--- /dev/null
+// File: ModuleBase_DoubleSpinBox.cxx
+// Author: Sergey TELKOV
+#include "ModuleBase_DoubleSpinBox.h"
+#include <QLineEdit>
+#include <QDoubleValidator>
+#include <QVariant>
+#include <limits>
+const double PSEUDO_ZERO = 1.e-20;
+ \class ModuleBase_DoubleSpinBox
+ \brief Enhanced version of the Qt's double spin box.
+ The ModuleBase_DoubleSpinBox class represents the widget for entering the
+ floating point values. In addition to the functionality provided by
+ QDoubleSpinBox, this class supports "cleared" state - this is the
+ state corresponding to "None" (or empty) entered value.
+ To set "cleared" state use setCleared() method. To check if the spin
+ box stores "cleared" state, use isCleared() method.
+ For example:
+ \code
+ if (myDblSpinBox->isCleared()) {
+ ... // process "None" state
+ }
+ else {
+ double value = myDblSpinBox->value();
+ ... // process entered value
+ }
+ \endcode
+ Another useful feature is possibility to use scientific notation (e.g. 1.234e+18)
+ for the widegt text. To enable this, negative precision should be specified either
+ through a constructor or using setPrecision() method.
+ Note that "decimals" property of QDoubleSpinBox is almost completely substituted
+ by "myPrecision" field of ModuleBase_DoubleSpinBox class. "decimals" is still used
+ for proper size hint calculation and for rounding minimum and maximum bounds of
+ the spin box range.
+ */
+ \brief Constructor.
+ Constructs a spin box with 0.0 as minimum value and 99.99 as maximum value,
+ a step value of 1.0 and a precision of 2 decimal places.
+ The value is initially set to 0.00.
+ \param parent parent object
+ */
+ModuleBase_DoubleSpinBox::ModuleBase_DoubleSpinBox(QWidget* parent, int thePrecision)
+ : QDoubleSpinBox(parent),
+ myCleared(false)
+ // VSR 01/07/2010: Disable thousands separator for spin box
+ // (to avoid incosistency of double-2-string and string-2-double conversion)
+ QLocale loc;
+ loc.setNumberOptions(loc.numberOptions() | QLocale::OmitGroupSeparator | QLocale::RejectGroupSeparator);
+ setLocale(loc);
+ // Use precision equal to default Qt decimals
+ // it's necessary to set decimals before the range setting,
+ // by default Qt rounds boundaries to 2 decimals at setRange
+ setDecimals(thePrecision);
+ myPrecision = thePrecision;
+ connect(lineEdit(), SIGNAL(textChanged( const QString& )), this,
+ SLOT(onTextChanged( const QString& )));
+ \brief Destructor.
+ */
+ \brief Check if spin box is in the "cleared" state.
+ \return \c true if spin box is cleared
+ \sa setCleared()
+ */
+bool ModuleBase_DoubleSpinBox::isCleared() const
+ return myCleared;
+ \brief Change "cleared" status of the spin box.
+ \param on new "cleared" status
+ \sa isCleared()
+ */
+void ModuleBase_DoubleSpinBox::setCleared(const bool on)
+ if (myCleared == on)
+ return;
+ myCleared = on;
+ setSpecialValueText(specialValueText());
+ \brief Set precision of the spin box
+ If precision value is less than 0, the 'g' format is used for value output,
+ otherwise 'f' format is used.
+ \param prec new precision value.
+ \sa precision()
+ */
+void ModuleBase_DoubleSpinBox::setPrecision(const int prec)
+ int newPrec = qMax(prec, 0);
+ int oldPrec = qMax(myPrecision, 0);
+ myPrecision = prec;
+ if (newPrec != oldPrec)
+ update();
+ \brief Get precision value of the spin box
+ \return current prevision value
+ \sa setPrecision()
+ */
+int ModuleBase_DoubleSpinBox::getPrecision() const
+ return myPrecision;
+ \brief Interpret text entered by the user as a value.
+ \param text text entered by the user
+ \return mapped value
+ \sa textFromValue()
+ */
+double ModuleBase_DoubleSpinBox::valueFromText(const QString& text) const
+ if (myPrecision < 0)
+ return text.toDouble();
+ return QDoubleSpinBox::valueFromText(text);
+ \brief This function is used by the spin box whenever it needs to display
+ the given value.
+ \param val spin box value
+ \return text representation of the value
+ \sa valueFromText()
+ */
+QString ModuleBase_DoubleSpinBox::textFromValue(double val) const
+ QString s = locale().toString(val, myPrecision >= 0 ? 'f' : 'g', qAbs(myPrecision));
+ return removeTrailingZeroes(s);
+ \brief Return source string with removed leading and trailing zeros.
+ \param str source string
+ \return resulting string
+ */
+QString ModuleBase_DoubleSpinBox::removeTrailingZeroes(const QString& src) const
+ QString delim(locale().decimalPoint());
+ int idx = src.lastIndexOf(delim);
+ if (idx == -1)
+ return src;
+ QString iPart = src.left(idx);
+ QString fPart = src.mid(idx + 1);
+ QString ePart = "";
+ int idx1 = fPart.lastIndexOf(QRegExp("e[+|-]?[0-9]+"));
+ if (idx1 >= 0) {
+ ePart = fPart.mid(idx1);
+ fPart = fPart.left(idx1);
+ }
+ fPart.remove(QRegExp("0+$"));
+ QString res = iPart;
+ if (!fPart.isEmpty())
+ res += delim + fPart;
+ res += ePart;
+ return res;
+ \brief Perform \a steps increment/decrement steps.
+ The \a steps value can be any integer number. If it is > 0,
+ the value incrementing is done, otherwise value is decremented
+ \a steps times.
+ \param steps number of increment/decrement steps
+ */
+void ModuleBase_DoubleSpinBox::stepBy(int steps)
+ myCleared = false;
+ QDoubleSpinBox::stepBy(steps);
+ double tmpval = value();
+ if (qAbs(tmpval) < PSEUDO_ZERO)
+ tmpval = 0.;
+ if (tmpval < minimum())
+ tmpval = minimum();
+ else if (tmpval > maximum())
+ tmpval = maximum();
+ setValue(tmpval);
+ \brief This function is used to determine whether input is valid.
+ \param str currently entered value
+ \param pos cursor position in the string
+ \return validating operation result
+ */
+QValidator::State ModuleBase_DoubleSpinBox::validate(QString& str, int& pos) const
+ QString pref = this->prefix();
+ QString suff = this->suffix();
+ uint overhead = pref.length() + suff.length();
+ QValidator::State state = QValidator::Invalid;
+ QDoubleValidator v(NULL);
+ // If 'g' format is used (myPrecision < 0), then
+ // myPrecision - 1 digits are allowed after the decimal point.
+ // Otherwise, expect myPrecision digits after the decimal point.
+ int decs = myPrecision < 0 ? qAbs(myPrecision) - 1 : myPrecision;
+ v.setDecimals(decs);
+ v.setBottom(minimum());
+ v.setTop(maximum());
+ v.setNotation(
+ myPrecision >= 0 ? QDoubleValidator::StandardNotation : QDoubleValidator::ScientificNotation);
+ if (overhead == 0)
+ state = v.validate(str, pos);
+ else {
+ if (str.length() >= overhead && str.startsWith(pref) && str.right(suff.length()) == suff) {
+ QString core = str.mid(pref.length(), str.length() - overhead);
+ int corePos = pos - pref.length();
+ state = v.validate(core, corePos);
+ pos = corePos + pref.length();
+ str.replace(pref.length(), str.length() - overhead, core);
+ } else {
+ state = v.validate(str, pos);
+ if (state == QValidator::Invalid) {
+ QString special = this->specialValueText().trimmed();
+ QString candidate = str.trimmed();
+ if (special.startsWith(candidate)) {
+ if (candidate.length() == special.length())
+ state = QValidator::Acceptable;
+ else
+ state = QValidator::Intermediate;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Treat values ouside (min; max) range as Invalid
+ // This check is enabled by assigning "strict_validity_check" dynamic property
+ // with value "true" to the spin box instance.
+ if (state == QValidator::Intermediate) {
+ bool isOk;
+ double val = str.toDouble(&isOk);
+ if (isOk) {
+ QVariant propVal = property("strict_validity_check");
+ if (propVal.isValid() && propVal.canConvert(QVariant::Bool) && propVal.toBool()) {
+ if (val < minimum() || val > maximum())
+ state = QValidator::Invalid;
+ }
+ } else if (myPrecision < 0) {
+ // Consider too large negative exponent as Invalid
+ QChar e(locale().exponential());
+ int epos = str.indexOf(e, 0, Qt::CaseInsensitive);
+ if (epos != -1) {
+ epos++; // Skip exponential symbol itself
+ QString exponent = str.right(str.length() - epos);
+ int expValue = exponent.toInt(&isOk);
+ if (isOk && expValue < std::numeric_limits<double>::min_exponent10)
+ state = QValidator::Invalid;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return state;
+ \brief Called when user enters the text in the spin box.
+ \param txt current spin box text (not used)
+ */
+void ModuleBase_DoubleSpinBox::onTextChanged(const QString& /*txt*/)
+ myCleared = false;