivec);
HEXA_NS::Cylinder* hcyl = _hexaDocument->addCylinder( hv, hvec, r, h );
CylinderItem* cyl = new CylinderItem(hcyl);
iCyl = cyl->index();
- QString tmp = "/tmp/addCylinder.vtk";
- //_hexaDocument->saveVtk( tmp.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
} else {
delete hcyl;
QModelIndex iPipe;
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hv = data(iv, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vector* hvec = data(ivec, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vector *>();
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hv = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(iv);
+ HEXA_NS::Vector* hvec = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vector*>(ivec);
HEXA_NS::Pipe* hPipe = _hexaDocument->addPipe( hv, hvec, ri, re, h );
PipeItem* pipe = new PipeItem(hPipe);
iPipe = pipe->index();
- QString tmp = "/tmp/addPipe.vtk";
- //_hexaDocument->saveVtk( tmp.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
} else {
delete hPipe;
QModelIndex eltsIndex;
//std::cout<<"makeCartesian begin"<<std::endl;
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hpt = data(i_pt, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vector* hvec_x = data(i_vec_x, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vector *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vector* hvec_y = data(i_vec_y, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vector *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vector* hvec_z = data(i_vec_z, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vector *>();
- //std::cout<<"hpt "<<hpt<<std::endl;
- //std::cout<<"hvec_x "<<hvec_x<<std::endl;
- //std::cout<<"hvec_y "<<hvec_y<<std::endl;
- //std::cout<<"hvec_z "<<hvec_z<<std::endl;
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hpt = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(i_pt);
+ HEXA_NS::Vector* hvec_x = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vector*>(i_vec_x);
+ HEXA_NS::Vector* hvec_y = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vector*>(i_vec_y);
+ HEXA_NS::Vector* hvec_z = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vector*>(i_vec_z);
HEXA_NS::Elements* new_helts = _hexaDocument->makeCartesian( hpt,
hvec_x, hvec_y, hvec_z,
nx, ny, nz );
if ( new_helts->isValid() ){
- //std::cout<<"makeCartesian OK!!!"<<std::endl;
updateData(); //CS_TODO more or less?
ElementsItem* eltsItem = new ElementsItem(new_helts);
eltsIndex = eltsItem->index();
- QString tmp = "/tmp/makeCartesian1.vtk";
- //_hexaDocument->saveVtk( tmp.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
- } else {
- //std::cout<<"makeCartesian KO!!!"<<std::endl;
+ } else
delete new_helts;
- }
return eltsIndex;
QModelIndex iElts;
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hVex = data(ivex, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vector* hVec = data(ivec, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vector *>();
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hVex = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(ivex);
+ HEXA_NS::Vector* hVec = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vector*>(ivec);
HEXA_NS::Elements* hElts = _hexaDocument->makeCartesian( hVex,
ElementsItem* elts = new ElementsItem(hElts);
iElts = elts->index();
- QString tmp = "/tmp/makeCartesian2.vtk";
- //_hexaDocument->saveVtk( tmp.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
} else {
delete hElts;
QModelIndex eltsIndex;
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hpt = data(i_pt, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vector* hvec_x = data(i_vec_x, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vector *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vector* hvec_z = data(i_vec_z, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vector *>();
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hpt = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(i_pt);
+ HEXA_NS::Vector* hvec_x = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vector*>(i_vec_x);
+ HEXA_NS::Vector* hvec_z = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vector*>(i_vec_z);
HEXA_NS::Elements* new_helts = _hexaDocument->makeCylindrical( hpt, hvec_x, hvec_z, dr, da, dl, nr, na, nl, fill );
ElementsItem* eltsItem = new ElementsItem(new_helts);
eltsIndex = eltsItem->index();
- QString tmp = "/tmp/makeCylindrical.vtk";
- //_hexaDocument->saveVtk( tmp.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
} else {
delete new_helts;
QModelIndex eltsIndex;
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hcenter = data( icenter, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vector* hbase = data( ibase, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vector *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vector* hheight = data( iheight, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vector *>();
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hcenter = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(icenter);
+ HEXA_NS::Vector* hbase =getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vector*>(ibase);
+ HEXA_NS::Vector* hheight = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vector*>(iheight);
// HEXA_NS::Elements* helts;
std::vector<double> r = radius.toVector().toStdVector();
std::vector<double> a = angles.toVector().toStdVector();
std::vector<double> h = heights.toVector().toStdVector();
- HEXA_NS::Elements* helts = _hexaDocument->makeCylindricals(
+ HEXA_NS::Elements* helts = _hexaDocument->makeCylindricals(
hcenter, hbase, hheight,
r, a, h,
fill );
-// HEXA_NS::Elements* helts = _hexaDocument->makeCylindricals(
-// hcenter, hbase, hheight,
-// radius.toVector().toStdVector(), angles.toVector().toStdVector(), heights.toVector().toStdVector(),
-// fill );
if ( helts->isValid() ){
updateData(); //CS_TODO more or less?
ElementsItem* eltsItem = new ElementsItem(helts);
} else {
delete helts;
return eltsIndex;
QModelIndex iElts;
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hv = data(iv, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vector* hvec = data(ivec, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vector *>();
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hv = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(iv);
+ HEXA_NS::Vector* hvec = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vector*>(ivec);
HEXA_NS::Elements* hElts = _hexaDocument->makeSpherical( hv, hvec, nb, k );
ElementsItem* elts = new ElementsItem(hElts);
iElts = elts->index();
- QString tmp = "/tmp/makeSpherical.vtk";
- //_hexaDocument->saveVtk( tmp.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
} else {
delete hElts;
QModelIndex iElts;
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hcenter = data(icenter, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hcenter = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(icenter);
HEXA_NS::Elements* helts = _hexaDocument->makeSpherical( hcenter, radius, nb, k );
ElementsItem* eltsItem = new ElementsItem(helts);
iElts = eltsItem->index();
-// QString tmp = "/tmp/makeSpherical.vtk";
- //_hexaDocument->saveVtk( tmp.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
} else {
delete helts;
QModelIndex iElts;
- HEXA_NS::Cylinder* hcyl = data(icyl, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Cylinder *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vector* hvec = data(ivec, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vector *>();
+ HEXA_NS::Cylinder* hcyl = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Cylinder*>(icyl);
+ HEXA_NS::Vector* hvec = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vector*>(ivec);
HEXA_NS::Elements* hElts = _hexaDocument->makeCylinder( hcyl, hvec, nr, na, nl );
if ( hElts->isValid() ){
ElementsItem* elts = new ElementsItem(hElts);
iElts = elts->index();
- QString tmp = "/tmp/makeCylinder.vtk";
- //_hexaDocument->saveVtk( tmp.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
} else {
delete hElts;
QModelIndex iElts;
- HEXA_NS::Pipe* hPipe = data(ipipe, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Pipe *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vector* hVecx = data(ivecx, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vector *>();
+ HEXA_NS::Pipe* hPipe = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Pipe*>(ipipe);
+ HEXA_NS::Vector* hVecx = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vector*>(ivecx);
HEXA_NS::Elements* hElts = _hexaDocument->makePipe( hPipe, hVecx, nr, na, nl );
ElementsItem* elts = new ElementsItem(hElts);
iElts = elts->index();
- QString tmp = "/tmp/makePipe.vtk";
- //_hexaDocument->saveVtk( tmp.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
} else {
delete hElts;
QModelIndex iCrossElts;
- HEXA_NS::Cylinder* hCyl1 = data(icyl1, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Cylinder *>();
- HEXA_NS::Cylinder* hCyl2 = data(icyl2, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Cylinder *>();
+ HEXA_NS::Cylinder* hCyl1 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Cylinder*>(icyl1);
+ HEXA_NS::Cylinder* hCyl2 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Cylinder*>(icyl2);
HEXA_NS::CrossElements* hCrossElts = _hexaDocument->makeCylinders( hCyl1, hCyl2 );
ElementsItem* crossElts = new ElementsItem(hCrossElts);
iCrossElts = crossElts->index();
- QString tmp = "/tmp/makeCylinders.vtk";
- //_hexaDocument->saveVtk( tmp.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
} else {
delete hCrossElts;
QModelIndex iCrossElts;
- HEXA_NS::Pipe* hPipe1 = data(ipipe1, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Pipe *>();
- HEXA_NS::Pipe* hPipe2 = data(ipipe2, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Pipe *>();
-// MESSAGE("DocumentModel::makePipes( "<< << ","<< );
-// HEXA_NS::Vertex* b1 = hPipe1->getBase();
-// HEXA_NS::Vector* d1 = hPipe1->getDirection();
-// MESSAGE("pipe1 vertex is " << b1->getName()
-// <<"("<< b1->getX()
-// <<","<< b1->getY()
-// <<","<< b1->getZ()<<")"
-// );
-// MESSAGE("pipe1 vector is " << d1->getName()
-// <<"("<< d1->getDx()
-// <<","<< d1->getDy()
-// <<","<< d1->getDz()<<")"
-// );
-// MESSAGE("pipe1 ir is " << hPipe1->getInternalRadius());
-// MESSAGE("pipe1 er is " << hPipe1->getRadius());
-// MESSAGE("pipe1 h is " << hPipe1->getHeight());
-// HEXA_NS::Vertex* b2 = hPipe2->getBase();
-// HEXA_NS::Vector* d2 = hPipe2->getDirection();
-// MESSAGE("pipe2 vertex is " << b2->getName()
-// <<"("<< b2->getX()
-// <<","<< b2->getY()
-// <<","<< b2->getZ()<<")"
-// );
-// MESSAGE("pipe2 vector is " << d2->getName()
-// <<"("<< d2->getDx()
-// <<","<< d2->getDy()
-// <<","<< d2->getDz()<<")"
-// );
-// MESSAGE("pipe2 vertex is " << hPipe2->getBase()->getName() );
-// MESSAGE("pipe2 vector is " << hPipe2->getDirection()->getName());
-// MESSAGE("pipe2 ir is " << hPipe2->getInternalRadius());
-// MESSAGE("pipe2 er is " << hPipe2->getRadius());
-// MESSAGE("pipe2 h is " << hPipe2->getHeight());
+ HEXA_NS::Pipe* hPipe1 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Pipe*>(ipipe1);
+ HEXA_NS::Pipe* hPipe2 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Pipe*>(ipipe2);
HEXA_NS::CrossElements* hCrossElts = _hexaDocument->makePipes( hPipe1, hPipe2 );
QModelIndex iElts;
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hcenter = data(icenter, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vector* hvecx = data(ivecx, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vector *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vector* hvecz = data(ivecz, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vector *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hplorig = data(iplorig, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hcenter = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(icenter);
+ HEXA_NS::Vector* hvecx = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vector*>(ivecx);
+ HEXA_NS::Vector* hvecz = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vector*>(ivecz);
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hplorig = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(iplorig);
- HEXA_NS::Elements* hElts = _hexaDocument->makeRind( hcenter,
+ HEXA_NS::Elements* hElts = _hexaDocument->makeRind( hcenter,
hvecx, hvecz,
radext, radint, radhole,
QModelIndex iElts;
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hcenter = data(icenter, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vector* hvecx = data(ivecx, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vector *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vector* hvecz = data(ivecz, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vector *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hplorig = data(iplorig, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hcenter = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(icenter);
+ HEXA_NS::Vector* hvecx = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vector*>(ivecx);
+ HEXA_NS::Vector* hvecz = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vector*>(ivecz);
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hplorig = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(iplorig);
- HEXA_NS::Elements* hElts = _hexaDocument->makePartRind( hcenter,
+ HEXA_NS::Elements* hElts = _hexaDocument->makePartRind( hcenter,
hvecx, hvecz,
radext, radint, radhole,
hplorig, angle,
QModelIndex iElts;
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hcenter = data(icenter, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vector* hvecx = data(ivecx, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vector *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vector* hvecz = data(ivecz, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vector *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hplorig = data(iplorig, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hcenter = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(icenter);
+ HEXA_NS::Vector* hvecx = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vector*>(ivecx);
+ HEXA_NS::Vector* hvecz = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vector*>(ivecz);
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hplorig = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(iplorig);
- HEXA_NS::Elements* hElts = _hexaDocument->makeSphere( hcenter,
+ HEXA_NS::Elements* hElts = _hexaDocument->makeSphere( hcenter,
hvecx, hvecz,
radius, radhole,
QModelIndex iElts;
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hcenter = data(icenter, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vector* hvecx = data(ivecx, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vector *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vector* hvecz = data(ivecz, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vector *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hplorig = data(iplorig, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hcenter = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(icenter);
+ HEXA_NS::Vector* hvecx = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vector*>(ivecx);
+ HEXA_NS::Vector* hvecz = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vector*>(ivecz);
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hplorig = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(iplorig);
HEXA_NS::Elements* hElts = _hexaDocument->makePartSphere( hcenter,
hvecx, hvecz,
bool ret = false;
-// cout << "DocumentModel::updateVertex" << << endl;
-// cout << "DocumentModel::updateVertex" <<<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>() << endl;
-// cout << "DocumentModel::updateVertex" << << endl;
-// cout << "DocumentModel::updateVertex" << << endl;
+ //HEXA_NS::Vertex* hVertex =<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>(); //CS_TODO? pareil pour toutes les autres méthodes du modèle?
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hVertex = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(ivertex);
-// HEXA_NS::Vertex* hVertex = data(ivertex, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hVertex =<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>(); //CS_TODO? pareil pour toutes les autres méthodes du modèle?
- cout << "DocumentModel::updateVertex hVertex = " << hVertex << endl;
if ( hVertex ){
// hVertex->setName( name.toStdString() );
hVertex->setX ( x );
bool DocumentModel::removeHexa( const QModelIndex& ihexa )
bool ret = false;
- HEXA_NS::Hexa* hHexa = data(ihexa, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Hexa *>();
+ HEXA_NS::Hexa* hHexa = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Hexa*>(ihexa);
int r = _hexaDocument->removeHexa( hHexa );
if ( r == HOK ){
- QString tmp = "/tmp/removeHexa.vtk";
- //_hexaDocument->saveVtk( tmp.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
ret = true;
} else if ( r == HERR ){
ret = false;
bool DocumentModel::removeConnectedHexa( const QModelIndex& ihexa )
bool ret = false;
- HEXA_NS::Hexa* hHexa = data(ihexa, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Hexa *>();
+ HEXA_NS::Hexa* hHexa = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Hexa*>(ihexa);
int r = _hexaDocument->removeConnectedHexa( hHexa );
if ( r == HOK ){
- QString tmp = "/tmp/removeConnectedHexa.vtk";
- //_hexaDocument->saveVtk( tmp.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
ret = true;
} else if ( r == HERR ){
ret = false;
QModelIndex iElts;
- HEXA_NS::Quad* hQuad = data(iquad, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Quad *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vector* hVect = data(ivec, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vector *>();
+ HEXA_NS::Quad* hQuad = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Quad*>(iquad);
+ HEXA_NS::Vector* hVect = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vector*>(ivec);
HEXA_NS::Elements* hElts = _hexaDocument->prismQuad( hQuad, hVect, nb );
ElementsItem* elts = new ElementsItem(hElts);
iElts = elts->index();
- QString tmp = "/tmp/prismQuad.vtk";
- //_hexaDocument->saveVtk( tmp.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
} else {
delete hElts;
HEXA_NS::Quads hQuads;
HEXA_NS::Quad* hQuad = NULL;
foreach( const QModelIndex& iquad, iquads ){
- hQuad = data( iquad, HEXA_DATA_ROLE ).value<HEXA_NS::Quad *>();
+ hQuad = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Quad*>(iquad);
hQuads.push_back( hQuad );
- HEXA_NS::Vector* hVect = data(ivec, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vector *>();
+ HEXA_NS::Vector* hVect = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vector*>(ivec);
HEXA_NS::Elements* hElts = _hexaDocument->prismQuads( hQuads, hVect, nb );
if ( hElts->isValid() ){
ElementsItem* elts = new ElementsItem(hElts);
iElts = elts->index();
- QString tmp = "/tmp/prismQuads.vtk";
- //_hexaDocument->saveVtk( tmp.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
} else {
delete hElts;
return iElts;
+QModelIndex DocumentModel::prismQuads( const QModelIndexList& iquads, const QModelIndex& ivec, std::vector<double> layersSize, int nb)
+ QModelIndex iElts;
+ HEXA_NS::Quads hQuads;
+ HEXA_NS::Quad* hQuad = NULL;
+ foreach( const QModelIndex& iquad, iquads ){
+ hQuad = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Quad*>(iquad);
+ hQuads.push_back( hQuad );
+ }
+ HEXA_NS::Vector* hVect = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vector*>(ivec);
+ HEXA_NS::Elements* hElts = _hexaDocument->prismQuadsVec( hQuads, hVect, layersSize, nb );
+ if ( hElts->isValid() ){
+ updateData(); //CS_TODO more or less?
+ ElementsItem* elts = new ElementsItem(hElts);
+ _elementsDirItem->appendRow(elts);
+ iElts = elts->index();
+ } else {
+ delete hElts;
+ }
+ return iElts;
QModelIndex DocumentModel::joinQuad(
const QModelIndex& iquadstart, const QModelIndex& iquaddest,
QModelIndex iElts;
- HEXA_NS::Quad* hQuadStart = data(iquadstart, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Quad *>();
- HEXA_NS::Quad* hQuadDest = data(iquaddest, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Quad *>();
+ HEXA_NS::Quad* hQuadStart = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Quad*>(iquadstart);
+ HEXA_NS::Quad* hQuadDest = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Quad*>(iquaddest);
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hVertex0 = data(iv0, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hVertex1 = data(iv1, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hVertex2 = data(iv2, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hVertex3 = data(iv3, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hVertex0 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(iv0);
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hVertex1 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(iv1);
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hVertex2 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(iv2);
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hVertex3 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(iv3);
HEXA_NS::Elements* hElts = _hexaDocument->joinQuad( hQuadStart, hQuadDest,
hVertex0, hVertex1, hVertex2, hVertex3, nb );
ElementsItem* elts = new ElementsItem(hElts);
iElts = elts->index();
- QString tmp = "/tmp/joinQuad.vtk";
- //_hexaDocument->saveVtk( tmp.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
} else {
delete hElts;
HEXA_NS::Quad* hQuadDest = data( iquaddest, HEXA_DATA_ROLE ).value<HEXA_NS::Quad *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hVertex0 = data(iv0, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hVertex1 = data(iv1, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hVertex2 = data(iv2, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hVertex3 = data(iv3, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hVertex0 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(iv0);
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hVertex1 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(iv1);
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hVertex2 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(iv2);
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hVertex3 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(iv3);
HEXA_NS::Elements* hElts = _hexaDocument->joinQuads(
hQuadsStart, hQuadDest,
ElementsItem* elts = new ElementsItem(hElts);
iElts = elts->index();
- QString tmp = "/tmp/joinQuads.vtk";
- //_hexaDocument->saveVtk( tmp.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
} else {
delete hElts;
bool ret = false;
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hv0 = data(iv0, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hv1 = data(iv1, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hv0 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(iv0);
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hv1 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(iv1);
int r = _hexaDocument->mergeVertices( hv0, hv1 );
if ( r == HOK ){
updateData(); //CS_TODO more or less?
- //std::cout << "DocumentModel:: mergeVertices => OK " << std::endl;
- QString tmp = "/tmp/mergeVertices.vtk";
- //_hexaDocument->saveVtk( tmp.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
ret = true;
} else if ( r == HERR ){
- //std::cout << "DocumentModel:: mergeVertices => KO " << std::endl;
ret = false;
bool ret = false;
- HEXA_NS::Edge* he0 = data(ie0, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Edge *>();
- HEXA_NS::Edge* he1 = data(ie1, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Edge *>();
+ HEXA_NS::Edge* he0 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Edge*>(ie0);
+ HEXA_NS::Edge* he1 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Edge*>(ie1);
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hv0 = data(iv0, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hv1 = data(iv1, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hv0 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(iv0);
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hv1 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(iv1);
int r = _hexaDocument->mergeEdges( he0, he1, hv0, hv1 );
if ( r == HOK ){
ret = true;
- QString tmp = "/tmp/mergeEdges.vtk";
- //_hexaDocument->saveVtk( tmp.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
} else if ( r == HERR ){
ret = false;
HEXA_NS::Quad* hquad0 = data(iquad0, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Quad *>();
HEXA_NS::Quad* hquad1 = data(iquad1, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Quad *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hv0 = data(iv0, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hv1 = data(iv1, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hv2 = data(iv2, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hv3 = data(iv3, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hv0 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(iv0);
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hv1 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(iv1);
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hv2 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(iv2);
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hv3 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(iv3);
int r = _hexaDocument->mergeQuads( hquad0, hquad1, hv0, hv1, hv2, hv3 );
if ( r == HOK ){
ret = true;
- QString tmp = "/tmp/mergeQuads.vtk";
- //_hexaDocument->saveVtk( tmp.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
} else if ( r == HERR ){
ret = false;
QModelIndex iElts;
- HEXA_NS::Hexa* hHexa = data( ihexa, HEXA_DATA_ROLE ).value<HEXA_NS::Hexa *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hVertex = data( ivertex, HEXA_DATA_ROLE ).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
+ HEXA_NS::Hexa* hHexa = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Hexa*>(ihexa);
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hVertex = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(ivertex);
HEXA_NS::Elements* hElts = _hexaDocument->disconnectVertex( hHexa, hVertex );
ElementsItem* elts = new ElementsItem(hElts);
iElts = elts->index();
- QString tmp = "/tmp/disconnectVertex.vtk";
- //_hexaDocument->saveVtk( tmp.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
} else {
delete hElts;
QModelIndex iElts;
- HEXA_NS::Hexa* hHexa = data( ihexa, HEXA_DATA_ROLE ).value<HEXA_NS::Hexa *>();
- HEXA_NS::Edge* hEdge = data( iedge, HEXA_DATA_ROLE ).value<HEXA_NS::Edge *>();
+ HEXA_NS::Hexa* hHexa = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Hexa*>(ihexa);
+ HEXA_NS::Edge* hEdge = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Edge*>(iedge);
HEXA_NS::Elements* hElts = _hexaDocument->disconnectEdge( hHexa, hEdge );
ElementsItem* elts = new ElementsItem(hElts);
iElts = elts->index();
- QString tmp = "/tmp/disconnectEdge.vtk";
- //_hexaDocument->saveVtk( tmp.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
} else {
delete hElts;
//Construction de la liste des edges
HEXA_NS::Edge* hedge = NULL;
foreach( const QModelIndex& iedge, iedges ){
- hedge = data( iedge, HEXA_DATA_ROLE ).value<HEXA_NS::Edge *>();
+ hedge = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Edge*>(iedge);
hEdges.push_back( hedge );
//Construction de la liste des hexas
HEXA_NS::Hexa* hhexa = NULL;
foreach( const QModelIndex& ihexa, ihexas ){
- hhexa = data( ihexa, HEXA_DATA_ROLE ).value<HEXA_NS::Hexa *>();
+ hhexa = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Hexa*>(ihexa);
hHexas.push_back( hhexa );
ElementsItem* elts = new ElementsItem(hElts);
iElts = elts->index();
- QString tmp = "/tmp/disconnectEdges.vtk";
- //_hexaDocument->saveVtk( tmp.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
} else {
delete hElts;
QModelIndex iElts;
- HEXA_NS::Hexa* hHexa = data( ihexa, HEXA_DATA_ROLE ).value<HEXA_NS::Hexa *>();
- HEXA_NS::Quad* hQuad = data( iquad, HEXA_DATA_ROLE ).value<HEXA_NS::Quad *>();
+ HEXA_NS::Hexa* hHexa = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Hexa*>(ihexa);
+ HEXA_NS::Quad* hQuad = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Quad*>(iquad);
HEXA_NS::Elements* hElts = _hexaDocument->disconnectQuad( hHexa, hQuad );
ElementsItem* elts = new ElementsItem(hElts);
iElts = elts->index();
- QString tmp = "/tmp/disconnectQuad.vtk";
- //_hexaDocument->saveVtk( tmp.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
} else {
delete hElts;
QModelIndex iElts;
- HEXA_NS::Edge* he0 = data(i_e0, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Edge *>();
+ HEXA_NS::Edge* he0 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Edge*>(i_e0);
HEXA_NS::Elements* helts = _hexaDocument->cut( he0, nbcuts );
if ( helts->isValid() ){
ElementsItem* elts = new ElementsItem(helts);
iElts = elts->index();
- QString tmp = "/tmp/cutEdge.vtk";
- //_hexaDocument->saveVtk( tmp.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
} else {
delete helts;
QModelIndex iElts;
- HEXA_NS::Elements* hElts = data(ielts, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Elements *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vector* hVec = data(ivec, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vector *>();
+ HEXA_NS::Elements* hElts = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Elements*>(ielts);
+ HEXA_NS::Vector* hVec = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vector*>(ivec);
HEXA_NS::Elements* hNewElts = _hexaDocument->makeTranslation( hElts, hVec );
ElementsItem* eltsItem = new ElementsItem(hNewElts);
iElts = eltsItem->index();
- QString tmp = "/tmp/makeTranslation.vtk";
- //_hexaDocument->saveVtk( tmp.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
} else {
delete hNewElts;
QModelIndex iElts;
- HEXA_NS::Elements* hElts = data(ielts, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Elements *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hVex = data(ivex, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
+ HEXA_NS::Elements* hElts = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Elements*>(ielts);
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hVex = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(ivex);
HEXA_NS::Elements* hNewElts = _hexaDocument->makeScale( hElts, hVex, k );
ElementsItem* eltsItem = new ElementsItem(hNewElts);
iElts = eltsItem->index();
- QString tmp = "/tmp/makeScale.vtk";
- //_hexaDocument->saveVtk( tmp.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
} else {
delete hNewElts;
QModelIndex iElts;
- HEXA_NS::Elements* hElts = data(ielts, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Elements *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hVex = data(iv, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vector* hVec = data(ivec, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vector *>();
+ HEXA_NS::Elements* hElts = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Elements*>(ielts);
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hVex = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(iv);
+ HEXA_NS::Vector* hVec = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vector*>(ivec);
HEXA_NS::Elements* hNewElts = _hexaDocument->makeRotation( hElts, hVex, hVec, angle );
ElementsItem* eltsItem = new ElementsItem(hNewElts);
iElts = eltsItem->index();
- QString tmp = "/tmp/makeRotation.vtk";
- //_hexaDocument->saveVtk( tmp.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
} else {
delete hNewElts;
QModelIndex iElts;
- HEXA_NS::Elements* hElts = data(ielts, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Elements *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hVex = data(iv, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
+ HEXA_NS::Elements* hElts = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Elements*>(ielts);
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hVex = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(iv);
HEXA_NS::Elements* hNewElts = _hexaDocument->makeSymmetryPoint (hElts, hVex);
ElementsItem* eltsItem = new ElementsItem(hNewElts);
iElts = eltsItem->index();
- QString tmp = "/tmp/makeSymmetryPoint.vtk";
- //_hexaDocument->saveVtk( tmp.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
} else {
delete hNewElts;
QModelIndex iElts;
- HEXA_NS::Elements* hElts = data(ielts, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Elements *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hVex = data(iv, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vector* hVec = data(ivec, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vector *>();
+ HEXA_NS::Elements* hElts = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Elements*>(ielts);
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hVex = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(iv);
+ HEXA_NS::Vector* hVec = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vector*>(ivec);
HEXA_NS::Elements* hNewElts = _hexaDocument->makeSymmetryLine( hElts, hVex, hVec );
ElementsItem* eltsItem = new ElementsItem(hNewElts);
iElts = eltsItem->index();
- QString tmp = "/tmp/makeSymmetryLine.vtk";
- //_hexaDocument->saveVtk( tmp.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
} else {
delete hNewElts;
QModelIndex iElts;
- HEXA_NS::Elements* hElts = data(ielts, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Elements *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hVex = data(iv, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vector* hVec = data(ivec, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vector *>();
+ HEXA_NS::Elements* hElts = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Elements*>(ielts);
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hVex = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(iv);
+ HEXA_NS::Vector* hVec = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vector*>(ivec);
HEXA_NS::Elements* hNewElts = _hexaDocument->makeSymmetryPlane( hElts, hVex, hVec );
ElementsItem* eltsItem = new ElementsItem(hNewElts);
iElts = eltsItem->index();
- QString tmp = "/tmp/makeSymmetryPlane.vtk";
- //_hexaDocument->saveVtk( tmp.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
} else {
delete hNewElts;
bool ret = false;
- HEXA_NS::Elements* hElts = data(ielts, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Elements *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vector* hVec = data(ivec, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vector *>();
+ HEXA_NS::Elements* hElts = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Elements*>(ielts);
+ HEXA_NS::Vector* hVec = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vector*>(ivec);
int r = _hexaDocument->performTranslation (hElts, hVec);
if ( r == HOK ){
ret = true;
- QString tmp = "/tmp/performTranslation.vtk";
- //_hexaDocument->saveVtk( tmp.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
} else if ( r == HERR ){
ret = false;
bool ret = false;
- HEXA_NS::Elements* hElts = data(ielts, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Elements *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hVex = data(ivex, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
+ HEXA_NS::Elements* hElts = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Elements*>(ielts);
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hVex = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(ivex);
int r = _hexaDocument->performScale (hElts, hVex, k);
if ( r == HOK ){
ret = true;
- QString tmp = "/tmp/performScale.vtk";
- //_hexaDocument->saveVtk( tmp.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
} else if ( r == HERR ){
ret = false;
bool ret = false;
- HEXA_NS::Elements* hElts = data(ielts, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Elements *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hVex = data(ivex, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vector* hVec = data(ivec, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vector *>();
+ HEXA_NS::Elements* hElts = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Elements*>(ielts);
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hVex = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(ivex);
+ HEXA_NS::Vector* hVec = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vector*>(ivec);
int r = _hexaDocument-> performRotation( hElts, hVex, hVec, angle );
if ( r == HOK ){
ret = true;
- QString tmp = "/tmp/performRotation.vtk";
- //_hexaDocument->saveVtk( tmp.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
} else if ( r == HERR ){
ret = false;
bool ret = false;
- HEXA_NS::Elements* hElts = data(ielts, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Elements *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hVex = data(ivex, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
+ HEXA_NS::Elements* hElts = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Elements*>(ielts);
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hVex = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(ivex);
int r = _hexaDocument->performSymmetryPoint( hElts, hVex );
if ( r == HOK ){
ret = true;
- QString tmp = "/tmp/performSymmetryPoint.vtk";
- //_hexaDocument->saveVtk( tmp.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
} else if ( r == HERR ){
ret = false;
bool ret = false;
- HEXA_NS::Elements* hElts = data(ielts, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Elements *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hVex = data(ivex, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vector* hVec = data(ivec, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vector *>();
+ HEXA_NS::Elements* hElts = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Elements*>(ielts);
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hVex = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(ivex);
+ HEXA_NS::Vector* hVec = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vector*>(ivec);
int r = _hexaDocument->performSymmetryLine( hElts, hVex, hVec );
if ( r == HOK ){
ret = true;
- QString tmp = "/tmp/performSymmetryLine.vtk";
- //_hexaDocument->saveVtk( tmp.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
} else if ( r == HERR ){
ret = false;
bool ret = false;
- HEXA_NS::Elements* hElts = data(ielts, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Elements *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hVex = data(ivex, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vector* hVec = data(ivec, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vector *>();
+ HEXA_NS::Elements* hElts = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Elements*>(ielts);
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hVex = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(ivex);
+ HEXA_NS::Vector* hVec = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vector*>(ivec);
int r = _hexaDocument->performSymmetryPlane( hElts, hVex, hVec );
if ( r == HOK ){
ret = true;
- QString tmp = "/tmp/performSymmetryPlane.vtk";
- //_hexaDocument->saveVtk( tmp.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
} else if ( r == HERR ){
ret = false;
hquad = data( iquad, HEXA_DATA_ROLE ).value<HEXA_NS::Quad*>();
hstartquads.push_back( hquad );
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hcenter = data( icenter, HEXA_DATA_ROLE ).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vector* haxis = data( ivecaxis, HEXA_DATA_ROLE ).value<HEXA_NS::Vector *>();
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hcenter = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(icenter);
+ HEXA_NS::Vector* haxis = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vector*>(ivecaxis);
std::vector<double> hangles = angles.toVector().toStdVector();
HEXA_NS::Elements* helts = _hexaDocument->revolutionQuads( hstartquads, hcenter, haxis, hangles );
QModelIndex ielts;
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hp1 = data(ip1, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hc1 = data(ic1, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hp2 = data(ip2, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hc2 = data(ic2, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hp3 = data(ip3, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hc3 = data(ic3, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hp1 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(ip1);
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hc1 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(ic1);
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hp2 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(ip2);
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hc2 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(ic2);
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hp3 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(ip3);
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hc3 = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(ic3);
HEXA_NS::Quads hquads;
HEXA_NS::Quad* hquad = NULL;
foreach( const QModelIndex& iquad, iquadsPattern ){
- hquad = data( iquad, HEXA_DATA_ROLE ).value<HEXA_NS::Quad*>();
+ hquad = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Quad*>(iquad);
hquads.push_back( hquad );
QString currentAssoc, newAssoc;
if ( data(iElt, HEXA_TREE_ROLE) == VERTEX_TREE ){
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hVex = data(iElt, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* hVex = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(iElt);
hVex->setAssociation( assoc );
} else if ( data(iElt, HEXA_TREE_ROLE) == EDGE_TREE ){
- HEXA_NS::Edge* hEdge = data(iElt, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Edge *>();
+ HEXA_NS::Edge* hEdge = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Edge*>(iElt);
hEdge->addAssociation( assoc );
} else if ( data(iElt, HEXA_TREE_ROLE) == QUAD_TREE ){
- HEXA_NS::Quad* hQuad = data(iElt, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Quad *>();
+ HEXA_NS::Quad* hQuad = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Quad*>(iElt);
hQuad->addAssociation( assoc );
newAssoc = assocIn.entry + "," + assocIn.subid + ";";
- //std::cout << "addAssociation() newAssoc =>" << newAssoc.toStdString() << std::endl;
setData( iElt, QVariant::fromValue(newAssoc), HEXA_ASSOC_ENTRY_ROLE );
- // tree view :
- QList<QStandardItem *> assocItems;
- QStandardItem *aAssocItem = NULL;
- QStandardItem *item = NULL;
- aAssocItem = new QStandardItem(;
- aAssocItem->setData( assocIn.entry + "," + assocIn.subid, HEXA_ENTRY_ROLE );
- assocItems << aAssocItem;
- item = itemFromIndex(iElt);
- item->appendColumn(assocItems);
-// appendColumn(assocItems);
-// item->appendRow( assocItems );
-// item->appendRow( new QStandardItem( );
- if ( item->columnCount() > columnCount() )
- setColumnCount( columnCount()+1 );
//std::cout << "getAssociations() start" << std::endl;
if ( data(iElt, HEXA_TREE_ROLE) == VERTEX_TREE ){
MESSAGE("* of a Vertex");
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* hVex = data(iElt, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
+// HEXA_NS::Vertex* hVex = data(iElt, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex *hVex = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>(iElt);
HEXA_NS::Shape* hShape = hVex->getAssociation();
QStringList shapeID;
if ( hShape != NULL ){
} else if ( data(iElt, HEXA_TREE_ROLE) == EDGE_TREE ){
MESSAGE("* of an Edge");
- HEXA_NS::Edge* hEdge = data(iElt, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Edge *>();
+ HEXA_NS::Edge* hEdge = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Edge *>(iElt);
HEXA_NS::Shapes hShapes = hEdge->getAssociations();
QStringList shapeID;
for ( HEXA_NS::Shapes::iterator it = hShapes.begin(); it != hShapes.end(); ++it){
} else if ( data(iElt, HEXA_TREE_ROLE) == QUAD_TREE ){
MESSAGE("* of a Quad");
- HEXA_NS::Quad* hQuad = data(iElt, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Quad *>();
+ HEXA_NS::Quad* hQuad = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Quad*>(iElt);
HEXA_NS::Shapes hShapes = hQuad->getAssociations();
QStringList shapeID;
for ( HEXA_NS::Shapes::iterator it = hShapes.begin(); it != hShapes.end(); ++it){
HEXA_NS::Edge* hedge = NULL;
foreach( const QModelIndex& iedge, iedges ){
- hedge = data( iedge, HEXA_DATA_ROLE ).value<HEXA_NS::Edge *>();
+ hedge = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Edge*>(iedge);
if ( mstart == NULL ){
mstart = hedge;
MESSAGE("* mstart" << );
int r = _hexaDocument->associateOpenedLine( mstart, mline,
gstart, pstart, gline, pend );
-// HEXA_NS::Edge *e0 = _hexaDocument->getEdge(0);
-// HEXA_NS::Edge *e1 = _hexaDocument->getEdge(1);
-// HEXA_NS::Shapes mstartAssoc = e0->getAssociations();
-// HEXA_NS::Shapes mlineAssoc = e1->getAssociations();
-// HEXA_NS::Shapes mstartAssoc = mstart->getAssociations();
-// HEXA_NS::Shapes mlineAssoc= mline[0]->getAssociations();
-// std::cout << "DocumentModel:: associateOpenedLine : mstartAssoc.size() => " << mstartAssoc.size() << std::endl;
-// std::cout << "DocumentModel:: associateOpenedLine : mstartAssoc[0]->ident=> " << mstartAssoc[0]->ident << std::endl;
-// std::cout << "DocumentModel:: associateOpenedLine : mlineAssoc[0]->ident => " << mlineAssoc[0]->ident << std::endl;
if ( r == HOK ){
MESSAGE("* DocumentModel:: associateOpenedLine() => OK ");
MESSAGE("DocumentModel::associateClosedLine() ");
bool ret = false;
- HEXA_NS::Vertex* mfirst = data( ivertex, HEXA_DATA_ROLE ).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>();
+ HEXA_NS::Vertex* mfirst = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(ivertex);
HEXA_NS::Edge* mstart = NULL;
HEXA_NS::Edges mline;
HEXA_NS::Shape* gstart = NULL;
HEXA_NS::Edge* hedge = NULL;
foreach( const QModelIndex& iedge, iedges ){
- hedge = data( iedge, HEXA_DATA_ROLE ).value<HEXA_NS::Edge *>();
+ hedge = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Edge*>(iedge);
if ( mstart == NULL ){
mstart = hedge;
MESSAGE("* mstart" << );
gstart, pstart, inv, gline );
if ( r == HOK ){
- //std::cout << "DocumentModel:: associateClosedLine => OK " << std::endl;
ret = true;
} else if ( r == HERR ){
- //std::cout << "DocumentModel:: associateClosedLine => ERR " << std::endl;
ret = false;
return ret;
groupItem->setData( _entry, HEXA_DOC_ENTRY_ROLE );
iGroup = groupItem->index();
- QString tmp = "/tmp/addGroup.vtk";
- //_hexaDocument->saveVtk( tmp.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
return iGroup;
if ( r == HOK ){
removeRow( igrp.row(), igrp.parent());
ret = true;
- QString tmp = "/tmp/removeGroup.vtk";
- //_hexaDocument->saveVtk( tmp.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
} else if ( r == HERR ){
ret = false;
return ret;
+QModelIndex* DocumentModel::found(eltBase)
QModelIndexList DocumentModel::getGroupElements( const QModelIndex& iGroup, DocumentModel::Group& kind ) const
HEXA_NS::EltBase* eltBase = NULL;
for ( int nr = 0; nr < g->countElement(); ++nr ){
eltBase = g->getElement( nr );
- //std::cout<< "eltBase"<< eltBase << std::endl;
kind = g->getKind();
switch ( kind ){
case HEXA_NS::HexaCell: case HEXA_NS::HexaNode: q = QVariant::fromValue( (HEXA_NS::Hexa *)eltBase ); break;
setData(igrp, QVariant::fromValue( name ) );
- QString tmp = "/tmp/setGroupName.vtk";
- //_hexaDocument->saveVtk( tmp.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
bool DocumentModel::addGroupElement( const QModelIndex& igrp, const QModelIndex& ielt )
bool addOk = false;
HEXA_NS::Group* hGroup = data(igrp, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Group *>();
- HEXA_NS::EltBase* hElt = NULL;
+ HEXA_NS::EltBase* hElt = NULL;
switch ( hGroup->getKind() ){
- case HEXA_NS::HexaCell: case HEXA_NS::HexaNode: hElt = data(ielt, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Hexa *>(); break;
- case HEXA_NS::QuadCell: case HEXA_NS::QuadNode: hElt = data(ielt, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Quad *>(); break;
- case HEXA_NS::EdgeCell: case HEXA_NS::EdgeNode: hElt = data(ielt, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Edge *>(); break;
- case HEXA_NS::VertexNode: hElt = data(ielt, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Vertex *>(); break;
+ case HEXA_NS::HexaCell: case HEXA_NS::HexaNode: hElt = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Hexa*>(ielt); break;
+ case HEXA_NS::QuadCell: case HEXA_NS::QuadNode: hElt = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Quad*>(ielt); break;
+ case HEXA_NS::EdgeCell: case HEXA_NS::EdgeNode: hElt = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Edge*>(ielt); break;
+ case HEXA_NS::VertexNode: hElt = getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Vertex*>(ielt); break;
- //std::cout << "hGroup" << hGroup << std::endl;
- //std::cout << "hElt" << hElt << std::endl;
int res = HERR;
if ( hGroup and hElt )
res = hGroup->addElement( hElt );
if ( res == HOK ) addOk = true;
-// QString tmp = "/tmp/addGroupElement.vtk";
- //_hexaDocument->saveVtk( tmp.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
return addOk;
HEXA_NS::Group* hGroup = data(igrp, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Group *>();
if ( hGroup )
- hGroup->removeElement( nro );
- QString tmp = "/tmp/removeGroupElement.vtk";
- //_hexaDocument->saveVtk( tmp.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
+ {
+ if (hGroup->removeElement( nro ) == HOK)
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
bool DocumentModel::clearGroupElement( const QModelIndex& igrp )
HEXA_NS::Group* hGroup = data(igrp, HEXA_DATA_ROLE).value<HEXA_NS::Group *>();
if ( hGroup )
+ {
- QString tmp = "/tmp/clearGroupElement.vtk";
- //_hexaDocument->saveVtk( tmp.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
// ************ LAWS ************
LawItem* lawItem = new LawItem(hLaw);
iLaw = lawItem->index();
- QString tmp = "/tmp/addLaw.vtk";
- //_hexaDocument->saveVtk( tmp.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
return iLaw;
- QString tmp = "/tmp/setLaw.vtk";
- //_hexaDocument->saveVtk( tmp.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
return ret;
if ( r == HOK ){
removeRow( ilaw.row(), ilaw.parent());
ret = true;
- QString tmp = "/tmp/removeLaw.vtk";
- //_hexaDocument->saveVtk( tmp.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
} else if ( r == HERR ){
ret = false;
if ( r == HOK ){
ret = true;
- QString tmp = "/tmp/setPropagation.vtk";
- //_hexaDocument->saveVtk( tmp.toLocal8Bit().constData() );
} else if ( r == HERR ){
ret = false;
return _entry;
-// QModelIndex DocumentModel::indexBy( int role, const QString& value )
-// {
-// QModelIndex eltIndex; // element (vertex, edge, quad) of model
-// QModelIndexList theIndexes = match( index(0, 0),
-// role,
-// value,
-// 1,
-// Qt::MatchRecursive | Qt::MatchContains );//Qt::MatchFixedString );
-// if ( theIndexes.count()>0 )
-// eltIndex = theIndexes[0] ;
-// return eltIndex;
-// }
// 8.3 Boite: éditer une loi CS_TODO
// (idem création)
if ( m != NULL ){
flags = m->flags( mapToSource(index) );
-// if ( flags == Qt::ItemFlags( ~Qt::ItemIsEditable ) ){
-// MESSAGE("* you can select "<< );
-// } else {
-// MESSAGE("* you cannot select "<< );
-// }
-// MESSAGE("}");
return flags;
-// QModelIndex PatternDataModel::addVertex( double x, double y, double z )
-// {
-// QModelIndex vertexIndex;
-// DocumentModel *m = dynamic_cast<DocumentModel *>( sourceModel() );
-// if ( m != NULL ){
-// QModelIndex sourceIndex = m->addVertex( x, y, z );
-// vertexIndex = mapFromSource(sourceIndex);
-// }
-// return vertexIndex;
-// }
-// void PatternDataModel::updateVertex(const QModelIndex& i_v)
-// {
-// std::cout << "PatternDataModel::updateVertex()" << std::endl;
-// VertexItem *item_v = dynamic_cast<VertexItem*>(itemFromIndex(i_v));
-// DocumentModel *m = dynamic_cast<DocumentModel *>( sourceModel() );
-// if (item_v != NULL)
-// {
-// std::cout << "updateVertex() : OK" << std::endl;
-// m->updateView(item_v);
-// }
-// else
-// {
-// std::cout << "updateVertex() : NOT OK" << std::endl;
-// }
-// }
-// QModelIndex PatternDataModel::addQuad( const QModelIndex &i_v0, const QModelIndex &i_v1,
-// const QModelIndex &i_v2, const QModelIndex &i_v3 )
-// {
-// QModelIndex quadIndex;
-// DocumentModel *m = dynamic_cast<DocumentModel *>( sourceModel() );
-// if ( m != NULL ){
-// QModelIndex sourceIndex = m->addQuad( mapToSource(i_v0), mapToSource(i_v1),
-// mapToSource(i_v2), mapToSource(i_v3) );
-// quadIndex = mapFromSource(sourceIndex);
-// }
-// return quadIndex;
-// }
-// QModelIndex PatternDataModel::addHexaFromQuad( const QModelIndex &i_q0, const QModelIndex &i_q1, const QModelIndex &i_q2,
-// const QModelIndex &i_q3, const QModelIndex &i_q4, const QModelIndex &i_q5 )
-// {
-// QModelIndex hexaIndex;
-// DocumentModel *m = dynamic_cast<DocumentModel *>( sourceModel() );
-// if ( m != NULL ){
-// QModelIndex sourceIndex = m->addHexaFromQuad( mapToSource(i_q0), mapToSource(i_q1), mapToSource(i_q2),
-// mapToSource(i_q3), mapToSource(i_q4), mapToSource(i_q5) );
-// hexaIndex = mapFromSource(sourceIndex);
-// }
-// return hexaIndex;
-// }
-// bool PatternDataModel::mergeVertices( const QModelIndex &i_v0, const QModelIndex &i_v1 )
-// {
-// bool ret = false;
-// DocumentModel *m = dynamic_cast<DocumentModel *>( sourceModel() );
-// if ( m != NULL ){
-// ret = m->mergeVertices( mapToSource(i_v0), mapToSource(i_v1) );
-// }
-// return ret;
-// }
-// bool PatternDataModel::mergeEdges( const QModelIndex &i_e0, const QModelIndex &i_e1,
-// const QModelIndex &i_v0, const QModelIndex &i_v1 )
-// {
-// bool ret = false;
-// DocumentModel *m = dynamic_cast<DocumentModel *>( sourceModel() );
-// if ( m != NULL ){
-// ret = m->mergeEdges( mapToSource(i_e0), mapToSource(i_e1),
-// mapToSource(i_v0), mapToSource(i_v1) );
-// }
-// return ret;
-// }
-// QModelIndex PatternDataModel::cutEdge( const QModelIndex &i_e0, int nbcuts )
-// {
-// QModelIndex elementsIndex;
-// DocumentModel *m = dynamic_cast<DocumentModel *>( sourceModel() );
-// if ( m != NULL ){
-// QModelIndex sourceElementsIndex = m->cutEdge( mapToSource(i_e0), nbcuts );
-// std::cout << " sourceElementsIndex.isValid() => " << sourceElementsIndex.isValid() << std::endl;
-// elementsIndex = mapFromSource(sourceElementsIndex);
-// std::cout << " elementsIndex.isValid() => " << elementsIndex.isValid() << std::endl;
-// }
-// return elementsIndex;
-// }
QStandardItem* PatternDataModel::itemFromIndex ( const QModelIndex & index ) const
return item;
-// QModelIndex PatternBuilderModel::addVector( double dx, double dy, double dz )
-// {
-// std::cout << "PatternBuilderModel::addVector" << std::endl;
-// QModelIndex vectorIndex;
-// DocumentModel *m = dynamic_cast<DocumentModel *>( sourceModel() );
-// if ( m != NULL ){
-// std::cout << "PatternBuilderModel::addVector m != NULL " << std::endl;
-// QModelIndex sourceIndex = m->addVector( dx, dy, dz );
-// vectorIndex = mapFromSource(sourceIndex);
-// }
-// return vectorIndex;
-// }
-// QModelIndex PatternBuilderModel::makeCartesian( const QModelIndex& i_pt,
-// const QModelIndex& i_vec_x, const QModelIndex& i_vec_y, const QModelIndex& i_vec_z,
-// long nx, long ny, long nz)
-// {
-// std::cout << " PatternBuilderModel::makeCartesian()"<< std::endl;
-// QModelIndex elementsIndex;
-// DocumentModel *m = dynamic_cast<DocumentModel *>( sourceModel() );
-// if ( m != NULL ){
-// QModelIndex sourceElementsIndex = m->makeCartesian(
-// mapToSource(i_pt),
-// mapToSource(i_vec_x), mapToSource(i_vec_y), mapToSource(i_vec_z),
-// nx, ny, nz );
-// std::cout << " sourceElementsIndex.isValid() => " << sourceElementsIndex.isValid() << std::endl;
-// elementsIndex = mapFromSource(sourceElementsIndex);
-// std::cout << " elementsIndex.isValid() => " << elementsIndex.isValid() << std::endl;
-// }
-// return elementsIndex;
-// }
AssociationsModel::AssociationsModel( QObject * parent ) :
QSortFilterProxyModel( parent )
Qt::ItemFlags AssociationsModel::flags(const QModelIndex &index) const
-// std::cout<<"AssociationsModel::flags()"<<std::endl;
Qt::ItemFlags flags;
DocumentModel *m = dynamic_cast<DocumentModel *>( sourceModel() );
Qt::ItemFlags GroupsModel::flags(const QModelIndex &index) const
-// MESSAGE("GroupsModel::flags() "<< );
Qt::ItemFlags flags;
DocumentModel *m = dynamic_cast<DocumentModel *>( sourceModel() );
if ( m != NULL ){
-// MESSAGE("* ( m != NULL ) "<< );
flags = m->flags( mapToSource(index) );
- } else {
-// MESSAGE("* ( m is NULL ) "<< );
- }
-// if ( flags == Qt::ItemFlags( ~Qt::ItemIsEditable ) ){
-// MESSAGE("* flags == Qt::ItemFlags( ~Qt::ItemIsEditable ) "<< );
-// } else {
-// MESSAGE("* flags is not Qt::ItemFlags( ~Qt::ItemIsEditable ) "<< );
-// }
-// MESSAGE("}");
+ }
return flags;
Qt::ItemFlags MeshModel::flags(const QModelIndex &index) const
-// MESSAGE("MeshModel::flags() "<< );
Qt::ItemFlags flags;
DocumentModel *m = dynamic_cast<DocumentModel *>( sourceModel() );
if ( m != NULL ){
-// MESSAGE("* ( m != NULL ) "<< );
flags = m->flags( mapToSource(index) );
- } else {
-// MESSAGE("* ( m is NULL ) "<< );
- }
-// if ( flags == Qt::ItemFlags( ~Qt::ItemIsEditable ) ){
-// MESSAGE("* you can select "<< );
-// } else {
-// MESSAGE("* you cannot select "<< );
-// }
-// MESSAGE("}");
+ }
return flags;
#include <QStandardItemModel>
#include <QSortFilterProxyModel>
+#include "GEOM_GenericObjPtr.h"
#include "HEXABLOCKGUI_DocumentItem.hxx"
#include "HexDocument.hxx"
QString getName();
void load( const QString& xmlFileName );
void save( const QString& xmlFileName );
+ struct GeomObj* convertToGeomObj(GEOM::GeomObjPtr geomObjPtr);
void updateData();
void clearAll();
void allowLawSelectionOnly();
+ HEXA_NS::EltBase* getHexaPtr(const QModelIndex& iElt);
+ template<typename T>
+ T getHexaPtr(QModelIndex iElt)
+ {
+ if (iElt.isValid())
+ return HEXA_DATA_ROLE ).value< T >();
+ return NULL;
+ }
void setName( const QModelIndex& iElt, const QString& name );
bool clearEltAssociations( const QModelIndex& iElt );
+ HEXA_NS::Hexa* getQuadHexa(HEXA_NS::Quad* quad);
// ************ BUILD HEXABLOCK MODEL ************
QModelIndex addVertex( double x, double y, double z );
QModelIndex prismQuad( const QModelIndex& quad, const QModelIndex& dv, int nb);
QModelIndex prismQuads( const QModelIndexList& quads, const QModelIndex& dv, int nb);
+ QModelIndex prismQuads( const QModelIndexList& quads, const QModelIndex& dv, std::vector<double>, int nb=0);
QModelIndex joinQuad( const QModelIndex& start_q, const QModelIndex& dest_q,
QModelIndex disconnectVertex( const QModelIndex& h, const QModelIndex& v );
QModelIndex disconnectEdge( const QModelIndex& h, const QModelIndex& e );
QModelIndex disconnectQuad( const QModelIndex& h, const QModelIndex& q );
- QModelIndex disconnectEdges( const QModelIndexList& h, const QModelIndexList& e );
+ QModelIndex disconnectEdges( const QModelIndexList& h, const QModelIndexList& e );
QModelIndex cutEdge( const QModelIndex &e, int nbcuts );
#include "SVTK_Selection.h"
#include <SVTK_ViewModel.h>
#include <VTKViewer_ViewModel.h>
+#include <SVTK_View.h>
#include <SUIT_ResourceMgr.h>
#include "GEOMBase.h"
#include "GEOM_Operation.h"
#define VERTEX_COORD_MIN -1000000
#define VERTEX_COORD_MAX 1000000
+#define SPINBOX_ANGLE_MAX 360
+#define SPINBOX_DOUBLE_MAX 1000000000
+#define NB_DECIMALS 6
using namespace std;
QWidget *createEditor(QWidget *parent, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option,
const QModelIndex &index) const{
- return new QDoubleSpinBox( parent );
+ QDoubleSpinBox *sb = new QDoubleSpinBox( parent );
+ sb->setDecimals(NB_DECIMALS);
+ return sb;
QWidget *createEditor(QWidget *parent, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option,
const QModelIndex &index) const{
QDoubleSpinBox *sb = new QDoubleSpinBox( parent );
- sb->setMinimum(0);
- sb->setMaximum(360);
+ sb->setMaximum(SPINBOX_ANGLE_MAX);
+ sb->setDecimals(NB_DECIMALS);
return sb;
QWidget *createEditor(QWidget *parent, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option,
const QModelIndex &index) const{
QDoubleSpinBox *sb = new QDoubleSpinBox( parent );
- sb->setMinimum(0);
/////// sb->setMaximum(1000000000000000); //10e15 Abu : Pb en 32 bits
- sb->setMaximum(1000000000); //10e9
+ sb->setMaximum(SPINBOX_DOUBLE_MAX); //10e9
+ sb->setDecimals(NB_DECIMALS);
return sb;
// ======================================================== Constructeur
HexaBaseDialog::HexaBaseDialog( QWidget * parent, Mode editmode, Qt::WindowFlags f ):
// _model(0),
+ currentOCCSelectionMode(TopAbs_SHAPE),
_selectionMutex( false ),
// _applyCloseButton(0),
- _applyButton(0)
+ _applyButton(0),
+ debugEdgeAssoc(false)
MESSAGE("HexaBaseDialog::HexaBaseDialog() dynamic_cast<SUIT_Desktop*>(parent->parent()) =>" << dynamic_cast<SUIT_Desktop*>(parent->parent()) );
_strHexaWidgetType[VERTEX_TREE] = tr( "VERTEX" );
_strHexaWidgetType[GROUP_TREE] = tr( "GROUP" );
_strHexaWidgetType[LAW_TREE] = tr( "LAW" );
_strHexaWidgetType[PROPAGATION_TREE]= tr( "PROPAGATION" );
+QModelIndexList HexaBaseDialog::getIndexList(QListWidget* itemsList)
+ QModelIndexList iItems;
+ QModelIndex iItem;
+ QListWidgetItem* item = NULL;
+ const PatternDataModel* patternDataModel = dynamic_cast<const PatternDataModel*>( _patternDataSelectionModel->model() );
+ if (patternDataModel == NULL) return iItems;
+ unsigned int nbItems = itemsList->count();
+ for ( int r = 0; r < nbItems; ++r){
+ item = itemsList->item(r);
+ iItem = patternDataModel->mapToSource( item->data(LW_QMODELINDEX_ROLE).value<QModelIndex>() );
+ iItems << iItem;
+ }
+ return iItems;
+// ============================================================= lockSizeToSizeHint
+void HexaBaseDialog::lockSizeToSizeHint()
+ setMaximumHeight(sizeHint().height());
+ setMaximumWidth(sizeHint().width());
+// setMinimumHeight(sizeHint().height());
+// setMinimumWidth(sizeHint().width());
+// ============================================================= unlockSizeModification
+void HexaBaseDialog::unlockSizeModification()
+ setMaximumHeight(MAX_HEIGHT);
+ setMaximumWidth(MAX_WIDTH);
+// setMinimumHeight(MIN_HEIGHT);
+// setMinimumWidth(MIN_WIDTH);
+// ============================================================= resetSizeAndShow
+void HexaBaseDialog::resetSizeAndShow(QDockWidget* parent)
+ //force the dialog to fit its contain
+ lockSizeToSizeHint();
+ //set the dialog in the dockwidget
+ parent->setWidget(this);
+ parent->setWindowTitle(windowTitle());
+ parent->setVisible(true);
+ show();
+ unlockSizeModification();
+// ============================================================= onCurrentSelectionChanged
+void HexaBaseDialog::onCurrentSelectionChanged()
+ highlightSelectedAssocs();
-// ============================================================= Destructeur
+// ============================================================= setFocusToNextField
+//Sets focus to the next field of the current object
+void HexaBaseDialog::setFocusToNextField()
- // _mgr->clearSelectionCache();
- // _mgr->clearSelected();
- // globalSelection();
- // erasePreview();
+ activateWindow ();
+ _highlightWidget(_currentObj, Qt::white);
+ if (!debugEdgeAssoc) focusNextPrevChild(true);
// ============================================================== _initButtonBox
//QDialogButtonBox* buttonBox = new QDialogButtonBox(this);
QGroupBox* buttonBox = new QGroupBox();
- buttonBox->setMinimumWidth(5);
+ buttonBox->setMinimumWidth(BUTTON_BOX_MIN_WIDTH);
QHBoxLayout* buttonsHLayout = new QHBoxLayout();
//buttonsHLayout->addButton( _applyCloseButton );
+ buttonBox->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
return buttonBox;
SalomeApp_Application* anApp = dynamic_cast<SalomeApp_Application*>( SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication() );
_mgr = dynamic_cast<LightApp_SelectionMgr*>( anApp->selectionMgr() );
- _vtkVm = anApp->getViewManager( SVTK_Viewer::Type(), true );
_occVm = anApp->getViewManager( OCCViewer_Viewer::Type(), true );
+ _vtkVm = anApp->getViewManager( SVTK_Viewer::Type(), true );
SUIT_ViewManager* activeVm = anApp->activeViewManager();
onWindowActivated ( activeVm );
// select and highlight in vtk view the result
_selectAndHighlight( iNew );
// reinitialization
- _currentObj = NULL;
+// _currentObj = NULL;
return applied;
// }
+void HexaBaseDialog::clearVTKSelection()
+ if (HEXABLOCKGUI::currentVtkView == NULL) return;
+ HEXABLOCKGUI::currentVtkView->unHighlightAll();
+ _disallowSelection();
+void HexaBaseDialog::clearOCCSelection()
+ if (HEXABLOCKGUI::selectionMgr() == NULL || HEXABLOCKGUI::currentOccView == NULL) return;
+ HEXABLOCKGUI::selectionMgr()->clearSelected();
+ globalSelection();
+ localSelection(GEOM::GEOM_Object::_nil(), TopAbs_SHAPE);
// ============================================================== close
void HexaBaseDialog::close()
- _currentObj = NULL;
- _disallowSelection();
- //resize(300, 350);
- QDialog::close();
+// _currentObj = NULL;
+ //Clear VTK selection
+ clearVTKSelection();
+ //Clear OCC selection
+ clearOCCSelection();
+ //Close the dialog box
+ if (parentWidget()) parentWidget()->close();
// ============================================================== onHelpRequested
arg( app->resourceMgr()->stringValue( "ExternalBrowser", platform ) ).arg( _helpFileName ),
QObject::tr( "BUT_OK" ) );
+// ============================================================== highlightSelectedAssocs
+void HexaBaseDialog::highlightSelectedAssocs()
+ if (!_patternDataSelectionModel || !HEXABLOCKGUI::selectionMgr()) return;
+ HEXABLOCKGUI::selectionMgr()->clearSelected();
+ //highlight vtk selected elts
+ QModelIndexList vtkAssocs = getAssocsVTK();
+ if (!vtkAssocs.isEmpty()) _patternDataSelectionModel->highlightVTKElts(vtkAssocs);
+ //highlight geom selected elts
+ QMultiMap<QString, int> geomAssocs = getAssocsGEOM();
+ if (geomAssocs.size() > 0) _patternDataSelectionModel->_highlightGEOM(geomAssocs);
+// ============================================================== getObjectViewType
+HexaBaseDialog::ViewType HexaBaseDialog::getObjectViewType(QObject* obj)
+ if (obj == NULL) return NONE;
+ QVariant v = obj->property("HexaWidgetType");
+ if ( v.isValid() ) return VTK;
+ v = obj->property("GeomWidgetType");
+ if ( v.isValid() ) return OCC;
+ return NONE;
// ============================================================== _selectAndHighlight
// ============================================================== _allowSelection
void HexaBaseDialog::_allowSelection()
+void HexaBaseDialog::setOCCSelectionMode(TopAbs_ShapeEnum mode)
+ if (HEXABLOCKGUI::selectionMgr() != NULL)
+ {
+ HEXABLOCKGUI::selectionMgr()->clearSelected();
+ globalSelection();
+ localSelection(GEOM::GEOM_Object::_nil(), mode);
+ currentOCCSelectionMode = mode;
+ }
// ============================================================== _allowVTKSelection
bool HexaBaseDialog::_allowVTKSelection( QObject* obj )
- MESSAGE("HexaBaseDialog::_allowModelSelection(){");
+ MESSAGE("HexaBaseDialog::_allowVTKSelection(){");
if ( !_patternDataSelectionModel ) return false;
bool isOk = false;
- HexaWidgetType wType;
+// MESSAGE("* HEXABLOCKGUI::currentVtkView->raise()");
+// HEXABLOCKGUI::currentVtkView->raise();
+// HEXABLOCKGUI::currentVtkView->setFocus();
QVariant v = obj->property("HexaWidgetType");
- if ( !v.isValid() ) {
- MESSAGE("* no HexaWidgetType property");
- return false;
- }
- MESSAGE("* HEXABLOCKGUI::currentVtkView->raise()");
- HEXABLOCKGUI::currentVtkView->raise();
- // HEXABLOCKGUI::currentVtkView->setFocus();
- wType = v.value<HexaWidgetType>();
+ HexaWidgetType wType = v.value<HexaWidgetType>();
MESSAGE("* HexaWidgetType property is " << wType );
switch (wType){
return isOk;
+void HexaBaseDialog::refreshConnects()
+ hide();
+ show();
// ============================================================== _allowOCCSelection
bool HexaBaseDialog::_allowOCCSelection( QObject* obj )
- if ( !HEXABLOCKGUI::currentOccView ) return false;
- //We do not allow occ selection when the occ viewer is not activated
- SUIT_ViewWindow* window = SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication()->desktop()->activeWindow();
- bool isOCC = (window && window->getViewManager()->getType() == OCCViewer_Viewer::Type());
- if (!isOCC) return false;
+ if ( HEXABLOCKGUI::currentOccView == NULL) return false;
- GeomWidgetType wType;
- QVariant v = obj->property("GeomWidgetType");
- if ( !v.isValid() ) {
- MESSAGE("* no GeomWidgetType property");
- return false;
- }
- MESSAGE("* HEXABLOCKGUI::currentOccView->raise()");
- HEXABLOCKGUI::currentOccView->raise();
- wType = v.value<GeomWidgetType>();
- MESSAGE("* GeomWidgetType property is " << wType );
- MESSAGE("* TopAbs_VERTEX is " << TopAbs_VERTEX );
- MESSAGE("* TopAbs_EDGE is " << TopAbs_EDGE );
- MESSAGE("* TopAbs_FACE is " << TopAbs_FACE );
- globalSelection(); // close local contexts, if any
- localSelection(GEOM::GEOM_Object::_nil(), wType/*TopAbs_EDGE*/);
+ QVariant v = obj->property("GeomWidgetType");
+ GeomWidgetType wType = v.value<GeomWidgetType>();
+ setOCCSelectionMode(wType);
return true;
// ============================================================== _getSelector
QItemSelectionModel* HexaBaseDialog::_getSelector( QObject* obj )
QItemSelectionModel* selector = NULL;
- MESSAGE("HexaBaseDialog::getSelector(){");
+ MESSAGE("HexaBaseDialog::_getSelector(){");
QString objectName = obj->objectName();
QString className = obj->metaObject()->className();
- case HEXA_TREE:
- selector = _patternDataSelectionModel; break;
+ case HEXA_TREE: selector = _patternDataSelectionModel; break;
- selector = _patternBuilderSelectionModel; break;
- case GROUP_TREE:
- selector = _groupsSelectionModel; break;
+ case CROSSELEMENTS_TREE: selector = _patternBuilderSelectionModel; break;
+ case GROUP_TREE: selector = _groupsSelectionModel; break;
case LAW_TREE:
- selector = _meshSelectionModel; break;
+ case PROPAGATION_TREE: selector = _meshSelectionModel; break;
default : MESSAGE("NOT YET");
// ============================================================== _onSelectionChanged
+ * Puts elements selected in the model (treeview) in the corresponding
+ * line edit widget (the one that has the focus) of the current dialog box.
+ */
bool HexaBaseDialog::_onSelectionChanged( const QItemSelection& sel, QLineEdit* le )
MESSAGE("HexaBaseDialog::_onSelectionChanged(const QItemSelection& sel, QLineEdit* le)");
MESSAGE("* bad selection : " << selType << " is not " << wType );
SUIT_MessageBox::information( 0,
- tr("%1: Bad type selected\nPlease select a %2.").arg(windowTitle()).arg( _strHexaWidgetType[wType]) );
+ tr("%1: Bad type selected\nPlease select a %2.").arg(windowTitle()).arg(_strHexaWidgetType[wType]));
return false;
//fill the lineEdit if selection is OK
- le->setText( );// name
+ le->setText( );// namee
le->setProperty("QModelIndex", QVariant::fromValue(selected) );
_index[le] = selected;
+ QLineEdit* lineEdit = dynamic_cast<QLineEdit*>(_currentObj);
+ if (selected.isValid() && lineEdit != NULL)
+ setFocusToNextField();
return true;
// ============================================================== _onSelectionChanged
+ * Puts elements selected in the model (treeview) in the corresponding list widget
+ * of the current dialog box.
+ */
bool HexaBaseDialog::_onSelectionChanged( const QItemSelection& sel, QListWidget* lw )
MESSAGE("HexaBaseDialog::_onSelectionChanged( const QItemSelection& sel, QListWidget* lw )");
if ( twice.count() == 0 ){
item = new QListWidgetItem( selName );
item->setData( LW_QMODELINDEX_ROLE, QVariant::fromValue<QModelIndex>(isel) );
+ item->setData(LW_DATA_ROLE,;
return true;
-// ============================================================== onCurrentSelectionChanged
-void HexaBaseDialog::onCurrentSelectionChanged()
-// ============================================================== setDocumentModel
-void HexaBaseDialog::setDocumentModel(DocumentModel* m)
- _documentModel = m;
-// ============================================================== clear
-void HexaBaseDialog::clear()
-// ============================================================== setPatternDataSelectionModel
-void HexaBaseDialog::setPatternDataSelectionModel(PatternDataSelectionModel* s)
- _patternDataSelectionModel = s;
-// ============================================================== setPatternBuilderSelectionModel
-void HexaBaseDialog::setPatternBuilderSelectionModel(PatternBuilderSelectionModel* s)
- _patternBuilderSelectionModel = s;
-// ============================================================== setGroupsSelectionModel
-void HexaBaseDialog::setGroupsSelectionModel( GroupsSelectionModel* s )
- _groupsSelectionModel = s;
-// ============================================================== setMeshSelectionModel
-void HexaBaseDialog::setMeshSelectionModel( MeshSelectionModel* s )
- _meshSelectionModel = s;
// ============================================================== onSelectionChanged
+ * Puts elements selected in the model in the corresponding widget (list widget or line edit)
+ * of the current dialog box.
+ */
void HexaBaseDialog::onSelectionChanged( const QItemSelection& sel, const QItemSelection& unsel )
MESSAGE( "HexaBaseDialog::onSelectionChanged(){" );
MESSAGE( "* _groupsSelectionModel : " << _groupsSelectionModel );
MESSAGE( "* _meshSelectionModel : " << _meshSelectionModel );
+// highlightSelectedAssocs();
QItemSelectionModel* selector = dynamic_cast<QItemSelectionModel*>(sender());
MESSAGE( "* selector : " << selector);
MESSAGE("* unselected : " <<;
- if ( _selectionMutex )
- return;
+ //type of the selected item
+ QModelIndexList itemsIndexes = sel.indexes();
+ if ( itemsIndexes.count() == 0 ) return;
+ //type from selection (first)
+ QModelIndex selected = itemsIndexes[0];
+ int selType =;
+ switch(selType){
+ if (currentOCCSelectionMode != TopAbs_VERTEX)
+ {
+// if (HEXABLOCKGUI::currentOccView != NULL) HEXABLOCKGUI::currentOccView->setFocus();
+ setOCCSelectionMode(TopAbs_VERTEX);
+ }
+ _patternDataSelectionModel->highlightEltsWithAssocs(itemsIndexes);
+ break;
+ case EDGE_TREE:
+ if (currentOCCSelectionMode != TopAbs_EDGE)
+ {
+// if (HEXABLOCKGUI::currentOccView != NULL) HEXABLOCKGUI::currentOccView->setFocus();
+ setOCCSelectionMode(TopAbs_EDGE);
+ }
+ _patternDataSelectionModel->highlightEltsWithAssocs(itemsIndexes);
+ break;
+ case QUAD_TREE:
+ if (currentOCCSelectionMode != TopAbs_FACE)
+ {
+// if (HEXABLOCKGUI::currentOccView != NULL) HEXABLOCKGUI::currentOccView->setFocus();
+ setOCCSelectionMode(TopAbs_FACE);
+ }
+ _patternDataSelectionModel->highlightEltsWithAssocs(itemsIndexes);
+ break;
+ case HEXA_TREE:
+ _patternDataSelectionModel->highlightEltsWithAssocs(itemsIndexes);
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( _selectionMutex ) return;
bool selOk = false;
- QLineEdit* aLineEdit = 0;
- QListWidget* aListWidget = 0;
+ QLineEdit* aLineEdit = NULL;
+ QListWidget* aListWidget = NULL;
aLineEdit = dynamic_cast<QLineEdit*>(_currentObj);
if ( aLineEdit){ //fill the lineedit with selection
selOk = _onSelectionChanged( sel, aLineEdit );
-// ============================================================== onWindowActivated
-void HexaBaseDialog::onWindowActivated( SUIT_ViewManager* vm )
-// ============================================================== hideEvent
-void HexaBaseDialog::hideEvent ( QHideEvent * event )
- MESSAGE("HexaBaseDialog::hideEvent(){");
- QString className = metaObject()->className();
- MESSAGE( "* I am : " << className.toStdString() );
- if ( _patternDataSelectionModel )
- disconnect( _patternDataSelectionModel, SIGNAL( selectionChanged ( const QItemSelection &, const QItemSelection &) ),
- this, SLOT( onSelectionChanged(const QItemSelection &, const QItemSelection &) ) );
- if ( _patternBuilderSelectionModel )
- disconnect( _patternBuilderSelectionModel, SIGNAL( selectionChanged( const QItemSelection &, const QItemSelection &) ),
- this, SLOT( onSelectionChanged(const QItemSelection &, const QItemSelection &) ) );
- if ( _groupsSelectionModel )
- disconnect( _groupsSelectionModel, SIGNAL( selectionChanged( const QItemSelection &, const QItemSelection &) ),
- this, SLOT( onSelectionChanged(const QItemSelection &, const QItemSelection &) ) );
- if ( _meshSelectionModel )
- disconnect( _meshSelectionModel, SIGNAL( selectionChanged( const QItemSelection &, const QItemSelection &) ),
- this, SLOT( onSelectionChanged(const QItemSelection &, const QItemSelection &) ) );
- // if ( _mgr )
- // disconnect( _mgr, 0/*SIGNAL(currentSelectionChanged())*/, this, 0/*SLOT(onCurrentSelectionChanged())*/ );
- disconnect( HEXABLOCKGUI::selectionMgr(), SIGNAL(currentSelectionChanged()), this, SLOT(onCurrentSelectionChanged()) );
- if ( _vtkVm )
- disconnect( _vtkVm, SIGNAL( activated(SUIT_ViewManager*) ), this, SLOT( onWindowActivated(SUIT_ViewManager*) ) );
- if ( _occVm )
- disconnect( _occVm, SIGNAL( activated(SUIT_ViewManager*) ), this, SLOT( onWindowActivated(SUIT_ViewManager*) ) );
- _documentModel->allowEdition();
- QDialog::hideEvent( event );
- MESSAGE("}");
// ============================================================== showEvent
void HexaBaseDialog::showEvent( QShowEvent * event )
QString className = metaObject()->className();
MESSAGE( "* I am : " << className.toStdString() );
if ( _editMode == INFO_MODE ){
} else {
connect( _meshSelectionModel, SIGNAL( selectionChanged( const QItemSelection &, const QItemSelection &) ),
this, SLOT( onSelectionChanged(const QItemSelection &, const QItemSelection &) ) );
- if ( _mgr )
- connect( _mgr, SIGNAL(currentSelectionChanged()), this, SLOT(onCurrentSelectionChanged()) );
- if ( _vtkVm )
- connect( _vtkVm, SIGNAL( activated(SUIT_ViewManager*) ), this, SLOT( onWindowActivated(SUIT_ViewManager*) ) );
- if ( _occVm )
- connect( _occVm, SIGNAL( activated(SUIT_ViewManager*) ), this, SLOT( onWindowActivated(SUIT_ViewManager*) ) );
+ connect( HEXABLOCKGUI::selectionMgr(), SIGNAL(currentSelectionChanged()), this, SLOT(onCurrentSelectionChanged()) );
+ connect( _vtkVm, SIGNAL( activated(SUIT_ViewManager*) ), this, SLOT( onWindowActivated(SUIT_ViewManager*) ) );
+ connect( _occVm, SIGNAL( activated(SUIT_ViewManager*) ), this, SLOT( onWindowActivated(SUIT_ViewManager*) ) );
QDialog::showEvent ( event );
+// ============================================================== hideEvent
+void HexaBaseDialog::hideEvent ( QHideEvent * event )
+ MESSAGE("HexaBaseDialog::hideEvent(){");
+ QString className = metaObject()->className();
+ MESSAGE( "* I am : " << className.toStdString() );
+ if ( _patternDataSelectionModel!=NULL )
+ disconnect( _patternDataSelectionModel, SIGNAL( selectionChanged ( const QItemSelection &, const QItemSelection &) ),
+ this, SLOT( onSelectionChanged(const QItemSelection &, const QItemSelection &) ) );
+ if ( _patternBuilderSelectionModel!=NULL )
+ disconnect( _patternBuilderSelectionModel, SIGNAL( selectionChanged( const QItemSelection &, const QItemSelection &) ),
+ this, SLOT( onSelectionChanged(const QItemSelection &, const QItemSelection &) ) );
+ if ( _groupsSelectionModel!=NULL )
+ disconnect( _groupsSelectionModel, SIGNAL( selectionChanged( const QItemSelection &, const QItemSelection &) ),
+ this, SLOT( onSelectionChanged(const QItemSelection &, const QItemSelection &) ) );
+ if ( _meshSelectionModel!=NULL)
+ disconnect( _meshSelectionModel, SIGNAL( selectionChanged( const QItemSelection &, const QItemSelection &) ),
+ this, SLOT( onSelectionChanged(const QItemSelection &, const QItemSelection &) ) );
+ disconnect( HEXABLOCKGUI::selectionMgr() , SIGNAL(currentSelectionChanged()), this, SLOT(onCurrentSelectionChanged()) );
+ disconnect( _vtkVm, SIGNAL( activated(SUIT_ViewManager*) ), this, SLOT( onWindowActivated(SUIT_ViewManager*) ) );
+ disconnect( _occVm, SIGNAL( activated(SUIT_ViewManager*) ), this, SLOT( onWindowActivated(SUIT_ViewManager*) ) );
+ _documentModel->allowEdition();
+ QDialog::hideEvent( event );
+ MESSAGE("}");
// ============================================================== updateButtonBox
void HexaBaseDialog::updateButtonBox()
+// ============================================================== updateButtonBox
void HexaBaseDialog::updateName()
if (!_documentModel) return;
// ============================================================== selectElementOfModel
+/*Selects in the model (treeview) elements selected in a listwidget,
+ * or an element in a line edit.*/
void HexaBaseDialog::selectElementOfModel()
QModelIndex index;
foreach ( QListWidgetItem *item, sel ){
- MESSAGE( "* selecting the element : " << );
- index = item->data(LW_QMODELINDEX_ROLE).value<QModelIndex>();
+// index = item->data(LW_QMODELINDEX_ROLE).value<QModelIndex>(); //unsafe
+ index = _patternDataSelectionModel->indexBy(HEXA_DATA_ROLE, item->data(LW_DATA_ROLE));
if ( index.isValid() )
+ {
+ MESSAGE( "* selecting the element : " << );
_patternDataSelectionModel->select( index, QItemSelectionModel::Select );
+ }
_selectionMutex = false;
+// ============================================================== _isLineOrListWidget
+ * Return true is the widget is a line or a list
+ * false otherwise.
+ */
+bool HexaBaseDialog::_isLineOrListWidget(QObject *widget)
+ if (widget == NULL) return false;
+ QLineEdit *lineEdit = dynamic_cast<QLineEdit*>(widget);
+ QListWidget *listWidget = dynamic_cast<QListWidget*>(widget);
+ return (lineEdit != NULL) || (listWidget != NULL);
+// ============================================================== _highlightWidget
+ * Highlight the given widget with the given color.
+ */
+void HexaBaseDialog::_highlightWidget(QObject *obj, Qt::GlobalColor clr)
+ if (!_isLineOrListWidget(obj)) return;
+ QWidget *widget = dynamic_cast<QWidget*>(obj); //sure it's not NULL (_isLineOrListWidget(obj))
+ QPalette palette1 = widget->palette();
+ palette1.setColor(widget->backgroundRole(), clr);
+ widget->setPalette(palette1);
+// ============================================================== _updateCurrentObject
+void HexaBaseDialog::_updateCurrentObject(QObject* obj)
+ _highlightWidget(_currentObj, Qt::white);
+ _currentObj = obj;
+ _highlightWidget(obj, Qt::yellow);
// ============================================================== eventFilter
+ * Handles events from the treeview and the dialog boxes.
+ */
bool HexaBaseDialog::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event)
+// highlightSelectedAssocs();
QLineEdit *lineEdit = dynamic_cast<QLineEdit*>(obj);
QListWidget *listWidget = dynamic_cast<QListWidget*>(obj);
HexaBaseDialog *dialog = dynamic_cast<HexaBaseDialog*>(obj);
- if ( event->type() == QEvent::FocusIn ){
- QString className = obj->metaObject()->className();
- QString objectName = obj->objectName();
- MESSAGE("QEvent::FocusIn : I am "<< objectName.toStdString() );
- MESSAGE("QEvent::FocusIn : I am "<< className.toStdString() );
- // Highlight the input widget
- if ( lineEdit || listWidget ){
- QWidget* w = dynamic_cast<QWidget*>(obj);
- QPalette palette1 = w->palette();
- palette1.setColor(w->backgroundRole(), Qt::yellow);
- w->setPalette(palette1);
+ if ( event->type() == QEvent::KeyPress )
+ {
+ if ( ((QKeyEvent*)event)->key() == Qt::Key_Return)
+ {
+ setFocusToNextField();
+ return true;
QString objectName = obj->objectName();
MESSAGE("QEvent::FocusOut : I am "<< objectName.toStdString() );
MESSAGE("QEvent::FocusOut : I am "<< className.toStdString() );
- // UnHighlight the input widget
- if ( lineEdit || listWidget ){
- QWidget* w = dynamic_cast<QWidget*>(obj);
- QPalette palette1 = w->palette();
- palette1.setColor(w->backgroundRole(), Qt::white);
- w->setPalette(palette1);
- }
- if ( event->type() != QEvent::FocusIn ){ //QEvent::KeyPress) {
- return false;
- // return QObject::eventFilter(obj, event);
+ if ( event->type() == QEvent::FocusIn ){
+ QString className = obj->metaObject()->className();
+ QString objectName = obj->objectName();
+ MESSAGE("QEvent::FocusIn : I am "<< objectName.toStdString() );
+ MESSAGE("QEvent::FocusIn : I am "<< className.toStdString() );
+ else return false;
MESSAGE("* QEvent::FocusIn");
QVariant v;
QModelIndex index;
QItemSelectionModel *selector = 0;
- _allowVTKSelection( obj );
+ //vtk selection
+ if (getObjectViewType(obj) == VTK)
+ _allowVTKSelection( obj );
//geom selection
- _allowOCCSelection( obj );
+ if (getObjectViewType(obj) == OCC)
+ _allowOCCSelection( obj );
+ //If the widget is a geom line edit highlight its content in the occ view
+ if (lineEdit != NULL && _patternDataSelectionModel != NULL &&
+ getObjectViewType(obj) == OCC && !lineEdit->text().isEmpty())
+ {
+ //highlight element in the OCC View
+ QMultiMap<QString, int> geomElts;
+ DocumentModel::GeomObj geomObj;
+ QVariant v = lineEdit->property("GeomObj");
+ if ( v.isValid() )
+ {
+ geomObj = v.value<DocumentModel::GeomObj>();
+ geomElts.insert( geomObj.entry, geomObj.subid.toInt() );
+ }
+ _patternDataSelectionModel->_highlightGEOM(geomElts);
+ }
//Depending of focused widget type, get the right selector for it
selector = _getSelector( obj );
- if ( !selector ) return false;
+ if ( selector == NULL )
+ {
+ _updateCurrentObject(obj);
+ return false;
+ }
- // Highlight the input widget
- if ( _currentObj != obj && (lineEdit || listWidget) ){
+ if ( _currentObj != obj && (lineEdit || listWidget) )
- }
- _currentObj = obj;
+ _updateCurrentObject(obj);
//If there is a current selection fill the widget with it
if ( selector->hasSelection() ){
- QItemSelection currentSelection = selector->selection();
- bool selOk = false;
- if ( lineEdit ){ //element can be from lineEdit
- selOk = _onSelectionChanged( currentSelection, lineEdit );
- } else if ( listWidget ){
- selOk = _onSelectionChanged( currentSelection, listWidget );
- }
- if ( !selOk && ( lineEdit || listWidget ) ){
- selector->clearSelection();
- }
+// QItemSelection currentSelection = selector->selection();
+// bool selOk = false;
+// if ( lineEdit ){ //element can be from lineEdit
+// selOk = _onSelectionChanged( currentSelection, lineEdit );
+// } else if ( listWidget ){
+// selOk = _onSelectionChanged( currentSelection, listWidget );
+// }
+// if ( !selOk && ( lineEdit || listWidget ) ){
+// selector->clearSelection();
+// }
} else { //If the widget contains an hexa element, select it in model/view
if ( lineEdit ){ //element can be from lineEdit
_selectionMutex = false;
if ( dialog ){ //element can be from a dialog box
MESSAGE("* on Dialog");
v = dialog->property("QModelIndex");
- MESSAGE("}");
+ MESSAGE("eventFilter}");
return false;
name_le->setProperty( "HexaWidgetType", QVariant::fromValue(VERTEX_TREE) );
- connect( name_le, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(updateName()));
+ //connect( name_le, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(updateName()));
// ============================================================== clear
// ============================================================== apply
bool VertexDialog::apply(QModelIndex& result)
+ if (_currentObj != NULL) _highlightWidget(_currentObj, Qt::white);
+ _currentObj = NULL;
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
if ( !_documentModel ) return false;
if ( !_patternDataSelectionModel ) return false;
const PatternDataModel* patternDataModel = dynamic_cast<const PatternDataModel*>( _patternDataSelectionModel->model() );
if ( !patternDataModel ) return false;
- _currentObj = NULL;
bool isOk = false;
setupUi( this );
- rb0->setFocusProxy( v0_le_rb0 );
- rb1->setFocusProxy( vex_le_rb1 );
- rb0->click();
+// rb0->setFocusProxy( v0_le_rb0 );
+// rb1->setFocusProxy( vex_le_rb1 );
if ( editmode == INFO_MODE ){
setWindowTitle( tr("Edge Information") );
+ rb0->click();
// ============================================================== Destructeur
- connect( name_le, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(updateName()) );
+ v0_le_rb0->setReadOnly(true);
+ v1_le_rb0->setReadOnly(true);
+ vex_le_rb1->setReadOnly(true);
+ vec_le_rb1->setReadOnly(true);
+ //connect( name_le, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(updateName()) );
HEXA_NS::Vertex* v0 = e->getVertex(0);
HEXA_NS::Vertex* v1 = e->getVertex(1);
+// HEXA_NS::EltBase* e0 = e;
+// HEXA_NS::EltBase* v0 = e->getVertex(0);
+// HEXA_NS::EltBase* v1 = e->getVertex(1);
name_le->setText( e->getName() );
v0_le_rb0->setText( v0->getName() );
// ============================================================== apply
bool EdgeDialog::apply(QModelIndex& result)
+ if (_currentObj != NULL) _highlightWidget(_currentObj, Qt::white);
+ _currentObj = NULL;
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
//if ( !_documentModel ) return;
if ( !_patternDataSelectionModel ) return false;
const PatternBuilderModel* patternBuilderModel = dynamic_cast<const PatternBuilderModel*>( _patternBuilderSelectionModel->model() );
if ( !patternDataModel ) return false;
if ( !patternBuilderModel ) return false;
- _currentObj = NULL;
QModelIndex iEdge;
_helpFileName = "gui_quadrangle.html";
setupUi( this );
- rb0->setFocusProxy( v0_le_rb0 );
- rb1->setFocusProxy( e0_le_rb1 );
+// rb0->setFocusProxy( v0_le_rb0 );
+// rb1->setFocusProxy( e0_le_rb1 );
if ( editmode == INFO_MODE ){
- connect( name_le, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(updateName()) );
+ v0_le_rb0->setReadOnly(true);
+ v1_le_rb0->setReadOnly(true);
+ v2_le_rb0->setReadOnly(true);
+ v3_le_rb0->setReadOnly(true);
+ e0_le_rb1->setReadOnly(true);
+ e1_le_rb1->setReadOnly(true);
+ e2_le_rb1->setReadOnly(true);
+ e3_le_rb1->setReadOnly(true);
+ //connect( name_le, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(updateName()) );
// ============================================================== apply
bool QuadDialog::apply(QModelIndex& result)
+ if (_currentObj != NULL) _highlightWidget(_currentObj, Qt::white);
+ _currentObj = NULL;
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
//if ( !_documentModel ) return;
if ( !_patternDataSelectionModel ) return false;
const PatternDataModel* patternDataModel = dynamic_cast<const PatternDataModel*>( _patternDataSelectionModel->model() );
if ( !patternDataModel ) return false;
- _currentObj = NULL;
QModelIndex iQuad;
_helpFileName = "gui_hexahedron.html";
setupUi( this );
- quads_rb->setFocusProxy( quads_lw );
- vertices_rb->setFocusProxy( vertices_lw );
+// quads_rb->setFocusProxy( quads_lw );
+// vertices_rb->setFocusProxy( vertices_lw );
// quads_rb->setFocus();
connect(delVertexShortcut, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(deleteVertexItem()));
// edit name
- connect( name_le, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(updateName()) );
+ //connect( name_le, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(updateName()) );
// highlight item on model view (VTK) from listwidget
connect( quads_lw, SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()), this, SLOT(selectElementOfModel()) );
connect( vertices_lw, SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()), this, SLOT(selectElementOfModel()) );
+// ============================================================== getAssocsVTK
+ * Returns elements currently associated to vtk
+ */
+QModelIndexList HexaDialog::getAssocsVTK()
+ QModelIndexList assocs;
+ QModelIndex iQuad, iVertex;
+ QListWidgetItem* item = NULL;
+ if (quads_rb->isChecked())
+ {
+ //ListWidget content
+ const PatternDataModel* patternDataModel = dynamic_cast<const PatternDataModel*>( _patternDataSelectionModel->model() );
+ if ( !patternDataModel ) return assocs;
+ for ( int r = 0; r < quads_lw->count(); ++r ){
+ item = quads_lw->item(r);
+ iQuad = patternDataModel->mapToSource( item->data(LW_QMODELINDEX_ROLE).value<QModelIndex>() );
+ if ( iQuad.isValid() )
+ assocs << iQuad;
+ }
+ return assocs;
+ }
+ else if (vertices_rb->isChecked())
+ {
+ //ListWidget content
+ const PatternDataModel* patternDataModel = dynamic_cast<const PatternDataModel*>( _patternDataSelectionModel->model() );
+ if ( !patternDataModel ) return assocs;
+ for ( int r = 0; r < vertices_lw->count(); ++r ){
+ item = vertices_lw->item(r);
+ iVertex = patternDataModel->mapToSource( item->data(LW_QMODELINDEX_ROLE).value<QModelIndex>() );
+ if ( iVertex.isValid() )
+ assocs << iVertex;
+ }
+ return assocs;
+ }
+ else return assocs;
// ============================================================== updateButtonBox
void HexaDialog::updateButtonBox()
// ============================================================== apply
bool HexaDialog::apply(QModelIndex& result)
+ if (_currentObj != NULL) _highlightWidget(_currentObj, Qt::white);
+ _currentObj = NULL;
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
if ( !_documentModel ) return false;
if ( !_patternDataSelectionModel ) return false;
const PatternDataModel* patternDataModel = dynamic_cast<const PatternDataModel*>( _patternDataSelectionModel->model() );
if ( !patternDataModel ) return false;
- _currentObj = NULL;
QModelIndex iHexa;
setupUi( this );
- rb0->setFocusProxy( dx_spb_rb0 );
- rb1->setFocusProxy( v0_le_rb1 );
+// rb0->setFocusProxy( dx_spb_rb0 );
+// rb1->setFocusProxy( v0_le_rb1 );
// setFocusProxy( rb0 );
- connect( name_le, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(updateName()) );
+ v0_le_rb1->setReadOnly(true);
+ v1_le_rb1->setReadOnly(true);
+ //connect( name_le, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(updateName()) );
// ============================================================== clear
// ============================================================== apply
bool VectorDialog::apply(QModelIndex& result)
+ if (_currentObj != NULL) _highlightWidget(_currentObj, Qt::white);
+ _currentObj = NULL;
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
if ( !_documentModel ) return false;
if ( !_patternDataSelectionModel ) return false;
const PatternBuilderModel* patternBuilderModel = dynamic_cast<const PatternBuilderModel*>( _patternBuilderSelectionModel->model() );
if ( !patternDataModel ) return false;
if ( !patternBuilderModel ) return false;
- _currentObj = NULL;
QModelIndex iVector;
- connect( name_le, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(updateName()));
+ vex_le->setReadOnly(true);
+ vec_le->setReadOnly(true);
+ //connect( name_le, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(updateName()));
// ============================================================== clear
// ============================================================== apply
bool CylinderDialog::apply(QModelIndex& result)
+ if (_currentObj != NULL) _highlightWidget(_currentObj, Qt::white);
+ _currentObj = NULL;
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
if ( !_documentModel ) return false;
if ( !_patternDataSelectionModel ) return false;
const PatternBuilderModel* patternBuilderModel = dynamic_cast<const PatternBuilderModel*>( _patternBuilderSelectionModel->model() );
if ( !patternDataModel ) return false;
if ( !patternBuilderModel ) return false;
- _currentObj = NULL;
QModelIndex iCyl;
QModelIndex ivex = patternDataModel->mapToSource( _index[vex_le] );
- connect( name_le, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(updateName()));
+ vex_le->setReadOnly(true);
+ vec_le->setReadOnly(true);
+ //connect( name_le, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(updateName()));
// ============================================================== apply
bool PipeDialog::apply(QModelIndex& result)
+ if (_currentObj != NULL) _highlightWidget(_currentObj, Qt::white);
+ _currentObj = NULL;
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
//if ( !_documentModel ) return;
if ( !_patternDataSelectionModel ) return false;
const PatternBuilderModel* patternBuilderModel = dynamic_cast<const PatternBuilderModel*>( _patternBuilderSelectionModel->model() );
if ( !patternDataModel ) return false;
if ( !patternBuilderModel ) return false;
- _currentObj = NULL;
QModelIndex iPipe;
QModelIndex ivex = patternDataModel->mapToSource( _index[vex_le] );
rb0->click();// Default : cartesian grid
- rb0->setFocusProxy( vex_le_rb0 );
- rb1->setFocusProxy( center_le_rb1 );
- rb2->setFocusProxy( vex_le_rb2 );
+// rb0->setFocusProxy( vex_le_rb0 );
+// rb1->setFocusProxy( center_le_rb1 );
+// rb2->setFocusProxy( vex_le_rb2 );
// setFocusProxy( rb0 );
_helpFileName = "creategrids.html#guicartgrid";
vex_le_rb2->setValidator( validator );
if ( editmode != INFO_MODE ){
radius_lw->setItemDelegate(new HexaPositiveDoubleSpinBoxDelegate(radius_lw));
connect( del_height_pb, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(delHeightItem()) );
+ vex_le_rb0->setReadOnly(true);
+ vec_le_rb0->setReadOnly(true);
+ vex_le_rb2->setReadOnly(true);
+ center_le_rb1->setReadOnly(true);
+ base_le_rb1->setReadOnly(true);
+ height_le_rb1->setReadOnly(true);
// ============================================================== clear
void MakeGridDialog::clear()
// ============================================================== apply
bool MakeGridDialog::apply(QModelIndex& result)
+ if (_currentObj != NULL) _highlightWidget(_currentObj, Qt::white);
+ _currentObj = NULL;
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
//if ( !_documentModel ) return;
if ( !_patternDataSelectionModel ) return false;
const PatternBuilderModel* patternBuilderModel = dynamic_cast<const PatternBuilderModel*>( _patternBuilderSelectionModel->model() );
if ( !patternDataModel ) return false;
if ( !patternBuilderModel ) return false;
- _currentObj = NULL;
QModelIndex iNewElts;
if ( rb0->isChecked() ){ //cartesian
if ( random_rb->isChecked() ){
QListWidgetItem* item = NULL;
- QDoubleSpinBox* spb = NULL;
+// QDoubleSpinBox* spb = NULL;
QList<double> radius;
QList<double> angles;
QList<double> heights;
+ double somme = 0.;
+ for ( int r = 0; r < angle_lw->count(); ++r){
+ item = angle_lw->item(r);
+ angles << item->data(Qt::EditRole).toDouble();
+ somme += item->data(Qt::EditRole).toDouble();
+ }
+ if (somme > 360.)
+ {
+ SUIT_MessageBox::information( 0,
+ tr("HEXA_INFO"),
+ tr("The sum of the picked angles has to be \nless or equal than %1 degrees.").arg(360));
+ return false;
+ }
for ( int r = 0; r < radius_lw->count(); ++r){
item = radius_lw->item(r);
//std::cout << "radius : " << item->data(Qt::EditRole).toDouble()<< std::endl;
radius << item->data(Qt::EditRole).toDouble();
- for ( int r = 0; r < angle_lw->count(); ++r){
- item = angle_lw->item(r);
- angles << item->data(Qt::EditRole).toDouble();
- }
for ( int r = 0; r < height_lw->count(); ++r){
item = height_lw->item(r);
heights << item->data(Qt::EditRole).toDouble();
icenter_rb1, ibase_rb1, iheight_rb1,
radius, angles, heights,
fill ); //NEW HEXA3
return false;
// to select/highlight result
result = patternBuilderModel->mapFromSource( iNewElts );
vec_le->setValidator( validator );
+ cyl_le->setReadOnly(true);
+ vec_le->setReadOnly(true);
// ============================================================== clear
// ============================================================== apply
bool MakeCylinderDialog::apply(QModelIndex& result)
+ if (_currentObj != NULL) _highlightWidget(_currentObj, Qt::white);
+ _currentObj = NULL;
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
//if ( !_documentModel ) return;
if ( !_patternBuilderSelectionModel ) return false;
const PatternBuilderModel* patternBuilderModel = dynamic_cast<const PatternBuilderModel*>( _patternBuilderSelectionModel->model() );
if ( !patternBuilderModel ) return false;
- _currentObj = NULL;
QModelIndex iElts;
QModelIndex icyl = patternBuilderModel->mapToSource( _index[cyl_le] );
+ pipe_le->setReadOnly(true);
+ vec_le->setReadOnly(true);
// ============================================================== clear
// ============================================================== apply
bool MakePipeDialog::apply(QModelIndex& result)
+ if (_currentObj != NULL) _highlightWidget(_currentObj, Qt::white);
+ _currentObj = NULL;
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
//if ( !_documentModel ) return;
if ( !_patternBuilderSelectionModel ) return false;
const PatternBuilderModel* patternBuilderModel = dynamic_cast<const PatternBuilderModel*>( _patternBuilderSelectionModel->model() );
if ( !patternBuilderModel ) return false;
- _currentObj = NULL;
QModelIndex iElts;
QModelIndex ipipe = patternBuilderModel->mapToSource( _index[pipe_le] );
+ cyl1_le->setReadOnly(true);
+ cyl2_le->setReadOnly(true);
// ============================================================== clear
// ============================================================== apply
bool MakeCylindersDialog::apply(QModelIndex& result)
+ if (_currentObj != NULL) _highlightWidget(_currentObj, Qt::white);
+ _currentObj = NULL;
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
//if ( !_documentModel ) return;
if ( !_patternBuilderSelectionModel ) return false;
const PatternBuilderModel* patternBuilderModel = dynamic_cast<const PatternBuilderModel*>( _patternBuilderSelectionModel->model() );
if ( !patternBuilderModel ) return false;
- _currentObj = NULL;
QModelIndex iCrossElts;
QModelIndex icyl1 = patternBuilderModel->mapToSource( _index[cyl1_le] );
+ pipe1_le->setReadOnly(true);
+ pipe2_le->setReadOnly(true);
// ============================================================== apply
bool MakePipesDialog::apply(QModelIndex& result)
+ if (_currentObj != NULL) _highlightWidget(_currentObj, Qt::white);
+ _currentObj = NULL;
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
//if ( !_documentModel ) return;
if ( !_patternBuilderSelectionModel ) return false;
const PatternBuilderModel* patternBuilderModel = dynamic_cast<const PatternBuilderModel*>( _patternBuilderSelectionModel->model() );
if ( !patternBuilderModel ) return false;
- _currentObj = NULL;
QModelIndex iCrossElts;
QModelIndex ipipe1 = patternBuilderModel->mapToSource( _index[pipe1_le] );
hexa_le->setProperty( "HexaWidgetType", QVariant::fromValue(HEXA_TREE) );
hexa_le->setValidator( validator );
+ hexa_le->setReadOnly(true);
// ============================================================== clear
// ============================================================== apply
bool RemoveHexaDialog::apply(QModelIndex& result)
+ if (_currentObj != NULL) _highlightWidget(_currentObj, Qt::white);
+ _currentObj = NULL;
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
//if ( !_documentModel ) return;
if ( !_patternDataSelectionModel ) return false;
const PatternDataModel* patternDataModel = dynamic_cast<const PatternDataModel*>( _patternDataSelectionModel->model() );
if ( !patternDataModel ) return false;
- _currentObj = NULL;
QModelIndex ihexa = patternDataModel->mapToSource( _index[hexa_le] );
SUIT_MessageBox::critical( this, tr( "ERR_ERROR" ), tr( "CANNOT REMOVE HEXA" ) );
return false;
+ //Update the line edit
+ QVariant invalid;
+ hexa_le->setProperty("QModelIndex", invalid );
+ QModelIndex invalidIndex;
+ _index[hexa_le] = invalidIndex;
+ clear();
return true;
_helpFileName = "gui_prism_join_quad.html#prism-quadrangles";
setupUi( this );
- setFocusProxy( quads_lw );
+// setFocusProxy( quads_lw );
+// connect( regular_rb, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(updateHelpFileName()) );
+// connect( irregular_rb, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(updateHelpFileName()) );
+ regular_rb->click();
+// ============================================================== getAssocsVTK
+ * Returns elements currently associated to vtk
+ */
+QModelIndexList PrismQuadDialog::getAssocsVTK()
+ QModelIndexList assocs;
+ QModelIndex iQuad;
+ QListWidgetItem* item = NULL;
+ //ListWidget content
+ const PatternDataModel* patternDataModel = dynamic_cast<const PatternDataModel*>( _patternDataSelectionModel->model() );
+ if ( !patternDataModel ) return assocs;
+ for ( int r = 0; r < quads_lw->count(); ++r ){
+ item = quads_lw->item(r);
+ iQuad = patternDataModel->mapToSource( item->data(LW_QMODELINDEX_ROLE).value<QModelIndex>() );
+ if ( iQuad.isValid() )
+ assocs << iQuad;
+ }
+ return assocs;
// ============================================================== _initInputWidget
void PrismQuadDialog::_initInputWidget( Mode editmode )
connect( delQuadShortcut, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(removeQuad()) );
+ vec_le->setReadOnly(true);
connect( quads_lw, SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()), this, SLOT(selectElementOfModel()) );
+ height_lw->setItemDelegate(new HexaPositiveDoubleSpinBoxDelegate(height_lw));
+ height_lw->setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView::DoubleClicked);
+ connect( add_height_pb, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(addHeightItem()) );
+ connect( del_height_pb, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(delHeightItem()) );
// ============================================================== clear
// quads_lw->clear();
// }
+// ============================================================== addHeightItem
+void PrismQuadDialog::addHeightItem()
+ QListWidgetItem* previousItem = height_lw->currentItem();
+ QListWidgetItem* newItem = new QListWidgetItem();
+ double defaultValue = 0.;
+ if ( previousItem )
+ defaultValue = previousItem->data(Qt::EditRole).toDouble();
+ newItem->setData( Qt::EditRole, QVariant(defaultValue) );
+ newItem->setFlags( newItem->flags () | Qt::ItemIsEditable);
+ height_lw->addItem(newItem);
+// updateButtonBox();
+// ============================================================== delHeightItem
+void PrismQuadDialog::delHeightItem()
+ delete height_lw->currentItem();
+// updateButtonBox();
// ============================================================== apply
bool PrismQuadDialog::apply(QModelIndex& result)
+ if (_currentObj != NULL) _highlightWidget(_currentObj, Qt::white);
+ _currentObj = NULL;
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
//if ( !_documentModel ) return;
if ( !_patternDataSelectionModel ) return false;
const PatternBuilderModel* patternBuilderModel = dynamic_cast<const PatternBuilderModel*>( _patternBuilderSelectionModel->model() );
if ( !patternDataModel ) return false;
if ( !patternBuilderModel ) return false;
- _currentObj = NULL;
- QModelIndexList iquads;
- QModelIndex iquad;
- QListWidgetItem* item = NULL;
- for ( int r = 0; r < quads_lw->count(); ++r){
- item = quads_lw->item(r);
- iquad = patternDataModel->mapToSource( item->data(LW_QMODELINDEX_ROLE).value<QModelIndex>() );
- iquads << iquad;
- }
+ QModelIndexList iquads = getIndexList(quads_lw);
QModelIndex ivec = patternBuilderModel->mapToSource( _index[vec_le] );
QModelIndex iElts;
if ( ivec.isValid() ){
- int nb = nb_spb->value();
- if ( iquads.count() == 1 ){
- iElts = _documentModel->prismQuad( iquads[0], ivec, nb );
- } else if ( iquads.count() > 1 ){
- iElts = _documentModel->prismQuads( iquads, ivec, nb );
+ if (regular_rb->isChecked())
+ {
+ int nb = nb_spb->value();
+ if ( iquads.count() == 1 ){
+ iElts = _documentModel->prismQuad( iquads[0], ivec, nb );
+ } else if ( iquads.count() > 1 ){
+ iElts = _documentModel->prismQuads( iquads, ivec, nb );
+ }
+ }
+ else //irregular_rb is checked
+ {
+ QVector<double> heights;
+ QListWidgetItem* item = NULL;
+ unsigned int nbItems = height_lw->count();
+ for ( int r = 0; r < nbItems; ++r){
+ item = height_lw->item(r);
+ heights << item->data(Qt::EditRole).toDouble();
+ }
+ if (iquads.count() == 0 || heights.size() == 0)
+ {
+ SUIT_MessageBox::critical( this, tr( "ERR_ERROR" ),
+ tr( "Parameters are invalid!" ) );
+ return false;
+ }
+ iElts = _documentModel->prismQuads( iquads, ivec, heights.toStdVector()/*, nb*/ );
+// ============================================================== getAssocsVTK
+ * Returns elements currently associated to vtk
+ */
+QModelIndexList JoinQuadDialog::getAssocsVTK()
+ QModelIndexList assocs;
+ QModelIndex iQuad;
+ QListWidgetItem* item = NULL;
+ //ListWidget content
+ const PatternDataModel* patternDataModel = dynamic_cast<const PatternDataModel*>( _patternDataSelectionModel->model() );
+ if ( !patternDataModel ) return assocs;
+ for ( int r = 0; r < quads_lw->count(); ++r ){
+ item = quads_lw->item(r);
+// iQuad = patternDataModel->mapToSource( item->data(LW_QMODELINDEX_ROLE).value<QModelIndex>() ); //unsafe
+ iQuad = _patternDataSelectionModel->indexBy(HEXA_DATA_ROLE, item->data(LW_DATA_ROLE));
+ if ( iQuad.isValid() ) assocs << iQuad;
+ }
+ return assocs;
// ============================================================== _initInputWidget
void JoinQuadDialog::_initInputWidget( Mode editmode )
delQuadShortcut->setContext( Qt::WidgetShortcut );
connect( delQuadShortcut, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(removeQuad()) );
+ vex0_le->setReadOnly(true);
+ vex1_le->setReadOnly(true);
+ vex2_le->setReadOnly(true);
+ vex3_le->setReadOnly(true);
+ quad_dest_le->setReadOnly(true);
+ _currentObj = quads_lw;
connect( quads_lw, SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()), this, SLOT(selectElementOfModel()) );
// ============================================================== apply
bool JoinQuadDialog::apply(QModelIndex& result)
+ if (_currentObj != NULL) _highlightWidget(_currentObj, Qt::white);
+ _currentObj = NULL;
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
//if ( !_documentModel ) return;
if ( !_patternDataSelectionModel ) return false;
const PatternBuilderModel* patternBuilderModel = dynamic_cast<const PatternBuilderModel*>( _patternBuilderSelectionModel->model() );
if ( !patternDataModel ) return false;
if ( !patternBuilderModel ) return false;
- _currentObj = NULL;
QModelIndexList iquads;
setupUi( this );
- rb0->setFocusProxy( v0_le_rb0 );
- rb1->setFocusProxy( e0_le_rb1 );
- rb2->setFocusProxy( q0_le_rb2 );
+// rb0->setFocusProxy( v0_le_rb0 );
+// rb1->setFocusProxy( e0_le_rb1 );
+// rb2->setFocusProxy( q0_le_rb2 );
// setFocusProxy( rb0 );
+ v0_le_rb0->setReadOnly(true);
+ v1_le_rb0->setReadOnly(true);
+ v0_le_rb1->setReadOnly(true);
+ v1_le_rb1->setReadOnly(true);
+ e0_le_rb1->setReadOnly(true);
+ e1_le_rb1->setReadOnly(true);
+ v0_le_rb2->setReadOnly(true);
+ v1_le_rb2->setReadOnly(true);
+ v2_le_rb2->setReadOnly(true);
+ v3_le_rb2->setReadOnly(true);
+ q0_le_rb2->setReadOnly(true);
+ q1_le_rb2->setReadOnly(true);
// ============================================================== apply
bool MergeDialog::apply(QModelIndex& result)
+ if (_currentObj != NULL) _highlightWidget(_currentObj, Qt::white);
+ _currentObj = NULL;
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
if ( !_patternDataSelectionModel ) return false;
const PatternDataModel* patternDataModel = dynamic_cast<const PatternDataModel*>( _patternDataSelectionModel->model() );
if ( !patternDataModel ) return false;
- _currentObj = NULL;
bool merged = false;
setupUi( this );
- rb0->setFocusProxy( v_le_rb0 );
- rb1->setFocusProxy( e_le_rb1 );
- rb2->setFocusProxy( q_le_rb2 );
- rb3->setFocusProxy( d_edges_lw);
+// rb0->setFocusProxy( v_le_rb0 );
+// rb1->setFocusProxy( e_le_rb1 );
+// rb2->setFocusProxy( q_le_rb2 );
+// rb3->setFocusProxy( d_edges_lw);
// setFocusProxy( rb0 );
delEdgeShortcut->setContext( Qt::WidgetShortcut );
delHexaShortcut->setContext( Qt::WidgetShortcut );
+ v_le_rb0->setReadOnly(true);
+ h_le_rb0->setReadOnly(true);
+ e_le_rb1->setReadOnly(true);
+ h_le_rb1->setReadOnly(true);
+ q_le_rb2->setReadOnly(true);
+ h_le_rb2->setReadOnly(true);
connect( d_edges_lw, SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()), this, SLOT(selectElementOfModel()) );
connect( hexas_lw, SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()), this, SLOT(selectElementOfModel()) );
connect( delEdgeShortcut, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(deleteEdgeItem()) );
// ============================================================== apply
bool DisconnectDialog::apply(QModelIndex& result)
+ if (_currentObj != NULL) _highlightWidget(_currentObj, Qt::white);
+ _currentObj = NULL;
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
if ( !_patternDataSelectionModel ) return false;
const PatternBuilderModel* patternBuilderModel = dynamic_cast<const PatternBuilderModel*>( _patternBuilderSelectionModel->model() );
if ( !patternDataModel ) return false;
if ( !patternBuilderModel ) return false;
- _currentObj = NULL;
QModelIndex iElts;
e_le->setProperty( "HexaWidgetType", QVariant::fromValue(EDGE_TREE) );
e_le->setValidator( validator );
+ e_le->setReadOnly(true);
// ============================================================== clear
// ============================================================== apply
bool CutEdgeDialog::apply(QModelIndex& result)
+ if (_currentObj != NULL) _highlightWidget(_currentObj, Qt::white);
+ _currentObj = NULL;
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
//if ( !_documentModel ) return;
if ( !_patternDataSelectionModel ) return false;
const PatternBuilderModel* patternBuilderModel = dynamic_cast<const PatternBuilderModel*>( _patternBuilderSelectionModel->model() );
if ( !patternDataModel ) return false;
if ( !patternBuilderModel ) return false;
- _currentObj = NULL;
int nbCut = nb_cut_spb->value();
QModelIndex iedge = patternDataModel->mapToSource( _index[e_le] );
return true;
// // ------------------------- MakeTransformationDialog ----------------------------------
// ============================================================== Constructeur
setupUi( this );
- rb0->setFocusProxy( elts_le_rb0 );
- rb1->setFocusProxy( elts_le_rb1 );
- rb2->setFocusProxy( elts_le_rb2 );
- setFocusProxy( rb0 );
+// rb0->setFocusProxy( elts_le_rb0 );
+// rb1->setFocusProxy( elts_le_rb1 );
+// rb2->setFocusProxy( elts_le_rb2 );
+// setFocusProxy( rb0 );
_helpFileName = "gui_make_elmts.html#make-elements-by-translation";
+ vec_le_rb0->setReadOnly(true);
+ elts_le_rb0->setReadOnly(true);
+ vex_le_rb1->setReadOnly(true);
+ elts_le_rb1->setReadOnly(true);
+ vex_le_rb2->setReadOnly(true);
+ vec_le_rb2->setReadOnly(true);
+ elts_le_rb2->setReadOnly(true);
// ============================================================== clear
// ============================================================== apply
bool MakeTransformationDialog::apply(QModelIndex& result)
+ if (_currentObj != NULL) _highlightWidget(_currentObj, Qt::white);
+ _currentObj = NULL;
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
if ( !_patternDataSelectionModel ) return false;
if ( !_patternBuilderSelectionModel ) return false;
const PatternBuilderModel* patternBuilderModel = dynamic_cast<const PatternBuilderModel*>( _patternBuilderSelectionModel->model() );
if ( !patternDataModel ) return false;
if ( !patternBuilderModel ) return false;
- _currentObj = NULL;
QModelIndex iNewElts;
return true;
// // ------------------------- MakeSymmetryDialog ----------------------------------
// ============================================================== Constructeur
setupUi( this );
- rb0->setFocusProxy( elts_le_rb0 );
- rb1->setFocusProxy( elts_le_rb1 );
- rb2->setFocusProxy( elts_le_rb2 );
+// rb0->setFocusProxy( elts_le_rb0 );
+// rb1->setFocusProxy( elts_le_rb1 );
+// rb2->setFocusProxy( elts_le_rb2 );
// setFocusProxy( rb0 );
connect( rb2, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(updateHelpFileName()) );
// ============================================================== Destructeur
+ vex_le_rb0->setReadOnly(true);
+ elts_le_rb0->setReadOnly(true);
+ vex_le_rb1->setReadOnly(true);
+ vec_le_rb1->setReadOnly(true);
+ elts_le_rb1->setReadOnly(true);
+ vex_le_rb2->setReadOnly(true);
+ vec_le_rb2->setReadOnly(true);
+ elts_le_rb2->setReadOnly(true);
// ============================================================== clear
// ============================================================== updateHelpFileName
void MakeSymmetryDialog::updateHelpFileName()
// ============================================================== apply
bool MakeSymmetryDialog::apply(QModelIndex& result)
+ if (_currentObj != NULL) _highlightWidget(_currentObj, Qt::white);
+ _currentObj = NULL;
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
if ( !_patternDataSelectionModel ) return false;
if ( !_patternBuilderSelectionModel ) return false;
const PatternBuilderModel* patternBuilderModel = dynamic_cast<const PatternBuilderModel*>( _patternBuilderSelectionModel->model() );
if ( !patternDataModel ) return false;
if ( !patternBuilderModel ) return false;
- _currentObj = NULL;
QModelIndex iNewElts;
if ( rb0->isChecked() ){
QModelIndex ielts = patternBuilderModel->mapToSource( _index[elts_le_rb0] );
- QModelIndex ivex = patternBuilderModel->mapToSource( _index[vex_le_rb0] );
+ QModelIndex ivex = patternDataModel->mapToSource( _index[vex_le_rb0] );
if ( ielts.isValid()
&& ivex.isValid() )
iNewElts = _documentModel->makeSymmetryPoint( ielts, ivex );
} else if ( rb1->isChecked() ){
QModelIndex ielts = patternBuilderModel->mapToSource( _index[elts_le_rb1] );
QModelIndex ivex = patternDataModel->mapToSource( _index[vex_le_rb1] );
return true;
// // ------------------------- PerformTransformationDialog ----------------------------------
// ============================================================== Constructeur
PerformTransformationDialog::PerformTransformationDialog( QWidget* parent, Mode editmode, Qt::WindowFlags f ):
setupUi( this );
- rb0->setFocusProxy( elts_le_rb0 );
- rb1->setFocusProxy( elts_le_rb1 );
- rb2->setFocusProxy( elts_le_rb2 );
+// rb0->setFocusProxy( elts_le_rb0 );
+// rb1->setFocusProxy( elts_le_rb1 );
+// rb2->setFocusProxy( elts_le_rb2 );
// setFocusProxy( rb0 );
connect( rb2, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(updateHelpFileName()) );
// ============================================================== Destructeur
+ vec_le_rb0->setReadOnly(true);
+ elts_le_rb0->setReadOnly(true);
+ vex_le_rb1->setReadOnly(true);
+ elts_le_rb1->setReadOnly(true);
+ vex_le_rb2->setReadOnly(true);
+ vec_le_rb2->setReadOnly(true);
+ elts_le_rb2->setReadOnly(true);
// ============================================================== clear
// ============================================================== apply
bool PerformTransformationDialog::apply(QModelIndex& result)
+ if (_currentObj != NULL) _highlightWidget(_currentObj, Qt::white);
+ _currentObj = NULL;
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
if ( !_patternDataSelectionModel ) return false;
if ( !_patternBuilderSelectionModel ) return false;
const PatternBuilderModel* patternBuilderModel = dynamic_cast<const PatternBuilderModel*>( _patternBuilderSelectionModel->model() );
if ( !patternDataModel ) return false;
if ( !patternBuilderModel ) return false;
- _currentObj = NULL;
bool performed = false;
// // ------------------------- PerformSymmetryDialog ----------------------------------
// ============================================================== Constructeur
setupUi( this );
_initWidget( editmode );
- rb0->setFocusProxy( elts_le_rb0 );
- rb1->setFocusProxy( elts_le_rb1 );
- rb2->setFocusProxy( elts_le_rb2 );
+// rb0->setFocusProxy( elts_le_rb0 );
+// rb1->setFocusProxy( elts_le_rb1 );
+// rb2->setFocusProxy( elts_le_rb2 );
// setFocusProxy( rb0 );
+ vex_le_rb0->setReadOnly(true);
+ elts_le_rb0->setReadOnly(true);
+ vex_le_rb1->setReadOnly(true);
+ vec_le_rb1->setReadOnly(true);
+ elts_le_rb1->setReadOnly(true);
+ vex_le_rb2->setReadOnly(true);
+ vec_le_rb2->setReadOnly(true);
+ elts_le_rb2->setReadOnly(true);
// ============================================================== clear
// ============================================================== apply
bool PerformSymmetryDialog::apply(QModelIndex& result)
+ if (_currentObj != NULL) _highlightWidget(_currentObj, Qt::white);
+ _currentObj = NULL;
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
if ( !_patternDataSelectionModel ) return false;
if ( !_patternBuilderSelectionModel ) return false;
const PatternBuilderModel* patternBuilderModel = dynamic_cast<const PatternBuilderModel*>( _patternBuilderSelectionModel->model() );
if ( !patternDataModel ) return false;
if ( !patternBuilderModel ) return false;
- _currentObj = NULL;
bool performed = false;
setupUi( this );
- setFocusProxy( edges_lw );
+// setFocusProxy( edges_lw );
QShortcut* delEdgeShortcut = new QShortcut(QKeySequence(/*Qt::Key_Delete*/Qt::Key_X), edges_lw);
- QShortcut* delLineShortcut = new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::Key_X), lines_lw);
+ QShortcut* delLineShortcut = new QShortcut(QKeySequence(/*Qt::Key_Delete*/Qt::Key_X), lines_lw);
delLineShortcut->setContext( Qt::WidgetWithChildrenShortcut );
delEdgeShortcut->setContext( Qt::WidgetWithChildrenShortcut );
+ first_vex_le->setReadOnly(true);
+ single_edge_le->setReadOnly(true);
+ single_line_le->setReadOnly(true);
connect( delEdgeShortcut, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(deleteEdgeItem()) );
connect( delLineShortcut, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(deleteLineItem()) );
connect( pstart_spb, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), this, SLOT( pstartChanged(double)) );
connect( pend_spb, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), this, SLOT( pendChanged(double)) );
connect( edges_lw, SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()), this, SLOT(selectElementOfModel()) );
+ connect( lines_lw, SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()), this, SLOT(selectElementOfGeom()) );
+ connect( single_rb, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT( highlightSelectedAssocs()) );
+ connect( multiple_rb, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(highlightSelectedAssocs()) );
+// ============================================================== getAssocsVTK
+ * Returns elements currently being associated in vtk side
+ */
+QModelIndexList EdgeAssocDialog::getAssocsVTK()
+ QModelIndexList assocs;
+ QModelIndex iEdge;
+ QListWidgetItem* item = NULL;
+ if (single_rb->isChecked())
+ {
+ //LineEdit content
+ QVariant v = single_edge_le->property("QModelIndex");
+ if ( !v.isValid() )
+ return assocs;
+ assocs << v.value<QModelIndex>();
+ return assocs;
+ }
+ else if (multiple_rb->isChecked())
+ {
+ //ListWidget content
+ const PatternDataModel* patternDataModel = dynamic_cast<const PatternDataModel*>( _patternDataSelectionModel->model() );
+ if ( !patternDataModel ) return assocs;
+ for ( int r = 0; r < edges_lw->count(); ++r){
+ item = edges_lw->item(r);
+ iEdge = patternDataModel->mapToSource( item->data(LW_QMODELINDEX_ROLE).value<QModelIndex>() );
+ if ( iEdge.isValid() )
+ assocs << iEdge;
+ }
+ return assocs;
+ }
+ else return assocs;
+// ============================================================== getAssocsGEOM
+ * Returns elements currently being associated in geom side
+ */
+QMultiMap<QString, int> EdgeAssocDialog::getAssocsGEOM()
+ QMultiMap<QString, int> assocs;
+ QListWidgetItem* item = NULL;
+ DocumentModel::GeomObj geomObj;
+ if (single_rb->isChecked())
+ {
+ //LineEdit content
+ QVariant v = single_line_le->property("GeomObj");
+ if ( !v.isValid() ) return assocs;
+ geomObj = v.value<DocumentModel::GeomObj>();
+ assocs.insert( geomObj.entry, geomObj.subid.toInt() );
+ return assocs;
+ }
+ else if (multiple_rb->isChecked())
+ {
+ //ListWidget content
+ unsigned int nbEdges = lines_lw->count();
+ for ( int r = 0; r < nbEdges; ++r){
+ item = lines_lw->item(r);
+ geomObj = item->data(LW_ASSOC_ROLE).value<DocumentModel::GeomObj>();
+ assocs.insert( geomObj.entry, geomObj.subid.toInt() );
+ }
+ return assocs;
+ }
+ else return assocs;
+// ============================================================== selectElementOfGeom
+/*Highlight in the OCC view selected elements in a listwidget,
+ * or an element in a line edit.*/
+void EdgeAssocDialog::selectElementOfGeom()
+ MESSAGE("HexaBaseDialog::selectElementOfGeom()");
+ QListWidget* currentListWidget = dynamic_cast<QListWidget*>( sender() );
+ if ( !currentListWidget ) return;
+ _selectionMutex = true;
+ QMultiMap<QString, int> geomElts;
+ DocumentModel::GeomObj geomObj;
+ QList<QListWidgetItem *> sel = currentListWidget->selectedItems();
+ foreach ( QListWidgetItem *item, sel ){
+ geomObj = item->data(LW_ASSOC_ROLE).value<DocumentModel::GeomObj>();
+ geomElts.insert( geomObj.entry, geomObj.subid.toInt() );
+ }
+ _selectionMutex = false;
+ //highlight geom selected elts
+ if (geomElts.size() > 0) _patternDataSelectionModel->_highlightGEOM(geomElts);
+ MESSAGE("}");
// ============================================================== clear
void EdgeAssocDialog::onWindowActivated(SUIT_ViewManager* vm)
SUIT_ViewWindow* v = vm->getActiveView();
QString vmType = vm->getType();
if ( (vmType == SVTK_Viewer::Type()) || (vmType == VTKViewer_Viewer::Type()) ){
- edges_lw->setFocus();
- } else if ( vmType == OCCViewer_Viewer::Type() ){
- lines_lw->setFocus();
+ if (single_rb->isChecked())
+ single_edge_le->setFocus();
+ else if (multiple_rb->isChecked())
+ {
+ if (close_cb->isChecked())
+ first_vex_le->setFocus();
+ else
+ edges_lw->setFocus();
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( vmType == OCCViewer_Viewer::Type() ){
+ globalSelection(); // close local contexts, if any
+ localSelection(GEOM::GEOM_Object::_nil(), TopAbs_EDGE);
+ if (single_rb->isChecked())
+ single_line_le->setFocus();
+ else if (multiple_rb->isChecked())
+ lines_lw->setFocus();
// ============================================================== onCurrentSelectionChanged
void EdgeAssocDialog::onCurrentSelectionChanged()
- if ( !isVisible() ) return;
+ if ( !isVisible() )
+ {
+ highlightSelectedAssocs();
+ return;
+ }
SUIT_ViewWindow* window = SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication()->desktop()->activeWindow();
SalomeApp_Study* appStudy = dynamic_cast<SalomeApp_Study*>( SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication()->activeStudy() );
bool isOCC = (window && window->getViewManager()->getType() == OCCViewer_Viewer::Type());
- // bool isVTK = (window && window->getViewManager()->getType() == SVTK_Viewer::Type());
- if (!isOCC) return;
+ if (!isOCC || !_documentModel)
+ {
+ highlightSelectedAssocs();
+ return;
+ }
GEOM::GeomObjPtr aSelectedObject = getSelected(TopAbs_EDGE);
- TopoDS_Shape aShape;
- if ( !(aSelectedObject && GEOMBase::GetShape(aSelectedObject.get(), aShape) && !aShape.IsNull()) )
+ DocumentModel::GeomObj * aLine = _documentModel->convertToGeomObj(aSelectedObject);
+ if ( aLine == NULL )
+ {
+ highlightSelectedAssocs();
+ }
if (single_rb->isChecked()) {
- QString aName = GEOMBase::GetName(aSelectedObject.get());
- single_line_le->setText(aName);
+ single_line_le->setText(aLine->name);
+ single_line_le->setProperty("GeomObj", QVariant::fromValue<DocumentModel::GeomObj>(*aLine));
myLine = aSelectedObject;
+ setFocusToNextField();
else if( multiple_rb->isChecked() ) {
- DocumentModel::GeomObj aLine;
- QListWidgetItem* item = NULL;
- QString mainShapeEntry;
- int subId = -1;
- QString brep;
- if ( aSelectedObject->IsMainShape() ){
- mainShapeEntry = aSelectedObject->GetStudyEntry();
- brep = shape2string( aShape ).c_str();
- } else {
- TopoDS_Shape shape;
- TopoDS_Shape subshape;
- GEOM::GEOM_Object_var mainShape = aSelectedObject->GetMainShape();
- mainShapeEntry = mainShape->GetStudyEntry();
- // CS_TODO : à optimiser
- bool okShape = GEOMBase::GetShape( mainShape , shape);//,const TopAbs_ShapeEnum type = TopAbs_SHAPE );
- bool oksubShape = GEOMBase::GetShape( aSelectedObject.get(), subshape );//,const TopAbs_ShapeEnum type = TopAbs_SHAPE );
- if ( okShape && oksubShape ){
- brep = shape2string( subshape ).c_str();
- subId = GEOMBase::GetIndex( subshape, shape );
- }
+ QList<QListWidgetItem *> twice = lines_lw->findItems( aLine->name, Qt::MatchExactly);
+ if ( twice.count() == 0 ){
+ QListWidgetItem* item = new QListWidgetItem( aLine->name );
+ item->setData( LW_ASSOC_ROLE, QVariant::fromValue<DocumentModel::GeomObj>(*aLine) );
+ item->setData( LW_GEOM_OBJ_ROLE, QVariant::fromValue<GEOM::GeomObjPtr>(aSelectedObject) );
+ lines_lw->addItem(item);
- = GEOMBase::GetName( aSelectedObject.get() );
- aLine.entry = mainShapeEntry;
- aLine.subid = QString::number(subId);
- aLine.brep = brep;
- aLine.start = 0.;
- aLine.end = 1.;
- item = new QListWidgetItem( );
- item->setData( LW_ASSOC_ROLE, QVariant::fromValue<DocumentModel::GeomObj>(aLine) );
- item->setData( LW_GEOM_OBJ_ROLE, QVariant::fromValue<GEOM::GeomObjPtr>(aSelectedObject) );
- lines_lw->addItem(item);
+ highlightSelectedAssocs();
// ============================================================== apply
bool EdgeAssocDialog::apply(QModelIndex& result)
+ if (_currentObj != NULL) _highlightWidget(_currentObj, Qt::white);
+ _currentObj = NULL;
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
bool assocOk = false;
+ highlightSelectedAssocs();
if ( !_patternDataSelectionModel ) return false;
const PatternDataModel* patternDataModel = dynamic_cast<const PatternDataModel*>( _patternDataSelectionModel->model() );
if ( !patternDataModel ) return false;
- _currentObj = NULL;
- QListWidgetItem* item = NULL;
+ if (!_documentModel) return false;
QModelIndex iEdge;
QModelIndexList iEdges;
+ QListWidgetItem* item = NULL;
QList<DocumentModel::GeomObj> assocs;
DocumentModel::GeomObj aLine;
+ DocumentModel::GeomObj *aLinePtr;
if (single_rb->isChecked()){ //Single edge and/or line association
- QString mainShapeEntry;
- int subId = -1;
- QString brep;
GEOM::GeomObjPtr aSelectedObject = myLine;
- TopoDS_Shape aShape;
- if ( aSelectedObject && GEOMBase::GetShape(aSelectedObject.get(), aShape) && !aShape.IsNull() ){
- if ( aSelectedObject->IsMainShape() ){
- mainShapeEntry = aSelectedObject->GetStudyEntry();
- brep = shape2string( aShape ).c_str();
- }
- else {
- TopoDS_Shape shape;
- TopoDS_Shape subshape;
- GEOM::GEOM_Object_var mainShape = aSelectedObject->GetMainShape();
- mainShapeEntry = mainShape->GetStudyEntry();
- // CS_TODO : à optimiser
- bool okShape = GEOMBase::GetShape( mainShape , shape);//,const TopAbs_ShapeEnum type = TopAbs_SHAPE );
- bool oksubShape = GEOMBase::GetShape( aSelectedObject.get(), subshape );//,const TopAbs_ShapeEnum type = TopAbs_SHAPE );
- if ( okShape && oksubShape ){
- brep = shape2string( subshape ).c_str();
- subId = GEOMBase::GetIndex( subshape, shape );
- }
- }
- = GEOMBase::GetName( aSelectedObject.get() );
- aLine.entry = mainShapeEntry;
- aLine.subid = QString::number(subId);
- aLine.brep = brep;
- aLine.start = pstart_spb->value();
- aLine.end = pend_spb->value();
- iEdge = patternDataModel->mapToSource( _index[single_edge_le] );
- if (!iEdge.isValid()) return false;
- _documentModel->addAssociation(iEdge, aLine);
- assocOk = true;
- }
+ aLinePtr = _documentModel->convertToGeomObj(aSelectedObject);
+ aLinePtr->start = pstart_spb->value();
+ aLinePtr->end = pend_spb->value();
+ iEdge = patternDataModel->mapToSource( _index[single_edge_le] );
+ if (!iEdge.isValid()) return false;
+ _documentModel->addAssociation(iEdge, *aLinePtr);
+ assocOk = true;
else { //Multiple edge and/or line association
// edges
- for ( int r = 0; r < edges_lw->count(); ++r){
- item = edges_lw->item(r);
- iEdge = patternDataModel->mapToSource( item->data(LW_QMODELINDEX_ROLE).value<QModelIndex>() );
- if ( iEdge.isValid() )
- iEdges << iEdge;
- }
+ iEdges = getIndexList(edges_lw);
// lines
- for ( int r = 0; r < lines_lw->count(); ++r){
+ for (int r = 0; r < lines_lw->count(); ++r){
item = lines_lw->item(r);
aLine = item->data(LW_ASSOC_ROLE).value<DocumentModel::GeomObj>();
- //std::cout << " line added : " << << std::endl;
MESSAGE(" assocs => " << );
MESSAGE(" assocs => " << aLine.brep.toStdString() );
assocs << aLine;
if ( close_cb->isChecked() ){ //closed line
QModelIndex iFirstVertex = patternDataModel->mapToSource( _index[first_vex_le] );
- // if (inverse_cb->isChecked())
- // assocOk = _documentModel->associateClosedLine( iFirstVertex, iEdges, assocs, pstart_spb->value(), true );
- // else
- assocOk = _documentModel->associateClosedLine( iFirstVertex, iEdges, assocs, pstart_spb->value() );
- } else {
+ bool inv = inverse_cb->isChecked();
+ assocOk = _documentModel->associateClosedLine( iFirstVertex, iEdges, assocs, pstart_spb->value(), inv );
+ } else
//opened line
assocOk = _documentModel->associateOpenedLine( iEdges, assocs, pstart_spb->value(), pend_spb->value() );
- }
if ( !assocOk ){
SUIT_MessageBox::critical( this, tr( "ERR_ERROR" ), tr( "CANNOT MAKE EDGE ASSOCIATION" ) );
+ highlightSelectedAssocs();
return false;
+ highlightSelectedAssocs();
return true;
-// // ------------------------- QuadAssocDialog ----------------------------------
+// ------------------------- QuadAssocDialog ----------------------------------
// ============================================================== Constructeur
QuadAssocDialog::QuadAssocDialog( QWidget* parent, Mode editmode, Qt::WindowFlags f ):
HexaBaseDialog(parent, editmode, f)
setupUi( this );
- setFocusProxy( quad_le );
+// setFocusProxy( quad_le );
// ============================================================== Destructeur
_delFaceShortcut = new QShortcut( QKeySequence(Qt::Key_X/*Qt::Key_Delete*/), faces_lw );
_delFaceShortcut->setContext( Qt::WidgetShortcut );
+ quad_le->setReadOnly(true);
connect( _delFaceShortcut, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(deleteFaceItem()) );
+ connect( faces_lw, SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()), this, SLOT(selectElementOfGeom()) );
+// ============================================================== getAssocsVTK
+ * Returns elements currently being associated in vtk side
+ */
+QModelIndexList QuadAssocDialog::getAssocsVTK()
+ QModelIndexList assocs;
+ QModelIndex iQuad;
+ //LineEdit content
+ QVariant v = quad_le->property("QModelIndex");
+ if ( !v.isValid() )
+ return assocs;
+ assocs << v.value<QModelIndex>();
+ return assocs;
+// ============================================================== getAssocsGEOM
+ * Returns elements currently being associated in geom side
+ */
+QMultiMap<QString, int> QuadAssocDialog::getAssocsGEOM()
+ QMultiMap<QString, int> assocs;
+ QListWidgetItem* item = NULL;
+ DocumentModel::GeomObj geomObj;
+ //ListWidget content
+ unsigned int nbFaces = faces_lw->count();
+ for ( int r = 0; r < nbFaces; ++r){
+ item = faces_lw->item(r);
+ geomObj = item->data(LW_ASSOC_ROLE).value<DocumentModel::GeomObj>();
+ assocs.insert( geomObj.entry, geomObj.subid.toInt() );
+ }
+ return assocs;
+// ============================================================== selectElementOfGeom
+/*Highlight in the OCC view selected elements in a listwidget,
+ * or an element in a line edit.*/
+void QuadAssocDialog::selectElementOfGeom()
+ MESSAGE("HexaBaseDialog::selectElementOfGeom()");
+ QListWidget* currentListWidget = dynamic_cast<QListWidget*>( sender() );
+ if ( !currentListWidget ) return;
+ _selectionMutex = true;
+ QMultiMap<QString, int> geomElts;
+ DocumentModel::GeomObj geomObj;
+ QList<QListWidgetItem *> sel = currentListWidget->selectedItems();
+ foreach ( QListWidgetItem *item, sel ){
+ geomObj = item->data(LW_ASSOC_ROLE).value<DocumentModel::GeomObj>();
+ geomElts.insert( geomObj.entry, geomObj.subid.toInt() );
+ }
+ _selectionMutex = false;
+ //highlight geom selected elts
+ if (geomElts.size() > 0) _patternDataSelectionModel->_highlightGEOM(geomElts);
+ MESSAGE("}");
-// ============================================================== clear
void QuadAssocDialog::clear()
// ============================================================== onCurrentSelectionChanged
void QuadAssocDialog::onCurrentSelectionChanged()
- if ( !isVisible() ) return;
+ if ( !isVisible() )
+ {
+ highlightSelectedAssocs();
+ return;
+ }
SUIT_ViewWindow* window = SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication()->desktop()->activeWindow();
SalomeApp_Study* appStudy = dynamic_cast<SalomeApp_Study*>( SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication()->activeStudy() );
bool isOCC = (window && window->getViewManager()->getType() == OCCViewer_Viewer::Type());
// bool isVTK = (window && window->getViewManager()->getType() == SVTK_Viewer::Type());
- if (!isOCC) return;
+ if (!isOCC || !_documentModel)
+ {
+// if (HEXABLOCKGUI::currentOccView != NULL) HEXABLOCKGUI::currentOccView->setFocus();
+ highlightSelectedAssocs();
+ return;
+ }
GEOM::GeomObjPtr aSelectedObject = getSelected(TopAbs_FACE);
- TopoDS_Shape aShape;
- if ( aSelectedObject && GEOMBase::GetShape(aSelectedObject.get(), aShape) && !aShape.IsNull() ){
- DocumentModel::GeomObj aFace;
- QListWidgetItem* item = NULL;
- QString mainShapeEntry;
- int subId = -1;
- QString brep;
+ DocumentModel::GeomObj* aFace = _documentModel->convertToGeomObj(aSelectedObject);
+ if (aFace == NULL)
+ {
+ highlightSelectedAssocs();
+ return;
+ }
- if ( aSelectedObject->IsMainShape() ){
- mainShapeEntry = aSelectedObject->GetStudyEntry();
- brep = shape2string( aShape ).c_str();
- } else {
- TopoDS_Shape shape;
- TopoDS_Shape subshape;
- GEOM::GEOM_Object_var mainShape = aSelectedObject->GetMainShape();
- mainShapeEntry = mainShape->GetStudyEntry();
- // CS_TODO : à optimiser
- bool okShape = GEOMBase::GetShape( mainShape , shape);//,const TopAbs_ShapeEnum type = TopAbs_SHAPE );
- bool oksubShape = GEOMBase::GetShape( aSelectedObject.get(), subshape );//,const TopAbs_ShapeEnum type = TopAbs_SHAPE );
- if ( okShape && oksubShape ){
- brep = shape2string( subshape ).c_str();
- subId = GEOMBase::GetIndex( subshape, shape );
- }
- }
- = GEOMBase::GetName( aSelectedObject.get() );
- aFace.entry = mainShapeEntry;
- aFace.subid = QString::number(subId);
- aFace.brep = brep;
- aFace.start = 0.;
- aFace.end = 1.;
- item = new QListWidgetItem( );
- item->setData( LW_ASSOC_ROLE, QVariant::fromValue<DocumentModel::GeomObj>(aFace) );
+ QList<QListWidgetItem *> twice = faces_lw->findItems( aFace->name, Qt::MatchExactly);
+ if ( twice.count() == 0 ){
+ QListWidgetItem* item = new QListWidgetItem( aFace->name );
+ item->setData( LW_ASSOC_ROLE, QVariant::fromValue<DocumentModel::GeomObj>(*aFace) );
// faces_lw->setCurrentRow( faces_lw->count() - 1 );
+ highlightSelectedAssocs();
// ============================================================== onWindowActivated
void QuadAssocDialog::onWindowActivated(SUIT_ViewManager* vm)
SUIT_ViewWindow* v = vm->getActiveView();
- QString vmType = vm->getType();
- if ( (vmType == SVTK_Viewer::Type()) || (vmType == VTKViewer_Viewer::Type()) ){
+ QString vmType = vm->getType();
+ if ( (vmType == SVTK_Viewer::Type()) || (vmType == VTKViewer_Viewer::Type()) )
- } else if ( vmType == OCCViewer_Viewer::Type() ){
+ else if ( vmType == OCCViewer_Viewer::Type() ){
+ globalSelection(); // close local contexts, if any
+ localSelection(GEOM::GEOM_Object::_nil(), TopAbs_FACE);
// ============================================================== apply
bool QuadAssocDialog::apply(QModelIndex& result)
+ highlightSelectedAssocs();
+ if (_currentObj != NULL) _highlightWidget(_currentObj, Qt::white);
+ _currentObj = NULL;
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
//if ( !_documentModel ) return;
if ( !_patternDataSelectionModel ) return false;
const PatternDataModel* patternDataModel = dynamic_cast<const PatternDataModel*>( _patternDataSelectionModel->model() );
if ( !patternDataModel ) return false;
- _currentObj = NULL;
// quad
QModelIndex iQuad = patternDataModel->mapToSource( _index[quad_le] );
result = patternDataModel->mapFromSource(iQuad);
+ highlightSelectedAssocs();
return true;
+// ============================================================== getAssocsVTK
+ * Returns elements currently being associated in vtk side
+ */
+QModelIndexList GroupDialog::getAssocsVTK()
+ QModelIndexList assocs;
+ QModelIndex iItem;
+ QListWidgetItem* item = NULL;
+ //ListWidget content
+ const PatternDataModel* patternDataModel = dynamic_cast<const PatternDataModel*>( _patternDataSelectionModel->model() );
+ if ( !patternDataModel ) return assocs;
+ for ( int r = 0; r < eltBase_lw->count(); ++r){
+ item = eltBase_lw->item(r);
+ iItem = patternDataModel->mapToSource( item->data(LW_QMODELINDEX_ROLE).value<QModelIndex>() );
+ if ( iItem.isValid() ) assocs << iItem;
+ }
+ return assocs;
// ============================================================== _initInputWidget
void GroupDialog::_initInputWidget( Mode editmode )
// onKind
MESSAGE("GroupDialog::onKindChanged(" << index << ") ");
switch ( kind_cb->itemData(index).toInt() ){
- case HEXA_NS::HexaCell: case HEXA_NS::HexaNode: eltBase_lw->setProperty("HexaWidgetType", QVariant::fromValue(HEXA_TREE)); MESSAGE("====>HEXA_TREE"); break;
- case HEXA_NS::QuadCell: case HEXA_NS::QuadNode: eltBase_lw->setProperty("HexaWidgetType", QVariant::fromValue(QUAD_TREE)); MESSAGE("====>QUAD_TREE"); break;
- case HEXA_NS::EdgeCell: case HEXA_NS::EdgeNode: eltBase_lw->setProperty("HexaWidgetType", QVariant::fromValue(EDGE_TREE)); MESSAGE("====>EDGE_TREE"); break;
- case HEXA_NS::VertexNode: eltBase_lw->setProperty("HexaWidgetType", QVariant::fromValue(VERTEX_TREE)); MESSAGE("====>VERTEX_TREE"); break;
- default:Q_ASSERT( false );
+ case HEXA_NS::HexaCell:
+ case HEXA_NS::HexaNode:
+ eltBase_lw->setProperty("HexaWidgetType", QVariant::fromValue(HEXA_TREE));
+ break;
+ case HEXA_NS::QuadCell:
+ case HEXA_NS::QuadNode:
+ eltBase_lw->setProperty("HexaWidgetType", QVariant::fromValue(QUAD_TREE));
+ break;
+ case HEXA_NS::EdgeCell:
+ case HEXA_NS::EdgeNode: eltBase_lw->setProperty("HexaWidgetType", QVariant::fromValue(EDGE_TREE));
+ break;
+ case HEXA_NS::VertexNode:
+ eltBase_lw->setProperty("HexaWidgetType", QVariant::fromValue(VERTEX_TREE));
+ break;
+ default:Q_ASSERT(false);
case HEXA_NS::HexaCell: case HEXA_NS::HexaNode: v = QVariant::fromValue( (HEXA_NS::Hexa *)eltBase ); break;
case HEXA_NS::QuadCell: case HEXA_NS::QuadNode: v = QVariant::fromValue( (HEXA_NS::Quad *)eltBase ); break;
case HEXA_NS::EdgeCell: case HEXA_NS::EdgeNode: v = QVariant::fromValue( (HEXA_NS::Edge *)eltBase ); break;
- case HEXA_NS::VertexNode: v = QVariant::fromValue( (HEXA_NS::Vertex *)eltBase ); break;
+ case HEXA_NS::VertexNode: v = QVariant::fromValue( (HEXA_NS::Vertex *)eltBase ); break;
iEltBase = _patternDataSelectionModel->indexBy( HEXA_DATA_ROLE, v);
if ( iEltBase.isValid() ){
// ============================================================== apply
bool GroupDialog::apply(QModelIndex& result)
+ if (_currentObj != NULL) _highlightWidget(_currentObj, Qt::white);
+ _currentObj = NULL;
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
if ( !_documentModel ) return false;
if ( !_groupsSelectionModel ) return false;
const PatternDataModel* patternDataModel = dynamic_cast<const PatternDataModel*>( _patternDataSelectionModel->model() );
const GroupsModel* groupsModel = dynamic_cast<const GroupsModel*>( _groupsSelectionModel->model() );
- _currentObj = NULL;
QString grpName = name_le->text();
DocumentModel::Group grpKind = static_cast<DocumentModel::Group>( kind_cb->itemData( kind_cb->currentIndex() ).toInt());
// ============================================================== apply
bool LawDialog::apply(QModelIndex& result)
+ if (_currentObj != NULL) _highlightWidget(_currentObj, Qt::white);
+ _currentObj = NULL;
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
if ( !_documentModel ) return false;
if ( !_meshSelectionModel ) return false;
- _currentObj = NULL;
const MeshModel* meshModel = dynamic_cast<const MeshModel*>( _meshSelectionModel->model() );
QString lawName = name_le->text();
setupUi( this );
// setFocusProxy( law_le );
- setFocusProxy( propagations_lw );
+// setFocusProxy( propagations_lw );
if ( editmode == INFO_MODE ){
setWindowTitle( tr("Propagation Information") );
QShortcut* delPropagationShortcut = new QShortcut(QKeySequence(/*Qt::Key_Delete*/Qt::Key_X/*Qt::Key_Alt*//*Qt::Key_Space*/), propagations_lw);
delPropagationShortcut->setContext( Qt::WidgetShortcut );
+ law_le->setReadOnly(true);
connect( delPropagationShortcut, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(deletePropagationItem()) );
connect( propagations_lw, SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()), this, SLOT(selectElementOfModel()) );
QModelIndex ip = _meshSelectionModel->indexBy( HEXA_DATA_ROLE, QVariant::fromValue(p) );
setProperty( "QModelIndex", QVariant::fromValue<QModelIndex>(ip) );
// law on propagation
if ( l != NULL ){
law_le->setText( l->getName() );
_value = p;
+// ============================================================== selectElementOfModel
+/*Selects in the model (treeview) elements selected in a listwidget,
+ * or an element in a line edit.*/
+void PropagationDialog::selectElementOfModel()
+ MESSAGE("HexaBaseDialog::selectElementOfModel()");
+ if (!_meshSelectionModel) return;
+ QListWidget* currentListWidget = dynamic_cast<QListWidget*>( sender() );
+ if ( !currentListWidget ) return;
+ _selectionMutex = true;
+ QList<QListWidgetItem *> sel = currentListWidget->selectedItems();
+ QModelIndex index;
+ _meshSelectionModel->clearSelection();
+ foreach ( QListWidgetItem *item, sel ){
+ index = item->data(LW_QMODELINDEX_ROLE).value<QModelIndex>();
+ if ( index.isValid() )
+ {
+ MESSAGE( "* selecting the element : " << );
+ _meshSelectionModel->select( index, QItemSelectionModel::Select );
+ }
+ }
+ _selectionMutex = false;
+ MESSAGE("}");
// ============================================================== getValue
HEXA_NS::Propagation* PropagationDialog::getValue()
// ============================================================== apply
bool PropagationDialog::apply(QModelIndex& result)
+ if (_currentObj != NULL) _highlightWidget(_currentObj, Qt::white);
+ _currentObj = NULL;
bool isOk = false;
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
if ( !_documentModel ) return false;
if ( !_meshSelectionModel ) return false;
- _currentObj = NULL;
const MeshModel* meshModel = dynamic_cast<const MeshModel*>( _meshSelectionModel->model() );
bool way = way_cb->isChecked();
// ============================================================== apply
bool ComputeMeshDialog::apply(QModelIndex& result)
+ if (_currentObj != NULL) _highlightWidget(_currentObj, Qt::white);
+ _currentObj = NULL;
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
QString command = QString("import hexablock ; %1 = hexablock.mesh(\"%2\", \"%1\", %3, \"%4\")")
_helpFileName = "gui_replace_hexa.html";
setupUi( this );
- setFocusProxy( quads_lw );
+// setFocusProxy( quads_lw );
// ============================================================== Destructeur
+// ============================================================== getAssocsVTK
+ * Returns elements currently associated to vtk
+ */
+QModelIndexList ReplaceHexaDialog::getAssocsVTK()
+ QModelIndexList assocs;
+ QModelIndex iQuad;
+ QListWidgetItem* item = NULL;
+ //ListWidget content
+ const PatternDataModel* patternDataModel = dynamic_cast<const PatternDataModel*>( _patternDataSelectionModel->model() );
+ if ( !patternDataModel ) return assocs;
+ for ( int r = 0; r < quads_lw->count(); ++r ){
+ item = quads_lw->item(r);
+// iQuad = patternDataModel->mapToSource( item->data(LW_QMODELINDEX_ROLE).value<QModelIndex>() ); //unsafe
+ iQuad = _patternDataSelectionModel->indexBy(HEXA_DATA_ROLE, item->data(LW_DATA_ROLE));
+ if ( iQuad.isValid() ) assocs << iQuad;
+ }
+ return assocs;
// ============================================================== _initInputWidget
void ReplaceHexaDialog::_initInputWidget( Mode editmode )
p2_le->setProperty( "HexaWidgetType", QVariant::fromValue(VERTEX_TREE) );
p3_le->setProperty( "HexaWidgetType", QVariant::fromValue(VERTEX_TREE) );
+ name_le->installEventFilter(this);
connect( quads_lw, SIGNAL(currentRowChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateButtonBox(int)) );
+ c1_le->setReadOnly(true);
+ c2_le->setReadOnly(true);
+ c3_le->setReadOnly(true);
+ p1_le->setReadOnly(true);
+ p2_le->setReadOnly(true);
+ p3_le->setReadOnly(true);
connect(quads_lw, SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()), this, SLOT(selectElementOfModel()));
// ============================================================== apply
bool ReplaceHexaDialog::apply(QModelIndex& result)
+ if (_currentObj != NULL) _highlightWidget(_currentObj, Qt::white);
+ _currentObj = NULL;
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
if ( !_documentModel ) return false;
if ( !_patternDataSelectionModel ) return false;
const PatternBuilderModel* patternBuilderModel = dynamic_cast<const PatternBuilderModel*>( _patternBuilderSelectionModel->model() );
if ( !patternDataModel ) return false;
if ( !patternBuilderModel ) return false;
- _currentObj = NULL;
QModelIndex ielts; //result
result = patternBuilderModel->mapFromSource(ielts);
+ //update the list (indexes)
+ for ( int r = 0; r < quads_lw->count(); ++r ){
+ item = quads_lw->item(r);
+ iquad = _patternDataSelectionModel->indexBy(HEXA_DATA_ROLE, item->data(LW_DATA_ROLE));
+ item->setData( LW_QMODELINDEX_ROLE, QVariant::fromValue<QModelIndex>(iquad) );
+ }
return true;
_helpFileName = "gui_quad_revolution.html";
setupUi( this );
- setFocusProxy( quads_lw );
+// setFocusProxy( quads_lw );
+// ============================================================== getAssocsVTK
+ * Returns elements currently associated to vtk
+ */
+QModelIndexList QuadRevolutionDialog::getAssocsVTK()
+ QModelIndexList assocs;
+ QModelIndex iQuad;
+ QListWidgetItem* item = NULL;
+ //ListWidget content
+ const PatternDataModel* patternDataModel = dynamic_cast<const PatternDataModel*>( _patternDataSelectionModel->model() );
+ if ( !patternDataModel ) return assocs;
+ for ( int r = 0; r < quads_lw->count(); ++r ){
+ item = quads_lw->item(r);
+ iQuad = patternDataModel->mapToSource( item->data(LW_QMODELINDEX_ROLE).value<QModelIndex>() );
+ if ( iQuad.isValid() )
+ assocs << iQuad;
+ }
+ return assocs;
// ============================================================== Destructeur
axis_vec_le->setValidator( validator );
// quads_lw->setValidator( validator );
+ name_le->installEventFilter(this);
// connect(clear_pb, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(clearQuads()));
+ center_pt_le->setReadOnly(true);
+ axis_vec_le->setReadOnly(true);
connect(quads_lw, SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()), this, SLOT(selectElementOfModel()));
// ============================================================== apply
bool QuadRevolutionDialog::apply(QModelIndex& result)
+ if (_currentObj != NULL) _highlightWidget(_currentObj, Qt::white);
+ _currentObj = NULL;
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
if ( !_documentModel ) return false;
if ( !_patternDataSelectionModel ) return false;
const PatternBuilderModel* patternBuilderModel = dynamic_cast<const PatternBuilderModel*>( _patternBuilderSelectionModel->model() );
if ( !patternDataModel ) return false;
if ( !patternBuilderModel ) return false;
- _currentObj = NULL;
QModelIndex ielts; //result
QListWidgetItem* item = NULL;
-// ------------------------- QuadRevolutionDialog ----------------------------------
+// ------------------------- MakeHemiSphereDialog ----------------------------------
// ============================================================== Constructeur
radial_vec_le->setValidator( validator );
+ name_le->installEventFilter(this);
+ sphere_center_le->setReadOnly(true);
+ cross_pt_le->setReadOnly(true);
+ hole_axis_le->setReadOnly(true);
+ cross_vec_le->setReadOnly(true);
+ radial_vec_le->setReadOnly(true);
// ============================================================== clear
// ============================================================== apply
bool MakeHemiSphereDialog::apply(QModelIndex& result)
+ if (_currentObj != NULL) _highlightWidget(_currentObj, Qt::white);
+ _currentObj = NULL;
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
if ( !_documentModel ) return false;
if ( !_patternBuilderSelectionModel ) return false;
const PatternDataModel* patternDataModel = dynamic_cast<const PatternDataModel*>( _patternDataSelectionModel->model() );
if ( !patternBuilderModel ) return false;
if ( !patternDataModel ) return false;
- _currentObj = NULL;
QModelIndex iElts;
QModelIndex icenter = patternDataModel->mapToSource( _index[sphere_center_le] );
// bool MakeRindDialog::apply(QModelIndex& result)
// {
+// if (_currentObj != NULL) _highlightWidget(_currentObj, Qt::white);
+// _currentObj = NULL;
// SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
// if ( !_documentModel ) return false;
// if ( !_patternBuilderSelectionModel ) return false;
+#define MAX_WIDTH 16777215
+#define MAX_HEIGHT 16777215
+#define MIN_WIDTH 0
+#define MIN_HEIGHT 0
#include <QShortcut>
+#include <QDockWidget>
#include "ui_Vertex_QTD.h"
#include "ui_Quad_QTD.h"
#include "klinkitemselectionmodel.hxx"
+ enum ViewType {
+ VTK,
+ OCC,
+ };
// define input widget type => usefull for selection
typedef HexaTreeRole HexaWidgetType;
typedef TopAbs_ShapeEnum/*int */GeomWidgetType; //CS_TODO
enum {
HexaBaseDialog( QWidget * parent = 0, Mode editmode = NEW_MODE, Qt::WindowFlags f = 0 );
- virtual ~HexaBaseDialog();
+ virtual ~HexaBaseDialog(){};
// clear all input widget
- virtual void clear();
+ virtual void clear(){};
+ ViewType getObjectViewType(QObject* obj);
// model
- virtual void setDocumentModel( DocumentModel* m );
+ virtual void setDocumentModel( DocumentModel* m ){ _documentModel = m;}
// selection
- virtual void setPatternDataSelectionModel( PatternDataSelectionModel* s );
- virtual void setPatternBuilderSelectionModel( PatternBuilderSelectionModel* s );
- virtual void setGroupsSelectionModel( GroupsSelectionModel* s );
- virtual void setMeshSelectionModel( MeshSelectionModel* s );
+ virtual void setPatternDataSelectionModel( PatternDataSelectionModel* s )
+ { _patternDataSelectionModel = s;}
+ virtual void setPatternBuilderSelectionModel( PatternBuilderSelectionModel* s )
+ { _patternBuilderSelectionModel = s; }
+ virtual void setGroupsSelectionModel( GroupsSelectionModel* s )
+ { _groupsSelectionModel = s; }
+ virtual void setMeshSelectionModel( MeshSelectionModel* s )
+ { _meshSelectionModel = s; }
+ void resetSizeAndShow(QDockWidget* parent);
+ void lockSizeToSizeHint();
+ void unlockSizeModification();
+ virtual QModelIndexList getAssocsVTK()
+ {
+ QModelIndexList assocs;
+ return assocs;
+ }
+ virtual QMultiMap<QString, int> getAssocsGEOM()
+ {
+ QMultiMap<QString, int> assocs;
+ return assocs;
+ }
+ void clearVTKSelection();
+ void clearOCCSelection();
+ bool debugEdgeAssoc; //Temporary
public slots:
//virtual void accept();
virtual void close();
virtual void onHelpRequested();
virtual bool eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event);
virtual void hideEvent ( QHideEvent * event );
virtual void _initInputWidget( Mode editmode )=0; //must be implemented on inherited dialog box
virtual QGroupBox* _initButtonBox( Mode editmode );
void _initWidget( Mode editmode ); // call _initInputWidget() & _initButtonBox()
+ QModelIndexList getIndexList(QListWidget* itemsList);
void _initViewManager();
void _allowSelection();
void _disallowSelection();
QItemSelectionModel* _allowSelection( HexaWidgetType wtype );
bool _allowVTKSelection( QObject* obj );
bool _allowOCCSelection( QObject* obj );
+ void setOCCSelectionMode(TopAbs_ShapeEnum mode);
QItemSelectionModel* _getSelector( QObject* obj );
void _selectAndHighlight( const QModelIndex& i );
+ void _highlightWidget(QObject* obj, Qt::GlobalColor clr);
+ void setFocusToNextField();
Mode _editMode;
QString _helpFileName;
+ private:
+ bool _isLineOrListWidget(QObject*);
+ void _updateCurrentObject(QObject*);
+ TopAbs_ShapeEnum currentOCCSelectionMode;
+ void refreshConnects();
protected slots:
virtual void onSelectionChanged( const QItemSelection& sel, const QItemSelection& unsel ); //from qt model/view selectionManager
virtual void onCurrentSelectionChanged();//from salome selectionManager
- virtual void onWindowActivated( SUIT_ViewManager* vm );
+ virtual void onWindowActivated(SUIT_ViewManager*){};
virtual void updateButtonBox();
void updateName();
- void selectElementOfModel();
+ virtual void selectElementOfModel();
+ void highlightSelectedAssocs();
virtual ~HexaDialog();
void clear();
+ virtual QModelIndexList getAssocsVTK();
void setValue(HEXA_NS::Hexa* v);
HEXA_NS::Hexa* getValue();
PrismQuadDialog( QWidget* = 0, Mode = NEW_MODE, Qt::WindowFlags = Qt::SubWindow );//= 0 );
virtual ~PrismQuadDialog();
void clear();
+ virtual QModelIndexList getAssocsVTK();
public slots:
virtual bool apply(QModelIndex& result);
void _initInputWidget( Mode editmode );
+ protected slots:
+ void addHeightItem();
+ void delHeightItem();
private slots:
void addQuad();
void removeQuad();
virtual ~JoinQuadDialog();
void clear();
+ virtual QModelIndexList getAssocsVTK();
public slots:
virtual bool apply(QModelIndex& result);
EdgeAssocDialog( QWidget* = 0, Mode = NEW_MODE, Qt::WindowFlags = Qt::SubWindow );//= 0 );
virtual ~EdgeAssocDialog();
void clear();
+ virtual QModelIndexList getAssocsVTK();
+ virtual QMultiMap<QString, int> getAssocsGEOM();
void setGeomEngine( GEOM::GEOM_Gen_var geomEngine );
virtual void onCurrentSelectionChanged();
// void onSelectionChanged( const QItemSelection& sel, const QItemSelection& unsel );
virtual void onWindowActivated(SUIT_ViewManager*);
+ virtual void selectElementOfGeom();
void deleteEdgeItem();
void deleteLineItem();
void pendChanged( double val );
+// QModelIndexList currentAssocList;
// Preview in GEOM
// GEOM::GeomObjPtr _firstLine;
// GEOM::GeomObjPtr _lastLine;
QuadAssocDialog( QWidget* = 0, Mode = NEW_MODE, Qt::WindowFlags = Qt::SubWindow );//= 0 );
virtual ~QuadAssocDialog();
void clear();
+ virtual QModelIndexList getAssocsVTK();
+ virtual QMultiMap<QString, int> getAssocsGEOM();
public slots:
virtual bool apply(QModelIndex& result);
virtual void onCurrentSelectionChanged();
virtual void onWindowActivated(SUIT_ViewManager*);
void deleteFaceItem();
+ virtual void selectElementOfGeom();
QList<DocumentModel::GeomObj> _assocs;
GroupDialog( QWidget* = 0, Mode = NEW_MODE, Qt::WindowFlags = Qt::SubWindow );//= 0 );
virtual ~GroupDialog();
void clear();
+ virtual QModelIndexList getAssocsVTK();
void setValue(HEXA_NS::Group* v);
HEXA_NS::Group* getValue();
protected slots:
void updateHelpFileName();
void deletePropagationItem();
+ virtual void selectElementOfModel();
HEXA_NS::Propagation *_value;
ReplaceHexaDialog( QWidget* = 0, Mode = NEW_MODE, Qt::WindowFlags = Qt::SubWindow );//= 0 );
virtual ~ReplaceHexaDialog();
void clear();
+ virtual QModelIndexList getAssocsVTK();
public slots:
virtual bool apply(QModelIndex& result);
QuadRevolutionDialog( QWidget* = 0, Mode = NEW_MODE, Qt::WindowFlags = Qt::SubWindow );//= 0 );
virtual ~QuadRevolutionDialog();
void clear();
+ virtual QModelIndexList getAssocsVTK();
public slots:
virtual bool apply(QModelIndex& result);
#include <SUIT_Selector.h>
#include <SUIT_Desktop.h>
#include <SUIT_ViewManager.h>
+#include <SVTK_View.h>
#include "HEXABLOCKGUI_SalomeTools.hxx"
disconnect( this, SIGNAL( currentChanged( const QModelIndex &, const QModelIndex & ) ),
disconnect( HEXABLOCKGUI::selectionMgr(), SIGNAL( currentSelectionChanged() ), this, SLOT( salomeSelectionChanged() ) );
void PatternDataSelectionModel::setVertexSelection()
void PatternDataSelectionModel::setHexaSelection()
- SetSelectionMode(VolumeSelection);
+// SetSelectionMode(VolumeSelection);
+ SetSelectionMode(FaceSelection); //temporary for hexa selection debug
_selectionFilter = HEXA_TREE;
void PatternDataSelectionModel::setAllSelection()
+ SetSelectionMode(ActorSelection);
_selectionFilter = -1;
void PatternDataSelectionModel::SetSelectionMode(Selection_Mode theMode)
- SVTK_ViewWindow* aVTKViewWindow = _getVTKViewWindow();
+// SVTK_ViewWindow* aVTKViewWindow = _getVTKViewWindow();
// aViewWindow->clearFilters();
// _salomeSelectionMgr->clearFilters();
- if ( aVTKViewWindow )
- aVTKViewWindow->SetSelectionMode( theMode );
+ if ( _getVTKViewWindow() != NULL )
+ _getVTKViewWindow()->SetSelectionMode( theMode );
MESSAGE("* current : " <<;
MESSAGE("* previous : " <<;
+ //Setting the selection mode of the selected item from the treeview
+ _setVTKSelectionMode( current);
// _selectSalome( current, true );
// _selectSalome( previous, false );
+void PatternDataSelectionModel::highlightEltsWithAssocs(const QModelIndexList& elts)
+ try {
+// if ( HEXABLOCKGUI::selectionMgr() != NULL) HEXABLOCKGUI::selectionMgr()->clearSelected();
+ highlightVTKElts(elts);
+ for( QModelIndexList::const_iterator i_index = elts.begin(); i_index != elts.end(); ++i_index ){
+ // _selectVTK( *i_index );
+ _highlightGEOM( *i_index );
+ }
+ } catch ( ... ) {
+ MESSAGE("Unknown exception was cought !!!");
+ }
void PatternDataSelectionModel::onSelectionChanged( const QItemSelection & selected, const QItemSelection & deselected )
- MESSAGE("PatternDataSelectionModel::onSelectionChanged(){");
- foreach( const QModelIndex& isel, selected.indexes() ){
- MESSAGE("* selected : " <<;
- }
- foreach( const QModelIndex& iunsel, deselected.indexes() ){
- MESSAGE("* unselected : " <<;
- }
- _theModelSelectionChanged = true;
- try {
- if ( _salomeSelectionMgr == NULL ) return;
-// if ( !_theVtkSelectionChanged and !_theGeomSelectionChanged ) return;
- _salomeSelectionMgr->clearSelected();
- // erasePreview(true);
- QModelIndexList indexes = selected.indexes();
- for( QModelIndexList::const_iterator i_index = indexes.begin(); i_index != indexes.end(); ++i_index ){
- // std::cout << "entry selected" << i_index->data( HEXA_ENTRY_ROLE ).toString().toStdString() << std::endl;
- if ( !_theVtkSelectionChanged ) _selectVTK( *i_index );
- if ( !_theGeomSelectionChanged ) _highlightGEOM( *i_index );
- }
- // CS_BP todo SALOMEGUI_Swig.cxx:370
- // indexes = deselected.indexes();
- // for( QModelIndexList::const_iterator i_index = indexes.begin(); i_index != indexes.end(); ++i_index )
- // _unselectSalome( *i_index);
- } catch ( ... ) {
- MESSAGE("Unknown exception was cought !!!");
- }
- _theModelSelectionChanged = false;
- MESSAGE("}");
+// MESSAGE("PatternDataSelectionModel::onSelectionChanged(){");
+// foreach( const QModelIndex& isel, selected.indexes() ){
+// MESSAGE("* selected : " <<;
+// }
+// foreach( const QModelIndex& iunsel, deselected.indexes() ){
+// MESSAGE("* unselected : " <<;
+// }
+// _theModelSelectionChanged = true;
+// try {
+// if ( _salomeSelectionMgr == NULL ) return;
+//// if ( !_theVtkSelectionChanged and !_theGeomSelectionChanged ) return;
+// _salomeSelectionMgr->clearSelected();
+// // erasePreview(true);
+// QModelIndexList indexes = selected.indexes();
+// for( QModelIndexList::const_iterator i_index = indexes.begin(); i_index != indexes.end(); ++i_index ){
+// // std::cout << "entry selected" << i_index->data( HEXA_ENTRY_ROLE ).toString().toStdString() << std::endl;
+// if ( !_theVtkSelectionChanged ) _selectVTK( *i_index );
+// if ( !_theGeomSelectionChanged ) _highlightGEOM( *i_index );
+// }
+// // CS_BP todo SALOMEGUI_Swig.cxx:370
+// // indexes = deselected.indexes();
+// // for( QModelIndexList::const_iterator i_index = indexes.begin(); i_index != indexes.end(); ++i_index )
+// // _unselectSalome( *i_index);
+// } catch ( ... ) {
+// MESSAGE("Unknown exception was cought !!!");
+// }
+// _theModelSelectionChanged = false;
+// MESSAGE("}");
void PatternDataSelectionModel::salomeSelectionChanged()
_salomeSelectionMgr->selectedObjects( salomeSelected, NULL, false );
if ( salomeSelected.IsEmpty() ){
MESSAGE("* salomeSelected.IsEmpty()");
+ salomeNothingSelected = true;
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) anIObject;
SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO it(salomeSelected);
for( ; it.More(); it.Next()){
anIObject = it.Value(); //anIObject->getName()
MESSAGE("* OK : selection from GEOM");
+ salomeNothingSelected = false;
} catch ( ... ) {
MESSAGE("* Unknown exception was cought !!!");
+QModelIndex PatternDataSelectionModel::_geomSelectionChanged( const Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject)& anIObject )
+ MESSAGE("PatternDataSelectionModel::_geomSelectionChanged(){");
+ QModelIndexList assocsIndexes;// elements of the model which is associated to the geom object and that is to be selected
+ QModelIndex assocIndex;
+ if (HEXABLOCKGUI::assocInProgress) return assocIndex;
+ bool fromGEOM = ( strcmp("GEOM", anIObject->getComponentDataType()) == 0 );
+ if ( !fromGEOM ) return assocIndex;
+ if (!_salomeSelectionMgr) return assocIndex;
+ QString aName;
+ GEOM::GEOM_Object_var aGeomObj = GEOMBase::ConvertIOinGEOMObject( anIObject );
+ int anIndex = -1;
+ if ( GEOMBase::IsShape(aGeomObj) ){
+ aName = GEOMBase::GetName(aGeomObj);
+ TColStd_IndexedMapOfInteger anIndexes;
+ _salomeSelectionMgr->GetIndexes(anIObject, anIndexes);
+ if ( anIndexes.Extent() == 1 )
+ anIndex = anIndexes(1);
+ QString aGeomObjStudyEntry = aGeomObj->GetStudyEntry();
+ QString aGeomObjModelEntry = aGeomObjStudyEntry + "," + QString::number(anIndex) + ";";
+ assocsIndexes = _indexListOf( aGeomObjModelEntry, HEXA_ASSOC_ENTRY_ROLE );
+ if ( !_theModelSelectionChanged && assocsIndexes.count()>0 && assocsIndexes[0].isValid() ){ // select in model
+ _theGeomSelectionChanged = true;
+ setCurrentIndex( assocsIndexes[0], QItemSelectionModel::Clear ); //CS_TEST
+ setCurrentIndex( assocsIndexes[0], QItemSelectionModel::SelectCurrent );
+ _theGeomSelectionChanged = false;
+ } else {
+ clearSelection();
+ }
+ }
+ MESSAGE("}");
+ if (assocsIndexes.count() > 0)
+ {
+// HEXABLOCKGUI::currentVtkView->setFocus();
+ highlightVTKElts(assocsIndexes);
+ return assocsIndexes[0];
+ }
+ return assocIndex;
+QModelIndex PatternDataSelectionModel::_vtkSelectionChanged( const Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject)& anIObject )
+ MESSAGE("PatternDataSelectionModel::_vtkSelectionChanged(){");
+ QModelIndex anIOIndex;// // the element of the model which is associated to the Interactive object and that is to be selected
+ bool fromVTK = ( strcmp("HEXABLOCK", anIObject->getComponentDataType()) == 0 );
+ if ( !fromVTK ) return anIOIndex;
+ SVTK_ViewWindow* currentVTKViewWindow = _getVTKViewWindow();
+ if ( !currentVTKViewWindow ) return anIOIndex;
+ if ( !anIObject->hasEntry() ) return anIOIndex;
+ QString anIOEntry = anIObject->getEntry();
+ Document_Actor *anDocActor = NULL;
+ int anhexaElemsId;
+ QString aText = "";
+ if ( GetNameOfSelectedElements( currentVTKViewWindow, anIObject, aText ) <= 0 ) return anIOIndex;
+ anDocActor = dynamic_cast<Document_Actor*>( findActorByEntry( currentVTKViewWindow, anIOEntry.toLatin1() ) );
+ if ( !anDocActor ) return anIOIndex;
+ anhexaElemsId = anDocActor->hexaElemsId[ aText.toInt() ];
+ anIOEntry = QString::number( anhexaElemsId );
+ anIOIndex = _indexOf( anIOEntry, HEXA_ENTRY_ROLE );
+ if ( !_theModelSelectionChanged && anIOIndex.isValid() ){ // select in model
+ _theVtkSelectionChanged = true;
+ //Temporary Debug for hexa selection -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ if (getSelectionFilter() == HEXA_TREE)
+ {
+ DocumentModel *docModel = NULL;
+ const QSortFilterProxyModel *pModel = dynamic_cast<const QSortFilterProxyModel *>( model() );
+ if ( pModel != NULL){
+ docModel = dynamic_cast<DocumentModel*>( pModel->sourceModel() );
+ if ( docModel != NULL && anIOIndex.isValid())
+ {
+ //get the selected quad
+ HEXA_NS::Quad* quad = docModel->getHexaPtr<HEXA_NS::Quad*>(anIOIndex);
+ if (quad != NULL)
+ {
+ //get the hexa the quad belongs to
+ HEXA_NS::Hexa* hexa = docModel->getQuadHexa(quad);
+ if (hexa != NULL) //convert the hexa to a QModelIndex so we can select it in the model
+ anIOIndex = indexBy( HEXA_DATA_ROLE, QVariant::fromValue(hexa));
+ else
+ {
+ SUIT_MessageBox::critical( 0,
+ tr("HexaBlock"),
+ tr("The Hexahedron This quad belongs to has been deleted!"));
+ return anIOIndex;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }//end if HEXA_TREE------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ setCurrentIndex( anIOIndex, QItemSelectionModel::Clear );
+ setCurrentIndex( anIOIndex, QItemSelectionModel::SelectCurrent );
+ _theVtkSelectionChanged = false;
+ } else {
+ clearSelection();
+ }
+// if (anIOIndex.isValid())
+// _selectVTK(anIOIndex);
+// if (anIOIndex.isValid())
+// {
+// QModelIndexList l;
+// l << anIOIndex;
+// highlightVTKElts(l);
+// _highlightGEOM(anIOIndex); // JMD test à faire
+// }
+ MESSAGE("}");
+ return anIOIndex;
SVTK_ViewWindow* PatternDataSelectionModel::_getVTKViewWindow()
- SVTK_ViewWindow* aVtkView = HEXABLOCKGUI::currentVtkView;
- return aVtkView;
+// SVTK_ViewWindow* aVtkView = HEXABLOCKGUI::currentVtkView;
+ return HEXABLOCKGUI::currentVtkView;
OCCViewer_ViewWindow* PatternDataSelectionModel::_getOCCViewWindow()
- OCCViewer_ViewWindow* aOccView = HEXABLOCKGUI::currentOccView;
- return aOccView;
+// OCCViewer_ViewWindow* aOccView = HEXABLOCKGUI::currentOccView;
+// MESSAGE(" dans OCCViewer" << aOccView);
+ return HEXABLOCKGUI::currentOccView;
-void PatternDataSelectionModel::_setVTKSelectionMode( const QModelIndex& eltIndex, SVTK_ViewWindow* vtkViewWindow )
+QModelIndexList PatternDataSelectionModel::_indexListOf( const QString& anEntry, int role )
+ QModelIndexList theIndexes; // element (vertex, edge, quad) of model
+ const QAbstractItemModel* theModel = model();
+ if ( !theModel ) return theIndexes;
+ theIndexes = theModel->match( theModel->index(0, 0),
+ role,
+ anEntry,
+ -1,
+ Qt::MatchRecursive | Qt::MatchContains );//Qt::MatchFixedString );
+ return theIndexes;
+void PatternDataSelectionModel::_setVTKSelectionMode( const QModelIndex& eltIndex )
- MESSAGE("PatternDataSelectionModel::_setVTKSelectionMode( "<< << " ," << vtkViewWindow << " )");
+ MESSAGE("PatternDataSelectionModel::_setVTKSelectionMode( "<< << " )");
QVariant treeVariant = HEXA_TREE_ROLE );
if ( !treeVariant.isValid() ) return;
int eltType = treeVariant.toInt();
- if ( (_selectionFilter != -1) and ( _selectionFilter != eltType ) ) return;
+// if ( (_selectionFilter != -1) and ( _selectionFilter != eltType ) ) return;
+ if ( _selectionFilter == eltType ) return;
switch ( eltType ){
- case VERTEX_DIR_TREE : vtkViewWindow->SetSelectionMode(NodeSelection); MESSAGE("VERTEX"); break;
+ case VERTEX_DIR_TREE : setVertexSelection(); MESSAGE("VERTEX"); break;
case EDGE_TREE :
- case EDGE_DIR_TREE : vtkViewWindow->SetSelectionMode(EdgeSelection); MESSAGE("EDGE"); break;
+ case EDGE_DIR_TREE : setEdgeSelection(); MESSAGE("EDGE"); break;
case QUAD_TREE :
- case QUAD_DIR_TREE : vtkViewWindow->SetSelectionMode(FaceSelection); MESSAGE("QUAD"); break;
+ case QUAD_DIR_TREE : setQuadSelection(); MESSAGE("QUAD"); break;
case HEXA_TREE :
- case HEXA_DIR_TREE : vtkViewWindow->SetSelectionMode(VolumeSelection); MESSAGE("HEXA"); break;
+ case HEXA_DIR_TREE : setHexaSelection(); MESSAGE("HEXA"); break;
- case PROPAGATION_DIR_TREE : vtkViewWindow->SetSelectionMode(EdgeSelection); MESSAGE("PROPAGATION"); break;
+ case PROPAGATION_DIR_TREE : setEdgeSelection(); MESSAGE("PROPAGATION"); break;
// CellSelection,
// EdgeOfCellSelection,
// VolumeSelection,
void PatternDataSelectionModel::highlightVTKElts( const QModelIndexList& elts )
if (!elts.size()) return;
// document selection
Document_Actor* docActor = NULL;
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) docIO;
+// Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) docIO2; //JMD
// element highlight
TColStd_MapOfInteger aMap;
+// TColStd_MapOfInteger aMap2;
QList<int>::const_iterator anIter;
int vtkElemsId;
docActor = dynamic_cast<Document_Actor*>( findActorByEntry( currentVTKViewWindow, docEntry.toLatin1() ) );
if ( docActor == NULL) return;
// // Set selection mode in VTK view
-// currentVTKViewWindow->SetSelectionMode(EdgeSelection);
+// currentVTKViewWindow->SetSelectionMode(VolumeSelection);
docIO = docActor->getIO();
+// QString autreDocentry = "toti";
+// Associate_Actor* associateActor = dynamic_cast<Associate_Actor*>( findActorByEntry( currentVTKViewWindow, autreDocentry.toLatin1() ) );
+// docIO2 = associateActor->getIO();
// Highlight in vtk view the element from document
- QString edgeEntry;
+ //bool rr = true;
+ QString eltEntry;
foreach( const QModelIndex& iElt, elts ){
- edgeEntry = HEXA_ENTRY_ROLE ).toString();
- vtkElemsId = docActor->vtkElemsId[ edgeEntry.toInt() ];
+ eltEntry = HEXA_ENTRY_ROLE ).toString();
+ vtkElemsId = docActor->vtkElemsId[ eltEntry.toInt() ];
if ( vtkElemsId > 0 ) aMap.Add( vtkElemsId );
+// if (rr) {
+// if ( vtkElemsId > 0 ) aMap.Add( vtkElemsId );
+// }
+// else
+// {
+// if ( vtkElemsId > 0 ) aMap2.Add( vtkElemsId );
+// }
+// rr = ! rr;
- selector->AddOrRemoveIndex( docIO, aMap, false );
+ selector->AddOrRemoveIndex( docIO, aMap, false ); //true
+// selector->RemoveIObject(docActor);
currentVTKViewWindow->highlight( docIO, true, true );
+// Document_Actor* docActor = NULL;
+// QVariant docEntryVariant = HEXA_DOC_ENTRY_ROLE );
+// if ( docEntryVariant.isValid() ){
+// QString docEntry = docEntryVariant.toString();
+// docActor = dynamic_cast<Document_Actor*>( findActorByEntry( HEXABLOCKGUI::currentVtkView, docEntry.toLatin1() ) );
+// if ( docActor != NULL) HEXABLOCKGUI::currentVtkView->getView()->highlight( docActor->getIO(), false, false );
+// }
+// currentVTKViewWindow->getView()->SetColor(docIO, QColor("blue"));
+// selector->AddOrRemoveIndex( docIO2, aMap2, false );
+// currentVTKViewWindow->highlight( docIO2, true, true );
+//SUIT_ViewManager* PatternDataSelectionModel::initOccViewManager()
+// SalomeApp_Application* anApp = dynamic_cast<SalomeApp_Application*>( SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication() );
+// SUIT_ViewManager* occVm = anApp->getViewManager( OCCViewer_Viewer::Type(), true );
+// SVTK_ViewWindow* viewWindow = dynamic_cast<SVTK_ViewWindow*>(svw);
+// return viewWindow;
+SUIT_ViewWindow* PatternDataSelectionModel::initOccViewManager()
+ SalomeApp_Application* anApp = dynamic_cast<SalomeApp_Application*>( SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication() );
+ SUIT_ViewManager* occVm = anApp->getViewManager( OCCViewer_Viewer::Type(), true );
+ QVector<SUIT_ViewWindow*> viewS = occVm->getViews ();
+ int nb = viewS.count();
+ MESSAGE("????HexaBaseDialog::initOccView number of : " << nb);
+ if (nb == 1)
+ {
+ MESSAGE(" OK ????HexaBaseDialog::initOccView number of : " << nb);
+ return viewS.first();
+ }
+ return NULL;
// 1 vertex -> 1 point
void PatternDataSelectionModel::_highlightGEOM( const QMultiMap<QString, int>& entrySubIDs )
MESSAGE("PatternDataSelectionModel::_highlightGEOM( const QMultiMap<QString, int>& entrySubIDs ){");
+ MESSAGE("debut entry => "<< entrySubIDs.count());
OCCViewer_ViewWindow* occView = _getOCCViewWindow();
- if ( occView == NULL ) return;
- SOCC_Viewer* soccViewer = dynamic_cast<SOCC_Viewer*>( occView->getViewManager()->getViewModel() );
+ if ( occView == NULL ) {
+// occView = (OCCViewer_ViewWindow*)initOccViewManager();
+// if ( occView == NULL )
+ return;
+ }
+ MESSAGE("step 1 occView=> " << occView);
+ MESSAGE("step 1 entry => ");
+ SOCC_Viewer* soccViewer = dynamic_cast<SOCC_Viewer*>( occView->getViewManager()->getViewModel() );
if (!soccViewer) return;
+ MESSAGE("step 2 entry => ");
_PTR(Study) aStudy = GetActiveStudyDocument();
if (!aStudy) return;
+ MESSAGE("step 3 entry => ");
CORBA::Object_var aCorbaObj = CORBA::Object::_nil();
GEOM::GEOM_Object_var aGeomObj = GEOM::GEOM_Object::_nil();
+ MESSAGE("Avant entry => "<< entrySubIDs.count());
foreach ( QString entry, entrySubIDs.keys() ){
_PTR(SObject) aSChild = aStudy->FindObjectID( entry.toStdString() );
MESSAGE("* entry => "<< entry.toStdString());
MESSAGE("* !aSh.IsNull() ");
TColStd_IndexedMapOfInteger anIndexes;
foreach ( int subid, entrySubIDs.values(entry) ){
- if ( subid != -1 )
+ if ( subid != -1 )
anIndexes.Add( subid );
if ( anIndexes.Extent() > 0 ){ // if it's a sub-shape
const QSortFilterProxyModel *pModel = dynamic_cast<const QSortFilterProxyModel *>( model() );
if ( !pModel ) return;
- docModel = dynamic_cast<DocumentModel*>( pModel->sourceModel() );
+ docModel = dynamic_cast<DocumentModel*>( pModel->sourceModel() );
if ( !docModel ) return;
assocs = docModel->getAssociations( pModel->mapToSource(anEltIndex) );
foreach( const DocumentModel::GeomObj& anAssoc, assocs )
- assocEntrySubIDs.insert( anAssoc.entry, anAssoc.subid.toInt() );
+ {
+// MESSAGE(" dedans " << anAssoc.entry.toStdString());
+// MESSAGE(" + " << anAssoc.subid.toInt());
+ assocEntrySubIDs.insert( anAssoc.entry, anAssoc.subid.toInt() );
+ }
_highlightGEOM( assocEntrySubIDs );
void PatternDataSelectionModel::_selectVTK( const QModelIndex& eltIndex )
MESSAGE("PatternDataSelectionModel::_selectVTK( "<< << ")");
if ( docActor == NULL ) return;
// Set selection mode in VTK view
- _setVTKSelectionMode( eltIndex, currentVTKViewWindow );
+ //_setVTKSelectionMode( eltIndex, currentVTKViewWindow );
// if ( _salomeSelectionMgr == NULL ) return;
// _salomeSelectionMgr->selectedObjects( aList );
// aList.Append(docIO);
// _salomeSelectionMgr->setSelectedObjects( aList, true );//false );//true ); //CS_BP false?
docIO = docActor->getIO();
- // Highlight in vtk view the element from document
+ // Highlight in vtk view the element from document
vtkElemsId = docActor->vtkElemsId[ eltEntry.toInt() ];// get vtk ids from actor
if ( vtkElemsId > 0 ) // CS_BP ?: erreur si 1er elt == vertex (0,0,0)
aMap.Add( vtkElemsId );
-QModelIndex PatternDataSelectionModel::_geomSelectionChanged( const Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject)& anIObject )
- MESSAGE("PatternDataSelectionModel::_geomSelectionChanged(){");
- QModelIndex eltIndex;// the element of the model which is associated to the geom object and that is to be selected
- bool fromGEOM = ( strcmp("GEOM", anIObject->getComponentDataType()) == 0 );
- if ( !fromGEOM ) return eltIndex;
- if (!_salomeSelectionMgr) return eltIndex;
- QString aName;
- GEOM::GEOM_Object_var aGeomObj = GEOMBase::ConvertIOinGEOMObject( anIObject );
- int anIndex = -1;
- if ( GEOMBase::IsShape(aGeomObj) ){
- aName = GEOMBase::GetName(aGeomObj);
- TColStd_IndexedMapOfInteger anIndexes;
- _salomeSelectionMgr->GetIndexes(anIObject, anIndexes);
- if ( anIndexes.Extent() == 1 )
- anIndex = anIndexes(1);
- QString aGeomObjStudyEntry = aGeomObj->GetStudyEntry();
- QString aGeomObjModelEntry = aGeomObjStudyEntry + "," + QString::number(anIndex) + ";";
- eltIndex = _indexOf( aGeomObjModelEntry, HEXA_ASSOC_ENTRY_ROLE );
- if ( !_theModelSelectionChanged && eltIndex.isValid() ){ // select in model
- _theGeomSelectionChanged = true;
- // select( newIndex, QItemSelectionModel::ClearAndSelect );
- // select( newIndex, QItemSelectionModel::SelectCurrent );
-// setCurrentIndex( eltIndex, QItemSelectionModel::SelectCurrent );
- setCurrentIndex( eltIndex, QItemSelectionModel::Clear ); //CS_TEST
- setCurrentIndex( eltIndex, QItemSelectionModel::SelectCurrent );
- _theGeomSelectionChanged = false;
- } else {
- clearSelection();
- }
- }
- MESSAGE("}");
- return eltIndex;
-QModelIndex PatternDataSelectionModel::_vtkSelectionChanged( const Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject)& anIObject )
- MESSAGE("PatternDataSelectionModel::_vtkSelectionChanged(){");
- QModelIndex anIOIndex;// // the element of the model which is associated to the Interactive object and that is to be selected
- bool fromVTK = ( strcmp("HEXABLOCK", anIObject->getComponentDataType()) == 0 );
- if ( !fromVTK ) return anIOIndex;
- SVTK_ViewWindow* currentVTKViewWindow = _getVTKViewWindow();
- if ( !currentVTKViewWindow ) return anIOIndex;
- if ( !anIObject->hasEntry() ) return anIOIndex;
- QString anIOEntry = anIObject->getEntry();
- Document_Actor *anDocActor = NULL;
- int anhexaElemsId;
- QString aText = "";
- if ( GetNameOfSelectedElements( currentVTKViewWindow, anIObject, aText ) <= 0 ) return anIOIndex;
- anDocActor = dynamic_cast<Document_Actor*>( findActorByEntry( currentVTKViewWindow, anIOEntry.toLatin1() ) );
- if ( !anDocActor ) return anIOIndex;
- anhexaElemsId = anDocActor->hexaElemsId[ aText.toInt() ];
- anIOEntry = QString::number( anhexaElemsId );
- anIOIndex = _indexOf( anIOEntry, HEXA_ENTRY_ROLE );
- if ( !_theModelSelectionChanged && anIOIndex.isValid() ){ // select in model
- _theVtkSelectionChanged = true;
-// select( anIOIndex, QItemSelectionModel::Clear );
-// select( anIOIndex, QItemSelectionModel::Select );
-// select( anIOIndex, QItemSelectionModel::ClearAndSelect );
-// select( anIOIndex, QItemSelectionModel::SelectCurrent );
-// setCurrentIndex( anIOIndex, QItemSelectionModel::SelectCurrent );
-// setCurrentIndex( anIOIndex, QItemSelectionModel::SelectCurrent );
-// setCurrentIndex( anIOIndex, QItemSelectionModel::ClearAndSelect );
-// setCurrentIndex( anIOIndex, QItemSelectionModel::ClearAndSelect );
- setCurrentIndex( anIOIndex, QItemSelectionModel::Clear );
- setCurrentIndex( anIOIndex, QItemSelectionModel::SelectCurrent );
- _theVtkSelectionChanged = false;
- } else {
- clearSelection();
- }
-// if (anIOIndex.isValid())
-// _selectVTK(anIOIndex);
- if (anIOIndex.isValid())
- {
- QModelIndexList l;
- l << anIOIndex;
- highlightVTKElts(l);
- }
- MESSAGE("}");
- return anIOIndex;
GroupsSelectionModel::GroupsSelectionModel( QAbstractItemModel * model ):
QItemSelectionModel( model )
this, SLOT( onSelectionChanged( const QItemSelection & , const QItemSelection & ) ) );
disconnect( this, SIGNAL( currentChanged( const QModelIndex &, const QModelIndex & ) ),
SVTK_ViewWindow* GroupsSelectionModel::_getVTKViewWindow()
- SVTK_ViewWindow* aVtkView = HEXABLOCKGUI::currentVtkView;
- return aVtkView;
+// SVTK_ViewWindow* aVtkView = HEXABLOCKGUI::currentVtkView;
+ return HEXABLOCKGUI::currentVtkView;
void GroupsSelectionModel::_highlightGroups( const QModelIndex& eltIndex )
const GroupsModel* m = dynamic_cast<const GroupsModel *>( model() );
// ---- VTK ----
if ( m == NULL ) return;
SVTK_ViewWindow* currentVTKViewWindow = _getVTKViewWindow();
int vtkElemsId;
// debut ** data from model
int eltType;
QString docEntry;
QVariant treeVariant = HEXA_TREE_ROLE );
QVariant docEntryVariant = HEXA_DOC_ENTRY_ROLE );
- if ( !treeVariant.isValid() || !docEntryVariant.isValid() ){
+ if ( !treeVariant.isValid() || !docEntryVariant.isValid() ){
//INFOS("data from model not valid");
-void GroupsSelectionModel::_highlightAssoc( const QModelIndex& eltIndex )
- const GroupsModel* m = dynamic_cast<const GroupsModel *>( model() );
-// ---- VTK ----
- if ( m == NULL ) return;
- SVTK_ViewWindow* currentVTKViewWindow = _getVTKViewWindow();
- if ( currentVTKViewWindow == NULL ) return;
- SVTK_Selector* selector = currentVTKViewWindow->GetSelector();
- if ( selector == NULL ) return;
-// ---- vtkActor
- // document selection
- Document_Actor* docActor = NULL;
- Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) docIO;
- SALOME_ListIO aList;
- // element highlight
- TColStd_MapOfInteger aMap;
- QList<int>::const_iterator anIter;
- int vtkElemsId;
- // debut ** data from model
- int eltType;
- QString docEntry;
- QVariant treeVariant = HEXA_TREE_ROLE );
- QVariant docEntryVariant = HEXA_DOC_ENTRY_ROLE );
- if ( !treeVariant.isValid() || !docEntryVariant.isValid() ){
- //INFOS("data from model not valid");
- return;
- }
- eltType = treeVariant.toInt();
- docEntry = docEntryVariant.toString();
- ){
- //INFOS("bad element typ
- if ( eltType != GROUP_TREE ){
- //INFOS("bad element type : not a group item" << eltType );
- return;
- }
- // fin ** data from model
- // Select the document in Salome
- docActor = dynamic_cast<Document_Actor*>( findActorByEntry( currentVTKViewWindow, docEntry.toLatin1() ) );
- if ( docActor == NULL) return;
- docIO = docActor->getIO();
- // Highlight in vtk view the element from document
- DocumentModel::Group kind;
- QModelIndexList iElements = m->getGroupElements( eltIndex, kind );
- // Set selection mode in VTK view
- switch (kind){
- case HEXA_NS::HexaCell: case HEXA_NS::HexaNode: currentVTKViewWindow->SetSelectionMode(VolumeSelection); break;
- case HEXA_NS::QuadCell: case HEXA_NS::QuadNode: currentVTKViewWindow->SetSelectionMode(FaceSelection); break;
- case HEXA_NS::EdgeCell: case HEXA_NS::EdgeNode: currentVTKViewWindow->SetSelectionMode(EdgeSelection); break;
- case HEXA_NS::VertexNode: currentVTKViewWindow->SetSelectionMode(NodeSelection); break;
- }---/
- QString eltEntry;
- foreach( const QModelIndex& iElt, iElements ){
- eltEntry = HEXA_ENTRY_ROLE ).toString();
- vtkElemsId = docActor->vtkElemsId[ eltEntry.toInt() ];
- if()
- if ( vtkElemsId > 0 ) aMap.Add( vtkElemsId );
- }
- selector->AddOrRemoveIndex( docIO, aMap, false );
- currentVTKViewWindow->highlight( docIO, true, true );
void GroupsSelectionModel::onSelectionChanged( const QItemSelection & selected, const QItemSelection & deselected )
MeshSelectionModel::MeshSelectionModel( QAbstractItemModel * model ):
QItemSelectionModel( model )
SVTK_ViewWindow* MeshSelectionModel::_getVTKViewWindow()
- SVTK_ViewWindow* aVtkView = HEXABLOCKGUI::currentVtkView;
- return aVtkView;
+// SVTK_ViewWindow* aVtkView = HEXABLOCKGUI::currentVtkView;
+ return HEXABLOCKGUI::currentVtkView;
QVariant treeVariant = HEXA_TREE_ROLE );
QVariant docEntryVariant = HEXA_DOC_ENTRY_ROLE );
- if ( !treeVariant.isValid() || !docEntryVariant.isValid() ){
+ if ( !treeVariant.isValid() || !docEntryVariant.isValid() ){
//INFOS("data from model not valid");
if ( docActor == NULL) return;
// // Set selection mode in VTK view
- currentVTKViewWindow->SetSelectionMode(EdgeSelection);
+ currentVTKViewWindow->SetSelectionMode(EdgeSelection);
docIO = docActor->getIO();
- // Highlight in vtk view the element from document
+ // Highlight in vtk view the element from document
QModelIndexList iEdges = m->getPropagation( eltIndex );
QString edgeEntry;
// //=================================================================================
// // function : activateSelection
// // purpose : Activate selection in accordance with myEditCurrentArgument
#include <QItemSelectionModel>
#include <LightApp_SelectionMgr.h>
#include <SVTK_ViewWindow.h>
void setHexaSelection();
void setAllSelection();
void highlightVTKElts( const QModelIndexList& elts );
+ void highlightEltsWithAssocs(const QModelIndexList& elts);
+ void _highlightGEOM( const QMultiMap<QString, int>& entrySubIDs );
+ void _highlightGEOM( const QModelIndex & index );
- //
QModelIndex indexBy( int role, const QString& value );
QModelIndex indexBy( int role, const QVariant& var );
+ int getSelectionFilter() const { return _selectionFilter;}
void setSalomeSelectionMgr( LightApp_SelectionMgr* mgr );
void SetSelectionMode( Selection_Mode theMode );
+ QModelIndex _geomSelectionChanged( const Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject)& anIObject );
+ QModelIndex _vtkSelectionChanged( const Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject)& anIObject );
+ bool salomeNothingSelected;
protected slots:
void onCurrentChanged( const QModelIndex & current, const QModelIndex & previous );
OCCViewer_ViewWindow* _getOCCViewWindow();
QModelIndex _indexOf( const QString& anIOEntry, int role );
- void _setVTKSelectionMode( const QModelIndex& eltIndex, SVTK_ViewWindow* vtkViewWindow );
- void _highlightGEOM( const QMultiMap<QString, int>& entrySubIDs );
- void _highlightGEOM( const QModelIndex & index );
+ QModelIndexList _indexListOf( const QString& anEntry, int role );
+ void _setVTKSelectionMode( const QModelIndex& eltIndex );
void _selectVTK( const QModelIndex & index );
+ SUIT_ViewWindow* initOccViewManager();
- QModelIndex _geomSelectionChanged( const Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject)& anIObject );
- QModelIndex _vtkSelectionChanged( const Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject)& anIObject );
LightApp_SelectionMgr* _salomeSelectionMgr;
int _selectionFilter;
bool _theModelSelectionChanged;
bool _theVtkSelectionChanged;
bool _theGeomSelectionChanged;
QString& theName )
SVTK_Selector* theSelector = theWindow->GetSelector();
theName = "";
TColStd_IndexedMapOfInteger aMapIndex;
typedef std::set<int> TIdContainer;
std::set<int> anIdContainer;
for( int i = 1; i <= aMapIndex.Extent(); i++)
std::set<int>::const_iterator anIter = anIdContainer.begin();
for( ; anIter != anIdContainer.end(); anIter++)
theName += QString(" %1").arg(*anIter);
SALOME_Actor* findActorByEntry( SVTK_ViewWindow *theVtkViewWindow, const char* theEntry );
_PTR(Study) GetActiveStudyDocument();
CORBA::Object_var corbaObj( _PTR(SObject) theSO );
CORBA::Object_var corbaObj( const Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject)& theIO );
int GetNameOfSelectedElements( SVTK_ViewWindow *theWindow,/* SVTK_Selector* theSelector,*/
const Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject)& theIO,
QString& theName );
std::string shape2string( const TopoDS_Shape& aShape );
#include "HEXABLOCKGUI_Trace.hxx"
#ifdef WNT
#include <process.h>
#define getpid _getpid
+#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
- <width>217</width>
- <height>387</height>
+ <width>215</width>
+ <height>412</height>
<property name="sizePolicy">
- <sizepolicy hsizetype="Minimum" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Expanding">
<string>Hexahedron Construction</string>
<layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout">
- <property name="sizeConstraint">
- <enum>QLayout::SetMinimumSize</enum>
- </property>
<widget class="QGroupBox" name="groupBox_3">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
<property name="title">
<string>Result Name</string>
- <layout class="QFormLayout" name="formLayout_2">
+ <layout class="QFormLayout" name="formLayout">
<item row="0" column="0">
<widget class="QLabel" name="label_15">
<property name="text">
<item row="0" column="1">
<widget class="QLineEdit" name="name_le">
<property name="sizePolicy">
- <sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Minimum" vsizetype="Fixed">
<property name="maximumSize">
- <width>127</width>
+ <width>16777215</width>
<property name="title">
- <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout_5">
+ <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout">
<widget class="QRadioButton" name="quads_rb">
<property name="sizePolicy">
<widget class="QGroupBox" name="groupBox">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Preferred">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
<property name="title">
<layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_2">
<widget class="QListWidget" name="quads_lw">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Preferred">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
<property name="toolTip">
<string>Select a quad</string>
<widget class="QListWidget" name="vertices_lw">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Preferred">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
<property name="toolTip">
<string>Select a vertex</string>
+ <tabstops>
+ <tabstop>name_le</tabstop>
+ <tabstop>quads_lw</tabstop>
+ <tabstop>vertices_lw</tabstop>
+ <tabstop>quads_rb</tabstop>
+ <tabstop>vertices_rb</tabstop>
+ </tabstops>
- <receiver>quads_lw</receiver>
- <slot>show()</slot>
+ <receiver>vertices_lw</receiver>
+ <slot>hide()</slot>
<hint type="sourcelabel">
- <x>74</x>
+ <x>95</x>
<hint type="destinationlabel">
- <x>135</x>
- <y>220</y>
+ <x>173</x>
+ <y>435</y>
- <receiver>vertices_lw</receiver>
- <slot>hide()</slot>
+ <receiver>quads_lw</receiver>
+ <slot>show()</slot>
<hint type="sourcelabel">
- <x>95</x>
+ <x>74</x>
<hint type="destinationlabel">
- <x>173</x>
- <y>435</y>
+ <x>135</x>
+ <y>220</y>
- <width>256</width>
- <height>440</height>
+ <width>259</width>
+ <height>543</height>
<property name="windowTitle">
<widget class="QGroupBox" name="groupBox_8">
<property name="sizePolicy">
- <sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Maximum">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Preferred">
<property name="title">
- <layout class="QFormLayout" name="formLayout_3">
- <item row="0" column="0" colspan="2">
+ <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_2">
+ <item>
<widget class="QGroupBox" name="groupBox_5">
<property name="sizePolicy">
- <sizepolicy hsizetype="Maximum" vsizetype="Maximum">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Preferred">
<layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout_4">
- <item row="0" column="0" rowspan="2">
- <widget class="QListWidget" name="quads_lw">
+ <item row="0" column="0">
+ <widget class="QListWidget" name="quads_lw"/>
+ </item>
+ </layout>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QWidget" name="widget" native="true">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
+ <layout class="QFormLayout" name="formLayout_3">
+ <item row="0" column="0">
+ <widget class="QLabel" name="label_3">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>Point a</string>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="0" column="1">
+ <widget class="QLineEdit" name="vex0_le">
<property name="sizePolicy">
- <sizepolicy hsizetype="Maximum" vsizetype="Expanding">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Minimum" vsizetype="Fixed">
- <property name="toolTip">
- <string extracomment="select quad"/>
+ <property name="maximumSize">
+ <size>
+ <width>16777215</width>
+ <height>16777215</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ <property name="readOnly">
+ <bool>false</bool>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="1" column="0">
+ <widget class="QLabel" name="label_4">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>Point b</string>
- <property name="statusTip">
- <string/>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="1" column="1">
+ <widget class="QLineEdit" name="vex2_le">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Minimum" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
- <property name="whatsThis">
- <string/>
+ <property name="maximumSize">
+ <size>
+ <width>16777215</width>
+ <height>16777215</height>
+ </size>
- <property name="selectionMode">
- <enum>QAbstractItemView::MultiSelection</enum>
+ <property name="readOnly">
+ <bool>false</bool>
- <item row="1" column="0">
- <widget class="QLabel" name="label_3">
- <property name="text">
- <string>Point a</string>
- </property>
- </widget>
- </item>
- <item row="1" column="1">
- <widget class="QLineEdit" name="vex0_le">
- <property name="sizePolicy">
- <sizepolicy hsizetype="Maximum" vsizetype="Fixed">
- <horstretch>0</horstretch>
- <verstretch>0</verstretch>
- </sizepolicy>
- </property>
- <property name="maximumSize">
- <size>
- <width>127</width>
- <height>16777215</height>
- </size>
- </property>
- <property name="readOnly">
- <bool>false</bool>
- </property>
- </widget>
- </item>
- <item row="2" column="0">
- <widget class="QLabel" name="label_4">
- <property name="text">
- <string>Point b</string>
- </property>
- </widget>
- </item>
- <item row="2" column="1">
- <widget class="QLineEdit" name="vex2_le">
- <property name="sizePolicy">
- <sizepolicy hsizetype="Maximum" vsizetype="Fixed">
- <horstretch>0</horstretch>
- <verstretch>0</verstretch>
- </sizepolicy>
- </property>
- <property name="maximumSize">
- <size>
- <width>127</width>
- <height>16777215</height>
- </size>
- </property>
- <property name="readOnly">
- <bool>false</bool>
- </property>
- </widget>
- </item>
<item row="0" column="1">
<widget class="QLineEdit" name="quad_dest_le">
<property name="sizePolicy">
- <sizepolicy hsizetype="Maximum" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Minimum" vsizetype="Fixed">
<item row="1" column="1">
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- <sizepolicy hsizetype="Maximum" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Minimum" vsizetype="Fixed">
<property name="maximumSize">
- <width>127</width>
+ <width>16777215</width>
<item row="2" column="1">
<widget class="QLineEdit" name="vex3_le">
<property name="sizePolicy">
- <sizepolicy hsizetype="Maximum" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Minimum" vsizetype="Fixed">
<property name="maximumSize">
- <width>127</width>
+ <width>16777215</width>
<item row="0" column="1">
<widget class="QSpinBox" name="nb_spb">
<property name="sizePolicy">
- <sizepolicy hsizetype="Maximum" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Minimum" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <tabstops>
+ <tabstop>vex0_le</tabstop>
+ <tabstop>vex2_le</tabstop>
+ <tabstop>quad_dest_le</tabstop>
+ <tabstop>vex1_le</tabstop>
+ <tabstop>vex3_le</tabstop>
+ <tabstop>nb_spb</tabstop>
+ </tabstops>
<item row="0" column="1">
<widget class="QLineEdit" name="name_le">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Minimum" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
<property name="maximumSize">
- <width>127</width>
+ <width>16777215</width>
<item row="3" column="1">
<widget class="QComboBox" name="kind_cb">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Minimum" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
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<property name="text">
- <width>232</width>
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+ <width>219</width>
+ <height>500</height>
<property name="sizePolicy">
- <sizepolicy hsizetype="Minimum" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Fixed">
<layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_2">
<property name="sizeConstraint">
- <enum>QLayout::SetMinimumSize</enum>
+ <enum>QLayout::SetDefaultConstraint</enum>
<widget class="QGroupBox" name="groupBox_6">
<layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout">
<widget class="QWidget" name="widget_3" native="true">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
<layout class="QFormLayout" name="formLayout">
- <property name="labelAlignment">
- <set>Qt::AlignJustify|Qt::AlignVCenter</set>
+ <property name="fieldGrowthPolicy">
+ <enum>QFormLayout::AllNonFixedFieldsGrow</enum>
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- <property name="text">
- <string>n (z)</string>
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- <property name="text">
- <string>n (z)</string>
- </property>
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+ <string>n (radial)</string>
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- <property name="text">
- <string>n (radial)</string>
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+ <item row="3" column="0">
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- <string>n (heigth)</string>
+ <string>n (angular)</string>
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- <string>n (angular)</string>
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+ <string>da:</string>
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- <number>6</number>
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+ <string>vertex 1</string>
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<string>vertex 2</string>
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+ <item row="4" column="0">
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<property name="text">
<string>vertex 3</string>
- <item row="5" column="1">
+ <item row="4" column="1">
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<property name="maximumSize">
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+ <width>16777215</width>
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+ <item row="5" column="0">
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<property name="text">
<string>vertex 4</string>
- <item row="6" column="1">
+ <item row="5" column="1">
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<property name="maximumSize">
- <width>127</width>
+ <width>16777215</width>
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- <widget class="QLabel" name="label_7">
- <property name="text">
- <string>quad 1</string>
- </property>
- </widget>
- </item>
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- <property name="text">
- <string>quad 2</string>
- </property>
- </widget>
- </item>
- <item row="2" column="0">
- <widget class="QLabel" name="label_9">
- <property name="text">
- <string>vertex 1</string>
- </property>
- </widget>
- </item>
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+ <tabstop>v0_le_rb1</tabstop>
+ <tabstop>v1_le_rb1</tabstop>
+ <tabstop>q0_le_rb2</tabstop>
+ <tabstop>q1_le_rb2</tabstop>
+ <tabstop>v0_le_rb2</tabstop>
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+ <tabstop>v2_le_rb2</tabstop>
+ <tabstop>v3_le_rb2</tabstop>
+ </tabstops>
// function : Init()
// purpose :
/* signals and slots connections */
if ( myGeomGUI ){
connect(myGeomGUI, SIGNAL(SignalDeactivateActiveDialog()), this, SLOT(DeactivateActiveDialog()));
- connect(myGeomGUI, SIGNAL(SignalCloseAllDialogs()), this, SLOT(ClickOnCancel()));
+ connect(myGeomGUI, SIGNAL(SignalCloseAllDialogs()), this, SLOT(close()));
//connect(buttonOk(), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(ClickOnOk()));
connect(buttonApply(), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(ClickOnApply()));
+// connect( closeButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(close()) );
connect(this, SIGNAL(constructorsClicked(int)), this, SLOT(ConstructorsClicked(int)));
if (onAccept())
- ClickOnCancel();
+ close();
return false;
- ConstructorsClicked(getConstructorId());
+// ConstructorsClicked(getConstructorId());
+ //Set selection mode to the last selected mode
+ globalSelection(); // close local contexts, if any
+ localSelection(GEOM::GEOM_Object::_nil(), myNeedType);
return true;
GroupOnCurve->SpinBox_DX->setVisible(isParam || isLength);
if (isParam){
initSpinBox(GroupOnCurve->SpinBox_DX, 0., 1., 0.1, "parametric_precision");
- GroupOnCurve->SpinBox_DX->setValue(0.5);
+// GroupOnCurve->SpinBox_DX->setValue(0.5);
else if (isLength){
initSpinBox(GroupOnCurve->SpinBox_DX, COORD_MIN, COORD_MAX, step, "length_precision");
- GroupOnCurve->SpinBox_DX->setValue(0.0);
+// GroupOnCurve->SpinBox_DX->setValue(0);
foreach( const QModelIndex& iunsel, unsel.indexes() ){
MESSAGE("* unselected : " <<;
+ if (_patternDataSelectionModel)
+ _patternDataSelectionModel->highlightEltsWithAssocs(sel.indexes());
if ( _selectionMutex ) return;
if ( _currentObj != mainFrame()->_vertex_le ) return;
+// ============================================================== _isLineOrListWidget
+ * Return true is the widget is a line or a list
+ * false otherwise.
+ */
+bool MyBasicGUI_PointDlg::_isLineOrListWidget(QObject *widget)
+ if (widget == NULL) return false;
+ QLineEdit *lineEdit = dynamic_cast<QLineEdit*>(widget);
+ QListWidget *listWidget = dynamic_cast<QListWidget*>(widget);
+ return (lineEdit != NULL) || (listWidget != NULL);
+// ============================================================== _highlightWidget
+ * Highlight the given widget with the given color.
+ */
+void MyBasicGUI_PointDlg::_highlightWidget(QObject *obj, Qt::GlobalColor clr)
+ if (!_isLineOrListWidget(obj)) return;
+ QWidget *widget = dynamic_cast<QWidget*>(obj); //sure it's not NULL (_isLineOrListWidget(obj))
+ QPalette palette1 = widget->palette();
+ palette1.setColor(widget->backgroundRole(), clr);
+ widget->setPalette(palette1);
bool MyBasicGUI_PointDlg::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event)
+// if (event->type() == QEvent::FocusOut)
+// _highlightWidget(obj, Qt::white);
+// else
if ( (event->type() != QEvent::FocusIn)
or (obj != mainFrame()->_vertex_le) ){
return MyGEOMBase_Skeleton::eventFilter(obj, event);
+// _highlightWidget(obj, Qt::yellow);
void updateSize();
void setDocumentModel( HEXABLOCK::GUI::DocumentModel* m );
virtual void showEvent ( QShowEvent * event );
void _initInputWidget();
void _initViewManager();
+ void _highlightWidget(QObject* obj, Qt::GlobalColor clr);
+ bool _isLineOrListWidget(QObject*);
protected slots:
void onSelectionChanged( const QItemSelection& sel, const QItemSelection& unsel );
MyGEOMBase_Helper( SUIT_Desktop* );
virtual ~MyGEOMBase_Helper();
+ GEOM_Displayer* getDisplayer();
+ void localSelection( const ObjectList&, const int );
+ void localSelection( GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr, const int );
+ void globalSelection( const int = GEOM_ALLOBJECTS, const bool = false );
+ void globalSelection( const TColStd_MapOfInteger&, const bool = false );
+ void globalSelection( const TColStd_MapOfInteger&, const QList<int>& ,const bool = false );
static GEOM::GEOM_Gen_ptr getGeomEngine();
const bool = true );
void erasePreview ( const bool = true );
- void localSelection( const ObjectList&, const int );
- void localSelection( GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr, const int );
+// void localSelection( const ObjectList&, const int );
+// void localSelection( GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr, const int );
void activate( const int );
- void globalSelection( const int = GEOM_ALLOBJECTS, const bool = false );
- void globalSelection( const TColStd_MapOfInteger&, const bool = false );
- void globalSelection( const TColStd_MapOfInteger&, const QList<int>& ,const bool = false );
+// void globalSelection( const int = GEOM_ALLOBJECTS, const bool = false );
+// void globalSelection( const TColStd_MapOfInteger&, const bool = false );
+// void globalSelection( const TColStd_MapOfInteger&, const QList<int>& ,const bool = false );
void updateViewer ();
void prepareSelection( const ObjectList&, const int );
void SetIsPreview(const bool thePreview) {isPreview = thePreview;}
bool IsPreview() {return isPreview;}
- GEOM_Displayer* getDisplayer();
+// GEOM_Displayer* getDisplayer();
SUIT_Desktop* getDesktop() const;
virtual void setIsApplyAndClose( const bool theFlag );
myGeomGUI->SetActiveDialogBox( this );
/* signals and slots connections */
- connect( buttonCancel(), SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( ClickOnCancel() ) );
+ connect( buttonCancel(), SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( close() ) );
if ( myGeomGUI ) {
connect( myGeomGUI, SIGNAL( SignalDeactivateActiveDialog() ), this, SLOT( DeactivateActiveDialog() ) );
- connect( myGeomGUI, SIGNAL( SignalCloseAllDialogs() ), this, SLOT( ClickOnCancel() ) );
+ connect( myGeomGUI, SIGNAL( SignalCloseAllDialogs() ), this, SLOT( close() ) );
// connect help button on a private slot that displays help information
+// ========================================================================== close
+// function : close()
+// purpose : close the dockwidget
-// function : ClickOnCancel()
-// purpose :
-void MyGEOMBase_Skeleton::ClickOnCancel()
+void MyGEOMBase_Skeleton::close()
- close();
+// _currentObj = NULL;
+ //Clear VTK selection
+// clearVTKSelection();
+ //Clear OCC selection
+// clearOCCSelection();
+ //Close the dialog box
+ if (parentWidget()) parentWidget()->close();
QButtonGroup* myRBGroup; //!< radio button group
MyDlgRef_Skeleton* myMainFrame; //!< dialog box's mainframe widgetx
+public slots:
+ virtual void close();
protected slots:
- virtual void ClickOnCancel();
virtual void processPreview();
void LineEditReturnPressed();
void DeactivateActiveDialog();
- <width>297</width>
+ <width>226</width>
<layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout">
<widget class="QGroupBox" name="groupBox">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
<property name="minimumSize">
<layout class="QFormLayout" name="formLayout">
- <item row="3" column="0">
+ <item row="0" column="0">
+ <widget class="QLabel" name="label_6">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string> Name </string>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="0" column="1">
+ <widget class="QLineEdit" name="name_le">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Minimum" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
+ <property name="maximumSize">
+ <size>
+ <width>16777215</width>
+ <height>16777215</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="1" column="0">
<widget class="QLabel" name="label_5">
<property name="text">
- <item row="3" column="1">
+ <item row="1" column="1">
<widget class="QLineEdit" name="vex_le">
<property name="sizePolicy">
- <sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Minimum" vsizetype="Fixed">
<property name="maximumSize">
- <width>127</width>
+ <width>16777215</width>
- <item row="4" column="0">
+ <item row="2" column="0">
<widget class="QLabel" name="label_4">
<property name="text">
- <item row="4" column="1">
+ <item row="2" column="1">
<widget class="QLineEdit" name="vec_le">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Minimum" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
<property name="maximumSize">
- <width>127</width>
+ <width>16777215</width>
- <item row="5" column="0">
+ <item row="3" column="0">
<widget class="QLabel" name="label">
<property name="text">
<string>internal radius</string>
- <item row="5" column="1">
+ <item row="3" column="1">
<widget class="QDoubleSpinBox" name="ir_spb">
<property name="sizePolicy">
- <sizepolicy hsizetype="Expanding" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Minimum" vsizetype="Fixed">
- <item row="6" column="0">
+ <item row="4" column="0">
<widget class="QLabel" name="label_1">
<property name="text">
<string>external radius</string>
- <item row="6" column="1">
+ <item row="4" column="1">
<widget class="QDoubleSpinBox" name="er_spb">
<property name="sizePolicy">
- <sizepolicy hsizetype="Expanding" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Minimum" vsizetype="Fixed">
- <item row="7" column="0">
+ <item row="5" column="0">
<widget class="QLabel" name="label_3">
<property name="text">
- <item row="7" column="1">
+ <item row="5" column="1">
<widget class="QDoubleSpinBox" name="h_spb">
<property name="sizePolicy">
- <sizepolicy hsizetype="Expanding" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Minimum" vsizetype="Fixed">
- <item row="1" column="0">
- <widget class="QLabel" name="label_6">
- <property name="text">
- <string> Name </string>
- </property>
- </widget>
- </item>
- <item row="1" column="1">
- <widget class="QLineEdit" name="name_le">
- <property name="sizePolicy">
- <sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Fixed">
- <horstretch>0</horstretch>
- <verstretch>0</verstretch>
- </sizepolicy>
- </property>
- <property name="maximumSize">
- <size>
- <width>127</width>
- <height>16777215</height>
- </size>
- </property>
- </widget>
- </item>
+ <tabstops>
+ <tabstop>name_le</tabstop>
+ <tabstop>vex_le</tabstop>
+ <tabstop>vec_le</tabstop>
+ <tabstop>ir_spb</tabstop>
+ <tabstop>er_spb</tabstop>
+ <tabstop>h_spb</tabstop>
+ </tabstops>
- <width>318</width>
- <height>381</height>
+ <width>254</width>
+ <height>500</height>
<property name="sizePolicy">
- <sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Preferred">
+ <property name="maximumSize">
+ <size>
+ <width>16777215</width>
+ <height>16777215</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
<property name="windowTitle">
<string>Prism Quad(s) Operation</string>
<property name="title">
- <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout">
+ <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_5">
<widget class="QGroupBox" name="groupBox">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Preferred">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
+ <property name="maximumSize">
+ <size>
+ <width>16777215</width>
+ <height>16777215</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
<property name="title">
- <layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout">
- <item row="0" column="0" rowspan="2">
- <widget class="QListWidget" name="quads_lw"/>
+ <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout">
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QListWidget" name="quads_lw">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Expanding">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
- <widget class="QGroupBox" name="groupBox_3">
- <property name="title">
- <string>Direction</string>
+ <widget class="QFrame" name="frame">
+ <property name="maximumSize">
+ <size>
+ <width>16777215</width>
+ <height>50</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ <property name="frameShape">
+ <enum>QFrame::StyledPanel</enum>
+ </property>
+ <property name="frameShadow">
+ <enum>QFrame::Raised</enum>
- <layout class="QFormLayout" name="formLayout">
+ <layout class="QFormLayout" name="formLayout_2">
<item row="0" column="0">
<widget class="QLabel" name="label_4">
<property name="text">
- <string>Vector</string>
+ <string>Direction</string>
<item row="0" column="1">
<widget class="QLineEdit" name="vec_le">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Minimum" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
<property name="maximumSize">
- <width>127</width>
+ <width>16777215</width>
- <item row="1" column="0">
- <widget class="QLabel" name="label">
- <property name="text">
- <string>nb</string>
+ </layout>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QGroupBox" name="groupBox_3">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
+ <property name="title">
+ <string>Layer(s)</string>
+ </property>
+ <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_2">
+ <item>
+ <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout">
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QRadioButton" name="regular_rb">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>regular</string>
+ </property>
+ <property name="checked">
+ <bool>true</bool>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QRadioButton" name="irregular_rb">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>irregular</string>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ </layout>
+ </item>
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QFrame" name="frame_2">
+ <property name="frameShape">
+ <enum>QFrame::StyledPanel</enum>
+ </property>
+ <property name="frameShadow">
+ <enum>QFrame::Raised</enum>
+ <layout class="QFormLayout" name="formLayout">
+ <item row="0" column="0">
+ <widget class="QLabel" name="label">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>nb</string>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="0" column="1">
+ <widget class="QSpinBox" name="nb_spb">
+ <property name="maximum">
+ <number>1000000</number>
+ </property>
+ <property name="value">
+ <number>1</number>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ </layout>
- <item row="1" column="1">
- <widget class="QSpinBox" name="nb_spb">
- <property name="maximum">
- <number>1000000</number>
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QFrame" name="frame_3">
+ <property name="maximumSize">
+ <size>
+ <width>16777215</width>
+ <height>169</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ <property name="frameShape">
+ <enum>QFrame::StyledPanel</enum>
- <property name="value">
- <number>1</number>
+ <property name="frameShadow">
+ <enum>QFrame::Raised</enum>
+ <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_3">
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QTabWidget" name="layers_height_w">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Preferred">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
+ <property name="currentIndex">
+ <number>0</number>
+ </property>
+ <widget class="QWidget" name="ext_height_tab">
+ <attribute name="title">
+ <string>height</string>
+ </attribute>
+ <layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout_4">
+ <item row="0" column="0">
+ <widget class="QPushButton" name="add_height_pb">
+ <property name="enabled">
+ <bool>true</bool>
+ </property>
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Maximum" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>+</string>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="0" column="1" rowspan="3">
+ <widget class="QListWidget" name="height_lw">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Expanding" vsizetype="Expanding">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="1" column="0">
+ <widget class="QPushButton" name="del_height_pb">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Maximum" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>-</string>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="2" column="0">
+ <spacer name="verticalSpacer_3">
+ <property name="orientation">
+ <enum>Qt::Vertical</enum>
+ </property>
+ <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
+ <size>
+ <width>20</width>
+ <height>139</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ </spacer>
+ </item>
+ </layout>
+ </widget>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ </layout>
- <connections/>
+ <connections>
+ <connection>
+ <sender>regular_rb</sender>
+ <signal>clicked()</signal>
+ <receiver>frame_3</receiver>
+ <slot>hide()</slot>
+ <hints>
+ <hint type="sourcelabel">
+ <x>77</x>
+ <y>231</y>
+ </hint>
+ <hint type="destinationlabel">
+ <x>126</x>
+ <y>390</y>
+ </hint>
+ </hints>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <sender>regular_rb</sender>
+ <signal>clicked()</signal>
+ <receiver>frame_2</receiver>
+ <slot>show()</slot>
+ <hints>
+ <hint type="sourcelabel">
+ <x>77</x>
+ <y>231</y>
+ </hint>
+ <hint type="destinationlabel">
+ <x>126</x>
+ <y>273</y>
+ </hint>
+ </hints>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <sender>irregular_rb</sender>
+ <signal>clicked()</signal>
+ <receiver>frame_3</receiver>
+ <slot>show()</slot>
+ <hints>
+ <hint type="sourcelabel">
+ <x>175</x>
+ <y>231</y>
+ </hint>
+ <hint type="destinationlabel">
+ <x>126</x>
+ <y>390</y>
+ </hint>
+ </hints>
+ </connection>
+ <connection>
+ <sender>irregular_rb</sender>
+ <signal>clicked()</signal>
+ <receiver>frame_2</receiver>
+ <slot>hide()</slot>
+ <hints>
+ <hint type="sourcelabel">
+ <x>175</x>
+ <y>231</y>
+ </hint>
+ <hint type="destinationlabel">
+ <x>126</x>
+ <y>273</y>
+ </hint>
+ </hints>
+ </connection>
+ </connections>
<property name="sizePolicy">
- <sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Preferred">
<layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout">
<widget class="QGroupBox" name="groupBox">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Preferred">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
<property name="title">
<layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_2">
<widget class="QGroupBox" name="groupBox_2">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Preferred">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
<property name="maximumSize">
- <height>131</height>
+ <height>16777215</height>
<property name="title">
<layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_3">
- <widget class="QListWidget" name="propagations_lw"/>
+ <widget class="QListWidget" name="propagations_lw">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Preferred">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
<widget class="QGroupBox" name="groupBox_3">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
<property name="title">
<layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_4">
<widget class="QLineEdit" name="law_le">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
<property name="maximumSize">
- <width>127</width>
+ <width>16777215</width>
+ <tabstops>
+ <tabstop>propagations_lw</tabstop>
+ <tabstop>law_le</tabstop>
+ <tabstop>way_cb</tabstop>
+ <tabstop>buttonBox</tabstop>
+ </tabstops>
- <width>260</width>
- <height>280</height>
+ <width>225</width>
+ <height>271</height>
<property name="sizePolicy">
- <sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Preferred">
<property name="minimumSize">
- <width>260</width>
+ <width>0</width>
+ <property name="maximumSize">
+ <size>
+ <width>16777215</width>
+ <height>378</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
<property name="windowTitle">
<string>Quad Association</string>
- <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_3">
+ <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_4">
<widget class="QGroupBox" name="groupBox_2">
<property name="minimumSize">
- <width>5</width>
+ <width>0</width>
+ <property name="maximumSize">
+ <size>
+ <width>16777215</width>
+ <height>16777215</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
<property name="title">
- <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_2">
+ <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_3">
<widget class="QGroupBox" name="groupBox_4">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
<property name="maximumSize">
<property name="title">
- <layout class="QFormLayout" name="formLayout">
- <item row="0" column="0">
+ <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout">
+ <item>
<widget class="QLineEdit" name="quad_le">
<property name="sizePolicy">
- <sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Preferred">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Minimum" vsizetype="Fixed">
<property name="maximumSize">
- <height>156</height>
+ <height>16777215</height>
<property name="title">
- <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout">
+ <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_2">
<widget class="QListWidget" name="faces_lw">
<property name="sizePolicy">
+ <property name="maximumSize">
+ <size>
+ <width>16777215</width>
+ <height>16777215</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
- <width>279</width>
- <height>451</height>
+ <width>235</width>
+ <height>367</height>
<property name="minimumSize">
<property name="title">
<string>Result Name</string>
- <layout class="QFormLayout" name="formLayout_2">
+ <layout class="QFormLayout" name="formLayout">
<item row="0" column="0">
<widget class="QLabel" name="label_15">
<property name="text">
<item row="0" column="1">
<widget class="QLineEdit" name="name_le">
<property name="sizePolicy">
- <sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Minimum" vsizetype="Fixed">
<property name="maximumSize">
- <width>127</width>
+ <width>16777215</width>
<layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout">
- <item row="0" column="0" colspan="2">
+ <item row="0" column="0">
<widget class="QLabel" name="quadsLabel">
<property name="text">
<string>Quads : </string>
- <item row="0" column="2" rowspan="2">
- <widget class="QListWidget" name="quads_lw"/>
+ <item row="0" column="1">
+ <widget class="QListWidget" name="quads_lw">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
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- <property name="text">
- <string> Name </string>
- </property>
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+ <string> Name </string>
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+ <bool>true</bool>
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- <sizepolicy hsizetype="Maximum" vsizetype="Fixed">
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<layout class="QFormLayout" name="formLayout_2">
<item row="0" column="0">
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<item row="1" column="1">
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+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
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+ <tabstop>dy_spb_rb0</tabstop>
+ <tabstop>dz_spb_rb0</tabstop>
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+ <width>210</width>
+ <height>202</height>
<property name="sizePolicy">
<property name="minimumSize">
- <width>260</width>
+ <width>0</width>
<property name="windowTitle">
<string>Vertex Construction</string>
- <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_2">
- <property name="sizeConstraint">
- <enum>QLayout::SetDefaultConstraint</enum>
- </property>
+ <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout">
<widget class="QGroupBox" name="groupBox">
<property name="title">
- <layout class="QFormLayout" name="formLayout">
- <property name="fieldGrowthPolicy">
- <enum>QFormLayout::ExpandingFieldsGrow</enum>
- </property>
- <item row="0" column="0">
- <widget class="QLabel" name="label_6">
- <property name="text">
- <string> Name </string>
- </property>
+ <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_2">
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QWidget" name="widget" native="true">
+ <layout class="QFormLayout" name="formLayout_2">
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+ <enum>QFormLayout::AllNonFixedFieldsGrow</enum>
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+ <item row="0" column="0">
+ <widget class="QLabel" name="label_6">
+ <property name="text">
+ <string> Name </string>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
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+ <item row="0" column="1">
+ <widget class="QLineEdit" name="name_le">
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+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Minimum" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
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+ <size>
+ <width>16777215</width>
+ <height>16777215</height>
+ </size>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
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- <item row="0" column="1">
- <widget class="QLineEdit" name="name_le">
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- <sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Fixed">
- <horstretch>0</horstretch>
- <verstretch>0</verstretch>
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- <property name="maximumSize">
- <size>
- <width>127</width>
- <height>16777215</height>
- </size>
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- <item row="1" column="0">
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- <property name="sizePolicy">
- <sizepolicy hsizetype="Maximum" vsizetype="Preferred">
- <horstretch>0</horstretch>
- <verstretch>0</verstretch>
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- </property>
- <property name="text">
- <string>x : </string>
- </property>
- </widget>
- </item>
- <item row="1" column="1">
- <widget class="QDoubleSpinBox" name="x_spb">
- <property name="sizePolicy">
- <sizepolicy hsizetype="Maximum" vsizetype="Fixed">
- <horstretch>0</horstretch>
- <verstretch>0</verstretch>
- </sizepolicy>
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- <property name="decimals">
- <number>6</number>
- </property>
- <property name="maximum">
- <double>1000000000.000000000000000</double>
- </property>
- </widget>
- </item>
- <item row="2" column="0">
- <widget class="QLabel" name="label_2">
- <property name="sizePolicy">
- <sizepolicy hsizetype="Maximum" vsizetype="Preferred">
- <horstretch>0</horstretch>
- <verstretch>0</verstretch>
- </sizepolicy>
- </property>
- <property name="text">
- <string>y : </string>
- </property>
- </widget>
- </item>
- <item row="2" column="1">
- <widget class="QDoubleSpinBox" name="y_spb">
- <property name="sizePolicy">
- <sizepolicy hsizetype="Maximum" vsizetype="Fixed">
- <horstretch>0</horstretch>
- <verstretch>0</verstretch>
- </sizepolicy>
- </property>
- <property name="decimals">
- <number>6</number>
- </property>
- <property name="maximum">
- <double>1000000000.000000000000000</double>
- </property>
- </widget>
- </item>
- <item row="3" column="0">
- <widget class="QLabel" name="label_3">
- <property name="sizePolicy">
- <sizepolicy hsizetype="Maximum" vsizetype="Preferred">
- <horstretch>0</horstretch>
- <verstretch>0</verstretch>
- </sizepolicy>
- </property>
- <property name="text">
- <string>z : </string>
- </property>
- </widget>
- </item>
- <item row="3" column="1">
- <widget class="QDoubleSpinBox" name="z_spb">
- <property name="sizePolicy">
- <sizepolicy hsizetype="Maximum" vsizetype="Fixed">
- <horstretch>0</horstretch>
- <verstretch>0</verstretch>
- </sizepolicy>
- </property>
- <property name="decimals">
- <number>6</number>
- </property>
- <property name="maximum">
- <double>1000000000.000000000000000</double>
- </property>
+ <item>
+ <widget class="QWidget" name="widget_2" native="true">
+ <layout class="QFormLayout" name="formLayout">
+ <item row="0" column="0">
+ <widget class="QLabel" name="label">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Maximum" vsizetype="Preferred">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>x : </string>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="0" column="1">
+ <widget class="QDoubleSpinBox" name="x_spb">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Minimum" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
+ <property name="decimals">
+ <number>6</number>
+ </property>
+ <property name="maximum">
+ <double>1000000000.000000000000000</double>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="1" column="0">
+ <widget class="QLabel" name="label_2">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Maximum" vsizetype="Preferred">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>y : </string>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="1" column="1">
+ <widget class="QDoubleSpinBox" name="y_spb">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Minimum" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
+ <property name="decimals">
+ <number>6</number>
+ </property>
+ <property name="maximum">
+ <double>1000000000.000000000000000</double>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="2" column="0">
+ <widget class="QLabel" name="label_3">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Maximum" vsizetype="Preferred">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
+ <property name="text">
+ <string>z : </string>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ <item row="2" column="1">
+ <widget class="QDoubleSpinBox" name="z_spb">
+ <property name="sizePolicy">
+ <sizepolicy hsizetype="Minimum" vsizetype="Fixed">
+ <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+ <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+ </sizepolicy>
+ </property>
+ <property name="decimals">
+ <number>6</number>
+ </property>
+ <property name="maximum">
+ <double>1000000000.000000000000000</double>
+ </property>
+ </widget>
+ </item>
+ </layout>
+ <zorder>x_spb</zorder>
+ <zorder>label</zorder>
+ <zorder>x_spb</zorder>
+ <zorder>y_spb</zorder>
+ <zorder>label_2</zorder>
+ <zorder>z_spb</zorder>
+ <zorder>label_3</zorder>
+ <zorder>widget</zorder>
+ <zorder>widget_2</zorder>
+ <zorder>x_spb</zorder>
+ <zorder>label</zorder>
static bool db = false;
// #include <Basics_Utils.hxx>
// #include <TDF_Tool.hxx>
if (db) cout << " +++++++ Je suis passe par HEXABLOCK_Gen_i::"
<< "IORToLocalPersistentID" << endl;
- static char empty [8] = "";
+ /// static char empty [8] = "";
+ char* empty = strdup ("");
return empty;
// =================================================== LocalPersistentIDToIOR
-// ::CORBA::Long Document_impl::countVector() throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception)
-// {
-// return _document_cpp->countVector();
-// }
-// Vector_ptr Document_impl::getVector(::CORBA::Long i) throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception)
-// {
-// HEXA_NS::Vector* h = _document_cpp->getVector(i);
-// Vector_impl* servantCorba = new Vector_impl(h);
-// return servantCorba->_this();
-// }
+::CORBA::Long Document_impl::countVector() throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception)
+ return _document_cpp->countVector();
+Vector_ptr Document_impl::getVector(::CORBA::Long i) throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception)
+ HEXA_NS::Vector* h = _document_cpp->getVector(i);
+ Vector_impl* servantCorba = new Vector_impl(h);
+ return servantCorba->_this();
Cylinder_ptr Document_impl::addCylinder( Vertex_ptr baseIn, Vector_ptr directionIn,
return result;
-// ::CORBA::Long Document_impl::countCylinder() throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception)
-// {
-// return _document_cpp->countCylinder();
-// }
-// Cylinder_ptr Document_impl::getCylinder(::CORBA::Long i) throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception)
-// {
-// HEXA_NS::Cylinder* c = _document_cpp->getCylinder(i);
-// Cylinder_impl* servantCorba = new Cylinder_impl(c);
-// return servantCorba->_this();
-// }
+::CORBA::Long Document_impl::countCylinder() throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception)
+ return _document_cpp->countCylinder();
+Cylinder_ptr Document_impl::getCylinder(::CORBA::Long i) throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception)
+ HEXA_NS::Cylinder* c = _document_cpp->getCylinder(i);
+ Cylinder_impl* servantCorba = new Cylinder_impl(c);
+ return servantCorba->_this();
Pipe_ptr Document_impl::addPipe( Vertex_ptr baseIn, Vector_ptr directionIn,
-// ::CORBA::Long Document_impl::countPipe() throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception)
-// {
-// return _document_cpp->countPipe();
-// }
-// Pipe_ptr Document_impl::getPipe(::CORBA::Long i) throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception)
-// {
-// HEXA_NS::Pipe* p = _document_cpp->getPipe(i);
-// Pipe_impl* servantCorba = new Pipe_impl(p);
-// return servantCorba->_this();
-// }
+::CORBA::Long Document_impl::countPipe() throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception)
+ return _document_cpp->countPipe();
+Pipe_ptr Document_impl::getPipe(::CORBA::Long i) throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception)
+ HEXA_NS::Pipe* p = _document_cpp->getPipe(i);
+ Pipe_impl* servantCorba = new Pipe_impl(p);
+ return servantCorba->_this();
::CORBA::Boolean Document_impl::removeHexa(Hexa_ptr hIn) throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception)
return result;
Group_ptr Document_impl::addVertexNodeGroup(const char* name) throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception)
Group_ptr result = Group::_nil();
Hexa_ptr findHexa(Vertex_ptr p1, Vertex_ptr p2) throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
Vector_ptr addVector(::CORBA::Double dx, ::CORBA::Double dy, ::CORBA::Double dz) throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
Vector_ptr addVectorVertices(Vertex_ptr v1, Vertex_ptr v2) throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
-// ::CORBA::Long countVector() throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
-// Vector_ptr getVector(::CORBA::Long i) throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+::CORBA::Long countVector() throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+Vector_ptr getVector(::CORBA::Long i) throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
Cylinder_ptr addCylinder(Vertex_ptr base, Vector_ptr direction, ::CORBA::Double radius, ::CORBA::Double height) throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
-// ::CORBA::Long countCylinder() throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
-// Cylinder_ptr getCylinder(::CORBA::Long i) throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+::CORBA::Long countCylinder() throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+Cylinder_ptr getCylinder(::CORBA::Long i) throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
Pipe_ptr addPipe(Vertex_ptr base, Vector_ptr direction, ::CORBA::Double int_radius, ::CORBA::Double ext_radius, ::CORBA::Double height) throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
-// ::CORBA::Long countPipe() throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
-// Pipe_ptr getPipe(::CORBA::Long i) throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+::CORBA::Long countPipe() throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+Pipe_ptr getPipe(::CORBA::Long i) throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
::CORBA::Boolean removeHexa(Hexa_ptr h) throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
::CORBA::Boolean removeConnectedHexa(Hexa_ptr h) throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
Elements_ptr makeCartesian(Vertex_ptr pt, Vector_ptr vx, Vector_ptr vy, Vector_ptr vz, ::CORBA::Long nx, ::CORBA::Long ny, ::CORBA::Long nz) throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
_edge_cpp->setName (name);
+void Edge_impl::setColor (::CORBA::Double val)
+ throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception)
+ _edge_cpp->setColor (val);
void Edge_impl::setScalar( ::CORBA::Double val )throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception)
EdgeAssociations* getAssociations () //CS_NOT_SPEC
throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+ void setColor (::CORBA::Double val) throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void setScalar( ::CORBA::Double val )throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void dump() throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void printName() throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
return result;
+void Hexa_impl::setColor (::CORBA::Double val)
+ throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception)
+ _hexa_cpp->setColor (val);
void Hexa_impl::setScalar( ::CORBA::Double val )throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception)
Edge_ptr getEdge(::CORBA::Long n) throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
Vertex_ptr getVertex(::CORBA::Long n) throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+ void setColor (::CORBA::Double val) throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void setScalar( ::CORBA::Double val ) throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void dump() throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void printName() throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
// {
// }
+void Quad_impl::setColor (::CORBA::Double val)
+ throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception)
+ _quad_cpp->setColor (val);
void Quad_impl::setScalar( ::CORBA::Double val )throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception)
void clearAssociation() throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+ void setColor (::CORBA::Double val) throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void setScalar( ::CORBA::Double val )throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void dump() throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void printName() throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+void Vertex_impl::setColor (::CORBA::Double val)
+ throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception)
+ _vertex_cpp->setColor (val);
void Vertex_impl::setScalar( ::CORBA::Double val )throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception)
GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr getAssociation() throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void clearAssociation() throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+ void setColor (::CORBA::Double val) throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void setScalar( ::CORBA::Double val )throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
void dump() throw (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+++ /dev/null
-# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2012 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
-# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-# version 2.1 of the License.
-# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-# See or email :
-# By Karima DEBCHI YATAGHENE Nov 2009 at CS
-import os
-import SALOME
-import geompy
-import smesh
-import hexablock
-import math
-# chemin du fichier BREP contenant la CAO
-BREP_PATH = os.path.expandvars("$HEXABLOCK_ROOT_DIR/bin/salome/tees.brep")
-doc = hexablock.addDocument("cylindres")
-CYL1 = 0
-CYL2 = 1
-S_E = 0
-S_NE = 1
-S_N = 2
-S_NW = 3
-S_W = 4
-S_SW = 5
-S_S = 6
-S_SE = 7
-S_MAXI = 8
-##dy = doc.addVector ( 0, 1, 0 )
-dx1 = doc.addVector( -1, 0, 0 )
-dz1 = doc.addVector( 0, 0, 1 )
-c_pte_1 = doc.addVertex ( 190., 0., 220. )
-c_grd_1 = doc.addVertex ( 300., 0., 400. )
-cyl_pte_1 = doc.addCylinder( c_pte_1 , dz1 , 20 , 360 ) #580-220
-cyl_grd_1 = doc.addCylinder( c_grd_1 , dx1 , 50 , 140 )
-cross1 = doc.makeCylinders( cyl_pte_1 , cyl_grd_1 )
-dx2 = doc.addVector( -1, 0, 0 )
-dz2 = doc.addVector( 0, 0, 1 )
-c_pte_2 = doc.addVertex( 110. , 0. , 400. )
-c_grd_2 = doc.addVertex( 0. , 0. , 0. )
-cyl_pte_2 = doc.addCylinder( c_pte_2 , dx2 , 50, 220 )
-cyl_grd_2 = doc.addCylinder( c_grd_2 , dz2 , 100, 800 )
-cross2 = doc.makeCylinders( cyl_pte_2, cyl_grd_2 )
-# Qq constantes
-coul1 = 5
-coul2 = 3
-# Pour les bicylindres
-xhint = 0 # indice x pour les hexa interieurs
-xhext = 1 # indice x pour les hexa exterieurs
-xvint = 0 # indice x pour les vertex interieurs
-xvext = 2 # indice x pour les vertex exterieurs
-zbas = 0
-zhhaut1 = 5 # hauteur max quad petit cylindre
-zhhaut2 = 3 # hauteur max quad gros cylindre
-zvhaut1 = 6 # hauteur max vertex du petit cylindre
-zvhaut2 = 4 # hauteur max vertex du gros cylindre
-# La jointure
-hQuads = []
-for ny in range(8):
- hQuads+=[cross2.getQuadIJ(CYL1, xhext, ny, zbas)]
-for ny in range(4):
- hQuads+=[cross2.getQuadIJ(CYL1, xhint, ny, zbas)]
-qstart0 = cross2.getQuadIJ (CYL1, xhext, S_E, zbas)
-qtarget = cross1.getQuadIJ (CYL2, xhext, S_S, zvhaut2)
-vb0 = qtarget.getVertex (0)
-vb1 = qtarget.getVertex (1)
-vh0 = qstart0.getVertex (0)
-vh1 = qstart0.getVertex (1)
-hauteur = 3
-joint = doc.joinQuads (hQuads, qtarget, vh0,vb0, vh1,vb1, hauteur)
-# Elimination bout en trop
-for ny in range(8):
- h = cross2.getHexaIJK (CYL1, xhext, ny, zhhaut1)
- doc.removeHexa(h)
- if ny<4:
- h = cross2.getHexaIJK (CYL1, xhint, ny, zhhaut1)
- doc.removeHexa(h)
-# Recuperation edges du model pour l'association
-top_BIG = []
-bottom_BIG = []
-for ny in range(8):
- bottom_BIG += [ cross2.getEdgeJ(CYL2, 2, ny, 0) ]
-for ny in range(8):
- top_BIG += [ cross2.getEdgeJ(CYL2, 2, ny, zvhaut2) ]
-left_MEDIUM_BIG = []
-right_MEDIUM = []
-for ny in range(8):
- left_MEDIUM_BIG += [cross2.getEdgeJ (CYL1, 2, ny, 1)]
-for ny in range(8):
- right_MEDIUM += [ cross1.getEdgeJ (CYL2, 2, ny, 0) ]
-top_SMALL = []
-top_SMALL_MEDIUM = []
-bottom_SMALL_MEDIUM = []
-bottom_SMALL = []
-for ny in range(8):
- top_SMALL += [ cross1.getEdgeJ(CYL1, 2, ny, zvhaut1) ]
-for ny in range(8):
- top_SMALL_MEDIUM += [ cross1.getEdgeJ(CYL1, 2, ny, zvhaut1-1) ]
-for ny in range(8):
- bottom_SMALL_MEDIUM += [ cross1.getEdgeJ(CYL1, 2, ny, 1) ]
-for ny in range(8):
- bottom_SMALL += [ cross1.getEdgeJ(CYL1, 2, ny, 0) ]
-# Recuperation des �l�ments de la geometrie tuyau pour l'association
-tees_ = geompy.Import(BREP_PATH, "BREP")
-all_edges_ = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted( tees_ , geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"] )
-top_BIG_ = all_edges_[1]
-bottom_BIG_ = all_edges_[0]
-left_MEDIUM_BIG_ = [ all_edges_[3], all_edges_[5] , all_edges_[4], all_edges_[2], ]
-right_MEDIUM_ = all_edges_[20]
-top_SMALL_ = all_edges_[13]
-top_SMALL_MEDIUM_ = [ all_edges_[11], all_edges_[16] ]
-bottom_SMALL_MEDIUM_ = [ all_edges_[10], all_edges_[9], all_edges_[14], all_edges_[15] ]
-bottom_SMALL_ = all_edges_[12]
-def associateEdges( edges, edges_, i_assoc, oppositeWay = False ):
- nb_points = float( len(i_assoc) )
- #print "nb_points ", nb_points
- for i, i_ in i_assoc.items():
- e = edges[i]
- e0 = e.getVertex(0)
- e1 = e.getVertex(1)
- if oppositeWay:
- u0 = (i_+1.)/nb_points
- u1 = i_/nb_points
- e.addAssociation( edges_ , u1, u0 )
- else:
- u0 = i_/nb_points
- u1 = (i_+1.)/nb_points
- e.addAssociation( edges_ , u0, u1 )
- e0_ = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve( edges_, u0 )
- e1_ = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve( edges_, u1 )
- e0.setAssociation( e0_ )
- e1.setAssociation( e1_ )
-assoc = { 4:0, 5:1, 6:2, 7:3, 0:4, 1:5, 2:6, 3:7 }
-associateEdges( top_BIG , top_BIG_, assoc )
-associateEdges( bottom_BIG, bottom_BIG_, assoc )
-assoc = { 4:6, 5:7, 6:0, 7:1, 0:2, 1:3, 2:4, 3:5 }
-associateEdges( top_SMALL , top_SMALL_, assoc )
-associateEdges( bottom_SMALL, bottom_SMALL_, assoc )
-### Top ( un peu 'touchy' )
-e = top_SMALL_MEDIUM[0]
-e_0 = e.getVertex(0)
-e_0_ = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve( top_SMALL_MEDIUM_[0], 0.)
-e_0.setAssociation( e_0_ )
-top_SMALL_MEDIUM_0_vertices_ = [ e_0_ ]
-for i, e in enumerate( top_SMALL_MEDIUM[0:6] ):
- e_1 = e.getVertex(1)
- e_1_ = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve( top_SMALL_MEDIUM_[0], (i+1.)/6.)
- e_1.setAssociation( e_1_ )
- top_SMALL_MEDIUM_0_vertices_ += [ e_1_ ]
-partition_ = geompy.MakePartition( [ top_SMALL_MEDIUM_[0] ],
- top_SMALL_MEDIUM_0_vertices_, [], [], geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"], 0, [], 0 )
-top_SMALL_MEDIUM_0_edges_ = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted( partition_, geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"] )
-assoc = { 0:2, 1:0, 2:1, 3:3, 4:4, 5:5 }
-for i,i_ in assoc.items():
- e = top_SMALL_MEDIUM[i]
- e_ = top_SMALL_MEDIUM_0_edges_[i_]
- e.addAssociation( e_, 0., 1. )
-assoc = { 6:0, 7:1 }
-associateEdges( top_SMALL_MEDIUM, top_SMALL_MEDIUM_[1], assoc )
-### Bottom
-assocs = [ { 0:1, 1:0 }, { 2:1, 3:0 }, { 4:0, 5:1 }, { 6:0, 7:1 } ] # 4 edges
-associateEdges( bottom_SMALL_MEDIUM, bottom_SMALL_MEDIUM_[0], assocs[0], True )
-associateEdges( bottom_SMALL_MEDIUM, bottom_SMALL_MEDIUM_[1], assocs[1], True )
-associateEdges( bottom_SMALL_MEDIUM, bottom_SMALL_MEDIUM_[2], assocs[2] )
-associateEdges( bottom_SMALL_MEDIUM, bottom_SMALL_MEDIUM_[3], assocs[3] )
-assocs = [ { 0:0, 1:1 }, { 2:0, 3:1 }, { 4:1, 5:0 }, { 6:1, 7:0 } ]
-associateEdges( left_MEDIUM_BIG, left_MEDIUM_BIG_[0], assocs[0] )
-associateEdges( left_MEDIUM_BIG, left_MEDIUM_BIG_[1], assocs[1] )
-associateEdges( left_MEDIUM_BIG, left_MEDIUM_BIG_[2], assocs[2], True )
-associateEdges( left_MEDIUM_BIG, left_MEDIUM_BIG_[3], assocs[3], True )
-assoc = { 0:3, 1:2, 2:1, 3:0, 4:7, 5:6, 6:5, 7:4 }
-associateEdges( right_MEDIUM, right_MEDIUM_, assoc , True )
-#allfaces_ = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(tees_, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"])
-#for i,f in enumerate( allfaces_ ):
- #geompy.addToStudy( f, "allfaces"+str(i) )
-#for ny in range(8):
- #q = cross2.getQuadJK(CYL2,2,ny,0)
- #q.addAssociation( allfaces_[2] )
-#for ny in range(8):
- #q = cross2.getQuadJK(CYL2,2,ny,1)
- #if q:
- #q.addAssociation( allfaces_[2] )
-geompy.addToStudy( tees_, "Tees" )
-geompy.addToStudy( top_BIG_, "top_BIG" )
-geompy.addToStudy( bottom_BIG_, "bottom_BIG" )
-geompy.addToStudy( top_SMALL_, "top_SMALL" )
-for i,e in enumerate(top_SMALL_MEDIUM_):
- geompy.addToStudy( e, "top_SMALL_MEDIUM"+str(i) )
-for i,e in enumerate(top_SMALL_MEDIUM_0_edges_):
- geompy.addToStudy( e, "top_SMALL_MEDIUM_0_edges_"+str(i) )
-for i,e in enumerate(bottom_SMALL_MEDIUM_):
- geompy.addToStudy( e, "bottom_SMALL_MEDIUM"+str(i) )
-geompy.addToStudy( bottom_SMALL_, "bottom_SMALL" )
-geompy.addToStudy( right_MEDIUM_, "right_MEDIUM" )
-for i,e in enumerate(left_MEDIUM_BIG_):
- geompy.addToStudy( e, "left_MEDIUM_BIG"+str(i) )
-#On definit 3 groupes de mailles
-#groupe d edges (aretes)
-Edge_grp = doc.addEdgeGroup("Edge_grp")
-Nbr_Edg = doc.countEdge()
-for i in range(Nbr_Edg):
- Edge_i = doc.getEdge(i)
- Edge_grp.addElement(Edge_i)
-# groupe de quads (faces)
-Quad_grp = doc.addQuadGroup("Quad_grp")
-Nbr_Qad = doc.countQuad()
-for i in range(Nbr_Qad):
- Quad_i = doc.getQuad(i)
- Quad_grp.addElement(Quad_i)
-# groupe d hexas (solids)
-Hexa_grp = doc.addHexaGroup("Hexa_grp")
-Nbr_Hex = doc.countHexa()
-for i in range(Nbr_Hex):
- Hexa_i = doc.getHexa(i)
- Hexa_grp.addElement(Hexa_i)
-# groupe de noeuds de vertex pour tout le modele
-Vertex_Nod_Grp = doc.addVertexNodeGroup("Vertex_Nod_Grp")
-Nbr_Vx = doc.countVertex()
-for i in range(Nbr_Vx):
- Vertex_i = doc.getVertex(i)
- Vertex_Nod_Grp.addElement(Vertex_i)
-## Definir une loi de discretisation
-# definir une loi: le choix de la loi reste aux utilisateurs
-Law = doc.addLaw( "Uniform" , 4 )
-#Law = doc.addLaw( "Uniform" , 8 )
-# chercher les propagations du modele
-N_Propa = doc.countPropagation()
-for j in range(N_Propa):
- Propa = doc.getPropagation(j)
- Propa.setLaw( Law )# appliquer la loi de discretisation sur tout le modele et generer le maillage
- mesh = hexablock.mesh(doc, "Inter_3_Cylindre")
-# mesh = .hexablock.mesh(doc, "Inter_3_Cylindre:quads", 2)
-except SALOME.SALOME_Exception, ex:
- print "Mesh computation failed, exception caught:"
- print " ", ex.details.text
- import traceback
- print "Mesh computation failed, exception caught:"
- traceback.print_exc()
-print "Nombre d'hexaedres:", mesh.NbHexas()
-print "Nombre de quadrangles:", mesh.NbQuadrangles()
-print "Nombre de segments:", mesh.NbEdges()
-print "Nombre de noeuds:", mesh.NbNodes()
# ===============================================================
# Scripts to be installed
-# dist_salomescript_PYTHON =
-dist_salomescript_PYTHON = \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
- \
-dist_salomescript_DATA = \
- tees.brep \
- tuyau.brep \
- crank.stp
+# dist_salomescript_PYTHON = foo
+dist_salomescript_PYTHON =
+dist_salomescript_DATA =
+++ /dev/null
-# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2012 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
-# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-# version 2.1 of the License.
-# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-# See or email :
-# By Karima DEBCHI YATAGHENE Nov 2009 at CS
-import os
-import geompy
-import smesh
-import hexablock
-import math
-# chemin du fichier BREP contenant la CAO
-BREP_PATH = os.path.expandvars("$HEXABLOCK_ROOT_DIR/bin/salome/tuyau.brep")
-# (Pour le tuyau on doit creer une grille cylindrique)
-R = 4.5
-r = 4.5
-r_t = 3.6
-h = 75.0
-# Creation du document
-doc = hexablock.addDocument("TUYAU_COURBE")
-# Creation du tuyau (grille cylindrique) dans le document
-# centre de la grille cylindrique
-c = doc.addVertex(0, 0, 0)
-# vecteurs de la grille cylindrique
-dx = doc.addVector(h, 0, 0)
-dy = doc.addVector(0, h, 0)
-dz = doc.addVector(0, 0, h)
-# taille du cylindre
-dr = R
-da = 360
-dl = h
-nr = 1
-na = 4
-nl = 1
-model_tuyau_fin = doc.makeCylindrical(c, dx, dz, dr, da, dl, nr, na, nl, False)
-# note: on obtient une liste qui contient 4 hexaedres eguaux
-# Recuperation des vertex,edges et quads du model pour l'association
-# h = haut
-# b = bas
-# g = grand
-# p = petit
-# t = trou
-# Face du haut
-# grand rayon
-x_mod_h = doc.findVertex( 2*R , 0 , h )
-y_mod_h = doc.findVertex( 0 , 2*R , h )
-z_mod_h = doc.findVertex( -2*R , 0 , h )
-u_mod_h = doc.findVertex( 0 , -2*R , h )
-# petit rayon
-x_mod_h_t = doc.findVertex( R , 0 , h )
-y_mod_h_t = doc.findVertex( 0 , R , h )
-z_mod_h_t = doc.findVertex( -R , 0 , h )
-u_mod_h_t = doc.findVertex( 0 , -R , h )
-# Face du bas
-# grand rayon
-x_mod_b = doc.findVertex( 2*R , 0 , 0 )
-y_mod_b = doc.findVertex( 0 , 2*R , 0 )
-z_mod_b = doc.findVertex( -2*R , 0 , 0 )
-u_mod_b = doc.findVertex( 0 , -2*R , 0 )
-# petit rayon
-x_mod_b_t = doc.findVertex( R , 0 , 0 )
-y_mod_b_t = doc.findVertex( 0 , R , 0 )
-z_mod_b_t = doc.findVertex( -R , 0 , 0 )
-u_mod_b_t = doc.findVertex( 0 , -R , 0 )
-# v�rifications
-assert x_mod_h
-assert y_mod_h
-assert z_mod_h
-assert u_mod_h
-assert x_mod_h_t
-assert y_mod_h_t
-assert z_mod_h_t
-assert u_mod_h_t
-assert x_mod_b
-assert y_mod_b
-assert z_mod_b
-assert u_mod_b
-assert x_mod_b_t
-assert y_mod_b_t
-assert z_mod_b_t
-assert u_mod_b_t
-# Face du haut
-# grand rayon
-edge_mod_face_h_1_1 = doc.findEdge( y_mod_h , z_mod_h )
-edge_mod_face_h_1_2 = doc.findEdge( z_mod_h , u_mod_h )
-edge_mod_face_h_2_1 = doc.findEdge( y_mod_h, x_mod_h )
-edge_mod_face_h_2_2 = doc.findEdge( x_mod_h, u_mod_h )
-# petit rayon
-edge_mod_t_face_h_1_1 = doc.findEdge( y_mod_h_t , z_mod_h_t )
-edge_mod_t_face_h_1_2 = doc.findEdge( z_mod_h_t , u_mod_h_t )
-edge_mod_t_face_h_2_1 = doc.findEdge( y_mod_h_t, x_mod_h_t )
-edge_mod_t_face_h_2_2 = doc.findEdge( x_mod_h_t, u_mod_h_t )
-# Face du bas
-# grand rayon
-edge_mod_face_b_1_1 = doc.findEdge( y_mod_b , z_mod_b )
-edge_mod_face_b_1_2 = doc.findEdge( z_mod_b , u_mod_b )
-edge_mod_face_b_2_1 = doc.findEdge( y_mod_b, x_mod_b )
-edge_mod_face_b_2_2 = doc.findEdge( x_mod_b, u_mod_b )
-# petit rayon
-edge_mod_t_face_b_1_1 = doc.findEdge( y_mod_b_t , z_mod_b_t )
-edge_mod_t_face_b_1_2 = doc.findEdge( z_mod_b_t , u_mod_b_t )
-edge_mod_t_face_b_2_1 = doc.findEdge( y_mod_b_t, x_mod_b_t )
-edge_mod_t_face_b_2_2 = doc.findEdge( x_mod_b_t, u_mod_b_t )
-# Joignant faces haut et du bas
-Edge_Mod_ext_h = doc.findEdge( y_mod_h , y_mod_b )
-Edge_Mod_int_h = doc.findEdge( y_mod_h_t , y_mod_b_t )
-Edge_Mod_int_b = doc.findEdge( u_mod_h_t , u_mod_b_t )
-Edge_Mod_ext_b = doc.findEdge( u_mod_h , u_mod_b )
-Edge_Mod_ext_g = doc.findEdge( x_mod_h , x_mod_b )
-Edge_Mod_int_g = doc.findEdge( x_mod_h_t , x_mod_b_t )
-Edge_Mod_int_d = doc.findEdge( z_mod_h_t , z_mod_b_t )
-Edge_Mod_ext_d = doc.findEdge( z_mod_h , z_mod_b )
-# v�rifications
-assert edge_mod_face_h_1_1
-assert edge_mod_face_h_1_2
-assert edge_mod_face_h_2_1
-assert edge_mod_face_h_2_2
-assert edge_mod_t_face_h_1_1
-assert edge_mod_t_face_h_1_2
-assert edge_mod_t_face_h_2_1
-assert edge_mod_t_face_h_2_2
-assert edge_mod_face_b_1_1
-assert edge_mod_face_b_1_2
-assert edge_mod_face_b_2_1
-assert edge_mod_face_b_2_2
-assert edge_mod_t_face_b_1_1
-assert edge_mod_t_face_b_1_2
-assert edge_mod_t_face_b_2_1
-assert edge_mod_t_face_b_2_2
-assert Edge_Mod_ext_h
-assert Edge_Mod_int_h
-assert Edge_Mod_int_b
-assert Edge_Mod_ext_b
-assert Edge_Mod_ext_g
-assert Edge_Mod_int_g
-assert Edge_Mod_int_d
-assert Edge_Mod_ext_d
-Quad_mod_0 = model_tuyau_fin.getQuadJK( 1 , 0 , 0 )
-Quad_mod_1 = model_tuyau_fin.getQuadJK( 1 , 1 , 0 )
-Quad_mod_2 = model_tuyau_fin.getQuadJK( 1 , 2 , 0 )
-Quad_mod_3 = model_tuyau_fin.getQuadJK( 1 , 3 , 0 )
-# Recuperation des points de la geometrie tuyau pour l'association
-Tuyau_geom = geompy.Import(BREP_PATH, "BREP")
-Pt_A = geompy.MakeVertex( h , 20 , 4.5 )
-Pt_B = geompy.MakeVertex( h , 20 , 3.6 )
-Pt_C = geompy.MakeVertex( h , 20 , -4.5 )
-Pt_D = geompy.MakeVertex( h , 20 , -3.6 )
-Pt_E = geompy.MakeVertex( 0 , 0 , 2 )
-Pt_F = geompy.MakeVertex( 0 , 0 , 1.6 )
-Pt_G = geompy.MakeVertex( 0 , 0 , -2 )
-Pt_H = geompy.MakeVertex( 0 , 0 , -1.6 )
-# Face du bas
-Edge_bas_droite_grd = geompy.GetEdgeNearPoint(Tuyau_geom, Pt_E)
-Edge_bas_droite_pte = geompy.GetEdgeNearPoint(Tuyau_geom, Pt_F)
-Edge_bas_gauche_grd = geompy.GetEdgeNearPoint(Tuyau_geom, Pt_G)
-Edge_bas_gauche_pte = geompy.GetEdgeNearPoint(Tuyau_geom, Pt_H)
-## Grand rayon
-x_b = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_bas_droite_grd, 0.5)
-y_b = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_bas_droite_grd, 1)
-z_b = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_bas_gauche_grd, 0.5)
-u_b = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_bas_gauche_grd, 0)
-## Petit rayon
-x_b_t = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_bas_droite_pte, 0.5)
-y_b_t = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_bas_droite_pte, 1)
-z_b_t = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_bas_gauche_pte, 0.5)
-u_b_t = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_bas_gauche_pte, 0)
-# Face du haut
-Edge_haut_droite_grd = geompy.GetEdgeNearPoint(Tuyau_geom, Pt_A)
-Edge_haut_droite_pte = geompy.GetEdgeNearPoint(Tuyau_geom, Pt_B)
-Edge_haut_gauche_grd = geompy.GetEdgeNearPoint(Tuyau_geom, Pt_C)
-Edge_haut_gauche_pte = geompy.GetEdgeNearPoint(Tuyau_geom, Pt_D)
-## Grand rayon
-x_h = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_droite_grd, 0.5)
-y_h = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_droite_grd, 1)
-z_h = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_gauche_grd, 0.5)
-u_h = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_gauche_grd, 0)
-## Petit rayon
-x_h_t = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_droite_pte, 0.5)
-y_h_t = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_droite_pte, 1)
-z_h_t = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_gauche_pte, 0.5)
-u_h_t = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_gauche_pte, 0)
-All_Edges_Tuy_1 = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted( Tuyau_geom , geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"] )
-# Face du haut
-## Grand rayon
-edge_face_h_1 = All_Edges_Tuy_1[11]
-edge_face_h_2 = All_Edges_Tuy_1[14]
-## Petit rayon
-edge_t_face_h_1 = All_Edges_Tuy_1[12]
-edge_t_face_h_2 = All_Edges_Tuy_1[13]
-# Face du bas
-## Grand rayon
-edge_face_b_1 = All_Edges_Tuy_1[1]
-edge_face_b_2 = All_Edges_Tuy_1[4]
-## Petit rayon
-edge_t_face_b_1 = All_Edges_Tuy_1[2]
-edge_t_face_b_2 = All_Edges_Tuy_1[3]
-# Joignant les 2 faces
-## edges compl�tes
-Edge_Tuy_ext_h = All_Edges_Tuy_1[6]
-Edge_Tuy_int_h = All_Edges_Tuy_1[7]
-Edge_Tuy_int_b = All_Edges_Tuy_1[8]
-Edge_Tuy_ext_b = All_Edges_Tuy_1[9]
-Pt_Z = geompy.MakeVertex( 75 , 20 , 0 )
-Pt_Z_1 = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef( Pt_Z , 0 , 0 , 10 )
-Pt_Z_2 = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef( Pt_Z , 0 , 0 , -10 )
-Line_Z1_Z2 = geompy.MakeLineTwoPnt( Pt_Z_1 , Pt_Z_2 )
-All_Edge_Tuy_ext_h = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted( Edge_Tuy_ext_h , geompy.ShapeType["VERTEX"] )
-Vx_Edg_Tuy_ext_h_1 = All_Edge_Tuy_ext_h[0]
-Vx_Edg_Tuy_ext_h_2 = All_Edge_Tuy_ext_h[1]
-Vx_Edg_Tuy_ext_h_1_trans = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef( Vx_Edg_Tuy_ext_h_1 , -10 , -10 , 0 )
-Vx_Edg_Tuy_ext_h_2_trans = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef( Vx_Edg_Tuy_ext_h_2 , 10 , 0 , 0 )
-Line_1 = geompy.MakeLineTwoPnt(Vx_Edg_Tuy_ext_h_1, Vx_Edg_Tuy_ext_h_1_trans)
-Line_2 = geompy.MakeLineTwoPnt(Vx_Edg_Tuy_ext_h_2, Vx_Edg_Tuy_ext_h_2_trans)
-Wire = geompy.MakeWire([Line_1, Line_2, Edge_Tuy_ext_h])
-Pipe_Z = geompy.MakePipe( Line_Z1_Z2 , Wire )
-Pipe_Ztt = geompy.MakePipe( Line_Z1_Z2 , Edge_Tuy_ext_h )
-Partition_Ztt = geompy.MakePartition([Tuyau_geom], [Pipe_Ztt], [], [], geompy.ShapeType["SOLID"], 0, [], 0)
-All_Edges_Tuy_2tt = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted( Partition_Ztt , geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"] )
-Edge_Tuy_ext_g = All_Edges_Tuy_2tt[12]
-Edge_Tuy_int_g = All_Edges_Tuy_2tt[13]
-Edge_Tuy_ext_d = All_Edges_Tuy_2tt[10]
-Edge_Tuy_int_d = All_Edges_Tuy_2tt[11]
-## une edge en plusieurs(4) morceaux : Edge_Tuy_ext_h
-X_pln1 = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef( Pt_Z , -20 , 0 , 0 )
-Vec_X = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ( 1 , 0 , 0 )
-Plan1 = geompy.MakePlane( X_pln1 , Vec_X , 200 )
-Plan2 = geompy.MakeTranslation( Plan1 , -20 , 0 , 0 )
-Plan3 = geompy.MakeTranslation( Plan1 , -40 , 0 , 0 )
-Partition_Edge_g_d_h_b = geompy.MakePartition([
- Edge_Tuy_ext_h,
- Edge_Tuy_int_h,
- Edge_Tuy_ext_b,
- Edge_Tuy_int_b,
- Edge_Tuy_ext_g,
- Edge_Tuy_int_g,
- Edge_Tuy_ext_d,
- Edge_Tuy_int_d],
- [Plan1, Plan2, Plan3], [], [], geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"], 0, [], 0)
-All_Edge_g_d_h_b = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted( Partition_Edge_g_d_h_b , geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"] )
-Edge_Tuy_ext_h_1 = All_Edge_g_d_h_b[0]
-Edge_Tuy_ext_h_2 = All_Edge_g_d_h_b[15]
-Edge_Tuy_ext_h_3 = All_Edge_g_d_h_b[23]
-Edge_Tuy_ext_h_4 = All_Edge_g_d_h_b[31]
-All_Faces_Tuy_1 = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted( Tuyau_geom , geompy.ShapeType["FACE"] )
-Face_Tuy_ext_1 = All_Faces_Tuy_1[4]
-Face_Tuy_ext_2 = All_Faces_Tuy_1[5]
-Partition_Face = geompy.MakePartition([ Face_Tuy_ext_1 , Face_Tuy_ext_2 ], [ Plan1 , Plan2 , Plan3 , Pipe_Z ], [], [], geompy.ShapeType["FACE"], 0, [], 0)
-All_Faces_Partition_Face = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted( Partition_Face , geompy.ShapeType["FACE"] )
-## -------------------------------------
-Face_0 = All_Faces_Partition_Face[0]
-Face_6 = All_Faces_Partition_Face[6]
-Face_10 = All_Faces_Partition_Face[10]
-Face_14 = All_Faces_Partition_Face[14]
-## -------------------------------------
-Face_1 = All_Faces_Partition_Face[1]
-Face_7 = All_Faces_Partition_Face[7]
-Face_11 = All_Faces_Partition_Face[11]
-Face_15 = All_Faces_Partition_Face[15]
-## -------------------------------------
-Face_2 = All_Faces_Partition_Face[2]
-Face_4 = All_Faces_Partition_Face[4]
-Face_8 = All_Faces_Partition_Face[8]
-Face_12 = All_Faces_Partition_Face[12]
-## -------------------------------------
-Face_3 = All_Faces_Partition_Face[3]
-Face_5 = All_Faces_Partition_Face[5]
-Face_9 = All_Faces_Partition_Face[9]
-Face_13 = All_Faces_Partition_Face[13]
-# Face du haut
-## Grand rayon
-x_mod_h.setAssociation( x_h )
-y_mod_h.setAssociation( y_h )
-z_mod_h.setAssociation( z_h )
-u_mod_h.setAssociation( u_h )
-## Petit rayon
-x_mod_h_t.setAssociation( x_h_t )
-y_mod_h_t.setAssociation( y_h_t )
-z_mod_h_t.setAssociation( z_h_t )
-u_mod_h_t.setAssociation( u_h_t )
-# Face du bas
-## Grand rayon
-x_mod_b.setAssociation( x_b )
-y_mod_b.setAssociation( y_b )
-z_mod_b.setAssociation( z_b )
-u_mod_b.setAssociation( u_b )
-## Petit rayon
-x_mod_b_t.setAssociation( x_b_t )
-y_mod_b_t.setAssociation( y_b_t )
-z_mod_b_t.setAssociation( z_b_t )
-u_mod_b_t.setAssociation( u_b_t )
-# Face du haut
-## Grand rayon
-edge_mod_face_h_1_1.addAssociation( edge_face_h_1, 0.5, 1. )
-edge_mod_face_h_1_2.addAssociation( edge_face_h_1, 0., 0.5 )
-edge_mod_face_h_2_1.addAssociation( edge_face_h_2, 0.5, 1. )
-edge_mod_face_h_2_2.addAssociation( edge_face_h_2, 0., 0.5 )
-## Petit rayon
-edge_mod_t_face_h_1_1.addAssociation( edge_t_face_h_1, 0.5, 1. )
-edge_mod_t_face_h_1_2.addAssociation( edge_t_face_h_1, 0., 0.5 )
-edge_mod_t_face_h_2_1.addAssociation( edge_t_face_h_2, 0.5, 1. )
-edge_mod_t_face_h_2_2.addAssociation( edge_t_face_h_2, 0., 0.5 )
-# Face du bas
-## Grand rayon
-edge_mod_face_b_1_1.addAssociation( edge_face_b_1, 0.5, 1. )
-edge_mod_face_b_1_2.addAssociation( edge_face_b_1, 0., 0.5 )
-edge_mod_face_b_2_1.addAssociation( edge_face_b_2, 0.5, 1. )
-edge_mod_face_b_2_2.addAssociation( edge_face_b_2, 0., 0.5 )
-## Petit rayon
-edge_mod_t_face_b_1_1.addAssociation( edge_t_face_b_1, 0.5, 1. )
-edge_mod_t_face_b_1_2.addAssociation( edge_t_face_b_1, 0., 0.5 )
-edge_mod_t_face_b_2_1.addAssociation( edge_t_face_b_2, 0.5, 1. )
-edge_mod_t_face_b_2_2.addAssociation( edge_t_face_b_2, 0., 0.5 )
-# Joignant les 2 faces
-#Edge_Mod_ext_h.addAssociation( Edge_Tuy_ext_h, 0., 1. )
-Edge_Mod_ext_h.addAssociation( Edge_Tuy_ext_h_1, 0., 1. )
-Edge_Mod_ext_h.addAssociation( Edge_Tuy_ext_h_2, 0., 1. )
-Edge_Mod_ext_h.addAssociation( Edge_Tuy_ext_h_3, 0., 1. )
-Edge_Mod_ext_h.addAssociation( Edge_Tuy_ext_h_4, 0., 1. )
-Edge_Mod_int_h.addAssociation( Edge_Tuy_int_h, 0., 1. )
-Edge_Mod_int_b.addAssociation( Edge_Tuy_int_b, 0., 1. )
-Edge_Mod_ext_b.addAssociation( Edge_Tuy_ext_b, 0., 1. )
-Edge_Mod_ext_g.addAssociation( Edge_Tuy_ext_g, 0., 1. )
-Edge_Mod_int_g.addAssociation( Edge_Tuy_int_g, 0., 1. )
-Edge_Mod_int_d.addAssociation( Edge_Tuy_int_d, 0., 1. )
-Edge_Mod_ext_d.addAssociation( Edge_Tuy_ext_d, 0., 1. )
-#Quad_mod_1.addAssociation( Face_Tuy_ext_1 )
-Quad_mod_1.addAssociation( Face_0 )
-Quad_mod_1.addAssociation( Face_6 )
-Quad_mod_1.addAssociation( Face_10 )
-Quad_mod_1.addAssociation( Face_14 )
-#Quad_mod_0.addAssociation( Face_Tuy_ext_2 )
-Quad_mod_0.addAssociation( Face_1 )
-Quad_mod_0.addAssociation( Face_7 )
-Quad_mod_0.addAssociation( Face_11 )
-Quad_mod_0.addAssociation( Face_15 )
-#Quad_mod_2.addAssociation( Face_Tuy_ext_1 )
-Quad_mod_2.addAssociation( Face_2 )
-Quad_mod_2.addAssociation( Face_4 )
-Quad_mod_2.addAssociation( Face_8 )
-Quad_mod_2.addAssociation( Face_12 )
-#Quad_mod_3.addAssociation( Face_Tuy_ext_2 )
-Quad_mod_3.addAssociation( Face_3 )
-Quad_mod_3.addAssociation( Face_5 )
-Quad_mod_3.addAssociation( Face_9 )
-Quad_mod_3.addAssociation( Face_13 )
-#for i,e in enumerate(All_Edges_Tuy_1): geompy.addToStudy( e, "edge_"+str(i) )
-geompy.addToStudy(Tuyau_geom, "Tuyau_geom")
-geompy.addToStudy( x_h, "x_h" )
-geompy.addToStudy( y_h, "y_h" )
-geompy.addToStudy( z_h, "z_h" )
-geompy.addToStudy( u_h, "u_h" )
-geompy.addToStudy( x_h_t, "x_h_t")
-geompy.addToStudy( y_h_t, "y_h_t" )
-geompy.addToStudy( z_h_t, "z_h_t" )
-geompy.addToStudy( u_h_t, "u_h_t" )
-geompy.addToStudy( x_b, "x_b")
-geompy.addToStudy( y_b, "y_b" )
-geompy.addToStudy( z_b, "z_b" )
-geompy.addToStudy( u_b, "u_b")
-geompy.addToStudy( x_b_t, "x_b_t" )
-geompy.addToStudy( y_b_t, "y_b_t" )
-geompy.addToStudy( z_b_t, "z_b_t" )
-geompy.addToStudy( u_b_t, "u_b_t" )
-#geompy.addToStudy(Line_Z1_Z2, "Line_Z1_Z2")
-#geompy.addToStudy(Pipe_Ztt, "Pipe_Ztt")
-#geompy.addToStudy( Partition_Ztt , "Partition_Ztt" )
-geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Tuy_ext_h , "Edge_Tuy_ext_h" )
-geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Tuy_int_h , "Edge_Tuy_int_h" )
-geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Tuy_int_b , "Edge_Tuy_int_b" )
-geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Tuy_ext_b , "Edge_Tuy_ext_b" )
-geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Tuy_ext_g , "Edge_Tuy_ext_g" )
-geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Tuy_int_g , "Edge_Tuy_int_g" )
-geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Tuy_ext_d , "Edge_Tuy_ext_d" )
-geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Tuy_int_d , "Edge_Tuy_int_d" )
-#geompy.addToStudy( Partition_Edge_g_d_h_b , "Partition_Edge_g_d_h_b" )
-geompy.addToStudy( Face_Tuy_ext_1 , "Face_Tuy_ext_1" )
-geompy.addToStudy( Face_Tuy_ext_2 , "Face_Tuy_ext_2" )
-#geompy.addToStudy( Partition_Face , "Partition_Face" )
-geompy.addToStudy( Face_0 , "Face_0" )
-geompy.addToStudy( Face_1 , "Face_1" )
-geompy.addToStudy( Face_2 , "Face_2" )
-geompy.addToStudy( Face_3 , "Face_3" )
-geompy.addToStudy( Face_4 , "Face_4" )
-geompy.addToStudy( Face_5 , "Face_5" )
-geompy.addToStudy( Face_6 , "Face_6" )
-geompy.addToStudy( Face_7 , "Face_7" )
-geompy.addToStudy( Face_8 , "Face_8" )
-geompy.addToStudy( Face_9 , "Face_9" )
-geompy.addToStudy( Face_10 , "Face_10" )
-geompy.addToStudy( Face_11 , "Face_11" )
-geompy.addToStudy( Face_12 , "Face_12" )
-geompy.addToStudy( Face_13 , "Face_13" )
-geompy.addToStudy( Face_14 , "Face_14" )
-geompy.addToStudy( Face_15 , "Face_15" )
-## Definir les groupes d'elements pour le maillage
-# groupe de Hexa(volumes)
-Hexa_grp = doc.addHexaGroup("Hexa_all_grp")
-Nbr_Hex = doc.countHexa()
-print "doc.countHexa()->",Nbr_Hex
-for i in range(Nbr_Hex):
- Hexa_i = doc.getHexa(i)
- Hexa_grp.addElement(Hexa_i)
-#Nbr_elm_hex = Hexa_grp.countElement()
-#print "Hexa_all_grp countElement() ->",Nbr_elm_hex
-for i in range(Nbr_Hex):
- Hexa_grp = doc.addHexaGroup("Hexa_grp"+str(i))
- Hexa_i = doc.getHexa(i)
- Hexa_grp.addElement(Hexa_i)
-# groupe de quads (faces)
-Quad_grp_haut = doc.addQuadGroup("Quad_grp_haut")
-Quad_h_1 = doc.findQuad( x_mod_h , y_mod_h_t )
-Quad_h_2 = doc.findQuad( y_mod_h_t , z_mod_h )
-Quad_h_3 = doc.findQuad( z_mod_h , u_mod_h_t )
-Quad_h_4 = doc.findQuad( u_mod_h_t , x_mod_h )
-assert Quad_h_1
-assert Quad_h_2
-assert Quad_h_3
-assert Quad_h_4
-for Quad_h_i in [ Quad_h_1 , Quad_h_2 , Quad_h_3 , Quad_h_4 ]:
- Quad_grp_haut.addElement(Quad_h_i)
-Quad_grp_bas = doc.addQuadGroup("Quad_grp_bas")
-Quad_b_1 = doc.findQuad( x_mod_b , y_mod_b_t )
-Quad_b_2 = doc.findQuad( y_mod_b_t , z_mod_b )
-Quad_b_3 = doc.findQuad( z_mod_b , u_mod_b_t )
-Quad_b_4 = doc.findQuad( u_mod_b_t , x_mod_b )
-assert Quad_b_1
-assert Quad_b_2
-assert Quad_b_3
-assert Quad_b_4
-for Quad_b_i in [ Quad_b_1 , Quad_b_2 , Quad_b_3 , Quad_b_4 ]:
- Quad_grp_bas.addElement(Quad_b_i)
-#Nbr_elm_qad_bas = Quad_grp_bas.countElement()
-#print "Nbr_elm_qad_bas->",Nbr_elm_qad_bas
-# groupe de Edges
-Edge_Grp_haut = doc.addEdgeGroup("Edge_Grp_haut")
-Edge_Grp_gauche = doc.addEdgeGroup("Edge_Grp_gauche")
-Edge_Grp_bas = doc.addEdgeGroup("Edge_Grp_bas")
-Edge_Grp_droit = doc.addEdgeGroup("Edge_Grp_droit")
-# groupe de noeuds de Hexa
-Hexa_Nod_Grp = doc.addHexaNodeGroup("Hexa_Nod_Grp")
-for i in range(Nbr_Hex):
- Hexa_i = doc.getHexa(i)
- Hexa_Nod_Grp.addElement(Hexa_i)
-# groupe de noeuds de Quad
-Quad_Nod_Grp_h_1 = doc.addQuadNodeGroup("Quad_Nod_Grp_h_1")
-Quad_Nod_Grp_b_1 = doc.addQuadNodeGroup("Quad_Nod_Grp_b_1")
-# groupe de noeuds de Edge
-Edge_Nod_Grp_b = doc.addEdgeNodeGroup("Edge_Nod_Grp_b")
-Edge_Nod_Grp_h = doc.addEdgeNodeGroup("Edge_Nod_Grp_h")
-# groupe de noeuds de vertex pour tout le modele
-Vertex_Nod_Grp = doc.addVertexNodeGroup("Vertex_Nod_Grp")
-Nbr_Vx = doc.countVertex()
-for i in range(Nbr_Vx):
- Vertex_i = doc.getVertex(i)
- Vertex_Nod_Grp.addElement(Vertex_i)
-# Definir une loi de discretisation
-bp_law = doc.getLaw(0)
-# definir une loi: le choix de la loi reste aux utilisateurs
-#Law_X = doc.addLaw( "Uniform" , 4 )
-#Law_Y = doc.addLaw( "Arithmetic" , 2 )
-#Law_Z = doc.addLaw( "Geometric" , 3 )
-Law_X = doc.addLaw( "Arithmetic" , 5 )
-Law_Y = doc.addLaw( "Arithmetic" , 3 )
-#Law_Z = doc.addLaw( "Geometric" , 4 )
-Law_Z = doc.addLaw( "Arithmetic" , 5 )
-# chercher les propagations du modele
-Edge_Law_X = doc.findEdge( x_mod_h , x_mod_h_t )
-Edge_Law_Y = doc.findEdge( y_mod_h , y_mod_h_t )
-Edge_Law_Z = doc.findEdge( y_mod_h , y_mod_b )
-Propa_X = doc.findPropagation( Edge_Law_X )
-Propa_Y = doc.findPropagation( Edge_Law_Y )
-Propa_Z = doc.findPropagation( Edge_Law_Z )
-# appliquer la loi de discretisation sur tout le modele et generer le maillage
-Propa_X.setLaw( Law_X )
-Propa_Y.setLaw( Law_Y )
-Propa_Z.setLaw( Law_Z )
-print " --- MAILLAGE HEXAHEDRIQUE --- "
-mesh = hexablock.mesh(doc)
-print "Nombre d hexaedres:" , mesh.NbHexas()
-print "Nombre de quadrangles:", mesh.NbQuadrangles()
-print "Nombre de segments:" , mesh.NbEdges()
-print "Nombre de noeuds:" , mesh.NbNodes()
-#Nombre d hexaedres: 480
-#Nombre de quadrangles: 496
-#Nombre de segments: 160
-#Nombre de noeuds: 700
-allGroups = mesh.GetGroups()
-print " --- GROUPES --- "
-for aGroup in allGroups:
- print "\nNOM:", aGroup.GetName()
- print "IDS:", aGroup.GetIDs()
-## --------------------
-## Maillage hexa�drique
-## --------------------
-#mesh = mesh.ExportMED( "", 1 )
-#maillages = smesh.CreateMeshesFromMED( "" )
-#ijk = maillages[0][0]
-#print " --- MAILLAGE HEXAHEDRIQUE --- "
-#print "Nombre d hexaedres:", ijk.NbHexas()
-#print "Nombre de quadrangles:", ijk.NbQuadrangles()
-#print "Nombre de segments:", ijk.NbEdges()
-#print "Nombre de noeuds:", ijk.NbNodes()
+++ /dev/null
-# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2012 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
-# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-# version 2.1 of the License.
-# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-# See or email :
-import hexablock
-# ======================================================== test_sphere
-def test_sphere():
- doc = hexablock.addDocument ("default")
- orig = doc.addVertex (0,0,0)
- ncouches = 1
- k = 0.8
- decal = doc.addVector (1,1,1)
- sphere = doc.makeSpherical(orig, decal, ncouches, k)
- sphere.saveVtk ("test_sphere.vtk")
- # doc.dump ()
- print "test_sphere OK"
-# ======================================================== test_cartesi1
-def test_cartesi1():
- size_x = 15
- size_y = 12
- size_z = 8
- doc = hexablock.addDocument()
- orig = doc.addVertex (0,0,0)
- direc= doc.addVector (1,1,1)
- grid = doc.makeCartesian1(orig, direc, size_x,size_y,size_z,0,0,0)
- grid.saveVtk ("test_cartesi1.vtk")
- # doc.dump ()
- print "test_cartesi1 OK"
-#// ======================================================== test_find
-def test_find():
- size_x = 2
- size_y = 2
- size_z = 2
- doc = hexablock.addDocument()
- orig = doc.addVertex(0,0,0)
- direc = doc.addVector (1,1,1)
- grid = doc.makeCartesian1 (orig, direc, size_x,size_y,size_z,0,0,0)
- grid.saveVtk ("mini1.vtk")
- #doc.dump ().
- v00 = doc.findVertex (0, 0, 0)
- v02 = doc.findVertex (1, 1, 0)
- v06 = doc.findVertex (1, 1, 1)
- v08 = doc.findVertex (2, 1, 0)
- v10 = doc.findVertex (2, 1, 1)
- v22 = doc.findVertex (2, 1, 2)
- v26 = doc.findVertex (2, 2, 2)
- assert v00
- assert v02
- assert v06
- assert v08
- assert v10
- assert v22
- assert v26
- assert doc.findEdge (v06, v10)
- assert doc.findEdge (v10, v06)
- assert doc.findQuad (v02, v10)
- assert doc.findQuad (v06, v08)
- assert not doc.findQuad (v02, v06) #CS_FAILS
- assert doc.findHexa (v00, v06)
- assert doc.findHexa (v06, v26)
- assert doc.findHexa (v26, v06)
- print "test_find OK"
-#// ======================================================== test_joint
-def test_joint():
- import HEXA_ORB
- dimx = 11
- dimy = 11
- dimz = 2
- doc = hexablock.addDocument()
- orig1 = doc.addVertex (0,0,0)
- direc = doc.addVector (1,1,1)
- grid1 = doc.makeCartesian1(orig1, direc, dimx, dimy, dimz, 0, 0, 0 )
- orig2 = doc.addVertex (dimx/2.0,0,8)
- vectj = doc.addVector (0,1,0)
- vecti = doc.addVector (1,0,0)
- grid2 = doc.makeCylindrical (orig2, vecti, vectj, 1, 180, 1,dimz,dimy,dimx, False)
- mx = dimx/2
- my = dimy/2
- prems = grid1.getQuad1 (HEXA_ORB.DIR_Z, mx, my, dimz)
- cible = grid2.getQuad1 (HEXA_ORB.DIR_X, dimz, mx, my)
- v1 = prems.getVertex (0)
- v2 = cible.getVertex (0)
- v3 = prems.getVertex (1)
- v4 = cible.getVertex (3)
- liste = []
- miroir = []
- liste.append(prems)
- for nx in range(dimx):
- if ( nx != mx ):
- liste.append(grid1.getQuad1 (HEXA_ORB.DIR_Z, nx, my, dimz))
- #for (int nx=0. nx<dimx. nx++)
- #if (nx!=mx)
- #liste.append(grid1.getQuad (dir_z, nx, my, dimz)).
- for ny in range(dimy):
- if ( ny != my ):
- liste.append(grid1.getQuad1 (HEXA_ORB.DIR_Z, mx, ny, dimz))
- #for (int ny=0. ny<dimy. ny++)
- #if (ny!=my)
- #liste.push_back (grid1.getQuad (dir_z, mx, ny, dimz)).
- joint = doc.joinQuads (liste, cible, v1, v2, v3, v4, 5)
- joint.saveVtk ("test_joint.vtk")
- print "test_joint OK"
-#// ======================================================== test_mini
-def test_mini():
- size_x = 2
- size_y = 2
- size_z = 2
- doc = hexablock.addDocument ()
- orig = doc.addVertex (0,0,0)
- direc = doc.addVector (1,1,1)
- grid = doc.makeCartesian1( orig, direc, size_x,size_y,size_z, 0, 0, 0 )
- orig2 = doc.addVertex (0,0,5)
- grid2 = doc.makeCartesian1( orig2, direc, size_x,size_y,size_z, 0, 0, 0 )
- #doc.saveVtk ("mini.vtk").
- grid2.saveVtk ("test_mini.vtk")
- print "test_mini OK"
-#// ======================================================== test_clone
-def test_clone():
- size_x = 2
- size_y = 2
- size_z = 2
- doc = hexablock.addDocument()
- orig = doc.addVertex (0,0,0)
- direc = doc.addVector (1,1,1)
- grid1 = doc.makeCartesian1(orig, direc, size_x,size_y,size_z, 0, 0, 0 )
- bond = doc.addVector (0, 0, 7)
- grid2 = doc.makeTranslation(grid1, bond)
- grid1.saveVtk ("test_clone.grid1.vtk")
- grid2.saveVtk ("test_clone.grid2.vtk")
- #doc .saveVtk ("clonage.vtk").
- #doc .dump().
- print "test_clone OK"
-#// ======================================================== test_separ
-def test_separ():
- size_x = 2
- size_y = 2
- size_z = 2
- doc = hexablock.addDocument()
- orig = doc.addVertex (0,0,0)
- direc = doc.addVector (1,1,1)
- grid = doc.makeCartesian1(orig, direc, size_x,size_y,size_z, 0, 0, 0 )
- grid.saveVtk ("test_separ.vtk")
- #doc .saveVtk ("separ.vtk").
- #doc .dump().
- print "test_separ OK"
-#// ======================================================== test_cyl
-def test_cyl():
- doc = hexablock.addDocument()
- orig = doc.addVertex (0,0,0)
- haut = doc.addVector (0,0,1)
- base = doc.addVector (1,0,0)
- dr = 1
- #// double da = 360. // degres
- dl = 1
- nr = 2
- na = 9
- nl = 5
- cyl1 = doc.makeCylindrical(orig,base,haut,dr, 360, dl,nr,na,nl, False )
- cyl1.saveVtk ("test_cyl.full.vtk")
- cyl2 = doc.makeCylindrical(orig,haut,base,dr, 270, dl,nr,na,nl, False )
- cyl2.saveVtk ("test_cyl.34.vtk")
- #// doc.dump ()
- print "test_cyl OK"
-#// ======================================================== test_propagation
-def test_propagation():
- size_x = 2
- size_y = 1
- size_z = 1
- doc = hexablock.addDocument()
- orig = doc.addVertex(0,0,0)
- direc = doc.addVector(1,1,1)
- grid = doc.makeCartesian1(orig, direc, size_x,size_y,size_z, 0, 0, 0 )
- #doc.dump ().
- nb = doc.countPropagation()
- for nro in range(nb):
- prop = doc.getPropagation (nro)
- edges = prop.getEdges()
- #ways = prop.getWays()
- for i, anEdge in enumerate(edges):
- if anEdge.getWay():
- print "( ", anEdge.getVertex (0), ",", anEdge.getVertex (1), " )"
- else:
- print "( ", anEdge.getVertex (1), ",", anEdge.getVertex (0), " )"
- print "test_propagation OK"
+++ /dev/null
-# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2012 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
-# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-# version 2.1 of the License.
-# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-# See or email :
-import os
-import geompy
-import hexablock
-import math
-STEP_PATH = os.path.expandvars("$HEXABLOCK_ROOT_DIR/bin/salome/crank.stp")
-doc = hexablock.addDocument("bielle")
-# For the connecting rod, two cylindrical grids have to be build and
-# the quadrangles have to be prismed between these wo grids
-#R = 40.0
-R = 0.095168291790720005
-r_pte = R
-r_pte_t = R/2.0
-xpetit = 0.0
-xgrand = 1.35739 + 0.1595
-longueur = (xgrand - xpetit)/2.0
-hauteur = 0.019999999553*2
-dr_pte = R
-da_pte = 360
-dl_pte = hauteur
-nr_pte = 1
-na_pte = 6
-nl_pte = 1
-# TESTS : sauvegarde
-f_mod_apres = open(os.path.join(os.environ['TMP'],
- "bielle_model_apres.txt"), 'w')
-# end TESTS
-# @todo JPL le 08/07/2011 :
-# refaire le mod�le de blocs avec des pentagones pour les grilles
-# cylindriques, et 1 hexaedre reliant ces 2 grilles.
-# Vectors Creation
-dx = doc.addVector(longueur, 0, 0)
-dy = doc.addVector(0, longueur, 0)
-dz = doc.addVector(0, 0, longueur)
-# Creation of cylindrical grid centers
-c_pte = doc.addVertex(xpetit, 0, 0)
-c_grd = doc.addVertex(2*longueur, 0, 0)
-dx_prime = doc.addVectorVertices(c_pte, c_grd)
-# small cylindrical grid creation
-grille_cyl_pte = doc.makeCylindrical(c_pte, dx, dz, dr_pte, da_pte, dl_pte, nr_pte, na_pte, nl_pte, False)
-# Small cylindrical grid creation
-grille_cyl_grd = doc.makeTranslation(grille_cyl_pte, dx_prime)
-# TEST :
-file_name = os.path.join(os.environ['TMP'], 'bielle0.vtk')
-# Joining the two cylindrical grids
-mod_x1 = grille_cyl_pte.getVertexIJK(1, 0, 1)
-mod_x2 = grille_cyl_pte.getVertexIJK(1, 1, 0)
-mod_x3 = grille_cyl_pte.getVertexIJK(1, 5, 0)
-mod_x4 = grille_cyl_pte.getVertexIJK(1, 0, 0)
-quad_11 = doc.findQuad(mod_x1, mod_x2)
-quad_12 = doc.findQuad(mod_x1, mod_x3)
-mod_y1 = grille_cyl_grd.getVertexIJK(1, 3, 1)
-mod_y2 = grille_cyl_grd.getVertexIJK(1, 2, 0)
-mod_y3 = grille_cyl_grd.getVertexIJK(1, 4, 0)
-mod_y4 = grille_cyl_grd.getVertexIJK(1, 3, 0)
-quad_21 = doc.findQuad(mod_y1, mod_y2)
-quad_22 = doc.findQuad(mod_y1, mod_y3)
-model_biell_fin = doc.joinQuads([quad_11, quad_12], quad_21, mod_x1, mod_y1, mod_x4, mod_y4, 1)
-# TEST :
-file_name = os.path.join(os.environ['TMP'], 'bielle1.vtk')
-# JPL le 08/07/2011 :
-# la premi�re solution :
-# 1. 4 associations par ligne fermee pour les trous
-# 2. 2 associations par ligne fermee pour les contours
-# => pose probl�me car les points associ�s par cette m�thode sont
-# uniform�ment r�partis sur le contour => �a d�pend de la longueur
-# entre les 2 grilles cylindriques.
-# REM : a retester apr�s la correction d'Alain pour voir ce que �a
-# donne
-# deuxi�me solution :
-# 1. 4 associations par ligne fermee pour les trous
-# => pour chaque association, 6 edges du modele <-> 1 ligne de la geometrie
-# 2. 4 associations par lignes ouvertes pour les contours externes des
-# grilles cylindriques
-# => pour chaque association, 4 edges du modele <-> 3 lignes de la geometrie
-# 3. 4 associations de points restants (mod_x1, mod_x4, mod_y1, mod_y4)
-# => cette solution pose probl�me (� cause de l'association par ligne
-# ouverte)
-bielle_geom = geompy.ImportFile(STEP_PATH, "STEP")
-geompy.addToStudy(bielle_geom, "bielle_geom")
-all_edges_bielle = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(bielle_geom, geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"])
-# dictionnaire des edges de la g�om�trie :
-# key = nom, value = indice dans all_edges_bielle
-dic_edge_names = {"edge_ray_pte_b": 0, "edge_ray_pte_h": 1,
- "edge_trou_pte_b": 2, "edge_trou_pte_h" :3,
- "edge_arr_pte_g_b": 7, "edge_arr_pte_g_h": 8,
- "edge_arr_pte_d_b": 9, "edge_arr_pte_d_h": 10,
- "edge_arr_grd_g_b": 19, "edge_arr_grd_g_h": 20,
- "edge_arr_grd_d_b": 21, "edge_arr_grd_d_h": 22,
- "edge_trou_grd_b": 25, "edge_trou_grd_h": 26,
- "edge_ray_grd_b": 27, "edge_ray_grd_h": 28,
- "edge_long_g_b": 13, "edge_long_g_h": 14,
- "edge_long_d_b": 15, "edge_long_d_h": 16
- }
-all_faces_bielle = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(bielle_geom, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"])
-# dictionnaire des faces de la geometrie :
-# key = nom, value = indice dans all_faces_bielle
-dic_face_names = {"face_ray_pte": 0, "face_trou_pte": 1, "face_pte_g": 2,
- "face_pte_d": 3, "face_long_g": 4, "face_long_d": 5,
- "face_bas": 6, "face_haut": 7, "face_grd_g": 8,
- "face_grd_d": 9, "face_trou_grd": 10,
- "face_ray_grd": 11
- }
-# la clef correspond a la geometrie, la valeur a l'indice en z dans le
-# modele de bloc (grille cylindrique)
-# NOTE : les dictionnaires ordonn�s ne sont pas encore introduits dans
-# la version 2.6.6 de python (Salome 6.2). On ne connait donc pas
-# l'ordre de bouclage (haut/bas ou bas/haut) mais �a n'a pas
-# d'importance :
-dico_haut_bas = {"h": 1, "b": 0}
-# 1. lignes internes (trou) haut/bas du petit cylindre
-# ====================================================
-for z in dico_haut_bas.iteritems():
- # REM : la direction de la ligne geometrique est dans le sens anti-trigonometrique
- # => on parcourt le modele en sens inverse
-## # modele de blocs :
-## mod_start = grille_cyl_pte.getEdgeJ(0, 5, z[1])
-## mod_first = mod_start.getVertex(1)
-## # table des edges :
-## mod_line = [grille_cyl_pte.getEdgeJ(0, j, z[1]) for j in range(4, -1, -1)]
- # modele de blocs :
- mod_start = grille_cyl_pte.getEdgeJ(0, 0, z[1])
- mod_first = mod_start.getVertex(0)
- # table des edges :
- mod_line = [grille_cyl_pte.getEdgeJ(0, j, z[1]) for j in range(1, 6)]
- # geometrie : 1 seule ligne
- edge_hole_in = all_edges_bielle[dic_edge_names["edge_trou_pte_"+z[0]]]
- geo_start = edge_hole_in
- par_start = 0.0
- geo_line = []
- # association :
- ier = doc.associateClosedLine(mod_first, mod_start, mod_line,
- geo_start, par_start, geo_line)
-# 2. lignes internes (trou) haut/bas du grand cylindre
-# =====================================================
-for z in dico_haut_bas.iteritems():
- # REM : la direction de la ligne geometrique est dans le sens anti-trigonometrique
- # => on parcourt le modele en sens inverse
-## # modele de blocs :
-## mod_start = grille_cyl_grd.getEdgeJ(0, 5, z[1])
-## mod_first = mod_start.getVertex(1)
-## # table des edges :
-## mod_line = [grille_cyl_grd.getEdgeJ(0, j, z[1]) for j in range(4, -1, -1)]
- mod_start = grille_cyl_grd.getEdgeJ(0, 0, z[1])
- mod_first = mod_start.getVertex(1)
- # table des edges :
- mod_line = [grille_cyl_grd.getEdgeJ(0, j, z[1]) for j in range(1, 6)]
- # geometrie : 1 seule ligne
- edge_hole_in = all_edges_bielle[dic_edge_names["edge_trou_grd_"+z[0]]]
- geo_start = edge_hole_in
- par_start = 0.0
- geo_line = []
- # association :
- ier = doc.associateClosedLine(mod_first, mod_start, mod_line,
- geo_start, par_start, geo_line)
-# 3. lignes externes haut/bas du petit cylindre
-# =============================================
-for z in dico_haut_bas.iteritems():
- # JPL le 08/07/2011 : on utilise ici l'association par ligne
- # ouverte. Avec le nouvelle version, les points sont r�partis de
- # mani�re �quidistance sur la ligne geometrique form�e par la
- # concat�nation des lignes fournies en entr�e.
- # modele de blocs :
- mod_start = grille_cyl_pte.getEdgeJ(1, 1, z[1])
- # table des edges :
- mod_line = [grille_cyl_pte.getEdgeJ(1, j, z[1]) for j in [2, 3, 4]]
- # geometrie :
- # les edges de la geometrie correspondant sont, dans l'ordre (par
- # exemple pour le haut) :
- # edge_arr_pte_d_h, edge_ray_pte_h, edge_arr_pte_g_h
- geo_start = all_edges_bielle[dic_edge_names["edge_arr_pte_d_"+z[0]]]
- geo_line = []
- geo_line.append(all_edges_bielle[dic_edge_names["edge_ray_pte_"+z[0]]])
- geo_line.append(all_edges_bielle[dic_edge_names["edge_arr_pte_g_"+z[0]]])
- # association :
- # la premi�re est la derni�re ligne sont orient�es "dans le
- # mauvais sens" => on fournit cette info :
- par_start = 0.0
- par_end = 1.0
- ier = doc.associateOpenedLine(mod_start, mod_line,
- geo_start, par_start, geo_line, par_end)
-## # 4. lignes externes haut/bas du grand cylindre
-## # =============================================
-for z in dico_haut_bas.iteritems():
- # JPL le 08/07/2011 : on utilise ici l'association par ligne
- # ouverte. Avec le nouvelle version, les points sont r�partis de
- # mani�re �quidistance sur la ligne geometrique form�e par la
- # concat�nation des lignes fournies en entr�e.
- # modele de blocs :
- mod_start = grille_cyl_grd.getEdgeJ(1, 4, z[1])
- # table des edges :
- mod_line = [grille_cyl_grd.getEdgeJ(1, j, z[1]) for j in [5, 0, 1]]
- # geometrie :
- # les edges de la geometrie correspondant sont, dans l'ordre (par
- # exemple pour le haut) :
- # edge_arr_grd_g_h, edge_ray_grd_h, edge_arr_grd_d_h
- geo_start = all_edges_bielle[dic_edge_names["edge_arr_grd_g_"+z[0]]]
- geo_line = []
- geo_line.append(all_edges_bielle[dic_edge_names["edge_ray_grd_"+z[0]]])
- geo_line.append(all_edges_bielle[dic_edge_names["edge_arr_grd_d_"+z[0]]])
- # association :
- # la premi�re est la derni�re ligne sont orient�es "dans le
- # mauvais sens" => on fournit cette info :
- par_start = 0.0
- par_end = 1.0
- ier = doc.associateOpenedLine(mod_start, mod_line,
- geo_start, par_start, geo_line, par_end)
-# JPL le 26/07/2011 :
-# l'association des edges n'est pas necessaire (implicite)
-# 6. association des 4 points restants (x1, x4, y1, y4) :
-# =======================================================
-# NB:
-# h = top (haut)
-# b = bottom (bas)
-# g = big (grand)
-# p = small (petit)
-# t = hole (trou)
-# JPL le 08/07/2011 :
-# seuls 4 points de la geometrie sont n�cessaires (pour l'association
-# vertex/point : pour le reste on utilise l'association par lignes) :
-# dictionnaire geom_vertices
-# il s'agit de points des grilles cylindriques, � l'int�rieur
-# de la bielle, ayant servis au joinQuads (ie: mod_x1, mod_x4, mod_y1, mod_y4)
-## pt_a = geompy.MakeVertex(0, 0, hauteur/2.)
-## face_haut = geompy.GetFaceNearPoint(bielle_geom, pt_a)
-## pt_b = geompy.MakeVertex(0, 0, -hauteur/2.)
-## face_bas = geompy.GetFaceNearPoint(bielle_geom, pt_b)
-face_haut = all_faces_bielle[dic_face_names["face_haut"]]
-edge_haut_droite = geompy.GetEdgesByLength(face_haut, 0.136, 0.137)
-edge_haut_gauche = geompy.GetEdgesByLength(face_haut, 0.131, 0.132)
-# 1. grand cylindre :
-y_h_g = geompy.MakeVertexOnSurface(face_haut, 1, 0.5)
-u_h_g = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(edge_haut_droite, 1)
-w_h_g = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(edge_haut_gauche, 0)
-edge_v_grd = geompy.MakeLineTwoPnt(u_h_g, w_h_g)
-geo_y1 = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(edge_v_grd, 0.5)
-geo_y4 = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(geo_y1, 0.0, 0.0, -hauteur)
-# vertex cote grande grille cylindrique :
-# 2. petit cylindre :
-# REM : le modele grand cylindre a ete cree par translation / au petit
-# cylindre.
-v_h_p = geompy.MakeVertexOnSurface(face_haut, 0, 0.5)
-x_h_p = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(edge_haut_droite, 0)
-z_h_p = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(edge_haut_gauche, 1)
-edge_v_pte = geompy.MakeLineTwoPnt(x_h_p, z_h_p)
-geo_x1 = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(edge_v_pte, 0.5)
-geo_x4 = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(geo_x1, 0.0, 0.0, -hauteur)
-# vertex cote petite grille cylindrique :
-# 7. association des faces :
-# REM : l'association des faces internes ne semble pas necessaire (cylindres)
-# pas d'association des face_ray_XXX : pas necessaire ? De toute
-# fa�on, on a pour chaque 2 quads du mod�le...
-# les associations de face_haut, face_bas, face_long_g et face_long_d
-# ne sont pas necessaires ?
-# a decommenter donc si necessaire :
-## quad1 = grille_cyl_pte.getQuadJK(1, 1, 0)
-## quad1.addAssociation(all_faces_bielle[dic_face_names["face_pte_d"]])
-## quad2 = grille_cyl_pte.getQuadJK(1, 4, 0)
-## quad2.addAssociation(all_faces_bielle[dic_face_names["face_pte_g"]])
-## quad3 = grille_cyl_grd.getQuadJK(1, 1, 0)
-## quad3.addAssociation(all_faces_bielle[dic_face_names["face_grd_d"]])
-## quad4 = grille_cyl_grd.getQuadJK(1, 4, 0)
-## quad4.addAssociation(all_faces_bielle[dic_face_names["face_grd_g"]])
-# TEST :
-file_name = os.path.join(os.environ['TMP'], 'bielle2.vtk')
-# affichage des points des 2 grilles cylindriques avec les
-# nouvelles coordonn�es (apres association)
-for k in range(2):
- # petite grille cylindrique
- i = 0
- for j in range(6):
- vertex = grille_cyl_pte.getVertexIJK(i, j, k)
- value = " ".join(["i =", str(i), "j =", str(j),
- str(vertex.getX()), str(vertex.getY()), str(vertex.getZ()), '\n'])
- f_mod_apres.write(str(value))
- pass
- f_mod_apres.write("stop\n")
- i = 1
- # on n'inclut pas les vertex associ�s individuellement (qui ne
- # changent pas de coordonn�es...) : => j = 1 -> 5
- for j in range(1, 6):
- vertex = grille_cyl_pte.getVertexIJK(i, j, k)
- value = " ".join(["i =", str(i), "j =", str(j),
- str(vertex.getX()), str(vertex.getY()), str(vertex.getZ()), '\n'])
- f_mod_apres.write(str(value))
- pass
- f_mod_apres.write("stop\n")
- # grande grille cylindrique
- i = 0
- for j in range(6):
- vertex = grille_cyl_grd.getVertexIJK(i, j, k)
- value = " ".join(["i =", str(i), "j =", str(j),
- str(vertex.getX()), str(vertex.getY()), str(vertex.getZ()), '\n'])
- f_mod_apres.write(str(value))
- pass
- f_mod_apres.write("stop\n")
- i = 1
- # on n'inclut pas les vertex associ�s individuellement (qui ne
- # changent pas de coordonn�es...) (j = 3)
- # on ecrit les points dans le meme ordre que l'association :
- for j in [4, 5, 0, 1, 2]:
- vertex = grille_cyl_grd.getVertexIJK(i, j, k)
- value = " ".join(["i =", str(i), "j =", str(j),
- str(vertex.getX()), str(vertex.getY()), str(vertex.getZ()), '\n'])
- f_mod_apres.write(str(value))
- pass
- # end TEST
- f_mod_apres.write("stop\n")
-## #=================================================
-## #=================================================
-# vertices :
-geompy.addToStudy(geo_x1, 'vertex_x1')
-geompy.addToStudy(geo_x4, 'vertex_x4')
-geompy.addToStudy(geo_y1, 'vertex_y1')
-geompy.addToStudy(geo_y4, 'vertex_y4')
-# edges :
-for key, value in dic_edge_names.iteritems():
- geompy.addToStudy(all_edges_bielle[value], key)
-# faces (juste pour les tests) :
-for i, face in enumerate(all_faces_bielle):
- geompy.addToStudy(face, "face_"+str(i))
-# Definir les groupes d elements pour le maillage
-# On definit 3 groupes de mailles
-# JPL (le 09/05/2011) :
-# @todo a revoir : apres correction des bugs "countXXX()" dans le moteur
-# groupe d edges (arretes)
-edge_grp = doc.addEdgeGroup("Edge_grp")
-for i in range(doc.countEdge()):
- edge_grp.addElement(doc.getEdge(i))
-# groupe de quads (faces)
-quad_grp = doc.addQuadGroup("Quad_grp")
-for i in range(doc.countQuad()):
- quad_grp.addElement(doc.getQuad(i))
-# groupe d hexas (solids)
-hexa_grp = doc.addHexaGroup("Hexa_grp")
-for i in range(doc.countHexa()):
- hexa_grp.addElement(doc.getHexa(i))
-# groupe de noeuds de vertex pour tout le modele
-vertex_nod_grp = doc.addVertexNodeGroup("Vertex_Nod_Grp")
-for i in range(doc.countVertex()):
- vertex_nod_grp.addElement(doc.getVertex(i))
-# Definir une loi de discretisation
-# definir une loi: le choix de la loi reste aux utilisateurs
-law = doc.addLaw("Uniform", 4)
-# TEST : pour avoir le mod�le de blocs :
-## law = doc.addLaw("Uniform", 0)
-# chercher les propagations du modele
-for j in range(doc.countPropagation()):
- propa = doc.getPropagation(j)
- propa.setLaw(law) # appliquer la loi de discretisation sur tout le modele et generer le maillage
-# G�n�rer des maillages
-print " --- MAILLAGE HEXAHEDRIQUE --- "
-mesh_hexas = hexablock.mesh(doc)
-print "Nombre d hexaedres:", mesh_hexas.NbHexas()
-print "Nombre de quadrangles:", mesh_hexas.NbQuadrangles()
-print "Nombre de segments:", mesh_hexas.NbEdges()
-print "Nombre de noeuds:", mesh_hexas.NbNodes()
-# TESTS :
+++ /dev/null
-# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-\r
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2012 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
-# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-# version 2.1 of the License.
-# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-# See or email :
-# Francis KLOSS - 2011 - CEA-Saclay, DEN, DM2S, SFME, LGLS, F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France\r
-# ========================================================================================\r
-import geompy\r
-import hexablock\r
-# Définir les paramètres\r
-# ----------------------\r
-nom = "bielle"\r
-# Construire le modèle de bloc\r
-# ============================\r
-doc = hexablock.addDocument(nom)\r
-# Construire les 2 grilles cylindriques\r
-# -------------------------------------\r
-centre_a = doc.addVertex(0, 0, 0)\r
-centre_b = doc.addVertex(6, 0, 0)\r
-vecteur_a = doc.addVector(1, 1, 0)\r
-vecteur_z = doc.addVector(0, 0, 1)\r
-vecteur_b = doc.addVector(6, 0, 0)\r
-grille_a = doc.makeCylindrical(centre_a, vecteur_a, vecteur_z, 1, 360, 1, 1, 4, 1, False)\r
-### grille_b = doc.makeTranslation(grille_a, vecteur_b)\r
-grille_b = doc.makeCylindrical(centre_b, vecteur_a, vecteur_z, 2, 360, 1, 1, 4, 1, False)\r
-grilles = [ grille_a, grille_b ]\r
-# Relier les 2 grilles\r
-# --------------------\r
-quad_a = grille_a.getQuadJK(1, 3, 0)\r
-quad_b = grille_b.getQuadJK(1, 1, 0)\r
-point_a1 = grille_a.getVertexIJK(1, 0, 0)\r
-point_a2 = grille_a.getVertexIJK(1, 3, 0)\r
-point_b1 = grille_b.getVertexIJK(1, 1, 0)\r
-point_b2 = grille_b.getVertexIJK(1, 2, 0)\r
-prisme = doc.joinQuad(quad_a, quad_b, point_a1, point_b1, point_a2, point_b2, 3)\r
-# Associer le modèle de bloc avec la géométrie\r
-# ============================================\r
-# Charger la géométrie à associer\r
-# -------------------------------\r
-bielle = geompy.ImportSTEP("crank.stp")\r
-# Extraire les subshapes de la géométrie\r
-# --------------------------------------\r
-g_vertices = geompy.SubShapeAllSortedCentres(bielle, geompy.ShapeType["VERTEX"])\r
-g_edges = geompy.SubShapeAllSortedCentres(bielle, geompy.ShapeType["EDGE" ])\r
-sommets = [ [ 8, 6, 9, 7 ], [ 12, 10, 13, 11 ] ]\r
-cercles = [ [2, 3], [25, 26] ]\r
-arcs_gr = [ [0, 1], [27, 28] ]\r
-arcs_pe = [ [ 9, 7, 10, 8 ], [ 21, 19, 22, 20 ] ]\r
-# Réparer l'association par ligne fermée\r
-# --------------------------------------\r
-def reparer(cercle, grille):\r
- import math\r
- k = geompy.KindOfShape(cercle)\r
- centre = geompy.MakeVertex(k[1], k[2], k[3])\r
- axe = geompy.MakePrismDXDYDZ(centre, k[4], k[5], k[6])\r
- angle = [ +math.pi/4, -math.pi/4 ][grille]\r
- if grille==1:\r
- axeY = geompy.MakePrismDXDYDZ(centre, 0, 1, 0)\r
- cercle = geompy.MakeRotation(cercle, axeY, math.pi)\r
- return geompy.MakeRotation(cercle, axe, angle)\r
-# Associer les 4 cercles intérieurs\r
-# ---------------------------------\r
-for k in xrange(0, 2):\r
- for g in xrange(0, 2):\r
- grille = grilles[g]\r
- ve = grille.getVertexIJK(0, g, k)\r
- le = [ grille.getEdgeJ(0, j, k) for j in xrange(0, 4) ]\r
- ed = reparer( g_edges[ cercles[g][k] ], g )\r
- doc.associateClosedLine(ve, le[0], le[1:], ed, 0.0, [])\r
-# Associer les 4 grands arcs de cercle extérieurs\r
-# -----------------------------------------------\r
-for k in xrange(0, 2):\r
- for g in xrange(0, 2):\r
- grille = grilles[g]\r
- le = [ grille.getEdgeJ(1, j, k) for j in [ [0, 1, 2], [2, 3, 0] ][g] ]\r
- ed = g_edges[ arcs_gr[g][k] ]\r
- doc.associateOpenedLine(le[0], le[1:], ed, 0, [], 1)\r
-# Associer les 8 sommets des petits arcs de cercle extérieurs\r
-# -----------------------------------------------------------\r
-for g, h in [ [0, 1], [1, 2] ]:\r
- hexa = prisme.getHexa(h)\r
- for vi in xrange(0, 4):\r
- vm = hexa.getVertex(vi)\r
- vg = g_vertices[ sommets[g][vi] ]\r
- vm.setAssociation(vg)\r
-# Associer les 8 petits arcs de cercle extérieurs\r
-# -----------------------------------------------\r
-for g, h in [ [0, 0], [1, 2] ]:\r
- hexa = prisme.getHexa(h)\r
- for ei in xrange(0, 4):\r
- em = hexa.getEdge(ei+8)\r
- eg = g_edges[ arcs_pe[g][ei] ]\r
- em.clearAssociation()\r
- em.addAssociation(eg, 0, 1)\r
-# Associer 4 arcs nouveaux qui complétent les 4 grands arcs de cercle extérieurs\r
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r
-for h, ei, ech in [ [0, 0, 0.9], [0, 1, 0.9], [2, 2, 0.85], [2, 3, 0.85] ]:\r
- hexa = prisme.getHexa(h)\r
- em = hexa.getEdge(ei)\r
- va = em.getVertex(0).getAssociation()\r
- vb = em.getVertex(1).getAssociation()\r
- vax, vay, vaz = geompy.PointCoordinates(va)\r
- vbx, vby, vbz = geompy.PointCoordinates(vb)\r
- vmx = ( vax + vbx ) / 2.0 * ech\r
- vmy = ( vay + vby ) / 2.0\r
- vmz = ( vaz + vbz ) / 2.0\r
- vm = geompy.MakeVertex(vmx, vmy, vmz)\r
- eg = geompy.MakeArc(va, vm, vb)\r
- em.clearAssociation()\r
- em.addAssociation(eg, 0, 1)\r
-# Mailler le modèle de bloc\r
-# =========================\r
-# Définir 5 groupes de faces\r
-# --------------------------\r
-groupe_trou_p = doc.addQuadGroup("Trou_petit")\r
-groupe_trou_g = doc.addQuadGroup("Trou_grand")\r
-groupe_bas = doc.addQuadGroup("Bas")\r
-groupe_haut = doc.addQuadGroup("Haut")\r
-groupe_contour = doc.addQuadGroup("Contour")\r
-for i in xrange(4):\r
- groupe_trou_p.addElement(grille_a.getQuadJK(0, i, 0))\r
- groupe_trou_g.addElement(grille_b.getQuadJK(0, i, 0))\r
- groupe_bas.addElement( grille_a.getQuadIJ(0, i, 0))\r
- groupe_bas.addElement( grille_b.getQuadIJ(0, i, 0))\r
- groupe_haut.addElement(grille_a.getQuadIJ(0, i, 1))\r
- groupe_haut.addElement(grille_b.getQuadIJ(0, i, 1))\r
-for i in xrange(3):\r
- groupe_contour.addElement(grille_a.getQuadJK(1, i, 0))\r
-for i in [0, 2, 3]:\r
- groupe_contour.addElement(grille_b.getQuadJK(1, i, 0))\r
-for i in xrange(0, 3):\r
- h = prisme.getHexa(i)\r
- q = h.getQuad(2)\r
- groupe_bas.addElement(q)\r
- q = h.getQuad(3)\r
- groupe_haut.addElement(q)\r
- q = h.getQuad(4)\r
- groupe_contour.addElement(q)\r
- q = h.getQuad(5)\r
- groupe_contour.addElement(q)\r
-# Définir 3 groupes de volumes\r
-# ----------------------------\r
-groupe_cyli_p = doc.addHexaGroup("Cylindre_petit")\r
-groupe_cyli_g = doc.addHexaGroup("Cylindre_grand")\r
-groupe_prisme = doc.addHexaGroup("Prisme")\r
-for i in xrange(4):\r
- groupe_cyli_p.addElement(grille_a.getHexa(i))\r
- groupe_cyli_g.addElement(grille_b.getHexa(i))\r
-for i in xrange(3):\r
- groupe_prisme.addElement(prisme.getHexa(i))\r
-# Mailler le modèle de bloc avec association\r
-# ------------------------------------------\r
-l = doc.addLaw("Uniform1", 17)\r
-n = doc.countPropagation()\r
-for i in xrange(n):\r
- p = doc.getPropagation(i)\r
- p.setLaw(l)\r
-l = doc.addLaw("Uniform2", 40)\r
-p = doc.getPropagation(11)\r
-blocs = hexablock.mesh(doc)\r
-print "nombre de sommets du modèle de bloc: ", doc.countUsedVertex()\r
-print "nombre d'arêtes du modèle de bloc: ", doc.countUsedEdge()\r
-print "nombre de quadrangles du modèle de bloc: ", doc.countUsedQuad()\r
-print "nombre de blocs du modèle de bloc: ", doc.countUsedHexa()\r
-print "Nombre de noeuds du maillage: ", blocs.NbNodes()\r
-print "Nombre de segments du maillage: ", blocs.NbEdges()\r
-print "Nombre de quadrangles du maillage: ", blocs.NbQuadrangles()\r
-print "Nombre d'hexaèdres du maillage: ", blocs.NbHexas()\r
+++ /dev/null
-# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2012 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
-# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-# version 2.1 of the License.
-# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-# See or email :
-import os
-import GEOM
-import geompy
-import smesh
-import hexablock
-import math
-import SALOMEDS
-k1 = 1
-count = 1
-def save_schema(doc):
- """
- sauvegarde vtk du modele de bloc
- """
- global count
- file_name = os.path.join(os.environ['TMP'], 'bride' + str(count) + '.vtk')
- doc.saveVtk(file_name)
- count += 1
- pass
-def merge_quads(doc, quart, demi, ni1, nj1, ni2, nj2, option=0) :
- """
- fusion des quadrangles entre les 2 grilles cylindriques :
- """
- prems = False
- if option == OPT_FIRST:
- prems = True
- quad_ik = False
- if option == OPT_QUAD_IK:
- quad_ik = True
- orig = None
- if quad_ik:
- orig = grille_cyl_quart.getQuadIK(ni1, nj1, k1)
- else:
- orig = grille_cyl_quart.getQuadJK(ni1, nj1, k1)
- dest = grille_cyl_demi.getQuadJK(ni2, nj2, k1)
-# JPL le 10/05/2011 :
-# closeQuads() n'est pas accessible en python
-# a priori fonctionne avec mergeQuads()
-## if prems:
- if True:
- iq1 = 0
- if quad_ik:
- iq1 = 1
- iq3 = 1 - iq1
- v1 = dest.getVertex(iq1)
- v3 = dest.getVertex(iq3)
- v2 = orig.getVertex(0)
- v4 = orig.getVertex(1)
- doc.mergeQuads(dest, orig, v1, v2, v3, v4)
- pass
- else:
-## doc.closeQuads(dest, orig)
- print "closeQuads() : not yet implemented"
- pass
- return None
-BREP_PATH = os.path.expandvars("$HEXABLOCK_ROOT_DIR/bin/salome/bride.brep")
-doc = hexablock.addDocument("bride")
-height = 1.0
-# cylinder grid 1 :
-nr1 = 8
-na1 = 4
-nl1 = 5
-dr1 = 1.0
-da1 = 45.0 # angle
-dl1 = height
-# cylinder grid 2 :
-nr2 = 3
-na2 = 8
-nl2 = nl1
-dr2 = 0.5
-da2 = 180.0 # angle
-dl2 = dl1
-# Creation du modele de blocs
-# JPL (le 09/05/2011)
-# repris de test_bride_abu.cxx (version la plus a jour dans ~/IHMHEXA/Alain/models):
-# et de (Karima) pour les "vraies" coordonn�es :
-# Creation des centres des grilles cylindriques
-center1 = doc.addVertex(0, 0, height)
-center2 = doc.addVertex(6, 0, height)
-dx = doc.addVector(height, 0, 0)
-dz = doc.addVector(0, 0, height)
-# Creation des grilles cylindriques initiales
-# 1. 1 ere grille (quart) :
-# JPL (le 10/05/2011) : vu la geometrie, on ne remplit pas le centre :
-## grille_cyl_quart = doc.makeCylindrical(orig1, dx, dz, dr_q, 45.0, dl,
-## nr_q, na_q, dim_z, True)
-grille_cyl_quart = doc.makeCylindrical(center1, dx, dz, dr1, da1, dl1,
- nr1, na1, nl1, False)
-# temporaire : sauvegarde du modele de blocs :
-# fin temporaire
-# Elagage :
-for nk in range(2, nl1):
- for nj in range(na1):
- ideb = 2
- if nk == nl1 - 1:
- ideb = 1
- for ni in range(ideb, nr1):
- doc.removeHexa(grille_cyl_quart.getHexaIJK(ni, nj, nk))
- pass
- pass
- pass
-# temporaire : sauvegarde du modele de blocs :
-# fin temporaire
-# Semelle :
-k0 = 0
-for nj in range(na1):
- for ni in range(2, nr1):
- doc.removeHexa(grille_cyl_quart.getHexaIJK(ni, nj, k0))
- pass
- pass
-# temporaire : sauvegarde du modele de blocs :
-# fin temporaire
-# @todo JPL : peut-on fusionner les edges du haut des hexaedres du haut du deuxieme
-# rang ? (cf. GEOM). Si oui revoir aussi l'association
-# 2. 2�me grille (demi) :
-grille_cyl_demi = doc.makeCylindrical(center2, dx, dz, dr2, da2, dl2,
- nr2, na2, nl2, True)
-# temporaire : sauvegarde du modele de blocs :
-# fin temporaire
-ni0 = [0, nr2, 2, 1, 0] # en fonction de z (ie : nk)
-for nk in range(0, nl2):
- for nj in range(na2): # elagage suivant toute la demi-circonference
- for ni in range(ni0[nk], nr2):
- doc.removeHexa(grille_cyl_demi.getHexaIJK(ni, nj, nk))
- pass
- pass
- pass
-# temporaire : sauvegarde du modele de blocs :
-# fin temporaire
-# 3. creusement des fondations de demi dans quart :
-for nj in range(2):
- for ni in range(3, nr1 - 1):
- doc.removeHexa(grille_cyl_quart.getHexaIJK(ni, nj, k1))
- pass
- pass
-# temporaire : sauvegarde du modele de blocs :
-# fin temporaire
-# 4. Fusion des bords :
-merge_quads(doc, grille_cyl_quart, grille_cyl_demi, 7, 0, nr2, 0, OPT_FIRST)
-merge_quads(doc, grille_cyl_quart, grille_cyl_demi, 7, 1, nr2, 1)
-for ni1 in range(2, 6):
- merge_quads(doc, grille_cyl_quart, grille_cyl_demi, 8 - ni1, 2, nr2, ni1, OPT_QUAD_IK)
- pass
-merge_quads(doc, grille_cyl_quart, grille_cyl_demi, 3, 1, nr2, 6)
-merge_quads(doc, grille_cyl_quart, grille_cyl_demi, 3, 0, nr2, 7)
-# temporaire : sauvegarde du modele de blocs :
-# fin temporaire
-# Geometry
-bride_geom = geompy.ImportFile(BREP_PATH, "BREP")
-geompy.addToStudy(bride_geom, "bride_geom")
-# parametres de la geometrie :
-r1 = 12.0
-r1_t = 7.88
-r2 = 20.0
-r2_t = 2.0
-# Association
-# association vertex/points de la grille 1
-# (tous les vertex qui ne sont pas fusionnes avec ceux de la grille #
-# 2)
-dz_geom = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(0., 0., 1.)
-# les vertex du cylindre 1 sont crees de bas en haut, en tournant dans
-# le sens trigonometrique :
-# 6 vertex sont necessaires / axe z (pour associer aux 6 vertices du
-# modele) :
-z_val = [-1, 1.5, 21.5, 34, 46.5] # nl1 + 1 valeurs
-for ni in range(nr1 + 1):
- # suivant ni, valeurs des x pour les (nl1 + 1) points (selon l'axe z)
- x = []
- z = []
- nb_z = 0 # nombre de points suivant l'axe z
- if ni == 0:
- z = z_val
- x = [r1_t] * len(z)
- pass
- elif ni == 1:
- z = z_val
- x = [r1_t + 2.77] * len(z)
- pass
- elif ni == 2:
- z = z_val[0:-1] # tout sauf le dernier
- x_last = r1_t + 2.77
- x = [24.0, 24.0, 19.0, (19.0 - x_last)/2 + x_last, x_last] # pour le 4 eme point, moyenne
- # entre le 3 eme et le 5 eme
- pass
- elif ni == 3:
- z = z_val[1:3]
- x = [24.0, 19.0]
- pass
- elif ni == 4:
- z = z_val[1:3]
- x = [26.5, 21.0] # a revoir pour le premier point ??
- pass
- elif ni == 8:
- z = z_val[1:3]
- x = [47.5] * 2
- pass
- else: # ni = 5, 6, 7
- z = z_val[1:3]
- x = [26.5 + (47.5 - 26.5)/4*(ni - 4)] * 2
- pass
- pass
- nb_z = len(z)
- # creation des points pour y = 0 :
- vert_grid1_xi = [geompy.MakeVertex(xi, 0, zi) for (xi, zi) in \
- zip(x, z)]
- # les points suivants sont crees par rotation de PI/16 suivant
- # l'axe z / aux precedents :
- angle = math.pi/4.0/na1 # PI/4 (45 degres), divise par 4
- for j in range(na1):
- li = [geompy.MakeRotation(v, dz_geom, angle) for v in vert_grid1_xi[-nb_z:]]
- vert_grid1_xi.extend(li)
- pass
- # ajout des points a l'etude et association :
- # les vertex fusionnes ou correspondant a des hexaedres effaces ne
- # sont pas pris en compte.
- for nj in range(na1 + 1):
- for nk in range(nb_z):
- if (ni <= 2) or (3 <= ni <= 7 and nj >= na1 - 1) or \
- (ni == 8 and (nj == 0 or nj >= na1 - 1)):
- v_mod = grille_cyl_quart.getVertexIJK(ni, nj, nk)
- v_geo = vert_grid1_xi[nk + nj*nb_z]
- geompy.addToStudy(v_geo, "vert_grid1_x" + str(ni) + "_y" + \
- str(nj) + "_z" + str(nk))
- v_mod.setAssociation(v_geo)
- pass
- pass
- pass
- pass
-# association vertex/points de la grille 2
-# (tous les vertex qui ne sont pas fusionnes avec ceux de la grille #
-# 1)
-## dz_geom2 = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(33.5, 0., 1.)
-pt_a = geompy.MakeVertex(33.5, 0, 0)
-pt_b = geompy.MakeVertex(33.5, 0, 1.)
-dz_geom2 = geompy.MakeVector(pt_a, pt_b)
-# les vertex du cylindre 2 sont crees de bas en haut, en tournant dans
-# le sens trigonometrique :
-# REM : pour l'instant on met de cote la partie centrale du cylindre
-# (6 vertex selon z) => a faire a la fin. Ils sont d'ailleurs ranges
-# apres les autres dans le modele
-# 6 vertex sont necessaires / axe z (pour associer aux 6 vertices du
-# modele) :
-z_val = [-1, 1.5, 21.5, 24, 36, 41.5] # nl2 + 1 valeurs
-for ni in range(nr2 + 1):
- # suivant ni, valeurs des x pour les (nl1 + 1) points (selon l'axe z)
- x = []
- z = []
- nb_z = 0 # nombre de points suivant l'axe z
- if ni == 0:
- z = z_val
- x = [39.5] * len(z)
- pass
- elif ni == 1:
- z = z_val[1:-1] # tout sauf le dernier et le premier
- x = [42.5] * len(z)
- pass
- elif ni == 2:
- z = z_val[1:-2] # tout sauf les 2 derniers et le premier
- x = [46.] * len(z)
- pass
- elif ni == 3:
- z = z_val[1:3]
- x = [46.7] * len(z) # valeur a revoir ??
- pass
- pass
- nb_z = len(z)
- # creation des points pour y = 0 :
- vert_grid2_xi = [geompy.MakeVertex(xi, 0, zi) for (xi, zi) in \
- zip(x, z)]
- # les points suivants sont crees par rotation de PI/16 suivant
- # l'axe z / aux precedents :
- angle = math.pi/na2 # PI (180 degres), divise par 8
- for j in range(na2):
- li = [geompy.MakeRotation(v, dz_geom2, angle) for v in vert_grid2_xi[-nb_z:]]
- vert_grid2_xi.extend(li)
- pass
- # ajout des points a l'etude et association :
- for nj in range(na2 + 1):
- for nk in range(nb_z):
- v_mod = grille_cyl_demi.getVertexIJK(ni, nj, nk)
- v_geo = vert_grid2_xi[nk + nj*nb_z]
- geompy.addToStudy(v_geo, "vert_grid2_x" + str(ni) + "_y" + \
- str(nj) + "_z" + str(nk))
- v_mod.setAssociation(v_geo)
- pass
- pass
- pass
-# association des vertex communs grille1/grille2
-# REM : cette etape n'est pas necessaire ? En effet, les vertex ayant
-# ete fusionnes, l'association a ete faite avec la grille 2
--- /dev/null
+a = 2
+print a
-# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2012 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
-# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-# version 2.1 of the License.
-# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-# See or email :
-# Francis KLOSS - 2011-2012 - CEA-Saclay, DEN, DM2S, SFME, LGLS, F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France
-# =============================================================================================
-import math
-import geompy
-import hexablock
-# Charger la géométrie
-# ====================
-nom = "cuve"
-cuve = geompy.ImportBREP(nom+".brep")
-# Sélectionner des sommets de la géométrie
-# -----------------------------------------
-sommets = geompy.SubShapeAllSortedCentres(cuve, geompy.ShapeType["VERTEX"])
-coin_a = sommets[ 4]
-coin_b = sommets[43]
-coin_c = sommets[62]
-coin_d = sommets[15]
-support_a_o = sommets[ 3]
-support_a_x = sommets[ 8]
-support_a_y = sommets[ 6]
-support_a_d = sommets[10]
-support_b_o = sommets[42]
-support_b_x = sommets[36]
-support_b_y = sommets[47]
-support_b_d = sommets[38]
-support_c_o = sommets[61]
-support_c_x = sommets[51]
-support_c_y = sommets[59]
-support_c_d = sommets[49]
-support_d_o = sommets[14]
-support_d_x = sommets[19]
-support_d_y = sommets[12]
-support_d_d = sommets[17]
-coin_x1, coin_y1, coin_z1 = geompy.PointCoordinates(sommets[ 2])
-coin_x2, coin_y2, coin_z2 = geompy.PointCoordinates(support_a_d)
-coin_x3, coin_y3, coin_z3 = geompy.PointCoordinates(support_a_o)
-coin_x4, coin_y4, coin_z4 = geompy.PointCoordinates(coin_c)
-base_x, base_y, base_z = geompy.PointCoordinates(sommets[52])
-oppo_x, oppo_y, oppo_z = geompy.PointCoordinates(sommets[57])
-# Sélectionner des arêtes de la géométrie
-# ---------------------------------------
-aretes = geompy.SubShapeAllSortedCentres(cuve, geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"])
-interne0, interne_x, interne_y, interne_z, interne_dx, interne_dy, interne_dz, interne_rayon = geompy.KindOfShape(aretes[48])
-externe0, externe_x, externe_y, externe_z, externe_dx, externe_dy, externe_dz, externe_rayon = geompy.KindOfShape(aretes[49])
-cote_a = aretes[41]
-cote_b = aretes[91]
-cote_c = aretes[59]
-cote_d = aretes[12]
-piquage_1_int = aretes[ 0]
-piquage_1_ext = aretes[ 1]
-piquage_1_feb = aretes[ 36]
-piquage_1_feh = aretes[ 38]
-piquage_1_eeb = aretes[ 33]
-piquage_1_eeh = aretes[ 37]
-piquage_1_eib = aretes[ 34]
-piquage_1_eih = aretes[ 35]
-piquage_2_int = aretes[103]
-piquage_2_ext = aretes[104]
-piquage_2_feg = aretes[ 68]
-piquage_2_fed = aretes[ 73]
-piquage_2_eeg = aretes[ 79]
-piquage_2_eed = aretes[ 88]
-piquage_2_eig = aretes[ 80]
-piquage_2_eid = aretes[ 89]
-support_l, support_a, support_v = geompy.BasicProperties(aretes[43])
-cote_lgr, cote_aire, cote_vol = geompy.BasicProperties(cote_a)
-# Sélectionner des faces de la géométrie
-# --------------------------------------
-faces = geompy.SubShapeAllSortedCentres(cuve, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"])
-face_cylindrique_int = faces[21]
-face_cylindrique_ext = faces[22]
-# Construire le modèle de blocs
-# =============================
-# Créer le document
-# -----------------
-doc = hexablock.addDocument(nom)
-# Calculer l'angle défini par le centre de la cuve et 2 points (projeté dans le plan XY)
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-centre_cuve = geompy.MakeVertex(externe_x, externe_y, 0)
-def calculer_angle(point1, point2):
- x1, y1, z1 = geompy.PointCoordinates(point1)
- x2, y2, z2 = geompy.PointCoordinates(point2)
- p1 = geompy.MakeVertex(x1, y1, 0)
- p2 = geompy.MakeVertex(x2, y2, 0)
- a1 = geompy.MakeEdge(centre_cuve, p1)
- a2 = geompy.MakeEdge(centre_cuve, p2)
- return geompy.GetAngle(a1, a2)
-# Construire les 8 points de la grille
-# ------------------------------------
-p1_int0, p1_int_x, p1_int_y, p1_int_z, p1_int_dx, p1_int_dy, p1_int_dz, p1_int_rayon = geompy.KindOfShape(piquage_1_int)
-p2_int0, p2_int_x, p2_int_y, p2_int_z, p2_int_dx, p2_int_dy, p2_int_dz, p2_int_rayon = geompy.KindOfShape(piquage_2_int)
-p1_int_c = geompy.MakeVertex(p1_int_x, p1_int_y, p1_int_z)
-p2_int_c = geompy.MakeVertex(p2_int_x, p2_int_y, p2_int_z)
-p1_int_e = geompy.MakePrismDXDYDZ2Ways(p1_int_c, p1_int_dx*cote_lgr, p1_int_dy*cote_lgr, p1_int_dz*cote_lgr)
-p2_int_e = geompy.MakePrismDXDYDZ2Ways(p2_int_c, p2_int_dx*cote_lgr, p2_int_dy*cote_lgr, p2_int_dz*cote_lgr)
-plan_2 = geompy.MakePrismDXDYDZ(p1_int_e, +cote_lgr, +cote_lgr, -cote_lgr)
-plan_3 = geompy.MakePrismDXDYDZ(p1_int_e, -cote_lgr, -cote_lgr, -cote_lgr)
-plan_7 = geompy.MakePrismDXDYDZ(p2_int_e, 0, -cote_lgr, -cote_lgr)
-plan_8 = geompy.MakePrismDXDYDZ(p2_int_e, 0, +cote_lgr, -cote_lgr)
-part_2 = geompy.MakePartition([piquage_1_eeb], [plan_2], [], [], geompy.ShapeType["VERTEX"])
-part_3 = geompy.MakePartition([piquage_1_eeb], [plan_3], [], [], geompy.ShapeType["VERTEX"])
-part_7 = geompy.MakePartition([piquage_2_feg], [plan_7], [], [], geompy.ShapeType["VERTEX"])
-part_8 = geompy.MakePartition([piquage_2_fed], [plan_8], [], [], geompy.ShapeType["VERTEX"])
-point_1 = coin_c
-point_2 = geompy.SubShapeAllSortedCentres(part_2, geompy.ShapeType["VERTEX"])[1]
-point_3 = geompy.SubShapeAllSortedCentres(part_3, geompy.ShapeType["VERTEX"])[1]
-point_4 = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(cote_d, 0.55)
-point_5 = coin_a
-point_6 = coin_b
-point_7 = geompy.SubShapeAllSortedCentres(part_7, geompy.ShapeType["VERTEX"])[0]
-point_8 = geompy.SubShapeAllSortedCentres(part_8, geompy.ShapeType["VERTEX"])[2]
-# Construire la grille cylindrique
-# --------------------------------
-grille_hauteur = coin_z4-coin_z2
-centre = doc.addVertex(externe_x, externe_y, externe_z-grille_hauteur)
-grille_x = doc.addVector(1, 1, 0)
-grille_z = doc.addVector(0, 0, 1)
-petit_rayon = interne_rayon * 0.2
-grand_rayon = math.sqrt( (coin_x1-externe_x)**2 + (coin_y1-externe_y)**2 )
-rayons = [ petit_rayon, interne_rayon-petit_rayon, externe_rayon-interne_rayon, grand_rayon-externe_rayon ]
-points = [ point_1, point_2, point_3, point_4, point_5, point_6, point_7, point_8, point_1 ]
-angles = []
-for i in xrange(8):
- angle = calculer_angle(points[i], points[i+1])
- angles.append(angle)
-hauteurs = [ grille_hauteur ]
-grille = doc.makeCylindricals(centre, grille_x, grille_z, rayons, angles, hauteurs, False)
-# Ajouter le centre
-# -----------------
-quad_0 = grille.getQuadJK(0, 7, 0)
-quad_6 = grille.getQuadJK(0, 0, 0)
-quad_7 = grille.getQuadJK(0, 1, 0)
-centre_a = doc.addHexa3Quads(quad_0, quad_6, quad_7)
-quad_2 = grille.getQuadJK(0, 3, 0)
-quad_3 = grille.getQuadJK(0, 4, 0)
-quad_4 = grille.getQuadJK(0, 5, 0)
-centre_b = doc.addHexa3Quads(quad_2, quad_3, quad_4)
-quad_1 = grille.getQuadJK(0, 2, 0)
-quad_5 = grille.getQuadJK(0, 6, 0)
-quad_a = centre_a.getQuad(1)
-quad_b = centre_b.getQuad(1)
-centre_c = doc.addHexa4Quads(quad_1, quad_a, quad_5, quad_b)
-# Ajouter l'enceinte
-# ------------------
-plan_0 = geompy.MakePrismDXDYDZ(p1_int_e, +cote_lgr, +cote_lgr, +cote_lgr)
-part_0 = geompy.MakePartition([piquage_1_feh], [plan_0], [], [], geompy.ShapeType["VERTEX"])
-point_0 = geompy.SubShapeAllSortedCentres(part_0, geompy.ShapeType["VERTEX"])[1]
-enceinte_quads = []
-for j in xrange(8):
- q = grille.getQuadIJ(1, j, 1)
- enceinte_quads.append(q)
-point_7x, point_7y, point_7z = geompy.PointCoordinates(point_7)
-point_2x, point_2y, point_2z = geompy.PointCoordinates(point_2)
-point_0x, point_0y, point_0z = geompy.PointCoordinates(point_0)
-enceinte_h1 = point_7z - base_z
-enceinte_h2 = point_2z - base_z
-enceinte_h3 = point_0z - base_z
-enceinte_h4 = oppo_z - base_z
-enceinte_hauteurs = [ enceinte_h1, enceinte_h2, enceinte_h3, enceinte_h4 ]
-enceinte_pz = doc.addVector(oppo_x - base_x, oppo_y - base_y, enceinte_h4)
-enceinte = doc.prismQuadsVec(enceinte_quads, enceinte_pz, enceinte_hauteurs, 0)
-# Déconnecter via des arêtes, puis prismer, puis compléter (3) ou coller (1)
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-periph_hexas = []
-supports_quads_b = []
-supports_quads_h = []
-v1 = doc.addVector( 0, +0.1, 0)
-v2 = doc.addVector( 0, -0.1, 0)
-v3 = doc.addVector(+0.2, -0.1, 0)
-for j, v in [ [0, v1], [1, v1], [4, v2], [5, v3] ]:
- h = grille.getHexaIJK(2, j, 0)
- a = grille.getEdgeK(3, j, 0)
- d = doc.disconnectEdge(h, a)
- q1 = d.getQuad(0)
- q2 = grille.getQuadIK(2, j, 0)
- if j==1:
- h0 = doc.addHexa2Quads(q1, q2)
- q3 = grille.getQuadJK(3, j, 0)
- q4 = h0.getQuad(3)
- h1 = doc.addHexa2Quads(q3, q4)
- qb = h1.getQuad(hexablock.Q_E)
- qh = h1.getQuad(hexablock.Q_F)
- else:
- p = doc.prismQuad(q1, v, 2)
- h0 = p.getHexa(0)
- q3 = h0.getQuad(5)
- h1 = p.getHexa(1)
- q4 = h1.getQuad(5)
- doc.addHexa3Quads(q2, q3, q4)
- periph_hexas.append(h0)
- qb = h1.getQuad(hexablock.Q_C)
- qh = h1.getQuad(hexablock.Q_D)
- supports_quads_b.append(qb)
- supports_quads_h.append(qh)
-# Piquer les 2 tuyaux sur l'enceinte
-# ----------------------------------
-piquage_centre = doc.addVertex(10, 0, 0)
-piquage_vx = doc.addVector(1, 0, 0)
-piquage_vz = doc.addVector(0, 0, 1)
-piquage = doc.makeCylindrical(piquage_centre, piquage_vx, piquage_vz, 1, 360, 1, 1, 4, 1, False)
-piquage_quads = [ piquage.getQuadIJ(0, j, 0) for j in xrange(4) ]
-piquage_s1 = piquage.getVertexIJK(1, 0, 0)
-piquage_s2 = piquage.getVertexIJK(1, 1, 0)
-piquage_s3 = piquage.getVertexIJK(1, 2, 0)
-enceinte_ha = enceinte.getHexa( 6)
-enceinte_hb = enceinte.getHexa(25)
-enceinte_s11 = enceinte_ha.getVertex(2)
-enceinte_s12 = enceinte_ha.getVertex(3)
-enceinte_s13 = enceinte_ha.getVertex(7)
-enceinte_s21 = enceinte_hb.getVertex(2)
-enceinte_s22 = enceinte_hb.getVertex(3)
-enceinte_s23 = enceinte_hb.getVertex(7)
-piquage_1 = doc.replace(piquage_quads, piquage_s1, enceinte_s11, piquage_s2, enceinte_s12, piquage_s3, enceinte_s13)
-piquage_2 = doc.replace(piquage_quads, piquage_s1, enceinte_s21, piquage_s2, enceinte_s22, piquage_s3, enceinte_s23)
-# Nettoyer le template du piquage
-# -------------------------------
-# Associer le modèle de blocs avec la géométrie
-# =============================================
-# Nettoyer les associations implicites du centre et de la périphérie
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-for i in xrange(0, 4, 3):
- for j in xrange(8):
- for k in xrange(2):
- e = grille.getEdgeJ(i, j, k)
- e.clearAssociation()
-# Associer le centre de l'enceinte
-# --------------------------------
-for j, ig in [ [2, 30], [3, 28], [6, 32], [7, 34] ]:
- sm0 = grille.getVertexIJK(0, j, 0)
- sg0 = sommets[ig]
- sm0.setAssociation(sg0)
- sm1 = grille.getVertexIJK(0, j, 1)
- sg1 = geompy.MakeTranslation(sg0, 0, 0, grille_hauteur)
- sm1.setAssociation(sg1)
-for j, ig, sens in [ [0, 34, +1], [1, 30, +1], [4, 28, -1], [5, 32, -1] ]:
- sm0 = grille.getVertexIJK(0, j, 0)
- sg0 = geompy.MakeTranslation(sommets[ig], 0, sens*support_l, 0)
- sm0.setAssociation(sg0)
- sm1 = grille.getVertexIJK(0, j, 1)
- sg1 = geompy.MakeTranslation(sg0, 0, 0, grille_hauteur)
- sm1.setAssociation(sg1)
-# Associer les 16 sommets des 4 supports externes
-# -----------------------------------------------
-supports_points = [
- [ support_c_o, support_c_y, support_c_d, support_c_x ],
- [ support_d_d, support_d_y, support_d_o, support_d_x ],
- [ support_a_o, support_a_y, support_a_d, support_a_x ],
- [ support_b_o, support_b_x, support_b_d, support_b_y ]
-for s in xrange(4):
- qb = supports_quads_b[s]
- qh = supports_quads_h[s]
- cs = supports_points[s]
- for i in xrange(4):
- smb = qb.getVertex(i)
- sgb = cs[i]
- smb.setAssociation(sgb)
- if s==1:
- ind = i
- else:
- ind = [1, 0, 3, 2][i]
- smh = qh.getVertex(ind)
- sgh = geompy.MakeTranslation(sgb, 0, 0, grille_hauteur)
- smh.setAssociation(sgh)
-# Associer les 7 sommets périphériques de la grille
-# -------------------------------------------------
-par_1 = 0.17
-par_2 = 1 - par_1
-periph_grille = [ [0, cote_b, par_2], [1, cote_c, 0.22], [3, cote_d, 0.548], [4, cote_d, par_1], [5, cote_a, par_2], [6, cote_b, 0.44], [7, cote_b, 0.555] ]
-for j, ag, p in periph_grille:
- smb = grille.getVertexIJK(3, j, 1)
- sgb = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(ag, p)
- smb.setAssociation(sgb)
- smh = grille.getVertexIJK(3, j, 0)
- sgh = geompy.MakeTranslation(sgb, 0, 0, -grille_hauteur)
- smh.setAssociation(sgh)
-# Associer les 3 sommets liés aux déconnections sur la grille
-# -----------------------------------------------------------
-periph_deco = [ [cote_c, par_2], [cote_a, par_1], [cote_b, par_1] ]
-for i in xrange(3):
- hxa = periph_hexas[i]
- ag, p = periph_deco[i]
- smb = hxa.getVertex(2)
- sgb = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(ag, p)
- smb.setAssociation(sgb)
- smh = hxa.getVertex(0)
- sgh = geompy.MakeTranslation(sgb, 0, 0, -grille_hauteur)
- smh.setAssociation(sgh)
-# Réparer les piquages
-# --------------------
-piquage_e_base = geompy.MakeVertex(interne_x, interne_y, interne_z)
-piquage_e_axe = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(interne_dx, interne_dy, interne_dz)
-piquage_e_cyl = geompy.MakeCylinder(piquage_e_base, piquage_e_axe, interne_rayon, enceinte_h4)
-piquage_1_axe = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(p1_int_dx, p1_int_dy, p1_int_dz)
-piquage_1_cyl = geompy.MakeCylinder(p1_int_c, piquage_1_axe, p1_int_rayon, cote_lgr)
-piquage_2_axe = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(p2_int_dx, p2_int_dy, p2_int_dz)
-piquage_2_cyl = geompy.MakeCylinder(p2_int_c, piquage_2_axe, p2_int_rayon, cote_lgr)
-piquage_1_inter = geompy.SubShapeAllSortedCentres(geompy.MakeSection(piquage_e_cyl, piquage_1_cyl), geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"])
-piquage_2_inter = geompy.SubShapeAllSortedCentres(geompy.MakeSection(piquage_e_cyl, piquage_2_cyl), geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"])
-piquage_1_fi = piquage_1_inter[0]
-piquage_2_fig = piquage_2_inter[0]
-piquage_2_fid = piquage_2_inter[1]
-# Associer les piquages
-# ---------------------
-piquages_devant = [
- [ piquage_1, piquage_1_int, 0.375, piquage_1_ext, 0.125 ],
- [ piquage_2, piquage_2_int, 0.125, piquage_2_ext, 0.875 ]
-for m_piq, a_int, p_int, a_ext, p_ext in piquages_devant:
- i1 = m_piq.getEdge(2)
- i2 = m_piq.getEdge(5)
- i3 = m_piq.getEdge(7)
- i4 = m_piq.getEdge(10)
- doc.associateClosedLine(i1.getVertex(1), i1, [ i2, i3, i4 ], a_int, p_int, True, [])
- e1 = m_piq.getEdge(0)
- e2 = m_piq.getEdge(1)
- e3 = m_piq.getEdge(9)
- e4 = m_piq.getEdge(11)
- doc.associateClosedLine(e1.getVertex(0), e1, [ e2, e3, e4 ], a_ext, p_ext, False, [])
-piquages_milieu = [
- [ piquage_1, piquage_1_eib, piquage_1_eih, 0.30, piquage_1_eeb, piquage_1_eeh, 0.30 ],
- [ piquage_2, piquage_2_eid, piquage_2_eig, 0.75, piquage_2_eed, piquage_2_eeg, 0.75 ]
-for m_piq, a_int1, a_int2, p_int, a_ext1, a_ext2, p_ext in piquages_milieu:
- i1 = m_piq.getEdge(22)
- i2 = m_piq.getEdge(25)
- i3 = m_piq.getEdge(27)
- i4 = m_piq.getEdge(30)
- doc.associateClosedLine(i1.getVertex(0), i1, [ i4, i3, i2 ], a_int1, p_int, False, [a_int2])
- e1 = m_piq.getEdge(20)
- e2 = m_piq.getEdge(21)
- e3 = m_piq.getEdge(29)
- e4 = m_piq.getEdge(31)
- doc.associateClosedLine(e1.getVertex(0), e1, [ e2, e3, e4 ], a_ext1, p_ext, False, [a_ext2])
-piquages_fond = [
- [ piquage_1, piquage_1_fi , [] , 0.125, piquage_1_feb, piquage_1_feh, 0.30 ],
- [ piquage_2, piquage_2_fid, [piquage_2_fig], 0.75 , piquage_2_fed, piquage_2_feg, 0.75 ]
-for m_piq, a_int1, a_int2, p_int, a_ext1, a_ext2, p_ext in piquages_fond:
- i1 = m_piq.getEdge(42)
- i2 = m_piq.getEdge(45)
- i3 = m_piq.getEdge(47)
- i4 = m_piq.getEdge(50)
- doc.associateClosedLine(i1.getVertex(0), i1, [ i4, i3, i2 ], a_int1, p_int, False, a_int2)
- e1 = m_piq.getEdge(40)
- e2 = m_piq.getEdge(41)
- e3 = m_piq.getEdge(49)
- e4 = m_piq.getEdge(51)
- doc.associateClosedLine(e1.getVertex(1), e1, [ e2, e3, e4 ], a_ext1, p_ext, False, [a_ext2])
-# Associer quelques faces
-# -----------------------
-for h in [ 2, 5, 7, 10, 21, 24, 26, 29 ]:
- enceinte_hc = enceinte.getHexa(h)
- enceinte_qc = enceinte_hc.getQuad(hexablock.Q_C)
- enceinte_qc.addAssociation(face_cylindrique_int)
- enceinte_qc = enceinte_hc.getQuad(hexablock.Q_D)
- enceinte_qc.addAssociation(face_cylindrique_ext)
-# Primer les 5 supports (finalisation du modèle de blocs)
-# -------------------------------------------------------
-supports_quads_b.append( centre_c.getQuad(hexablock.Q_E) )
-supports_z = doc.addVector(coin_x1 - coin_x3, coin_y1 - coin_y3, coin_z1 - coin_z3)
-supports = doc.prismQuads(supports_quads_b, supports_z, 1)
-# Mailler le modèle de blocs
-# ==========================
-# Définir les groupes volumiques
-# ------------------------------
-groupe_fd = doc.addHexaGroup("fond")
-groupe_en = doc.addHexaGroup("enceinte")
-groupe_p1 = doc.addHexaGroup("piquage:1")
-groupe_p2 = doc.addHexaGroup("piquage:2")
-groupe_su = doc.addHexaGroup("supports")
-for i in xrange( doc.countUsedHexa() ):
- h = doc.getUsedHexa(i)
- groupe_fd.addElement(h)
-for i in xrange( enceinte.countHexa() ):
- h = enceinte.getHexa(i)
- if h != None:
- groupe_en.addElement(h)
- groupe_fd.removeElement(h)
-for i in xrange( piquage_1.countHexa() ):
- h = piquage_1.getHexa(i)
- groupe_p1.addElement(h)
- groupe_fd.removeElement(h)
-for i in xrange( piquage_2.countHexa() ):
- h = piquage_2.getHexa(i)
- groupe_p2.addElement(h)
- groupe_fd.removeElement(h)
-for i in xrange( supports.countHexa() ):
- h = supports.getHexa(i)
- groupe_su.addElement(h)
- groupe_fd.removeElement(h)
-# Générer le maillage
-# -------------------
-hexablock.addLaws(doc, 0.015, False)
-maillage = hexablock.mesh(doc)
-muv, mue, muq, muh = hexablock.dump(doc, maillage)
+# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-\r
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2012 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D\r
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or\r
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public\r
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either\r
+# version 2.1 of the License.\r
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\r
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\r
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.\r
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public\r
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software\r
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA\r
+# See or email :\r
+# Francis KLOSS - 2011-2012 - CEA-Saclay, DEN, DM2S, SFME, LGLS, F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France\r
+# =============================================================================================\r
+import math\r
+import geompy\r
+import hexablock\r
+# Charger la géométrie\r
+# ====================\r
+nom = "cuve"\r
+cuve = geompy.ImportBREP(nom+".brep")\r
+# Sélectionner des sommets de la géométrie\r
+# -----------------------------------------\r
+sommets = geompy.SubShapeAllSortedCentres(cuve, geompy.ShapeType["VERTEX"])\r
+coin_a = sommets[ 4]\r
+coin_b = sommets[43]\r
+coin_c = sommets[62]\r
+coin_d = sommets[15]\r
+support_a_o = sommets[ 3]\r
+support_a_x = sommets[ 8]\r
+support_a_y = sommets[ 6]\r
+support_a_d = sommets[10]\r
+support_b_o = sommets[42]\r
+support_b_x = sommets[36]\r
+support_b_y = sommets[47]\r
+support_b_d = sommets[38]\r
+support_c_o = sommets[61]\r
+support_c_x = sommets[51]\r
+support_c_y = sommets[59]\r
+support_c_d = sommets[49]\r
+support_d_o = sommets[14]\r
+support_d_x = sommets[19]\r
+support_d_y = sommets[12]\r
+support_d_d = sommets[17]\r
+coin_x1, coin_y1, coin_z1 = geompy.PointCoordinates(sommets[ 2])\r
+coin_x2, coin_y2, coin_z2 = geompy.PointCoordinates(support_a_d)\r
+coin_x3, coin_y3, coin_z3 = geompy.PointCoordinates(support_a_o)\r
+coin_x4, coin_y4, coin_z4 = geompy.PointCoordinates(coin_c)\r
+base_x, base_y, base_z = geompy.PointCoordinates(sommets[52])\r
+oppo_x, oppo_y, oppo_z = geompy.PointCoordinates(sommets[57])\r
+# Sélectionner des arêtes de la géométrie\r
+# ---------------------------------------\r
+aretes = geompy.SubShapeAllSortedCentres(cuve, geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"])\r
+interne0, interne_x, interne_y, interne_z, interne_dx, interne_dy, interne_dz, interne_rayon = geompy.KindOfShape(aretes[48])\r
+externe0, externe_x, externe_y, externe_z, externe_dx, externe_dy, externe_dz, externe_rayon = geompy.KindOfShape(aretes[49])\r
+cote_a = aretes[41]\r
+cote_b = aretes[91]\r
+cote_c = aretes[59]\r
+cote_d = aretes[12]\r
+piquage_1_int = aretes[ 0]\r
+piquage_1_ext = aretes[ 1]\r
+piquage_1_feb = aretes[ 36]\r
+piquage_1_feh = aretes[ 38]\r
+piquage_1_eeb = aretes[ 33]\r
+piquage_1_eeh = aretes[ 37]\r
+piquage_1_eib = aretes[ 34]\r
+piquage_1_eih = aretes[ 35]\r
+piquage_2_int = aretes[103]\r
+piquage_2_ext = aretes[104]\r
+piquage_2_feg = aretes[ 68]\r
+piquage_2_fed = aretes[ 73]\r
+piquage_2_eeg = aretes[ 79]\r
+piquage_2_eed = aretes[ 88]\r
+piquage_2_eig = aretes[ 80]\r
+piquage_2_eid = aretes[ 89]\r
+support_l, support_a, support_v = geompy.BasicProperties(aretes[43])\r
+cote_lgr, cote_aire, cote_vol = geompy.BasicProperties(cote_a)\r
+# Sélectionner des faces de la géométrie\r
+# --------------------------------------\r
+faces = geompy.SubShapeAllSortedCentres(cuve, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"])\r
+face_cylindrique_int = faces[21]\r
+face_cylindrique_ext = faces[22]\r
+# Construire le modèle de blocs\r
+# =============================\r
+# Créer le document\r
+# -----------------\r
+doc = hexablock.addDocument(nom)\r
+# Calculer l'angle défini par le centre de la cuve et 2 points (projeté dans le plan XY)\r
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r
+centre_cuve = geompy.MakeVertex(externe_x, externe_y, 0)\r
+def calculer_angle(point1, point2):\r
+ x1, y1, z1 = geompy.PointCoordinates(point1)\r
+ x2, y2, z2 = geompy.PointCoordinates(point2)\r
+ p1 = geompy.MakeVertex(x1, y1, 0)\r
+ p2 = geompy.MakeVertex(x2, y2, 0)\r
+ a1 = geompy.MakeEdge(centre_cuve, p1)\r
+ a2 = geompy.MakeEdge(centre_cuve, p2)\r
+ return geompy.GetAngle(a1, a2)\r
+# Construire les 8 points de la grille\r
+# ------------------------------------\r
+p1_int0, p1_int_x, p1_int_y, p1_int_z, p1_int_dx, p1_int_dy, p1_int_dz, p1_int_rayon = geompy.KindOfShape(piquage_1_int)\r
+p2_int0, p2_int_x, p2_int_y, p2_int_z, p2_int_dx, p2_int_dy, p2_int_dz, p2_int_rayon = geompy.KindOfShape(piquage_2_int)\r
+p1_int_c = geompy.MakeVertex(p1_int_x, p1_int_y, p1_int_z)\r
+p2_int_c = geompy.MakeVertex(p2_int_x, p2_int_y, p2_int_z)\r
+p1_int_e = geompy.MakePrismDXDYDZ2Ways(p1_int_c, p1_int_dx*cote_lgr, p1_int_dy*cote_lgr, p1_int_dz*cote_lgr)\r
+p2_int_e = geompy.MakePrismDXDYDZ2Ways(p2_int_c, p2_int_dx*cote_lgr, p2_int_dy*cote_lgr, p2_int_dz*cote_lgr)\r
+plan_2 = geompy.MakePrismDXDYDZ(p1_int_e, +cote_lgr, +cote_lgr, -cote_lgr)\r
+plan_3 = geompy.MakePrismDXDYDZ(p1_int_e, -cote_lgr, -cote_lgr, -cote_lgr)\r
+plan_7 = geompy.MakePrismDXDYDZ(p2_int_e, 0, -cote_lgr, -cote_lgr)\r
+plan_8 = geompy.MakePrismDXDYDZ(p2_int_e, 0, +cote_lgr, -cote_lgr)\r
+part_2 = geompy.MakePartition([piquage_1_eeb], [plan_2], [], [], geompy.ShapeType["VERTEX"])\r
+part_3 = geompy.MakePartition([piquage_1_eeb], [plan_3], [], [], geompy.ShapeType["VERTEX"])\r
+part_7 = geompy.MakePartition([piquage_2_feg], [plan_7], [], [], geompy.ShapeType["VERTEX"])\r
+part_8 = geompy.MakePartition([piquage_2_fed], [plan_8], [], [], geompy.ShapeType["VERTEX"])\r
+point_1 = coin_c\r
+point_2 = geompy.SubShapeAllSortedCentres(part_2, geompy.ShapeType["VERTEX"])[1]\r
+point_3 = geompy.SubShapeAllSortedCentres(part_3, geompy.ShapeType["VERTEX"])[1]\r
+point_4 = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(cote_d, 0.55)\r
+point_5 = coin_a\r
+point_6 = coin_b\r
+point_7 = geompy.SubShapeAllSortedCentres(part_7, geompy.ShapeType["VERTEX"])[0]\r
+point_8 = geompy.SubShapeAllSortedCentres(part_8, geompy.ShapeType["VERTEX"])[2]\r
+# Construire la grille cylindrique\r
+# --------------------------------\r
+grille_hauteur = coin_z4-coin_z2\r
+centre = doc.addVertex(externe_x, externe_y, externe_z-grille_hauteur)\r
+grille_x = doc.addVector(1, 1, 0)\r
+grille_z = doc.addVector(0, 0, 1)\r
+petit_rayon = interne_rayon * 0.2\r
+grand_rayon = math.sqrt( (coin_x1-externe_x)**2 + (coin_y1-externe_y)**2 )\r
+rayons = [ petit_rayon, interne_rayon-petit_rayon, externe_rayon-interne_rayon, grand_rayon-externe_rayon ]\r
+points = [ point_1, point_2, point_3, point_4, point_5, point_6, point_7, point_8, point_1 ]\r
+angles = []\r
+for i in xrange(8):\r
+ angle = calculer_angle(points[i], points[i+1])\r
+ angles.append(angle)\r
+hauteurs = [ grille_hauteur ]\r
+grille = doc.makeCylindricals(centre, grille_x, grille_z, rayons, angles, hauteurs, False)\r
+# Ajouter le centre\r
+# -----------------\r
+quad_0 = grille.getQuadJK(0, 7, 0)\r
+quad_6 = grille.getQuadJK(0, 0, 0)\r
+quad_7 = grille.getQuadJK(0, 1, 0)\r
+centre_a = doc.addHexa3Quads(quad_0, quad_6, quad_7)\r
+quad_2 = grille.getQuadJK(0, 3, 0)\r
+quad_3 = grille.getQuadJK(0, 4, 0)\r
+quad_4 = grille.getQuadJK(0, 5, 0)\r
+centre_b = doc.addHexa3Quads(quad_2, quad_3, quad_4)\r
+quad_1 = grille.getQuadJK(0, 2, 0)\r
+quad_5 = grille.getQuadJK(0, 6, 0)\r
+quad_a = centre_a.getQuad(1)\r
+quad_b = centre_b.getQuad(1)\r
+centre_c = doc.addHexa4Quads(quad_1, quad_a, quad_5, quad_b)\r
+# Ajouter l'enceinte\r
+# ------------------\r
+plan_0 = geompy.MakePrismDXDYDZ(p1_int_e, +cote_lgr, +cote_lgr, +cote_lgr)\r
+part_0 = geompy.MakePartition([piquage_1_feh], [plan_0], [], [], geompy.ShapeType["VERTEX"])\r
+point_0 = geompy.SubShapeAllSortedCentres(part_0, geompy.ShapeType["VERTEX"])[1]\r
+enceinte_quads = []\r
+for j in xrange(8):\r
+ q = grille.getQuadIJ(1, j, 1)\r
+ enceinte_quads.append(q)\r
+point_7x, point_7y, point_7z = geompy.PointCoordinates(point_7)\r
+point_2x, point_2y, point_2z = geompy.PointCoordinates(point_2)\r
+point_0x, point_0y, point_0z = geompy.PointCoordinates(point_0)\r
+enceinte_h1 = point_7z - base_z\r
+enceinte_h2 = point_2z - base_z\r
+enceinte_h3 = point_0z - base_z\r
+enceinte_h4 = oppo_z - base_z\r
+enceinte_hauteurs = [ enceinte_h1, enceinte_h2, enceinte_h3, enceinte_h4 ]\r
+enceinte_pz = doc.addVector(oppo_x - base_x, oppo_y - base_y, enceinte_h4)\r
+enceinte = doc.prismQuadsVec(enceinte_quads, enceinte_pz, enceinte_hauteurs, 0)\r
+# Déconnecter via des arêtes, puis prismer, puis compléter (3) ou coller (1)\r
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------\r
+periph_hexas = []\r
+supports_quads_b = []\r
+supports_quads_h = []\r
+v1 = doc.addVector( 0, +0.1, 0)\r
+v2 = doc.addVector( 0, -0.1, 0)\r
+v3 = doc.addVector(+0.2, -0.1, 0)\r
+for j, v in [ [0, v1], [1, v1], [4, v2], [5, v3] ]:\r
+ h = grille.getHexaIJK(2, j, 0)\r
+ a = grille.getEdgeK(3, j, 0)\r
+ d = doc.disconnectEdge(h, a)\r
+ q1 = d.getQuad(0)\r
+ q2 = grille.getQuadIK(2, j, 0)\r
+ if j==1:\r
+ h0 = doc.addHexa2Quads(q1, q2)\r
+ q3 = grille.getQuadJK(3, j, 0)\r
+ q4 = h0.getQuad(3)\r
+ h1 = doc.addHexa2Quads(q3, q4)\r
+ qb = h1.getQuad(hexablock.Q_E)\r
+ qh = h1.getQuad(hexablock.Q_F)\r
+ else:\r
+ p = doc.prismQuad(q1, v, 2)\r
+ h0 = p.getHexa(0)\r
+ q3 = h0.getQuad(5)\r
+ h1 = p.getHexa(1)\r
+ q4 = h1.getQuad(5)\r
+ doc.addHexa3Quads(q2, q3, q4)\r
+ periph_hexas.append(h0)\r
+ qb = h1.getQuad(hexablock.Q_C)\r
+ qh = h1.getQuad(hexablock.Q_D)\r
+ supports_quads_b.append(qb)\r
+ supports_quads_h.append(qh)\r
+# Piquer les 2 tuyaux sur l'enceinte\r
+# ----------------------------------\r
+piquage_centre = doc.addVertex(10, 0, 0)\r
+piquage_vx = doc.addVector(1, 0, 0)\r
+piquage_vz = doc.addVector(0, 0, 1)\r
+piquage = doc.makeCylindrical(piquage_centre, piquage_vx, piquage_vz, 1, 360, 1, 1, 4, 1, False)\r
+piquage_quads = [ piquage.getQuadIJ(0, j, 0) for j in xrange(4) ]\r
+piquage_s1 = piquage.getVertexIJK(1, 0, 0)\r
+piquage_s2 = piquage.getVertexIJK(1, 1, 0)\r
+piquage_s3 = piquage.getVertexIJK(1, 2, 0)\r
+enceinte_ha = enceinte.getHexa( 6)\r
+enceinte_hb = enceinte.getHexa(25)\r
+enceinte_s11 = enceinte_ha.getVertex(2)\r
+enceinte_s12 = enceinte_ha.getVertex(3)\r
+enceinte_s13 = enceinte_ha.getVertex(7)\r
+enceinte_s21 = enceinte_hb.getVertex(2)\r
+enceinte_s22 = enceinte_hb.getVertex(3)\r
+enceinte_s23 = enceinte_hb.getVertex(7)\r
+piquage_1 = doc.replace(piquage_quads, piquage_s1, enceinte_s11, piquage_s2, enceinte_s12, piquage_s3, enceinte_s13)\r
+piquage_2 = doc.replace(piquage_quads, piquage_s1, enceinte_s21, piquage_s2, enceinte_s22, piquage_s3, enceinte_s23)\r
+# Nettoyer le template du piquage\r
+# -------------------------------\r
+# Associer le modèle de blocs avec la géométrie\r
+# =============================================\r
+# Nettoyer les associations implicites du centre et de la périphérie\r
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------\r
+for i in xrange(0, 4, 3):\r
+ for j in xrange(8):\r
+ for k in xrange(2):\r
+ e = grille.getEdgeJ(i, j, k)\r
+ e.clearAssociation()\r
+# Associer le centre de l'enceinte\r
+# --------------------------------\r
+for j, ig in [ [2, 30], [3, 28], [6, 32], [7, 34] ]:\r
+ sm0 = grille.getVertexIJK(0, j, 0)\r
+ sg0 = sommets[ig]\r
+ sm0.setAssociation(sg0)\r
+ sm1 = grille.getVertexIJK(0, j, 1)\r
+ sg1 = geompy.MakeTranslation(sg0, 0, 0, grille_hauteur)\r
+ sm1.setAssociation(sg1)\r
+for j, ig, sens in [ [0, 34, +1], [1, 30, +1], [4, 28, -1], [5, 32, -1] ]:\r
+ sm0 = grille.getVertexIJK(0, j, 0)\r
+ sg0 = geompy.MakeTranslation(sommets[ig], 0, sens*support_l, 0)\r
+ sm0.setAssociation(sg0)\r
+ sm1 = grille.getVertexIJK(0, j, 1)\r
+ sg1 = geompy.MakeTranslation(sg0, 0, 0, grille_hauteur)\r
+ sm1.setAssociation(sg1)\r
+# Associer les 16 sommets des 4 supports externes\r
+# -----------------------------------------------\r
+supports_points = [\r
+ [ support_c_o, support_c_y, support_c_d, support_c_x ],\r
+ [ support_d_d, support_d_y, support_d_o, support_d_x ],\r
+ [ support_a_o, support_a_y, support_a_d, support_a_x ],\r
+ [ support_b_o, support_b_x, support_b_d, support_b_y ]\r
+for s in xrange(4):\r
+ qb = supports_quads_b[s]\r
+ qh = supports_quads_h[s]\r
+ cs = supports_points[s]\r
+ for i in xrange(4):\r
+ smb = qb.getVertex(i)\r
+ sgb = cs[i]\r
+ smb.setAssociation(sgb)\r
+ if s==1:\r
+ ind = i\r
+ else:\r
+ ind = [1, 0, 3, 2][i]\r
+ smh = qh.getVertex(ind)\r
+ sgh = geompy.MakeTranslation(sgb, 0, 0, grille_hauteur)\r
+ smh.setAssociation(sgh)\r
+# Associer les 7 sommets périphériques de la grille\r
+# -------------------------------------------------\r
+par_1 = 0.17\r
+par_2 = 1 - par_1\r
+periph_grille = [ [0, cote_b, par_2], [1, cote_c, 0.22], [3, cote_d, 0.548], [4, cote_d, par_1], [5, cote_a, par_2], [6, cote_b, 0.44], [7, cote_b, 0.555] ]\r
+for j, ag, p in periph_grille:\r
+ smb = grille.getVertexIJK(3, j, 1)\r
+ sgb = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(ag, p)\r
+ smb.setAssociation(sgb)\r
+ smh = grille.getVertexIJK(3, j, 0)\r
+ sgh = geompy.MakeTranslation(sgb, 0, 0, -grille_hauteur)\r
+ smh.setAssociation(sgh)\r
+# Associer les 3 sommets liés aux déconnections sur la grille\r
+# -----------------------------------------------------------\r
+periph_deco = [ [cote_c, par_2], [cote_a, par_1], [cote_b, par_1] ]\r
+for i in xrange(3):\r
+ hxa = periph_hexas[i]\r
+ ag, p = periph_deco[i]\r
+ smb = hxa.getVertex(2)\r
+ sgb = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(ag, p)\r
+ smb.setAssociation(sgb)\r
+ smh = hxa.getVertex(0)\r
+ sgh = geompy.MakeTranslation(sgb, 0, 0, -grille_hauteur)\r
+ smh.setAssociation(sgh)\r
+# Réparer les piquages\r
+# --------------------\r
+piquage_e_base = geompy.MakeVertex(interne_x, interne_y, interne_z)\r
+piquage_e_axe = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(interne_dx, interne_dy, interne_dz)\r
+piquage_e_cyl = geompy.MakeCylinder(piquage_e_base, piquage_e_axe, interne_rayon, enceinte_h4)\r
+piquage_1_axe = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(p1_int_dx, p1_int_dy, p1_int_dz)\r
+piquage_1_cyl = geompy.MakeCylinder(p1_int_c, piquage_1_axe, p1_int_rayon, cote_lgr)\r
+piquage_2_axe = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(p2_int_dx, p2_int_dy, p2_int_dz)\r
+piquage_2_cyl = geompy.MakeCylinder(p2_int_c, piquage_2_axe, p2_int_rayon, cote_lgr)\r
+piquage_1_inter = geompy.SubShapeAllSortedCentres(geompy.MakeSection(piquage_e_cyl, piquage_1_cyl), geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"])\r
+piquage_2_inter = geompy.SubShapeAllSortedCentres(geompy.MakeSection(piquage_e_cyl, piquage_2_cyl), geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"])\r
+piquage_1_fi = piquage_1_inter[0]\r
+piquage_2_fig = piquage_2_inter[0]\r
+piquage_2_fid = piquage_2_inter[1]\r
+# Associer les piquages\r
+# ---------------------\r
+piquages_devant = [\r
+ [ piquage_1, piquage_1_int, 0.375, piquage_1_ext, 0.125 ],\r
+ [ piquage_2, piquage_2_int, 0.125, piquage_2_ext, 0.875 ]\r
+for m_piq, a_int, p_int, a_ext, p_ext in piquages_devant:\r
+ i1 = m_piq.getEdge(2)\r
+ i2 = m_piq.getEdge(5)\r
+ i3 = m_piq.getEdge(7)\r
+ i4 = m_piq.getEdge(10)\r
+ doc.associateClosedLine(i1.getVertex(1), i1, [ i2, i3, i4 ], a_int, p_int, True, [])\r
+ e1 = m_piq.getEdge(0)\r
+ e2 = m_piq.getEdge(1)\r
+ e3 = m_piq.getEdge(9)\r
+ e4 = m_piq.getEdge(11)\r
+ doc.associateClosedLine(e1.getVertex(0), e1, [ e2, e3, e4 ], a_ext, p_ext, False, [])\r
+piquages_milieu = [\r
+ [ piquage_1, piquage_1_eib, piquage_1_eih, 0.30, piquage_1_eeb, piquage_1_eeh, 0.30 ],\r
+ [ piquage_2, piquage_2_eid, piquage_2_eig, 0.75, piquage_2_eed, piquage_2_eeg, 0.75 ]\r
+for m_piq, a_int1, a_int2, p_int, a_ext1, a_ext2, p_ext in piquages_milieu:\r
+ i1 = m_piq.getEdge(22)\r
+ i2 = m_piq.getEdge(25)\r
+ i3 = m_piq.getEdge(27)\r
+ i4 = m_piq.getEdge(30)\r
+ doc.associateClosedLine(i1.getVertex(0), i1, [ i4, i3, i2 ], a_int1, p_int, False, [a_int2])\r
+ e1 = m_piq.getEdge(20)\r
+ e2 = m_piq.getEdge(21)\r
+ e3 = m_piq.getEdge(29)\r
+ e4 = m_piq.getEdge(31)\r
+ doc.associateClosedLine(e1.getVertex(0), e1, [ e2, e3, e4 ], a_ext1, p_ext, False, [a_ext2])\r
+piquages_fond = [\r
+ [ piquage_1, piquage_1_fi , [] , 0.125, piquage_1_feb, piquage_1_feh, 0.30 ],\r
+ [ piquage_2, piquage_2_fid, [piquage_2_fig], 0.75 , piquage_2_fed, piquage_2_feg, 0.75 ]\r
+for m_piq, a_int1, a_int2, p_int, a_ext1, a_ext2, p_ext in piquages_fond:\r
+ i1 = m_piq.getEdge(42)\r
+ i2 = m_piq.getEdge(45)\r
+ i3 = m_piq.getEdge(47)\r
+ i4 = m_piq.getEdge(50)\r
+ doc.associateClosedLine(i1.getVertex(0), i1, [ i4, i3, i2 ], a_int1, p_int, False, a_int2)\r
+ e1 = m_piq.getEdge(40)\r
+ e2 = m_piq.getEdge(41)\r
+ e3 = m_piq.getEdge(49)\r
+ e4 = m_piq.getEdge(51)\r
+ doc.associateClosedLine(e1.getVertex(1), e1, [ e2, e3, e4 ], a_ext1, p_ext, False, [a_ext2])\r
+# Associer quelques faces\r
+# -----------------------\r
+for h in [ 2, 5, 7, 10, 21, 24, 26, 29 ]:\r
+ enceinte_hc = enceinte.getHexa(h)\r
+ enceinte_qc = enceinte_hc.getQuad(hexablock.Q_C)\r
+ enceinte_qc.addAssociation(face_cylindrique_int)\r
+ enceinte_qc = enceinte_hc.getQuad(hexablock.Q_D)\r
+ enceinte_qc.addAssociation(face_cylindrique_ext)\r
+# Primer les 5 supports (finalisation du modèle de blocs)\r
+# -------------------------------------------------------\r
+supports_quads_b.append( centre_c.getQuad(hexablock.Q_E) )\r
+supports_z = doc.addVector(coin_x1 - coin_x3, coin_y1 - coin_y3, coin_z1 - coin_z3)\r
+supports = doc.prismQuads(supports_quads_b, supports_z, 1)\r
+# Mailler le modèle de blocs\r
+# ==========================\r
+# Définir les groupes volumiques\r
+# ------------------------------\r
+groupe_fd = doc.addHexaGroup("fond")\r
+groupe_en = doc.addHexaGroup("enceinte")\r
+groupe_p1 = doc.addHexaGroup("piquage:1")\r
+groupe_p2 = doc.addHexaGroup("piquage:2")\r
+groupe_su = doc.addHexaGroup("supports")\r
+for i in xrange( doc.countUsedHexa() ):\r
+ h = doc.getUsedHexa(i)\r
+ groupe_fd.addElement(h)\r
+for i in xrange( enceinte.countHexa() ):\r
+ h = enceinte.getHexa(i)\r
+ if h != None:\r
+ groupe_en.addElement(h)\r
+ groupe_fd.removeElement(h)\r
+for i in xrange( piquage_1.countHexa() ):\r
+ h = piquage_1.getHexa(i)\r
+ groupe_p1.addElement(h)\r
+ groupe_fd.removeElement(h)\r
+for i in xrange( piquage_2.countHexa() ):\r
+ h = piquage_2.getHexa(i)\r
+ groupe_p2.addElement(h)\r
+ groupe_fd.removeElement(h)\r
+for i in xrange( supports.countHexa() ):\r
+ h = supports.getHexa(i)\r
+ groupe_su.addElement(h)\r
+ groupe_fd.removeElement(h)\r
+# Générer le maillage\r
+# -------------------\r
+hexablock.addLaws(doc, 0.015, False)\r
+maillage = hexablock.mesh(doc)\r
+muv, mue, muq, muh = hexablock.dump(doc, maillage)\r
+++ /dev/null
-# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2012 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
-# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-# version 2.1 of the License.
-# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-# See or email :
-# By Karima DEBCHI YATAGHENE Nov 2009 at CS
-import os
-import GEOM
-import geompy
-import smesh
-import hexablock
-import math
-import SALOMEDS
-STEP_PATH = os.path.expandvars("$HEXA_ROOT_DIR/bin/salome/crank.stp")
-doc = hexablock.addDocument("default")
-# Pour la bielle on doit creer deux grilles cylindriques et prismer les quadrangles entre ces deux dernieres
-R = 40.0
-r_grd = R
-r_grd_t = R/2
-r_pte = R
-r_pte_t = R/2
-l = 200.0
-h = 0.019999999553*2
-#h = 40.
-# Taille du grand cylindre
-dr_grd = R
-da_grd = 360
-dl_grd = h
-nr_grd = 1
-na_grd = 6
-nl_grd = 1
-# Taille du petit cylindre
-dr_pte = R
-da_pte = 360
-dl_pte = h
-nr_pte = 1
-na_pte = 6
-nl_pte = 1
-# Creation des vecteurs
-dx = doc.addVector(l, 0, 0)
-dy = doc.addVector(0, l, 0)
-dz = doc.addVector(0, 0, l)
-# Creation des centres des grilles cylindriques
-c_grd = doc.addVertex(0, 0, 0)
-c_pte = doc.addVertex(2*l, 0, 0)
-dx_prime = doc.addVectorVertices( c_grd, c_pte )
-# Creation de la grande grille cylindrique
-grille_cyl_grd = doc.makeCylindrical(c_grd, dx, dz, dr_grd, da_grd, dl_grd, nr_grd, na_grd, nl_grd, False)
-# on obtient une liste qui contient 6 hexaedres eguaux
-# 30 = pi/6
-# 60 = pi/3
-# 45 = pi/4
-# 90 = pi/2
-# 180 = pi
-alpha_x = 2*R*math.cos(math.pi/3)
-alpha_y = 2*R*math.sin(math.pi/3)
-x1 = doc.findVertex( 2*R, 0, h )
-x2 = doc.findVertex( alpha_x, alpha_y, 0 )
-x3 = doc.findVertex( alpha_x, -alpha_y, 0 )
-x4 = doc.findVertex( 2*R, 0, 0 )
-quad_11 = doc.findQuad(x1, x2)
-quad_12 = doc.findQuad(x1, x3)
-quad_list = [ quad_11 , quad_12 ]
-# Creation de la petite grille cylindrique
-grille_cyl_pte = doc.makeTranslation( grille_cyl_grd , dx_prime )
-# on obtient une liste qui contient 6 hexaedres eguaux
-y1 = doc.findVertex( 2*l - 2*R , 0 , h )
-y2 = doc.findVertex( 2*l - alpha_x , alpha_y , 0 )
-y3 = doc.findVertex( 2*l - alpha_x , -alpha_y , 0 )
-y4 = doc.findVertex( 2*l - 2*R , 0 , 0 )
-quad_21 = doc.findQuad(y1, y2)
-quad_22 = doc.findQuad(y1, y3)
-# Assemblage des deux grilles cylindriques
-model_biell_fin = doc.joinQuads( quad_list , quad_21 , x1 , y1 , x4 , y4 , 1 )
-# Recuperation des vertex du model hexa bielle pour l association
-# NB:
-# h = haut
-# b = bas
-# g = grand
-# p = petit
-# t = trou
-alpha_x = 2*R*math.cos(math.pi/3)
-alpha_y = 2*R*math.sin(math.pi/3)
-# Face du haut grand trou
-## RQ:On remplace la fonction findVertex par getVertexIJK
-v_mod_h_g = grille_cyl_grd.getVertexIJK( 1 , 0 , 1 )
-w_mod_h_g = grille_cyl_grd.getVertexIJK( 1 , 1 , 1 )
-z_mod_h_g = grille_cyl_grd.getVertexIJK( 1 , 2 , 1 )
-y_mod_h_g = grille_cyl_grd.getVertexIJK( 1 , 3 , 1 )
-x_mod_h_g = grille_cyl_grd.getVertexIJK( 1 , 4 , 1 )
-u_mod_h_g = grille_cyl_grd.getVertexIJK( 1 , 5 , 1 )
-v_mod_h_g_t = grille_cyl_grd.getVertexIJK( 0 , 0 , 1 )
-w_mod_h_g_t = grille_cyl_grd.getVertexIJK( 0 , 1 , 1 )
-z_mod_h_g_t = grille_cyl_grd.getVertexIJK( 0 , 2 , 1 )
-y_mod_h_g_t = grille_cyl_grd.getVertexIJK( 0 , 3 , 1 )
-x_mod_h_g_t = grille_cyl_grd.getVertexIJK( 0 , 4 , 1 )
-u_mod_h_g_t = grille_cyl_grd.getVertexIJK( 0 , 5 , 1 )
-#x_mod_h_g = doc.findVertex( -alpha_x , -alpha_y , h )
-#y_mod_h_g = doc.findVertex( -alpha_x , 0 , h )
-#z_mod_h_g = doc.findVertex( -alpha_x , alpha_y , h )
-#u_mod_h_g = doc.findVertex( alpha_x , -alpha_y , h )
-#v_mod_h_g = doc.findVertex( alpha_x , 0 , h )
-#w_mod_h_g = doc.findVertex( alpha_x , alpha_y , h )
-#x_mod_h_g_t = doc.findVertex( -alpha_x/2 , -alpha_y/2 , h )
-#y_mod_h_g_t = doc.findVertex( -alpha_x/2 , 0 , h )
-#z_mod_h_g_t = doc.findVertex( -alpha_x/2 , alpha_y/2 , h )
-#u_mod_h_g_t = doc.findVertex( alpha_x/2 , -alpha_y/2 , h )
-#v_mod_h_g_t = doc.findVertex( alpha_x/2 , 0 , h )
-#w_mod_h_g_t = doc.findVertex( alpha_x/2 , alpha_y/2 , h )
-assert x_mod_h_g
-assert y_mod_h_g
-assert z_mod_h_g
-assert u_mod_h_g
-assert v_mod_h_g
-assert w_mod_h_g
-assert x_mod_h_g_t
-assert y_mod_h_g_t #
-assert z_mod_h_g_t
-assert u_mod_h_g_t #
-assert v_mod_h_g_t
-assert w_mod_h_g_t #
-# Face du haut petit trou
-## RQ:On remplace la fonction findVertex par getVertexIJK
-v_mod_h_p = grille_cyl_pte.getVertexIJK( 1 , 0 , 1 )
-w_mod_h_p = grille_cyl_pte.getVertexIJK( 1 , 1 , 1 )
-z_mod_h_p = grille_cyl_pte.getVertexIJK( 1 , 2 , 1 )
-y_mod_h_p = grille_cyl_pte.getVertexIJK( 1 , 3 , 1 )
-x_mod_h_p = grille_cyl_pte.getVertexIJK( 1 , 4 , 1 )
-u_mod_h_p = grille_cyl_pte.getVertexIJK( 1 , 5 , 1 )
-v_mod_h_p_t = grille_cyl_pte.getVertexIJK( 0 , 0 , 1 )
-w_mod_h_p_t = grille_cyl_pte.getVertexIJK( 0 , 1 , 1 )
-z_mod_h_p_t = grille_cyl_pte.getVertexIJK( 0 , 2 , 1 )
-y_mod_h_p_t = grille_cyl_pte.getVertexIJK( 0 , 3 , 1 )
-x_mod_h_p_t = grille_cyl_pte.getVertexIJK( 0 , 4 , 1 )
-u_mod_h_p_t = grille_cyl_pte.getVertexIJK( 0 , 5 , 1 )
-#x_mod_h_p = doc.findVertex( l + alpha_x , -alpha_y , h )
-#y_mod_h_p = doc.findVertex( l + alpha_x , 0 , h )
-#z_mod_h_p = doc.findVertex( l + alpha_x , alpha_y , h )
-#u_mod_h_p = doc.findVertex( l - alpha_x , -alpha_y , h )
-#v_mod_h_p = doc.findVertex( l - alpha_x , 0 , h )
-#w_mod_h_p = doc.findVertex( l - alpha_x , alpha_y , h )
-#x_mod_h_p_t = doc.findVertex( l + (alpha_x/2) , -alpha_y/2 , h )
-#y_mod_h_p_t = doc.findVertex( l + (alpha_x/2) , 0 , h )
-#z_mod_h_p_t = doc.findVertex( l + (alpha_x/2) , alpha_y/2 , h )
-#u_mod_h_p_t = doc.findVertex( l - (alpha_x/2) , -alpha_y/2 , h )
-#v_mod_h_p_t = doc.findVertex( l - (alpha_x/2) , 0 , h )
-#w_mod_h_p_t = doc.findVertex( l - (alpha_x/2) , alpha_y/2 , h )
-assert x_mod_h_p
-assert y_mod_h_p
-assert z_mod_h_p
-assert u_mod_h_p
-assert v_mod_h_p
-assert w_mod_h_p
-assert x_mod_h_p_t
-assert y_mod_h_p_t
-assert z_mod_h_p_t
-assert u_mod_h_p_t
-assert v_mod_h_p_t
-assert w_mod_h_p_t
-# Face du bas grand trou
-## RQ:On remplace la fonction findVertex par getVertexIJK
-v_mod_b_g = grille_cyl_grd.getVertexIJK( 1 , 0 , 0 )
-w_mod_b_g = grille_cyl_grd.getVertexIJK( 1 , 1 , 0 )
-z_mod_b_g = grille_cyl_grd.getVertexIJK( 1 , 2 , 0 )
-y_mod_b_g = grille_cyl_grd.getVertexIJK( 1 , 3 , 0 )
-x_mod_b_g = grille_cyl_grd.getVertexIJK( 1 , 4 , 0 )
-u_mod_b_g = grille_cyl_grd.getVertexIJK( 1 , 5 , 0 )
-v_mod_b_g_t = grille_cyl_grd.getVertexIJK( 0 , 0 , 0 )
-w_mod_b_g_t = grille_cyl_grd.getVertexIJK( 0 , 1 , 0 )
-z_mod_b_g_t = grille_cyl_grd.getVertexIJK( 0 , 2 , 0 )
-y_mod_b_g_t = grille_cyl_grd.getVertexIJK( 0 , 3 , 0 )
-x_mod_b_g_t = grille_cyl_grd.getVertexIJK( 0 , 4 , 0 )
-u_mod_b_g_t = grille_cyl_grd.getVertexIJK( 0 , 5 , 0 )
-#x_mod_b_g = doc.findVertex( -alpha_x , -alpha_y , 0 )
-#y_mod_b_g = doc.findVertex( -alpha_x , 0 , 0 )
-#z_mod_b_g = doc.findVertex( -alpha_x , alpha_y , 0 )
-#u_mod_b_g = doc.findVertex( alpha_x , -alpha_y , 0 )
-#v_mod_b_g = doc.findVertex( alpha_x , 0 , 0 )
-#w_mod_b_g = doc.findVertex( alpha_x , alpha_y , 0 )
-#x_mod_b_g_t = doc.findVertex( -alpha_x/2 , -alpha_y/2 , 0 )
-#y_mod_b_g_t = doc.findVertex( -alpha_x/2 , 0 , 0 )
-#z_mod_b_g_t = doc.findVertex( -alpha_x/2 , alpha_y/2 , 0 )
-#u_mod_b_g_t = doc.findVertex( alpha_x/2 , -alpha_y/2 , 0 )
-#v_mod_b_g_t = doc.findVertex( alpha_x/2 , 0 , 0 )
-#w_mod_b_g_t = doc.findVertex( alpha_x/2 , alpha_y/2 , 0 )
-assert x_mod_b_g
-assert y_mod_b_g
-assert z_mod_b_g
-assert u_mod_b_g
-assert v_mod_b_g
-assert w_mod_b_g
-assert x_mod_b_g_t
-assert y_mod_b_g_t
-assert z_mod_b_g_t
-assert u_mod_b_g_t
-assert v_mod_b_g_t
-assert w_mod_b_g_t
-# Face du bas petit trou
-## RQ:On remplace la fonction findVertex par getVertexIJK
-v_mod_b_p = grille_cyl_pte.getVertexIJK( 1 , 0 , 0 )
-w_mod_b_p = grille_cyl_pte.getVertexIJK( 1 , 1 , 0 )
-z_mod_b_p = grille_cyl_pte.getVertexIJK( 1 , 2 , 0 )
-y_mod_b_p = grille_cyl_pte.getVertexIJK( 1 , 3 , 0 )
-x_mod_b_p = grille_cyl_pte.getVertexIJK( 1 , 4 , 0 )
-u_mod_b_p = grille_cyl_pte.getVertexIJK( 1 , 5 , 0 )
-v_mod_b_p_t = grille_cyl_pte.getVertexIJK( 0 , 0 , 0 )
-w_mod_b_p_t = grille_cyl_pte.getVertexIJK( 0 , 1 , 0 )
-z_mod_b_p_t = grille_cyl_pte.getVertexIJK( 0 , 2 , 0 )
-y_mod_b_p_t = grille_cyl_pte.getVertexIJK( 0 , 3 , 0 )
-x_mod_b_p_t = grille_cyl_pte.getVertexIJK( 0 , 4 , 0 )
-u_mod_b_p_t = grille_cyl_pte.getVertexIJK( 0 , 5 , 0 )
-#x_mod_b_p = doc.findVertex( l + alpha_x , -alpha_y , 0 )
-#y_mod_b_p = doc.findVertex( l + alpha_x , 0 , 0 )
-#z_mod_b_p = doc.findVertex( l + alpha_x , alpha_y , 0 )
-#u_mod_b_p = doc.findVertex( l - alpha_x , -alpha_y , 0 )
-#v_mod_b_p = doc.findVertex( l - alpha_x , 0 , 0 )
-#w_mod_b_p = doc.findVertex( l - alpha_x , alpha_y , 0 )
-#x_mod_b_p_t = doc.findVertex( l + (alpha_x/2) , -alpha_y/2 , 0 )
-#y_mod_b_p_t = doc.findVertex( l + (alpha_x/2) , 0 , 0 )
-#z_mod_b_p_t = doc.findVertex( l + (alpha_x/2) , alpha_y/2 , 0 )
-#u_mod_b_p_t = doc.findVertex( l - (alpha_x/2) , -alpha_y/2 , 0 )
-#v_mod_b_p_t = doc.findVertex( l - (alpha_x/2) , 0 , 0 )
-#w_mod_b_p_t = doc.findVertex( l - (alpha_x/2) , alpha_y/2 , 0 )
-assert x_mod_b_p
-assert y_mod_b_p
-assert z_mod_b_p
-assert u_mod_b_p
-assert v_mod_b_p
-assert w_mod_b_p
-assert x_mod_b_p_t
-assert y_mod_b_p_t
-assert z_mod_b_p_t
-assert u_mod_b_p_t
-assert v_mod_b_p_t
-assert w_mod_b_p_t
-# Recuperation des points de la geometrie bielle pour l association
-Bielle_geom = geompy.Import(STEP_PATH, "STEP")
-geompy.addToStudy(Bielle_geom, "Bielle_geom")
-Pt_A = geompy.MakeVertex(0, 0, h/2.)
-Face_haut = geompy.GetFaceNearPoint(Bielle_geom, Pt_A)
-Pt_B = geompy.MakeVertex(0, 0, -h/2.)
-Face_bas = geompy.GetFaceNearPoint(Bielle_geom, Pt_B)
-# NB:
-# h = haut
-# b = bas
-# g = grand
-# p = petit
-# t = trou
-y_h_g = geompy.MakeVertexOnSurface(Face_haut, 1, 0.5)
-geompy.addToStudy( y_h_g , "y_h_g" )
-y_b_g = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(y_h_g, 0, 0, -h)
-geompy.addToStudy( y_b_g , "y_b_g" )
-v_h_p = geompy.MakeVertexOnSurface(Face_haut, 0, 0.5)
-geompy.addToStudy( v_h_p , "v_h_p" )
-v_b_p = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(v_h_p, 0, 0, -h)
-geompy.addToStudy( v_b_p , "v_b_p" )
-Edge_haut_grd = geompy.GetEdgeNearPoint(Bielle_geom, y_h_g)
-Edge_haut_pte = geompy.GetEdgeNearPoint(Bielle_geom, v_h_p)
-x_h_g = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_grd, 0)
-geompy.addToStudy( x_h_g , "x_h_g" )
-x_b_g = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(x_h_g, 0, 0, -h)
-geompy.addToStudy( x_b_g , "x_b_g" )
-z_h_g = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_grd, 1)
-geompy.addToStudy( z_h_g , "z_h_g" )
-z_b_g = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(z_h_g, 0, 0, -h)
-geompy.addToStudy( z_b_g , "z_b_g" )
-w_h_p = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_pte, 0)
-geompy.addToStudy( w_h_p , "w_h_p" )
-w_b_p = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(w_h_p, 0, 0, -h)
-geompy.addToStudy( w_b_p , "w_b_p" )
-u_h_p = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_pte, 1)
-geompy.addToStudy( u_h_p , "u_h_p" )
-u_b_p = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(u_h_p, 0, 0, -h)
-geompy.addToStudy( u_b_p , "u_b_p" )
-Edge_haut_grd_trou = geompy.GetEdgesByLength(Face_haut, 0.147, 0.148)
-y_h_g_t = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_grd_trou, 0)
-geompy.addToStudy(y_h_g_t, "y_h_g_t")
-y_b_g_t = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(y_h_g_t, 0, 0, -h)
-geompy.addToStudy(y_b_g_t, "y_b_g_t")
-z_h_g_t = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_grd_trou, 0.2)
-geompy.addToStudy(z_h_g_t, "z_h_g_t")
-z_b_g_t = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(z_h_g_t, 0, 0, -h)
-geompy.addToStudy(z_b_g_t, "z_b_g_t")
-w_h_g_t = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_grd_trou, 0.35)
-geompy.addToStudy(w_h_g_t, "w_h_g_t")
-w_b_g_t = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(w_h_g_t, 0, 0, -h)
-geompy.addToStudy(w_b_g_t, "w_b_g_t")
-v_h_g_t = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_grd_trou, 0.5)
-geompy.addToStudy(v_h_g_t, "v_h_g_t")
-v_b_g_t = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(v_h_g_t, 0, 0, -h)
-geompy.addToStudy(v_b_g_t, "v_b_g_t")
-u_h_g_t = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_grd_trou, 0.65)
-geompy.addToStudy(u_h_g_t, "u_h_g_t")
-u_b_g_t = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(u_h_g_t, 0, 0, -h)
-geompy.addToStudy(u_b_g_t, "u_b_g_t")
-x_h_g_t = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_grd_trou, 0.8)
-geompy.addToStudy(x_h_g_t, "x_h_g_t")
-x_b_g_t = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(x_h_g_t, 0, 0, -h)
-geompy.addToStudy(x_b_g_t, "x_b_g_t")
-Edge_haut_pte_trou = geompy.GetEdgesByLength(Face_haut, 0.094, 0.095)
-y_h_p_t = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_pte_trou, 0)
-geompy.addToStudy(y_h_p_t, "y_h_p_t")
-y_b_p_t = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(y_h_p_t, 0, 0, -h)
-geompy.addToStudy(y_b_p_t, "y_b_p_t")
-z_h_p_t = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_pte_trou, 0.2)
-geompy.addToStudy(z_h_p_t, "z_h_p_t")
-z_b_p_t = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(z_h_p_t, 0, 0, -h)
-geompy.addToStudy(z_b_p_t, "z_b_p_t")
-w_h_p_t = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_pte_trou, 0.35)
-geompy.addToStudy(w_h_p_t, "w_h_p_t")
-w_b_p_t = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(w_h_p_t, 0, 0, -h)
-geompy.addToStudy(w_b_p_t, "w_b_p_t")
-v_h_p_t = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_pte_trou, 0.5)
-geompy.addToStudy(v_h_p_t, "v_h_p_t")
-v_b_p_t = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(v_h_p_t, 0, 0, -h)
-geompy.addToStudy(v_b_p_t, "v_b_p_t")
-u_h_p_t = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_pte_trou, 0.65)
-geompy.addToStudy(u_h_p_t, "u_h_p_t")
-u_b_p_t = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(u_h_p_t, 0, 0, -h)
-geompy.addToStudy(u_b_p_t, "u_b_p_t")
-x_h_p_t = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_pte_trou, 0.8)
-geompy.addToStudy(x_h_p_t, "x_h_p_t")
-x_b_p_t = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(x_h_p_t, 0, 0, -h)
-geompy.addToStudy(x_b_p_t, "x_b_p_t")
-Edge_haut_droite = geompy.GetEdgesByLength(Face_haut, 0.136, 0.137)
-u_h_g = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_droite, 1)
-geompy.addToStudy(u_h_g, "u_h_g")
-u_b_g = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(u_h_g, 0, 0, -h)
-geompy.addToStudy(u_b_g, "u_b_g")
-x_h_p = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_droite, 0)
-geompy.addToStudy(x_h_p, "x_h_p")
-x_b_p = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(x_h_p, 0, 0, -h)
-geompy.addToStudy(x_b_p, "x_b_p")
-Edge_haut_gauche = geompy.GetEdgesByLength(Face_haut, 0.131, 0.132)
-w_h_g = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_gauche, 0)
-geompy.addToStudy(w_h_g, "w_h_g")
-w_b_g = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(w_h_g, 0, 0, -h)
-geompy.addToStudy(w_b_g, "w_b_g")
-z_h_p = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_gauche, 1)
-geompy.addToStudy(z_h_p, "z_h_p")
-z_b_p = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(z_h_p, 0, 0, -h)
-geompy.addToStudy(z_b_p, "z_b_p")
-Edge_v_grd = geompy.MakeLineTwoPnt(u_h_g, w_h_g)
-v_h_g = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_v_grd, 0.5)
-geompy.addToStudy(v_h_g, "v_h_g")
-v_b_g = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(v_h_g, 0, 0, -h)
-geompy.addToStudy(v_b_g, "v_b_g")
-Edge_v_pte = geompy.MakeLineTwoPnt(x_h_p, z_h_p)
-y_h_p = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_v_pte, 0.5)
-geompy.addToStudy(y_h_p, "y_h_p")
-y_b_p = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(y_h_p, 0, 0, -h)
-geompy.addToStudy(y_b_p, "y_b_p")
-# association des sommets de la face du haut
-# grand trou
-x_mod_h_g.setAssociation( x_h_g )
-y_mod_h_g.setAssociation( y_h_g )
-z_mod_h_g.setAssociation( z_h_g )
-u_mod_h_g.setAssociation( u_h_g )
-v_mod_h_g.setAssociation( v_h_g )
-w_mod_h_g.setAssociation( w_h_g )
-x_mod_h_g_t.setAssociation( x_h_g_t )
-y_mod_h_g_t.setAssociation( y_h_g_t )
-z_mod_h_g_t.setAssociation( z_h_g_t )
-u_mod_h_g_t.setAssociation( u_h_g_t )
-v_mod_h_g_t.setAssociation( v_h_g_t )
-w_mod_h_g_t.setAssociation( w_h_g_t )
-# petit trou
-x_mod_h_p.setAssociation( x_h_p )
-y_mod_h_p.setAssociation( y_h_p )
-z_mod_h_p.setAssociation( z_h_p )
-u_mod_h_p.setAssociation( u_h_p )
-v_mod_h_p.setAssociation( v_h_p )
-w_mod_h_p.setAssociation( w_h_p )
-x_mod_h_p_t.setAssociation( x_h_p_t )
-y_mod_h_p_t.setAssociation( y_h_p_t )
-z_mod_h_p_t.setAssociation( z_h_p_t )
-u_mod_h_p_t.setAssociation( u_h_p_t )
-v_mod_h_p_t.setAssociation( v_h_p_t )
-w_mod_h_p_t.setAssociation( w_h_p_t )
-# association des sommets de la face du bas
-# grand trou
-x_mod_b_g.setAssociation( x_b_g )
-y_mod_b_g.setAssociation( y_b_g )
-z_mod_b_g.setAssociation( z_b_g )
-u_mod_b_g.setAssociation( u_b_g )
-v_mod_b_g.setAssociation( v_b_g )
-w_mod_b_g.setAssociation( w_b_g )
-x_mod_b_g_t.setAssociation( x_b_g_t )
-y_mod_b_g_t.setAssociation( y_b_g_t )
-z_mod_b_g_t.setAssociation( z_b_g_t )
-u_mod_b_g_t.setAssociation( u_b_g_t )
-v_mod_b_g_t.setAssociation( v_b_g_t )
-w_mod_b_g_t.setAssociation( w_b_g_t )
-# petit trou
-x_mod_b_p.setAssociation( x_b_p )
-y_mod_b_p.setAssociation( y_b_p )
-z_mod_b_p.setAssociation( z_b_p )
-u_mod_b_p.setAssociation( u_b_p )
-v_mod_b_p.setAssociation( v_b_p )
-w_mod_b_p.setAssociation( w_b_p )
-x_mod_b_p_t.setAssociation( x_b_p_t )
-y_mod_b_p_t.setAssociation( y_b_p_t )
-z_mod_b_p_t.setAssociation( z_b_p_t )
-u_mod_b_p_t.setAssociation( u_b_p_t )
-v_mod_b_p_t.setAssociation( v_b_p_t )
-w_mod_b_p_t.setAssociation( w_b_p_t )
-# Creation association des edges
-All_Edges_Bielle = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(Bielle_geom, geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"])
-## recuperer les arrondies du haut de la geometrie
-Edge_Arr_grd_g_h = All_Edges_Bielle[20]
-geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Arr_grd_g_h , "Edge_Arr_grd_g_h" )
-Edge_Arr_grd_g_h_mod = grille_cyl_grd.getEdgeJ( 1 , 1 , 1 )
-Edge_Arr_grd_g_h_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Arr_grd_g_h, 0., 1. )
-Edge_Arr_grd_d_h = All_Edges_Bielle[22]
-geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Arr_grd_d_h , "Edge_Arr_grd_d_h" )
-Edge_Arr_grd_d_h_mod = grille_cyl_grd.getEdgeJ( 1 , 4 , 1 )
-Edge_Arr_grd_d_h_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Arr_grd_d_h, 0., 1. )
-Edge_Arr_pte_g_h = All_Edges_Bielle[8]
-geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Arr_pte_g_h , "Edge_Arr_pte_g_h" )
-Edge_Arr_pte_g_h_mod = grille_cyl_pte.getEdgeJ( 1 , 1 , 1 )
-Edge_Arr_pte_g_h_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Arr_pte_g_h, 0., 1. )
-Edge_Arr_pte_d_h = All_Edges_Bielle[10]
-geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Arr_pte_d_h , "Edge_Arr_pte_d_h" )
-Edge_Arr_pte_d_h_mod = grille_cyl_pte.getEdgeJ( 1 , 4 , 1 )
-Edge_Arr_pte_d_h_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Arr_pte_d_h, 0., 1. )
-# recuperer les arrondies du bas de la geometrie
-Edge_Arr_grd_g_b = All_Edges_Bielle[19]
-geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Arr_grd_g_b , "Edge_Arr_grd_g_b" )
-Edge_Arr_grd_g_b_mod = grille_cyl_grd.getEdgeJ( 1 , 1 , 0 )
-Edge_Arr_grd_g_b_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Arr_grd_g_b, 0., 1. )
-Edge_Arr_grd_d_b = All_Edges_Bielle[21]
-geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Arr_grd_d_b , "Edge_Arr_grd_d_b" )
-Edge_Arr_grd_d_b_mod = grille_cyl_grd.getEdgeJ( 1 , 4 , 0 )
-Edge_Arr_grd_d_b_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Arr_grd_d_b, 0., 1. )
-Edge_Arr_pte_g_b = All_Edges_Bielle[7]
-geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Arr_pte_g_b , "Edge_Arr_pte_g_b" )
-Edge_Arr_pte_g_b_mod = grille_cyl_pte.getEdgeJ( 1 , 1 , 0 )
-Edge_Arr_pte_g_b_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Arr_pte_g_b, 0., 1. )
-Edge_Arr_pte_d_b = All_Edges_Bielle[9]
-geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Arr_pte_d_b , "Edge_Arr_pte_d_b" )
-Edge_Arr_pte_d_b_mod = grille_cyl_pte.getEdgeJ( 1 , 4 , 0 )
-Edge_Arr_pte_d_b_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Arr_pte_d_b, 0., 1. )
-# recuperer les grand rayons de la geometrie
-Edge_Ray_grd_g_h = All_Edges_Bielle[28]
-geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Ray_grd_g_h , "Edge_Ray_grd_g_h" )
-Edge_Ray_grd_d_h = All_Edges_Bielle[1]
-geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Ray_grd_d_h , "Edge_Ray_grd_d_h" )
-Edge_Ray_grd_g_b = All_Edges_Bielle[27]
-geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Ray_grd_g_b , "Edge_Ray_grd_g_b" )
-Edge_Ray_grd_d_b = All_Edges_Bielle[0]
-geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Ray_grd_d_b , "Edge_Ray_grd_d_b" )
-X_pln1 = geompy.MakeVertex( 0 , 0 , 0 )
-Vec_X = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ( 0 , 1 , 0 )
-Plan1 = geompy.MakePlane( X_pln1 , Vec_X , 200 )
-Parti_Grd_Ray = geompy.MakePartition([ Edge_Ray_grd_g_h , Edge_Ray_grd_d_h , Edge_Ray_grd_g_b , Edge_Ray_grd_d_b ], [ Plan1 ], [], [], geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"], 0, [], 0)
-geompy.addToStudy( Parti_Grd_Ray , "Parti_Grd_Ray" )
-All_Edges_Parti_Grd_Ray = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(Parti_Grd_Ray, geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"])
-Grd_Ray_0 = All_Edges_Parti_Grd_Ray[0]
-geompy.addToStudy( Grd_Ray_0 , "Grd_Ray_0" )
-##Edge_Arr_grd_g_h_mod = grille_cyl_pte.getEdgeJ( 1 , 2 , 0 )
-Edge_Grd_Ray_0_mod = grille_cyl_pte.getEdgeJ( 1 , 0 , 0 )
-Edge_Grd_Ray_0_mod.addAssociation( Grd_Ray_0, 0., 1. )
-Grd_Ray_1 = All_Edges_Parti_Grd_Ray[1]
-geompy.addToStudy( Grd_Ray_1 , "Grd_Ray_1" )
-##Edge_Grd_Ray_1_mod = grille_cyl_pte.getEdgeJ( 1 , 2 , 1 )
-Edge_Grd_Ray_1_mod = grille_cyl_pte.getEdgeJ( 1 , 0 , 1 )
-Edge_Grd_Ray_1_mod.addAssociation( Grd_Ray_1, 0., 1. )
-Grd_Ray_2 = All_Edges_Parti_Grd_Ray[2]
-geompy.addToStudy( Grd_Ray_2 , "Grd_Ray_2" )
-##Edge_Grd_Ray_2_mod = grille_cyl_pte.getEdgeJ( 1 , 3 , 0 )
-Edge_Grd_Ray_2_mod = grille_cyl_pte.getEdgeJ( 1 , 5 , 0 )
-Edge_Grd_Ray_2_mod.addAssociation( Grd_Ray_2, 0., 1. )
-Grd_Ray_3 = All_Edges_Parti_Grd_Ray[3]
-geompy.addToStudy( Grd_Ray_3 , "Grd_Ray_3" )
-##Edge_Grd_Ray_3_mod = grille_cyl_pte.getEdgeJ( 1 , 3 , 1 )
-Edge_Grd_Ray_3_mod = grille_cyl_pte.getEdgeJ( 1 , 5 , 1 )
-Edge_Grd_Ray_3_mod.addAssociation( Grd_Ray_3, 0., 1. )
-Grd_Ray_4 = All_Edges_Parti_Grd_Ray[4]
-geompy.addToStudy( Grd_Ray_4 , "Grd_Ray_4" )
-Edge_Grd_Ray_4_mod = grille_cyl_grd.getEdgeJ( 1 , 2 , 0 )
-Edge_Grd_Ray_4_mod.addAssociation( Grd_Ray_4, 0., 1. )
-#Edge_Grd_Ray_4_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Ray_grd_g_b , 0., 1. )
-Grd_Ray_5 = All_Edges_Parti_Grd_Ray[5]
-geompy.addToStudy( Grd_Ray_5 , "Grd_Ray_5" )
-Edge_Grd_Ray_5_mod = grille_cyl_grd.getEdgeJ( 1 , 2 , 1 )
-Edge_Grd_Ray_5_mod.addAssociation( Grd_Ray_5, 0., 1. )
-Grd_Ray_6 = All_Edges_Parti_Grd_Ray[6]
-geompy.addToStudy( Grd_Ray_6 , "Grd_Ray_6" )
-Edge_Grd_Ray_6_mod = grille_cyl_grd.getEdgeJ( 1 , 3 , 0 )
-Edge_Grd_Ray_6_mod.addAssociation( Grd_Ray_6, 0., 1. )
-Grd_Ray_7 = All_Edges_Parti_Grd_Ray[7]
-geompy.addToStudy( Grd_Ray_7 , "Grd_Ray_7" )
-Edge_Arr_grd_g_h_mod = grille_cyl_grd.getEdgeJ( 1 , 3 , 1 )
-Edge_Arr_grd_g_h_mod.addAssociation( Grd_Ray_7, 0., 1. )
-# recuperer les rayons des trous de la bielle de la geometrie
-Edge_Trou_grd_h = All_Edges_Bielle[26]
-geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Trou_grd_h , "Edge_Trou_grd_h" )
-Edge_Trou_grd_b = All_Edges_Bielle[25]
-geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Trou_grd_b , "Edge_Trou_grd_b" )
-Edge_Trou_pte_h = All_Edges_Bielle[3]
-geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Trou_pte_h , "Edge_Trou_pte_h" )
-Edge_Trou_pte_b = All_Edges_Bielle[2]
-geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Trou_pte_b , "Edge_Trou_pte_b" )
-Partition_Trou_grd_haut = geompy.MakePartition([ Edge_Trou_grd_h ], [ z_h_g_t , w_h_g_t , v_h_g_t , u_h_g_t , x_h_g_t ], [], [], geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"], 0, [], 0)
-geompy.addToStudy( Partition_Trou_grd_haut , "Partition_Trou_grd_haut" )
-All_Edge_Partition_Trou_grd_haut = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(Partition_Trou_grd_haut, geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"])
-Edge_Trou_grd_h_0 = All_Edge_Partition_Trou_grd_haut[0]
-geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Trou_grd_h_0 , "Edge_Trou_grd_h_0" )
-Edge_Trou_grd_h_0_mod = grille_cyl_grd.getEdgeJ( 0 , 0 , 1 )
-Edge_Trou_grd_h_0_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Trou_grd_h_0, 0., 1. )
-Edge_Trou_grd_h_2 = All_Edge_Partition_Trou_grd_haut[2]
-geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Trou_grd_h_2 , "Edge_Trou_grd_h_2" )
-Edge_Trou_grd_h_2_mod = grille_cyl_grd.getEdgeJ( 0 , 1 , 1 )
-Edge_Trou_grd_h_2_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Trou_grd_h_2, 0., 1. )
-Edge_Trou_grd_h_4 = All_Edge_Partition_Trou_grd_haut[4]
-geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Trou_grd_h_4 , "Edge_Trou_grd_h_4" )
-Edge_Trou_grd_h_4_mod = grille_cyl_grd.getEdgeJ( 0 , 2 , 1 )
-Edge_Trou_grd_h_4_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Trou_grd_h_4, 0., 1. )
-Edge_Trou_grd_h_5 = All_Edge_Partition_Trou_grd_haut[5]
-geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Trou_grd_h_5 , "Edge_Trou_grd_h_5" )
-Edge_Trou_grd_h_5_mod = grille_cyl_grd.getEdgeJ( 0 , 3 , 1 )
-Edge_Trou_grd_h_5_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Trou_grd_h_5, 0., 1. )
-Edge_Trou_grd_h_3 = All_Edge_Partition_Trou_grd_haut[3]
-geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Trou_grd_h_3 , "Edge_Trou_grd_h_3" )
-Edge_Trou_grd_h_3_mod = grille_cyl_grd.getEdgeJ( 0 , 4 , 1 )
-Edge_Trou_grd_h_3_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Trou_grd_h_3, 0., 1. )
-Edge_Trou_grd_h_1 = All_Edge_Partition_Trou_grd_haut[1]
-geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Trou_grd_h_1 , "Edge_Trou_grd_h_1" )
-Edge_Trou_grd_h_1_mod = grille_cyl_grd.getEdgeJ( 0 , 5 , 1 )
-Edge_Trou_grd_h_1_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Trou_grd_h_1, 0., 1. )
-Partition_Trou_grd_bas = geompy.MakePartition([ Edge_Trou_grd_b ], [ z_b_g_t , w_b_g_t , v_b_g_t , u_b_g_t , x_b_g_t ], [], [], geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"], 0, [], 0)
-geompy.addToStudy( Partition_Trou_grd_bas , "Partition_Trou_grd_bas" )
-All_Edge_Partition_Trou_grd_bas = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(Partition_Trou_grd_bas, geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"])
-Edge_Trou_grd_b_0 = All_Edge_Partition_Trou_grd_bas[0]
-geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Trou_grd_b_0 , "Edge_Trou_grd_b_0" )
-Edge_Trou_grd_b_0_mod = grille_cyl_grd.getEdgeJ( 0 , 0 , 0 )
-Edge_Trou_grd_b_0_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Trou_grd_b_0, 0., 1. )
-Edge_Trou_grd_b_2 = All_Edge_Partition_Trou_grd_bas[2]
-geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Trou_grd_b_2 , "Edge_Trou_grd_b_2" )
-Edge_Trou_grd_b_2_mod = grille_cyl_grd.getEdgeJ( 0 , 1 , 0 )
-Edge_Trou_grd_b_2_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Trou_grd_b_2, 0., 1. )
-Edge_Trou_grd_b_4 = All_Edge_Partition_Trou_grd_bas[4]
-geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Trou_grd_b_4 , "Edge_Trou_grd_b_4" )
-Edge_Trou_grd_b_4_mod = grille_cyl_grd.getEdgeJ( 0 , 2 , 0 )
-Edge_Trou_grd_b_4_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Trou_grd_b_4, 0., 1. )
-Edge_Trou_grd_b_5 = All_Edge_Partition_Trou_grd_bas[5]
-geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Trou_grd_b_5 , "Edge_Trou_grd_b_5" )
-Edge_Trou_grd_b_5_mod = grille_cyl_grd.getEdgeJ( 0 , 3 , 0 )
-Edge_Trou_grd_b_5_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Trou_grd_b_5, 0., 1. )
-Edge_Trou_grd_b_3 = All_Edge_Partition_Trou_grd_bas[3]
-geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Trou_grd_b_3 , "Edge_Trou_grd_b_3" )
-Edge_Trou_grd_b_3_mod = grille_cyl_grd.getEdgeJ( 0 , 4 , 0 )
-Edge_Trou_grd_b_3_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Trou_grd_b_3, 0., 1. )
-Edge_Trou_grd_b_1 = All_Edge_Partition_Trou_grd_bas[1]
-geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Trou_grd_b_1 , "Edge_Trou_grd_b_1" )
-Edge_Trou_grd_b_1_mod = grille_cyl_grd.getEdgeJ( 0 , 5 , 0 )
-Edge_Trou_grd_b_1_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Trou_grd_b_1, 0., 1. )
-Partition_Trou_pte_haut = geompy.MakePartition([ Edge_Trou_pte_h ], [ z_h_p_t , w_h_p_t , v_h_p_t , u_h_p_t , x_h_p_t ], [], [], geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"], 0, [], 0)
-geompy.addToStudy( Partition_Trou_pte_haut , "Partition_Trou_pte_haut" )
-All_Edge_Partition_Trou_pte_haut = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(Partition_Trou_pte_haut, geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"])
-Edge_Trou_pte_h_0 = All_Edge_Partition_Trou_pte_haut[0]
-geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Trou_pte_h_0 , "Edge_Trou_pte_h_0" )
-Edge_Trou_pte_h_0_mod = grille_cyl_pte.getEdgeJ( 0 , 0 , 1 )
-Edge_Trou_pte_h_0_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Trou_pte_h_0, 0., 1. )
-Edge_Trou_pte_h_2 = All_Edge_Partition_Trou_pte_haut[2]
-geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Trou_pte_h_2 , "Edge_Trou_pte_h_2" )
-Edge_Trou_pte_h_2_mod = grille_cyl_pte.getEdgeJ( 0 , 1 , 1 )
-Edge_Trou_pte_h_2_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Trou_pte_h_2, 0., 1. )
-Edge_Trou_pte_h_4 = All_Edge_Partition_Trou_pte_haut[4]
-geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Trou_pte_h_4 , "Edge_Trou_pte_h_4" )
-Edge_Trou_pte_h_4_mod = grille_cyl_pte.getEdgeJ( 0 , 2 , 1 )
-Edge_Trou_pte_h_4_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Trou_pte_h_4, 0., 1. )
-Edge_Trou_pte_h_5 = All_Edge_Partition_Trou_pte_haut[5]
-geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Trou_pte_h_5 , "Edge_Trou_pte_h_5" )
-Edge_Trou_pte_h_5_mod = grille_cyl_pte.getEdgeJ( 0 , 3 , 1 )
-Edge_Trou_pte_h_5_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Trou_pte_h_5, 0., 1. )
-Edge_Trou_pte_h_3 = All_Edge_Partition_Trou_pte_haut[3]
-geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Trou_pte_h_3 , "Edge_Trou_pte_h_3" )
-Edge_Trou_pte_h_3_mod = grille_cyl_pte.getEdgeJ( 0 , 4 , 1 )
-Edge_Trou_pte_h_3_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Trou_pte_h_3, 0., 1. )
-Edge_Trou_pte_h_1 = All_Edge_Partition_Trou_pte_haut[1]
-geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Trou_pte_h_1 , "Edge_Trou_pte_h_1" )
-Edge_Trou_pte_h_1_mod = grille_cyl_pte.getEdgeJ( 0 , 5 , 1 )
-Edge_Trou_pte_h_1_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Trou_pte_h_1, 0., 1. )
-Partition_Trou_pte_bas = geompy.MakePartition([ Edge_Trou_pte_b ], [ z_b_p_t , w_b_p_t , v_b_p_t , u_b_p_t , x_b_p_t ], [], [], geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"], 0, [], 0)
-geompy.addToStudy( Partition_Trou_pte_bas , "Partition_Trou_pte_bas" )
-All_Edge_Partition_Trou_pte_bas = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(Partition_Trou_pte_bas, geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"])
-Edge_Trou_pte_b_0 = All_Edge_Partition_Trou_pte_bas[0]
-geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Trou_pte_b_0 , "Edge_Trou_pte_b_0" )
-Edge_Trou_pte_b_0_mod = grille_cyl_pte.getEdgeJ( 0 , 0 , 0 )
-Edge_Trou_pte_b_0_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Trou_pte_b_0, 0., 1. )
-Edge_Trou_pte_b_2 = All_Edge_Partition_Trou_pte_bas[2]
-geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Trou_pte_b_2 , "Edge_Trou_pte_b_2" )
-Edge_Trou_pte_b_2_mod = grille_cyl_pte.getEdgeJ( 0 , 1 , 0 )
-Edge_Trou_pte_b_2_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Trou_pte_b_2, 0., 1. )
-Edge_Trou_pte_b_4 = All_Edge_Partition_Trou_pte_bas[4]
-geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Trou_pte_b_4 , "Edge_Trou_pte_b_4" )
-Edge_Trou_pte_b_4_mod = grille_cyl_pte.getEdgeJ( 0 , 2 , 0 )
-Edge_Trou_pte_b_4_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Trou_pte_b_4, 0., 1. )
-Edge_Trou_pte_b_5 = All_Edge_Partition_Trou_pte_bas[5]
-geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Trou_pte_b_5 , "Edge_Trou_pte_b_5" )
-Edge_Trou_pte_b_5_mod = grille_cyl_pte.getEdgeJ( 0 , 3 , 0 )
-Edge_Trou_pte_b_5_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Trou_pte_b_5, 0., 1. )
-Edge_Trou_pte_b_3 = All_Edge_Partition_Trou_pte_bas[3]
-geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Trou_pte_b_3 , "Edge_Trou_pte_b_3" )
-Edge_Trou_pte_b_3_mod = grille_cyl_pte.getEdgeJ( 0 , 4 , 0 )
-Edge_Trou_pte_b_3_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Trou_pte_b_3, 0., 1. )
-Edge_Trou_pte_b_1 = All_Edge_Partition_Trou_pte_bas[1]
-geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Trou_pte_b_1 , "Edge_Trou_pte_b_1" )
-Edge_Trou_pte_b_1_mod = grille_cyl_pte.getEdgeJ( 0 , 5 , 0 )
-Edge_Trou_pte_b_1_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Trou_pte_b_1, 0., 1. )
-All_Face_Arron_Bielle = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(Bielle_geom, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"])
-Face_Arron_1 = All_Face_Arron_Bielle[2]
-geompy.addToStudy(Face_Arron_1, "Face_Arron_1")
-Quad_Arron_1 = grille_cyl_pte.getQuadJK( 1 , 1 , 0 )
-Face_Arron_2 = All_Face_Arron_Bielle[3]
-geompy.addToStudy(Face_Arron_2, "Face_Arron_2")
-Quad_Arron_2 = grille_cyl_pte.getQuadJK( 1 , 4 , 0 )
-Face_Arron_3 = All_Face_Arron_Bielle[8]
-geompy.addToStudy(Face_Arron_3, "Face_Arron_3")
-Quad_Arron_3 = grille_cyl_grd.getQuadJK( 1 , 1 , 0 )
-Face_Arron_4 = All_Face_Arron_Bielle[9]
-geompy.addToStudy(Face_Arron_4, "Face_Arron_4")
-Quad_Arron_4 = grille_cyl_grd.getQuadJK( 1 , 4 , 0 )
-# Definir les groupes d elements pour le maillage
-# On definit 3 groupes de mailles
-# groupe d edges (arretes)
-Edge_grp = doc.addEdgeGroup("Edge_grp")
-Nbr_Edg = doc.countEdge()
-#print Nbr_Edg
-for i in range(Nbr_Edg):
- Edge_i = doc.getEdge(i)
- Edge_grp.addElement(Edge_i)
-# groupe de quads (faces)
-Quad_grp = doc.addQuadGroup("Quad_grp")
-Nbr_Qad = doc.countQuad()
-#print Nbr_Qad
-for i in range(Nbr_Qad):
- Quad_i = doc.getQuad(i)
- Quad_grp.addElement(Quad_i)
-# groupe d hexas (solids)
-Hexa_grp = doc.addHexaGroup("Hexa_grp")
-Nbr_Hex = doc.countHexa()
-#print Nbr_Hex
-for i in range(Nbr_Hex):
- Hexa_i = doc.getHexa(i)
- Hexa_grp.addElement(Hexa_i)
-# groupe de noeuds de vertex pour tout le modele
-Vertex_Nod_Grp = doc.addVertexNodeGroup("Vertex_Nod_Grp")
-Nbr_Vx = doc.countVertex()
-print Nbr_Vx
-for i in range(Nbr_Vx):
- Vertex_i = doc.getVertex(i)
- Vertex_Nod_Grp.addElement(Vertex_i)
-# Definir une loi de discretisation
-# definir une loi: le choix de la loi reste aux utilisateurs
-Law = doc.addLaw( "Uniform" , 4 )
-#n = doc.countLaw()
-#print n
-# chercher les propagations du modele
-N_Propa = doc.countPropagation()
-for j in range(N_Propa):
- Propa = doc.getPropagation(j)
- Propa.setLaw( Law )# appliquer la loi de discretisation sur tout le modele et generer le maillage
-mesh = hexablock.mesh(doc, "test_BIELLE_bad_assoc:hexas")
-#mesh = hexablock.mesh(doc, "test_BIELLE_bad_assoc:quads", 2)
-#mesh = hexablock.mesh(doc, "test_BIELLE_bad_assoc:edges", 1)
-#mesh = hexablock.mesh(doc, "test_BIELLE_bad_assoc:nodes", 0)
-print " --- MAILLAGE HEXAHEDRIQUE --- "
-print "Nombre d hexaedres:" , mesh.NbHexas()
-print "Nombre de quadrangles:", mesh.NbQuadrangles()
-print "Nombre de segments:" , mesh.NbEdges()
-print "Nombre de noeuds:" , mesh.NbNodes()
+++ /dev/null
-# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2012 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
-# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-# version 2.1 of the License.
-# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-# See or email :
-# By Karima DEBCHI YATAGHENE Nov 2009 at CS
-import os
-import GEOM
-import geompy
-import smesh
-import hexablock
-import math
-import SALOMEDS
-#STEP_PATH = os.path.expandvars("$HEXA_ROOT_DIR/bin/salome/crank.stp")
-doc = hexablock.addDocument("default")
-# Pour la bielle on doit creer deux grilles cylindriques et prismer les quadrangles entre ces deux dernieres
-R = 40.0
-r_grd = R
-r_grd_t = R/2
-r_pte = R
-r_pte_t = R/2
-l = 200.0
-#h = 0.019999999553*2
-h = 40.
-# Taille du grand cylindre
-dr_grd = R
-da_grd = 360
-dl_grd = h
-nr_grd = 1
-na_grd = 6
-nl_grd = 1
-# Taille du petit cylindre
-dr_pte = R
-da_pte = 360
-dl_pte = h
-nr_pte = 1
-na_pte = 6
-nl_pte = 1
-# Creation des vecteurs
-dx = doc.addVector(l, 0, 0)
-dy = doc.addVector(0, l, 0)
-dz = doc.addVector(0, 0, l)
-# Creation des centres des grilles cylindriques
-c_grd = doc.addVertex(0, 0, 0)
-c_pte = doc.addVertex(2*l, 0, 0)
-dx_prime = doc.addVectorVertices( c_grd, c_pte )
-# Creation de la grande grille cylindrique
-grille_cyl_grd = doc.makeCylindrical(c_grd, dx, dz, dr_grd, da_grd, dl_grd, nr_grd, na_grd, nl_grd, False)
-# on obtient une liste qui contient 6 hexaedres eguaux
-# 30 = pi/6
-# 60 = pi/3
-# 45 = pi/4
-# 90 = pi/2
-# 180 = pi
-alpha_x = 2*R*math.cos(math.pi/3)
-alpha_y = 2*R*math.sin(math.pi/3)
-x1 = doc.findVertex( 2*R, 0, h )
-x2 = doc.findVertex( alpha_x, alpha_y, 0 )
-x3 = doc.findVertex( alpha_x, -alpha_y, 0 )
-x4 = doc.findVertex( 2*R, 0, 0 )
-quad_11 = doc.findQuad(x1, x2)
-quad_12 = doc.findQuad(x1, x3)
-quad_list = [ quad_11 , quad_12 ]
-# Creation de la petite grille cylindrique
-grille_cyl_pte = doc.makeTranslation( grille_cyl_grd , dx_prime )
-# on obtient une liste qui contient 6 hexaedres eguaux
-y1 = doc.findVertex( 2*l - 2*R , 0 , h )
-y2 = doc.findVertex( 2*l - alpha_x , alpha_y , 0 )
-y3 = doc.findVertex( 2*l - alpha_x , -alpha_y , 0 )
-y4 = doc.findVertex( 2*l - 2*R , 0 , 0 )
-quad_21 = doc.findQuad(y1, y2)
-quad_22 = doc.findQuad(y1, y3)
-# Assemblage des deux grilles cylindriques
-model_biell_fin = doc.joinQuads( quad_list , quad_21 , x1 , y1 , x4 , y4 , 1 )
-# Recuperation des vertex du model hexa bielle pour l association
-# NB:
-# h = haut
-# b = bas
-# g = grand
-# p = petit
-# t = trou
-alpha_x = 2*R*math.cos(math.pi/3)
-alpha_y = 2*R*math.sin(math.pi/3)
-# Face du haut grand trou
-## RQ:On remplace la fonction findVertex par getVertexIJK
-v_mod_h_g = grille_cyl_grd.getVertexIJK( 1 , 0 , 1 )
-w_mod_h_g = grille_cyl_grd.getVertexIJK( 1 , 1 , 1 )
-z_mod_h_g = grille_cyl_grd.getVertexIJK( 1 , 2 , 1 )
-y_mod_h_g = grille_cyl_grd.getVertexIJK( 1 , 3 , 1 )
-x_mod_h_g = grille_cyl_grd.getVertexIJK( 1 , 4 , 1 )
-u_mod_h_g = grille_cyl_grd.getVertexIJK( 1 , 5 , 1 )
-v_mod_h_g_t = grille_cyl_grd.getVertexIJK( 0 , 0 , 1 )
-w_mod_h_g_t = grille_cyl_grd.getVertexIJK( 0 , 1 , 1 )
-z_mod_h_g_t = grille_cyl_grd.getVertexIJK( 0 , 2 , 1 )
-y_mod_h_g_t = grille_cyl_grd.getVertexIJK( 0 , 3 , 1 )
-x_mod_h_g_t = grille_cyl_grd.getVertexIJK( 0 , 4 , 1 )
-u_mod_h_g_t = grille_cyl_grd.getVertexIJK( 0 , 5 , 1 )
-#x_mod_h_g = doc.findVertex( -alpha_x , -alpha_y , h )
-#y_mod_h_g = doc.findVertex( -alpha_x , 0 , h )
-#z_mod_h_g = doc.findVertex( -alpha_x , alpha_y , h )
-#u_mod_h_g = doc.findVertex( alpha_x , -alpha_y , h )
-#v_mod_h_g = doc.findVertex( alpha_x , 0 , h )
-#w_mod_h_g = doc.findVertex( alpha_x , alpha_y , h )
-#x_mod_h_g_t = doc.findVertex( -alpha_x/2 , -alpha_y/2 , h )
-#y_mod_h_g_t = doc.findVertex( -alpha_x/2 , 0 , h )
-#z_mod_h_g_t = doc.findVertex( -alpha_x/2 , alpha_y/2 , h )
-#u_mod_h_g_t = doc.findVertex( alpha_x/2 , -alpha_y/2 , h )
-#v_mod_h_g_t = doc.findVertex( alpha_x/2 , 0 , h )
-#w_mod_h_g_t = doc.findVertex( alpha_x/2 , alpha_y/2 , h )
-assert x_mod_h_g
-assert y_mod_h_g
-assert z_mod_h_g
-assert u_mod_h_g
-assert v_mod_h_g
-assert w_mod_h_g
-assert x_mod_h_g_t
-assert y_mod_h_g_t #
-assert z_mod_h_g_t
-assert u_mod_h_g_t #
-assert v_mod_h_g_t
-assert w_mod_h_g_t #
-# Face du haut petit trou
-## RQ:On remplace la fonction findVertex par getVertexIJK
-v_mod_h_p = grille_cyl_pte.getVertexIJK( 1 , 0 , 1 )
-w_mod_h_p = grille_cyl_pte.getVertexIJK( 1 , 1 , 1 )
-z_mod_h_p = grille_cyl_pte.getVertexIJK( 1 , 2 , 1 )
-y_mod_h_p = grille_cyl_pte.getVertexIJK( 1 , 3 , 1 )
-x_mod_h_p = grille_cyl_pte.getVertexIJK( 1 , 4 , 1 )
-u_mod_h_p = grille_cyl_pte.getVertexIJK( 1 , 5 , 1 )
-v_mod_h_p_t = grille_cyl_pte.getVertexIJK( 0 , 0 , 1 )
-w_mod_h_p_t = grille_cyl_pte.getVertexIJK( 0 , 1 , 1 )
-z_mod_h_p_t = grille_cyl_pte.getVertexIJK( 0 , 2 , 1 )
-y_mod_h_p_t = grille_cyl_pte.getVertexIJK( 0 , 3 , 1 )
-x_mod_h_p_t = grille_cyl_pte.getVertexIJK( 0 , 4 , 1 )
-u_mod_h_p_t = grille_cyl_pte.getVertexIJK( 0 , 5 , 1 )
-#x_mod_h_p = doc.findVertex( l + alpha_x , -alpha_y , h )
-#y_mod_h_p = doc.findVertex( l + alpha_x , 0 , h )
-#z_mod_h_p = doc.findVertex( l + alpha_x , alpha_y , h )
-#u_mod_h_p = doc.findVertex( l - alpha_x , -alpha_y , h )
-#v_mod_h_p = doc.findVertex( l - alpha_x , 0 , h )
-#w_mod_h_p = doc.findVertex( l - alpha_x , alpha_y , h )
-#x_mod_h_p_t = doc.findVertex( l + (alpha_x/2) , -alpha_y/2 , h )
-#y_mod_h_p_t = doc.findVertex( l + (alpha_x/2) , 0 , h )
-#z_mod_h_p_t = doc.findVertex( l + (alpha_x/2) , alpha_y/2 , h )
-#u_mod_h_p_t = doc.findVertex( l - (alpha_x/2) , -alpha_y/2 , h )
-#v_mod_h_p_t = doc.findVertex( l - (alpha_x/2) , 0 , h )
-#w_mod_h_p_t = doc.findVertex( l - (alpha_x/2) , alpha_y/2 , h )
-assert x_mod_h_p
-assert y_mod_h_p
-assert z_mod_h_p
-assert u_mod_h_p
-assert v_mod_h_p
-assert w_mod_h_p
-assert x_mod_h_p_t
-assert y_mod_h_p_t
-assert z_mod_h_p_t
-assert u_mod_h_p_t
-assert v_mod_h_p_t
-assert w_mod_h_p_t
-# Face du bas grand trou
-## RQ:On remplace la fonction findVertex par getVertexIJK
-v_mod_b_g = grille_cyl_grd.getVertexIJK( 1 , 0 , 0 )
-w_mod_b_g = grille_cyl_grd.getVertexIJK( 1 , 1 , 0 )
-z_mod_b_g = grille_cyl_grd.getVertexIJK( 1 , 2 , 0 )
-y_mod_b_g = grille_cyl_grd.getVertexIJK( 1 , 3 , 0 )
-x_mod_b_g = grille_cyl_grd.getVertexIJK( 1 , 4 , 0 )
-u_mod_b_g = grille_cyl_grd.getVertexIJK( 1 , 5 , 0 )
-v_mod_b_g_t = grille_cyl_grd.getVertexIJK( 0 , 0 , 0 )
-w_mod_b_g_t = grille_cyl_grd.getVertexIJK( 0 , 1 , 0 )
-z_mod_b_g_t = grille_cyl_grd.getVertexIJK( 0 , 2 , 0 )
-y_mod_b_g_t = grille_cyl_grd.getVertexIJK( 0 , 3 , 0 )
-x_mod_b_g_t = grille_cyl_grd.getVertexIJK( 0 , 4 , 0 )
-u_mod_b_g_t = grille_cyl_grd.getVertexIJK( 0 , 5 , 0 )
-#x_mod_b_g = doc.findVertex( -alpha_x , -alpha_y , 0 )
-#y_mod_b_g = doc.findVertex( -alpha_x , 0 , 0 )
-#z_mod_b_g = doc.findVertex( -alpha_x , alpha_y , 0 )
-#u_mod_b_g = doc.findVertex( alpha_x , -alpha_y , 0 )
-#v_mod_b_g = doc.findVertex( alpha_x , 0 , 0 )
-#w_mod_b_g = doc.findVertex( alpha_x , alpha_y , 0 )
-#x_mod_b_g_t = doc.findVertex( -alpha_x/2 , -alpha_y/2 , 0 )
-#y_mod_b_g_t = doc.findVertex( -alpha_x/2 , 0 , 0 )
-#z_mod_b_g_t = doc.findVertex( -alpha_x/2 , alpha_y/2 , 0 )
-#u_mod_b_g_t = doc.findVertex( alpha_x/2 , -alpha_y/2 , 0 )
-#v_mod_b_g_t = doc.findVertex( alpha_x/2 , 0 , 0 )
-#w_mod_b_g_t = doc.findVertex( alpha_x/2 , alpha_y/2 , 0 )
-assert x_mod_b_g
-assert y_mod_b_g
-assert z_mod_b_g
-assert u_mod_b_g
-assert v_mod_b_g
-assert w_mod_b_g
-assert x_mod_b_g_t
-assert y_mod_b_g_t
-assert z_mod_b_g_t
-assert u_mod_b_g_t
-assert v_mod_b_g_t
-assert w_mod_b_g_t
-# Face du bas petit trou
-## RQ:On remplace la fonction findVertex par getVertexIJK
-v_mod_b_p = grille_cyl_pte.getVertexIJK( 1 , 0 , 0 )
-w_mod_b_p = grille_cyl_pte.getVertexIJK( 1 , 1 , 0 )
-z_mod_b_p = grille_cyl_pte.getVertexIJK( 1 , 2 , 0 )
-y_mod_b_p = grille_cyl_pte.getVertexIJK( 1 , 3 , 0 )
-x_mod_b_p = grille_cyl_pte.getVertexIJK( 1 , 4 , 0 )
-u_mod_b_p = grille_cyl_pte.getVertexIJK( 1 , 5 , 0 )
-v_mod_b_p_t = grille_cyl_pte.getVertexIJK( 0 , 0 , 0 )
-w_mod_b_p_t = grille_cyl_pte.getVertexIJK( 0 , 1 , 0 )
-z_mod_b_p_t = grille_cyl_pte.getVertexIJK( 0 , 2 , 0 )
-y_mod_b_p_t = grille_cyl_pte.getVertexIJK( 0 , 3 , 0 )
-x_mod_b_p_t = grille_cyl_pte.getVertexIJK( 0 , 4 , 0 )
-u_mod_b_p_t = grille_cyl_pte.getVertexIJK( 0 , 5 , 0 )
-#x_mod_b_p = doc.findVertex( l + alpha_x , -alpha_y , 0 )
-#y_mod_b_p = doc.findVertex( l + alpha_x , 0 , 0 )
-#z_mod_b_p = doc.findVertex( l + alpha_x , alpha_y , 0 )
-#u_mod_b_p = doc.findVertex( l - alpha_x , -alpha_y , 0 )
-#v_mod_b_p = doc.findVertex( l - alpha_x , 0 , 0 )
-#w_mod_b_p = doc.findVertex( l - alpha_x , alpha_y , 0 )
-#x_mod_b_p_t = doc.findVertex( l + (alpha_x/2) , -alpha_y/2 , 0 )
-#y_mod_b_p_t = doc.findVertex( l + (alpha_x/2) , 0 , 0 )
-#z_mod_b_p_t = doc.findVertex( l + (alpha_x/2) , alpha_y/2 , 0 )
-#u_mod_b_p_t = doc.findVertex( l - (alpha_x/2) , -alpha_y/2 , 0 )
-#v_mod_b_p_t = doc.findVertex( l - (alpha_x/2) , 0 , 0 )
-#w_mod_b_p_t = doc.findVertex( l - (alpha_x/2) , alpha_y/2 , 0 )
-assert x_mod_b_p
-assert y_mod_b_p
-assert z_mod_b_p
-assert u_mod_b_p
-assert v_mod_b_p
-assert w_mod_b_p
-assert x_mod_b_p_t
-assert y_mod_b_p_t
-assert z_mod_b_p_t
-assert u_mod_b_p_t
-assert v_mod_b_p_t
-assert w_mod_b_p_t
-## Recuperation des points de la geometrie bielle pour l association
-#Bielle_geom = geompy.Import(STEP_PATH, "STEP")
-#geompy.addToStudy(Bielle_geom, "Bielle_geom")
-#Pt_A = geompy.MakeVertex(0, 0, h/2.)
-#Face_haut = geompy.GetFaceNearPoint(Bielle_geom, Pt_A)
-#Pt_B = geompy.MakeVertex(0, 0, -h/2.)
-#Face_bas = geompy.GetFaceNearPoint(Bielle_geom, Pt_B)
-## NB:
-## h = haut
-## b = bas
-## g = grand
-## p = petit
-## t = trou
-#y_h_g = geompy.MakeVertexOnSurface(Face_haut, 1, 0.5)
-#geompy.addToStudy( y_h_g , "y_h_g" )
-#y_b_g = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(y_h_g, 0, 0, -h)
-#geompy.addToStudy( y_b_g , "y_b_g" )
-#v_h_p = geompy.MakeVertexOnSurface(Face_haut, 0, 0.5)
-#geompy.addToStudy( v_h_p , "v_h_p" )
-#v_b_p = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(v_h_p, 0, 0, -h)
-#geompy.addToStudy( v_b_p , "v_b_p" )
-#Edge_haut_grd = geompy.GetEdgeNearPoint(Bielle_geom, y_h_g)
-#Edge_haut_pte = geompy.GetEdgeNearPoint(Bielle_geom, v_h_p)
-#x_h_g = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_grd, 0)
-#geompy.addToStudy( x_h_g , "x_h_g" )
-#x_b_g = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(x_h_g, 0, 0, -h)
-#geompy.addToStudy( x_b_g , "x_b_g" )
-#z_h_g = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_grd, 1)
-#geompy.addToStudy( z_h_g , "z_h_g" )
-#z_b_g = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(z_h_g, 0, 0, -h)
-#geompy.addToStudy( z_b_g , "z_b_g" )
-#w_h_p = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_pte, 0)
-#geompy.addToStudy( w_h_p , "w_h_p" )
-#w_b_p = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(w_h_p, 0, 0, -h)
-#geompy.addToStudy( w_b_p , "w_b_p" )
-#u_h_p = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_pte, 1)
-#geompy.addToStudy( u_h_p , "u_h_p" )
-#u_b_p = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(u_h_p, 0, 0, -h)
-#geompy.addToStudy( u_b_p , "u_b_p" )
-#Edge_haut_grd_trou = geompy.GetEdgesByLength(Face_haut, 0.147, 0.148)
-#y_h_g_t = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_grd_trou, 0)
-#geompy.addToStudy(y_h_g_t, "y_h_g_t")
-#y_b_g_t = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(y_h_g_t, 0, 0, -h)
-#geompy.addToStudy(y_b_g_t, "y_b_g_t")
-#z_h_g_t = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_grd_trou, 0.2)
-#geompy.addToStudy(z_h_g_t, "z_h_g_t")
-#z_b_g_t = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(z_h_g_t, 0, 0, -h)
-#geompy.addToStudy(z_b_g_t, "z_b_g_t")
-#w_h_g_t = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_grd_trou, 0.35)
-#geompy.addToStudy(w_h_g_t, "w_h_g_t")
-#w_b_g_t = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(w_h_g_t, 0, 0, -h)
-#geompy.addToStudy(w_b_g_t, "w_b_g_t")
-#v_h_g_t = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_grd_trou, 0.5)
-#geompy.addToStudy(v_h_g_t, "v_h_g_t")
-#v_b_g_t = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(v_h_g_t, 0, 0, -h)
-#geompy.addToStudy(v_b_g_t, "v_b_g_t")
-#u_h_g_t = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_grd_trou, 0.65)
-#geompy.addToStudy(u_h_g_t, "u_h_g_t")
-#u_b_g_t = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(u_h_g_t, 0, 0, -h)
-#geompy.addToStudy(u_b_g_t, "u_b_g_t")
-#x_h_g_t = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_grd_trou, 0.8)
-#geompy.addToStudy(x_h_g_t, "x_h_g_t")
-#x_b_g_t = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(x_h_g_t, 0, 0, -h)
-#geompy.addToStudy(x_b_g_t, "x_b_g_t")
-#Edge_haut_pte_trou = geompy.GetEdgesByLength(Face_haut, 0.094, 0.095)
-#y_h_p_t = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_pte_trou, 0)
-#geompy.addToStudy(y_h_p_t, "y_h_p_t")
-#y_b_p_t = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(y_h_p_t, 0, 0, -h)
-#geompy.addToStudy(y_b_p_t, "y_b_p_t")
-#z_h_p_t = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_pte_trou, 0.2)
-#geompy.addToStudy(z_h_p_t, "z_h_p_t")
-#z_b_p_t = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(z_h_p_t, 0, 0, -h)
-#geompy.addToStudy(z_b_p_t, "z_b_p_t")
-#w_h_p_t = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_pte_trou, 0.35)
-#geompy.addToStudy(w_h_p_t, "w_h_p_t")
-#w_b_p_t = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(w_h_p_t, 0, 0, -h)
-#geompy.addToStudy(w_b_p_t, "w_b_p_t")
-#v_h_p_t = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_pte_trou, 0.5)
-#geompy.addToStudy(v_h_p_t, "v_h_p_t")
-#v_b_p_t = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(v_h_p_t, 0, 0, -h)
-#geompy.addToStudy(v_b_p_t, "v_b_p_t")
-#u_h_p_t = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_pte_trou, 0.65)
-#geompy.addToStudy(u_h_p_t, "u_h_p_t")
-#u_b_p_t = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(u_h_p_t, 0, 0, -h)
-#geompy.addToStudy(u_b_p_t, "u_b_p_t")
-#x_h_p_t = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_pte_trou, 0.8)
-#geompy.addToStudy(x_h_p_t, "x_h_p_t")
-#x_b_p_t = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(x_h_p_t, 0, 0, -h)
-#geompy.addToStudy(x_b_p_t, "x_b_p_t")
-#Edge_haut_droite = geompy.GetEdgesByLength(Face_haut, 0.136, 0.137)
-#u_h_g = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_droite, 1)
-#geompy.addToStudy(u_h_g, "u_h_g")
-#u_b_g = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(u_h_g, 0, 0, -h)
-#geompy.addToStudy(u_b_g, "u_b_g")
-#x_h_p = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_droite, 0)
-#geompy.addToStudy(x_h_p, "x_h_p")
-#x_b_p = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(x_h_p, 0, 0, -h)
-#geompy.addToStudy(x_b_p, "x_b_p")
-#Edge_haut_gauche = geompy.GetEdgesByLength(Face_haut, 0.131, 0.132)
-#w_h_g = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_gauche, 0)
-#geompy.addToStudy(w_h_g, "w_h_g")
-#w_b_g = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(w_h_g, 0, 0, -h)
-#geompy.addToStudy(w_b_g, "w_b_g")
-#z_h_p = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_gauche, 1)
-#geompy.addToStudy(z_h_p, "z_h_p")
-#z_b_p = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(z_h_p, 0, 0, -h)
-#geompy.addToStudy(z_b_p, "z_b_p")
-#Edge_v_grd = geompy.MakeLineTwoPnt(u_h_g, w_h_g)
-#v_h_g = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_v_grd, 0.5)
-#geompy.addToStudy(v_h_g, "v_h_g")
-#v_b_g = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(v_h_g, 0, 0, -h)
-#geompy.addToStudy(v_b_g, "v_b_g")
-#Edge_v_pte = geompy.MakeLineTwoPnt(x_h_p, z_h_p)
-#y_h_p = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_v_pte, 0.5)
-#geompy.addToStudy(y_h_p, "y_h_p")
-#y_b_p = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(y_h_p, 0, 0, -h)
-#geompy.addToStudy(y_b_p, "y_b_p")
-## association des sommets de la face du haut
-## grand trou
-#x_mod_h_g.setAssociation( x_h_g )
-#y_mod_h_g.setAssociation( y_h_g )
-#z_mod_h_g.setAssociation( z_h_g )
-#u_mod_h_g.setAssociation( u_h_g )
-#v_mod_h_g.setAssociation( v_h_g )
-#w_mod_h_g.setAssociation( w_h_g )
-#x_mod_h_g_t.setAssociation( x_h_g_t )
-#y_mod_h_g_t.setAssociation( y_h_g_t )
-#z_mod_h_g_t.setAssociation( z_h_g_t )
-#u_mod_h_g_t.setAssociation( u_h_g_t )
-#v_mod_h_g_t.setAssociation( v_h_g_t )
-#w_mod_h_g_t.setAssociation( w_h_g_t )
-## petit trou
-#x_mod_h_p.setAssociation( x_h_p )
-#y_mod_h_p.setAssociation( y_h_p )
-#z_mod_h_p.setAssociation( z_h_p )
-#u_mod_h_p.setAssociation( u_h_p )
-#v_mod_h_p.setAssociation( v_h_p )
-#w_mod_h_p.setAssociation( w_h_p )
-#x_mod_h_p_t.setAssociation( x_h_p_t )
-#y_mod_h_p_t.setAssociation( y_h_p_t )
-#z_mod_h_p_t.setAssociation( z_h_p_t )
-#u_mod_h_p_t.setAssociation( u_h_p_t )
-#v_mod_h_p_t.setAssociation( v_h_p_t )
-#w_mod_h_p_t.setAssociation( w_h_p_t )
-## association des sommets de la face du bas
-## grand trou
-#x_mod_b_g.setAssociation( x_b_g )
-#y_mod_b_g.setAssociation( y_b_g )
-#z_mod_b_g.setAssociation( z_b_g )
-#u_mod_b_g.setAssociation( u_b_g )
-#v_mod_b_g.setAssociation( v_b_g )
-#w_mod_b_g.setAssociation( w_b_g )
-#x_mod_b_g_t.setAssociation( x_b_g_t )
-#y_mod_b_g_t.setAssociation( y_b_g_t )
-#z_mod_b_g_t.setAssociation( z_b_g_t )
-#u_mod_b_g_t.setAssociation( u_b_g_t )
-#v_mod_b_g_t.setAssociation( v_b_g_t )
-#w_mod_b_g_t.setAssociation( w_b_g_t )
-## petit trou
-#x_mod_b_p.setAssociation( x_b_p )
-#y_mod_b_p.setAssociation( y_b_p )
-#z_mod_b_p.setAssociation( z_b_p )
-#u_mod_b_p.setAssociation( u_b_p )
-#v_mod_b_p.setAssociation( v_b_p )
-#w_mod_b_p.setAssociation( w_b_p )
-#x_mod_b_p_t.setAssociation( x_b_p_t )
-#y_mod_b_p_t.setAssociation( y_b_p_t )
-#z_mod_b_p_t.setAssociation( z_b_p_t )
-#u_mod_b_p_t.setAssociation( u_b_p_t )
-#v_mod_b_p_t.setAssociation( v_b_p_t )
-#w_mod_b_p_t.setAssociation( w_b_p_t )
-## Creation association des edges
-#All_Edges_Bielle = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(Bielle_geom, geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"])
-### recuperer les arrondies du haut de la geometrie
-#Edge_Arr_grd_g_h = All_Edges_Bielle[20]
-#geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Arr_grd_g_h , "Edge_Arr_grd_g_h" )
-#Edge_Arr_grd_g_h_mod = grille_cyl_grd.getEdgeJ( 1 , 1 , 1 )
-#Edge_Arr_grd_g_h_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Arr_grd_g_h, 0., 1. )
-#Edge_Arr_grd_d_h = All_Edges_Bielle[22]
-#geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Arr_grd_d_h , "Edge_Arr_grd_d_h" )
-#Edge_Arr_grd_d_h_mod = grille_cyl_grd.getEdgeJ( 1 , 4 , 1 )
-#Edge_Arr_grd_d_h_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Arr_grd_d_h, 0., 1. )
-#Edge_Arr_pte_g_h = All_Edges_Bielle[8]
-#geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Arr_pte_g_h , "Edge_Arr_pte_g_h" )
-#Edge_Arr_pte_g_h_mod = grille_cyl_pte.getEdgeJ( 1 , 1 , 1 )
-#Edge_Arr_pte_g_h_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Arr_pte_g_h, 0., 1. )
-#Edge_Arr_pte_d_h = All_Edges_Bielle[10]
-#geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Arr_pte_d_h , "Edge_Arr_pte_d_h" )
-#Edge_Arr_pte_d_h_mod = grille_cyl_pte.getEdgeJ( 1 , 4 , 1 )
-#Edge_Arr_pte_d_h_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Arr_pte_d_h, 0., 1. )
-## recuperer les arrondies du bas de la geometrie
-#Edge_Arr_grd_g_b = All_Edges_Bielle[19]
-#geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Arr_grd_g_b , "Edge_Arr_grd_g_b" )
-#Edge_Arr_grd_g_b_mod = grille_cyl_grd.getEdgeJ( 1 , 1 , 0 )
-#Edge_Arr_grd_g_b_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Arr_grd_g_b, 0., 1. )
-#Edge_Arr_grd_d_b = All_Edges_Bielle[21]
-#geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Arr_grd_d_b , "Edge_Arr_grd_d_b" )
-#Edge_Arr_grd_d_b_mod = grille_cyl_grd.getEdgeJ( 1 , 4 , 0 )
-#Edge_Arr_grd_d_b_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Arr_grd_d_b, 0., 1. )
-#Edge_Arr_pte_g_b = All_Edges_Bielle[7]
-#geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Arr_pte_g_b , "Edge_Arr_pte_g_b" )
-#Edge_Arr_pte_g_b_mod = grille_cyl_pte.getEdgeJ( 1 , 1 , 0 )
-#Edge_Arr_pte_g_b_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Arr_pte_g_b, 0., 1. )
-#Edge_Arr_pte_d_b = All_Edges_Bielle[9]
-#geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Arr_pte_d_b , "Edge_Arr_pte_d_b" )
-#Edge_Arr_pte_d_b_mod = grille_cyl_pte.getEdgeJ( 1 , 4 , 0 )
-#Edge_Arr_pte_d_b_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Arr_pte_d_b, 0., 1. )
-## recuperer les grand rayons de la geometrie
-#Edge_Ray_grd_g_h = All_Edges_Bielle[28]
-#geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Ray_grd_g_h , "Edge_Ray_grd_g_h" )
-#Edge_Ray_grd_d_h = All_Edges_Bielle[1]
-#geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Ray_grd_d_h , "Edge_Ray_grd_d_h" )
-#Edge_Ray_grd_g_b = All_Edges_Bielle[27]
-#geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Ray_grd_g_b , "Edge_Ray_grd_g_b" )
-#Edge_Ray_grd_d_b = All_Edges_Bielle[0]
-#geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Ray_grd_d_b , "Edge_Ray_grd_d_b" )
-#X_pln1 = geompy.MakeVertex( 0 , 0 , 0 )
-#Vec_X = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ( 0 , 1 , 0 )
-#Plan1 = geompy.MakePlane( X_pln1 , Vec_X , 200 )
-#Parti_Grd_Ray = geompy.MakePartition([ Edge_Ray_grd_g_h , Edge_Ray_grd_d_h , Edge_Ray_grd_g_b , Edge_Ray_grd_d_b ], [ Plan1 ], [], [], geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"], 0, [], 0)
-#geompy.addToStudy( Parti_Grd_Ray , "Parti_Grd_Ray" )
-#All_Edges_Parti_Grd_Ray = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(Parti_Grd_Ray, geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"])
-#Grd_Ray_0 = All_Edges_Parti_Grd_Ray[0]
-#geompy.addToStudy( Grd_Ray_0 , "Grd_Ray_0" )
-###Edge_Arr_grd_g_h_mod = grille_cyl_pte.getEdgeJ( 1 , 2 , 0 )
-#Edge_Grd_Ray_0_mod = grille_cyl_pte.getEdgeJ( 1 , 0 , 0 )
-#Edge_Grd_Ray_0_mod.addAssociation( Grd_Ray_0, 0., 1. )
-#Grd_Ray_1 = All_Edges_Parti_Grd_Ray[1]
-#geompy.addToStudy( Grd_Ray_1 , "Grd_Ray_1" )
-###Edge_Grd_Ray_1_mod = grille_cyl_pte.getEdgeJ( 1 , 2 , 1 )
-#Edge_Grd_Ray_1_mod = grille_cyl_pte.getEdgeJ( 1 , 0 , 1 )
-#Edge_Grd_Ray_1_mod.addAssociation( Grd_Ray_1, 0., 1. )
-#Grd_Ray_2 = All_Edges_Parti_Grd_Ray[2]
-#geompy.addToStudy( Grd_Ray_2 , "Grd_Ray_2" )
-###Edge_Grd_Ray_2_mod = grille_cyl_pte.getEdgeJ( 1 , 3 , 0 )
-#Edge_Grd_Ray_2_mod = grille_cyl_pte.getEdgeJ( 1 , 5 , 0 )
-#Edge_Grd_Ray_2_mod.addAssociation( Grd_Ray_2, 0., 1. )
-#Grd_Ray_3 = All_Edges_Parti_Grd_Ray[3]
-#geompy.addToStudy( Grd_Ray_3 , "Grd_Ray_3" )
-###Edge_Grd_Ray_3_mod = grille_cyl_pte.getEdgeJ( 1 , 3 , 1 )
-#Edge_Grd_Ray_3_mod = grille_cyl_pte.getEdgeJ( 1 , 5 , 1 )
-#Edge_Grd_Ray_3_mod.addAssociation( Grd_Ray_3, 0., 1. )
-#Grd_Ray_4 = All_Edges_Parti_Grd_Ray[4]
-#geompy.addToStudy( Grd_Ray_4 , "Grd_Ray_4" )
-#Edge_Grd_Ray_4_mod = grille_cyl_grd.getEdgeJ( 1 , 2 , 0 )
-#Edge_Grd_Ray_4_mod.addAssociation( Grd_Ray_4, 0., 1. )
-##Edge_Grd_Ray_4_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Ray_grd_g_b , 0., 1. )
-#Grd_Ray_5 = All_Edges_Parti_Grd_Ray[5]
-#geompy.addToStudy( Grd_Ray_5 , "Grd_Ray_5" )
-#Edge_Grd_Ray_5_mod = grille_cyl_grd.getEdgeJ( 1 , 2 , 1 )
-#Edge_Grd_Ray_5_mod.addAssociation( Grd_Ray_5, 0., 1. )
-#Grd_Ray_6 = All_Edges_Parti_Grd_Ray[6]
-#geompy.addToStudy( Grd_Ray_6 , "Grd_Ray_6" )
-#Edge_Grd_Ray_6_mod = grille_cyl_grd.getEdgeJ( 1 , 3 , 0 )
-#Edge_Grd_Ray_6_mod.addAssociation( Grd_Ray_6, 0., 1. )
-#Grd_Ray_7 = All_Edges_Parti_Grd_Ray[7]
-#geompy.addToStudy( Grd_Ray_7 , "Grd_Ray_7" )
-#Edge_Arr_grd_g_h_mod = grille_cyl_grd.getEdgeJ( 1 , 3 , 1 )
-#Edge_Arr_grd_g_h_mod.addAssociation( Grd_Ray_7, 0., 1. )
-## recuperer les rayons des trous de la bielle de la geometrie
-#Edge_Trou_grd_h = All_Edges_Bielle[26]
-#geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Trou_grd_h , "Edge_Trou_grd_h" )
-#Edge_Trou_grd_b = All_Edges_Bielle[25]
-#geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Trou_grd_b , "Edge_Trou_grd_b" )
-#Edge_Trou_pte_h = All_Edges_Bielle[3]
-#geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Trou_pte_h , "Edge_Trou_pte_h" )
-#Edge_Trou_pte_b = All_Edges_Bielle[2]
-#geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Trou_pte_b , "Edge_Trou_pte_b" )
-#Partition_Trou_grd_haut = geompy.MakePartition([ Edge_Trou_grd_h ], [ z_h_g_t , w_h_g_t , v_h_g_t , u_h_g_t , x_h_g_t ], [], [], geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"], 0, [], 0)
-#geompy.addToStudy( Partition_Trou_grd_haut , "Partition_Trou_grd_haut" )
-#All_Edge_Partition_Trou_grd_haut = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(Partition_Trou_grd_haut, geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"])
-#Edge_Trou_grd_h_0 = All_Edge_Partition_Trou_grd_haut[0]
-#geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Trou_grd_h_0 , "Edge_Trou_grd_h_0" )
-#Edge_Trou_grd_h_0_mod = grille_cyl_grd.getEdgeJ( 0 , 0 , 1 )
-#Edge_Trou_grd_h_0_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Trou_grd_h_0, 0., 1. )
-#Edge_Trou_grd_h_2 = All_Edge_Partition_Trou_grd_haut[2]
-#geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Trou_grd_h_2 , "Edge_Trou_grd_h_2" )
-#Edge_Trou_grd_h_2_mod = grille_cyl_grd.getEdgeJ( 0 , 1 , 1 )
-#Edge_Trou_grd_h_2_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Trou_grd_h_2, 0., 1. )
-#Edge_Trou_grd_h_4 = All_Edge_Partition_Trou_grd_haut[4]
-#geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Trou_grd_h_4 , "Edge_Trou_grd_h_4" )
-#Edge_Trou_grd_h_4_mod = grille_cyl_grd.getEdgeJ( 0 , 2 , 1 )
-#Edge_Trou_grd_h_4_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Trou_grd_h_4, 0., 1. )
-#Edge_Trou_grd_h_5 = All_Edge_Partition_Trou_grd_haut[5]
-#geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Trou_grd_h_5 , "Edge_Trou_grd_h_5" )
-#Edge_Trou_grd_h_5_mod = grille_cyl_grd.getEdgeJ( 0 , 3 , 1 )
-#Edge_Trou_grd_h_5_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Trou_grd_h_5, 0., 1. )
-#Edge_Trou_grd_h_3 = All_Edge_Partition_Trou_grd_haut[3]
-#geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Trou_grd_h_3 , "Edge_Trou_grd_h_3" )
-#Edge_Trou_grd_h_3_mod = grille_cyl_grd.getEdgeJ( 0 , 4 , 1 )
-#Edge_Trou_grd_h_3_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Trou_grd_h_3, 0., 1. )
-#Edge_Trou_grd_h_1 = All_Edge_Partition_Trou_grd_haut[1]
-#geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Trou_grd_h_1 , "Edge_Trou_grd_h_1" )
-#Edge_Trou_grd_h_1_mod = grille_cyl_grd.getEdgeJ( 0 , 5 , 1 )
-#Edge_Trou_grd_h_1_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Trou_grd_h_1, 0., 1. )
-#Partition_Trou_grd_bas = geompy.MakePartition([ Edge_Trou_grd_b ], [ z_b_g_t , w_b_g_t , v_b_g_t , u_b_g_t , x_b_g_t ], [], [], geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"], 0, [], 0)
-#geompy.addToStudy( Partition_Trou_grd_bas , "Partition_Trou_grd_bas" )
-#All_Edge_Partition_Trou_grd_bas = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(Partition_Trou_grd_bas, geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"])
-#Edge_Trou_grd_b_0 = All_Edge_Partition_Trou_grd_bas[0]
-#geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Trou_grd_b_0 , "Edge_Trou_grd_b_0" )
-#Edge_Trou_grd_b_0_mod = grille_cyl_grd.getEdgeJ( 0 , 0 , 0 )
-#Edge_Trou_grd_b_0_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Trou_grd_b_0, 0., 1. )
-#Edge_Trou_grd_b_2 = All_Edge_Partition_Trou_grd_bas[2]
-#geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Trou_grd_b_2 , "Edge_Trou_grd_b_2" )
-#Edge_Trou_grd_b_2_mod = grille_cyl_grd.getEdgeJ( 0 , 1 , 0 )
-#Edge_Trou_grd_b_2_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Trou_grd_b_2, 0., 1. )
-#Edge_Trou_grd_b_4 = All_Edge_Partition_Trou_grd_bas[4]
-#geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Trou_grd_b_4 , "Edge_Trou_grd_b_4" )
-#Edge_Trou_grd_b_4_mod = grille_cyl_grd.getEdgeJ( 0 , 2 , 0 )
-#Edge_Trou_grd_b_4_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Trou_grd_b_4, 0., 1. )
-#Edge_Trou_grd_b_5 = All_Edge_Partition_Trou_grd_bas[5]
-#geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Trou_grd_b_5 , "Edge_Trou_grd_b_5" )
-#Edge_Trou_grd_b_5_mod = grille_cyl_grd.getEdgeJ( 0 , 3 , 0 )
-#Edge_Trou_grd_b_5_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Trou_grd_b_5, 0., 1. )
-#Edge_Trou_grd_b_3 = All_Edge_Partition_Trou_grd_bas[3]
-#geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Trou_grd_b_3 , "Edge_Trou_grd_b_3" )
-#Edge_Trou_grd_b_3_mod = grille_cyl_grd.getEdgeJ( 0 , 4 , 0 )
-#Edge_Trou_grd_b_3_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Trou_grd_b_3, 0., 1. )
-#Edge_Trou_grd_b_1 = All_Edge_Partition_Trou_grd_bas[1]
-#geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Trou_grd_b_1 , "Edge_Trou_grd_b_1" )
-#Edge_Trou_grd_b_1_mod = grille_cyl_grd.getEdgeJ( 0 , 5 , 0 )
-#Edge_Trou_grd_b_1_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Trou_grd_b_1, 0., 1. )
-#Partition_Trou_pte_haut = geompy.MakePartition([ Edge_Trou_pte_h ], [ z_h_p_t , w_h_p_t , v_h_p_t , u_h_p_t , x_h_p_t ], [], [], geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"], 0, [], 0)
-#geompy.addToStudy( Partition_Trou_pte_haut , "Partition_Trou_pte_haut" )
-#All_Edge_Partition_Trou_pte_haut = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(Partition_Trou_pte_haut, geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"])
-#Edge_Trou_pte_h_0 = All_Edge_Partition_Trou_pte_haut[0]
-#geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Trou_pte_h_0 , "Edge_Trou_pte_h_0" )
-#Edge_Trou_pte_h_0_mod = grille_cyl_pte.getEdgeJ( 0 , 0 , 1 )
-#Edge_Trou_pte_h_0_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Trou_pte_h_0, 0., 1. )
-#Edge_Trou_pte_h_2 = All_Edge_Partition_Trou_pte_haut[2]
-#geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Trou_pte_h_2 , "Edge_Trou_pte_h_2" )
-#Edge_Trou_pte_h_2_mod = grille_cyl_pte.getEdgeJ( 0 , 1 , 1 )
-#Edge_Trou_pte_h_2_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Trou_pte_h_2, 0., 1. )
-#Edge_Trou_pte_h_4 = All_Edge_Partition_Trou_pte_haut[4]
-#geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Trou_pte_h_4 , "Edge_Trou_pte_h_4" )
-#Edge_Trou_pte_h_4_mod = grille_cyl_pte.getEdgeJ( 0 , 2 , 1 )
-#Edge_Trou_pte_h_4_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Trou_pte_h_4, 0., 1. )
-#Edge_Trou_pte_h_5 = All_Edge_Partition_Trou_pte_haut[5]
-#geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Trou_pte_h_5 , "Edge_Trou_pte_h_5" )
-#Edge_Trou_pte_h_5_mod = grille_cyl_pte.getEdgeJ( 0 , 3 , 1 )
-#Edge_Trou_pte_h_5_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Trou_pte_h_5, 0., 1. )
-#Edge_Trou_pte_h_3 = All_Edge_Partition_Trou_pte_haut[3]
-#geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Trou_pte_h_3 , "Edge_Trou_pte_h_3" )
-#Edge_Trou_pte_h_3_mod = grille_cyl_pte.getEdgeJ( 0 , 4 , 1 )
-#Edge_Trou_pte_h_3_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Trou_pte_h_3, 0., 1. )
-#Edge_Trou_pte_h_1 = All_Edge_Partition_Trou_pte_haut[1]
-#geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Trou_pte_h_1 , "Edge_Trou_pte_h_1" )
-#Edge_Trou_pte_h_1_mod = grille_cyl_pte.getEdgeJ( 0 , 5 , 1 )
-#Edge_Trou_pte_h_1_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Trou_pte_h_1, 0., 1. )
-#Partition_Trou_pte_bas = geompy.MakePartition([ Edge_Trou_pte_b ], [ z_b_p_t , w_b_p_t , v_b_p_t , u_b_p_t , x_b_p_t ], [], [], geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"], 0, [], 0)
-#geompy.addToStudy( Partition_Trou_pte_bas , "Partition_Trou_pte_bas" )
-#All_Edge_Partition_Trou_pte_bas = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(Partition_Trou_pte_bas, geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"])
-#Edge_Trou_pte_b_0 = All_Edge_Partition_Trou_pte_bas[0]
-#geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Trou_pte_b_0 , "Edge_Trou_pte_b_0" )
-#Edge_Trou_pte_b_0_mod = grille_cyl_pte.getEdgeJ( 0 , 0 , 0 )
-#Edge_Trou_pte_b_0_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Trou_pte_b_0, 0., 1. )
-#Edge_Trou_pte_b_2 = All_Edge_Partition_Trou_pte_bas[2]
-#geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Trou_pte_b_2 , "Edge_Trou_pte_b_2" )
-#Edge_Trou_pte_b_2_mod = grille_cyl_pte.getEdgeJ( 0 , 1 , 0 )
-#Edge_Trou_pte_b_2_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Trou_pte_b_2, 0., 1. )
-#Edge_Trou_pte_b_4 = All_Edge_Partition_Trou_pte_bas[4]
-#geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Trou_pte_b_4 , "Edge_Trou_pte_b_4" )
-#Edge_Trou_pte_b_4_mod = grille_cyl_pte.getEdgeJ( 0 , 2 , 0 )
-#Edge_Trou_pte_b_4_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Trou_pte_b_4, 0., 1. )
-#Edge_Trou_pte_b_5 = All_Edge_Partition_Trou_pte_bas[5]
-#geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Trou_pte_b_5 , "Edge_Trou_pte_b_5" )
-#Edge_Trou_pte_b_5_mod = grille_cyl_pte.getEdgeJ( 0 , 3 , 0 )
-#Edge_Trou_pte_b_5_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Trou_pte_b_5, 0., 1. )
-#Edge_Trou_pte_b_3 = All_Edge_Partition_Trou_pte_bas[3]
-#geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Trou_pte_b_3 , "Edge_Trou_pte_b_3" )
-#Edge_Trou_pte_b_3_mod = grille_cyl_pte.getEdgeJ( 0 , 4 , 0 )
-#Edge_Trou_pte_b_3_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Trou_pte_b_3, 0., 1. )
-#Edge_Trou_pte_b_1 = All_Edge_Partition_Trou_pte_bas[1]
-#geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Trou_pte_b_1 , "Edge_Trou_pte_b_1" )
-#Edge_Trou_pte_b_1_mod = grille_cyl_pte.getEdgeJ( 0 , 5 , 0 )
-#Edge_Trou_pte_b_1_mod.addAssociation( Edge_Trou_pte_b_1, 0., 1. )
-#All_Face_Arron_Bielle = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(Bielle_geom, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"])
-#Face_Arron_1 = All_Face_Arron_Bielle[2]
-#geompy.addToStudy(Face_Arron_1, "Face_Arron_1")
-#Quad_Arron_1 = grille_cyl_pte.getQuadJK( 1 , 1 , 0 )
-#Face_Arron_2 = All_Face_Arron_Bielle[3]
-#geompy.addToStudy(Face_Arron_2, "Face_Arron_2")
-#Quad_Arron_2 = grille_cyl_pte.getQuadJK( 1 , 4 , 0 )
-#Face_Arron_3 = All_Face_Arron_Bielle[8]
-#geompy.addToStudy(Face_Arron_3, "Face_Arron_3")
-#Quad_Arron_3 = grille_cyl_grd.getQuadJK( 1 , 1 , 0 )
-#Face_Arron_4 = All_Face_Arron_Bielle[9]
-#geompy.addToStudy(Face_Arron_4, "Face_Arron_4")
-#Quad_Arron_4 = grille_cyl_grd.getQuadJK( 1 , 4 , 0 )
-# Definir les groupes d elements pour le maillage
-# On definit 3 groupes de mailles
-# groupe d edges (arretes)
-Edge_grp = doc.addEdgeGroup("Edge_grp")
-Nbr_Edg = doc.countEdge()
-#print Nbr_Edg
-for i in range(Nbr_Edg):
- Edge_i = doc.getEdge(i)
- Edge_grp.addElement(Edge_i)
-# groupe de quads (faces)
-Quad_grp = doc.addQuadGroup("Quad_grp")
-Nbr_Qad = doc.countQuad()
-#print Nbr_Qad
-for i in range(Nbr_Qad):
- Quad_i = doc.getQuad(i)
- Quad_grp.addElement(Quad_i)
-# groupe d hexas (solids)
-Hexa_grp = doc.addHexaGroup("Hexa_grp")
-Nbr_Hex = doc.countHexa()
-#print Nbr_Hex
-for i in range(Nbr_Hex):
- Hexa_i = doc.getHexa(i)
- Hexa_grp.addElement(Hexa_i)
-# groupe de noeuds de vertex pour tout le modele
-Vertex_Nod_Grp = doc.addVertexNodeGroup("Vertex_Nod_Grp")
-Nbr_Vx = doc.countVertex()
-#print Nbr_Vx
-for i in range(Nbr_Vx):
- Vertex_i = doc.getVertex(i)
- Vertex_Nod_Grp.addElement(Vertex_i)
-# Definir une loi de discretisation
-# definir une loi: le choix de la loi reste aux utilisateurs
-Law = doc.addLaw( "Uniform" , 4 )
-#n = doc.countLaw()
-#print n
-# chercher les propagations du modele
-N_Propa = doc.countPropagation()
-for j in range(N_Propa):
- Propa = doc.getPropagation(j)
- Propa.setLaw( Law )# appliquer la loi de discretisation sur tout le modele et generer le maillage
-mesh = hexablock.mesh(doc, "test_BIELLE_no_assoc")
-print " --- MAILLAGE HEXAHEDRIQUE --- "
-print "Nombre d hexaedres:" , mesh.NbHexas()
-print "Nombre de quadrangles:", mesh.NbQuadrangles()
-print "Nombre de segments:" , mesh.NbEdges()
-print "Nombre de noeuds:" , mesh.NbNodes()
+++ /dev/null
-# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2012 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
-# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-# version 2.1 of the License.
-# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-# See or email :
-import hexablock
-# ======================================================== test_sphere
-def test_sphere ():
- doc = hexablock.addDocument ("default")
- orig = doc.addVertex (0,0,0)
- ncouches = 1
- k = 0.8
- decal = doc.addVector (1,1,1)
- sphere = doc.makeSpherical (orig, decal, ncouches, k)
- for nc in range(ncouches):
- cell = sphere.getStrate (nc, Q_A)
- cell.remove ()
- sphere.saveVtk ("sphere.vtk")
- print "test_sphere OK"
-# ======================================================== test_cartesi1
-def test_cartesi1 ():
- size_x = 15
- size_y = 12
- size_z = 8
- doc = hexablock.addDocument ()
- orig = doc.addVertex (0,0,0)
- dirVr = doc.addVector (1,1,1)
- grid = doc.makeCartesian1 (orig, dirVr, size_x,size_y,size_z, 0, 0, 0 ) #CS_NOT_SPEC (makeCartesian1)
- #for (int nz=0 nz<size_z nz++)
- #for (int ny=nz+1 ny<size_y-nz-1 ny++)
- #for (int nx=nz+1 nx<size_x-nz-1 nx++)
- ## grid.getHexa (nx, ny, nz).remove ()
- #Hexa* cell = grid.getHexa (nx, ny, nz)
- #cell.remove ()
- grid.saveVtk ("hexa1.vtk")
- print "test_cartesi1 OK"
- # doc.dump ()
-## ======================================================== afficher
-##define Afficher(elt) afficher (#elt, elt)
-#def afficher (cpchar nom, EltBase* elt):
- #if (elt==NULL)
- #printf (" .... %s = 0x0\n", nom)
- #return HOK
- #printf (" .... %s = 0x%08lx = %03d\n", nom, (unsigned long) elt, elt.getId())
- #return HOK
-# ======================================================== test_find
-def test_find ():
- size_x = 2
- size_y = 2
- size_z = 2
- doc = hexablock.addDocument ()
- orig = doc.addVertex (0,0,0)
- dirVr = doc.addVector (1,1,1)
- grid = doc.makeCartesian1 (orig, dirVr, size_x,size_y,size_z, 0, 0, 0 )
- grid.saveVtk ("mini1.vtk")
- #doc.dump()
- v00 = doc.findVertex (0, 0, 0)
- v02 = doc.findVertex (1, 1, 0)
- v06 = doc.findVertex (1, 1, 1)
- v08 = doc.findVertex (2, 1, 0)
- v10 = doc.findVertex (2, 1, 1)
- v22 = doc.findVertex (2, 1, 2)
- v26 = doc.findVertex (2, 2, 2)
- assert v00
- assert v02
- assert v06
- assert v08
- assert v10
- assert v22
- assert v26
- assert doc.findEdge (v06, v10)
- assert doc.findEdge (v10, v06)
- assert doc.findQuad (v02, v10)
- assert doc.findQuad (v06, v08)
- assert not doc.findQuad (v02, v06)
- assert doc.findHexa (v00, v06)
- assert doc.findHexa (v06, v26)
- assert doc.findHexa (v26, v06)
- print "test_find OK"
-# ======================================================== test_joint
-def test_joint ():
- dimx = 11
- dimy = 11
- dimz = 2
- doc = hexablock.addDocument ()
- orig1 = doc.addVertex (0,0,0)
- dirVr = doc.addVector (1,1,1)
- grid1 = doc.makeCartesian1(orig1, dirVr, dimx,dimy,dimz , 0, 0, 0 )
- orig2 = doc.addVertex (dimx/2.0,0,8)
- vectj = doc.addVector (0,1,0)
- vecti = doc.addVector (1,0,0)
- grid2 = doc.makeCylindrical (orig2, vecti, vectj, 1, 180, 1,dimz,dimy,dimx, False)
- mx = dimx/2
- my = dimy/2
- prems = grid1.getQuad1 (hexablock.DIR_Z, mx, my, dimz)
- cible = grid2.getQuad1 (hexablock.DIR_X, dimz, mx, my)
- v1 = prems.getVertex (0)
- v2 = cible.getVertex (0)
- v3 = prems.getVertex (1)
- v4 = cible.getVertex (3)
- liste = []
- miroir = []
- liste += [prems]
- for nx in range (dimx):
- if ( nx != mx ):
- liste += [grid1.getQuad1 (hexablock.DIR_Z, nx, my, dimz)]
- for ny in range (dimy):
- if ( ny != my ):
- liste += [grid1.getQuad1 (hexablock.DIR_Z, mx, ny, dimz)]
- # Elements* joint =
- #
- doc.joinQuads(liste, cible, v1, v2, v3, v4, 5)
- doc.saveVtk ("joint.vtk")
- print "test_joint OK"
-# ======================================================== test_hexa1
-def test_hexa1 ():
- size_x = 1
- size_y = 1
- size_z = 1
- doc = hexablock.addDocument ()
- orig = doc.addVertex (0,0,0)
- dirVr = doc.addVector (1,1,1)
- # Elements* grid =
- doc.makeCartesian1 (orig, dirVr, size_x,size_y,size_z, 0, 0, 0 )
- #doc.dump ()
- print "test_hexa1 OK"
-# ======================================================== test_decoupage
-def test_decoupage ():
- size_x = 2
- size_y = 1
- size_z = 1
- doc = hexablock.addDocument ()
- orig = doc.addVertex (0,0,0)
- dirVr = doc.addVector (1,1,1)
- grid = doc.makeCartesian1 (orig, dirVr, size_x,size_y,size_z, 0, 0, 0 )
- #arete = grid.getEdge ( HEXA_ORB.hexablock.DIR_Z, 0, 0, 0)
- arete = grid.getEdge1( hexablock.DIR_Z, 0, 0, 0 )
- #doc.dump()
- doc.saveVtk ("no_decoupe.vtk")
- doc.cut (arete, 1)
- #doc .dump ()
- doc .saveVtk ("decoupe.vtk")
- # doc .saveFile ()
- print "test_decoupage OK"
-# ======================================================== test_gen_xml
-def test_gen_xml ():
- size_x = 2
- size_y = 2
- size_z = 2
- doc = hexablock.addDocument ()
- orig = doc.addVertex (0,0,0)
- dirVr = doc.addVector (1,1,1)
- grid = doc.makeCartesian1 (orig, dirVr, size_x,size_y,size_z, 0, 0, 0 )
- cell = grid.getHexa (0)
- face = cell.getQuad (0)
- arete = cell.getEdge (0)
- noeud = cell.getVertex (0)
- #shape1 = Shape()
- #shape2 = Shape()
- #shape3 = Shape()
- #noeud.setAssociation (shape1)
- #arete.setAssociation (shape2)
- #face .setAssociation (shape3)
- law1 = doc.addLaw("loi1", 1)
- law2 = doc.addLaw("loi2", 2)
- law3 = doc.addLaw("loi3", 3)
- law1.setKind (hexablock.UNIFORM)
- law2.setKind (hexablock.ARITHMETIC)
- law3.setKind (hexablock.GEOMETRIC)
- prop1 = doc.getPropagation (0)
- prop2 = doc.getPropagation (1)
- prop3 = doc.getPropagation (2)
- prop1.setLaw (law1)
- prop2.setLaw (law2)
- prop3.setLaw (law3)
- prop1.setWay (True)
- prop2.setWay (False)
- prop3.setWay (True)
- doc .saveVtk ("mini.vtk")
- doc .setFile ("Essai")
- doc .saveFile ()
- print "test_gen_xml OK"
-# ======================================================== test_relecture
-def test_relecture ():
- doc = hexablock.loadDocument ("Essai")
- #doc .dump ()
- doc .saveVtk ("restore.vtk")
- print "test_relecture OK"
-# ======================================================== test_clone
-def test_clone ():
- size_x = 2
- size_y = 2
- size_z = 2
- doc = hexablock.addDocument ()
- orig = doc.addVertex (0,0,0)
- dirVr = doc.addVector (1,1,1)
- grid = doc.makeCartesian1 (orig, dirVr, size_x,size_y,size_z, 0, 0, 0 )
- bond = doc.addVector (0, 0, 7)
- # Elements* grid2 = doc.makeTranslation (grid, bond)
- doc.makeTranslation (grid, bond)
- doc.saveVtk ("clonage.vtk")
- #doc.dump()
- print "test_clone OK"
-# ======================================================== test_separ
-def test_separ ():
- size_x = 2
- size_y = 2
- size_z = 2
- doc = hexablock.addDocument ()
- orig = doc.addVertex (0,0,0)
- dirVr = doc.addVector (1,1,1)
- doc.makeCartesian1 (orig, dirVr, size_x,size_y,size_z, 0, 0, 0 )
- doc .saveVtk ("separ.vtk")
- #doc .dump()
- print "test_separ OK"
-# ======================================================== test_cyl
-def test_cyl ():
- doc = hexablock.addDocument ()
- orig = doc.addVertex (0,0,0)
- haut = doc.addVector (0,0,1)
- base = doc.addVector (1,0,0)
- dr = 1
- # double da = 360 # degres
- dl = 1
- nr = 2
- na = 9
- nl = 5
- cyl1 = doc.makeCylindrical(orig,base,haut,dr, 360,dl,nr,na,nl)
- cyl1.saveVtk ("cylindre_full.vtk")
- cyl2 = doc.makeCylindrical(orig,haut,base,dr, 270,dl,nr,na,nl)
- cyl2.saveVtk ("cylindre_34.vtk")
- # doc.dump ()
- print "test_cyl OK"
-# ======================================================== test_propagation
-def test_propagation ():
- size_x = 2
- size_y = 1
- size_z = 1
- doc = hexablock.addDocument ()
- orig = doc.addVertex (0,0,0)
- dirVr = doc.addVector (1,1,1)
- doc.makeCartesian1 (orig, dirVr, size_x,size_y,size_z, 0, 0, 0 )
- nb = doc.countPropagation ()
- for nro in range(nb):
- prop = doc .getPropagation (nro)
- edges = prop.getEdges ()
- print " ____________________________________ Prop nro %s\n"%nro
- for e in edges:
- way = e.getWay ()
- if (way):
- print " (%s,%s)\n"%( e.getVertex(0).name, e.getVertex(1).name )
- else:
- print " (%s,%s)\n"%( e.getVertex(1).name, e.getVertex(0).name )
- #doc.dump ()
- doc.saveVtk ("test_propagation.vtk")
- doc.setFile ("test_propagation")
- doc.saveFile ()
- print "test_propagation OK"
-# ======================================================== test_move
-def test_move ():
- size_x = 1
- size_y = 1
- size_z = 2
- doc = hexablock.addDocument ()
- orig = doc.addVertex (0,0,0)
- dirVr = doc.addVector (1,1,1)
- grid = doc.makeCartesian1 (orig, dirVr, size_x,size_y,size_z, 0, 0, 0 )
- enhaut = doc.addVector (0, 0, 5)
- devant = doc.addVector (5, 0, 0)
- agauche = doc.addVector (0, 5, 0)
- #matrice = Matrix()
- #matrice.defTranslation (enhaut)
- cube = grid.getHexa (1)
- dessous = cube.getQuad (0)#(Q_A) #CS_TODO?
- #dessous.dump()
- grid2 = doc.makeTranslation (grid, devant)
- doc.makeTranslation (grid, agauche)
- cube2 = grid2.getHexa (1)
- cube .disconnectQuad (dessous)
- #cube .transform( matrice )
- #cube2.transform( matrice )
- doc .saveVtk ("move.vtk")
- #doc .dump()
- print "test_move OK, CS_TODO?"
-#test_sphere () KO
-test_cartesi1 ()
-test_find ()
-test_joint ()
-test_hexa1 ()
-test_decoupage ()
-test_gen_xml ()
-#test_relecture () KO
-#test_clone ()
-#test_separ ()
-#test_cyl ()
-#test_propagation ()
-#test_move ()
+++ /dev/null
-# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2012 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
-# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-# version 2.1 of the License.
-# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-# See or email :
-# By Karima DEBCHI YATAGHENE Nov 2009 at CS
-import SALOME
-import geompy
-import smesh
-import hexablock
-import math
-doc = hexablock.addDocument ("default")
-# Pour l'intersection des trois cylindres on doit s enservir des modeles predefinis des cylindres deja decoupes
-R = 5.0
-r_pte = R
-r_moy = 2*R
-r_grd = 4*R
-l = 200
-h = 100
-# Taille du 1er petit cylindre
-dr_pte_1 = 20
-da_pte_1 = 360
-dl_pte_1 = 200
-nr_pte_1 = 1
-na_pte_1 = 4 #remplissage a l interieur de 1 hexa
-nl_pte_1 = 1
-# Taille du 1er grand cylindre
-dr_grd_1 = 50
-da_grd_1 = 360
-dl_grd_1 = 150
-nr_grd_1 = 1
-na_grd_1 = 12 #remplissage a l interieur de 8 hexas
-nl_grd_1 = 1
-# Taille du 2eme petit cylindre
-dr_pte_2 = 50
-da_pte_2 = 360
-dl_pte_2 = 200
-nr_pte_2 = 1
-na_pte_2 = 12 #remplissage a l interieur de 8 hexas
-nl_pte_2 = 1
-# Taille du 2eme grand cylindre
-dr_grd_2 = 100
-da_grd_2 = 360
-dl_grd_2 = 400
-nr_grd_2 = 1
-na_grd_2 = 18 #remplissage a l interieur de 8 hexas
-nl_grd_2 = 1
-# Creation des vecteurs
-DX = doc.addVector( 1 , 0 , 0 )
-DY = doc.addVector( 0 , 1 , 0 )
-DZ = doc.addVector( 0 , 0 , 1 )
-# Creation des centres de cylindres
-C_pte_1 = doc.addVertex( -h , 0 , h )
-C_grd_1 = doc.addVertex( 0 , 0 , 0 )
-C_pte_2 = doc.addVertex( 0 , 0 , 3*h )
-C_grd_2 = doc.addVertex( -2*h , 0 , 4*h )
-#C_pte_1 = doc.addVertex( 190 , 0 , 220 )
-#C_grd_1 = doc.addVertex( 300 , 0 , 400 )
-#C_pte_2 = doc.addVertex( 200 , 0 , 400 )
-#C_grd_2 = doc.addVertex( 0 , 0 , 0 )
-# Creation du 1er petit cylindre
-Cyl_pte_1 = doc.addCylinder( C_pte_1 , DX , dr_pte_1 , dl_pte_1 )
-#Cyl_pte_1 = doc.addCylinder( C_pte_1 , DX , 5 , 100 )
-# Creation du 1er grand cylindre
-Cyl_grd_1 = doc.addCylinder( C_grd_1 , DZ , dr_grd_1 , dl_grd_1 )
-#Cyl_grd_1 = doc.addCylinder( C_grd_1 , DZ , 10 , 200 )
-# Creation du 2eme petit cylindre
-Cyl_pte_2 = doc.addCylinder( C_pte_2 , DZ , dr_pte_2 , dl_pte_2 )
-#Cyl_pte_2 = doc.addCylinder( C_pte_2 , DZ , 10 , 200 )
-# Creation du 2eme grand cylindre
-Cyl_grd_2 = doc.addCylinder( C_grd_2 , DX , dr_grd_2 , dl_grd_2 )
-#Cyl_grd_2 = doc.addCylinder( C_grd_2 , DX , 20 , 200 )
-# Intersection cylindres decoupes
-Cyl_Decou_Cyl_pte_grd_1 = doc.makeCylinders( Cyl_pte_1 , Cyl_grd_1 )
-Cyl_Decou_Cyl_pte_grd_2 = doc.makeCylinders( Cyl_pte_2 , Cyl_grd_2 )
-# Recuperation des quads qui servent a fusionner les deux partitions
-# reperer les quads du 1er decoupe des cylindres
-# on a besoin des quads IJ dans le plan XY
-#ni = 2
-#nj = 4
-#nk = 4
-#0 <= i < ni = 2
-#0 <= j < nj = 4
-#0 <= k < nk + 1 = 5
-#quad_decoup1_x0_y0_z4 = Cyl_Decou_Cyl_pte_grd_1.getQuadIJ( 1 , 0 , 0 , 4 )
-#vx_1 = Cyl_Decou_Cyl_pte_grd_1.getVertexIJK( 1 , 0 , 0 , 4 )
-#vx_2 = Cyl_Decou_Cyl_pte_grd_1.getVertexIJK( 1 , 1 , 2 , 4 )
-#ni = 2
-#nj = 8
-#nk = 4
-#0 <= i < ni = 2
-#0 <= j < nj = 8
-#0 <= k < nk + 1 = 5
-#quad_decoup1_x1_y0_z4 = Cyl_Decou_Cyl_pte_grd_1.getQuadIJ( 1 , 1 , 0 , 4 )
-#vx_1 = Cyl_Decou_Cyl_pte_grd_1.getVertexIJK( 1 , 2 , 0 , 4 )
-#vx_2 = Cyl_Decou_Cyl_pte_grd_1.getVertexIJK( 1 , 2 , 1 , 4 )
-# reperer les quads du 2eme decoupe des cylindres
-# on a besoin des quads IJ dans le plan XY
-#ni = 2
-#nj = 4
-#nk = 4
-#0 <= i < ni = 2
-#0 <= j < nj = 4
-#0 <= k < nk + 1 = 5
-quad_decoup2_x0_y0_z0 = Cyl_Decou_Cyl_pte_grd_2.getQuadIJ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 )
-quad_decoup2_x0_y1_z0 = Cyl_Decou_Cyl_pte_grd_2.getQuadIJ( 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 )
-quad_decoup2_x0_y2_z0 = Cyl_Decou_Cyl_pte_grd_2.getQuadIJ( 0 , 0 , 2 , 0 )
-quad_decoup2_x0_y3_z0 = Cyl_Decou_Cyl_pte_grd_2.getQuadIJ( 0 , 0 , 3 , 0 )
-#list_quad_decoup2_x0 = [ quad_decoup2_x0_y0_z0 , quad_decoup2_x0_y1_z0 , quad_decoup2_x0_y2_z0 , quad_decoup2_x0_y3_z0 ]
-#vx_1_prim = Cyl_Decou_Cyl_pte_grd_2.getVertexIJK( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 )
-#vx_2_prim = Cyl_Decou_Cyl_pte_grd_2.getVertexIJK( 0 , 1 , 2 , 0 )
-#ni = 2
-#nj = 8
-#nk = 4
-#0 <= i < ni = 2
-#0 <= j < nj = 8
-#0 <= k < nk + 1 = 5
-#for j in [ 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 ]:
- #for i in [ 0 , 1 ]:
- #quad_list = Cyl_Decou_Cyl_pte_grd_2.getQuadIJ( 0 , i , j , 0 )
-quad_decoup2_x1_y0_z0 = Cyl_Decou_Cyl_pte_grd_2.getQuadIJ( 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 )
-quad_decoup2_x1_y1_z0 = Cyl_Decou_Cyl_pte_grd_2.getQuadIJ( 0 , 1 , 1 , 0 )
-quad_decoup2_x1_y2_z0 = Cyl_Decou_Cyl_pte_grd_2.getQuadIJ( 0 , 1 , 2 , 0 )
-quad_decoup2_x1_y3_z0 = Cyl_Decou_Cyl_pte_grd_2.getQuadIJ( 0 , 1 , 3 , 0 )
-quad_decoup2_x1_y4_z0 = Cyl_Decou_Cyl_pte_grd_2.getQuadIJ( 0 , 1 , 4 , 0 )
-quad_decoup2_x1_y5_z0 = Cyl_Decou_Cyl_pte_grd_2.getQuadIJ( 0 , 1 , 5 , 0 )
-quad_decoup2_x1_y6_z0 = Cyl_Decou_Cyl_pte_grd_2.getQuadIJ( 0 , 1 , 6 , 0 )
-quad_decoup2_x1_y7_z0 = Cyl_Decou_Cyl_pte_grd_2.getQuadIJ( 0 , 1 , 7 , 0 )
-list_quad_decoup2_x1 = [ quad_decoup2_x1_y2_z0 , quad_decoup2_x0_y0_z0 , quad_decoup2_x0_y1_z0 , quad_decoup2_x0_y2_z0 , quad_decoup2_x0_y3_z0 , quad_decoup2_x1_y0_z0 , quad_decoup2_x1_y1_z0 , quad_decoup2_x1_y2_z0 , quad_decoup2_x1_y3_z0 , quad_decoup2_x1_y4_z0 , quad_decoup2_x1_y5_z0 , quad_decoup2_x1_y6_z0 , quad_decoup2_x1_y7_z0 ]
-quad_decoup1_x1_y0_z4 = Cyl_Decou_Cyl_pte_grd_1.getQuadIJ( 1 , 1 , 0 , 4 )
-vx_1 = Cyl_Decou_Cyl_pte_grd_1.getVertexIJK( 1 , 2 , 0 , 4 )
-vx_2 = Cyl_Decou_Cyl_pte_grd_1.getVertexIJK( 1 , 2 , 1 , 4 )
-vx_1_prim = Cyl_Decou_Cyl_pte_grd_2.getVertexIJK( 0 , 2 , 2 , 0 )
-vx_2_prim = Cyl_Decou_Cyl_pte_grd_2.getVertexIJK( 0 , 2 , 3 , 0 )
-jointure = doc.joinQuads( list_quad_decoup2_x1 , quad_decoup1_x1_y0_z4 , vx_1_prim , vx_1 , vx_2_prim , vx_2 , 3 )
-#Inter_Cylin_geom = geompy.Import("/export/home/PR_HEX/SCRIPTS/cao_cea/tees.brep", "BREP")
-#geompy.addToStudy(Inter_Cylin_geom, "Inter_Cylin_geom")
-## Remarque:
-### 1- On a utiliser les memes parametres de la geometrie des trois cylindres dans l'espace
-### pour construire notre modele hexa ( intersection des trois cylindres )
-### 2- On conclu qu'on a pas besoin d'une association pts par pts comme les 3 cas tests precedemment
-### realises
-### 3- l'association sa se fait automatiquement
-### 4- donc on passe directement a la creation du maillage
-# On definit 3 groupes de mailles
-# groupe d edges (arretes)
-Edge_grp = doc.addEdgeGroup("Edge_grp")
-Nbr_Edg = doc.countEdge()
-#print Nbr_Edg
-for i in range(Nbr_Edg):
- Edge_i = doc.getEdge(i)
- Edge_grp.addElement(Edge_i)
-# groupe de quads (faces)
-Quad_grp = doc.addQuadGroup("Quad_grp")
-Nbr_Qad = doc.countQuad()
-#print Nbr_Qad
-for i in range(Nbr_Qad):
- Quad_i = doc.getQuad(i)
- Quad_grp.addElement(Quad_i)
-# groupe d hexas (solids)
-Hexa_grp = doc.addHexaGroup("Hexa_grp")
-Nbr_Hex = doc.countHexa()
-#print Nbr_Hex
-for i in range(Nbr_Hex):
- Hexa_i = doc.getHexa(i)
- Hexa_grp.addElement(Hexa_i)
-# groupe de noeuds de vertex pour tout le modele
-Vertex_Nod_Grp = doc.addVertexNodeGroup("Vertex_Nod_Grp")
-Nbr_Vx = doc.countVertex()
-#print Nbr_Vx
-for i in range(Nbr_Vx):
- Vertex_i = doc.getVertex(i)
- Vertex_Nod_Grp.addElement(Vertex_i)
-## Definir une loi de discretisation
-# definir une loi: le choix de la loi reste aux utilisateurs
-Law = doc.addLaw( "Uniform" , 4 )
-#petit test
-n = doc.countLaw()
-print n
-# chercher les propagations du modele
-N_Propa = doc.countPropagation()
-for j in range(N_Propa):
- Propa = doc.getPropagation(j)
- Propa.setLaw( Law )# appliquer la loi de discretisation sur tout le modele et generer le maillage
- mesh = hexablock.mesh(doc, "test_INTER_3_CYLINDRE_no_assoc")
-except SALOME.SALOME_Exception, ex:
- print "Mesh computation failed, exception caught:"
- print " ", ex.details.text
- import traceback
- print "Mesh computation failed, exception caught:"
- traceback.print_exc()
-print "Nombre d'hexaedres:" , mesh.NbHexas()
-print "Nombre de quadrangles:", mesh.NbQuadrangles()
-print "Nombre de segments:" , mesh.NbEdges()
-print "Nombre de noeuds:" , mesh.NbNodes()
-#nQuad = doc.countQuad();
-#print "countQuad = ",nQuad
-###qds = [2,6,10,14]
-##qds = [2,6,10,14]
-##for j in qds:
-#for j in range(nQuad):
- #q = doc.getQuad(j)
- ##ok = smesh.computeQuad(q, False)
- #ok = smesh.computeQuad(q, True)
- #print "quad j->",j
- #print "ok ->",ok
-## --------------------
-## Maillage hexa�drique
-## --------------------
-#mesh = mesh.ExportMED( "", 1 )
-#maillages = smesh.CreateMeshesFromMED( "" )
-#ijk = maillages[0][0]
-#print 4*" -- ijk --- "
-#print "Nombre d hexaedres:", ijk.NbHexas()
-#print "Nombre de quadrangles:", ijk.NbQuadrangles()
-#print "Nombre de segments:", ijk.NbEdges()
-#print "Nombre de noeuds:", ijk.NbNodes()
+++ /dev/null
-# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2012 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
-# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-# version 2.1 of the License.
-# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-# See or email :
-# By Karima DEBCHI YATAGHENE Nov 2009 at CS
-import os
-#import GEOM
-import geompy
-import smesh
-import hexablock
-import math
-#import SALOMEDS
-BREP_PATH = os.path.expandvars("$HEXABLOCK_ROOT_DIR/bin/salome/tuyau.brep")
-doc = hexablock.addDocument ("default")
-# Pour le tuyau on doit creer une grille cylindrique
-R = 4.5
-r = 4.5
-r_t = 3.6
-h = 75.0
-# Taille du cylindre
-dr = R
-da = 360
-dl = h
-nr = 1
-na = 4
-nl = 1
-# Creation des vecteurs
-dx = doc.addVector(h, 0, 0)
-dy = doc.addVector(0, h, 0)
-dz = doc.addVector(0, 0, h)
-# Creation du centre de la grille cylindrique
-c = doc.addVertex(0, 0, 0)
-# Creation de la grille cylindrique
-grille_cyl = doc.makeCylindrical(c, dx, dz, dr, da, dl, nr, na, nl, False)
-# on obtient une liste qui contient 4 hexaedres eguaux
-# 30� = pi/6
-# 60� = pi/3
-# 45� = pi/4
-# 90� = pi/2
-# 180� = pi
-# Model tuyau final
-model_tuyau_fin = grille_cyl
-# Recuperation des vertex du model hexa tuyau pour l'association
-## NB:
-## h = haut
-## b = bas
-## g = grand
-## p = petit
-## t = trou
-# Face du haut grand rayon
-x_mod_h = doc.findVertex( 2*R , 0 , h )
-y_mod_h = doc.findVertex( 0 , 2*R , h )
-z_mod_h = doc.findVertex( -2*R , 0 , h )
-u_mod_h = doc.findVertex( 0 , -2*R , h )
-# Face du haut petit rayon
-x_mod_h_t = doc.findVertex( R , 0 , h )
-y_mod_h_t = doc.findVertex( 0 , R , h )
-z_mod_h_t = doc.findVertex( -R , 0 , h )
-u_mod_h_t = doc.findVertex( 0 , -R , h )
-# Face du bas grand rayon
-x_mod_b = doc.findVertex( 2*R , 0 , 0 )
-y_mod_b = doc.findVertex( 0 , 2*R , 0 )
-z_mod_b = doc.findVertex( -2*R , 0 , 0 )
-u_mod_b = doc.findVertex( 0 , -2*R , 0 )
-# Face du bas petit rayon
-x_mod_b_t = doc.findVertex( R , 0 , 0 )
-y_mod_b_t = doc.findVertex( 0 , R , 0 )
-z_mod_b_t = doc.findVertex( -R , 0 , 0 )
-u_mod_b_t = doc.findVertex( 0 , -R , 0 )
-# Recuperation des points de la geometrie tuyau pour l'association
-Tuyau_geom = geompy.Import(BREP_PATH, "BREP")
-geompy.addToStudy(Tuyau_geom, "Tuyau_geom")
-Pt_A = geompy.MakeVertex( h , 20 , 4.5 )
-Edge_haut_droite_grd = geompy.GetEdgeNearPoint(Tuyau_geom, Pt_A)
-Pt_B = geompy.MakeVertex( h , 20 , 3.6 )
-Edge_haut_droite_pte = geompy.GetEdgeNearPoint(Tuyau_geom, Pt_B)
-Pt_C = geompy.MakeVertex( h , 20 , -4.5 )
-Edge_haut_gauche_grd = geompy.GetEdgeNearPoint(Tuyau_geom, Pt_C)
-Pt_D = geompy.MakeVertex( h , 20 , -3.6 )
-Edge_haut_gauche_pte = geompy.GetEdgeNearPoint(Tuyau_geom, Pt_D)
-# NB:
-# h = haut
-# b = bas
-# g = grand
-# p = petit
-# t = trou
-# Face tuyau du haut
-x_h = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_droite_grd, 0.5)
-y_h = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_droite_grd, 1)
-z_h = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_gauche_grd, 0.5)
-u_h = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_gauche_grd, 0)
-x_h_t = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_droite_pte, 0.5)
-y_h_t = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_droite_pte, 1)
-z_h_t = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_gauche_pte, 0.5)
-u_h_t = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_gauche_pte, 0)
-Pt_E = geompy.MakeVertex( 0 , 0 , 2 )
-Edge_bas_droite_grd = geompy.GetEdgeNearPoint(Tuyau_geom, Pt_E)
-Pt_F = geompy.MakeVertex( 0 , 0 , 1.6 )
-Edge_bas_droite_pte = geompy.GetEdgeNearPoint(Tuyau_geom, Pt_F)
-Pt_G = geompy.MakeVertex( 0 , 0 , -2 )
-Edge_bas_gauche_grd = geompy.GetEdgeNearPoint(Tuyau_geom, Pt_G)
-Pt_H = geompy.MakeVertex( 0 , 0 , -1.6 )
-Edge_bas_gauche_pte = geompy.GetEdgeNearPoint(Tuyau_geom, Pt_H)
-# Face tuyau du bas
-x_b = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_bas_droite_grd, 0.5)
-y_b = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_bas_droite_grd, 1)
-z_b = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_bas_gauche_grd, 0.5)
-u_b = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_bas_gauche_grd, 0)
-x_b_t = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_bas_droite_pte, 0.5)
-y_b_t = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_bas_droite_pte, 1)
-z_b_t = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_bas_gauche_pte, 0.5)
-u_b_t = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_bas_gauche_pte, 0)
-bp_law = doc.getLaw(0)
-## Definir les groupes d'elements pour le maillage
-# groupe de Hexa(volumes)
-Hexa_grp = doc.addHexaGroup("Hexa_all_grp")
-Nbr_Hex = doc.countHexa()
-print "doc.countHexa()->",Nbr_Hex
-for i in range(Nbr_Hex):
- Hexa_i = doc.getHexa(i)
- Hexa_grp.addElement(Hexa_i)
-#Nbr_elm_hex = Hexa_grp.countElement()
-#print "Hexa_all_grp countElement() ->",Nbr_elm_hex
-for i in range(Nbr_Hex):
- Hexa_grp = doc.addHexaGroup("Hexa_grp"+str(i))
- Hexa_i = doc.getHexa(i)
- Hexa_grp.addElement(Hexa_i)
-# groupe de quads (faces)
-Quad_grp_haut = doc.addQuadGroup("Quad_grp_haut")
-Quad_h_1 = doc.findQuad( x_mod_h , y_mod_h_t )
-Quad_h_2 = doc.findQuad( y_mod_h_t , z_mod_h )
-Quad_h_3 = doc.findQuad( z_mod_h , u_mod_h_t )
-Quad_h_4 = doc.findQuad( u_mod_h_t , x_mod_h )
-assert Quad_h_1
-assert Quad_h_2
-assert Quad_h_3
-assert Quad_h_4
-for Quad_h_i in [ Quad_h_1 , Quad_h_2 , Quad_h_3 , Quad_h_4 ]:
- Quad_grp_haut.addElement(Quad_h_i)
-Nbr_elm_qad_haut = Quad_grp_haut.countElement()
-print "Nbr_elm_qad_haut ->",Nbr_elm_qad_haut
-Quad_grp_bas = doc.addQuadGroup("Quad_grp_bas")
-Quad_b_1 = doc.findQuad( x_mod_b , y_mod_b_t )
-Quad_b_2 = doc.findQuad( y_mod_b_t , z_mod_b )
-Quad_b_3 = doc.findQuad( z_mod_b , u_mod_b_t )
-Quad_b_4 = doc.findQuad( u_mod_b_t , x_mod_b )
-assert Quad_b_1
-assert Quad_b_2
-assert Quad_b_3
-assert Quad_b_4
-for Quad_b_i in [ Quad_b_1 , Quad_b_2 , Quad_b_3 , Quad_b_4 ]:
- Quad_grp_bas.addElement(Quad_b_i)
-Nbr_elm_qad_bas = Quad_grp_bas.countElement()
-print "Nbr_elm_qad_bas->",Nbr_elm_qad_bas
-# groupe de Edges
-Edge_Mod_ext_h = doc.findEdge( y_mod_h , y_mod_b )
-Edge_Mod_int_h = doc.findEdge( y_mod_h_t , y_mod_b_t )
-Edge_Mod_int_b = doc.findEdge( u_mod_h_t , u_mod_b_t )
-Edge_Mod_ext_b = doc.findEdge( u_mod_h , u_mod_b )
-Edge_Mod_ext_g = doc.findEdge( x_mod_h , x_mod_b )
-Edge_Mod_int_g = doc.findEdge( x_mod_h_t , x_mod_b_t )
-Edge_Mod_int_d = doc.findEdge( z_mod_h_t , z_mod_b_t )
-Edge_Mod_ext_d = doc.findEdge( z_mod_h , z_mod_b )
-Edge_Grp_haut = doc.addEdgeGroup("Edge_Grp_haut")
-Edge_Grp_gauche = doc.addEdgeGroup("Edge_Grp_gauche")
-Edge_Grp_bas = doc.addEdgeGroup("Edge_Grp_bas")
-Edge_Grp_droit = doc.addEdgeGroup("Edge_Grp_droit")
-# groupe de noeuds de Hexa
-Hexa_Nod_Grp = doc.addHexaNodeGroup("Hexa_Nod_Grp")
-for i in range(Nbr_Hex):
- Hexa_i = doc.getHexa(i)
- Hexa_Nod_Grp.addElement(Hexa_i)
-# groupe de noeuds de Quad
-Quad_Nod_Grp_h_1 = doc.addQuadNodeGroup("Quad_Nod_Grp_h_1")
-Quad_Nod_Grp_b_1 = doc.addQuadNodeGroup("Quad_Nod_Grp_b_1")
-# groupe de noeuds de Edge
-Edge_Nod_Grp_b = doc.addEdgeNodeGroup("Edge_Nod_Grp_b")
-Edge_Nod_Grp_h = doc.addEdgeNodeGroup("Edge_Nod_Grp_h")
-# groupe de noeuds de vertex pour tout le modele
-Vertex_Nod_Grp = doc.addVertexNodeGroup("Vertex_Nod_Grp")
-Nbr_Vx = doc.countVertex()
-print "doc.countVertex()->",Nbr_Vx
-for i in range(Nbr_Vx):
- Vertex_i = doc.getVertex(i)
- Vertex_Nod_Grp.addElement(Vertex_i)
-Nbr_elm_vex = Vertex_Nod_Grp.countElement()
-if Nbr_elm_vex == Nbr_Vx:
- print "Vertex node group OK (on group :%s on model : %s)"%(Nbr_elm_vex, Nbr_Vx)
- print "Vertex node group KO (on group :%s on model : %s)"%(Nbr_elm_vex, Nbr_Vx)
-# Definir une loi de discretisation
-# definir une loi: le choix de la loi reste aux utilisateurs
-#Law_X = doc.addLaw( "Uniform" , 4 )
-#Law_Y = doc.addLaw( "Arithmetic" , 2 )
-#Law_Z = doc.addLaw( "Geometric" , 3 )
-Law_X = doc.addLaw( "Arithmetic" , 5 )
-Law_Y = doc.addLaw( "Arithmetic" , 3 )
-#Law_Z = doc.addLaw( "Geometric" , 4 )
-Law_Z = doc.addLaw( "Arithmetic" , 5 )
-# chercher les propagations du modele
-Edge_Law_X = doc.findEdge( x_mod_h , x_mod_h_t )
-Edge_Law_Y = doc.findEdge( y_mod_h , y_mod_h_t )
-Edge_Law_Z = doc.findEdge( y_mod_h , y_mod_b )
-Propa_X = doc.findPropagation( Edge_Law_X )
-Propa_Y = doc.findPropagation( Edge_Law_Y )
-Propa_Z = doc.findPropagation( Edge_Law_Z )
-# appliquer la loi de discretisation sur tout le modele et generer le maillage
-Propa_X.setLaw( Law_X )
-Propa_Y.setLaw( Law_Y )
-Propa_Z.setLaw( Law_Z )
-print " --- MAILLAGE HEXAHEDRIQUE --- "
-mesh = hexablock.mesh(doc, "test_TUYAU_COURBE_no_assoc")
-print "Nombre d hexaedres:" , mesh.NbHexas()
-print "Nombre de quadrangles:", mesh.NbQuadrangles()
-print "Nombre de segments:" , mesh.NbEdges()
-print "Nombre de noeuds:" , mesh.NbNodes()
-#Nombre d hexaedres: 480
-#Nombre de quadrangles: 496
-#Nombre de segments: 160
-#Nombre de noeuds: 700
-allGroups = mesh.GetGroups()
-print " --- GROUPES --- "
-for aGroup in allGroups:
- print "\nNOM:", aGroup.GetName()
- print "IDS:", aGroup.GetIDs()
-## --------------------
-## Maillage hexa�drique
-## --------------------
-#mesh = mesh.ExportMED( "", 1 )
-#maillages = smesh.CreateMeshesFromMED( "" )
-#ijk = maillages[0][0]
-#print " --- MAILLAGE HEXAHEDRIQUE --- "
-#print "Nombre d hexaedres:", ijk.NbHexas()
-#print "Nombre de quadrangles:", ijk.NbQuadrangles()
-#print "Nombre de segments:", ijk.NbEdges()
-#print "Nombre de noeuds:", ijk.NbNodes()
+++ /dev/null
-# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2012 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
-# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-# version 2.1 of the License.
-# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-# See or email :
-# By Karima DEBCHI YATAGHENE Nov 2009 at CS
-import os
-import geompy
-import smesh
-import hexablock
-import math
-# chemin du fichier BREP contenant la CAO
-BREP_PATH = os.path.expandvars("$HEXA_ROOT_DIR/bin/salome/tuyau.brep")
-# (Pour le tuyau on doit creer une grille cylindrique)
-R = 4.5
-r = 4.5
-r_t = 3.6
-h = 75.0
-# Creation du document
-doc = hexablock.addDocument ("default")
-# Creation du tuyau (grille cylindrique) dans le document
-# centre de la grille cylindrique
-c = doc.addVertex(0, 0, 0)
-# vecteurs de la grille cylindrique
-dx = doc.addVector(h, 0, 0)
-dy = doc.addVector(0, h, 0)
-dz = doc.addVector(0, 0, h)
-# taille du cylindre
-dr = R
-da = 360
-dl = h
-nr = 1
-na = 4
-nl = 1
-model_tuyau_fin = doc.makeCylindrical(c, dx, dz, dr, da, dl, nr, na, nl, False)
-# note: on obtient une liste qui contient 4 hexaedres eguaux
-# Recuperation des vertex,edges et quads du model pour l'association
-# h = haut
-# b = bas
-# g = grand
-# p = petit
-# t = trou
-# Face du haut
-# grand rayon
-x_mod_h = doc.findVertex( 2*R , 0 , h )
-y_mod_h = doc.findVertex( 0 , 2*R , h )
-z_mod_h = doc.findVertex( -2*R , 0 , h )
-u_mod_h = doc.findVertex( 0 , -2*R , h )
-# petit rayon
-x_mod_h_t = doc.findVertex( R , 0 , h )
-y_mod_h_t = doc.findVertex( 0 , R , h )
-z_mod_h_t = doc.findVertex( -R , 0 , h )
-u_mod_h_t = doc.findVertex( 0 , -R , h )
-# Face du bas
-# grand rayon
-x_mod_b = doc.findVertex( 2*R , 0 , 0 )
-y_mod_b = doc.findVertex( 0 , 2*R , 0 )
-z_mod_b = doc.findVertex( -2*R , 0 , 0 )
-u_mod_b = doc.findVertex( 0 , -2*R , 0 )
-# petit rayon
-x_mod_b_t = doc.findVertex( R , 0 , 0 )
-y_mod_b_t = doc.findVertex( 0 , R , 0 )
-z_mod_b_t = doc.findVertex( -R , 0 , 0 )
-u_mod_b_t = doc.findVertex( 0 , -R , 0 )
-# v�rifications
-assert x_mod_h
-assert y_mod_h
-assert z_mod_h
-assert u_mod_h
-assert x_mod_h_t
-assert y_mod_h_t
-assert z_mod_h_t
-assert u_mod_h_t
-assert x_mod_b
-assert y_mod_b
-assert z_mod_b
-assert u_mod_b
-assert x_mod_b_t
-assert y_mod_b_t
-assert z_mod_b_t
-assert u_mod_b_t
-# Face du haut
-# grand rayon
-edge_mod_face_h_1_1 = doc.findEdge( y_mod_h , z_mod_h )
-edge_mod_face_h_1_2 = doc.findEdge( z_mod_h , u_mod_h )
-edge_mod_face_h_2_1 = doc.findEdge( y_mod_h, x_mod_h )
-edge_mod_face_h_2_2 = doc.findEdge( x_mod_h, u_mod_h )
-# petit rayon
-edge_mod_t_face_h_1_1 = doc.findEdge( y_mod_h_t , z_mod_h_t )
-edge_mod_t_face_h_1_2 = doc.findEdge( z_mod_h_t , u_mod_h_t )
-edge_mod_t_face_h_2_1 = doc.findEdge( y_mod_h_t, x_mod_h_t )
-edge_mod_t_face_h_2_2 = doc.findEdge( x_mod_h_t, u_mod_h_t )
-# Face du bas
-# grand rayon
-edge_mod_face_b_1_1 = doc.findEdge( y_mod_b , z_mod_b )
-edge_mod_face_b_1_2 = doc.findEdge( z_mod_b , u_mod_b )
-edge_mod_face_b_2_1 = doc.findEdge( y_mod_b, x_mod_b )
-edge_mod_face_b_2_2 = doc.findEdge( x_mod_b, u_mod_b )
-# petit rayon
-edge_mod_t_face_b_1_1 = doc.findEdge( y_mod_b_t , z_mod_b_t )
-edge_mod_t_face_b_1_2 = doc.findEdge( z_mod_b_t , u_mod_b_t )
-edge_mod_t_face_b_2_1 = doc.findEdge( y_mod_b_t, x_mod_b_t )
-edge_mod_t_face_b_2_2 = doc.findEdge( x_mod_b_t, u_mod_b_t )
-# Joignant faces haut et du bas
-Edge_Mod_ext_h = doc.findEdge( y_mod_h , y_mod_b )
-Edge_Mod_int_h = doc.findEdge( y_mod_h_t , y_mod_b_t )
-Edge_Mod_int_b = doc.findEdge( u_mod_h_t , u_mod_b_t )
-Edge_Mod_ext_b = doc.findEdge( u_mod_h , u_mod_b )
-Edge_Mod_ext_g = doc.findEdge( x_mod_h , x_mod_b )
-Edge_Mod_int_g = doc.findEdge( x_mod_h_t , x_mod_b_t )
-Edge_Mod_int_d = doc.findEdge( z_mod_h_t , z_mod_b_t )
-Edge_Mod_ext_d = doc.findEdge( z_mod_h , z_mod_b )
-# v�rifications
-assert edge_mod_face_h_1_1
-assert edge_mod_face_h_1_2
-assert edge_mod_face_h_2_1
-assert edge_mod_face_h_2_2
-assert edge_mod_t_face_h_1_1
-assert edge_mod_t_face_h_1_2
-assert edge_mod_t_face_h_2_1
-assert edge_mod_t_face_h_2_2
-assert edge_mod_face_b_1_1
-assert edge_mod_face_b_1_2
-assert edge_mod_face_b_2_1
-assert edge_mod_face_b_2_2
-assert edge_mod_t_face_b_1_1
-assert edge_mod_t_face_b_1_2
-assert edge_mod_t_face_b_2_1
-assert edge_mod_t_face_b_2_2
-assert Edge_Mod_ext_h
-assert Edge_Mod_int_h
-assert Edge_Mod_int_b
-assert Edge_Mod_ext_b
-assert Edge_Mod_ext_g
-assert Edge_Mod_int_g
-assert Edge_Mod_int_d
-assert Edge_Mod_ext_d
-Quad_mod_0 = model_tuyau_fin.getQuadJK( 1 , 0 , 0 )
-Quad_mod_1 = model_tuyau_fin.getQuadJK( 1 , 1 , 0 )
-Quad_mod_2 = model_tuyau_fin.getQuadJK( 1 , 2 , 0 )
-Quad_mod_3 = model_tuyau_fin.getQuadJK( 1 , 3 , 0 )
-# Recuperation des points de la geometrie tuyau pour l'association
-Tuyau_geom = geompy.Import(BREP_PATH, "BREP")
-Pt_A = geompy.MakeVertex( h , 20 , 4.5 )
-Pt_B = geompy.MakeVertex( h , 20 , 3.6 )
-Pt_C = geompy.MakeVertex( h , 20 , -4.5 )
-Pt_D = geompy.MakeVertex( h , 20 , -3.6 )
-Pt_E = geompy.MakeVertex( 0 , 0 , 2 )
-Pt_F = geompy.MakeVertex( 0 , 0 , 1.6 )
-Pt_G = geompy.MakeVertex( 0 , 0 , -2 )
-Pt_H = geompy.MakeVertex( 0 , 0 , -1.6 )
-# Face du bas
-Edge_bas_droite_grd = geompy.GetEdgeNearPoint(Tuyau_geom, Pt_E)
-Edge_bas_droite_pte = geompy.GetEdgeNearPoint(Tuyau_geom, Pt_F)
-Edge_bas_gauche_grd = geompy.GetEdgeNearPoint(Tuyau_geom, Pt_G)
-Edge_bas_gauche_pte = geompy.GetEdgeNearPoint(Tuyau_geom, Pt_H)
-## Grand rayon
-x_b = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_bas_droite_grd, 0.5)
-y_b = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_bas_droite_grd, 1)
-z_b = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_bas_gauche_grd, 0.5)
-u_b = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_bas_gauche_grd, 0)
-## Petit rayon
-x_b_t = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_bas_droite_pte, 0.5)
-y_b_t = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_bas_droite_pte, 1)
-z_b_t = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_bas_gauche_pte, 0.5)
-u_b_t = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_bas_gauche_pte, 0)
-# Face du haut
-Edge_haut_droite_grd = geompy.GetEdgeNearPoint(Tuyau_geom, Pt_A)
-Edge_haut_droite_pte = geompy.GetEdgeNearPoint(Tuyau_geom, Pt_B)
-Edge_haut_gauche_grd = geompy.GetEdgeNearPoint(Tuyau_geom, Pt_C)
-Edge_haut_gauche_pte = geompy.GetEdgeNearPoint(Tuyau_geom, Pt_D)
-## Grand rayon
-x_h = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_droite_grd, 0.5)
-y_h = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_droite_grd, 1)
-z_h = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_gauche_grd, 0.5)
-u_h = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_gauche_grd, 0)
-## Petit rayon
-x_h_t = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_droite_pte, 0.5)
-y_h_t = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_droite_pte, 1)
-z_h_t = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_gauche_pte, 0.5)
-u_h_t = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_haut_gauche_pte, 0)
-All_Edges_Tuy_1 = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted( Tuyau_geom , geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"] )
-# Face du haut
-## Grand rayon
-edge_face_h_1 = All_Edges_Tuy_1[11]
-edge_face_h_2 = All_Edges_Tuy_1[14]
-## Petit rayon
-edge_t_face_h_1 = All_Edges_Tuy_1[12]
-edge_t_face_h_2 = All_Edges_Tuy_1[13]
-# Face du bas
-## Grand rayon
-edge_face_b_1 = All_Edges_Tuy_1[1]
-edge_face_b_2 = All_Edges_Tuy_1[4]
-## Petit rayon
-edge_t_face_b_1 = All_Edges_Tuy_1[2]
-edge_t_face_b_2 = All_Edges_Tuy_1[3]
-# Joignant les 2 faces
-## edges compl�tes
-Edge_Tuy_ext_h = All_Edges_Tuy_1[6]
-Edge_Tuy_int_h = All_Edges_Tuy_1[7]
-Edge_Tuy_int_b = All_Edges_Tuy_1[8]
-Edge_Tuy_ext_b = All_Edges_Tuy_1[9]
-Pt_Z = geompy.MakeVertex( 75 , 20 , 0 )
-Pt_Z_1 = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef( Pt_Z , 0 , 0 , 10 )
-Pt_Z_2 = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef( Pt_Z , 0 , 0 , -10 )
-Line_Z1_Z2 = geompy.MakeLineTwoPnt( Pt_Z_1 , Pt_Z_2 )
-All_Edge_Tuy_ext_h = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted( Edge_Tuy_ext_h , geompy.ShapeType["VERTEX"] )
-Vx_Edg_Tuy_ext_h_1 = All_Edge_Tuy_ext_h[0]
-Vx_Edg_Tuy_ext_h_2 = All_Edge_Tuy_ext_h[1]
-Vx_Edg_Tuy_ext_h_1_trans = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef( Vx_Edg_Tuy_ext_h_1 , -10 , -10 , 0 )
-Vx_Edg_Tuy_ext_h_2_trans = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef( Vx_Edg_Tuy_ext_h_2 , 10 , 0 , 0 )
-Line_1 = geompy.MakeLineTwoPnt(Vx_Edg_Tuy_ext_h_1, Vx_Edg_Tuy_ext_h_1_trans)
-Line_2 = geompy.MakeLineTwoPnt(Vx_Edg_Tuy_ext_h_2, Vx_Edg_Tuy_ext_h_2_trans)
-Wire = geompy.MakeWire([Line_1, Line_2, Edge_Tuy_ext_h])
-Pipe_Z = geompy.MakePipe( Line_Z1_Z2 , Wire )
-Pipe_Ztt = geompy.MakePipe( Line_Z1_Z2 , Edge_Tuy_ext_h )
-Partition_Ztt = geompy.MakePartition([Tuyau_geom], [Pipe_Ztt], [], [], geompy.ShapeType["SOLID"], 0, [], 0)
-All_Edges_Tuy_2tt = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted( Partition_Ztt , geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"] )
-Edge_Tuy_ext_g = All_Edges_Tuy_2tt[12]
-Edge_Tuy_int_g = All_Edges_Tuy_2tt[13]
-Edge_Tuy_ext_d = All_Edges_Tuy_2tt[10]
-Edge_Tuy_int_d = All_Edges_Tuy_2tt[11]
-## une edge en plusieurs(4) morceaux : Edge_Tuy_ext_h
-X_pln1 = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef( Pt_Z , -20 , 0 , 0 )
-Vec_X = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ( 1 , 0 , 0 )
-Plan1 = geompy.MakePlane( X_pln1 , Vec_X , 200 )
-Plan2 = geompy.MakeTranslation( Plan1 , -20 , 0 , 0 )
-Plan3 = geompy.MakeTranslation( Plan1 , -40 , 0 , 0 )
-Partition_Edge_g_d_h_b = geompy.MakePartition([
- Edge_Tuy_ext_h,
- Edge_Tuy_int_h,
- Edge_Tuy_ext_b,
- Edge_Tuy_int_b,
- Edge_Tuy_ext_g,
- Edge_Tuy_int_g,
- Edge_Tuy_ext_d,
- Edge_Tuy_int_d],
- [Plan1, Plan2, Plan3], [], [], geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"], 0, [], 0)
-All_Edge_g_d_h_b = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted( Partition_Edge_g_d_h_b , geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"] )
-Edge_Tuy_ext_h_1 = All_Edge_g_d_h_b[0]
-Edge_Tuy_ext_h_2 = All_Edge_g_d_h_b[15]
-Edge_Tuy_ext_h_3 = All_Edge_g_d_h_b[23]
-Edge_Tuy_ext_h_4 = All_Edge_g_d_h_b[31]
-## une edge d�coup�e en plusieurs morceaux n'�pousant pas la g�om�trie:
-VX_A = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_Tuy_ext_d, 0.)
-VX_B = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_Tuy_ext_d, 1.)
-VX_C = geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge_Tuy_ext_d, 0.25)
-#VX_Cbis = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(VX_C, -10, 10, 0)
-VX_Cbis = geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(VX_C, -5, 1, -4)
-weird_part = geompy.MakePartition([Edge_Tuy_ext_d], [VX_C], [], [], geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"])
-weird_edge0 = geompy.GetEdge(weird_part, VX_C, VX_B)
-weird_edge1 = geompy.MakeEdge(VX_Cbis, VX_C )
-weird_edge2 = geompy.MakeEdge(VX_A, VX_Cbis )
-All_Faces_Tuy_1 = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted( Tuyau_geom , geompy.ShapeType["FACE"] )
-Face_Tuy_ext_1 = All_Faces_Tuy_1[4]
-Face_Tuy_ext_2 = All_Faces_Tuy_1[5]
-Partition_Face = geompy.MakePartition([ Face_Tuy_ext_1 , Face_Tuy_ext_2 ], [ Plan1 , Plan2 , Plan3 , Pipe_Z ], [], [], geompy.ShapeType["FACE"], 0, [], 0)
-All_Faces_Partition_Face = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted( Partition_Face , geompy.ShapeType["FACE"] )
-## -------------------------------------
-Face_0 = All_Faces_Partition_Face[0]
-Face_6 = All_Faces_Partition_Face[6]
-Face_10 = All_Faces_Partition_Face[10]
-Face_14 = All_Faces_Partition_Face[14]
-## -------------------------------------
-Face_1 = All_Faces_Partition_Face[1]
-Face_7 = All_Faces_Partition_Face[7]
-Face_11 = All_Faces_Partition_Face[11]
-Face_15 = All_Faces_Partition_Face[15]
-## -------------------------------------
-Face_2 = All_Faces_Partition_Face[2]
-Face_4 = All_Faces_Partition_Face[4]
-Face_8 = All_Faces_Partition_Face[8]
-Face_12 = All_Faces_Partition_Face[12]
-## -------------------------------------
-Face_3 = All_Faces_Partition_Face[3]
-Face_5 = All_Faces_Partition_Face[5]
-Face_9 = All_Faces_Partition_Face[9]
-Face_13 = All_Faces_Partition_Face[13]
-# Face du haut
-## Grand rayon
-x_mod_h.setAssociation( x_h )
-y_mod_h.setAssociation( y_h )
-z_mod_h.setAssociation( z_h )
-u_mod_h.setAssociation( u_h )
-## Petit rayon
-x_mod_h_t.setAssociation( x_h_t )
-y_mod_h_t.setAssociation( y_h_t )
-z_mod_h_t.setAssociation( z_h_t )
-u_mod_h_t.setAssociation( u_h_t )
-# Face du bas
-## Grand rayon
-x_mod_b.setAssociation( x_b )
-y_mod_b.setAssociation( y_b )
-z_mod_b.setAssociation( z_b )
-u_mod_b.setAssociation( u_b )
-## Petit rayon
-x_mod_b_t.setAssociation( x_b_t )
-y_mod_b_t.setAssociation( y_b_t )
-z_mod_b_t.setAssociation( z_b_t )
-u_mod_b_t.setAssociation( u_b_t )
-# Face du haut
-## Grand rayon
-edge_mod_face_h_1_1.addAssociation( edge_face_h_1, 0.5, 1. )
-edge_mod_face_h_1_2.addAssociation( edge_face_h_1, 0., 0.5 )
-edge_mod_face_h_2_1.addAssociation( edge_face_h_2, 0.5, 1. )
-edge_mod_face_h_2_2.addAssociation( edge_face_h_2, 0., 0.5 )
-## Petit rayon
-edge_mod_t_face_h_1_1.addAssociation( edge_t_face_h_1, 0.5, 1. )
-edge_mod_t_face_h_1_2.addAssociation( edge_t_face_h_1, 0., 0.5 )
-edge_mod_t_face_h_2_1.addAssociation( edge_t_face_h_2, 0.5, 1. )
-edge_mod_t_face_h_2_2.addAssociation( edge_t_face_h_2, 0., 0.5 )
-# Face du bas
-## Grand rayon
-edge_mod_face_b_1_1.addAssociation( edge_face_b_1, 0.5, 1. )
-edge_mod_face_b_1_2.addAssociation( edge_face_b_1, 0., 0.5 )
-edge_mod_face_b_2_1.addAssociation( edge_face_b_2, 0.5, 1. )
-edge_mod_face_b_2_2.addAssociation( edge_face_b_2, 0., 0.5 )
-## Petit rayon
-edge_mod_t_face_b_1_1.addAssociation( edge_t_face_b_1, 0.5, 1. )
-edge_mod_t_face_b_1_2.addAssociation( edge_t_face_b_1, 0., 0.5 )
-edge_mod_t_face_b_2_1.addAssociation( edge_t_face_b_2, 0.5, 1. )
-edge_mod_t_face_b_2_2.addAssociation( edge_t_face_b_2, 0., 0.5 )
-# Joignant les 2 faces
-#Edge_Mod_ext_h.addAssociation( Edge_Tuy_ext_h, 0., 1. )
-Edge_Mod_ext_h.addAssociation( Edge_Tuy_ext_h_1, 0., 1. )
-Edge_Mod_ext_h.addAssociation( Edge_Tuy_ext_h_2, 0., 1. )
-Edge_Mod_ext_h.addAssociation( Edge_Tuy_ext_h_3, 0., 1. )
-Edge_Mod_ext_h.addAssociation( Edge_Tuy_ext_h_4, 0., 1. )
-Edge_Mod_int_h.addAssociation( Edge_Tuy_int_h, 0., 1. )
-Edge_Mod_int_b.addAssociation( Edge_Tuy_int_b, 0., 1. )
-Edge_Mod_ext_b.addAssociation( Edge_Tuy_ext_b, 0., 1. )
-Edge_Mod_ext_g.addAssociation( Edge_Tuy_ext_g, 0., 1. )
-Edge_Mod_int_g.addAssociation( Edge_Tuy_int_g, 0., 1. )
-Edge_Mod_int_d.addAssociation( Edge_Tuy_int_d, 0., 1. )
-#Edge_Mod_ext_d.addAssociation( Edge_Tuy_ext_d, 0., 1. )
-Edge_Mod_ext_d.addAssociation( weird_edge0, 0., 1. )
-Edge_Mod_ext_d.addAssociation( weird_edge1, 0., 1. )
-Edge_Mod_ext_d.addAssociation( weird_edge2, 0., 1. )
-#Quad_mod_1.addAssociation( Face_Tuy_ext_1 )
-Quad_mod_1.addAssociation( Face_0 )
-Quad_mod_1.addAssociation( Face_6 )
-Quad_mod_1.addAssociation( Face_10 )
-Quad_mod_1.addAssociation( Face_14 )
-#Quad_mod_0.addAssociation( Face_Tuy_ext_2 )
-Quad_mod_0.addAssociation( Face_1 )
-Quad_mod_0.addAssociation( Face_7 )
-Quad_mod_0.addAssociation( Face_11 )
-Quad_mod_0.addAssociation( Face_15 )
-#Quad_mod_2.addAssociation( Face_Tuy_ext_1 )
-Quad_mod_2.addAssociation( Face_2 )
-Quad_mod_2.addAssociation( Face_4 )
-Quad_mod_2.addAssociation( Face_8 )
-Quad_mod_2.addAssociation( Face_12 )
-#Quad_mod_3.addAssociation( Face_Tuy_ext_2 )
-Quad_mod_3.addAssociation( Face_3 )
-Quad_mod_3.addAssociation( Face_5 )
-Quad_mod_3.addAssociation( Face_9 )
-Quad_mod_3.addAssociation( Face_13 )
-#for i,e in enumerate(All_Edges_Tuy_1): geompy.addToStudy( e, "edge_"+str(i) )
-geompy.addToStudy(Tuyau_geom, "Tuyau_geom")
-geompy.addToStudy( x_h, "x_h" )
-geompy.addToStudy( y_h, "y_h" )
-geompy.addToStudy( z_h, "z_h" )
-geompy.addToStudy( u_h, "u_h" )
-geompy.addToStudy( x_h_t, "x_h_t")
-geompy.addToStudy( y_h_t, "y_h_t" )
-geompy.addToStudy( z_h_t, "z_h_t" )
-geompy.addToStudy( u_h_t, "u_h_t" )
-geompy.addToStudy( x_b, "x_b")
-geompy.addToStudy( y_b, "y_b" )
-geompy.addToStudy( z_b, "z_b" )
-geompy.addToStudy( u_b, "u_b")
-geompy.addToStudy( x_b_t, "x_b_t" )
-geompy.addToStudy( y_b_t, "y_b_t" )
-geompy.addToStudy( z_b_t, "z_b_t" )
-geompy.addToStudy( u_b_t, "u_b_t" )
-#geompy.addToStudy(Line_Z1_Z2, "Line_Z1_Z2")
-#geompy.addToStudy(Pipe_Ztt, "Pipe_Ztt")
-#geompy.addToStudy( Partition_Ztt , "Partition_Ztt" )
-geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Tuy_ext_h , "Edge_Tuy_ext_h" )
-geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Tuy_int_h , "Edge_Tuy_int_h" )
-geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Tuy_int_b , "Edge_Tuy_int_b" )
-geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Tuy_ext_b , "Edge_Tuy_ext_b" )
-geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Tuy_ext_g , "Edge_Tuy_ext_g" )
-geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Tuy_int_g , "Edge_Tuy_int_g" )
-geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Tuy_ext_d , "Edge_Tuy_ext_d" )
-geompy.addToStudy( Edge_Tuy_int_d , "Edge_Tuy_int_d" )
-#geompy.addToStudy( Partition_Edge_g_d_h_b , "Partition_Edge_g_d_h_b" )
-geompy.addToStudy( Face_Tuy_ext_1 , "Face_Tuy_ext_1" )
-geompy.addToStudy( Face_Tuy_ext_2 , "Face_Tuy_ext_2" )
-#geompy.addToStudy( Partition_Face , "Partition_Face" )
-geompy.addToStudy( Face_0 , "Face_0" )
-geompy.addToStudy( Face_1 , "Face_1" )
-geompy.addToStudy( Face_2 , "Face_2" )
-geompy.addToStudy( Face_3 , "Face_3" )
-geompy.addToStudy( Face_4 , "Face_4" )
-geompy.addToStudy( Face_5 , "Face_5" )
-geompy.addToStudy( Face_6 , "Face_6" )
-geompy.addToStudy( Face_7 , "Face_7" )
-geompy.addToStudy( Face_8 , "Face_8" )
-geompy.addToStudy( Face_9 , "Face_9" )
-geompy.addToStudy( Face_10 , "Face_10" )
-geompy.addToStudy( Face_11 , "Face_11" )
-geompy.addToStudy( Face_12 , "Face_12" )
-geompy.addToStudy( Face_13 , "Face_13" )
-geompy.addToStudy( Face_14 , "Face_14" )
-geompy.addToStudy( Face_15 , "Face_15" )
-## Definir les groupes d'elements pour le maillage
-# groupe de Hexa(volumes)
-Hexa_grp = doc.addHexaGroup("Hexa_grp")
-Nbr_Hex = doc.countHexa()
-for i in range(Nbr_Hex):
- Hexa_i = doc.getHexa(i)
- Hexa_grp.addElement(Hexa_i)
-Nbr_elm_hex = Hexa_grp.countElement()
-print "Hexa_grp.countElement() ->",Nbr_elm_hex
-# groupe de quads (faces)
-Quad_grp_haut = doc.addQuadGroup("Quad_grp_haut")
-Quad_h_1 = doc.findQuad( x_mod_h , y_mod_h_t )
-Quad_h_2 = doc.findQuad( y_mod_h_t , z_mod_h )
-Quad_h_3 = doc.findQuad( z_mod_h , u_mod_h_t )
-Quad_h_4 = doc.findQuad( u_mod_h_t , x_mod_h )
-assert Quad_h_1
-assert Quad_h_2
-assert Quad_h_3
-assert Quad_h_4
-for Quad_h_i in [ Quad_h_1 , Quad_h_2 , Quad_h_3 , Quad_h_4 ]:
- Quad_grp_haut.addElement(Quad_h_i)
-Quad_grp_bas = doc.addQuadGroup("Quad_grp_bas")
-Quad_b_1 = doc.findQuad( x_mod_b , y_mod_b_t )
-Quad_b_2 = doc.findQuad( y_mod_b_t , z_mod_b )
-Quad_b_3 = doc.findQuad( z_mod_b , u_mod_b_t )
-Quad_b_4 = doc.findQuad( u_mod_b_t , x_mod_b )
-assert Quad_b_1
-assert Quad_b_2
-assert Quad_b_3
-assert Quad_b_4
-for Quad_b_i in [ Quad_b_1 , Quad_b_2 , Quad_b_3 , Quad_b_4 ]:
- Quad_grp_bas.addElement(Quad_b_i)
-#Nbr_elm_qad_bas = Quad_grp_bas.countElement()
-#print "Nbr_elm_qad_bas->",Nbr_elm_qad_bas
-# groupe de Edges
-Edge_Grp_haut = doc.addEdgeGroup("Edge_Grp_haut")
-Edge_Grp_gauche = doc.addEdgeGroup("Edge_Grp_gauche")
-Edge_Grp_bas = doc.addEdgeGroup("Edge_Grp_bas")
-Edge_Grp_droit = doc.addEdgeGroup("Edge_Grp_droit")
-# groupe de noeuds de Hexa
-Hexa_Nod_Grp = doc.addHexaNodeGroup("Hexa_Nod_Grp")
-for i in range(Nbr_Hex):
- Hexa_i = doc.getHexa(i)
- Hexa_Nod_Grp.addElement(Hexa_i)
-# groupe de noeuds de Quad
-Quad_Nod_Grp_h_1 = doc.addQuadNodeGroup("Quad_Nod_Grp_h_1")
-Quad_Nod_Grp_b_1 = doc.addQuadNodeGroup("Quad_Nod_Grp_b_1")
-# groupe de noeuds de Edge
-Edge_Nod_Grp_b = doc.addEdgeNodeGroup("Edge_Nod_Grp_b")
-Edge_Nod_Grp_h = doc.addEdgeNodeGroup("Edge_Nod_Grp_h")
-# groupe de noeuds de vertex pour tout le modele
-Vertex_Nod_Grp = doc.addVertexNodeGroup("Vertex_Nod_Grp")
-Nbr_Vx = doc.countVertex()
-for i in range(Nbr_Vx):
- Vertex_i = doc.getVertex(i)
- Vertex_Nod_Grp.addElement(Vertex_i)
-# Definir une loi de discretisation
-bp_law = doc.getLaw(0)
-# definir une loi: le choix de la loi reste aux utilisateurs
-#Law_X = doc.addLaw( "Uniform" , 4 )
-#Law_Y = doc.addLaw( "Arithmetic" , 2 )
-#Law_Z = doc.addLaw( "Geometric" , 3 )
-Law_X = doc.addLaw( "Arithmetic" , 5 )
-Law_Y = doc.addLaw( "Arithmetic" , 3 )
-#Law_Z = doc.addLaw( "Geometric" , 4 )
-Law_Z = doc.addLaw( "Arithmetic" , 5 )
-# chercher les propagations du modele
-Edge_Law_X = doc.findEdge( x_mod_h , x_mod_h_t )
-Edge_Law_Y = doc.findEdge( y_mod_h , y_mod_h_t )
-Edge_Law_Z = doc.findEdge( y_mod_h , y_mod_b )
-Propa_X = doc.findPropagation( Edge_Law_X )
-Propa_Y = doc.findPropagation( Edge_Law_Y )
-Propa_Z = doc.findPropagation( Edge_Law_Z )
-# appliquer la loi de discretisation sur tout le modele et generer le maillage
-Propa_X.setLaw( Law_X )
-Propa_Y.setLaw( Law_Y )
-Propa_Z.setLaw( Law_Z )
-print " --- MAILLAGE HEXAHEDRIQUE --- "
-mesh = hexablock.mesh(doc, "test_TUYAU_COURBE_weird_assoc")
-print "Nombre d hexaedres:" , mesh.NbHexas()
-print "Nombre de quadrangles:", mesh.NbQuadrangles()
-print "Nombre de segments:" , mesh.NbEdges()
-print "Nombre de noeuds:" , mesh.NbNodes()
-#Nombre d hexaedres: 480
-#Nombre de quadrangles: 496
-#Nombre de segments: 160
-#Nombre de noeuds: 700
-allGroups = mesh.GetGroups()
-print " --- GROUPES --- "
-for aGroup in allGroups:
- print "\nNOM:", aGroup.GetName()
- print "IDS:", aGroup.GetIDs()
-## --------------------
-## Maillage hexa�drique
-## --------------------
-#mesh = mesh.ExportMED( "", 1 )
-#maillages = smesh.CreateMeshesFromMED( "" )
-#ijk = maillages[0][0]
-#print " --- MAILLAGE HEXAHEDRIQUE --- "
-#print "Nombre d hexaedres:", ijk.NbHexas()
-#print "Nombre de quadrangles:", ijk.NbQuadrangles()
-#print "Nombre de segments:", ijk.NbEdges()
-#print "Nombre de noeuds:", ijk.NbNodes()
+++ /dev/null
-# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2012 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
-# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-# version 2.1 of the License.
-# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-# See or email :
-# Francis KLOSS - 2010 - CEA-Saclay, DEN, DM2S, SFME, LGLS, F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France
-# ========================================================================================
-import geompy
-import hexablock
-# Build the geometry to mesh with hexahedra: a sphere
-# ---------------------------------------------------
-name = "Sphere"
-cx = 0
-cy = 0
-cz = 0
-radius = 5
-sphere = geompy.MakeSphere(cx, cy, cz, radius)
-geompy.addToStudy(sphere, name)
-# Add a new document
-# ------------------
-doc = hexablock.addDocument(name)
-# Build the model of blocks: a catesian grid
-# ------------------------------------------
-center = doc.addVertex(cx, cy, cz)
-axis_x = doc.addVector(1, 0, 0)
-axis_y = doc.addVector(0, 1, 0)
-axis_z = doc.addVector(0, 0, 1)
-doc.makeCartesian(center, axis_x, axis_y, axis_z, 5, 4, 3)
-# Associate the model of block to the geometry
-# --------------------------------------------
-# Define group of all hexahedra
-# -----------------------------
-group_h = doc.addHexaGroup(name+":hexas")
-for i in xrange(doc.countHexa()):
- e = doc.getHexa(i)
- group_h.addElement(e)
-# Define group of all quadrangles
-# -------------------------------
-group_q = doc.addQuadGroup(name+":quadrangles")
-for i in xrange(doc.countQuad()):
- e = doc.getQuad(i)
- group_q.addElement(e)
-# Define the laws for discretization
-# ----------------------------------
-law = doc.addLaw("Uniform" , 3)
-# Set the law on all edges of the model of blocks
-# -----------------------------------------------
-for i in xrange(doc.countPropagation()):
- p = doc.getPropagation(i)
- p.setLaw(law)
-# Generate the hexehadral mesh on FactoryServer
-# ---------------------------------------------
-mesh_1 = hexablock.mesh(doc)
-print "Number of hexaedra :", mesh_1.NbHexas()
-print "Number of quadrangles:", mesh_1.NbQuadrangles()
-print "Number of segments :", mesh_1.NbEdges()
-print "Number de nodes :", mesh_1.NbNodes()
-# Generate the hexehadral mesh on FooBar container
-# ------------------------------------------------
-container = "FooBar"
-mesh_2 = hexablock.mesh(doc, name+":"+container, 3, container)
-print "Number of hexaedra :", mesh_2.NbHexas()
-print "Number of quadrangles:", mesh_2.NbQuadrangles()
-print "Number of segments :", mesh_2.NbEdges()
-print "Number de nodes :", mesh_2.NbNodes()