\page create_sketcher_page 2D Sketcher
-The 2D Sketcher allows you to create a profile made of curves of 2 types: line segments and arcs.
+The 2D Sketcher allows you to draw 2D shapes on a working plane. You can create on this plane:
+<li> A \b profile made of connected curves of 2 types: <b>line segments</b> and \b arcs.
+\b or
+<li> A \b rectangle
+The \b Result is a \b Wire
+\n <b>Example:</b>
\image html sketch_example.png
To create a <b> 2D Sketch</b>:
-<li>In the main menu select <em>New Entity -> Basic -> 2D Sketch</em> or click on \image html sketch.png </li>
+<li>In the main menu select <b>New Entity -> Basic -> 2D Sketch</b> or click on \image html sketch.png </li>
+<li> Select the \b plane or the <b>planar face</b> on which to create the sketch.
+\note By default the sketch is created on the XOY plane of the global coordinate system.
+If Local Coordinate Systems have been created in the study they appear in the combobox and can be selected as reference coordinate system.</li>
-<li> Select the plane or the planar face on which to create the sketch. By default the sketch is created on the XOY plane of the global coordinate system.
-If Local Coordinate systems have been created in the study they appear in the combobox and can be selected as reference coordinate system.</li>
+<li> Choose a \b segment or an \b arc element to start a \b profile or choose \b rectangle to draw a rectangle.
+\n If you draw a \b profile:
<li> Select a start point. By default the start point of the curve is located at the point of
-origin of the reference coordinate system and the curve lies in the
-plane XOY.</li>
+origin of the reference coordinate system.</li>
<li> Create curve portions and click on \b Apply after each step.</li>
<li> Select either \b Close or <b>Sketch Closure</b> if you want to close the profile before closing the window.</li>
-To create a \b Segment:
+\n To create a \b Segment:
<li> In the <b>Element Type</b> part of the dialog box select:
\image html line_icon.png </li>
-<li> You can define the segment by either it's <b>end point</b> or a \b direction and a length. The direction is defined relatively to the tangent at the last point of the sketch. It can be:
- - Tangent (colinear to the tangent at the last point)
- - Perpendicular
- - Defined by an angle
- - Defined by a vector (Vx, Vy)
+<li> You can define the segment by either it's <b>end point</b> or a \b direction and a \b length. The direction is defined relatively to the tangent at the last point of the sketch. It can be:
+ <ul>
+ <li> Tangent (colinear to the tangent at the last point)</li>
+ <li> Perpendicular</li>
+ <li> Defined by an angle</li>
+ <li> Defined by a vector (Vx, Vy)</li>
+ </ul>
-To create an \b Arc:
+\n To create an \b Arc:
<li> In the <b>Element Type</b> part of the dialog box select \image html arc_icon.png </li>
-For the first segment or arc of the sketch the reference direction is the X direction of the reference coordinate system.
-\n The Result of the operation will be a \b Wire.
+\note For the first segment or arc of the sketch the reference direction is the X direction of the reference coordinate system.
\n <b>Dialog Box:</b>
\n <b>Arguments:</b>
-<li>Coordinate system (Local or Global CS can be selected)</li>
-<li>Element type (segment or arc).</li>
+<li>Coordinate system (Existing Local CS or Global CS can be selected)</li>
+<li>A plane or a planar face to define a new Local Coordinate System
+<li>Element type (segment, arc or rectangle).</li>
<li>Destination type (point or direction).</li>
<li>Destination point by means of:</li>
\b Buttons:
<b>"Restore"</b> button orientates the viewer correspondingly to the chosen working plane and fits the scene to show all its objects.
-\n <b>"Sketch Validation"</b> button applies the wire, only red part will be built by "Sketch Validation".
+\n <b>"Close"</b> button applies the wire, only the red part will be built.
\n <b>"Sketch Closure"</b> will close the Sketch by straight line from last red part and apply it.
+\n To draw a \b rectangle:
+<li> In the <b>Element Type</b> part of the dialog box select \image html rectangle_icon.png </li>
+<li> Draw a rectangle with the mouse directly in the view or fill in the coordinates of two opposite vertices of the rectangle.</li>
+<li> <b>Apply and Close</b> </li>
+\n <b>Dialog Box:</b>
+\image html sketcher_dlg2.png
+\n <b>Arguments:</b>
+<li>Coordinate system (Existing Local CS or Global CS can be selected)</li>
+<li>A plane or a planar face to define a new Local Coordinate System
+<li>Element type (segment, arc or rectangle).</li>
+<li>The X,Y coordinates of two opposite vertices of the rectangle</li>
\n <b>TUI Command:</b> <em>geompy.MakeSketcherOnPlane(Command, WorkingPlane)</em>
\n This algorithm creates a sketcher (wire or face), following the