#include <vtkPVRenderViewSettings.h>
#include <vtkSMRenderViewProxy.h>
#include <vtkSMPropertyHelper.h>
+#include <vtkSMSelectionHelper.h>
#include <vtkSMSessionProxyManager.h>
#include <vtkSMStringVectorProperty.h>
#include <vtkSMRepresentationProxy.h>
#include "SPV3D_Prs.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <iterator>
+#include "vtkSMProxyManager.h"
+#include <regex>
+#include <set>
+#include <unordered_set>
+void ReplaceString(std::string& source, const std::string& replace, const std::string& with)
+ const std::regex reg("[a-zA-Z0-9]+");
+ for (auto match = std::sregex_iterator(source.begin(), source.end(), reg);
+ match != std::sregex_iterator(); ++match)
+ {
+ if (match->str() == replace)
+ {
+ source.replace(match->position(), match->length(), with);
+ }
+ }
+enum class CombineOperation
+ DEFAULT = 0,
+ TOGGLE = 3
+const std::string SubSelectionBaseName = "s";
+bool CombineSelection(vtkSMSourceProxy* appendSelections1,
+ vtkSMSourceProxy* appendSelections2, CombineOperation combineOperation, bool deepCopy)
+ if (!appendSelections1 || !appendSelections2)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (vtkSMPropertyHelper(appendSelections2, "Input").GetNumberOfElements() == 0)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (deepCopy)
+ {
+ if (vtkSMPropertyHelper(appendSelections1, "Input").GetNumberOfElements() == 0)
+ {
+ // create a combined appendSelections which is deep copy of appendSelections2
+ vtkSMSessionProxyManager* pxm = vtkSMProxyManager::GetProxyManager()->GetSessionProxyManager(
+ appendSelections2->GetSession());
+ vtkSmartPointer<vtkSMSourceProxy> combinedAppendSelections;
+ combinedAppendSelections.TakeReference(
+ vtkSMSourceProxy::SafeDownCast(pxm->NewProxy("filters", "AppendSelections")));
+ vtkSMPropertyHelper(combinedAppendSelections, "Expression")
+ .Set(vtkSMPropertyHelper(appendSelections2, "Expression").GetAsString());
+ vtkSMPropertyHelper(combinedAppendSelections, "InsideOut")
+ .Set(vtkSMPropertyHelper(appendSelections2, "InsideOut").GetAsInt());
+ // add selection input and names of appendSelections2
+ unsigned int numInputs =
+ vtkSMPropertyHelper(appendSelections2, "Input").GetNumberOfElements();
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numInputs; ++i)
+ {
+ auto selectionSource = vtkSMPropertyHelper(appendSelections2, "Input").GetAsProxy(i);
+ vtkSmartPointer<vtkSMSourceProxy> selectionSourceCopy;
+ selectionSourceCopy.TakeReference(
+ vtkSMSourceProxy::SafeDownCast(pxm->NewProxy("sources", selectionSource->GetXMLName())));
+ selectionSourceCopy->Copy(selectionSource);
+ selectionSourceCopy->UpdateVTKObjects();
+ vtkSMPropertyHelper(combinedAppendSelections, "Input").Add(selectionSourceCopy);
+ vtkSMPropertyHelper(combinedAppendSelections, "SelectionNames")
+ .Set(i, vtkSMPropertyHelper(appendSelections2, "SelectionNames").GetAsString(i));
+ }
+ appendSelections2->Copy(combinedAppendSelections);
+ appendSelections2->UpdateVTKObjects();
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (vtkSMPropertyHelper(appendSelections1, "Input").GetNumberOfElements() == 0)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (combineOperation == CombineOperation::DEFAULT)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // appendSelections1 serves as input1 and appendSelections2 serves as input2.
+ // The result of this function will be appended into appendSelections2.
+ // The appendSelections1 is combine-able with the appendSelections2 if they have the same
+ // FieldType/ElementType and if they have the same ContainingCells
+ // Checking only one of the inputs is sufficient.
+ vtkSMProxy* firstSelectionSourceAP1 =
+ vtkSMPropertyHelper(appendSelections1, "Input").GetAsProxy(0);
+ vtkSMProxy* firstSelectionSourceAP2 =
+ vtkSMPropertyHelper(appendSelections2, "Input").GetAsProxy(0);
+ // SelectionQuerySource has element type and not field type
+ int fieldTypeOfFirstSelectionSourceAP1 = firstSelectionSourceAP1->GetProperty("FieldType")
+ ? vtkSMPropertyHelper(firstSelectionSourceAP1, "FieldType").GetAsInt()
+ : vtkSelectionNode::ConvertAttributeTypeToSelectionField(
+ vtkSMPropertyHelper(firstSelectionSourceAP1, "ElementType").GetAsInt());
+ int fieldTypeOfFirstSelectionSourceAP2 = firstSelectionSourceAP2->GetProperty("FieldType")
+ ? vtkSMPropertyHelper(firstSelectionSourceAP2, "FieldType").GetAsInt()
+ : vtkSelectionNode::ConvertAttributeTypeToSelectionField(
+ vtkSMPropertyHelper(firstSelectionSourceAP2, "ElementType").GetAsInt());
+ if (fieldTypeOfFirstSelectionSourceAP1 != fieldTypeOfFirstSelectionSourceAP2)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (vtkSMPropertyHelper(firstSelectionSourceAP1, "ContainingCells", true).GetAsInt() !=
+ vtkSMPropertyHelper(firstSelectionSourceAP2, "ContainingCells", true).GetAsInt())
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ unsigned int numInputsAP1 = vtkSMPropertyHelper(appendSelections1, "Input").GetNumberOfElements();
+ // find the largest selection name id of the appendSelections2
+ int maxId = -1;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numInputsAP1; ++i)
+ {
+ // get the selection name
+ std::string selectionName =
+ vtkSMPropertyHelper(appendSelections1, "SelectionNames").GetAsString(i);
+ // remove the S prefix
+ selectionName.erase(0, SubSelectionBaseName.size());
+ // get the id
+ maxId = std::max(maxId, std::stoi(selectionName));
+ }
+ // create new expression and selection names from appendSelections2's selections sources
+ std::string newExpressionAP2 = vtkSMPropertyHelper(appendSelections2, "Expression").GetAsString();
+ unsigned int numInputsAP2 = vtkSMPropertyHelper(appendSelections2, "Input").GetNumberOfElements();
+ std::list<std::string> newSelectionNamesAP2;
+ for (int i = static_cast<int>(numInputsAP2) - 1; i >= 0; --i)
+ {
+ const std::string oldSelectionName = vtkSMPropertyHelper(appendSelections2, "SelectionNames")
+ .GetAsString(static_cast<unsigned int>(i));
+ std::string newSelectionName = oldSelectionName;
+ // remove the S prefix
+ newSelectionName.erase(0, SubSelectionBaseName.size());
+ // compute new selection name id
+ int selectionNameId = std::atoi(newSelectionName.c_str()) + maxId + 1;
+ newSelectionName = SubSelectionBaseName + std::to_string(selectionNameId);
+ // save new selection name
+ newSelectionNamesAP2.push_front(newSelectionName);
+ // update the expression
+ ReplaceString(newExpressionAP2, oldSelectionName, newSelectionName);
+ }
+ // create a combined appendSelections
+ vtkSMSessionProxyManager* pxm =
+ vtkSMProxyManager::GetProxyManager()->GetSessionProxyManager(appendSelections2->GetSession());
+ vtkSmartPointer<vtkSMSourceProxy> combinedAppendSelections;
+ combinedAppendSelections.TakeReference(
+ vtkSMSourceProxy::SafeDownCast(pxm->NewProxy("filters", "AppendSelections")));
+ // add selection input and names of appendSelections1 to appendSelections2
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numInputsAP1; ++i)
+ {
+ auto selectionSource = vtkSMPropertyHelper(appendSelections1, "Input").GetAsProxy(i);
+ if (deepCopy)
+ {
+ vtkSmartPointer<vtkSMSourceProxy> selectionSourceCopy;
+ selectionSourceCopy.TakeReference(
+ vtkSMSourceProxy::SafeDownCast(pxm->NewProxy("sources", selectionSource->GetXMLName())));
+ selectionSourceCopy->Copy(selectionSource);
+ selectionSourceCopy->UpdateVTKObjects();
+ vtkSMPropertyHelper(combinedAppendSelections, "Input").Add(selectionSourceCopy);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ vtkSMPropertyHelper(combinedAppendSelections, "Input").Add(selectionSource);
+ }
+ vtkSMPropertyHelper(combinedAppendSelections, "SelectionNames")
+ .Set(i, vtkSMPropertyHelper(appendSelections1, "SelectionNames").GetAsString(i));
+ }
+ auto iter = newSelectionNamesAP2.begin();
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numInputsAP2; ++i, ++iter)
+ {
+ auto selectionSource = vtkSMPropertyHelper(appendSelections2, "Input").GetAsProxy(i);
+ if (deepCopy)
+ {
+ vtkSmartPointer<vtkSMSourceProxy> selectionSourceCopy;
+ selectionSourceCopy.TakeReference(
+ vtkSMSourceProxy::SafeDownCast(pxm->NewProxy("sources", selectionSource->GetXMLName())));
+ selectionSourceCopy->Copy(selectionSource);
+ selectionSourceCopy->UpdateVTKObjects();
+ vtkSMPropertyHelper(combinedAppendSelections, "Input").Add(selectionSourceCopy);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ vtkSMPropertyHelper(combinedAppendSelections, "Input").Add(selectionSource);
+ }
+ vtkSMPropertyHelper(combinedAppendSelections, "SelectionNames")
+ .Set(numInputsAP1 + i, iter->c_str());
+ }
+ // add inside out qualifier to the expressions
+ const int insideOutAP1 = vtkSMPropertyHelper(appendSelections1, "InsideOut").GetAsInt();
+ std::string newExpressionAP1 = vtkSMPropertyHelper(appendSelections1, "Expression").GetAsString();
+ if (numInputsAP1 > 1)
+ {
+ newExpressionAP1 = '(' + newExpressionAP1 + ')';
+ }
+ newExpressionAP1 = (insideOutAP1 ? "!" : "") + newExpressionAP1;
+ const int insideOutAP2 = vtkSMPropertyHelper(appendSelections2, "InsideOut").GetAsInt();
+ if (numInputsAP2 > 1)
+ {
+ newExpressionAP2 = '(' + newExpressionAP2 + ')';
+ }
+ newExpressionAP2 = (insideOutAP2 ? "!" : "") + newExpressionAP2;
+ // combine appendSelections1 and appendSelections2 expressions
+ std::string newCombinedExpression;
+ switch (combineOperation)
+ {
+ case CombineOperation::ADDITION:
+ {
+ newCombinedExpression = newExpressionAP1 + '|' + newExpressionAP2;
+ break;
+ }
+ case CombineOperation::SUBTRACTION:
+ {
+ newCombinedExpression = newExpressionAP1 + "&!" + newExpressionAP2;
+ break;
+ }
+ case CombineOperation::TOGGLE:
+ default:
+ {
+ newCombinedExpression = newExpressionAP1 + '^' + newExpressionAP2;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ vtkSMPropertyHelper(combinedAppendSelections, "Expression").Set(newCombinedExpression.c_str());
+ appendSelections2->Copy(combinedAppendSelections);
+ appendSelections2->UpdateVTKObjects();
+ // cout << "Expression : " << newCombinedExpression << endl;
+ return true;
+bool IgnoreSelection(
+ vtkSMSourceProxy* appendSelections1, vtkSMSourceProxy* appendSelections2, bool deepCopy = false)
+ return CombineSelection(
+ appendSelections1, appendSelections2, CombineOperation::DEFAULT, deepCopy);
+bool AddSelection(
+ vtkSMSourceProxy* appendSelections1, vtkSMSourceProxy* appendSelections2, bool deepCopy = false)
+ return CombineSelection(
+ appendSelections1, appendSelections2, CombineOperation::ADDITION, deepCopy);
+bool SubtractSelection(
+ vtkSMSourceProxy* appendSelections1, vtkSMSourceProxy* appendSelections2, bool deepCopy = false)
+ return CombineSelection(
+ appendSelections1, appendSelections2, CombineOperation::SUBTRACTION, deepCopy);
+bool ToggleSelection(
+ vtkSMSourceProxy* appendSelections1, vtkSMSourceProxy* appendSelections2, bool deepCopy = false)
+ return CombineSelection(
+ appendSelections1, appendSelections2, CombineOperation::TOGGLE, deepCopy);
SPV3D_CADSelection::SPV3D_CADSelection(QObject *parent,
void SPV3D_CADSelection::endSelection()
+ cout << "End Selection " << endl;
if (!this->View)
if (this->CurrentRepresentation != nullptr)
+ cout << "???" << endl;
vtkSMSessionProxyManager* pxm = rmp->GetSessionProxyManager();
vtkSMProxy* emptySel = pxm->NewProxy("sources", "IDSelectionSource");
if (!this->DisablePreSelection && vtkPVRenderViewSettings::GetInstance()->GetEnableFastPreselection())
- this->fastSelection(true);
+ this->fastPreSelection();
// get preselected id here
this->DisablePreSelection = false;
+namespace SelectionUtilities
+bool SetSelectionFromValues(vtkSMRepresentationProxy* repr, const std::set<std::pair<vtkIdType, vtkIdType>>& values)
+ vtkSMSessionProxyManager* pxm = repr->GetSessionProxyManager();
+ vtkSmartPointer<vtkSMProxy> newSelectionSource;
+ newSelectionSource.TakeReference(pxm->NewProxy("sources", "ValueSelectionSource"));
+ vtkSMPropertyHelper(newSelectionSource, "ArrayName").Set("Solid id");
+ vtkSMPropertyHelper(newSelectionSource, "FieldType").Set("CELL");
+ vtkSMPropertyHelper(newSelectionSource, "Values").SetNumberOfElements(values.size());
+ vtkSMPropertyHelper(newSelectionSource, "Values").RemoveAllValues();
+ for (const auto& pair: values)
+ {
+ std::array<vtkIdType, 2> pairValues = {pair.first, pair.second};
+ vtkSMPropertyHelper(newSelectionSource, "Values").Append(pairValues.data(), 2);
+ }
+ newSelectionSource->UpdateVTKObjects();
+ vtkSMPropertyHelper(repr, "Selection").Set(newSelectionSource);
+ repr->UpdateVTKObjects();
+ return true;
+void SetSelection(vtkSMRepresentationProxy* repr, vtkSMSourceProxy* selectionSource)
+ selectionSource->UpdateVTKObjects();
+ vtkSMPropertyHelper(repr, "Selection").Set(selectionSource);
+ repr->UpdateVTKObjects();
+void RemoveSelection(vtkSMRepresentationProxy* repr)
+ // Under the hood, we simply add an empty selection source
+ vtkSMSessionProxyManager* pxm = repr->GetSessionProxyManager();
+ vtkSmartPointer<vtkSMProxy> emptySelection;
+ emptySelection.TakeReference(pxm->NewProxy("sources", "ValueSelectionSource"));
+ emptySelection->UpdateVTKObjects();
+ vtkSMPropertyHelper(repr, "Selection").Set(emptySelection);
+ repr->UpdateVTKObjects();
+bool GetSelectionValues(vtkSMProxy* selectionSourceProxy, std::set<std::pair<vtkIdType, vtkIdType>>& values)
+ if (selectionSourceProxy)
+ {
+ auto allValues = vtkSMPropertyHelper(selectionSourceProxy, "Values").GetIdTypeArray();
+ for (int i = 0; i < allValues.size(); i+=2) // skip process ids
+ {
+ values.insert(std::make_pair(allValues[i], allValues[i+1]));
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+namespace SelectionOperations
-void SPV3D_CADSelection::fastSelection(bool presel)
+void Union(vtkSMProxy* selectionSourceProxy1, vtkSMProxy* selectionSourceProxy2, std::set<std::pair<vtkIdType, vtkIdType>>& result)
+ result.clear();
+ std::set<std::pair<vtkIdType, vtkIdType>> values1, values2;
+ SelectionUtilities::GetSelectionValues(selectionSourceProxy1, values1);
+ SelectionUtilities::GetSelectionValues(selectionSourceProxy2, values2);
+ std::set_union(values1.begin(), values1.end(), values2.begin(), values2.end(), std::inserter(result, result.begin()));
+void Difference(vtkSMProxy* selectionSourceProxy1, vtkSMProxy* selectionSourceProxy2, std::set<std::pair<vtkIdType, vtkIdType>>& result)
+ result.clear();
+ std::set<std::pair<vtkIdType, vtkIdType>> values1, values2;
+ SelectionUtilities::GetSelectionValues(selectionSourceProxy1, values1);
+ SelectionUtilities::GetSelectionValues(selectionSourceProxy2, values2);
+ std::set_difference(values1.begin(), values1.end(), values2.begin(), values2.end(), std::inserter(result, result.begin()));
+void SymmetricDifference(vtkSMProxy* selectionSourceProxy1, vtkSMProxy* selectionSourceProxy2, std::set<std::pair<vtkIdType, vtkIdType>>& result)
+ result.clear();
+ std::set<std::pair<vtkIdType, vtkIdType>> values1, values2;
+ SelectionUtilities::GetSelectionValues(selectionSourceProxy1, values1);
+ SelectionUtilities::GetSelectionValues(selectionSourceProxy2, values2);
+ std::set_symmetric_difference(values1.begin(), values1.end(), values2.begin(), values2.end(), std::inserter(result, result.begin()));
+void SPV3D_CADSelection::fastSelection()
vtkSMRenderViewProxy* rmp = this->View->getRenderViewProxy();
assert(rmp != nullptr);
vtkSMRepresentationProxy* repr =
- // Forward the selection to the server
- if (repr && !presel)
+ // If something has been preselected or selected
+ if (status)
+ {
+ // If the selection occurs on a new represention, clean the selection on the
+ // current representation before continuing
+ if (this->CurrentRepresentation != nullptr && repr != this->CurrentRepresentation)
+ {
+ SelectionUtilities::RemoveSelection(this->CurrentRepresentation);
+ }
+ this->CurrentRepresentation = repr;
+ // Set the selection (selection source) to the current representation
+ vtkSMSourceProxy* currentSelection = vtkSMSourceProxy::SafeDownCast(vtkSMPropertyHelper(repr, "Selection").GetAsProxy());
+ vtkSMSourceProxy* newSelection = vtkSMSourceProxy::SafeDownCast(selectionSources->GetItemAsObject(0));
+ // vtkSmartPointer<vtkSMSourceProxy> newAppendSelections;
+ // newAppendSelections.TakeReference(vtkSMSourceProxy::SafeDownCast(
+ // vtkSMSelectionHelper::NewAppendSelectionsFromSelectionSource(selectionSource)));
+ switch (this->getSelectionModifier())
+ {
+ {
+ std::set<std::pair<vtkIdType, vtkIdType>> values;
+ SelectionOperations::Union(currentSelection, newSelection, values);
+ SelectionUtilities::SetSelectionFromValues(repr, values);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ std::set<std::pair<vtkIdType, vtkIdType>> values;
+ SelectionOperations::Difference(currentSelection, newSelection, values);
+ SelectionUtilities::SetSelectionFromValues(repr, values);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ std::set<std::pair<vtkIdType, vtkIdType>> values;
+ SelectionOperations::SymmetricDifference(currentSelection, newSelection, values);
+ SelectionUtilities::SetSelectionFromValues(repr, values);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ // Just keep the current selection
+ SelectionUtilities::SetSelection(repr, newSelection);
+ break;
+ }
+ // vtkSMPropertyHelper(repr, "Selection").Set(newAppendSelections);
+ // repr->UpdateVTKObjects();
+ }
+ else if (this->CurrentRepresentation != nullptr)
+ {
+ // If nothing has been selected then clean current representation
+ // with an "empty" selection source
+ SelectionUtilities::RemoveSelection(repr);
+ }
+ this->View->forceRender();
+ this->View->forceRender();
+ // TODO improve this to avoid double render
+void SPV3D_CADSelection::fastPreSelection()
+ vtkSMRenderViewProxy* rmp = this->View->getRenderViewProxy();
+ assert(rmp != nullptr);
+ int x = rmp->GetInteractor()->GetEventPosition()[0];
+ int y = rmp->GetInteractor()->GetEventPosition()[1];
+ this->MousePosition[0] = x;
+ this->MousePosition[1] = y;
+ int region[4] = { x, y, x, y };
+ // Do the selection on the current region (client side)
+ vtkNew<vtkCollection> selectedRepresentations;
+ vtkNew<vtkCollection> selectionSources;
+ bool status = false;
+ switch (this->Mode)
- repr->InvokeCommand("BeginSelect");
+ status = rmp->SelectSurfaceCells(region, selectedRepresentations, selectionSources, false, 0, false, "Solid id");
+ break;
+ status = rmp->SelectSurfaceCells(region, selectedRepresentations, selectionSources, false, 0, false, "Face id");
+ break;
+ status = rmp->SelectSurfaceCells(region, selectedRepresentations, selectionSources, false, 0, false, "Edge id");
+ break;
+ status = rmp->SelectSurfaceCells(region, selectedRepresentations, selectionSources, false, 0, false, "Vertex id");
+ break;
+ default:
+ qCritical("Invalid call to SPV3D_CADSelection::fastSelection");
+ return;
+ vtkSMRepresentationProxy* repr =
+ vtkSMRepresentationProxy::SafeDownCast(selectedRepresentations->GetItemAsObject(0));
// If something has been preselected or selected
if (status)
vtkSMSessionProxyManager* pxm = repr->GetSessionProxyManager();
vtkSMProxy* emptySel = pxm->NewProxy("sources", "IDSelectionSource");
- vtkSMPropertyHelper(this->CurrentRepresentation, "Selection").Set(emptySel);
+ vtkSMPropertyHelper(this->CurrentRepresentation, "PreSelection").Set(emptySel);
// Set the selection (selection source) to the current representation
// TODO: There should be some cases where we append instead. Which ones ? When a modifier is pressed ? (i.e. the Control Key)
vtkSMSourceProxy* sel = vtkSMSourceProxy::SafeDownCast(selectionSources->GetItemAsObject(0));
- vtkSMPropertyHelper(repr, "Selection").Set(sel);
+ vtkSMPropertyHelper(repr, "PreSelection").Set(sel);
vtkSMSessionProxyManager* pxm = rmp->GetSessionProxyManager();
vtkSMProxy* emptySel = pxm->NewProxy("sources", "IDSelectionSource");
- vtkSMPropertyHelper(this->CurrentRepresentation, "Selection").Set(emptySel);
+ vtkSMPropertyHelper(this->CurrentRepresentation, "PreSelection").Set(emptySel);
this->CurrentRepresentation = nullptr;
// TODO improve this to avoid double render
- if (repr && !presel)
- {
- repr->InvokeCommand("EndSelect");
- }
+ cout << "Selection changed: should not enter there !" << endl;
int selectionModifier = this->getSelectionModifier();
int* region = reinterpret_cast<int*>(calldata);
// Simple version check to change once 5.10 support is dropped
//this->View->selectOnSurface(region, selectionModifier);
- this->endSelection();
+ // this->endSelection();
bool ctrl = rmp->GetInteractor()->GetControlKey() == 1;
bool shift = rmp->GetInteractor()->GetShiftKey() == 1;
- selectionModifier = pqView::PV_SELECTION_TOGGLE;
+ // selectionModifier = pqView::PV_SELECTION_TOGGLE;
if (ctrl)
this->ObservedObject = nullptr;
std::set<std::string> SPV3D_CADSelection::GetSelectedObEntry()
+ // std::cout << "Get Selected Ob Entry" << std::endl;
std::set<std::string> EntryList;
// get preselected id here
return EntryList;
- // Retrieve the wanted information property
- vtkSMProperty* selectionProperty = proxyRepresentation->GetProperty("Selection");
- if (selectionProperty == nullptr)
- {
- qWarning()<< "The representation named '" << proxyRepresentation->GetXMLName()<< "' did not have a property named 'Selection'.";
- return EntryList;
- }
- // Force to update the information property
- proxyRepresentation->UpdatePropertyInformation(selectionProperty);
- // Extract all selected indices
- std::vector<int> selectedIdx =
- vtkSMPropertyHelper(proxyRepresentation,"SelectedIDInfo").GetIntArray();
- std::cout << "(Client) Received selected entries from server:" << std::endl;
- if (selectedIdx.empty())
+ vtkSMProxy* selInfo = vtkSMPropertyHelper(proxyRepresentation, "Selection").GetAsProxy(0);
+ if (selInfo)
- qWarning() << "There is no selected id for now.";
- }
- else
- {
- // Convert all selectedId from Representation in entry type and insert them in set
- for(std::size_t i = 0; i < selectedIdx.size(); i++)
+ auto ids = vtkSMPropertyHelper(selInfo, "Values").GetIdTypeArray();
+ for (const auto id : ids)
- std::cout << selectedIdx[i] << std::endl;
- EntryList.insert( SPV3D_Prs::FromVtkIdToEntry(static_cast<vtkIdType>(selectedIdx[i])) );
+ // cout << "Values : " << id << endl;
+ EntryList.insert(SPV3D_Prs::FromVtkIdToEntry(id));
- return EntryList;
+ return EntryList;
// TODO: Prefer passing parameters by const ref rather than by copy
void SPV3D_CADSelection::SetSelectionFromEntrySet(std::set<std::string> EntryList)
vtkSMProxy* proxyRepresentation = this->Representation->getProxy();
if (!proxyRepresentation)
// this->View->forceRender();
- proxyRepresentation->InvokeCommand("BeginSelect");
+ // proxyRepresentation->InvokeCommand("BeginSelect");
// Create a new selection source on the server side and its proxy on the client side
vtkSMRenderViewProxy* rmp = this->View->getRenderViewProxy();
vtkIdType processNumber = 0;
// Retrieve entry ids and put them in a vector
- std::cout << "(Client) Sending selected entries to server:" << std::endl;
+ // std::cout << "(Client) Sending selected entries to server:" << std::endl;
// TODO: Make sure this works for multiple selections
for (const std::string& entryName: EntryList)
vtkIdType solidId = SPV3D_Prs::FromEntryToVtkId(entryName.c_str());
- std::cout << "(Client) " << solidId << std::endl;
+ // std::cout << "(Client) " << solidId << std::endl;
// This takes pairs of values as (process number, value).
std::array<vtkIdType, 2> values = {solidId, processNumber};
- vtkSMPropertyHelper(proxyRepresentation, "Selection").Set(selectionSource);
+ // cout << "SetSelectionFromEntrySet" << endl;
+ // vtkSMPropertyHelper(proxyRepresentation, "Selection").Set(selectionSource);
- proxyRepresentation->InvokeCommand("EndSelect");
+ // proxyRepresentation->InvokeCommand("EndSelect");