def FactTurbulence(statut, ajout=None):
- listInto = ['Fully resolved', 'Spatial filtering (LES)', 'One-point moment', 'One-point PDF']
+ listInto = ['Fully resolved (DNS)', 'Spatial filtering (LES)', 'One-point moment', 'One-point PDF']
if ajout != None : listInto.append(ajout)
return FACT (statut=statut,
TurbulenceModellingType = SIMP(typ='TXM', statut='o', into =listInto, ),
StochasticModel = SIMP(typ='TXM', statut='o', into=['Langevin','Other'], defaut='Langevin'),
)# fin lagrangian
), # fin bloc_one_point_pdf
- bloc_no_model = BLOC(condition = "TurbulenceModellingType == 'Fully resolved'",
+ bloc_no_model = BLOC(condition = "TurbulenceModellingType == 'Fully resolved (DNS)'",
ChoiceOfApproach = SIMP(statut='o', typ='TXM', into=['Field-based DNS', 'N-Particle Method']),
bloc_Field = BLOC(condition = "ChoiceOfApproach == 'Field-based DNS'",
NumericalMethod=SIMP(statut='o', typ='TXM', into=['FV', 'Spectral Method']),
bloc_NonNonThermalEffects = BLOC(condition = 'not(ThermalEffects == "Non thermal")',
OriginOfThermalFluxModel = SIMP( statut='o', into =['Given', 'Interaction', 'to be simulated'], typ ='TXM'),
BlocGiven =creeBlocPourLesFichiers (' OriginOfThermalFluxModel == "Given"', None, ('Med', 'cgns' ), FieldName=1),
- BlocSimulated =BLOC (condition = 'OriginOfThermalFluxModel == "to be simulated"',
- AFaire = SIMP(typ='TXM', statut='o', defaut='C I'),
bloc_EOS=BLOC( condition = 'RelationType == "Equation Of State"',
TypeOfEquationOfState = SIMP( statut='o', into =['variable density', 'compressible'], typ ='TXM'),
- bloc_NonEOSAndSimple=BLOC( condition = 'RelationType == "Force Field Relation" and ComplexFluid == False',
+ bloc_NonEOSAndSimple=BLOC( condition = 'RelationType == "Force-Flux Relation" and ComplexFluid == False',
TypeOfForceFluxRelation = SIMP( statut='o', into =['Viscosity', 'Diffusivity', 'Thermal Conductivity'], intoXML=['Viscosity', 'Diffusivity', 'Thermal Conductivity','Shear-stress closure', 'Scalar flux'], typ ='TXM'),
- bloc_NonEOSAndComplex=BLOC( condition = 'RelationType == "Force Field Relation" and ComplexFluid == True',
+ bloc_NonEOSAndComplex=BLOC( condition = 'RelationType == "Force-Flux Relation" and ComplexFluid == True',
TypeOfForceFluxRelation = SIMP( statut='o', into =['Shear-stress closure', 'Scalar flux'], typ ='TXM', intoXML=['Viscosity', 'Diffusivity', 'Thermal Conductivity','Shear-stress closure', 'Scalar flux']),