-from SALOME_utilities import *
-MESSAGE( "Module salome_shared_modules" )
- # We try to import PyQt module. If present we import it
- # as a "shared" module
- import qt
- modules["qt"]=qt.__dict__
- pass
-# We keep in modules a copy of dictionnary modules
-# that need to be imported only once in multi-study context
-# Specific case : omniORB
-import omniORB
-import omniORB.CORBA
-import CosNaming
-# end omniORB
-# We search all Python CORBA (omniorb) modules.
-# A Python CORBA module has 2 associated Python packages
-# These packages are named : <module_name> and <module_name>__POA
-# SALOMEDS must be imported first, at least before any CORBA module
-# that references it.
-# It seems that import order of related CORBA modules is important
-# Perhaps, it's not sufficient so you should complete the list ???
-import SALOMEDS
-import Engines
+This module with help of import_hook and *_shared_modules
+filters imports when using the embedded Python interpretor.
+Some imports can't be done more than once.
+This is related to the multi study feature that is implemented
+by using the Python multi interpreter feature.
+Some modules register objects or classes by calling modules
+implemented in C. These operations can't be done multiple times.
+So it's very important to control these imports.
+ - PyQt : import qt calls a C module to register classes
+ - OmniORB : import *_idl calls a C module to register CORBA interfaces
+ - First : the module salome_shared_modules is imported by main Python interpretor.
+ It will keep a dictionnary and a list that are shared among all
+ the subinterpretors and imports import_hook module that replaces
+ the standard import mechanism par one that prevents more than one import
+ for some modules identified by name (call register_name) or by a
+ validator (call register_pattern).
+ Calls to register_name and register_pattern are done in modules named *_shared_modules
+ that could be found in the path SALOMEPATH
import glob,os,sys
+import import_hook
+# shared_imported, patterns, register_name, register_pattern
+# will be shared by all Python sub interpretors
+from import_hook import shared_imported
+from import_hook import patterns
+from import_hook import register_name
+from import_hook import register_pattern
-# KERNEL is defined in KERNELCatalog
-#if KERNEL_ROOT_DIR != None:
-# path.append(os.path.join(KERNEL_ROOT_DIR,"lib","python"+sys.version[:3],"site-packages","salome"))
+# Get the SALOMEPATH if set or else use KERNEL_ROOT_DIR that should be set.
-import SALOME_ModuleCatalog
-from SALOME_NamingServicePy import *
-orb = CORBA.ORB_init([''], CORBA.ORB_ID)
-ns = SALOME_NamingServicePy_i(orb)
-modulecatalog = ns.Resolve('/Kernel/ModulCatalog')
-compos = []
-compos = modulecatalog.GetComponentList()
-for name in compos:
- print name
- MODULE_ROOT_DIR = os.getenv( name + "_ROOT_DIR" )
- if MODULE_ROOT_DIR != None:
- path.append(os.path.join(MODULE_ROOT_DIR,"lib","python"+sys.version[:3],"site-packages","salome"))
-#if SALOME_ROOT_DIR != None:
-# path.append(os.path.join(SALOME_ROOT_DIR,"lib","python"+sys.version[:3],"site-packages","salome"))
-#if SALOME_SITE_DIR != None:
-# if SALOME_SITE_NAME != None:
-# path.append(os.path.join(SALOME_SITE_DIR,"lib","python"+sys.version[:3],"site-packages",SALOME_SITE_NAME))
-MESSAGE( str(path) )
+# Import all *_shared_modules in the path and store them in list_modules
for rep in path:
- # Add rep directory in the Python path to be able to import modules
- sys.path[:0]=[rep]
- listdir=glob.glob(os.path.join(rep,"*__POA"))
- for elem in listdir:
- if os.path.isdir(elem):
- # Found a directory (Python package) named *__POA
- module__POA=os.path.basename(elem)
- module=module__POA[:-5]
- MESSAGE( "Import CORBA module: " + module + ".\n Directory: " + os.path.abspath(elem)[:-5] )
- mod=__import__(module)
- # force the reload of CORBA module to resolve all the include relations between modules
- # specific of omniORBpy implementation (1.5)
- reload(mod)
- modules[module]=mod.__dict__.copy()
- # Now we import modules found in shared_modules directory
- r=os.path.join(rep,"shared_modules")
- MESSAGE( r )
- if os.path.isdir(r):
- sys.path[:0]=[r]
- listfich=glob.glob(os.path.join(r,"*.py"))
- MESSAGE( str(listfich) )
- for m in listfich:
- module=os.path.basename(m)[:-3]
- MESSAGE( "Import module: " + module + ".\n Location: " + os.path.abspath(m) )
- mod=__import__(module)
- modules[module]=mod.__dict__.copy()
- # Don't keep r directory in the path to not pollute it
- del sys.path[0]
+ # Import all *_shared_modules in rep
+ for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(rep,"lib","python"+sys.version[:3],"site-packages","salome","shared_modules","*_shared_modules.py")):
+ try:
+ m=__import__(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(f))[0])
+ list_modules.append(m)
+ except:
+ pass
- # Don't keep rep directory in the path to not pollute it
- del sys.path[0]
-# End of CORBA modules import
-def import_shared_modules(sysmodules):
- """
- This function "imports" shared modules contained in modules dictionnary
- in sysmodules.
- All these modules are only copied and not completely imported (not executed)
- """
- # Problem with omniORB : omniORB creates a C Python module named _omnipy
- # this module has sub-modules : omni_func, ...
- # _omnipy is quite a package but import with Python sub-interpreters does not seem to work
- # To make it work we need to add those sub-modules in sysmodules
- import _omnipy
- sysmodules["_omnipy.omni_func"]=_omnipy.omni_func
- sysmodules["_omnipy.poa_func"]=_omnipy.poa_func
- sysmodules["_omnipy.poamanager_func"]=_omnipy.poa_func
- sysmodules["_omnipy.orb_func"]=_omnipy.orb_func
- import imp
- # All modules in the modules dictionnary are only copied, not completely imported
- for nom_module,module_dict in modules.items():
- if sysmodules.has_key(nom_module):continue
- m=imp.new_module(nom_module)
- m.__dict__.update(module_dict)
- sysmodules[nom_module]=m
+# If shared modules have been imported before installing import mechanism
+# we add them to shared_imported
+for name,module in sys.modules.items():
+ if import_hook.is_shared(name) and shared_imported.get(name) is None:
+ #print "Module shared added to shared_imported: ",name
+ shared_imported[name]=module