typedef sequence<string> ResourceList;
//! components list
typedef sequence<string> CompoList;
+typedef sequence<long> IntegerList;
//! Type to describe required properties of a resource
struct ResourceParameters
//! Create a machine file for PaCO container
string getMachineFile(in string resource_name, in long nb_procs, in string parallelLib)
raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+ //! Return list of resources available (regarding containt of CatalogResources.xml). And for each resource the number of proc available of it.
+ void ListAllAvailableResources(out ResourceList machines, out IntegerList nbProcsOfMachines) raises (SALOME::SALOME_Exception);
+ * Return list of resources available (regarding containt of CatalogResources.xml). And for each resource the number of proc available of it.
+ */
+void SALOME_ResourcesManager::ListAllAvailableResources(Engines::ResourceList_out machines, Engines::IntegerList_out nbProcsOfMachines)
+ const MapOfParserResourcesType& zeList(_rm.GetList());
+ std::size_t sz(zeList.size());
+ std::vector<std::string> ret0(sz);
+ std::vector<int> ret1(sz);
+ {
+ std::size_t i(0);
+ for(MapOfParserResourcesType::const_iterator it=zeList.begin();it!=zeList.end();it++,i++)
+ {
+ const ParserResourcesType& elt((*it).second);
+ ret0[i]=elt.HostName;
+ //ret1[i]=elt.nbOfProc;
+ ret1[i]=elt.DataForSort._nbOfNodes*elt.DataForSort._nbOfProcPerNode;
+ }
+ }
+ machines=new Engines::ResourceList;
+ nbProcsOfMachines=new Engines::IntegerList;
+ machines->length(sz); nbProcsOfMachines->length(sz);
+ for(std::size_t j=0;j<sz;j++)
+ {
+ (*machines)[j]=CORBA::string_dup(ret0[j].c_str());
+ (*nbProcsOfMachines)[j]=ret1[j];
+ }
//! get the name of resources fitting the specified constraints (params)
char* getMachineFile(const char * resource_name,
CORBA::Long nb_procs,
const char * parallelLib);
+ void ListAllAvailableResources(Engines::ResourceList_out machines, Engines::IntegerList_out nbProcsOfMachines);
// Cpp Methods
void Shutdown();
ResourcesManager_cpp *GetImpl() { return &_rm; }