def interpolZ_B(bathyName, fichierMaillage, gr_face_name, zUndef=90., interp_method=0, m3d=False, xyzFile=False, verbose=False):
+ """
+ interpolZ_B takes a 2D (x,y) mesh and calls the active instance of module HYDRO
+ to interpolate the bathymetry/altimetry on the mesh nodes, to produce the Z value of each node.
+ In:
+ bathyName: Bathymetry Name in module HYDRO
+ fichierMaillage: med file name produced by SMESH, corresponding to the HYDRO case
+ gr_face_name: face group name
+ zUndef: Z value to use for nodes outside the regions (there must be none if the case is correct).
+ default value is 90.
+ interp_method: interpolation method
+ 0 = nearest point on bathymetry
+ 1 = linear interpolation
+ m3d: True/False to produce a 3D mesh. Default is False.
+ xyzFile: True/False to write an ascii file with xyz for every node. Default is False.
+ Out:
+ if OK : statz_gr_face_name: statistic for z: (minz, maxz, meanz, stdz, v05z, v95z)
+ else FALSE
+ Out:
+ return <fichierMaillage> : med file with Z value in a field "BOTTOM"
+ Option: Z value also in Z coordinate if m3D is true
+ return <fichierMaillage>.xyz : text file with X, Y, Z values
+ """
doc = HYDROPy.HYDROData_Document.Document(theStudyId)
bathy_obj = doc.FindObjectByName(bathyName)
print ( "bathy : ", bathy_obj)