VeryFine = 4
Custom = 5
+PrecisionConfusion = 1e-07
+def IsEqual(val1, val2, tol=PrecisionConfusion):
+ if abs(val1 - val2) < tol:
+ return True
+ return False
NO_NAME = "NoName"
#Register the new proxy for SMESH_Gen
omniORB.registerObjref(SMESH._objref_SMESH_Gen._NP_RepositoryId, smeshDC)
## Mother class to define algorithm, recommended to do not use directly.
# More details.
# @class Mesh_Algorithm
# @brief Class Mesh_Algorithm
- #17908#hypos = {}
#def __init__(self,smesh):
# self.smesh=smesh
def __init__(self):
self.subm = None
self.algo = None
- #17908#def FindHypothesis(self,hypname, args):
- #17908# key = "%s %s %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, hypname, args)
- #17908# if Mesh_Algorithm.hypos.has_key( key ):
- #17908# return Mesh_Algorithm.hypos[ key ]
- #17908# return None
+ ## Find hypothesis in study by its type name and parameters.
+ # Find only those hypothesis, which was created in smeshpyD engine.
+ def FindHypothesis (self, hypname, args, CompareMethod, smeshpyD):
+ study = smeshpyD.GetCurrentStudy()
+ #to do: find component by smeshpyD object, not by its data type
+ scomp = study.FindComponent(smeshpyD.ComponentDataType())
+ if scomp is not None:
+ res,hypRoot = scomp.FindSubObject(SMESH.Tag_HypothesisRoot)
+ # is hypotheses root label exists?
+ if res and hypRoot is not None:
+ iter = study.NewChildIterator(hypRoot)
+ # check all published hypotheses
+ while iter.More():
+ hypo_so_i = iter.Value()
+ attr = hypo_so_i.FindAttribute("AttributeIOR")[1]
+ if attr is not None:
+ anIOR = attr.Value()
+ hypo_o_i = salome.orb.string_to_object(anIOR)
+ if hypo_o_i is not None:
+ # is hypothesis?
+ hypo_i = hypo_o_i._narrow(SMESH.SMESH_Hypothesis)
+ if hypo_i is not None:
+ # belongs to this engine?
+ if smeshpyD.GetObjectId(hypo_i) > 0:
+ # is it the needed hypothesis?
+ if hypo_i.GetName() == hypname:
+ # check args
+ if CompareMethod(hypo_i, args):
+ # found!!!
+ return hypo_i
+ pass
+ pass
+ pass
+ pass
+ pass
+ iter.Next()
+ pass
+ pass
+ pass
+ return None
+ ## Find algorithm in study by its type name.
+ # Find only those algorithm, which was created in smeshpyD engine.
+ def FindAlgorithm (self, algoname, smeshpyD):
+ study = smeshpyD.GetCurrentStudy()
+ #to do: find component by smeshpyD object, not by its data type
+ scomp = study.FindComponent(smeshpyD.ComponentDataType())
+ if scomp is not None:
+ res,hypRoot = scomp.FindSubObject(SMESH.Tag_AlgorithmsRoot)
+ # is algorithms root label exists?
+ if res and hypRoot is not None:
+ iter = study.NewChildIterator(hypRoot)
+ # check all published algorithms
+ while iter.More():
+ algo_so_i = iter.Value()
+ attr = algo_so_i.FindAttribute("AttributeIOR")[1]
+ if attr is not None:
+ anIOR = attr.Value()
+ algo_o_i = salome.orb.string_to_object(anIOR)
+ if algo_o_i is not None:
+ # is algorithm?
+ algo_i = algo_o_i._narrow(SMESH.SMESH_Algo)
+ if algo_i is not None:
+ # belongs to this engine?
+ if smeshpyD.GetObjectId(algo_i) > 0:
+ # is it the needed algorithm?
+ if algo_i.GetName() == algoname:
+ # found!!!
+ return algo_i
+ pass
+ pass
+ pass
+ pass
+ iter.Next()
+ pass
+ pass
+ pass
+ return None
## If the algorithm is global, return 0; \n
# else return the submesh associated to this algorithm.
def Create(self, mesh, geom, hypo, so=""):
if geom is None:
raise RuntimeError, "Attemp to create " + hypo + " algoritm on None shape"
- algo = mesh.smeshpyD.CreateHypothesis(hypo, so)
+ algo = self.FindAlgorithm(hypo, mesh.smeshpyD)
+ if algo is None:
+ algo = mesh.smeshpyD.CreateHypothesis(hypo, so)
+ pass
self.Assign(algo, mesh, geom)
return self.algo
## Private method
def Assign(self, algo, mesh, geom):
if geom is None:
- raise RuntimeError, "Attemp to create " + hypo + " algoritm on None shape"
+ raise RuntimeError, "Attemp to create " + algo + " algoritm on None shape"
self.mesh = mesh
piece = mesh.geom
if not geom:
status = mesh.mesh.AddHypothesis(self.geom, self.algo)
TreatHypoStatus( status, algo.GetName(), GetName(self.geom), True )
+ def CompareHyp (self, hyp, args):
+ print "CompareHyp is not implemented for ", self.__class__.__name__, ":", hyp.GetName()
+ return False
+ def CompareEqualHyp (self, hyp, args):
+ return True
## Private method
- def Hypothesis(self, hyp, args=[], so="", UseExisting=0):
- CreateNew = 1
- #17908#if UseExisting:
- #17908# hypo = self.FindHypothesis(hyp, args)
- #17908# if hypo: CreateNew = 0
- #17908# pass
- if CreateNew:
+ def Hypothesis (self, hyp, args=[], so="",
+ UseExisting=0, CompareMethod=""):
+ hypo = None
+ if UseExisting:
+ if CompareMethod == "": CompareMethod = self.CompareHyp
+ hypo = self.FindHypothesis(hyp, args, CompareMethod, self.mesh.smeshpyD)
+ pass
+ if hypo is None:
hypo = self.mesh.smeshpyD.CreateHypothesis(hyp, so)
- key = "%s %s %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, hyp, args)
- #17908#Mesh_Algorithm.hypos[key] = hypo
a = ""
s = "="
i = 0
a = a + s + str(args[i])
s = ","
i = i + 1
- name = GetName(self.geom)
- #SetName(hypo, name + "/" + hyp + a) - NPAL16198
+ pass
SetName(hypo, hyp + a)
status = self.mesh.mesh.AddHypothesis(self.geom, hypo)
# More details.
class Mesh_Segment(Mesh_Algorithm):
- #17908#algo = 0 # algorithm object common for all Mesh_Segments
## Private constructor.
def __init__(self, mesh, geom=0):
- #17908#if not Mesh_Segment.algo:
- #17908# Mesh_Segment.algo = self.Create(mesh, geom, "Regular_1D")
- #17908#else:
- #17908# self.Assign( Mesh_Segment.algo, mesh, geom)
- #17908# pass
self.Create(mesh, geom, "Regular_1D")
## Define "LocalLength" hypothesis to cut an edge in several segments with the same length
# @param UseExisting if ==true - search existing hypothesis created with
# same parameters, else (default) - create new
def LocalLength(self, l, UseExisting=0):
- hyp = self.Hypothesis("LocalLength", [l], UseExisting=UseExisting)
+ hyp = self.Hypothesis("LocalLength", [l], UseExisting=UseExisting,
+ CompareMethod=self.CompareLocalLength)
return hyp
+ ## Check if the given "LocalLength" hypothesis has the same parameters as given arguments
+ def CompareLocalLength(self, hyp, args):
+ return IsEqual(hyp.GetLength(), args[0])
## Define "NumberOfSegments" hypothesis to cut an edge in several fixed number of segments
# @param n for the number of segments that cut an edge
# @param s for the scale factor (optional)
# same parameters, else (default) - create new
def NumberOfSegments(self, n, s=[], UseExisting=0):
if s == []:
- hyp = self.Hypothesis("NumberOfSegments", [n], UseExisting=UseExisting)
+ hyp = self.Hypothesis("NumberOfSegments", [n], UseExisting=UseExisting,
+ CompareMethod=self.CompareNumberOfSegments)
- hyp = self.Hypothesis("NumberOfSegments", [n,s], UseExisting=UseExisting)
+ hyp = self.Hypothesis("NumberOfSegments", [n,s], UseExisting=UseExisting,
+ CompareMethod=self.CompareNumberOfSegments)
hyp.SetDistrType( 1 )
return hyp
+ ## Check if the given "NumberOfSegments" hypothesis has the same parameters as given arguments
+ def CompareNumberOfSegments(self, hyp, args):
+ if hyp.GetNumberOfSegments() == args[0]:
+ if len(args) == 1:
+ return True
+ else:
+ if hyp.GetDistrType() == 1:
+ if IsEqual(hyp.GetScaleFactor(), args[1]):
+ return True
+ return False
## Define "Arithmetic1D" hypothesis to cut an edge in several segments with arithmetic length increasing
# @param start for the length of the first segment
# @param end for the length of the last segment
# @param UseExisting if ==true - search existing hypothesis created with
# same parameters, else (default) - create new
def Arithmetic1D(self, start, end, UseExisting=0):
- hyp = self.Hypothesis("Arithmetic1D", [start, end], UseExisting=UseExisting)
+ hyp = self.Hypothesis("Arithmetic1D", [start, end], UseExisting=UseExisting,
+ CompareMethod=self.CompareArithmetic1D)
hyp.SetLength(start, 1)
hyp.SetLength(end , 0)
return hyp
+ ## Check if the given "Arithmetic1D" hypothesis has the same parameters as given arguments
+ def CompareArithmetic1D(self, hyp, args):
+ if IsEqual(hyp.GetLength(1), args[0]):
+ if IsEqual(hyp.GetLength(0), args[1]):
+ return True
+ return False
## Define "StartEndLength" hypothesis to cut an edge in several segments with geometric length increasing
# @param start for the length of the first segment
# @param end for the length of the last segment
# @param UseExisting if ==true - search existing hypothesis created with
# same parameters, else (default) - create new
def StartEndLength(self, start, end, UseExisting=0):
- hyp = self.Hypothesis("StartEndLength", [start, end], UseExisting=UseExisting)
+ hyp = self.Hypothesis("StartEndLength", [start, end], UseExisting=UseExisting,
+ CompareMethod=self.CompareStartEndLength)
hyp.SetLength(start, 1)
hyp.SetLength(end , 0)
return hyp
+ ## Check if the given "StartEndLength" hypothesis has the same parameters as given arguments
+ def CompareStartEndLength(self, hyp, args):
+ if IsEqual(hyp.GetLength(1), args[0]):
+ if IsEqual(hyp.GetLength(0), args[1]):
+ return True
+ return False
## Define "Deflection1D" hypothesis
# @param d for the deflection
# @param UseExisting if ==true - search existing hypothesis created with
# same parameters, else (default) - create new
def Deflection1D(self, d, UseExisting=0):
- hyp = self.Hypothesis("Deflection1D", [d], UseExisting=UseExisting)
+ hyp = self.Hypothesis("Deflection1D", [d], UseExisting=UseExisting,
+ CompareMethod=self.CompareDeflection1D)
return hyp
+ ## Check if the given "Deflection1D" hypothesis has the same parameters as given arguments
+ def CompareDeflection1D(self, hyp, args):
+ return IsEqual(hyp.GetDeflection(), args[0])
## Define "Propagation" hypothesis that propagate all other hypothesis on all others edges that are in
# the opposite side in the case of quadrangular faces
def Propagation(self):
- return self.Hypothesis("Propagation", UseExisting=1)
+ return self.Hypothesis("Propagation", UseExisting=1, CompareMethod=self.CompareEqualHyp)
## Define "AutomaticLength" hypothesis
# @param fineness for the fineness [0-1]
# @param UseExisting if ==true - search existing hypothesis created with
# same parameters, else (default) - create new
def AutomaticLength(self, fineness=0, UseExisting=0):
- hyp = self.Hypothesis("AutomaticLength",[fineness],UseExisting=UseExisting)
+ hyp = self.Hypothesis("AutomaticLength",[fineness],UseExisting=UseExisting,
+ CompareMethod=self.CompareAutomaticLength)
hyp.SetFineness( fineness )
return hyp
+ ## Check if the given "AutomaticLength" hypothesis has the same parameters as given arguments
+ def CompareAutomaticLength(self, hyp, args):
+ return IsEqual(hyp.GetFineness(), args[0])
## Define "SegmentLengthAroundVertex" hypothesis
# @param length for the segment length
- # @param vertex for the length localization: vertex index [0,1] | verext object
+ # @param vertex for the length localization: vertex index [0,1] | vertex object.
+ # Any other integer value means what hypo will be set on the
+ # whole 1D shape, where Mesh_Segment algorithm is assigned.
# @param UseExisting if ==true - search existing hypothesis created with
# same parameters, else (default) - create new
def LengthNearVertex(self, length, vertex=0, UseExisting=0):
import types
store_geom = self.geom
- if vertex:
- if type(vertex) is types.IntType:
+ if type(vertex) is types.IntType:
+ if vertex == 0 or vertex == 1:
vertex = self.mesh.geompyD.SubShapeAllSorted(self.geom, geompyDC.ShapeType["VERTEX"])[vertex]
+ self.geom = vertex
+ pass
+ else:
self.geom = vertex
- hyp = self.Hypothesis("SegmentAroundVertex_0D",[length],UseExisting=UseExisting)
- hyp = self.Hypothesis("SegmentLengthAroundVertex",[length],UseExisting=UseExisting)
+ ### 0D algorithm
+ if self.geom is None:
+ raise RuntimeError, "Attemp to create SegmentAroundVertex_0D algoritm on None shape"
+ name = GetName(self.geom)
+ if name == NO_NAME:
+ piece = self.mesh.geom
+ name = self.mesh.geompyD.SubShapeName(self.geom, piece)
+ self.mesh.geompyD.addToStudyInFather(piece, self.geom, name)
+ algo = self.FindAlgorithm("SegmentAroundVertex_0D", self.mesh.smeshpyD)
+ if algo is None:
+ algo = self.mesh.smeshpyD.CreateHypothesis("SegmentAroundVertex_0D", "")
+ pass
+ status = self.mesh.mesh.AddHypothesis(self.geom, algo)
+ TreatHypoStatus(status, "SegmentAroundVertex_0D", name, True)
+ ###
+ hyp = self.Hypothesis("SegmentLengthAroundVertex", [length], UseExisting=UseExisting,
+ CompareMethod=self.CompareLengthNearVertex)
self.geom = store_geom
hyp.SetLength( length )
return hyp
+ ## Check if the given "LengthNearVertex" hypothesis has the same parameters as given arguments
+ def CompareLengthNearVertex(self, hyp, args):
+ return IsEqual(hyp.GetLength(), args[0])
## Define "QuadraticMesh" hypothesis, forcing construction of quadratic edges.
# If the 2D mesher sees that all boundary edges are quadratic ones,
# it generates quadratic faces, else it generates linear faces using
# The 3D mesher generates quadratic volumes only if all boundary faces
# are quadratic ones, else it fails.
def QuadraticMesh(self):
- hyp = self.Hypothesis("QuadraticMesh", UseExisting=1)
+ hyp = self.Hypothesis("QuadraticMesh", UseExisting=1, CompareMethod=self.CompareEqualHyp)
return hyp
# Public class: Mesh_CompositeSegment
# More details.
class Mesh_CompositeSegment(Mesh_Segment):
- #17908#algo = 0 # algorithm object common for all Mesh_CompositeSegments
## Private constructor.
def __init__(self, mesh, geom=0):
- #17908#if not Mesh_CompositeSegment.algo:
- #17908# Mesh_CompositeSegment.algo = self.Create(mesh, geom, "CompositeSegment_1D")
- #17908#else:
- #17908# self.Assign( Mesh_CompositeSegment.algo, mesh, geom)
- #17908# pass
self.Create(mesh, geom, "CompositeSegment_1D")
# More details.
class Mesh_Segment_Python(Mesh_Segment):
- #17908#algo = 0 # algorithm object common for all Mesh_Segment_Pythons
## Private constructor.
def __init__(self, mesh, geom=0):
import Python1dPlugin
- #17908#if not Mesh_Segment_Python.algo:
- #17908# Mesh_Segment_Python.algo = self.Create(mesh, geom, "Python_1D", "")
- #17908#else:
- #17908# self.Assign( Mesh_Segment_Python.algo, mesh, geom)
- #17908# pass
self.Create(mesh, geom, "Python_1D", "")
## Define "PythonSplit1D" hypothesis based on the Erwan Adam patch, awaiting equivalent SALOME functionality
# @param n for the number of segments that cut an edge
# @param func for the python function that calculate the length of all segments
# @param UseExisting if ==true - search existing hypothesis created with
# same parameters, else (default) - create new
def PythonSplit1D(self, n, func, UseExisting=0):
- hyp = self.Hypothesis("PythonSplit1D", [n], "", UseExisting=UseExisting)
+ hyp = self.Hypothesis("PythonSplit1D", [n], "",
+ UseExisting=UseExisting, CompareMethod=self.ComparePythonSplit1D)
return hyp
+ ## Check if the given "PythonSplit1D" hypothesis has the same parameters as given arguments
+ def ComparePythonSplit1D(self, hyp, args):
+ #if hyp.GetNumberOfSegments() == args[0]:
+ # if hyp.GetPythonLog10RatioFunction() == args[1]:
+ # return True
+ return False
# Public class: Mesh_Triangle
# ---------------------------
_angleMeshS = 8
_gradation = 1.1
- # algorithm objects common for all instances of Mesh_Triangle
- #17908#algoMEF = 0
- #17908#algoNET = 0
- #17908#algoNET_2D = 0
## Private constructor.
def __init__(self, mesh, algoType, geom=0):
self.algoType = algoType
if algoType == MEFISTO:
- #17908#if not Mesh_Triangle.algoMEF:
- #17908# Mesh_Triangle.algoMEF = self.Create(mesh, geom, "MEFISTO_2D")
- #17908#else:
- #17908# self.Assign( Mesh_Triangle.algoMEF, mesh, geom)
- #17908# pass
self.Create(mesh, geom, "MEFISTO_2D")
elif algoType == BLSURF:
if noNETGENPlugin:
print "Warning: NETGENPlugin module unavailable"
- #17908#if not Mesh_Triangle.algoNET:
- #17908# Mesh_Triangle.algoNET = self.Create(mesh, geom, "NETGEN_2D", "")
- #17908#else:
- #17908# self.Assign( Mesh_Triangle.algoNET, mesh, geom)
- #17908# pass
self.Create(mesh, geom, "NETGEN_2D", "")
elif algoType == NETGEN_2D:
if noNETGENPlugin:
print "Warning: NETGENPlugin module unavailable"
- #17908#if not Mesh_Triangle.algoNET_2D:
- #17908# Mesh_Triangle.algoNET_2D = self.Create(mesh, geom,
- #17908# "NETGEN_2D_ONLY", "")
- #17908#else:
- #17908# self.Assign( Mesh_Triangle.algoNET_2D, mesh, geom)
- #17908# pass
self.Create(mesh, geom, "NETGEN_2D_ONLY", "")
- ## Define "MaxElementArea" hypothesis to give the maximun area of each triangles
- # @param area for the maximum area of each triangles
+ ## Define "MaxElementArea" hypothesis to give the maximum area of each triangle
+ # @param area for the maximum area of each triangle
# @param UseExisting if ==true - search existing hypothesis created with
# same parameters, else (default) - create new
# Only for algoType == MEFISTO || NETGEN_2D
def MaxElementArea(self, area, UseExisting=0):
if self.algoType == MEFISTO or self.algoType == NETGEN_2D:
- hyp = self.Hypothesis("MaxElementArea", [area], UseExisting=UseExisting)
+ hyp = self.Hypothesis("MaxElementArea", [area], UseExisting=UseExisting,
+ CompareMethod=self.CompareMaxElementArea)
return hyp
elif self.algoType == NETGEN:
print "Netgen 1D-2D algo doesn't support this hypothesis"
return None
- ## Define "LengthFromEdges" hypothesis to build triangles based on the length of the edges taken from the wire
+ ## Check if the given "MaxElementArea" hypothesis has the same parameters as given arguments
+ def CompareMaxElementArea(self, hyp, args):
+ return IsEqual(hyp.GetMaxElementArea(), args[0])
+ ## Define "LengthFromEdges" hypothesis to build triangles
+ # based on the length of the edges taken from the wire
# Only for algoType == MEFISTO || NETGEN_2D
def LengthFromEdges(self):
if self.algoType == MEFISTO or self.algoType == NETGEN_2D:
- hyp = self.Hypothesis("LengthFromEdges", UseExisting=1)
+ hyp = self.Hypothesis("LengthFromEdges", UseExisting=1, CompareMethod=self.CompareEqualHyp)
return hyp
elif self.algoType == NETGEN:
print "Netgen 1D-2D algo doesn't support this hypothesis"
def SetQuadAllowed(self, toAllow=True):
if self.algoType == NETGEN_2D:
if toAllow: # add QuadranglePreference
- self.Hypothesis("QuadranglePreference", UseExisting=1)
+ self.Hypothesis("QuadranglePreference", UseExisting=1, CompareMethod=self.CompareEqualHyp)
else: # remove QuadranglePreference
for hyp in self.mesh.GetHypothesisList( self.geom ):
if hyp.GetName() == "QuadranglePreference":
- if self.params == 0 and self.Parameters():
+ if self.params == 0:
+ self.Parameters()
+ if self.params:
print "NETGEN_2D_ONLY uses 'MaxElementArea' and 'LengthFromEdges' ones"
return None
elif self.algoType == BLSURF:
- self.params = self.Hypothesis("BLSURF_Parameters", [], "")
+ self.params = self.Hypothesis("BLSURF_Parameters", [],
+ "", UseExisting=0)
return self.params
return None
# More details.
class Mesh_Quadrangle(Mesh_Algorithm):
- #17908#algo = 0 # algorithm object common for all Mesh_Quadrangles
## Private constructor.
def __init__(self, mesh, geom=0):
- #17908#if not Mesh_Quadrangle.algo:
- #17908# Mesh_Quadrangle.algo = self.Create(mesh, geom, "Quadrangle_2D")
- #17908#else:
- #17908# self.Assign( Mesh_Quadrangle.algo, mesh, geom)
- #17908# pass
self.Create(mesh, geom, "Quadrangle_2D")
## Define "QuadranglePreference" hypothesis, forcing construction
# of quadrangles if the number of nodes on opposite edges is not the same
# in the case where the global number of nodes on edges is even
def QuadranglePreference(self):
- hyp = self.Hypothesis("QuadranglePreference", UseExisting=1)
+ hyp = self.Hypothesis("QuadranglePreference", UseExisting=1,
+ CompareMethod=self.CompareEqualHyp)
return hyp
# Public class: Mesh_Tetrahedron
# ------------------------------
params = 0
algoType = 0
- #17908#algoNET = 0 # algorithm object common for all Mesh_Tetrahedrons
- #17908#algoGHS = 0 # algorithm object common for all Mesh_Tetrahedrons
- #17908#algoFNET = 0 # algorithm object common for all Mesh_Tetrahedrons
## Private constructor.
def __init__(self, mesh, algoType, geom=0):
if algoType == NETGEN:
- #17908#if not Mesh_Tetrahedron.algoNET:
- #17908# Mesh_Tetrahedron.algoNET = self.Create(mesh, geom, "NETGEN_3D", "")
- #17908#else:
- #17908# self.Assign( Mesh_Tetrahedron.algoNET, mesh, geom)
- #17908# pass
self.Create(mesh, geom, "NETGEN_3D", "")
elif algoType == GHS3D:
- #17908#if not Mesh_Tetrahedron.algoGHS:
- #17908# import GHS3DPlugin
- #17908# Mesh_Tetrahedron.algoGHS = self.Create(mesh, geom, "GHS3D_3D" , "")
- #17908#else:
- #17908# self.Assign( Mesh_Tetrahedron.algoGHS, mesh, geom)
- #17908# pass
import GHS3DPlugin
self.Create(mesh, geom, "GHS3D_3D" , "")
elif algoType == FULL_NETGEN:
if noNETGENPlugin:
print "Warning: NETGENPlugin module has not been imported."
- #17908#if not Mesh_Tetrahedron.algoFNET:
- #17908# Mesh_Tetrahedron.algoFNET = self.Create(mesh, geom, "NETGEN_2D3D", "")
- #17908#else:
- #17908# self.Assign( Mesh_Tetrahedron.algoFNET, mesh, geom)
- #17908# pass
self.Create(mesh, geom, "NETGEN_2D3D", "")
# @param UseExisting if ==true - search existing hypothesis created with
# same parameters, else (default) - create new
def MaxElementVolume(self, vol, UseExisting=0):
- hyp = self.Hypothesis("MaxElementVolume", [vol], UseExisting=UseExisting)
+ hyp = self.Hypothesis("MaxElementVolume", [vol], UseExisting=UseExisting,
+ CompareMethod=self.CompareMaxElementVolume)
return hyp
+ ## Check if the given "MaxElementVolume" hypothesis has the same parameters as given arguments
+ def CompareMaxElementVolume(self, hyp, args):
+ return IsEqual(hyp.GetMaxElementVolume(), args[0])
## Define "Netgen 3D Parameters" hypothesis
def Parameters(self):
if (self.algoType == FULL_NETGEN):
if self.params == 0:
## Set SecondOrder flag
def SetSecondOrder(self, theVal):
if self.params == 0:
# More details.
class Mesh_Hexahedron(Mesh_Algorithm):
-# #17908#algo = 0 # algorithm object common for all Mesh_Hexahedrons
-# ## Private constructor.
-# def __init__(self, mesh, geom=0):
-# Mesh_Algorithm.__init__(self)
-# #17908#if not Mesh_Hexahedron.algo:
-# #17908# Mesh_Hexahedron.algo = self.Create(mesh, geom, "Hexa_3D")
-# #17908#else:
-# #17908# self.Assign( Mesh_Hexahedron.algo, mesh, geom)
-# #17908# pass
-# self.Create(mesh, geom, "Hexa_3D")
- #17908#params = 0
- #17908#algoType = 0
- #17908#algoHEXA = 0 # algorithm object common for all Mesh_Hexahedron's
- #17908#algoHEXO = 0 # algorithm object common for all Mesh_Hexahedron's
+ params = 0
+ algoType = 0
## Private constructor.
def __init__(self, mesh, algoType=Hexa, geom=0):
+ self.algoType = algoType
if algoType == Hexa:
- #17908#if not Mesh_Hexahedron.algoHEXA:
- #17908# Mesh_Hexahedron.algoHEXA = self.Create(mesh, geom, "Hexa_3D")
- #17908#else:
- #17908# self.Assign(Mesh_Hexahedron.algoHEXA, mesh, geom)
- #17908# pass
self.Create(mesh, geom, "Hexa_3D")
elif algoType == Hexotic:
- #17908#if not Mesh_Hexahedron.algoHEXO:
- #17908# import HexoticPlugin
- #17908# Mesh_Hexahedron.algoHEXO = self.Create(mesh, geom, "Hexotic_3D", "")
- #17908#else:
- #17908# self.Assign(Mesh_Hexahedron.algoHEXO, mesh, geom)
- #17908# pass
import HexoticPlugin
self.Create(mesh, geom, "Hexotic_3D", "")
## Define "MinMaxQuad" hypothesis to give the three hexotic parameters
def MinMaxQuad(self, min=3, max=8, quad=True):
- #17908#self.params = self.Hypothesis("Hexotic_Parameters", [], "")
- #17908#self.params.SetHexesMinLevel(min)
- #17908#self.params.SetHexesMaxLevel(max)
- #17908#self.params.SetHexoticQuadrangles(quad)
- #17908#return self.params
- params = self.Hypothesis("Hexotic_Parameters", [], "")
- params.SetHexesMinLevel(min)
- params.SetHexesMaxLevel(max)
- params.SetHexoticQuadrangles(quad)
- return params
+ self.params = self.Hypothesis("Hexotic_Parameters", [], "",
+ UseExisting=0)
+ self.params.SetHexesMinLevel(min)
+ self.params.SetHexesMaxLevel(max)
+ self.params.SetHexoticQuadrangles(quad)
+ return self.params
# Deprecated, only for compatibility!
# Public class: Mesh_Netgen
is3D = 0
- #17908#algoNET23 = 0 # algorithm object common for all Mesh_Netgens
- #17908#algoNET2 = 0 # algorithm object common for all Mesh_Netgens
## Private constructor.
def __init__(self, mesh, is3D, geom=0):
if noNETGENPlugin:
print "Warning: NETGENPlugin module has not been imported."
self.is3D = is3D
if is3D:
- #17908#if not Mesh_Netgen.algoNET23:
- #17908# Mesh_Netgen.algoNET23 = self.Create(mesh, geom, "NETGEN_2D3D", "")
- #17908#else:
- #17908# self.Assign( Mesh_Netgen.algoNET23, mesh, geom)
- #17908# pass
self.Create(mesh, geom, "NETGEN_2D3D", "")
- #17908#if not Mesh_Netgen.algoNET2:
- #17908# Mesh_Netgen.algoNET2 = self.Create(mesh, geom, "NETGEN_2D", "")
- #17908#else:
- #17908# self.Assign( Mesh_Netgen.algoNET2, mesh, geom)
- #17908# pass
self.Create(mesh, geom, "NETGEN_2D", "")
# More details.
class Mesh_Projection1D(Mesh_Algorithm):
- #17908#algo = 0 # algorithm object common for all Mesh_Projection1Ds
## Private constructor.
def __init__(self, mesh, geom=0):
- #17908#if not Mesh_Projection1D.algo:
- #17908# Mesh_Projection1D.algo = self.Create(mesh, geom, "Projection_1D")
- #17908#else:
- #17908# self.Assign( Mesh_Projection1D.algo, mesh, geom)
- #17908# pass
self.Create(mesh, geom, "Projection_1D")
## Define "Source Edge" hypothesis, specifying a meshed edge to
# @param UseExisting if ==true - search existing hypothesis created with
# same parameters, else (default) - create new
def SourceEdge(self, edge, mesh=None, srcV=None, tgtV=None, UseExisting=0):
- hyp = self.Hypothesis("ProjectionSource1D", [edge,mesh,srcV,tgtV], UseExisting=UseExisting)
+ hyp = self.Hypothesis("ProjectionSource1D", [edge,mesh,srcV,tgtV],
+ UseExisting=0)
+ #UseExisting=UseExisting, CompareMethod=self.CompareSourceEdge)
hyp.SetSourceEdge( edge )
if not mesh is None and isinstance(mesh, Mesh):
mesh = mesh.GetMesh()
hyp.SetVertexAssociation( srcV, tgtV )
return hyp
+ ## Check if the given "SourceEdge" hypothesis has the same parameters as given arguments
+ #def CompareSourceEdge(self, hyp, args):
+ # # seems to be not really useful to reuse existing "SourceEdge" hypothesis
+ # return False
# Public class: Mesh_Projection2D
# ------------------------------
# More details.
class Mesh_Projection2D(Mesh_Algorithm):
- #17908#algo = 0 # algorithm object common for all Mesh_Projection2Ds
## Private constructor.
def __init__(self, mesh, geom=0):
- #17908#if not Mesh_Projection2D.algo:
- #17908# Mesh_Projection2D.algo = self.Create(mesh, geom, "Projection_2D")
- #17908#else:
- #17908# self.Assign( Mesh_Projection2D.algo, mesh, geom)
- #17908# pass
self.Create(mesh, geom, "Projection_2D")
## Define "Source Face" hypothesis, specifying a meshed face to
def SourceFace(self, face, mesh=None, srcV1=None, tgtV1=None,
srcV2=None, tgtV2=None, UseExisting=0):
hyp = self.Hypothesis("ProjectionSource2D", [face,mesh,srcV1,tgtV1,srcV2,tgtV2],
- UseExisting=UseExisting)
+ UseExisting=0)
+ #UseExisting=UseExisting, CompareMethod=self.CompareSourceFace)
hyp.SetSourceFace( face )
if not mesh is None and isinstance(mesh, Mesh):
mesh = mesh.GetMesh()
hyp.SetVertexAssociation( srcV1, srcV2, tgtV1, tgtV2 )
return hyp
+ ## Check if the given "SourceFace" hypothesis has the same parameters as given arguments
+ #def CompareSourceFace(self, hyp, args):
+ # # seems to be not really useful to reuse existing "SourceFace" hypothesis
+ # return False
# Public class: Mesh_Projection3D
# ------------------------------
# More details.
class Mesh_Projection3D(Mesh_Algorithm):
- #17908#algo = 0 # algorithm object common for all Mesh_Projection3Ds
## Private constructor.
def __init__(self, mesh, geom=0):
- #17908#if not Mesh_Projection3D.algo:
- #17908# Mesh_Projection3D.algo = self.Create(mesh, geom, "Projection_3D")
- #17908#else:
- #17908# self.Assign( Mesh_Projection3D.algo, mesh, geom)
- #17908# pass
self.Create(mesh, geom, "Projection_3D")
## Define "Source Shape 3D" hypothesis, specifying a meshed solid to
srcV2=0, tgtV2=0, UseExisting=0):
hyp = self.Hypothesis("ProjectionSource3D",
- UseExisting=UseExisting)
+ UseExisting=0)
+ #UseExisting=UseExisting, CompareMethod=self.CompareSourceShape3D)
hyp.SetSource3DShape( solid )
if not mesh is None and isinstance(mesh, Mesh):
mesh = mesh.GetMesh()
hyp.SetVertexAssociation( srcV1, srcV2, tgtV1, tgtV2 )
return hyp
+ ## Check if the given "SourceShape3D" hypothesis has the same parameters as given arguments
+ #def CompareSourceShape3D(self, hyp, args):
+ # # seems to be not really useful to reuse existing "SourceShape3D" hypothesis
+ # return False
# Public class: Mesh_Prism
# ------------------------
# More details.
class Mesh_Prism3D(Mesh_Algorithm):
- #17908#algo = 0 # algorithm object common for all Mesh_Prism3Ds
## Private constructor.
def __init__(self, mesh, geom=0):
- #17908#if not Mesh_Prism3D.algo:
- #17908# Mesh_Prism3D.algo = self.Create(mesh, geom, "Prism_3D")
- #17908#else:
- #17908# self.Assign( Mesh_Prism3D.algo, mesh, geom)
- #17908# pass
self.Create(mesh, geom, "Prism_3D")
# Public class: Mesh_RadialPrism
# More details.
class Mesh_RadialPrism3D(Mesh_Algorithm):
- #17908#algo = 0 # algorithm object common for all Mesh_RadialPrism3Ds
## Private constructor.
def __init__(self, mesh, geom=0):
- #17908#if not Mesh_RadialPrism3D.algo:
- #17908# Mesh_RadialPrism3D.algo = self.Create(mesh, geom, "RadialPrism_3D")
- #17908#else:
- #17908# self.Assign( Mesh_RadialPrism3D.algo, mesh, geom)
- #17908# pass
self.Create(mesh, geom, "RadialPrism_3D")
- self.distribHyp = self.Hypothesis( "LayerDistribution", UseExisting=0)
+ self.distribHyp = self.Hypothesis("LayerDistribution", UseExisting=0)
self.nbLayers = None
## Return 3D hypothesis holding the 1D one
# same parameters, else (default) - create new
def NumberOfLayers(self, n, UseExisting=0):
self.mesh.GetMesh().RemoveHypothesis( self.geom, self.distribHyp )
- self.nbLayers = self.Hypothesis("NumberOfLayers", [n], UseExisting=UseExisting)
+ self.nbLayers = self.Hypothesis("NumberOfLayers", [n], UseExisting=UseExisting,
+ CompareMethod=self.CompareNumberOfLayers)
self.nbLayers.SetNumberOfLayers( n )
return self.nbLayers
+ ## Check if the given "NumberOfLayers" hypothesis has the same parameters as given arguments
+ def CompareNumberOfLayers(self, hyp, args):
+ return IsEqual(hyp.GetNumberOfLayers(), args[0])
## Define "LocalLength" hypothesis, specifying segment length
# to build between the inner and outer shells
# @param l for the length of segments
def LocalLength(self, l):
- hyp = self.OwnHypothesis("LocalLength", [l] )
+ hyp = self.OwnHypothesis("LocalLength", [l])
return hyp
## Define "NumberOfSegments" hypothesis, specifying a number of layers of
# prisms to build between the inner and outer shells
# @param n for the number of segments
# @param s for the scale factor (optional)
def NumberOfSegments(self, n, s=[]):
if s == []:
- hyp = self.OwnHypothesis("NumberOfSegments", [n] )
+ hyp = self.OwnHypothesis("NumberOfSegments", [n])
hyp = self.OwnHypothesis("NumberOfSegments", [n,s])
hyp.SetDistrType( 1 )
return hyp
## Define "Arithmetic1D" hypothesis, specifying distribution of segments
# to build between the inner and outer shells as arithmetic length increasing
# @param start for the length of the first segment
hyp.SetLength(start, 1)
hyp.SetLength(end , 0)
return hyp
## Define "StartEndLength" hypothesis, specifying distribution of segments
# to build between the inner and outer shells as geometric length increasing
# @param start for the length of the first segment
hyp.SetLength(start, 1)
hyp.SetLength(end , 0)
return hyp
## Define "AutomaticLength" hypothesis, specifying number of segments
# to build between the inner and outer shells
# @param fineness for the fineness [0-1]
# -------------------------------
class Mesh_UseExisting(Mesh_Algorithm):
- #17908#algo1D = 0 # StdMeshers_UseExisting_1D object common for all Mesh_UseExisting
- #17908#algo2D = 0 # StdMeshers_UseExisting_2D object common for all Mesh_UseExisting
def __init__(self, dim, mesh, geom=0):
if dim == 1:
- #17908#if not Mesh_UseExisting.algo1D:
- #17908# Mesh_UseExisting.algo1D= self.Create(mesh, geom, "UseExisting_1D")
- #17908#else:
- #17908# self.Assign( Mesh_UseExisting.algo1D, mesh, geom)
- #17908# pass
self.Create(mesh, geom, "UseExisting_1D")
- #17908#if not Mesh_UseExisting.algo2D:
- #17908# Mesh_UseExisting.algo2D= self.Create(mesh, geom, "UseExisting_2D")
- #17908#else:
- #17908# self.Assign( Mesh_UseExisting.algo2D, mesh, geom)
- #17908# pass
self.Create(mesh, geom, "UseExisting_2D")
# Public class: Mesh
def SetMesh(self, theMesh):
self.mesh = theMesh
self.geom = self.mesh.GetShapeToMesh()
## Method that returns the mesh
# @return SMESH_Mesh object
def GetMesh(self):
## Set name to mesh
def SetName(self, name):
SetName(self.GetMesh(), name)
## Get the subMesh object associated to a subShape. The subMesh object
# gives access to nodes and elements IDs.
# \n SubMesh will be used instead of SubShape in a next idl version to
def GetSubMesh(self, theSubObject, name):
submesh = self.mesh.GetSubMesh(theSubObject, name)
return submesh
## Method that returns the shape associated to the mesh
# @return GEOM_Object
def GetShape(self):
# @return a list of errors
def GetAlgoState(self, theSubObject):
return self.smeshpyD.GetAlgoState(self.mesh, theSubObject)
## Return geometrical object the given element is built on.
# The returned geometrical object, if not nil, is either found in the
# study or is published by this method with the given name
# @return GEOM::GEOM_Object instance
def GetGeometryByMeshElement(self, theElementID, theGeomName):
return self.smeshpyD.GetGeometryByMeshElement( self.mesh, theElementID, theGeomName )
## Returns mesh dimension depending on shape one
def MeshDimension(self):
shells = self.geompyD.SubShapeAllIDs( self.geom, geompyDC.ShapeType["SHELL"] )
return 0;
## Creates a segment discretization 1D algorithm.
# If the optional \a algo parameter is not sets, this algorithm is REGULAR.
# If the optional \a geom parameter is not sets, this algorithm is global.
return Mesh_CompositeSegment(self, geom)
return Mesh_Segment(self, geom)
## Enable creation of nodes and segments usable by 2D algoritms.
# Added nodes and segments must be bound to edges and vertices by
# SetNodeOnVertex(), SetNodeOnEdge() and SetMeshElementOnShape()
if ( isinstance( algo, geompyDC.GEOM._objref_GEOM_Object)):
geom = algo
algo = MEFISTO
return Mesh_Triangle(self, algo, geom)
## Creates a quadrangle 2D algorithm for faces.
# If the optional \a geom parameter is not sets, this algorithm is global.
# \n Otherwise, this algorithm define a submesh based on \a geom subshape.
if not algo: algo = NETGEN
return Mesh_Tetrahedron(self, algo, geom)
## Creates a hexahedron 3D algorithm for solids.
# If the optional \a geom parameter is not sets, this algorithm is global.
# \n Otherwise, this algorithm define a submesh based on \a geom subshape.
return self.Compute()
## Compute hexahedral mesh using AutomaticLength + Quadrangle + Hexahedron
# The parameter \a fineness [0,-1] defines mesh fineness
def AutomaticHexahedralization(self, fineness=0):
## Assign hypothesis
# @param hyp is a hypothesis to assign
# @param geom is subhape of mesh geometry
- def AddHypothesis(self, hyp, geom=0 ):
+ def AddHypothesis(self, hyp, geom=0):
if isinstance( hyp, Mesh_Algorithm ):
hyp = hyp.GetAlgorithm()
isAlgo = hyp._narrow( SMESH_Algo )
TreatHypoStatus( status, GetName( hyp ), GetName( geom ), isAlgo )
return status
## Unassign hypothesis
# @param hyp is a hypothesis to unassign
# @param geom is subhape of mesh geometry
- def RemoveHypothesis(self, hyp, geom=0 ):
+ def RemoveHypothesis(self, hyp, geom=0):
if isinstance( hyp, Mesh_Algorithm ):
hyp = hyp.GetAlgorithm()
self.mesh.RemoveHypothesis( self.geom, hyp )
## Create a mesh group based on geometric object \a grp
# and give a \a name, \n if this parameter is not defined
# the name is the same as the geometric group name \n
# @return SMESH_GroupOnGeom
def Group(self, grp, name=""):
return self.GroupOnGeom(grp, name)
## Deprecated, only for compatibility! Please, use ExportMED() method instead.
# Export the mesh in a file with the MED format and choice the \a version of MED format
# @param f is the file name
# @param version values are SMESH.MED_V2_1, SMESH.MED_V2_2
def ExportToMED(self, f, version, opt=0):
self.mesh.ExportToMED(f, opt, version)
## Export the mesh in a file with the MED format
# @param f is the file name
# @param auto_groups boolean parameter for creating/not creating
# @param version MED format version(MED_V2_1 or MED_V2_2)
def ExportMED(self, f, auto_groups=0, version=MED_V2_2):
self.mesh.ExportToMED(f, auto_groups, version)
## Export the mesh in a file with the DAT format
# @param f is the file name
def ExportDAT(self, f):
## Export the mesh in a file with the UNV format
# @param f is the file name
def ExportUNV(self, f):
## Export the mesh in a file with the STL format
# @param f is the file name
# @param ascii defined the kind of file contents
# @return SMESH_Group
def CreateEmptyGroup(self, elementType, name):
return self.mesh.CreateGroup(elementType, name)
## Creates a mesh group based on geometric object \a grp
# and give a \a name, \n if this parameter is not defined
# the name is the same as the geometric group name
group = self.mesh.CreateGroup(elementType, groupName)
return group
## Create a mesh group by the given conditions
# @param groupName is the name of the mesh group
# @param elementType is the type of elements in the group
group = self.MakeGroupByFilter(groupName, aFilter)
return group
## Create a mesh group by the given criteria(list of criterions)
# @param groupName is the name of the mesh group
# @param Criteria is the list of criterions
group = self.MakeGroupByFilter(groupName, aFilter)
return group
## Create a mesh group by the given filter
# @param groupName is the name of the mesh group
# @param Criterion is the instance of Filter class
## Remove group with its contents
def RemoveGroupWithContents(self, group):
## Get the list of groups existing in the mesh
def GetGroups(self):
return self.mesh.GetGroups()
# present in both initial groups are added to the new one.
def IntersectGroups(self, group1, group2, name):
return self.mesh.IntersectGroups(group1, group2, name)
## Cut of two groups
# New group is created. All mesh elements that are present in
# main group but do not present in tool group are added to the new one
# Consider maximum group name length stored in MED file.
def HasDuplicatedGroupNamesMED(self):
return self.mesh.HasDuplicatedGroupNamesMED()
## Obtain instance of SMESH_MeshEditor
def GetMeshEditor(self):
return self.mesh.GetMeshEditor()
## Get MED Mesh
def GetMEDMesh(self):
return self.mesh.GetMEDMesh()
# Get informations about mesh contents:
# ------------------------------------
def NbEdgesOfOrder(self, elementOrder):
return self.mesh.NbEdgesOfOrder(elementOrder)
## Returns number of faces in mesh
def NbFaces(self):
return self.mesh.NbFaces()
## Returns list of mesh nodes ids
def GetNodesId(self):
return self.mesh.GetNodesId()
# Get informations about mesh elements:
# ------------------------------------
## Returns type of mesh element
def GetElementType(self, id, iselem):
return self.mesh.GetElementType(id, iselem)
ShapeID = Shape
return self.mesh.GetSubMeshNodesId(ShapeID, all)
## Returns list of ids of submesh elements with given type
# @param Shape is geom object(subshape) IOR
# Shape must be subshape of a ShapeToMesh()
ShapeID = Shape
return self.mesh.GetSubMeshElementType(ShapeID)
## Get mesh description
def Dump(self):
return self.mesh.Dump()
# Get information about nodes and elements of mesh by its ids:
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# \n If there is not element for given ID - returns -1
def GetShapeIDForElem(self,id):
return self.mesh.GetShapeIDForElem(id)
## Returns number of nodes for given element
# \n If there is not element for given ID - returns -1
def GetElemNbNodes(self, id):
# in given quadratic element
def IsMediumNode(self, elementID, nodeID):
return self.mesh.IsMediumNode(elementID, nodeID)
## Returns true if given node is medium node
# in one of quadratic elements
def IsMediumNodeOfAnyElem(self, nodeID, elementType):
## Returns number of edges for given element
def ElemNbEdges(self, id):
return self.mesh.ElemNbEdges(id)
## Returns number of faces for given element
def ElemNbFaces(self, id):
return self.mesh.ElemNbFaces(id)
# \n If there is not element for given ID - returns empty list
def BaryCenter(self, id):
return self.mesh.BaryCenter(id)
# Mesh edition (SMESH_MeshEditor functionality):
# ---------------------------------------------
def AddNode(self, x, y, z):
return self.editor.AddNode( x, y, z)
## Create edge both similar and quadratic (this is determed
# by number of given nodes).
# @param IdsOfNodes List of node IDs for creation of element.
def AddFace(self, IDsOfNodes):
return self.editor.AddFace(IDsOfNodes)
## Add polygonal face to mesh by list of nodes ids
def AddPolygonalFace(self, IdsOfNodes):
return self.editor.AddPolygonalFace(IdsOfNodes)
## Create volume both similar and quadratic (this is determed
# by number of given nodes).
# @param IdsOfNodes List of node IDs for creation of element.
# of the given faces, not to the faces itself.
def AddPolyhedralVolumeByFaces (self, IdsOfFaces):
return self.editor.AddPolyhedralVolumeByFaces(IdsOfFaces)
## @brief Bind a node to a vertex
# @param NodeID - node ID
return isDone
## Smooth elements
# @param IDsOfElements list if ids of elements to smooth
# @param IDsOfFixedNodes list of ids of fixed nodes.
IDsOfElements = self.GetElementsId()
return self.editor.Smooth(IDsOfElements, IDsOfFixedNodes,
MaxNbOfIterations, MaxAspectRatio, Method)
## Smooth elements belong to given object
# @param theObject object to smooth
# @param IDsOfFixedNodes list of ids of fixed nodes.
MaxNbOfIterations, MaxxAspectRatio, Method):
if ( isinstance( theObject, Mesh )):
theObject = theObject.GetMesh()
- return self.editor.SmoothObject(theObject, IDsOfFixedNodes,
+ return self.editor.SmoothObject(theObject, IDsOfFixedNodes,
MaxNbOfIterations, MaxxAspectRatio, Method)
## Parametric smooth the given elements
IDsOfElements = self.GetElementsId()
return self.editor.SmoothParametric(IDsOfElements, IDsOfFixedNodes,
MaxNbOfIterations, MaxAspectRatio, Method)
## Parametric smooth elements belong to given object
# @param theObject object to smooth
# @param IDsOfFixedNodes list of ids of fixed nodes.
return self.editor.ExtrusionSweepObject1DMakeGroups(theObject, StepVector, NbOfSteps)
self.editor.ExtrusionSweepObject1D(theObject, StepVector, NbOfSteps)
return []
## Generate new elements by extrusion of the elements belong to object
# @param theObject object wich elements should be processed
# @param StepVector vector, defining the direction and value of extrusion
return self.editor.ExtrusionAlongPathObject(theObject, PathMesh.GetMesh(), PathShape,
NodeStart, HasAngles, Angles, HasRefPoint,
## Symmetrical copy of mesh elements
# @param IDsOfElements list of elements ids
# @param Mirror is AxisStruct or geom object(point, line, plane)
def MirrorObjectMakeMesh (self, theObject, Mirror, theMirrorType,MakeGroups=0, NewMeshName=""):
if ( isinstance( theObject, Mesh )):
theObject = theObject.GetMesh()
- if ( isinstance( Mirror, geompyDC.GEOM._objref_GEOM_Object)):
+ if (isinstance(Mirror, geompyDC.GEOM._objref_GEOM_Object)):
Mirror = GetAxisStruct(Mirror)
mesh = self.editor.MirrorObjectMakeMesh(theObject, Mirror, theMirrorType,
MakeGroups, NewMeshName)
# @param MakeGroups to generate new groups from existing ones
# @param NewMeshName is a name of new mesh to create
def TranslateObjectMakeMesh(self, theObject, Vector, MakeGroups=False, NewMeshName=""):
- if ( isinstance( theObject, Mesh )):
+ if (isinstance(theObject, Mesh)):
theObject = theObject.GetMesh()
- if ( isinstance( Vector, geompyDC.GEOM._objref_GEOM_Object)):
+ if (isinstance(Vector, geompyDC.GEOM._objref_GEOM_Object)):
Vector = self.smeshpyD.GetDirStruct(Vector)
mesh = self.editor.TranslateObjectMakeMesh(theObject, Vector, MakeGroups, NewMeshName)
return Mesh( self.smeshpyD, self.geompyD, mesh )
# @param Copy allows to copy the rotated elements
# @param MakeGroups to generate new groups from existing ones (if Copy)
def RotateObject (self, theObject, Axis, AngleInRadians, Copy, MakeGroups=False):
- if ( isinstance( theObject, Mesh )):
+ if (isinstance(theObject, Mesh)):
theObject = theObject.GetMesh()
- if ( isinstance( Axis, geompyDC.GEOM._objref_GEOM_Object)):
+ if (isinstance(Axis, geompyDC.GEOM._objref_GEOM_Object)):
Axis = self.smeshpyD.GetAxisStruct(Axis)
if Copy and MakeGroups:
return self.editor.RotateObjectMakeGroups(theObject, Axis, AngleInRadians)
# @param MakeGroups to generate new groups from existing ones
# @param NewMeshName is a name of new mesh to create
def RotateObjectMakeMesh(self, theObject, Axis, AngleInRadians, MakeGroups=0,NewMeshName=""):
- if ( isinstance( theObject, Mesh )):
+ if (isinstance( theObject, Mesh )):
theObject = theObject.GetMesh()
- if ( isinstance( Axis, geompyDC.GEOM._objref_GEOM_Object)):
+ if (isinstance(Axis, geompyDC.GEOM._objref_GEOM_Object)):
Axis = self.smeshpyD.GetAxisStruct(Axis)
mesh = self.editor.RotateObjectMakeMesh(theObject, Axis, AngleInRadians,
MakeGroups, NewMeshName)
## Remove all but one of elements built on the same nodes.
def MergeEqualElements(self):
## Sew free borders
def SewFreeBorders (self, FirstNodeID1, SecondNodeID1, LastNodeID1,
FirstNodeID2, SecondNodeID2, LastNodeID2,
FirstNodeID2, SecondNodeID2):
return self.editor.SewConformFreeBorders(FirstNodeID1, SecondNodeID1, LastNodeID1,
FirstNodeID2, SecondNodeID2)
## Sew border to side
def SewBorderToSide (self, FirstNodeIDOnFreeBorder, SecondNodeIDOnFreeBorder, LastNodeIDOnFreeBorder,
FirstNodeIDOnSide, LastNodeIDOnSide, CreatePolygons, CreatePolyedrs):
# @return If number of nodes is not corresponded to type of element - returns false
def ChangeElemNodes(self, ide, newIDs):
return self.editor.ChangeElemNodes(ide, newIDs)
## If during last operation of MeshEditor some nodes were
# created this method returns list of its IDs, \n
# if new nodes not created - returns empty list