3. Generating Web Service Client Stubs
-This paragraph describes a procedure of the web services client stubs generating
-Note: it is an optional action for the current version of SimanIO.
+It is the optional action for current version.
SimanIO library sources include a set of web services client stubs generated
by means of WSO2 Web Services Framework for C++.
Use the following parameters to generate the Axis2/C client stub code with
ADB (Axis Data Binding) support:
- $ siman_stabs_code_generator.sh -uri <wsdl_location> -d adb -u
+ $ ./siman_stabs_code_generator.sh -uri <wsdl_location> -d adb -u
-The SIMAN stabs code generator script creates the client stub files .h and
-.cpp from the given SIMAN wsdl file, path to which is specified
-via the <wsdl_location> parameter; resulting files should be put to the
-src sub-directory of a source tree.
-The siman_stabs_code_generator.sh script and wsdl template file
-SimanSalomeService.wsdl are located in the scripts sub-directory of a source
+The SIMAN stabs code generator script
+(<SIMANIO_SRC>/scripts/siman_stabs_code_generator.sh) generates the client stub
+files .h and .cpp from the given SIMAN wsdl file, path to which is specified
+via <wsdl_location> (<SIMANIO_SRC>/scripts/SimanSalomeService.wsdl)
+and puts generated files to the src sub-directory of a source tree.
4. Build SALOME KERNEL module with SIMAN support
5.6. Configuration of SIMAN web server and SIMAN database server
Please find all necessary details concerning the configuration and running of
-SALOME SIMAN client and SIMAN Web server with SIMAN database in the SIMAN
-Administration Guide (SIMAN_AdminGuide_vX.Y).
+SALOME SIMAN client and SIMAN Web server with SIMAN database server in
+the SIMAN Administration Guide (SIMAN_AdminGuide_vx.y).
5.7. Basic working mode of SALOME with SIMAN server
If installation and configuration of SIMAN have been performed successfully
-the SIMAN server can be accesible on SALOME client side from your browser using URL:
-"http://<server_name or server_IP>:8080/siman".
+the SIMAN server can be accesible on SALOME client side from your browser using
+URL: "http://<server_name or server_IP>:8080/siman".
Normally, this should display the SIMAN start page.
SALOME session connected to SIMAN is automatically started from the browser;
this SALOME session will access SIMAN server providing all functionality defined
in the SIMAN Detailed Functional Specifications for the current version of SIMAN
(see SIMAN_Functional_Specifications_vx.y).