// Controls
- aMeshInVtkHasNodes = aMeshInVTK + "&&" + hasNodes,
- aMeshInVtkHasEdges = aMeshInVTK + "&&" + hasEdges,
- aMeshInVtkHasFaces = aMeshInVTK + "&&" + hasFaces,
+ aMeshInVtkHasNodes = aMeshInVTK + "&&" + hasNodes,
+ aMeshInVtkHasEdges = aMeshInVTK + "&&" + hasEdges,
+ aMeshInVtkHasFaces = aMeshInVTK + "&&" + hasFaces,
aMeshInVtkHasVolumes = aMeshInVTK + "&&" + hasVolumes;
anId = popupMgr()->insert( tr( "MEN_CTRL" ), -1, -1 );
CheckBoxMerge = new QCheckBox(tr("MERGE_NODES_AND_ELEMENTS"), GroupArgs);
TextLabelTol = new QLabel(tr("SMESH_TOLERANCE"), GroupArgs);
- TextLabelTol->setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter);
+ //TextLabelTol->setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter);
SpinBoxTol = new SMESHGUI_SpinBox(GroupArgs);
SpinBoxTol->RangeStepAndValidator(0.0, COORD_MAX, 0.00001, "len_tol_precision" );
GroupArgsLayout->addWidget(ComboBoxUnion, 1, 3);
GroupArgsLayout->addWidget(CheckBoxCommon, 2, 0, 1, 4);
GroupArgsLayout->addWidget(CheckBoxMerge, 3, 0, 1, 4);
- GroupArgsLayout->addWidget(TextLabelTol, 4, 0, 1, 2);
- GroupArgsLayout->addWidget(SpinBoxTol, 4, 2, 1, 2);
+ GroupArgsLayout->addWidget(TextLabelTol, 4, 0);
+ GroupArgsLayout->addWidget(SpinBoxTol, 4, 1, 1, 3);
GroupButtons = new QGroupBox(this);
if (!isValid())
return false;
+ SUIT_OverrideCursor aWaitCursor;
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var aMesh;
if (!myMesh->_is_nil())
QStringList anEntryList;
try {
- SUIT_OverrideCursor aWaitCursor;
aMesh = myMeshArray[0]->GetMesh();
aMesh->SetParameters( aParameters.join(":").toLatin1().constData() );
size_t iSD = 0;
for ( iSD = 0; iSD < _sdVec.size(); ++iSD ) // find next SOLID to compute
if ( _sdVec[iSD]._before.IsEmpty() &&
+ !_sdVec[iSD]._solid.IsNull() &&
_sdVec[iSD]._n2eMap.empty() )
if ( ! makeLayer(_sdVec[iSD]) ) // create _LayerEdge's
return _error;
- if ( _sdVec[iSD]._n2eMap.size() == 0 )
+ if ( _sdVec[iSD]._n2eMap.size() == 0 ) // no layers in a SOLID
+ {
+ _sdVec[iSD]._solid.Nullify();
+ }
if ( ! inflate(_sdVec[iSD]) ) // increase length of _LayerEdge's
return _error;
minDist = Min( pSrc.SquareDistance( pTgtN ), minDist );
minDist = Min( pTgt.SquareDistance( pSrcN ), minDist );
double newMaxLen = edge->_maxLen + 0.5 * Sqrt( minDist );
- if ( edge->_nodes[0]->getshapeId() == neibor->_nodes[0]->getshapeId() )
+ //if ( edge->_nodes[0]->getshapeId() == neibor->_nodes[0]->getshapeId() ) viscous_layers_00/A3
newMaxLen *= edge->_lenFactor / neibor->_lenFactor;