Changing sub-mesh priority
-If the mesh contains concurrent :ref:`sub-meshes <constructing_submeshes_page>`, it is possible to change the priority of their computation, i.e. to change the priority of applying algorithms to the shared sub-shapes of the Mesh shape.
+If the mesh contains concurrent :ref:`sub-meshes <constructing_submeshes_page>`, it is possible to change their :ref:`default priority <submesh_priority>`. Changing priority works in two ways:
+* For sub-meshes with assigned algorithms of same dimension generating mesh of *several dimensions*, it sets the order in which the sub-meshes are computed.
+* For the rest sub-meshes, it sets the order in which the sub-meshes are checked when looking for meshing parameters to apply to a sub-shape. Examples below present this way. To impose the order in which sub-meshes with uni-dimensional algorithms are computed, invoke **Compute Sub-mesh** command on sub-meshes in a desired order.
*To change sub-mesh priority:*
* In Mesh module, by clicking **Publish Sub-shape** button in a dialog showing :ref:`meshing errors <meshing_failed_anchor>`.
-.. :submesh_priority:
+.. _submesh_priority:
How hypotheses are selected among sub-meshes
* **groups of solids** sharing the edge, if any
* the **main shape**
-(This sequence of sub-shapes defines the priority of sub-meshes. Thus more
+(This sequence of sub-shapes defines the **priority** of sub-meshes. Thus more
local, i.e. assigned to sub-shape of lower dimension, algorithms and
hypotheses have higher priority during the search of hypotheses to