//! \param theFeature a removed feature
MODEL_EXPORT virtual void removeFeature(FeaturePtr theFeature);
+ //! Moves the feature to make it after the given one in the history.
+ MODEL_EXPORT virtual void moveFeature(FeaturePtr theMoved, FeaturePtr theAfterThis);
//! Returns the first found object in the group by the object name
//! \param theGroupID group that contains an object
//! \param theName name of the object to search
+void Model_Objects::moveFeature(FeaturePtr theMoved, FeaturePtr theAfterThis)
+ TDF_Label aFeaturesLab = featuresLabel();
+ Handle(TDataStd_ReferenceArray) aRefs;
+ if (!aFeaturesLab.FindAttribute(TDataStd_ReferenceArray::GetID(), aRefs))
+ return;
+ TDF_Label anAfterLab, aMovedLab =
+ std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Model_Data>(theMoved->data())->label().Father();
+ if (theAfterThis.get())
+ anAfterLab = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Model_Data>(theAfterThis->data())->label().Father();
+ Handle(TDataStd_HLabelArray1) aNewArray =
+ new TDataStd_HLabelArray1(aRefs->Lower(), aRefs->Upper());
+ int aPassedMovedFrom = 0; // the prev feature location is found and passed
+ int aPassedMovedTo = 0; // the feature is added and this location is passed
+ if (!theAfterThis.get()) { // null means that inserted feature must be the first
+ aNewArray->SetValue(aRefs->Lower(), aMovedLab);
+ aPassedMovedTo = 1;
+ }
+ for (int a = aRefs->Lower(); a <= aRefs->Upper(); a++) {
+ if (aPassedMovedTo == 0 && aRefs->Value(a) == anAfterLab) { // add two
+ aPassedMovedTo++;
+ aNewArray->SetValue(a - aPassedMovedFrom, anAfterLab);
+ if (a + 1 - aPassedMovedFrom <= aRefs->Upper())
+ aNewArray->SetValue(a + 1 - aPassedMovedFrom, aMovedLab);
+ } else if (aPassedMovedFrom == 0 && aRefs->Value(a) == aMovedLab) { // skip
+ aPassedMovedFrom++;
+ } else { // just copy one
+ if (a - aPassedMovedFrom + aPassedMovedTo <= aRefs->Upper())
+ aNewArray->SetValue(a - aPassedMovedFrom + aPassedMovedTo, aRefs->Value(a));
+ }
+ }
+ if (!aPassedMovedFrom || !aPassedMovedTo) {// not found: unknown situation
+ if (!aPassedMovedFrom) {
+ static std::string aMovedFromError("The moved feature is not found");
+ Events_Error::send(aMovedFromError);
+ } else {
+ static std::string aMovedToError("The 'after' feature for movement is not found");
+ Events_Error::send(aMovedToError);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // store the new array
+ aRefs->SetInternalArray(aNewArray);
+ // update the feature and the history
+ clearHistory(theMoved);
+ static Events_ID EVENT_UPD = Events_Loop::loop()->eventByName(EVENT_OBJECT_UPDATED);
+ ModelAPI_EventCreator::get()->sendUpdated(theMoved, EVENT_UPD);
void Model_Objects::clearHistory(ObjectPtr theObj)
if (theObj) {
//! \param theFeature a removed feature
void removeFeature(FeaturePtr theFeature);
+ //! Moves the feature to make it after the given one in the history.
+ void moveFeature(FeaturePtr theMoved, FeaturePtr theAfterThis);
//! Returns the existing feature by the label
//! \param theLabel base label of the feature
FeaturePtr feature(TDF_Label theLabel) const;
//! \param theFeature a feature to be removed
virtual void removeFeature(std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature> theFeature) = 0;
+ //! Moves the feature to make it after the given one in the history.
+ virtual void moveFeature(std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature> theMoved,
+ std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Feature> theAfterThis) = 0;
///! Adds a new sub-document by the identifier, or returns existing one if it is already exist
virtual std::shared_ptr<ModelAPI_Document> subDocument(std::string theDocID) = 0;