- \subpage tui_transforming_meshes_page
- \subpage tui_notebook_smesh_page
- \subpage tui_measurements_page
-- \subpage tui_generate_flat_elements_page
+- \subpage tui_generate_flat_elements_page
+- \subpage tui_work_on_objects_from_gui
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+\page tui_work_on_objects_from_gui How to work with objects from the GUI ?
+It is sometimes useful to work alternatively in the GUI of SALOME and in the Python Console. To fetch an object from the TUI simply type:
+myMesh_ref = salome.IdToObject("ID")
+// were ID is the number that appears in the object browser in the Entry column
+// ( If hidden show it by right clicking and checking the checknbox Entry)
+myMesh = smesh.Mesh(myMesh_ref)
+myMesh_ref = salome.myStudy.FindObjectByPath("/Mesh/myMesh").GetObject()
+// "/Mesh/myMesh" is the path to the desired object in the object browser
+myMesh = smesh.Mesh(myMesh_ref)
+All the methods documented in these pages can then be used on myMesh
+\note The first statement only gives you access to a reference to the object created via the GUI.
+\n But the methods available on this reference are not exactly the same as those documented in these help pages.
+This Python API is meant to be used on smesh.Mesh instances.
+\n That's why you'll have to create such an instance with the second statement.
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