-.. note:: My apologies for the name of the method MEDCouplingUMesh.MergeUMeshes. In future version it will be called AggregateUMeshes. For information, to merge two (or more) unstructured meshes, one has to invoke MergeUMeshes(), then mergeNodes() on the result, and finally zipConnectivity().
+.. note:: My apologies for the name of the method MEDCouplingUMesh.MergeUMeshes. In future version it will be called AggregateUMeshes. For information, to merge two (or more) unstructured meshes, one has to invoke MergeUMeshes(), then mergeNodes() on the result, and finally zipConnectivityTraducer().
Descending connectivity
.. note:: Pour information pour merger deux (ou plus) maillages non structurés, il faut invoquer ``MEDCouplingUMesh.MergeUMeshes()``
- puis ``MEDCouplingUMesh.mergeNodes()`` sur le résultat, et enfin ``MEDCouplingUMesh.zipConnectivity()``.
+ puis ``MEDCouplingUMesh.mergeNodes()`` sur le résultat, et enfin ``MEDCouplingUMesh.zipConnectivityTraducer()``.
.. _exo-umesh-desc-connec: