rtn = ""
if (self.filename == "" or self.filename == "not yet defined"):
return "You need to save your case before exporting it."
+ #
self.yacs_filename = self.filename[:self.filename.rfind(".")] + '.xml'
yacs_filename_backup = self.filename[:self.filename.rfind(".")] + '.xml.back'
if os.path.exists(self.yacs_filename):
if os.path.exists(yacs_filename_backup):
os.rename(self.yacs_filename, yacs_filename_backup)
+ #
self.eficas_editor.modified = True
filename = self.filename[:self.filename.rfind(".")] + '.py'
msg += "generation. Is your case correct? Try to close and re-open the\n"
msg += "case with the ADAO/EFICAS editor."
return msg
- if "ADAO_ENGINE_ROOT_DIR" not in os.environ:
- return "Please add ADAO_ENGINE_ROOT_DIR to your environment."
- adao_path = os.environ["ADAO_ENGINE_ROOT_DIR"]
- adao_exe = adao_path + "/bin/AdaoYacsSchemaCreator.py"
- args = ["python", adao_exe, filename, self.yacs_filename]
- p = subprocess.Popen(args)
- (stdoutdata, stderrdata) = p.communicate()
+ #
+ # if "ADAO_ENGINE_ROOT_DIR" not in os.environ:
+ # return "Please add ADAO_ENGINE_ROOT_DIR to your environment."
+ #
+ # adao_path = os.environ["ADAO_ENGINE_ROOT_DIR"]
+ # adao_exe = adao_path + "/bin/AdaoYacsSchemaCreator.py"
+ # args = ["python", adao_exe, filename, self.yacs_filename]
+ # p = subprocess.Popen(args)
+ # (stdoutdata, stderrdata) = p.communicate()
+ #
+ # Usage direct du python interne
+ try:
+ # import adao
+ from daYacsSchemaCreator import run
+ except ImportError as e:
+ logging.fatal("\n Import of YACS schema creator module failed, the error message is:\n" +
+ "\n %s\n"%(e,) +
+ "\n Add its installation directory in your PYTHONPATH.\n")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ run.create_schema_from_file(filename, self.yacs_filename)
+ #
if not os.path.exists(self.yacs_filename):
msg = "An error occurred during the execution of the ADAO YACS\n"
msg += "Schema Creator. If SALOME GUI is launched by command\n"