+++ /dev/null
-.. include:: ./rst_prolog.rst
-.. _iraFaq:
-Add an Item in this FAQ
-Edit *solverlabGUI/doc/src/FAQ.rst* and read documentation :ref:`iraDocumentation_compilation`.
-Why there is NOT all options of Solverlab code in SolverlabObjects tree ?
-Default user mode is set to **simple**, for beginners use.
-Select action *change user mode* in contextual menu of *Solverlab* node of tree
-(which is first line/node of tree).
-.. image:: images/iraUserMode1.png
- :align: center
-Then Apply as **advanced**.
-.. image:: images/iraUserMode2.png
- :align: center
-User can edit/modify value *General.usermode* parameter in the
-:ref:`iraConfiguration`, to get a permanent setting.
-Next question ?
-Here there is your next answer etc.
+++ /dev/null
-.. include:: ./rst_prolog.rst
-Code documentation
-.. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 1
- solverlabpy <apidoc_solverlabpy/modules.rst>
- configparserpy <apidoc_configparserpy/modules.rst>
- settingspy <apidoc_settingspy/modules.rst>
- filewatcherpy <apidoc_filewatcherpy/modules.rst>
+++ /dev/null
-.. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 4
- solverlabpy
-.. include:: ./rst_prolog.rst
+.. include:: ../rst_prolog.rst
.. _iraBackground:
# General information about the project.
project = 'solverlabGUI'
-copyright = '2018-2022, CEA'
+copyright = '2018-2020, CEA'
# The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for
# |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the
# built documents.
# The short X.Y version.
+version = '0.0'
# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
+release = '0.0.1'
# The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation
# for a list of supported languages.
# (source start file, target name, title, author, documentclass [howto/manual]).
latex_documents = [
('index', 'solverlabGUI.tex', 'solverlabGUI Documentation',
- 'CEA DES/ISAS/DM2S/STMF/LGLS', 'manual'),
+ 'CEA DEN/DANS/DM2S/STMF/LGLS', 'manual'),
# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top of
# (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section).
man_pages = [
('index', 'solverlabGUI', 'solverlabGUI Documentation',
+++ /dev/null
-.. include:: ./rst_prolog.rst
-.. _iraConfiguration:
-SolverlabGUI configuration
-SolverlabGUI uses files to store its configuration parameters.
-It uses ConfigParser_ package, from The Python Standard Library.
-Two configuration files are created or used at solverlabGUI launch,
-and located at *SOLVERLABGUI_WORKDIR* directory.
-#. file *.../SOLVERLABGUI_WORKDIR/solverlabGUI_user.cfg*
-#. file *.../SOLVERLABGUI_WORKDIR/solverlabGUI_default.cfg*
-.. note:: **User may edit/modify** file *solverlabGUI_user.cfg*
-See https://docs.python.org/3/library/configparser.html
-.. _iraConfiguration_description:
-The effective configuration **is a merge** of these two previous files.
-Parameters in *solverlabGUI_user.cfg* override parameters in *solverlabGUI_default.cfg*.
-User will find **all allowed parameters** in systematically up-to-dated
+++ /dev/null
-.. include:: ./rst_prolog.rst
-.. _iraDocumentation:
-.. _iraDocumentation_consultation:
-Doc consultation
-To display solverlabGUI html documentation in your web browser *firefox*, or *else*.
-The initial entry file is located at *solverlabGUI/doc/build/html/index.html*.
-.. code-block:: bash
- # Linux bash, as an example
- cd .../solverlabGUI
- firefox doc/build/html/index.html &
- # or as CLI_
- solverlabGUI --doc
-.. _iraDocumentation_modification:
-Doc modification
-To modify solverlabGUI documentation with simple editor *pluma*, or else.
-Read the manual, see http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/tutorial.html,
-or may be copy/paste from 'Show Source' item.
-.. code-block:: bash
- # Linux bash, as an example
- cd ...solverlabGUI/
- tmp=$(find doc -name "*.rst")
- pluma $tmp &
-.. _iraDocumentation_compilation:
-Doc compilation Linux
-On a Linux system, to compile solverlabGUI html documentation,
-programmers use installed GNU_ *make*, and SPHINX_.
-.. warning:: To make documentation **pdf** programmers needs
- installed *texlive* package (preferably up to date version).
- See: https://www.tug.org/texlive/quickinstall.html
-.. code-block:: text
- cd ...solverlabGUI/doc
- cat README # read some environment setup information
- # ... and read it
- make
- Please use `make <target>' where <target> is one of
- html to make standalone HTML files
- dirhtml to make HTML files named index.html in directories
- singlehtml to make a single large HTML file
- pickle to make pickle files
- json to make JSON files
- htmlhelp to make HTML files and a HTML help project
- qthelp to make HTML files and a qthelp project
- devhelp to make HTML files and a Devhelp project
- epub to make an epub
- latex to make LaTeX files, you can set PAPER=a4 or PAPER=letter
- latexpdf to make LaTeX files and run them through pdflatex
- text to make text files
- man to make manual pages
- changes to make an overview of all changed/added/deprecated items
- linkcheck to check all external links for integrity
- doctest to run all doctests embedded in the documentation (if enabled)
- # and then
- make html # make html doc
- make latexpdf # make pdf doc
+++ /dev/null
-.. include:: ./rst_prolog.rst
-.. _iraExploreDirWidget:
-Explore Dir widget
-This widget displays the contents of user solverlabGUI working directory.
-This directory is usually referenced as *SOLVERLABGUI_WORKDIR*.
-Its usage is like a **simple** file explorer.
-.. note:: Theses result files of Solverlab code are located in sub-directories named *output*.
-.. image:: images/solverlabExploreDirWidget1.png
- :scale: 80 %
- :align: center
-There are three main widgets (from left to right):
-#. Directories names widget
-#. Files names widget
-#. File contents widget
-.. note:: The lower *selected files* widget is for future improvments, no usage *yet*.
-There are some contextual menus to explore directories, and to display input/output text files.
-Directories names widget menu
-.. image:: images/solverlabExploreDirectoriesMenu1.png
- :scale: 80 %
- :align: center
-This menu contains some elementary actions to navigate in **all** disk directories.
-.. _iraFilesNamesMenu:
-Files names widget menu
-.. image:: images/solverlabExploreFilesMenu1.png
- :scale: 80 %
- :align: center
-This menu contains some actions to apply on selected file.
-Files contents widget menu
-.. image:: images/solverlabExploreDisplayMenu1.png
- :scale: 80 %
- :align: center
-This menu contains some elementary actions to apply on displayed file.
-The files are *syntax highlighted* if possible, using highlight_ tool, only on Linux distributions for now.
-.. warning:: The lower *highlight theme* action is displayed only for Linux distribution.
-.. include:: ./rst_prolog.rst
+.. include:: ../rst_prolog.rst
.. _generalUse:
Create a new *Solverlab tree* by clicking on the first item in the **TOOLBAR**
+.. image:: images/guitips1.png
+ :align: center
Right click on the *fileMed* Field to import your .med you want to study.
+.. image:: images/guitips2.png
+ :align: center
Then Right click on *Model* to choose the physical model you want to apply on your file.
+.. image:: images/guitips3.png
+ :align: center
.. note:: All model are not implemented yet in the GUI.
You can now modify all the data on your model.
-Before launching the simulation check *Analysis* to select how you want to launch the simulation.
-.. warning:: file_name under *Model/computation_parameters* is the name of the result file.
- name under *Analysis/dataInformations* is the directory name where the result file will be stored.
-All model use *computation_parameters*.
-(TODO explicit paramters with pictures)
+All model use *computation_parameters* and *numerical_parameters*.
+.. image:: images/guitips5.png
+ :align: center
+*file_name* is the name of the result file solverlab at the end of the simulation.
To launch the simulation you have to go in the *Analysis* section of the **TREE VIEW**.
-(picture of analysis field)
-You can select where to save your file.
-Choose to launch in foreground (will stop the gui until the solverlab is done) or background and launch another simulation.
+Before launching the simulation check *Analysis* to select how you want to launch the simulation.
+.. image:: images/guitips4.png
+ :align: center
+*name* under *Analysis/dataInformations* is the directory name where the result file will be stored.
+Choose to launch in foreground (this can stop the gui for a long time if the simulation is big) or background and launch another simulation.
-.. include:: ./rst_prolog.rst
+.. include:: ../rst_prolog.rst
.. empty first toctree is used for pdf contents maxdepth, see sphinx/builders/latex/__init__.py, toctrees[0].get('maxdepth')
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
- Release Notes 9.8.0 <release_notes/release_notes_9.8.0>
+ Release Notes 1.0.0 <release_notes/release_notes_1.0.0>
-.. [1] solverlabGUI/doc/src/solverlabDocuments/solverlab_manual.pdf
+.. [1] solverlabGUI/doc/src/solverlabDocuments/20140804_solverlab_manual.pdf
+++ /dev/null
-.. include:: ./rst_prolog.rst
-.. _iraInstallation:
-Development installations
-A development installation of solverlabGUI allows programmer improvments.
-It is a classical usage of Python_ packages.
-It needs a directory for Python_ interpreter (usually named *miniconda3*),
-and another directory for solverlabGUI scripts (usually named *solverlabGUI*),
-*In fine*, user could find (and use) command *solverlabGUI* directly after a
-*detar/unzip* installation. Or a *git clone*.
-.. warning:: #. **Windows7-10** all-in-one installation is a *development installation* of solverlabGUI,
- which allows programmer improvments.
- #. Users find *miniconda3* and *solverlabGUI* directories in parent directory named
- *C:\\Users\\Public\\solverlab*.
- #. **Linux** all-in-one installation PyInstaller_ bundle is **NOT** like that.
- #. To get *development installation* **Linux** (freely located) of solverlabGUI,
- users have to follow the two next chapters.
-.. _iraInstallation_pythonlinux:
-Python installation Linux
-To install python3 (and its mandatory packages PyQt5 etc.) *locally*, we suggest to use miniconda_.
-Note that *miniconda* is windows7-10 compliant.
-.. note:: You may use this Python interpreter for another python scripting code than solverlabGUI.
-For information:
-#. https://conda.io/miniconda.html
-#. https://conda.io/docs/index.html
-Example of install *(Linux-bash)*:
-.. code-block:: bash
- bash Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
- # -> Miniconda3 will now be installed into this location:
- # -> /volatile/common/miniconda3 (for example. It is located as you want.)
- # -> Thank you for installing Miniconda3!
- export PATH=/volatile/common/miniconda3/bin:$PATH
- which conda
- # -> /volatile/common/miniconda3/bin/conda
- conda create --name py3qt5 python=3 \
- pip jupyter matplotlib numpy pandas pandas-datareader \
- pyqt=5 scipy sympy jsonschema pyyaml libxml2 paramiko
- # -> Solving environment: done
- # -> Proceed ([y]/n)? y
- # -> Downloading and Extracting Packages
- # -> To activate this environment, use:
- # -> source activate py3qt5
- conda info --envs
- # -> conda environments:
- # -> base /volatile/common/miniconda3
- # -> py3qt5 /volatile/common/miniconda3/envs/py3qt5
- # -> etc...
- source activate py3qt5
- which python
- # - > /volatile/common/miniconda3/envs/py3qt5/bin/python
-.. _iraInstallation_linux:
-solverlabGUI installation Linux
-.. warning:: Python interpreter py3qt5 is supposed to be set
- and useful in environment path.
- Usually command *source activate py3qt5* assume that.
-Example of install/launch *(Linux-bash)*:
-.. code-block:: bash
- cd whereYouWant
- tar -xf .../solverlabGUI_xxxx.tgz
- cd solverlabGUI
- ls -l solverlabGUI # the launch executable command (is a script python)
- which python # --> py3qt5
- ./solverlabGUI -h # on line help
- ./solverlabGUI -g -w ... # launch GUI
-.. _iraInstallation_windows:
-solverlabGUI installation Windows7-10
-.. warning:: Python interpreter py3qt5 is supposed to be set
- and useful in environment path, at **mandatory** usual location
- *C:\\Users\\Public\\solverlab\\miniconda3*.
- Usually command *conda activate py3qt5* assume that.
-Example of install/launch *(Windows7/10-cmd.exe shell)*, using 7-zip_:
-.. code-block:: bat
- C:\
- cd C:\Users\Public\solverlab # this is mandatory location, useful for all users
- "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" x .../solverlabGUI_xxxx.7z
- cd C:\Users\Public\solverlab\solverlabGUI
- where python # --> py3qt5
- python solverlabGUI -h # on line help
- python solverlabGUI -g -w ... # launch GUI
-.. note:: To launch solverlab GUI, you may use Windows shortcut
- *C:\\User\\Public\\solverlab\\solverlabGUI\\LaunchSolverlabGUI(.lnk)*
- .
-.. include:: ./rst_prolog.rst
+.. include:: ../rst_prolog.rst
.. _iraMainWidget:
It use the MEDCoupling API to do so.
.. image:: images/solverlabOtherTab.png
-How to use
+ :align: center
The user can *mouse-right-click* on the fileMed field in the **TREE VIEW** and select the "Dump ascii content" context menu.
+++ /dev/null
-.. include:: ./rst_prolog.rst
-.. _iraTreeViewWidget:
-Solverlab tree view widget
-From this tree view widget named *SolverlabObjects* users can prepare Solverlab code data.
-.. image:: images/solverlabTreeViewWidget1.png
- :scale: 70 %
- :align: center
-.. _iraModifyTreeViewWidget:
-Modify tree view widget items values
-There are some values as leaves of tree. Names and tooltips are *almost* as Solverlab code naming usage.
-#. **Simple scalar values**.
- User can modify value on *mouse-left-double-click*, selecting tree item nodes **hovering column value**.
-#. **Other specific values**.
- User can modify value on *mouse-right-click*, to get a contextual menu for modification,
- selecting tree item nodes **hovering columns name and value**.
-.. note:: Some values are context specific and can be displayed only when they are needed.
-Tree view widget menus
-There are some menus, as *contextual menu* on *mouse-right-click* when selected tree item nodes.
-Some menu are generic, and other are specific to node, as contextual actions.
-This is a **NOT exhaustive** list of menus:
-.. _iraExpandMenu:
-Expand/collapse menu
-.. image:: images/solverlabExpandMenu1.png
- :scale: 80 %
- :align: center
-This menu contains some actions to expand or collapse all or selected part of
-data tree.
-To activate this menu users have to *mouse-right-click* on **head of arrow**
-of tree item nodes (at **left** of item icon).
-.. _iraDeleteMenu:
-Delete/Insert menu
-.. image:: images/solverlabDeleteMenu1.png
- :scale: 80 %
- :align: center
-This menu contains some actions to insert, delete and reset all or selected part of
-data tree.
-To activate this menu users have to *mouse-right-click* on 'name' of tree item nodes
-(at right of item icon).
-The concerned items are usually not leaves (are items without a value).
+++ /dev/null
-.. include:: ./rst_prolog.rst
-.. _iraLogRunCodeWidget:
-Log Run Code widget
-This widget displays log trace of Solverlab code execution.
-Solverlab code is executed when users activate *Launch Solverlab calculus* button
-in :ref:`iraMainWidgetToolbar`.
-.. image:: images/solverlabLogRunCodeWidget1.png
- :scale: 80 %
- :align: center
-Log Run Code widget menu
-.. image:: images/solverlabLogWidgetMenu1.png
- :scale: 80 %
- :align: center
-This menu contains some actions to display, but **also** edit all or selected part of
-current log trace, considering log trace as an ascii file.
-To activate this menu users have to *mouse-right-click* **somewhere in** Log Run Code widget.
-.. note:: Using *Open* and *Save* actions in this menu, users can use this widget as
- an elementary text file viewer/editor.
-.. include:: ./rst_prolog.rst
+.. include:: ../rst_prolog.rst
.. _modelUsage:
Diffusion Equation
-You can see the documentation here (TODO put link to solverlab git hub doc)
+You can see the documentation `here <SolverlabDiffusion_>`_
.. image:: images/diffusionequationtree.png
:align: center
-Some value can be a scalar or use a field already in your .med file you can select which mode to use and the GUI will adapt itself.
-(Todo show how to switch mode)
+A field need to be present in your mesh file to be visible in the GUI. All "field_option" are here for advanced user, it is recommanded to leave them with default value.
+Some value can be a field present in the mesh file or a scalar and the GUI let you choose between those two options.
+The boundary condition are created dynamically by reading in the .med file.
-.. include:: ./rst_prolog.rst
+.. include:: ../rst_prolog.rst
.. _packagespy:
-Packagespy a d'abord été pensé pour une disposition graphique spécifique. Un arbre (TREEVIEW) dans le dock de gauche, un barre d'action (TOOLBAR) dans le dock du haut et une fenetre central pour afficher du contenu.
+Packagespy a d'abord été pensé pour une disposition graphique spécifique et est basé sur PyQt5. Un arbre (TREEVIEW) dans le dock de gauche, un barre d'action (TOOLBAR) dans le dock du haut et une fenetre central pour afficher du contenu.
+La classe TreeXmlXyz peut être directement instancié et utilisera donc des réglages par defaut.
+On peut aussi la dériver et créer un affichage spécifique pour une application.
+.. code-block:: python
+ class TreeViewSvl(TreeXmlXyz):
+ class COLS:
+ labels = ['Name', 'Value', 'Attributes']
+ Tag = 0
+ Text = 1
+ Attributes = 2
+ def __init__(self, parent=None):
+ super(TreeViewSvl, self).__init__(parent)
+ self.setHeaderLabels(self.COLS.labels)
+ self.setAlternatingRowColors(True)
+ self.formats_treeview = FORMATS_TREEVIEW
.. code-block:: python
+ import xyzpy.classFactoryXyz as CLFX
+ from xyzpy.intFloatListXyz import StrInListXyz #only need to import class we want to derivate.
+ from xyzpy.baseXyz import _XyzConstrainBase, ListOfBaseXyz
class AnimalList(StrInListXyz):
_allowedList = ["None", "Cat", "Dog", "Other"]
- class ListExample(ListOfBaseXyz)
+ class ListExample(ListOfBaseXy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z)
_allowedClasses = ["NodeExample"]
class MyModel(_XyzConstrainBase):
- _atributesList = [
+ _attributesList = [
self._defautNameAsRoot = "Hotel"
+ CLFX.appendAllXyzClasses([AnimalList, NodeExample, ListExample, MyModel])
Le Controller est la partie du code qui va gérer les interactions entre le Model en mémoire et les actions de l'utilisateur sur la fenetre ainsi que celle avec le code sur lequel la GUI s'appuie.
+.. code-block:: python
+Ajouter un model dans SolverlabGui
+++ /dev/null
-.. include:: ./rst_prolog.rst
-.. _iraPrerequisites:
-There are some definitions, and links.
-#. Solverlab_ code, and its `manual <SolverlabManualPdf_>`_.
-#. PYTHON_ 3.5, with packages PyQt5_, numpy, matplotlib_, pandas_, etc. (usually named *py3qt5*).
-#. PyInstaller_ 3.4, free sofware to make solverlabGUI bundle (*only* valid for Linux).
-#. 7-zip_, free sofware to compress/uncompress .7z files (for Windows installations).
-Installation needs a PYTHON_ 3.6 interpreter, which is included in
-*All-in-one* solverlab installations (Linux *and* Windows).
-see :ref:`iraInstallation_pythonlinux`.
-PyInstaller_ is a program that freezes Python programs
-in *bundle*, which is **almost** a python package.
-For more information about *bundle*, see `PyInstaller manual <PyInstallerManual_>`_.
-.. _iraAllInOneInstallation:
-All-in-one installation
-These installations contain in **one** compressed file:
-#. the solverlabGUI python scripts.
-#. An interpreter PYTHON_.
-#. The Solverlab code (GPL), its **source files**, and
- two executable files, one for Linux and one Windows.
-#. The useful Corteo_ data base (4bits).
-.. warning:: Corteo data base used version in solverlabGUI is **NOT** Version 20160816.
-All-in-one installation Linux
-.. warning:: This is a PyInstaller_ bundle,
- installed locally **where users want**.
- Python interpreter (named py3qt5) is simultaneously installed,
-Source tar file *solverlabGUI_bundle_xxxx.tgz* is the **one** compressed archive file
-of the PyInstaller bundle in *one folder* mode.
-See `more information here <https://pyinstaller.readthedocs.io/en/stable/operating-mode.html#bundling-to-one-folder>`_.
-There are two ways to install solverlabGUI:
-#. Install solverlabGUI directly, using usual *file manager* functionalities:
- uncompress tar file in user's choice directory.
-#. Install solverlabGUI typing bash command, in usual *terminal*:
- .. code-block:: bash
- # install
- cd yourChoiceDirectory # which is really where you want
- tar -xf .../solverlabGUI_bundle_xxxx.tgz
- # launch
- cd solverlabGUI_bundle # folder name as linux pyinstaller bundle
- ./solverlabGUI -h # on line help
- ./solverlabGUI -g -w ... # launch GUI
-All-in-one installation Windows7-10
-.. warning:: #. This is **not** a PyInstaller_ bundle.
- #. The **mandatory located** root directory is *C:\\Users\\Public\\solverlab*.
- #. The **mandatory located** solverlabGUI directory
- is *C:\\Users\\Public\\solverlab\\solverlabGUI*.
- #. The **mandatory located** Python interpreter py3qt5 directory
- is *C:\\Users\\Public\\solverlab\\miniconda3*.
- #. The sofware tool to uncompress .7z files is 7-zip_, which **has to be installed**.
-Source .7z file *solverlabGUI_xxxx.7z* is the **one** compressed archive file.
-There are two ways to install solverlabGUI:
-#. Install solverlabGUI directly, using usual *file manager* functionalities:
- uncompress .7z file in mandatory *C:\\Users\\Public* directory.
-#. Install solverlabGUI typing DOS command, in usual *(Windows7/10-cmd.exe shell)*:
- .. code-block:: bat
- rem install
- C:\
- cd C:\Users\Public # this is mandatory location, useful for all users
- "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" x .../solverlab_xxxx.7z
- rem launch
- C:\User\Public\solverlab\solverlabGUI\LaunchSolverlabGUI.bat
-.. note:: To launch solverlab GUI, you may use Windows shortcut
- *C:\\User\\Public\\solverlab\\solverlabGUI\\LaunchSolverlabGUI(.lnk)*
- .
+++ /dev/null
-.. raw:: latex
- \clearpage
-.. _SOLVERLAB: https://www.nano.uni-jena.de/en/solverlab.html
-.. _SALOME: http://www.salome-platform.org
-.. _SPHINX: http://sphinx-doc.org
-.. _MATPLOTLIB: https://matplotlib.org
-.. _PANDAS: https://pandas.pydata.org
-.. _NavToolPlt: http://matplotlib.org/users/navigation_toolbar.html?highlight=toolbar
-.. _C++: http://www.cplusplus.com/
-.. _CMake: https://cmake.org/
-.. _Python: https://docs.python.org/3.5
-.. _Python3: https://docs.python.org/3.5
-.. _ParaView: http://www.paraview.org
-.. _Anaconda: https://docs.continuum.io/anaconda/pkg-docs#
-.. _Miniconda: http://conda.pydata.org/miniconda.html
-.. _Git: https://git-scm.com
-.. _Git-windows: https://git-scm.com
-.. _GitCheatSheet: https://services.github.com/kit/downloads/github-git-cheat-sheet.pdf
-.. _SolverlabCheatSheet: ../solverlab-cheat-sheet.pdf
-.. _SolverlabGuiPdf: ./../../src/solverlabDocuments/solverlabGUI.pdf
-.. _SolverlabManualPdf: https://github.com/ndjinga/SOLVERLAB/blob/master/README.md
-.. _SolverlabPresentationPdf: https://github.com/ndjinga/SOLVERLAB/blob/master/CoreFlows/Documentation/PhysicalModels.md
-.. _CLI: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Command-line_interface
-.. _Tar: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tar_(computing)
-.. _OS: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operating_system
-.. _VCS: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Version_control
-.. _CVS: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concurrent_versions_system
-.. _SVN: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apache_Subversion
-.. _GUI: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graphical_user_interface
-.. _RestructuredText: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ReStructuredText
-.. _PyQt5: https://pypi.org/project/PyQt5
-.. _ConfigParser: https://docs.python.org/3/library/configparser.html
-.. _PyInstaller: https://www.pyinstaller.org
-.. _PyInstallerManual: https://pyinstaller.readthedocs.io/en/stable
-.. _Corteo: http://www.lps.umontreal.ca/~schiette/index.php?n=Recherche.Corteo
-.. _highlight: http://www.andre-simon.de/doku/highlight/en/highlight.php
-.. _CSV: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comma-separated_values
-.. _MinGW: http://www.mingw.org
-.. _GNU: https://www.gnu.org/home.en.html
-.. _GNUgcc: https://www.gnu.org/software/gcc
-.. _7-zip: https://www.7-zip.org
-.. _Solveralabinstall: https://github.com/ndjinga/SOLVERLAB#compile-and-install-solverlab
+++ /dev/null
-.. include:: ./rst_prolog.rst
-.. _iraSolverlabCode:
-Solverlab code compilation
-SolverlabGUI uses a specific version of Solverlab code, modified by J.P. Crocombette (cea),
-which is tagged version 1.1.x for now.
-This code comes from original version 1.0.8 by Christian Borschel.
-Users find two current compiled executable files, which are used by solverlabGUI, located at
-#. *solverlab_mingw64.exe*, compiled by MinGW_ gcc compiler, for Windows (64 bits).
-#. *solverlab_linux64.exe*, compiled by GNU_ `gcc <GNUgcc_>`_ compiler, for Linux (64 bits).
-A development installation of Solverlab code allows programmer improvments.
-The following chapters explain Solverlab code compilation processes.
-.. _iraSolverlabCodeSources:
-Solverlab code sources
-With GPL licence, sources are available in solverlabGUI directory tree, located at
-User find also the useful Corteo_ data base, located at
-.. code-block:: bash
- .../solverlabCodes > tree
- .
- ├── data_4bit
- │ ├── 10.asp
- │ ├── 11.asp
- etc.
- │ ├── corteo.mat
- │ └── erfinv.dat
- ├── doc
- │ ├── 20140804_solverlab_manual.pdf
- │ ├── Corteo20160816.pdf
- │ ├── solverlab-1-s2.0-S0168583X11006318-main.pdf
- │ └── Solverlab_tuto_installation.pdf
- ├── solverlab_cea
- │ ├── compileSolverlab.bat
- │ ├── fileio.c
- │ ├── fileio.h
- │ ├── fromcorteo.c
- │ ├── fromcorteo.h
- │ ├── geometry.c
- │ ├── geometry.h
- │ ├── indexvalues6bit.h
- │ ├── indexvalues.h
- │ ├── solverlab.c
- │ ├── solverlab.h
- │ ├── license.txt
- │ ├── makefile_cea
- │ ├── target.c
- │ ├── target.h
- │ ├── transport.c
- │ ├── transport.h
- │ ├── utils.c
- │ └── utils.h
- ├── compileSolverlab.lnk
- └── README.txt
-.. _iraSolverlabCodeCompilation_linux:
-Solverlab code compilation Linux
-Example of compilation *(Linux-bash)*:
-.. code-block:: bash
- # this is your location
- cd .../solverlabGUI/solverlabCodes/solverlab_cea
- # verifications
- cat README.txt
- # compilation
- make -f makefile_cea clean
- make -f makefile_cea solverlab
- make -f makefile_cea installGUI # install executable in solverlabGUI/solverlabCode
-.. _iraSolverlabCodeCompilation_windows:
-Solverlab code compilation Windows7-10
-.. warning:: #. MinGW_ is supposed to be set
- and useful in environment path, at an usual location
- *C:\\MinGW* (for example).
- #. Git-windows_ is supposed to be set
- and useful in environment path, at an usual location
- *C:\\Program Files\\Git* (for example).
- In order to use like-Linux commands.
-Example of compilation *(Windows7/10-cmd.exe shell)*:
-.. code-block:: bat
- # this is mandatory location
- C:\
- cd C:\Users\Public\solverlab\solverlabGUI\solverlabCodes\solverlab_cea
- # verifications
- where make # --> C:\MinGW\bin\make.exe
- where gcc # --> C:\MinGW\bin\gcc.exe
- where uname # --> C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin\uname.exe
- # compilation
- make -f makefile_cea clean
- make -f makefile_cea solverlab
- make -f makefile_cea installGUI # install executable in solverlabGUI/solverlabCode
-.. note:: To launch Solverlab code compilation, you may use Windows shortcut
- *C:\\User\\Public\\solverlab\\solverlabGUI\\solverlabCodes\\compileSolverlab(.lnk)*
- .
-.. include:: ./rst_prolog.rst
+.. include:: ../rst_prolog.rst
.. _svlInstallation:
- cmake3
- g++ (or another C++ compiler)
- python3-dev, python3-numpy, swig3
+- PyQt5_
Standalone installation
The most simple installation process and should suit to most users.
+This way of installation will download the some dependencies, you need to have internet.
-To use the GUI you need to have installed Python3_ on your computer with the following dependency:
+Start by creating two folders on the same level as the source.
-- PyQt5_
+.. code-block:: bash
+ cd ~/workspace/SOLVERLAB
+ mkdir SOLVERLAB_build
+ mkdir SOLVERLAB_install
+Then we are going to compile the project with cmake in the build folder and install it.
+.. code-block:: bash
+ cd SOLVERLAB_build
+ make
+ make install
+To check if your installation use
-- TODO packagespy
+.. code-block:: bash
-.. warning:: For the moment Solverlab **doesn't** work with Conda TODO why ? can't find some librairy
+ make validation
+If all test succed you can now go in the install folder.
-When all the dependency are installed on your computer you can follow the `Solverlab install process <Solveralabinstall_>`_
+Before any use of Solverlab don't forget to set its environement variable.
+You will find the script env_SOLVERLAB.sh in the install folder.
+.. code-block:: bash
+ source ~/workspace/SOLVERLAB/SOLVERLAB_install/env_SOLVERLAB.sh
-When it's done you should be able to launch the GUI with the command
+You can now launch the GUI with
.. code-block:: bash
+++ /dev/null
-.. include:: ./rst_prolog.rst
-.. _svlOtherFileWidget:
-Other File widget
-This widget displays the content of the selected med file.
-It use the MEDCoupling API to do so.
-.. image:: images/solverlabOtherTab.png
-How to use
-The user can *mouse-right-click* on the fileMed field in the **TREE VIEW** and select the "Dump ascii content" context menu.
+++ /dev/null
-.. include:: ./rst_prolog.rst
-.. _iraTips:
-Tip 01
-.. image:: images_tips/tip_01_solverlabMainWidgetToolbar1.png
- :scale: 80 %
- :align: center
-Tip 05
-.. image:: images_tips/tip_05_solverlabMainWidgetToolbar1.png
- :scale: 80 %
- :align: center
-Tip 08
-.. image:: images_tips/tip_08_solverlabMainWidgetToolbar1.png
- :scale: 80 %
- :align: center
-Tip 20
-.. image:: images_tips/tip_20_expand.png
- :scale: 80 %
- :align: center
-Tip 25
-.. image:: images_tips/tip_25_contextual_menu.png
- :scale: 80 %
- :align: center
-Tip 28
-.. image:: images_tips/tip_28_mouseover_tooltip.png
- :scale: 80 %
- :align: center
-Tip 30
-.. image:: images_tips/tip_30_modify_values.png
- :scale: 80 %
- :align: center
-Tip 98
-.. image:: images_tips/tip_98_solverlabMainWidgetToolbar1.png
- :scale: 80 %
- :align: center
-Tip 99
-.. image:: images_tips/tip_99_solverlabMainWidgetToolbar1.png
- :scale: 80 %
- :align: center
+++ /dev/null
-.. include:: ./rst_prolog.rst
-.. _iraUsage:
-Usage of solverlabGUI
-SolverlabGUI usage is a Command Line Interface (CLI_), which is
-Windows *and* Linux compatible (but only tested on Linus for the moment).
-.. code-block:: bash
- solverlabGUI --[options]
-Options of solverlabGUI
-Useful but *not exhaustive* generic options of *solverlabGUI* CLI.
-Option *--help or -h*
-Get help as simple text.
-.. code-block:: bash
- solverlabGUI --help # get list of existing options
-Option *--doc or -d*
-Get documentation as browser html.
-.. code-block:: bash
- solverlabGUI --doc # see html doc
-Option *--verbose or -v*
-Change verbosity level (default is 'info').
-.. code-block:: bash
- # execute solverlabGUI command in verbose debug mode
- solverlabGUI -v debug
-Option *--workdir or -w*
-Change working directory (user data directory). Default is
-.. code-block:: bash
- # execute solverlabGUI in user choice working directory
- solverlabGUI -w .../MY_WORKDIR