\n In principle, <b>Extrusion along a path</b> works in the same way
as \b Extrusion, the main difference is that we define not a vector,
-but a path of extrusion which must be a meshed edge. To get an idea of
-how this algorithm works, examine several examples, starting from the
-most simple case of extrusion along a straight edge. In all examples
-the same mesh will be extruded along different paths and with
-different parameters. This sample 2D mesh has two quadrangle faces and
-seven edges. Look at the picture, where white digits are the node
-numbers and green are the element numbers:
+but a path of extrusion which must be a 1D mesh or 1D sub-mesh. To
+get an idea of how this algorithm works, examine several examples,
+starting from the most simple case of extrusion along a straight edge.
+In following examples the meshes will be extruded along different
+paths and with different parameters.
+This sample 2D mesh has two quadrangle faces and seven edges. Look
+at the picture, where white digits are the node numbers and green
+are the element numbers:
\image html mesh_for_extr_along_path.png
\image html curvi_angles_after.png
<center>The same, but using angles {45, 45, 45, 0, -45, -45, -45}</center>
-<br><center><h2>Extrusion along a sub-mesh</h2></center>
+<br><center><h2>Extrusion of 2d face along a mesh builds on wire</h2></center>
-In this example the path mesh has been built on a wire (polyline with
-six edges). The first edge of the wire was used as <b>Shape (edge)</b>, node
-#1 as <b>Start node</b>. The angles have been defined as {10, 10, 10}. The
-middle edge (#4) of the initial mesh has been extruded.
+In this example the path mesh has been built on a wire contains 3
+edges. Node #1 is used as start node. Linear angle variation by 180
+degree is applied.
-\image html edge_wire_before.png
+\image html extr_along_wire_before.png
-\image html edge_wire_after.png
-<br><center><h2>Extrusion of 2d elements along a sub-mesh</h2></center>
-This extrusion bases on the same path mesh as in the previous example
-but the third edge of the wire was set as <b>Shape (edge)</b> and node
-#4 as <b>Start node</b>. Please note, that the extrusion has been done
-in direction from node #4 to node #3, i.e. against the wire
-direction. In this example both faces of the initial mesh have been
-\image html edge_wire_3d_before.png
-\image html edge_wire_3d_after.png
+\image html extr_along_wire_after.png
<br><center><h2>Extrusion of 2d elements along a closed path</h2></center>
<li>define the Path along which the elements will be extruded,
\n Path definition consists of several elements:
-<li>\b Mesh - containing a 1D sub-mesh on the edge, along which proceeds the extrusion</li>
-<li><b>Shape (edge)</b> - as the mesh can be complex, the edge is used to define the sub-mesh for the path</li>
-<li><b>Start node</b> - the first or the last node on the edge. It is used to define the direction of extrusion </li>
+<li><b>Mesh or submesh</b> - 1D mesh or 1D sub-mesh, along which proceeds the extrusion</li>
+<li><b>Start node</b> - the start node. It is used to define the direction of extrusion </li>
<li>activate <b>Generate Groups</b> checkbox if it is necessary to copy the groups of
+ ListOfGroups ExtrusionAlongPathX(in long_array IDsOfElements,
+ in SMESH_IDSource Path,
+ in long NodeStart,
+ in boolean HasAngles,
+ in double_array Angles,
+ in boolean LinearVariation,
+ in boolean HasRefPoint,
+ in PointStruct RefPoint,
+ in boolean MakeGroups,
+ in ElementType ElemType,
+ out Extrusion_Error Error);
+ ListOfGroups ExtrusionAlongPathObjX(in SMESH_IDSource theObject,
+ in SMESH_IDSource Path,
+ in long NodeStart,
+ in boolean HasAngles,
+ in double_array Angles,
+ in boolean LinearVariation,
+ in boolean HasRefPoint,
+ in PointStruct RefPoint,
+ in boolean MakeGroups,
+ in ElementType ElemType,
+ out Extrusion_Error Error);
Extrusion_Error ExtrusionAlongPath(in long_array IDsOfElements,
in SMESH_Mesh PathMesh,
in GEOM::GEOM_Object PathShape,
#include <TopExp_Explorer.hxx>
#include <TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape.hxx>
#include <TopTools_ListOfShape.hxx>
+#include <TopTools_SequenceOfShape.hxx>
#include <TopoDS.hxx>
#include <TopoDS_Face.hxx>
#include <gp.hxx>
return newGroupIDs;
//class : SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint
//purpose : auxiliary class
double myAngle;
double myPrm;
//function : ExtrusionAlongTrack
const SMDS_MeshNode* theN1,
const bool theHasAngles,
list<double>& theAngles,
+ const bool theLinearVariation,
const bool theHasRefPoint,
const gp_Pnt& theRefPoint,
const bool theMakeGroups)
- // source elements for each generated one
- SMESH_SequenceOfElemPtr srcElems, srcNodes;
- int j, aNbTP, aNbE, aNb;
- double aT1, aT2, aT, aAngle, aX, aY, aZ;
+ int aNbE;
std::list<double> aPrms;
- std::list<double>::iterator aItD;
TIDSortedElemSet::iterator itElem;
- Standard_Real aTx1, aTx2, aL2, aTolVec, aTolVec2;
- gp_Pnt aP3D, aV0;
- gp_Vec aVec;
gp_XYZ aGC;
- Handle(Geom_Curve) aC3D;
TopoDS_Edge aTrackEdge;
TopoDS_Vertex aV1, aV2;
SMDSAbs_ElementType aTypeE;
TNodeOfNodeListMap mapNewNodes;
- TElemOfVecOfNnlmiMap mapElemNewNodes;
- TElemOfElemListMap newElemsMap;
- aTolVec=1.e-7;
- aTolVec2=aTolVec*aTolVec;
// 1. Check data
aNbE = theElements.size();
// 1.1 Track Pattern
ASSERT( theTrack );
- SMESHDS_SubMesh* pSubMeshDS=theTrack->GetSubMeshDS();
+ SMESHDS_SubMesh* pSubMeshDS = theTrack->GetSubMeshDS();
aItE = pSubMeshDS->GetElements();
while ( aItE->more() ) {
+ list<SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint> fullList;
const TopoDS_Shape& aS = theTrack->GetSubShape();
- // Sub shape for the Pattern must be an Edge
- if ( aS.ShapeType() != TopAbs_EDGE )
+ // Sub shape for the Pattern must be an Edge or Wire
+ if( aS.ShapeType() == TopAbs_EDGE ) {
+ aTrackEdge = TopoDS::Edge( aS );
+ // the Edge must not be degenerated
+ if ( BRep_Tool::Degenerated( aTrackEdge ) )
+ TopExp::Vertices( aTrackEdge, aV1, aV2 );
+ aItN = theTrack->GetFather()->GetSubMesh( aV1 )->GetSubMeshDS()->GetNodes();
+ const SMDS_MeshNode* aN1 = aItN->next();
+ aItN = theTrack->GetFather()->GetSubMesh( aV2 )->GetSubMeshDS()->GetNodes();
+ const SMDS_MeshNode* aN2 = aItN->next();
+ // starting node must be aN1 or aN2
+ if ( !( aN1 == theN1 || aN2 == theN1 ) )
+ aItN = pSubMeshDS->GetNodes();
+ while ( aItN->more() ) {
+ const SMDS_MeshNode* pNode = aItN->next();
+ const SMDS_EdgePosition* pEPos =
+ static_cast<const SMDS_EdgePosition*>( pNode->GetPosition().get() );
+ double aT = pEPos->GetUParameter();
+ aPrms.push_back( aT );
+ }
+ Extrusion_Error err = MakeEdgePathPoints(aPrms, aTrackEdge, (aN1==theN1), fullList);
+ }
+ else if( aS.ShapeType() == TopAbs_WIRE ) {
+ list< SMESH_subMesh* > LSM;
+ TopTools_SequenceOfShape Edges;
+ SMESH_subMeshIteratorPtr itSM = theTrack->getDependsOnIterator(false,true);
+ while(itSM->more()) {
+ SMESH_subMesh* SM = itSM->next();
+ LSM.push_back(SM);
+ const TopoDS_Shape& aS = SM->GetSubShape();
+ Edges.Append(aS);
+ }
+ list< list<SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint> > LLPPs;
+ int startNid = theN1->GetID();
+ TColStd_MapOfInteger UsedNums;
+ int NbEdges = Edges.Length();
+ int i = 1;
+ for(; i<=NbEdges; i++) {
+ int k = 0;
+ list< SMESH_subMesh* >::iterator itLSM = LSM.begin();
+ for(; itLSM!=LSM.end(); itLSM++) {
+ k++;
+ if(UsedNums.Contains(k)) continue;
+ aTrackEdge = TopoDS::Edge( Edges.Value(k) );
+ SMESH_subMesh* locTrack = *itLSM;
+ SMESHDS_SubMesh* locMeshDS = locTrack->GetSubMeshDS();
+ TopExp::Vertices( aTrackEdge, aV1, aV2 );
+ aItN = locTrack->GetFather()->GetSubMesh(aV1)->GetSubMeshDS()->GetNodes();
+ const SMDS_MeshNode* aN1 = aItN->next();
+ aItN = locTrack->GetFather()->GetSubMesh(aV2)->GetSubMeshDS()->GetNodes();
+ const SMDS_MeshNode* aN2 = aItN->next();
+ // starting node must be aN1 or aN2
+ if ( !( aN1->GetID() == startNid || aN2->GetID() == startNid ) ) continue;
+ // 2. Collect parameters on the track edge
+ aPrms.clear();
+ aItN = locMeshDS->GetNodes();
+ while ( aItN->more() ) {
+ const SMDS_MeshNode* pNode = aItN->next();
+ const SMDS_EdgePosition* pEPos =
+ static_cast<const SMDS_EdgePosition*>( pNode->GetPosition().get() );
+ double aT = pEPos->GetUParameter();
+ aPrms.push_back( aT );
+ }
+ list<SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint> LPP;
+ Extrusion_Error err = MakeEdgePathPoints(aPrms, aTrackEdge,
+ (aN1->GetID()==startNid), LPP);
+ LLPPs.push_back(LPP);
+ UsedNums.Add(k);
+ // update startN for search following egde
+ if( aN1->GetID() == startNid ) startNid = aN2->GetID();
+ else startNid = aN1->GetID();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ list< list<SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint> >::iterator itLLPP = LLPPs.begin();
+ list<SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint> firstList = *itLLPP;
+ list<SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint>::iterator itPP = firstList.begin();
+ for(; itPP!=firstList.end(); itPP++) {
+ fullList.push_back( *itPP );
+ }
+ SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint PP1 = fullList.back();
+ fullList.pop_back();
+ itLLPP++;
+ for(; itLLPP!=LLPPs.end(); itLLPP++) {
+ list<SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint> currList = *itLLPP;
+ itPP = currList.begin();
+ SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint PP2 = currList.front();
+ gp_Dir D1 = PP1.Tangent();
+ gp_Dir D2 = PP2.Tangent();
+ gp_Dir Dnew( gp_Vec( (D1.X()+D2.X())/2, (D1.Y()+D2.Y())/2,
+ (D1.Z()+D2.Z())/2 ) );
+ PP1.SetTangent(Dnew);
+ fullList.push_back(PP1);
+ itPP++;
+ for(; itPP!=firstList.end(); itPP++) {
+ fullList.push_back( *itPP );
+ }
+ PP1 = fullList.back();
+ fullList.pop_back();
+ }
+ // if wire not closed
+ fullList.push_back(PP1);
+ // else ???
+ }
+ else {
+ }
- aTrackEdge = TopoDS::Edge( aS );
- // the Edge must not be degenerated
- if ( BRep_Tool::Degenerated( aTrackEdge ) )
+ return MakeExtrElements(theElements, fullList, theHasAngles, theAngles, theLinearVariation,
+ theHasRefPoint, theRefPoint, theMakeGroups);
- TopExp::Vertices( aTrackEdge, aV1, aV2 );
- aT1=BRep_Tool::Parameter( aV1, aTrackEdge );
- aT2=BRep_Tool::Parameter( aV2, aTrackEdge );
- aItN = theTrack->GetFather()->GetSubMesh( aV1 )->GetSubMeshDS()->GetNodes();
- const SMDS_MeshNode* aN1 = aItN->next();
+//function : ExtrusionAlongTrack
+//purpose :
+ SMESH_MeshEditor::ExtrusionAlongTrack (TIDSortedElemSet & theElements,
+ SMESH_Mesh* theTrack,
+ const SMDS_MeshNode* theN1,
+ const bool theHasAngles,
+ list<double>& theAngles,
+ const bool theLinearVariation,
+ const bool theHasRefPoint,
+ const gp_Pnt& theRefPoint,
+ const bool theMakeGroups)
+ myLastCreatedElems.Clear();
+ myLastCreatedNodes.Clear();
+ int aNbE;
+ std::list<double> aPrms;
+ TIDSortedElemSet::iterator itElem;
- aItN = theTrack->GetFather()->GetSubMesh( aV2 )->GetSubMeshDS()->GetNodes();
- const SMDS_MeshNode* aN2 = aItN->next();
+ gp_XYZ aGC;
+ TopoDS_Edge aTrackEdge;
+ TopoDS_Vertex aV1, aV2;
- // starting node must be aN1 or aN2
- if ( !( aN1 == theN1 || aN2 == theN1 ) )
+ SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr aItE;
+ SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr aItN;
+ SMDSAbs_ElementType aTypeE;
- aNbTP = pSubMeshDS->NbNodes() + 2;
+ TNodeOfNodeListMap mapNewNodes;
- // 1.2. Angles
- vector<double> aAngles( aNbTP );
+ // 1. Check data
+ aNbE = theElements.size();
+ // nothing to do
+ if ( !aNbE )
- for ( j=0; j < aNbTP; ++j ) {
- aAngles[j] = 0.;
+ // 1.1 Track Pattern
+ ASSERT( theTrack );
+ SMESHDS_Mesh* pMeshDS = theTrack->GetMeshDS();
+ aItE = pMeshDS->elementsIterator();
+ while ( aItE->more() ) {
+ const SMDS_MeshElement* pE = aItE->next();
+ aTypeE = pE->GetType();
+ // Pattern must contain links only
+ if ( aTypeE != SMDSAbs_Edge )
- if ( theHasAngles ) {
- aItD = theAngles.begin();
- for ( j=1; (aItD != theAngles.end()) && (j<aNbTP); ++aItD, ++j ) {
- aAngle = *aItD;
- aAngles[j] = aAngle;
+ list<SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint> fullList;
+ const TopoDS_Shape& aS = theTrack->GetShapeToMesh();
+ // Sub shape for the Pattern must be an Edge or Wire
+ if( aS.ShapeType() == TopAbs_EDGE ) {
+ aTrackEdge = TopoDS::Edge( aS );
+ // the Edge must not be degenerated
+ if ( BRep_Tool::Degenerated( aTrackEdge ) )
+ TopExp::Vertices( aTrackEdge, aV1, aV2 );
+ aItN = theTrack->GetSubMesh( aV1 )->GetSubMeshDS()->GetNodes();
+ const SMDS_MeshNode* aN1 = aItN->next();
+ aItN = theTrack->GetSubMesh( aV2 )->GetSubMeshDS()->GetNodes();
+ const SMDS_MeshNode* aN2 = aItN->next();
+ // starting node must be aN1 or aN2
+ if ( !( aN1 == theN1 || aN2 == theN1 ) )
+ aItN = pMeshDS->nodesIterator();
+ while ( aItN->more() ) {
+ const SMDS_MeshNode* pNode = aItN->next();
+ if( pNode==aN1 || pNode==aN2 ) continue;
+ const SMDS_EdgePosition* pEPos =
+ static_cast<const SMDS_EdgePosition*>( pNode->GetPosition().get() );
+ double aT = pEPos->GetUParameter();
+ aPrms.push_back( aT );
+ }
+ Extrusion_Error err = MakeEdgePathPoints(aPrms, aTrackEdge, (aN1==theN1), fullList);
+ }
+ else if( aS.ShapeType() == TopAbs_WIRE ) {
+ list< SMESH_subMesh* > LSM;
+ TopTools_SequenceOfShape Edges;
+ TopExp_Explorer eExp(aS, TopAbs_EDGE);
+ for(; eExp.More(); eExp.Next()) {
+ TopoDS_Edge E = TopoDS::Edge( eExp.Current() );
+ if( BRep_Tool::Degenerated(E) ) continue;
+ SMESH_subMesh* SM = theTrack->GetSubMesh(E);
+ if(SM) {
+ LSM.push_back(SM);
+ Edges.Append(E);
+ }
+ }
+ list< list<SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint> > LLPPs;
+ int startNid = theN1->GetID();
+ TColStd_MapOfInteger UsedNums;
+ int NbEdges = Edges.Length();
+ int i = 1;
+ for(; i<=NbEdges; i++) {
+ int k = 0;
+ list< SMESH_subMesh* >::iterator itLSM = LSM.begin();
+ for(; itLSM!=LSM.end(); itLSM++) {
+ k++;
+ if(UsedNums.Contains(k)) continue;
+ aTrackEdge = TopoDS::Edge( Edges.Value(k) );
+ SMESH_subMesh* locTrack = *itLSM;
+ SMESHDS_SubMesh* locMeshDS = locTrack->GetSubMeshDS();
+ TopExp::Vertices( aTrackEdge, aV1, aV2 );
+ aItN = locTrack->GetFather()->GetSubMesh(aV1)->GetSubMeshDS()->GetNodes();
+ const SMDS_MeshNode* aN1 = aItN->next();
+ aItN = locTrack->GetFather()->GetSubMesh(aV2)->GetSubMeshDS()->GetNodes();
+ const SMDS_MeshNode* aN2 = aItN->next();
+ // starting node must be aN1 or aN2
+ if ( !( aN1->GetID() == startNid || aN2->GetID() == startNid ) ) continue;
+ // 2. Collect parameters on the track edge
+ aPrms.clear();
+ aItN = locMeshDS->GetNodes();
+ while ( aItN->more() ) {
+ const SMDS_MeshNode* pNode = aItN->next();
+ const SMDS_EdgePosition* pEPos =
+ static_cast<const SMDS_EdgePosition*>( pNode->GetPosition().get() );
+ double aT = pEPos->GetUParameter();
+ aPrms.push_back( aT );
+ }
+ list<SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint> LPP;
+ Extrusion_Error err = MakeEdgePathPoints(aPrms, aTrackEdge,
+ (aN1->GetID()==startNid), LPP);
+ LLPPs.push_back(LPP);
+ UsedNums.Add(k);
+ // update startN for search following egde
+ if( aN1->GetID() == startNid ) startNid = aN2->GetID();
+ else startNid = aN1->GetID();
+ break;
+ }
+ list< list<SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint> >::iterator itLLPP = LLPPs.begin();
+ list<SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint> firstList = *itLLPP;
+ list<SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint>::iterator itPP = firstList.begin();
+ for(; itPP!=firstList.end(); itPP++) {
+ fullList.push_back( *itPP );
+ }
+ SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint PP1 = fullList.back();
+ fullList.pop_back();
+ itLLPP++;
+ for(; itLLPP!=LLPPs.end(); itLLPP++) {
+ list<SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint> currList = *itLLPP;
+ itPP = currList.begin();
+ SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint PP2 = currList.front();
+ gp_Pnt P1 = PP1.Pnt();
+ //cout<<" PP1: Pnt("<<P1.X()<<","<<P1.Y()<<","<<P1.Z()<<")"<<endl;
+ gp_Pnt P2 = PP2.Pnt();
+ gp_Dir D1 = PP1.Tangent();
+ gp_Dir D2 = PP2.Tangent();
+ gp_Dir Dnew( gp_Vec( (D1.X()+D2.X())/2, (D1.Y()+D2.Y())/2,
+ (D1.Z()+D2.Z())/2 ) );
+ PP1.SetTangent(Dnew);
+ fullList.push_back(PP1);
+ itPP++;
+ for(; itPP!=currList.end(); itPP++) {
+ fullList.push_back( *itPP );
+ }
+ PP1 = fullList.back();
+ fullList.pop_back();
+ }
+ // if wire not closed
+ fullList.push_back(PP1);
+ // else ???
+ }
+ else {
- // 2. Collect parameters on the track edge
- aPrms.push_back( aT1 );
- aPrms.push_back( aT2 );
+ return MakeExtrElements(theElements, fullList, theHasAngles, theAngles, theLinearVariation,
+ theHasRefPoint, theRefPoint, theMakeGroups);
- aItN = pSubMeshDS->GetNodes();
- while ( aItN->more() ) {
- const SMDS_MeshNode* pNode = aItN->next();
- const SMDS_EdgePosition* pEPos =
- static_cast<const SMDS_EdgePosition*>( pNode->GetPosition().get() );
- aT = pEPos->GetUParameter();
- aPrms.push_back( aT );
- }
+//function : MakeEdgePathPoints
+//purpose : auxilary for ExtrusionAlongTrack
+SMESH_MeshEditor::MakeEdgePathPoints(std::list<double>& aPrms,
+ const TopoDS_Edge& aTrackEdge,
+ bool FirstIsStart,
+ list<SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint>& LPP)
+ Standard_Real aTx1, aTx2, aL2, aTolVec, aTolVec2;
+ aTolVec=1.e-7;
+ aTolVec2=aTolVec*aTolVec;
+ double aT1, aT2;
+ TopoDS_Vertex aV1, aV2;
+ TopExp::Vertices( aTrackEdge, aV1, aV2 );
+ aT1=BRep_Tool::Parameter( aV1, aTrackEdge );
+ aT2=BRep_Tool::Parameter( aV2, aTrackEdge );
+ // 2. Collect parameters on the track edge
+ aPrms.push_front( aT1 );
+ aPrms.push_back( aT2 );
// sort parameters
- if ( aN1 == theN1 ) {
+ if( FirstIsStart ) {
if ( aT1 > aT2 ) {
// 3. Path Points
SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint aPP;
- vector<SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint> aPPs( aNbTP );
- //
- aC3D = BRep_Tool::Curve( aTrackEdge, aTx1, aTx2 );
- //
- aItD = aPrms.begin();
- for ( j=0; aItD != aPrms.end(); ++aItD, ++j ) {
- aT = *aItD;
+ Handle(Geom_Curve) aC3D = BRep_Tool::Curve( aTrackEdge, aTx1, aTx2 );
+ std::list<double>::iterator aItD = aPrms.begin();
+ for(; aItD != aPrms.end(); ++aItD) {
+ double aT = *aItD;
+ gp_Pnt aP3D;
+ gp_Vec aVec;
aC3D->D1( aT, aP3D, aVec );
aL2 = aVec.SquareMagnitude();
if ( aL2 < aTolVec2 )
gp_Dir aTgt( aVec );
- aAngle = aAngles[j];
aPP.SetPnt( aP3D );
aPP.SetTangent( aTgt );
- aPP.SetAngle( aAngle );
aPP.SetParameter( aT );
- aPPs[j]=aPP;
+ LPP.push_back(aPP);
+ }
+//function : MakeExtrElements
+//purpose : auxilary for ExtrusionAlongTrack
+SMESH_MeshEditor::MakeExtrElements(TIDSortedElemSet& theElements,
+ list<SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint>& fullList,
+ const bool theHasAngles,
+ list<double>& theAngles,
+ const bool theLinearVariation,
+ const bool theHasRefPoint,
+ const gp_Pnt& theRefPoint,
+ const bool theMakeGroups)
+ //cout<<"MakeExtrElements fullList.size() = "<<fullList.size()<<endl;
+ int aNbTP = fullList.size();
+ vector<SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint> aPPs(aNbTP);
+ // Angles
+ if( theHasAngles && theAngles.size()>0 && theLinearVariation ) {
+ LinearAngleVariation(aNbTP-1, theAngles);
+ vector<double> aAngles( aNbTP );
+ int j = 0;
+ for(; j<aNbTP; ++j) {
+ aAngles[j] = 0.;
+ }
+ if ( theHasAngles ) {
+ double anAngle;;
+ std::list<double>::iterator aItD = theAngles.begin();
+ for ( j=1; (aItD != theAngles.end()) && (j<aNbTP); ++aItD, ++j ) {
+ anAngle = *aItD;
+ aAngles[j] = anAngle;
+ }
+ }
+ // fill vector of path points with angles
+ //aPPs.resize(fullList.size());
+ j = -1;
+ list<SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint>::iterator itPP = fullList.begin();
+ for(; itPP!=fullList.end(); itPP++) {
+ j++;
+ SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint PP = *itPP;
+ PP.SetAngle(aAngles[j]);
+ aPPs[j] = PP;
+ }
+ TNodeOfNodeListMap mapNewNodes;
+ TElemOfVecOfNnlmiMap mapElemNewNodes;
+ TElemOfElemListMap newElemsMap;
+ TIDSortedElemSet::iterator itElem;
+ double aX, aY, aZ;
+ int aNb;
+ SMDSAbs_ElementType aTypeE;
+ // source elements for each generated one
+ SMESH_SequenceOfElemPtr srcElems, srcNodes;
// 3. Center of rotation aV0
- aV0 = theRefPoint;
+ gp_Pnt aV0 = theRefPoint;
+ gp_XYZ aGC;
if ( !theHasRefPoint ) {
aNb = 0;
aGC.SetCoord( 0.,0.,0. );
itElem = theElements.begin();
for ( ; itElem != theElements.end(); itElem++ ) {
const SMDS_MeshElement* elem = *itElem;
SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr itN = elem->nodesIterator();
while ( itN->more() ) {
const SMDS_MeshNode* node = static_cast<const SMDS_MeshNode*>( itN->next() );
aX = node->X();
aY = node->Y();
aZ = node->Z();
if ( mapNewNodes.find( node ) == mapNewNodes.end() ) {
list<const SMDS_MeshNode*> aLNx;
mapNewNodes[node] = aLNx;
const SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint& aPP0 = aPPs[0];
aP0x = aPP0.Pnt();
aDT0x= aPP0.Tangent();
+ //cout<<"j = 0 PP: Pnt("<<aP0x.X()<<","<<aP0x.Y()<<","<<aP0x.Z()<<")"<<endl;
for ( j = 1; j < aNbTP; ++j ) {
const SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint& aPP1 = aPPs[j];
return EXTR_OK;
+//function : LinearAngleVariation
+//purpose : auxilary for ExtrusionAlongTrack
+void SMESH_MeshEditor::LinearAngleVariation(const int nbSteps,
+ list<double>& Angles)
+ int nbAngles = Angles.size();
+ if( nbSteps > nbAngles ) {
+ vector<double> theAngles(nbAngles);
+ list<double>::iterator it = Angles.begin();
+ int i = -1;
+ for(; it!=Angles.end(); it++) {
+ i++;
+ theAngles[i] = (*it);
+ }
+ list<double> res;
+ double rAn2St = double( nbAngles ) / double( nbSteps );
+ double angPrev = 0, angle;
+ for ( int iSt = 0; iSt < nbSteps; ++iSt ) {
+ double angCur = rAn2St * ( iSt+1 );
+ double angCurFloor = floor( angCur );
+ double angPrevFloor = floor( angPrev );
+ if ( angPrevFloor == angCurFloor )
+ angle = rAn2St * theAngles[ int( angCurFloor ) ];
+ else {
+ int iP = int( angPrevFloor );
+ double angPrevCeil = ceil(angPrev);
+ angle = ( angPrevCeil - angPrev ) * theAngles[ iP ];
+ int iC = int( angCurFloor );
+ if ( iC < nbAngles )
+ angle += ( angCur - angCurFloor ) * theAngles[ iC ];
+ iP = int( angPrevCeil );
+ while ( iC-- > iP )
+ angle += theAngles[ iC ];
+ }
+ res.push_back(angle);
+ angPrev = angCur;
+ }
+ Angles.clear();
+ it = res.begin();
+ for(; it!=res.end(); it++)
+ Angles.push_back( *it );
+ }
//function : Transform
//purpose :
virtual const SMDS_MeshNode* FindClosestTo( const gp_Pnt& pnt ) = 0;
+ * auxiliary class
+ */
+class SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint {
+ SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint() {
+ myPnt.SetCoord(99., 99., 99.);
+ myTgt.SetCoord(1.,0.,0.);
+ myAngle=0.;
+ myPrm=0.;
+ }
+ void SetPnt(const gp_Pnt& aP3D){
+ myPnt=aP3D;
+ }
+ void SetTangent(const gp_Dir& aTgt){
+ myTgt=aTgt;
+ }
+ void SetAngle(const double& aBeta){
+ myAngle=aBeta;
+ }
+ void SetParameter(const double& aPrm){
+ myPrm=aPrm;
+ }
+ const gp_Pnt& Pnt()const{
+ return myPnt;
+ }
+ const gp_Dir& Tangent()const{
+ return myTgt;
+ }
+ double Angle()const{
+ return myAngle;
+ }
+ double Parameter()const{
+ return myPrm;
+ }
+ gp_Pnt myPnt;
+ gp_Dir myTgt;
+ double myAngle;
+ double myPrm;
// ============================================================
* \brief Editor of a mesh
const SMDS_MeshNode* theNodeStart,
const bool theHasAngles,
std::list<double>& theAngles,
+ const bool theLinearVariation,
+ const bool theHasRefPoint,
+ const gp_Pnt& theRefPoint,
+ const bool theMakeGroups);
+ Extrusion_Error ExtrusionAlongTrack (TIDSortedElemSet & theElements,
+ SMESH_Mesh* theTrackPattern,
+ const SMDS_MeshNode* theNodeStart,
+ const bool theHasAngles,
+ std::list<double>& theAngles,
+ const bool theLinearVariation,
const bool theHasRefPoint,
const gp_Pnt& theRefPoint,
const bool theMakeGroups);
TIDSortedElemSet& elemSet,
const int nbSteps,
SMESH_SequenceOfElemPtr& srcElements);
+ /*!
+ * auxilary for ExtrusionAlongTrack
+ */
+ Extrusion_Error MakeEdgePathPoints(std::list<double>& aPrms,
+ const TopoDS_Edge& aTrackEdge,
+ bool FirstIsStart,
+ list<SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint>& LPP);
+ Extrusion_Error MakeExtrElements(TIDSortedElemSet& theElements,
+ list<SMESH_MeshEditor_PathPoint>& fullList,
+ const bool theHasAngles,
+ list<double>& theAngles,
+ const bool theLinearVariation,
+ const bool theHasRefPoint,
+ const gp_Pnt& theRefPoint,
+ const bool theMakeGroups);
+ void LinearAngleVariation(const int NbSteps,
+ list<double>& theAngles);
SMESH_Mesh * myMesh;
PathMeshLineEdit = new QLineEdit(PathGrp);
- // Controls for path shape selection
- QLabel* PathShapeLab = new QLabel(tr("SMESH_PATH_SHAPE"), PathGrp);
- SelectPathShapeButton = new QToolButton(PathGrp);
- SelectPathShapeButton->setIcon(selectImage);
- PathShapeLineEdit = new QLineEdit(PathGrp);
- PathShapeLineEdit->setReadOnly(true);
// Controls for path starting point selection
QLabel* StartPointLab = new QLabel(tr("SMESH_PATH_START"), PathGrp);
PathGrpLayout->addWidget(PathMeshLab, 0, 0);
PathGrpLayout->addWidget(SelectPathMeshButton, 0, 1);
PathGrpLayout->addWidget(PathMeshLineEdit, 0, 2);
- PathGrpLayout->addWidget(PathShapeLab, 1, 0);
- PathGrpLayout->addWidget(SelectPathShapeButton, 1, 1);
- PathGrpLayout->addWidget(PathShapeLineEdit, 1, 2);
- PathGrpLayout->addWidget(StartPointLab, 2, 0);
- PathGrpLayout->addWidget(SelectStartPointButton, 2, 1);
- PathGrpLayout->addWidget(StartPointLineEdit, 2, 2);
+ PathGrpLayout->addWidget(StartPointLab, 1, 0);
+ PathGrpLayout->addWidget(SelectStartPointButton, 1, 1);
+ PathGrpLayout->addWidget(StartPointLineEdit, 1, 2);
BasePointGrp = new QGroupBox(tr("SMESH_BASE_POINT"), GroupArguments);
if (aSmeshGroupFilter) aListOfFilters.append(aSmeshGroupFilter);
myElementsFilter = new SMESH_LogicalFilter (aListOfFilters, SMESH_LogicalFilter::LO_OR);
- myPathMeshFilter = new SMESH_TypeFilter (MESH);
+ //myPathMeshFilter = new SMESH_TypeFilter (MESH);
+ myPathMeshFilter = new SMESH_TypeFilter(MESHorSUBMESH);
myHelpFileName = "extrusion_along_path_page.html";
connect(SelectElementsButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(SetEditCurrentArgument()));
connect(SelectPathMeshButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(SetEditCurrentArgument()));
- connect(SelectPathShapeButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(SetEditCurrentArgument()));
connect(SelectStartPointButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(SetEditCurrentArgument()));
connect(SelectBasePointButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(SetEditCurrentArgument()));
myMesh = SMESH::SMESH_Mesh::_nil();
myIDSource = SMESH::SMESH_IDSource::_nil();
myMeshActor = 0;
- myPathMesh = SMESH::SMESH_Mesh::_nil();
- myPathShape = GEOM::GEOM_Object::_nil();
+ myPath = SMESH::SMESH_IDSource::_nil();
- PathShapeLineEdit->clear();
if (ResetControls) {
if (mySMESHGUI->isActiveStudyLocked())
return false;
- if (myMesh->_is_nil() || MeshCheck->isChecked() && myIDSource->_is_nil() ||
- !myMeshActor || myPathMesh->_is_nil() || myPathShape->_is_nil())
+ //if (myMesh->_is_nil() || MeshCheck->isChecked() && myIDSource->_is_nil() ||
+ // !myMeshActor || myPathMesh->_is_nil() || myPathShape->_is_nil())
+ if ( myMesh->_is_nil() || MeshCheck->isChecked() && myIDSource->_is_nil() ||
+ !myMeshActor || myPath->_is_nil() )
return false;
if (!isValid())
try {
SUIT_OverrideCursor wc;
SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor_var aMeshEditor = myMesh->GetMeshEditor();
- if ( LinearAnglesCheck->isChecked() )
- anAngles = aMeshEditor->LinearAnglesVariation( myPathMesh, myPathShape, anAngles );
+ //if ( LinearAnglesCheck->isChecked() ) {
+ // anAngles = aMeshEditor->LinearAnglesVariation( myPathMesh, myPathShape, anAngles );
+ //}
SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor::Extrusion_Error retVal;
+ /*
if ( MakeGroupsCheck->isEnabled() && MakeGroupsCheck->isChecked() ) {
if( MeshCheck->isChecked() ) {
if( GetConstructorId() == 0 )
AnglesGrp->isChecked(), anAngles,
BasePointGrp->isChecked(), aBasePoint);
+ */
+ bool NeedGroups = ( MakeGroupsCheck->isEnabled() && MakeGroupsCheck->isChecked() );
+ SMESH::ElementType ElemType = SMESH::FACE;
+ if( GetConstructorId() == 0 )
+ ElemType = SMESH::EDGE;
+ if( !MeshCheck->isChecked() ) {
+ SMESH::ListOfGroups_var groups =
+ aMeshEditor->ExtrusionAlongPathX(anElementsId, myPath, aNodeStart, AnglesGrp->isChecked(),
+ anAngles, LinearAnglesCheck->isChecked(),
+ BasePointGrp->isChecked(), aBasePoint,
+ NeedGroups, ElemType, retVal);
+ }
+ else {
+ SMESH::ListOfGroups_var groups =
+ aMeshEditor->ExtrusionAlongPathObjX(myIDSource, myPath, aNodeStart, AnglesGrp->isChecked(),
+ anAngles, LinearAnglesCheck->isChecked(),
+ BasePointGrp->isChecked(), aBasePoint,
+ NeedGroups, ElemType, retVal);
+ }
if( retVal == SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor::EXTR_OK )
myMesh->SetParameters( SMESHGUI::JoinObjectParameters(aParameters) );
if ( SVTK_ViewWindow* aViewWindow = SMESH::GetViewWindow( mySMESHGUI ))
aViewWindow->highlight( anIO, true, true );
- } else if (send == StartPointLineEdit &&
+ }
+ else if (send == StartPointLineEdit &&
myEditCurrentArgument == StartPointLineEdit) {
- if (!myPathMesh->_is_nil()) {
- SMESH_Actor* aPathActor = SMESH::FindActorByObject(myPathMesh);
+ if (!myPath->_is_nil()) {
+ SMESH_Actor* aPathActor = SMESH::FindActorByObject(myPath);
SMDS_Mesh* aMesh = 0;
if (aPathActor)
aMesh = aPathActor->GetObject()->GetMesh();
SMESH::GetNameOfSelectedElements(mySelector, IO, aString);
- } else if (myEditCurrentArgument == PathMeshLineEdit) {
+ }
+ else if (myEditCurrentArgument == PathMeshLineEdit) {
// we are now selecting path mesh
// reset
- myPathMesh = SMESH::SMESH_Mesh::_nil();
- PathShapeLineEdit->clear();
- myPathShape = GEOM::GEOM_Object::_nil();
+ myPath = SMESH::SMESH_IDSource::_nil();
// try to get mesh from selection
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) IO = aList.First();
- myPathMesh = SMESH::IObjectToInterface<SMESH::SMESH_Mesh>(IO);
- if(myPathMesh->_is_nil())
+ myPath = SMESH::IObjectToInterface<SMESH::SMESH_IDSource>(IO);
+ if( myPath->_is_nil() )
QString aString;
SMESH::GetNameOfSelectedIObjects(mySelectionMgr, aString);
- } else if (myEditCurrentArgument == PathShapeLineEdit) {
- // we are now selecting path mesh
- // reset
- PathShapeLineEdit->clear();
- myPathShape = GEOM::GEOM_Object::_nil();
- StartPointLineEdit->clear();
- // return if path mesh is not yet selected
- if (myPathMesh->_is_nil())
- return;
- // try to get shape from selection
- Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) IO = aList.First();
- myPathShape = SMESH::IObjectToInterface<GEOM::GEOM_Object>(IO);
- if (myPathShape->_is_nil())
- return;
- QString aString;
- SMESH::GetNameOfSelectedIObjects(mySelectionMgr, aString);
- PathShapeLineEdit->setText(aString);
- } else if (myEditCurrentArgument == StartPointLineEdit) {
+ }
+ else if (myEditCurrentArgument == StartPointLineEdit) {
// we are now selecting start point of path
// reset
// return if path mesh or path shape is not yet selected
- if (myPathMesh->_is_nil() || myPathShape->_is_nil())
+ if( myPath->_is_nil() )
// try to get shape from selection
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) IO = aList.First();
- SMESH_Actor* aPathActor = SMESH::FindActorByObject(myPathMesh);
+ SMESH_Actor* aPathActor = SMESH::FindActorByObject(myPath);
if ( !aPathActor )
QToolButton* send = (QToolButton*)sender();
if (send != SelectElementsButton &&
send != SelectPathMeshButton &&
- send != SelectPathShapeButton &&
send != SelectStartPointButton &&
send != SelectBasePointButton)
- else if (button == SelectPathShapeButton) {
- myEditCurrentArgument = PathShapeLineEdit;
- SMESH::SetPointRepresentation(false);
- if ( SVTK_ViewWindow* aViewWindow = SMESH::GetViewWindow( mySMESHGUI ))
- aViewWindow->SetSelectionMode(ActorSelection);
- if (!myPathMesh->_is_nil()) {
- GEOM::GEOM_Object_var aMainShape = myPathMesh->GetShapeToMesh();
- SMESH_Actor* aPathActor = SMESH::FindActorByObject(myPathMesh);
- if (!aMainShape->_is_nil() && aPathActor)
- mySelectionMgr->installFilter(new SMESH_NumberFilter ("GEOM", TopAbs_SHAPE, -1,
- TopAbs_EDGE, aMainShape));
- //SMESH::SetPickable(aPathActor);
- }
- }
else if (button == SelectStartPointButton) {
myEditCurrentArgument = StartPointLineEdit;
- if (!myPathMesh->_is_nil()) {
- SMESH_Actor* aPathActor = SMESH::FindActorByObject(myPathMesh);
+ //if (!myPathMesh->_is_nil()) {
+ if (!myPath->_is_nil()) {
+ SMESH_Actor* aPathActor = SMESH::FindActorByObject(myPath);
if (aPathActor) {
if ( SVTK_ViewWindow* aViewWindow = SMESH::GetViewWindow( mySMESHGUI ))
SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var myMesh;
SMESH_Actor* myMeshActor;
SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_var myIDSource;
- SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var myPathMesh;
- GEOM::GEOM_Object_var myPathShape;
+ //SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_var myPathMesh;
+ SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_var myPath;
+ //GEOM::GEOM_Object_var myPathShape;
SUIT_SelectionFilter* myElementsFilter;
SUIT_SelectionFilter* myPathMeshFilter;
int myType;
QGroupBox* PathGrp;
QToolButton* SelectPathMeshButton;
QLineEdit* PathMeshLineEdit;
- QToolButton* SelectPathShapeButton;
- QLineEdit* PathShapeLineEdit;
+ //QToolButton* SelectPathShapeButton;
+ //QLineEdit* PathShapeLineEdit;
QToolButton* SelectStartPointButton;
QLineEdit* StartPointLineEdit;
QCheckBox* LinearAnglesCheck;
- <translation>Mesh</translation>
+ <translation>Mesh or submesh</translation>
#include "SMESH_subMeshEventListener.hxx"
#include "SMESH_Gen_i.hxx"
#include "SMESH_Filter_i.hxx"
+#include "SMESH_subMesh_i.hxx"
+#include "SMESH_Group_i.hxx"
#include "SMESH_PythonDump.hxx"
#include "utilities.h"
::SMESH_MeshEditor anEditor( myMesh );
::SMESH_MeshEditor::Extrusion_Error error =
anEditor.ExtrusionAlongTrack( elements, aSubMesh, nodeStart,
- theHasAngles, angles,
+ theHasAngles, angles, false,
theHasRefPoint, refPnt, theMakeGroups );
theError = convExtrError( error );
return 0;
+//function : extrusionAlongPathX
+//purpose :
+SMESH_MeshEditor_i::extrusionAlongPathX(const SMESH::long_array & IDsOfElements,
+ SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr Path,
+ CORBA::Long NodeStart,
+ CORBA::Boolean HasAngles,
+ const SMESH::double_array& Angles,
+ CORBA::Boolean LinearVariation,
+ CORBA::Boolean HasRefPoint,
+ const SMESH::PointStruct& RefPoint,
+ const bool MakeGroups,
+ const SMDSAbs_ElementType ElementType,
+ SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor::Extrusion_Error & Error)
+ SMESH::ListOfGroups* EmptyGr = new SMESH::ListOfGroups;
+ initData();
+ list<double> angles;
+ for (int i = 0; i < Angles.length(); i++) {
+ angles.push_back( Angles[i] );
+ }
+ gp_Pnt refPnt( RefPoint.x, RefPoint.y, RefPoint.z );
+ int nbOldGroups = myMesh->NbGroup();
+ if ( Path->_is_nil() ) {
+ return EmptyGr;
+ }
+ TIDSortedElemSet elements;
+ arrayToSet(IDsOfElements, GetMeshDS(), elements, ElementType);
+ ::SMESH_MeshEditor anEditor( myMesh );
+ ::SMESH_MeshEditor::Extrusion_Error error;
+ SMESH_Mesh_i* aMeshImp = SMESH::DownCast<SMESH_Mesh_i*>( Path );
+ if(aMeshImp) {
+ // path as mesh
+ SMDS_MeshNode* aNodeStart =
+ (SMDS_MeshNode*)aMeshImp->GetImpl().GetMeshDS()->FindNode(NodeStart);
+ if ( !aNodeStart ) {
+ return EmptyGr;
+ }
+ error = anEditor.ExtrusionAlongTrack( elements, &(aMeshImp->GetImpl()), aNodeStart,
+ HasAngles, angles, LinearVariation,
+ HasRefPoint, refPnt, MakeGroups );
+ }
+ else {
+ SMESH_subMesh_i* aSubMeshImp = SMESH::DownCast<SMESH_subMesh_i*>( Path );
+ if(aSubMeshImp) {
+ // path as submesh
+ SMESH::SMESH_Mesh_ptr aPathMesh = aSubMeshImp->GetFather();
+ aMeshImp = SMESH::DownCast<SMESH_Mesh_i*>( aPathMesh );
+ SMDS_MeshNode* aNodeStart =
+ (SMDS_MeshNode*)aMeshImp->GetImpl().GetMeshDS()->FindNode(NodeStart);
+ if ( !aNodeStart ) {
+ return EmptyGr;
+ }
+ SMESH_subMesh* aSubMesh =
+ aMeshImp->GetImpl().GetSubMeshContaining(aSubMeshImp->GetId());
+ error = anEditor.ExtrusionAlongTrack( elements, aSubMesh, aNodeStart,
+ HasAngles, angles, LinearVariation,
+ HasRefPoint, refPnt, MakeGroups );
+ }
+ else {
+ SMESH_Group_i* aGroupImp = SMESH::DownCast<SMESH_Group_i*>( Path );
+ if(aGroupImp) {
+ // path as group of 1D elements
+ }
+ else {
+ // invalid path
+ return EmptyGr;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ storeResult(anEditor);
+ Error = convExtrError( error );
+ if ( MakeGroups ) {
+ list<int> groupIDs = myMesh->GetGroupIds();
+ list<int>::iterator newBegin = groupIDs.begin();
+ std::advance( newBegin, nbOldGroups ); // skip old groups
+ groupIDs.erase( groupIDs.begin(), newBegin );
+ return getGroups( & groupIDs );
+ }
+ return EmptyGr;
//function : ExtrusionAlongPath
//purpose :
return aGroups;
+//function : ExtrusionAlongPathObjX
+//purpose :
+SMESH::ListOfGroups* SMESH_MeshEditor_i::
+ExtrusionAlongPathObjX(SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr Object,
+ SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr Path,
+ CORBA::Long NodeStart,
+ CORBA::Boolean HasAngles,
+ const SMESH::double_array& Angles,
+ CORBA::Boolean LinearVariation,
+ CORBA::Boolean HasRefPoint,
+ const SMESH::PointStruct& RefPoint,
+ CORBA::Boolean MakeGroups,
+ SMESH::ElementType ElemType,
+ SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor::Extrusion_Error& Error)
+ SMESH::long_array_var anElementsId = Object->GetIDs();
+ SMESH::ListOfGroups * aGroups = extrusionAlongPathX(anElementsId,
+ Path,
+ NodeStart,
+ HasAngles,
+ Angles,
+ LinearVariation,
+ HasRefPoint,
+ RefPoint,
+ MakeGroups,
+ (SMDSAbs_ElementType)ElemType,
+ Error);
+ if ( !myPreviewMode ) {
+ bool isDumpGroups = aGroups && aGroups->length() > 0;
+ TPythonDump aPythonDump;
+ if(isDumpGroups) {
+ aPythonDump << "("<<aGroups;
+ }
+ if(isDumpGroups)
+ aPythonDump << ", error)";
+ else
+ aPythonDump <<"error";
+ aPythonDump << " = " << this << ".ExtrusionAlongPathObjX( "
+ << Object << ", "
+ << Path << ", "
+ << NodeStart << ", "
+ << HasAngles << ", "
+ << Angles << ", "
+ << LinearVariation << ", "
+ << HasRefPoint << ", "
+ << "SMESH.PointStruct( "
+ << ( HasRefPoint ? RefPoint.x : 0 ) << ", "
+ << ( HasRefPoint ? RefPoint.y : 0 ) << ", "
+ << ( HasRefPoint ? RefPoint.z : 0 ) << " ), "
+ << ElemType << " )";
+ }
+ return aGroups;
+//function : ExtrusionAlongPathX
+//purpose :
+SMESH::ListOfGroups* SMESH_MeshEditor_i::
+ExtrusionAlongPathX(const SMESH::long_array& IDsOfElements,
+ SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr Path,
+ CORBA::Long NodeStart,
+ CORBA::Boolean HasAngles,
+ const SMESH::double_array& Angles,
+ CORBA::Boolean LinearVariation,
+ CORBA::Boolean HasRefPoint,
+ const SMESH::PointStruct& RefPoint,
+ CORBA::Boolean MakeGroups,
+ SMESH::ElementType ElemType,
+ SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor::Extrusion_Error& Error)
+ SMESH::ListOfGroups * aGroups = extrusionAlongPathX(IDsOfElements,
+ Path,
+ NodeStart,
+ HasAngles,
+ Angles,
+ LinearVariation,
+ HasRefPoint,
+ RefPoint,
+ MakeGroups,
+ (SMDSAbs_ElementType)ElemType,
+ Error);
+ if ( !myPreviewMode ) {
+ bool isDumpGroups = aGroups && aGroups->length() > 0;
+ TPythonDump aPythonDump;
+ if(isDumpGroups) {
+ aPythonDump << "("<<aGroups;
+ }
+ if(isDumpGroups)
+ aPythonDump << ", error)";
+ else
+ aPythonDump <<"error";
+ aPythonDump << " = " << this << ".ExtrusionAlongPathX( "
+ << IDsOfElements << ", "
+ << Path << ", "
+ << NodeStart << ", "
+ << HasAngles << ", "
+ << Angles << ", "
+ << LinearVariation << ", "
+ << HasRefPoint << ", "
+ << "SMESH.PointStruct( "
+ << ( HasRefPoint ? RefPoint.x : 0 ) << ", "
+ << ( HasRefPoint ? RefPoint.y : 0 ) << ", "
+ << ( HasRefPoint ? RefPoint.z : 0 ) << " ), "
+ << ElemType << " )";
+ }
+ return aGroups;
* \brief Compute rotation angles for ExtrusionAlongPath as linear variation
CORBA::Boolean HasRefPoint,
const SMESH::PointStruct& RefPoint,
SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor::Extrusion_Error& Error);
+ // skl 04.06.2009
+ SMESH::ListOfGroups* ExtrusionAlongPathObjX(SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr Object,
+ SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr Path,
+ CORBA::Long NodeStart,
+ CORBA::Boolean HasAngles,
+ const SMESH::double_array& Angles,
+ CORBA::Boolean LinearVariation,
+ CORBA::Boolean HasRefPoint,
+ const SMESH::PointStruct& RefPoint,
+ CORBA::Boolean MakeGroups,
+ SMESH::ElementType ElemType,
+ SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor::Extrusion_Error& Error);
+ SMESH::ListOfGroups* ExtrusionAlongPathX(const SMESH::long_array& IDsOfElements,
+ SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr Path,
+ CORBA::Long NodeStart,
+ CORBA::Boolean HasAngles,
+ const SMESH::double_array& Angles,
+ CORBA::Boolean LinearVariation,
+ CORBA::Boolean HasRefPoint,
+ const SMESH::PointStruct& RefPoint,
+ CORBA::Boolean MakeGroups,
+ SMESH::ElementType ElemType,
+ SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor::Extrusion_Error& Error);
SMESH::ListOfGroups* MirrorMakeGroups(const SMESH::long_array& IDsOfElements,
const SMESH::AxisStruct& Mirror,
SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor::MirrorType MirrorType);
const bool MakeGroups,
SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor::Extrusion_Error & Error,
const SMDSAbs_ElementType ElementType=SMDSAbs_All);
+ SMESH::ListOfGroups* extrusionAlongPathX(const SMESH::long_array & IDsOfElements,
+ SMESH::SMESH_IDSource_ptr Path,
+ CORBA::Long NodeStart,
+ CORBA::Boolean HasAngles,
+ const SMESH::double_array& Angles,
+ CORBA::Boolean LinearVariation,
+ CORBA::Boolean HasRefPoint,
+ const SMESH::PointStruct& RefPoint,
+ const bool MakeGroups,
+ const SMDSAbs_ElementType ElementType,
+ SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor::Extrusion_Error & theError);
SMESH::ListOfGroups* mirror(const SMESH::long_array & IDsOfElements,
const SMESH::AxisStruct & Axis,
SMESH::SMESH_MeshEditor::MirrorType MirrorType,
self.editor.ExtrusionSweepObject2D(theObject, StepVector, NbOfSteps)
return []
+ ## Generates new elements by extrusion of the given elements
+ # The path of extrusion must be a meshed edge.
+ # @param Base mesh or list of ids of elements for extrusion
+ # @param Path - 1D mesh or 1D sub-mesh, along which proceeds the extrusion
+ # @param NodeStart the start node from Path. Defines the direction of extrusion
+ # @param HasAngles allows the shape to be rotated around the path
+ # to get the resulting mesh in a helical fashion
+ # @param Angles list of angles in radians
+ # @param LinearVariation forces the computation of rotation angles as linear
+ # variation of the given Angles along path steps
+ # @param HasRefPoint allows using the reference point
+ # @param RefPoint the point around which the shape is rotated (the mass center of the shape by default).
+ # The User can specify any point as the Reference Point.
+ # @param MakeGroups forces the generation of new groups from existing ones
+ # @param ElemType type of elements for extrusion (if param Base is a mesh)
+ # @return list of created groups (SMESH_GroupBase) and SMESH::Extrusion_Error if MakeGroups=True,
+ # only SMESH::Extrusion_Error otherwise
+ # @ingroup l2_modif_extrurev
+ def ExtrusionAlongPathX(self, Base, Path, NodeStart,
+ HasAngles, Angles, LinearVariation,
+ HasRefPoint, RefPoint, MakeGroups, ElemType):
+ Angles,AnglesParameters = ParseAngles(Angles)
+ RefPoint,RefPointParameters = ParsePointStruct(RefPoint)
+ if ( isinstance( RefPoint, geompyDC.GEOM._objref_GEOM_Object)):
+ RefPoint = self.smeshpyD.GetPointStruct(RefPoint)
+ pass
+ Parameters = AnglesParameters + var_separator + RefPointParameters
+ self.mesh.SetParameters(Parameters)
+ if isinstance(Base,list):
+ IDsOfElements = []
+ if Base == []: IDsOfElements = self.GetElementsId()
+ else: IDsOfElements = Base
+ return self.editor.ExtrusionAlongPathX(IDsOfElements, Path, NodeStart,
+ HasAngles, Angles, LinearVariation,
+ HasRefPoint, RefPoint, MakeGroups, ElemType)
+ else:
+ if isinstance(Base,Mesh):
+ return self.editor.ExtrusionAlongPathObjX(Base.GetMesh(), Path, NodeStart,
+ HasAngles, Angles, LinearVariation,
+ HasRefPoint, RefPoint, MakeGroups, ElemType)
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError, "Invalid Base for ExtrusionAlongPathX"
## Generates new elements by extrusion of the given elements
# The path of extrusion must be a meshed edge.
# @param IDsOfElements ids of elements
# @param NodeStart the first or the last node on the edge. Defines the direction of extrusion
# @param HasAngles allows the shape to be rotated around the path
# to get the resulting mesh in a helical fashion
- # @param Angles list of angles
+ # @param Angles list of angles in radians
# @param HasRefPoint allows using the reference point
# @param RefPoint the point around which the shape is rotated (the mass center of the shape by default).
# The User can specify any point as the Reference Point.