# --- add a field on nodes of type double with z values, named "BOTTOM"
+__revision__ = "V2.01"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-import string
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-import sys
import salome
theStudyId = salome.myStudyId
import numpy as np
+import MEDLoader as ml
+import MEDCoupling as mc
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
return <fichierMaillage>F.med : med file containing the field "BOTTOM"
- noms = string.split(fichierMaillage,'.')
- basename = string.join(noms[:-1], '.')
+ basename = fichierMaillage[:-4]
fichierFMaillage = basename + 'F.med'
print fichierFMaillage
# --- Combien de noeuds a lire ?
nnoe, chgt, trsf = medmesh.MEDmeshnEntity(fid, maa, medenum.MED_NO_DT, medenum.MED_NO_IT,
- medenum.MED_NODE, medenum.MED_NONE,
- medenum.MED_COORDINATE, medenum.MED_NO_CMODE)
+ medenum.MED_NODE, medenum.MED_NONE,
+ medenum.MED_COORDINATE, medenum.MED_NO_CMODE)
if nnoe > 0:
# --- Allocations memoire
return <fichierMaillage>F.med : med file containing the field "BOTTOM"
- noms = string.split(fichierMaillage,'.')
- basename = string.join(noms[:-1], '.')
+ basename = fichierMaillage[:-4]
fichierZMaillage = basename + 'Z.med'
fichierFMaillage = basename + 'F.med'
print fichierFMaillage
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-import SMESH
-import SALOMEDS
-from salome.smesh import smeshBuilder
-smesh = smeshBuilder.New(theStudy)
-def interpolZ(nomCas, fichierMaillage, dicoGroupeRegion, zUndef, interpolMethod = 0):
+def interpolZ(nomCas, fichierMaillage, dicoGroupeRegion, zUndef, interpolMethod=0, verbose=False):
interpolZ takes a 2D (x,y) mesh and calls the active instance of module HYDRO
to interpolate the bathymetry/altimetry on the mesh nodes, to produce the Z value of each node.
return <fichierMaillage>Z.med : med file with Z value on nodes
return <fichierMaillage>F.med : an exact copy of <fichierMaillage>Z.med
+ statz = dict()
+ erreur = 0
+ message = ""
+ while not erreur:
+ doc = HYDROPy.HYDROData_Document.Document(theStudyId)
+ cas = doc.FindObjectByName(nomCas)
+ print cas
+ custom_inter = MyInterpolator()
+ basename = fichierMaillage[:-4]
+ fichierZMaillage = basename + 'Z.med'
+ fichierFMaillage = basename + 'F.med'
+ fichierFonds = basename + '.xyz'
+ print "fichierMaillage :", fichierMaillage
+ print "fichierZMaillage :", fichierZMaillage
+ print "fichierFMaillage :", fichierFMaillage
+ print "fichierFonds :", fichierFonds
+ print "dicoGroupeRegion =", dicoGroupeRegion
+# 1. Reads the mesh and gets the number of nodes
+ meshMEDFileRead = ml.MEDFileMesh.New(fichierMaillage)
+# 2. Checks the names of the groups of faces
+ l_gr_faces = list(dicoGroupeRegion.keys())
+ t_groupe_n = meshMEDFileRead.getGroupsNames()
+ nb_pb = 0
+ for gr_face_name in l_gr_faces:
+ if gr_face_name not in t_groupe_n:
+ message += "Group: '" + gr_face_name + "'\n"
+ nb_pb += 1
+ if verbose:
+ print "Number of problems: %d" % nb_pb
+ if nb_pb > 0:
+ if nb_pb == 1:
+ message += "This group does"
+ else:
+ message += "That %d groups do" % nb_pb
+ message += " not belongs to the mesh\n"
+ message += "Please check the names of the groups of faces corresponding to each region of the HYDRO case"
+ erreur = 2
+ break
+# 3. Get the information about the nodes
+ nbnodes = meshMEDFileRead.getNumberOfNodes()
+ if verbose:
+ print "Number of nodes: %d" % nbnodes
+ coords = meshMEDFileRead.getCoords()
+ #print coords
+ #print coords[0,0]
+ #print coords[0,1]
+ tb_aux = np.zeros(nbnodes, dtype=np.bool)
+ bathy = np.zeros(nbnodes, dtype=np.float)
+# 4. Exploration of every group of faces
+ for gr_face_name in l_gr_faces:
+# 4.1. Region
+ nomreg = dicoGroupeRegion[gr_face_name]
+ line = "------- Region: '" + nomreg + "'"
+ line += ", connected to group '" + gr_face_name + "'"
+ print line
+ region = doc.FindObjectByName(nomreg)
+ #print region
+ #region.SetInterpolator(custom_inter)
+# 4.2. Mesh of the group
+ mesh_of_the_group = meshMEDFileRead.getGroup(0, gr_face_name, False)
+ nbr_cells = mesh_of_the_group.getNumberOfCells()
+ if verbose:
+ print "\t. Number of cells: %d" % nbr_cells
+# 4.3. Nodes of the meshes of the group
+ tb_aux.fill(False)
+ for id_elem in range(nbr_cells):
+ l_nodes = mesh_of_the_group.getNodeIdsOfCell(id_elem)
+ #print l_nodes
+ for id_node in l_nodes:
+ tb_aux[id_node] = True
+ np_aux = tb_aux.nonzero()
+ if len(np_aux[0]):
+ if verbose:
+ print "\t. Number of nodes: %d" % len(np_aux[0])
+ #print "np_aux:", np_aux
+# 4.4. Interpolation over the nodes of the meshes of the group
+ vx = []
+ vy = []
+ for nodeId in np_aux[0]:
+ vx.append(coords[nodeId, 0])
+ vy.append(coords[nodeId, 1])
+ #print "vx:\n", vx
+ #print "vy:\n", vy
+ vz = cas.GetAltitudesForPoints(vx, vy, region, interpolMethod)
+ #print "vz:\n", vz
+ minz = np.amin(vz)
+ maxz = np.amax(vz)
+ meanz = np.mean(vz)
+ stdz = np.std(vz)
+ v05z = np.percentile(vz, 05)
+ v95z = np.percentile(vz, 95)
+ if verbose:
+ ligne = ".. Minimum: %f" % minz
+ ligne += ", maximum: %f" % maxz
+ ligne += ", mean: %f\n" % meanz
+ ligne += ".. stdeviation: %f" % stdz
+ ligne += ", v05z: %f" % v05z
+ ligne += ", v95z: %f" % v95z
+ print ligne
+# 4.5. Storage
+ statz[gr_face_name] = (minz, maxz, meanz, stdz, v05z, v95z)
+ for iaux, nodeId in enumerate(np_aux[0]):
+ bathy[nodeId] = vz[iaux]
+# 5. Minimum
+ #print "bathy :\n", bathy
+ np_aux_z = (bathy < -9000.).nonzero()
+ if verbose:
+ print ".. Number of nodes below the minimum: %d" % len(np_aux_z[0])
+ if len(np_aux_z[0]):
+ for iaux in np_aux_z[0]:
+ bathy[iaux] = zUndef
+# 6. xyz file
+ if verbose:
+ print ".. Ecriture du champ de bathymétrie sur le fichier :\n", fichierFonds
+ fo = open(fichierFonds, 'w')
+ for nodeId in range(nbnodes):
+ #maillagePlat.MoveNode(nodeId, x, y, z)
+ line = "%10.2f %10.2f %10.2f\n" % (coords[nodeId, 0], coords[nodeId, 1], bathy[nodeId])
+ fo.write(line)
+ fo.close()
+# 7 Modification of the z coordinates
+ bathy_dd = mc.DataArrayDouble(np.asfarray(bathy, dtype='float'))
+ coords3D = DataArrayDouble.Meld([coords, bathy_dd])
+ #print "coords3D\n", coords3D
+ meshMEDFileRead.setCoords(coords3D)
+ if verbose:
+ print ".. Ecriture du maillage 3D sur le fichier :\n", fichierZMaillage
+ meshMEDFileRead.write(fichierZMaillage, 2)
+ if verbose:
+ print ".. Ecriture du maillage 3D avec le champ BOTTOM sur le fichier :\n", fichierFMaillage
+ meshMEDFileRead.write(fichierFMaillage, 2)
+ break
+ if erreur:
+ print message
- doc = HYDROPy.HYDROData_Document.Document( theStudyId )
- cas = doc.FindObjectByName(nomCas)
- print cas
- custom_inter = MyInterpolator()
- noms = string.split(fichierMaillage,'.')
- basename = string.join(noms[:-1], '.')
- fichierZMaillage = basename + 'Z.med'
- fichierFMaillage = basename + 'F.med'
- fichierFonds = basename + '.xyz'
- print fichierMaillage
- print fichierZMaillage
- print fichierFMaillage
- print fichierFonds
- regions = {}
- ([maillagePlat], status) = smesh.CreateMeshesFromMED(fichierMaillage)
- groups = maillagePlat.GetGroups()
- grpns = [grp for grp in groups if grp.GetType() == SMESH.NODE]
- if len(grpns) == 0:
- print "Problem! There are no groups of nodes in the mesh!"
- print "Please create at least the groups of nodes corresponding to each region of the HYDRO case"
- return {}
- for grp in groups:
- if grp.GetType() == SMESH.NODE:
- grpName = grp.GetName()
- print grpName
- if grpName in dicoGroupeRegion.keys():
- regions[dicoGroupeRegion[grpName]] = grp
- fo = open(fichierFonds, 'w')
- statz = {}
- for nomreg, grp in regions.iteritems():
- print "------- region : ", nomreg
- region = doc.FindObjectByName(nomreg)
- #print region
- #region.SetInterpolator(custom_inter)
- nodesIds = grp.GetListOfID()
- #print nodesIds
- vx = []
- vy = []
- for nodeId in nodesIds:
- xyz = maillagePlat.GetNodeXYZ(nodeId)
- #print xyz
- vx.append(xyz[0])
- vy.append(xyz[1])
- vz = cas.GetAltitudesForPoints( vx, vy, region, interpolMethod )
- minz = np.amin(vz)
- maxz = np.amax(vz)
- meanz = np.mean(vz)
- stdz = np.std(vz)
- v05z = np.percentile(vz,05)
- v95z = np.percentile(vz,95)
- statz[grp.GetName()] = (minz, maxz, meanz, stdz, v05z, v95z)
- for i,nodeId in enumerate(nodesIds):
- x = vx[i]
- y = vy[i]
- z = vz[i]
- if z < -9000:
- z = zUndef
- #print i, nodeId, x, y, z
- maillagePlat.MoveNode(nodeId, x, y, z)
- l = "%10.2f %10.2f %10.2f\n"%(x, y, z)
- fo.write(l)
- fo.close()
- maillagePlat.ExportMED(fichierZMaillage , 0, SMESH.MED_V2_2, 1 )
- maillagePlat.ExportMED(fichierFMaillage , 0, SMESH.MED_V2_2, 1 )
return statz
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------