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-\page gui Graphical user interface
-<h1>A graphical interface for standard use cases</h1>
-The MED module in SALOME comes with a graphical interface that helps
-you deal with the most standard use cases of field manipulation. The
-user guide can be found here:
-- <a class="el" target="_new"
- href="${MED_ROOT_DIR}/share/doc/salome/dev/MED/medcalc-userguide-gui.html">User guide of the MED Graphical Interface</a>
-You could also be interested to read the software specifications and
-requirements for this graphical module, and even the technical
-considerations for development:
-- <a class="el" target="_new"
- href="${MED_ROOT_DIR}/share/doc/salome/dev/MED/medcalc-specifications.html">Software
- specifications and requirements of the MED Graphical Interface (in french)</a>
-- <a class="el" target="_new"
- href="${MED_ROOT_DIR}/share/doc/salome/dev/MED/medcalc-develguide.html">Developer guide of the MED Graphical Interface (in french)</a>
\mainpage Welcome to MEDCoupling!
-The MED module gathers several powerful functionalities around the input and output data of
+The MEDCoupling tool gathers several powerful functionalities around the input and output data of
simulation codes (meshes and fields mainly).
\image html projectionHQ_600.png "Example of a field interpolation between two 3D surfacic meshes"
-The most common usage is to write dedicated code (C++ or Python) linking to the library,
-however a \ref gui "graphical user interface" is also available.
+The most common usage is to write dedicated code (C++ or Python) linking to the library. However a graphical user interface is also available; for this please refer to the MED module documentation.
- If you don't know where to start, reading the \ref start "getting started" section and then
taking a look at the <a class="el" href="tutorial/index.html">tutorial</a> is probably a good way to go.
- \ref functionalities
- \ref python-api
- <a class="el" href="tutorial/index.html">Tutorial - MEDCoupling/MEDLoader in Python</a>
-- \ref gui
- \ref reference
- \ref medcoupling
- \ref medloader
\page corba-distrib Distribution in MEDCoupling using CORBA
-The following classes allow to publish \ref medcoupling "MEDCoupling objects" on the CORBA bus. They are
-directly related to the equivalent class in MEDCoupling, without the string \c Servant at the end of the
+The following classes allow to publish \ref medcoupling "MEDCoupling objects" on the CORBA bus.
+They are provided in the SALOME MED module that contains elements for the integration of MEDCoupling in SALOME.
+They are directly related to the equivalent class in MEDCoupling, without the string \c Servant at the end of the
- \ref ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayDoubleServant "DataArrayDoubleServant"
- \ref ParaMEDMEM::DataArrayIntServant "DataArrayIntServant"
TODO: complete the list.
\ No newline at end of file
\page library The MED constellation: MEDCoupling, MEDLoader, MED file, etc ...
\section lib-termino Who's who?
-The library and the module have evolved over the years, raising
+The library and the module have evolved over the years, raising
some confusion between all the names used to label the various pieces. This page tries to clarify
-this situation.
+this situation.
"MED" can (unfortunately) refer to:
- <b>\ref med-file "MED file format"</b>: the file format used to save a mesh (".med" extension)
with SALOME) to read/write MED file (warning: for advanced users only!)
- <b> \ref medcoupling "MEDCoupling"</b>: the (relatively) high level API to deal with mesh and fields in memory
- <b>\ref medloader MEDLoader</b>: part of the library dedicated to file I/O = a more user-friendly API than the MED-file library API
-- <b>\ref remapper "Remapper"</b>: part of the library dedicated to
+- <b>\ref remapper "Remapper"</b>: part of the library dedicated to
\ref interpolation "interpolation/projection methods"
-- <b>\ref gui "SALOME’s MED module"</b> (GUI point of view): a graphical client in the SALOME main application, providing a graphical interaction with part of the library
+- SALOME’s MED module (GUI point of view): a graphical client in the SALOME main application, providing a graphical interaction with part of the library ; for this please refer to the MED module documentation
- and finally <b>\ref parallel "ParaMEDMEM"</b>, for the projection operations and field transfers in parallel
-The most common confusion is between the MED library (what you are reading at present) and
-the MED-file library ("MED fichier").
+The most common confusion is between the MED library (what you are reading at present) and
+the MED-file library ("MED fichier").
The MED-file library is part of the prerequisites of the MED libary, and its only purpose is to read and write
MED files. This is a low level API written in C, and giving a fine-grain access to the structure
of the MED files (.med). The architecture diagramm below details those points further.
-Another source of common confusion is that all the standard (sequential) MEDCoupling/MEDLoader API lies in
+Another source of common confusion is that all the standard (sequential) MEDCoupling/MEDLoader API lies in
the \b %ParaMEDMEM namespace.
This is quite unfortunate but due to historical reasons. The true parallel functionalities
-of the MED library are detailed here: \ref parallel, but are still often called
+of the MED library are detailed here: \ref parallel, but are still often called
the %ParaMEDMEM part of the library.
\section lib-archi Architecture
The figure below represents the layer structure of the packages of the
- each element depends on the blocks it covers (fully or partially).
- White blocks represent system or external dependencies.
-- the MEDCalc block, with gray background color, is the \ref gui "Graphical User Interface".
+- the MEDCalc block, with gray background color, is the Graphical User Interface (please refer to the MED module documentation).
- red-colored text identifies code with Swig interfaces (API available in \ref python-api "Python")
- blue-colored text identifies code with both \ref python-api "Swig interfaces" and \ref corba-distrib "CORBA layer".