visited_nodes,sorted_nodes=depth_first_topo_graph(all_products_graph, n, visited_nodes,sorted_nodes)
logger.write("Complete dependency graph topological search (sorting): %s\n" % sorted_nodes, 6)
-# use the sorted list of all products to sort the list of products we have to compile
+ # Create a dict of all products to facilitate products_infos sorting
+ all_products_dict={}
+ for (pname,pinfo) in all_products_infos:
+ all_products_dict[pname]=(pname,pinfo)
+ # Use the sorted list of all products to sort the list of products we have to compile
+ # first loop on compile time products, we need to compile them before!
+ for n in sorted_nodes:
+ if n in products_list:
+ if src.product.product_is_compile_time(all_products_dict[n][1]):
+ sorted_product_list.append(n)
for n in sorted_nodes:
if n in products_list:
- sorted_product_list.append(n)
+ if not src.product.product_is_compile_time(all_products_dict[n][1]):
+ sorted_product_list.append(n)
logger.write("Sorted list of products to compile : %s\n" % sorted_product_list, 5)
# from the sorted list of products to compile, build a sorted list of products infos
- # a- create a dict to facilitate products_infos sorting
- all_products_dict={}
- for (pname,pinfo) in all_products_infos:
- all_products_dict[pname]=(pname,pinfo)
- # b- build a sorted list of products infos in products_infos
for product in sorted_product_list: