if (myModule->sketchReentranceMgr()->processMouseMoved(theWnd, theEvent))
+ ModuleBase_IWorkshop* aWorkshop = myModule->workshop();
+ XGUI_ModuleConnector* aConnector = dynamic_cast<XGUI_ModuleConnector*>(aWorkshop);
+ XGUI_Displayer* aDisplayer = aConnector->workshop()->displayer();
if (isNestedCreateOperation(getCurrentOperation(), activeSketch())) {
QTime t;
visualizeFeature(aFeature, aFOperation->isEditOperation(), canDisplayObject(aFeature));
+ aDisplayer->updateViewer();
cout << "Mouse move processing " << t.elapsed() << endl;
std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Pnt2d> aCurrentPosition = std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Pnt2d>(
new GeomAPI_Pnt2d(aMousePnt.myCurX, aMousePnt.myCurY));
- ModuleBase_IWorkshop* aWorkshop = myModule->workshop();
- XGUI_ModuleConnector* aConnector = dynamic_cast<XGUI_ModuleConnector*>(aWorkshop);
- XGUI_Displayer* aDisplayer = aConnector->workshop()->displayer();
// 3. the flag to disable the update viewer should be set in order to avoid blinking in the
// viewer happens by deselect/select the modified objects. The flag should be restored after
// the selection processing. The update viewer should be also called.