// Make a Python command
anAsciiList.Trunc(anAsciiList.Length() - 1);
- GEOM::TPythonDump pd (aMainShape, /*append=*/true);
+ // IPAL22904: TC6.5.0: order of python commands is wrong after dump study
+ Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient) anObjects = new TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient;
+ for( it = theShapes.begin(); it != theShapes.end(); it++ )
+ {
+ Handle(GEOM_Object) anObj = *it;
+ if( !anObj.IsNull() )
+ anObjects->Append( anObj );
+ }
+ // Get the function of the latest published object
+ Handle(GEOM_Function) aFunction = GEOM::GetCreatedLast( anObjects )->GetLastFunction();
+ if( aFunction.IsNull() ) // just in case
+ aFunction = aMainShape;
+ GEOM::TPythonDump pd (aFunction, /*append=*/true);
pd << "[" << anAsciiList.ToCString()
<< "] = geompy.GetSharedShapesMulti([";