// New window
int windowMenu = createMenu( tr( "MEN_DESK_WINDOW" ), -1, MenuWindowId, 100 );
int newWinMenu = createMenu( tr( "MEN_DESK_NEWWINDOW" ), windowMenu, -1, 0 );
- createMenu( separator(), windowMenu, -1, 1 );
+ createAction( CloseId, tr( "TOT_CLOSE" ), QIconSet(), tr( "MEN_DESK_CLOSE" ), tr( "PRP_CLOSE" ),
+ SHIFT+Key_C, desk, false, this, SLOT( onCloseWindow() ) );
+ createMenu( CloseId, windowMenu, 0, -1 );
+ createAction( CloseAllId, tr( "TOT_CLOSE_ALL" ), QIconSet(), tr( "MEN_DESK_CLOSE_ALL" ), tr( "PRP_CLOSE_ALL" ),
+ 0, desk, false, this, SLOT( onCloseAllWindow() ) );
+ createMenu( CloseAllId, windowMenu, 0, -1 );
+ createAction( GroupAllId, tr( "TOT_GROUP_ALL" ), QIconSet(), tr( "MEN_DESK_GROUP_ALL" ), tr( "PRP_GROUP_ALL" ),
+ 0, desk, false, this, SLOT( onGroupAllWindow() ) );
+ createMenu( GroupAllId, windowMenu, 0, -1 );
+ createMenu( separator(), windowMenu, -1, 0 );
createActionForViewer( NewGLViewId, newWinMenu, QString::number( 0 ), ALT+Key_G );
w->setCaption( name );
+ Closes active window of desktop
+void LightApp_Application::onCloseWindow()
+ if( !desktop() )
+ return;
+ QWidget* w = desktop()->activeWindow();
+ if( !w )
+ return;
+ w->close();
+ Closes all windows of desktop
+void LightApp_Application::onCloseAllWindow()
+ STD_TabDesktop* desk = dynamic_cast<STD_TabDesktop*>( desktop() );
+ if( !desk )
+ return;
+ QPtrList<SUIT_ViewWindow> wndList = desk->windows();
+ SUIT_ViewWindow* it;
+ for ( it = wndList.first(); it; it = wndList.next() )
+ {
+ if ( it )
+ it->close();
+ }
+ Groups all windows of desktop
+void LightApp_Application::onGroupAllWindow()
+ STD_TabDesktop* desk = dynamic_cast<STD_TabDesktop*>( desktop() );
+ if( !desk )
+ return;
+ QtxWorkstack* wgStack = desk->workstack();
+ if ( wgStack )
+ wgStack->stack();
\return if the library of module exists
\param moduleTitle - title of module
enum { MenuWindowId = 6 };
enum { RenameId = CAM_Application::UserID,
+ CloseId, CloseAllId, GroupAllId,
NewGLViewId ,
void onMRUActivated( QString );
void onPreferenceChanged( QString&, QString&, QString& );
void onRenameWindow();
+ void onCloseWindow();
+ void onCloseAllWindow();
+ void onGroupAllWindow();
void onVisibilityChanged( bool );