+ // Algorithm: sum in v the cross products of (e1, e2) where e_i it the vector between (0,0,0) and point i
+ // and e2 is linear point directly following e1 in the connectivity. All points are used.
- // Use all points if quadratic (taking only linear points might lead to issues if the linearized version of the
+ // Same algorithm as above but also using intermediate quadratic points.
+ // (taking only linear points might lead to issues if the linearized version of the
// polygon is not convex or self-intersecting ... see testCellOrientation4)
- sz /= 2;
+ int hsz = sz/2;
for(std::size_t j=0;j<sz;j++)
if (j%2) // current point i is quadratic, next point i+1 is standard
- i = sz+j;
- ip1 = (j+1)%sz; // ip1 = "i+1"
+ i = hsz+(j-1)/2;
+ ip1 = ((j-1)/2 + 1)%hsz; // ip1 means "i+1", i.e. next point
else // current point i is standard, next point i+1 is quadratic
- i = j;
- ip1 = j+sz;
+ i = j/2;
+ ip1 = j/2+hsz;
self.assertEqual(mesh.getNodalConnectivityIndex().getValues(), cIRef)
+ def testCellOrientation5(self):
+ """ Non regression for NORM_QPOLYG """
+ mesh = MEDCouplingUMesh('Mesh_3', 2)
+ coo = DataArrayDouble([(-34.3035,5.1),(-35.2018,4.59163),(-34.9509,6.21985),(-35.0858,5.4072),(-34.7527,4.84582),(-34.6641,5.63857)])
+ mesh.setCoords(coo)
+ c = DataArrayInt([6, 2, 1, 0, 3, 4, 5])
+ cI = DataArrayInt([0, 7])
+ mesh.setConnectivity(c, cI)
+ vec = [0., 0., -1.]
+ mesh.changeSpaceDimension(3)
+ mesh.orientCorrectly2DCells(vec, False)
+ mesh.changeSpaceDimension(2)
+ cRef = [6, 2, 0, 1, 5, 4, 3]
+ cIRef = [0, 7]
+ self.assertEqual(mesh.getNodalConnectivity().getValues(), cRef)
+ self.assertEqual(mesh.getNodalConnectivityIndex().getValues(), cIRef)
+ # Second call doest not change anything:
+ mesh.changeSpaceDimension(3)
+ mesh.orientCorrectly2DCells(vec, False)
+ mesh.changeSpaceDimension(2)
+ self.assertEqual(mesh.getNodalConnectivity().getValues(), cRef)
+ self.assertEqual(mesh.getNodalConnectivityIndex().getValues(), cIRef)
+ pass
def testPolyhedronBarycenter(self):
connN=[0,3,2,1, -1, 4,5,6,7, -1, 0,4,7,3, -1, 3,7,6,2, -1, 2,6,5,1, -1, 1,5,4,0];
coords=[0.,0.,0., 1.,0.,0., 1.,1.,0., 0.,1.,0., 0.,0.,1., 1.,0.,1., 1.,1.,1., 0.,1.,1., 0.5, 0.5, 0.5];