Plot2d_QwtPlotPicker *picker = myPlot->getPicker();
// Clear points markers list and associations (marker,tooltip)
- picker->pMarkers.clear(); // QList<QwtPlotMarker*>
- picker->pMarkersToolTip.clear(); // QMap<QwtPlotMarker*, QwtText>
+ if ( picker ) {
+ picker->pMarkers.clear(); // QList<QwtPlotMarker*>
+ picker->pMarkersToolTip.clear(); // QMap<QwtPlotMarker*, QwtText>
+ }
// 3)- Erase all QwtPlotCurve associated with the Plot2d_Curve
QColor tooltipColor( 253, 245, 230); // OldLace
text.setBackgroundBrush( QBrush(tooltipColor)); //, Qt::SolidPattern));
- picker->pMarkers.append( aPlotMarker);
- picker->pMarkersToolTip[ aPlotMarker] = text;
+ if ( picker ) {
+ picker->pMarkers.append( aPlotMarker);
+ picker->pMarkersToolTip[ aPlotMarker] = text;
+ }
return aPlotMarker;