+def generateName(prefix = None):
+ import whrandom;
+ int = whrandom.randint(1,1000);
+ if prefix is None:
+ return "Study" + str(int)
+ else :
+ return prefix + str(int)
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def PersistentPresentation(theStudy, theSO, theWithID):
+ # put the sobject's content (with subchildren) to the string
+ aResult = ""
+ attrs = theSO.GetAllAttributes()
+ aLen = len(attrs)
+ anUncopied = 0
+ for a in range(0,aLen):
+ attr = attrs[a]
+ if isinstance(attr,SALOMEDS._objref_AttributeTreeNode):
+ anUncopied += 1
+ elif isinstance(attr,SALOMEDS._objref_AttributeTarget):
+ anUncopied += 1
+ elif isinstance(attr,SALOMEDS._objref_AttributeReal) or \
+ isinstance(attr,SALOMEDS._objref_AttributeInteger) or \
+ isinstance(attr,SALOMEDS._objref_AttributeName) or \
+ isinstance(attr,SALOMEDS._objref_AttributeComment) or \
+ isinstance(attr,SALOMEDS._objref_AttributePersistentRef) or \
+ isinstance(attr,SALOMEDS._objref_AttributeLocalID) or \
+ isinstance(attr,SALOMEDS._objref_AttributeUserID):
+ aResult += " attribute value: " + str(attr.Value())
+ elif isinstance(attr,SALOMEDS._objref_AttributeIOR):
+ aResult += " attribute: IOR"
+ elif isinstance(attr,SALOMEDS._objref_AttributeSequenceOfReal) or \
+ isinstance(attr,SALOMEDS._objref_AttributeSequenceOfInteger):
+ aResult += " Sequence: " + str(attr.CorbaSequence())
+ elif isinstance(attr,SALOMEDS._objref_AttributeDrawable):
+ aResult += " Drawable: " + str(attr.IsDrawable())
+ elif isinstance(attr,SALOMEDS._objref_AttributeSelectable):
+ aResult += " Selectable: " + str(attr.IsSelectable())
+ elif isinstance(attr,SALOMEDS._objref_AttributeExpandable):
+ aResult += " Expandable: " + str(attr.IsExpandable())
+ elif isinstance(attr,SALOMEDS._objref_AttributeOpened):
+ aResult += " Opened: " + str(attr.IsOpened())
+ elif isinstance(attr,SALOMEDS._objref_AttributeTextColor):
+ aResult += " TextColor: " + str(attr.TextColor())
+ elif isinstance(attr,SALOMEDS._objref_AttributeTextHighlightColor):
+ aResult += " TextHighlightColor: " + str(attr.TextHighlightColor())
+ elif isinstance(attr,SALOMEDS._objref_AttributePixMap):
+ aResult += " PixMap: " + str(attr.GetPixMap())
+ elif isinstance(attr,SALOMEDS._objref_AttributeTableOfInteger) or \
+ isinstance(attr,SALOMEDS._objref_AttributeTableOfReal):
+ aResult += " Table with title: " + attr.GetTitle()
+ elif isinstance(attr,SALOMEDS._objref_AttributePythonObject):
+ aResult += " PythonObject: " + attr.GetObject()
+ if theWithID:
+ aResult = "sobject: " + theSO.GetID() + " nbattrs: " + str(aLen - anUncopied) + aResult + '\n'
+ else:
+ aResult = " nbattrs: " + str(aLen - anUncopied) + aResult + '\n'
+ anIter = theStudy.NewChildIterator(theSO)
+ while anIter.More():
+ aResult += PersistentPresentation(theStudy, anIter.Value(), theWithID)
+ anIter.Next()
+ return aResult
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def GetTree(theSO):
+ # returns the document list tree (as list)
+ aResult = [theSO.GetID()]
+ anIter = myStudy.NewChildIterator(theSO)
+ while anIter.More():
+ aResult += GetTree(anIter.Value())
+ anIter.Next()
+ return aResult
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def CheckCopyPaste(theSO, theInfo ,theComponentPaste):
+ aRoot = theSO
+ while aRoot.GetID() != "0:":
+ aRoot = aRoot.GetFather()
+ aTree = GetTree(aRoot)
+ aStudyPersist = PersistentPresentation(myStudy, aRoot, 1)
+ if not myStudyManager.CanCopy(theSO):
+ raise RuntimeError, "<CanCopy> for "+theInfo+" returns false"
+ if not myStudyManager.Copy(theSO):
+ raise RuntimeError, "<Copy> for "+theInfo+" returns false"
+ if not myStudyManager.CanPaste(theSO):
+ raise RuntimeError, "<CanPaste> for "+theInfo+" returns false"
+ # check: before paste study is not changed check
+ if aStudyPersist != PersistentPresentation(myStudy, aRoot, 1):
+ raise RuntimeError, "Study is changed before Paste calling for "+theInfo
+ aSObj = theSO
+ if theComponentPaste:
+ aSObj = theSO.GetFatherComponent()
+ theInfo = theInfo + "(paste for component)"
+ if myStudyManager.Paste(aSObj) == None:
+ raise RuntimeError, "<Paste> for "+theInfo+" returns None object"
+ aNewTree = GetTree(aRoot)
+ aLen = len(aTree)
+ for a in range(0,aLen):
+ if aTree[a] != aNewTree[a]:
+ return myStudy.FindObjectID(aNewTree[a])
+ if aLen < len(aNewTree):
+ return myStudy.FindObjectID(aNewTree[aLen])
+ raise RuntimeError, "After Copy calling the tree is not changed"
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def FindFileInDataDir(filename):
+ import os
+ datadir = os.getenv("DATA_DIR")
+ if datadir is not None:
+ import string
+ dirs = string.split(datadir, ":")
+ for dir in dirs:
+ file = dir + "/" + filename
+ if os.path.exists(file):
+ return file;
+ datadir = os.getenv("KERNEL_ROOT_DIR") + "/examples/"
+ file = datadir + filename
+ if os.path.exists(file):
+ return file;
+ return None
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
salome_study_ID = -1
def getActiveStudy(theStudyId=0):