--- /dev/null
+#include "LightApp_msg.h"
+using namespace LightApp_msg;
+bool qmTots(const QString &qmFilePath, const QString &tsFilePath) {
+ QProcess process;
+ QString command = "lconvert";
+ QStringList arguments;
+ arguments << qmFilePath;
+ arguments << "-o";
+ arguments << tsFilePath;
+ process.start(command, arguments);
+ process.waitForFinished();
+ if (process.exitCode()== 0)
+ return true;
+ else
+ return false;
+bool tsToqm(const QString &tsFilePath, const QString &qmFilePath){
+ QProcess process;
+ QString command = "lrelease";
+ QStringList arguments;
+ arguments << tsFilePath;
+ arguments << "-qm";
+ arguments << qmFilePath;
+ process.start(command, arguments);
+ process.waitForFinished();
+ if (process.exitCode()== 0)
+ return true;
+ else
+ {
+ qDebug()<< QString("Can not compile %1 to %2").arg(tsFilePath,qmFilePath);
+ return false;
+ }
+bool LightApp_msg_patching(const QString& app_name,const QString& qmFilePath)
+ QByteArray gui_root_dir_env = qgetenv("GUI_ROOT_DIR");
+ if (gui_root_dir_env.isEmpty())
+ {
+ qCritical()<< "GUI_ROOT_DIR must be defined";
+ return false;
+ }
+ QString gui_root_dir = QString::fromUtf8(gui_root_dir_env);
+ QDir gui_root_qdir(gui_root_dir);
+ QString qmFilePathAbs(gui_root_qdir.filePath(qmFilePath));
+ QStringList qmFilePathAbs_splited = qmFilePathAbs.split("/");
+ QString tsFilePath(qmFilePathAbs_splited[qmFilePathAbs_splited.size() - 1]);
+ tsFilePath.replace(".qm",".ts");
+ if (qmTots(qmFilePathAbs,tsFilePath))
+ qInfo() <<"qmTots OK";
+ else
+ {
+ qDebug() <<"qmTots KO";
+ return false;
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ QFile input_tsFile(tsFilePath);
+ if(!input_tsFile.open(QFile::ReadOnly | QFile::Text)) {
+ qDebug() << "Could not open tsfile";
+ throw;
+ }
+ std::unique_ptr<QList<Context>> Context_list(new QList<Context>);
+ LightApp_msg_handling LAMsg_handling(std::move(Context_list));
+ LAMsg_handling.read(&input_tsFile);
+ LAMsg_handling.GetContextbyName("@default")->GetMessagebySrc("APP_NAME")->Set_Translation(app_name);
+ input_tsFile.close();
+ // Write in tsfile
+ QFile output_tsFile(tsFilePath);
+ if (!output_tsFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) {
+ qDebug() << "Cannot open file for writing.";
+ throw;
+ }
+ QTextStream out(&output_tsFile);
+ out << LAMsg_handling.write();
+ output_tsFile.close();
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ qCritical() << "Something wrong with " << qmFilePathAbs;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // write to qm file
+ if (tsToqm(tsFilePath,qmFilePathAbs))
+ qInfo() <<"tsToqm OK";
+ else
+ {
+ qDebug() <<"tsToqm KO";
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+ if (argc < 2) {
+ qDebug() << "Usage: app_name must be declared";
+ return 1;
+ }
+ QString app_name = QString::fromUtf8(argv[1]);
+ QStringList qmFilePath_list = {"share/salome/resources/gui/LightApp_msg_fr.qm",
+ "share/salome/resources/gui/LightApp_msg_en.qm",
+ "share/salome/resources/gui/LightApp_msg_ja.qm"};
+ for (const QString& qmFilePath:qmFilePath_list)
+ {
+ if(!LightApp_msg_patching(app_name,qmFilePath))
+ {
+ qDebug() << "LightApp_msg_patching failed!!!!";
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
--- /dev/null
+QT += core gui
+CONFIG += c++11
+ AppNameCustomize.cpp \
+ LightApp_msg.cpp
+HEADERS += LightApp_msg.h
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+#include "LightApp_msg.h"
+using namespace LightApp_msg;
+QString CustomEntityResolver::resolveUndeclaredEntity(const QString &name) {
+ if (name == "&")
+ return "&";
+ else if (name == """)
+ return """;
+ else if (name == "'")
+ return "'";
+ return QString();
+QString Context::ExportContext()
+ QString context_string;
+ context_string.append(QString("<context>\n"));
+ context_string.append(QString("<name>%1</name>\n").arg(Context_name));
+ foreach (const Message& msg, Message_list)
+ {
+ context_string.append(QString("<message>\n<source>%1</source>\n<translation>%2</translation>\n</message>\n").arg(msg.GetSource(),msg.GetTranslation()));
+ }
+ context_string.append(QString("</context>\n"));
+ return context_string;
+Message* Context::GetMessagebySrc(const QString& src)
+ uint i(0);
+ while(i < Message_list.size() && Message_list[i].GetSource() != src)
+ i++;
+ if (i < Message_list.size())
+ return &Message_list[i];
+Context* LightApp_msg_handling::GetContextbyName(const QString& name)
+ int i(0);
+ while(i < Context_list->size() && (*Context_list)[i].GetContext_name() != name)
+ i++;
+ if (i < Context_list->size())
+ return &(*Context_list)[i];
+ else
+ {
+ qDebug()<<"Context with name " << name << " doesn't exist in LightApp_msg_handling";
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+bool LightApp_msg_handling::HaveContext(const QString& name)
+ int i(0);
+ while(i < Context_list->size() && (*Context_list)[i].GetContext_name() != name)
+ i++;
+ if (i < Context_list->size())
+ return true;
+ else
+ return false;
+QString LightApp_msg_handling::write()
+ QString updateXml;
+ updateXml.append(header);
+ for(auto ct:*Context_list)
+ updateXml.append(ct.ExportContext());
+ updateXml.append("</TS>");
+ return updateXml;
+void LightApp_msg_handling::read(QIODevice *device)
+ //header
+ QTextStream textStream(device);
+ // Read 3 first header line of ts file
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3 && !textStream.atEnd(); ++i) {
+ header.append(textStream.readLine() + "\n");
+ }
+ device->seek(0);
+ //context
+ xmlReader.setDevice(device);
+ //CustomEntityResolver resolver;
+ //xmlReader.setEntityResolver(&resolver);
+ while(xmlReader.readNextStartElement()){
+ if(xmlReader.name().toString() == "context")
+ readContext();
+ }
+void LightApp_msg_handling::readContext()
+ Q_ASSERT(xmlReader.isStartElement() &&
+ xmlReader.name() == "context");
+ while(xmlReader.readNextStartElement()){
+ if(xmlReader.name() == "name")
+ {
+ QString name = xmlReader.readElementText();
+ if (!HaveContext(name))
+ Context_list->append(Context(name));
+ else
+ qWarning()<<"Context with name " << name << " is already appended in LightApp_msg_handling";
+ }
+ else if (xmlReader.name() == "message")
+ {
+ readMessage();
+ }
+ else
+ xmlReader.skipCurrentElement();
+ }
+void LightApp_msg_handling::readMessage()
+ Q_ASSERT(xmlReader.isStartElement() &&
+ xmlReader.name() == "message");
+ Message msg = Message("","");
+ Message& msg_ref = msg;
+ while(xmlReader.readNextStartElement()){
+ if(xmlReader.name() == "source")
+ readSrc(msg_ref);
+ else if(xmlReader.name() == "translation")
+ readTranslation(msg_ref);
+ else
+ xmlReader.skipCurrentElement();
+ }
+ (*Context_list)[Context_list->size() - 1].AddMsg(msg);
+void LightApp_msg_handling::readSrc(Message& msg)
+ Q_ASSERT(xmlReader.isStartElement() &&
+ xmlReader.name() == "source");
+ QString src = xmlReader.readElementText();
+ msg.Set_Source(src);
+void LightApp_msg_handling::readTranslation(Message& msg)
+ Q_ASSERT(xmlReader.isStartElement() &&
+ xmlReader.name() == "translation");
+ QString trl = xmlReader.readElementText();
+ trl.replace("&","&");
+ trl.replace("\"",""");
+ trl.replace("\'","'");
+ trl.replace("<","<");
+ trl.replace(">",">");
+ msg.Set_Translation(trl);
--- /dev/null
+#include <QTextStream>
+#include <QBuffer>
+#include <QString>
+#include <QXmlStreamReader>
+#include <QDebug>
+#include <QTranslator>
+#include <QFile>
+#include <QCoreApplication>
+#include <QProcess>
+#include <QDir>
+#include <memory>
+namespace LightApp_msg
+class Message
+ public:
+ Message(const QString& src, const QString& trl):source(src),translation(trl){};
+ QString GetSource() const { return source ;}
+ QString GetTranslation() const { return translation ;}
+ void Set_Source(const QString& str) { source = str; }
+ void Set_Translation(const QString& str) { translation = str; }
+ private:
+ QString source;
+ QString translation;
+class Context
+ public:
+ Context(const QString& name):Context_name(name){};
+ QString GetContext_name(){return Context_name;}
+ void AddMsg(Message& msg) {Message_list.append(msg);}
+ void AddMsg(const QString& src, const QString& trl) {Message_list.append(Message(src,trl));}
+ Message* GetMessagebySrc(const QString&);
+ QList<Message>& GetMessageList(){return Message_list;}
+ QString ExportContext();
+ private:
+ QString Context_name;
+ QList<Message> Message_list;
+class LightApp_msg_handling
+ LightApp_msg_handling(std::unique_ptr<QList<Context>> Context_list):
+ Context_list(std::move(Context_list)){};
+ void read(QIODevice *device);
+ QString write();
+ Context* GetContextbyName(const QString &name);
+ bool HaveContext(const QString &name);
+ QXmlStreamReader xmlReader;
+ std::unique_ptr<QList<Context>> Context_list;
+ QString header;
+ void readContext();
+ void readMessage();
+ void readSrc(Message& msg);
+ void readTranslation(Message& msg);
+class CustomEntityResolver : public QXmlStreamEntityResolver {
+ QString resolveUndeclaredEntity(const QString &name);
\ No newline at end of file