- std::cout << std::endl << "Triangle is below tetraeder - V = 0.0" << std::endl << std::endl ;
+ // std::cout << std::endl << "Triangle is below tetraeder - V = 0.0" << std::endl << std::endl ;
return 0.0;
double sign = uv_xy[0] * uv_xy[3] - uv_xy[1] * uv_xy[2];
if(sign == 0.0)
- std::cout << std::endl << "Triangle is perpendicular to z-plane - V = 0.0" << std::endl << std::endl;
+ // std::cout << std::endl << "Triangle is perpendicular to z-plane - V = 0.0" << std::endl << std::endl;
return 0.0;
sign = sign > 0.0 ? 1.0 : -1.0;
- std::cout << std::endl << "-- Calculating intersection polygons ... " << std::endl;
+ // std::cout << std::endl << "-- Calculating intersection polygons ... " << std::endl;
double barycenter[3];
double volA = 0.0;
if(_polygonA.size() > 2)
- std::cout << std::endl << "-- Treating polygon A ... " << std::endl;
+ // std::cout << std::endl << "-- Treating polygon A ... " << std::endl;
calculatePolygonBarycenter(A, barycenter);
sortIntersectionPolygon(A, barycenter);
volA = calculateVolumeUnderPolygon(A, barycenter);
- std::cout << "Volume is " << sign * volA << std::endl;
+ // std::cout << "Volume is " << sign * volA << std::endl;
double volB = 0.0;
// if triangle is not in h = 0 plane, calculate volume under B
if(!isTriangleInPlaneOfFacet(XYZ) && _polygonB.size() > 2)
- std::cout << std::endl << "-- Treating polygon B ... " << std::endl;
+ // std::cout << std::endl << "-- Treating polygon B ... " << std::endl;
calculatePolygonBarycenter(B, barycenter);
sortIntersectionPolygon(B, barycenter);
volB = calculateVolumeUnderPolygon(B, barycenter);
- std::cout << "Volume is " << sign * volB << std::endl;
+ // std::cout << "Volume is " << sign * volB << std::endl;
- std::cout << std::endl << "volA + volB = " << sign * (volA + volB) << std::endl << std::endl;
+ // std::cout << std::endl << "volA + volB = " << sign * (volA + volB) << std::endl << std::endl;
return sign * (volA + volB);
double* ptA = new double[3];
calcIntersectionPtSurfaceEdge(edge, ptA);
- std::cout << "Surface-edge : " << vToStr(ptA) << " added to A " << std::endl;
+ // std::cout << "Surface-edge : " << vToStr(ptA) << " added to A " << std::endl;
if(edge >= XY)
double* ptB = new double[3];
copyVector3(ptA, ptB);
- std::cout << "Surface-edge : " << vToStr(ptB) << " added to B " << std::endl;
+ // std::cout << "Surface-edge : " << vToStr(ptB) << " added to B " << std::endl;
double* ptB = new double[3];
copyVector3(&COORDS_TET_CORNER[3 * corner], ptB);
- std::cout << "Surface-ray : " << vToStr(ptB) << " added to B" << std::endl;
+ // std::cout << "Surface-ray : " << vToStr(ptB) << " added to B" << std::endl;
double* ptA = new double[3];
calcIntersectionPtSegmentFacet(seg, facet, ptA);
- std::cout << "Segment-facet : " << vToStr(ptA) << " added to A" << std::endl;
+ // std::cout << "Segment-facet : " << vToStr(ptA) << " added to A" << std::endl;
if(facet == XYZ)
double* ptB = new double[3];
copyVector3(ptA, ptB);
- std::cout << "Segment-facet : " << vToStr(ptB) << " added to B" << std::endl;
+ // std::cout << "Segment-facet : " << vToStr(ptB) << " added to B" << std::endl;
double* ptA = new double[3];
calcIntersectionPtSegmentEdge(seg, edge, ptA);
- std::cout << "Segment-edge : " << vToStr(ptA) << " added to A" << std::endl;
+ // std::cout << "Segment-edge : " << vToStr(ptA) << " added to A" << std::endl;
if(edge >= XY)
double* ptB = new double[3];
double* ptA = new double[3];
copyVector3(&COORDS_TET_CORNER[3 * corner], ptA);
- std::cout << "Segment-corner : " << vToStr(ptA) << " added to A" << std::endl;
+ // std::cout << "Segment-corner : " << vToStr(ptA) << " added to A" << std::endl;
if(corner != O)
double* ptB = new double[3];
copyVector3(&COORDS_TET_CORNER[3 * corner], ptB);
- std::cout << "Segment-corner : " << vToStr(ptB) << " added to B" << std::endl;
+ // std::cout << "Segment-corner : " << vToStr(ptB) << " added to B" << std::endl;
double* ptB = new double[3];
copyVector3(&COORDS_TET_CORNER[3 * corner], ptB);
- std::cout << "Segment-ray : " << vToStr(ptB) << " added to B" << std::endl;
+ // std::cout << "Segment-ray : " << vToStr(ptB) << " added to B" << std::endl;
double* ptB = new double[3];
calcIntersectionPtSegmentHalfstrip(seg, edge, ptB);
- std::cout << "Segment-halfstrip : " << vToStr(ptB) << " added to B" << std::endl;
+ // std::cout << "Segment-halfstrip : " << vToStr(ptB) << " added to B" << std::endl;
double* ptA = new double[3];
copyVector3(&_coords[5*corner], ptA);
- std::cout << "Inclusion tetrahedron : " << vToStr(ptA) << " added to A" << std::endl;
+ // std::cout << "Inclusion tetrahedron : " << vToStr(ptA) << " added to A" << std::endl;
// XYZ - plane
double* ptB = new double[3];
copyVector3(&_coords[5*corner], ptB);
- std::cout << "Inclusion XYZ-plane : " << vToStr(ptB) << " added to B" << std::endl;
+ // std::cout << "Inclusion XYZ-plane : " << vToStr(ptB) << " added to B" << std::endl;
// projection on XYZ - facet
ptB[2] = 1 - ptB[0] - ptB[1];
assert(epsilonEqual(ptB[0]+ptB[1]+ptB[2] - 1, 0.0));
- std::cout << "Projection XYZ-plane : " << vToStr(ptB) << " added to B" << std::endl;
+ // std::cout << "Projection XYZ-plane : " << vToStr(ptB) << " added to B" << std::endl;
void TransformedTriangle::calculatePolygonBarycenter(const IntersectionPolygon poly, double* barycenter)
- std::cout << "--- Calculating polygon barycenter" << std::endl;
+ // std::cout << "--- Calculating polygon barycenter" << std::endl;
// get the polygon points
std::vector<double*>& polygon = (poly == A) ? _polygonA : _polygonB;
- std::cout << "Barycenter is " << vToStr(barycenter) << std::endl;
+ // std::cout << "Barycenter is " << vToStr(barycenter) << std::endl;
void TransformedTriangle::sortIntersectionPolygon(const IntersectionPolygon poly, const double* barycenter)
- std::cout << "--- Sorting polygon ..."<< std::endl;
+ // std::cout << "--- Sorting polygon ..."<< std::endl;
using ::ProjectedCentralCircularSortOrder;
typedef ProjectedCentralCircularSortOrder SortOrder; // change is only necessary here and in constructor
//stable_sort((++polygon.begin()), polygon.end(), order);
- std::cout << "Sorted polygon is " << std::endl;
+ // std::cout << "Sorted polygon is " << std::endl;
for(int i = 0 ; i < polygon.size() ; ++i)
- std::cout << vToStr(polygon[i]) << std::endl;
+ // std::cout << vToStr(polygon[i]) << std::endl;
double TransformedTriangle::calculateVolumeUnderPolygon(IntersectionPolygon poly, const double* barycenter)
- std::cout << "--- Calculating volume under polygon" << std::endl;
+ // std::cout << "--- Calculating volume under polygon" << std::endl;
// get the polygon points
std::vector<double*>& polygon = (poly == A) ? _polygonA : _polygonB;
vol += (factor1 * factor2) / 6.0;
- // std::cout << "Abs. Volume is " << vol << std::endl;
+ // // std::cout << "Abs. Volume is " << vol << std::endl;
return vol;
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include <limits>
+#include <map>
+#include <utility>
#include "VectorUtils.hxx"
namespace INTERP_UTILS
const int TransformedTriangle::COORDINATE_FOR_DETERMINANT_EXPANSION[12] =
+ // row 1, 2, 3
0, 1, 2, // O
3, 1, 2, // X
0, 3, 2, // Y
const TransformedTriangle::DoubleProduct TransformedTriangle::DP_FOR_DETERMINANT_EXPANSION[12] =
+ // row 1, 2, 3
C_YZ, C_ZX, C_XY, // O
C_YZ, C_ZH, C_YH, // X
C_ZH, C_ZX, C_XH, // Y
const double TransformedTriangle::TRIPLE_PRODUCT_ANGLE_THRESHOLD = 0.1;
- // coordinates of corner ptTetCorner
- /* const double TransformedTriangle::COORDS_TET_CORNER[12] =
- {
- 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, // O
- 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, // X
- 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, // Y
- 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 // Z
- };
- */
/// Double and triple product calculations ///////////////
- // aliases to shorten code
- typedef TransformedTriangle::DoubleProduct DoubleProduct;
- typedef TransformedTriangle::TetraCorner TetraCorner;
- typedef TransformedTriangle::TriSegment TriSegment;
- typedef TransformedTriangle TT;
// -- calculate all unstable double products -- store in _doubleProducts
- for(TriSegment seg = TT::PQ ; seg <= TT::RP ; seg = TriSegment(seg + 1))
+ for(TriSegment seg = PQ ; seg <= RP ; seg = TriSegment(seg + 1))
- for(DoubleProduct dp = TT::C_YZ ; dp <= TT::C_10 ; dp = DoubleProduct(dp + 1))
+ for(DoubleProduct dp = C_YZ ; dp <= C_10 ; dp = DoubleProduct(dp + 1))
_doubleProducts[8*seg + dp] = calcUnstableC(seg, dp);
// -- (1) for each segment : check that double products satisfy Grandy, [46]
// -- and make corrections if not
- for(TriSegment seg = TT::PQ ; seg <= TT::RP ; seg = TriSegment(seg + 1))
+ for(TriSegment seg = PQ ; seg <= RP ; seg = TriSegment(seg + 1))
- const double term1 = _doubleProducts[8*seg + TT::C_YZ] * _doubleProducts[8*seg + TT::C_XH];
- const double term2 = _doubleProducts[8*seg + TT::C_ZX] * _doubleProducts[8*seg + TT::C_YH];
- const double term3 = _doubleProducts[8*seg + TT::C_XY] * _doubleProducts[8*seg + TT::C_ZH];
+ const double term1 = _doubleProducts[8*seg + C_YZ] * _doubleProducts[8*seg + C_XH];
+ const double term2 = _doubleProducts[8*seg + C_ZX] * _doubleProducts[8*seg + C_YH];
+ const double term3 = _doubleProducts[8*seg + C_XY] * _doubleProducts[8*seg + C_ZH];
// std::cout << std::endl;
//std::cout << "for seg " << seg << " consistency " << term1 + term2 + term3 << std::endl;
const int num_zero = (term1 == 0.0 ? 1 : 0) + (term2 == 0.0 ? 1 : 0) + (term3 == 0.0 ? 1 : 0);
const int num_neg = (term1 < 0.0 ? 1 : 0) + (term2 < 0.0 ? 1 : 0) + (term3 < 0.0 ? 1 : 0);
- if(num_zero == 2 || (num_zero !=3 && num_neg == 0) || (num_zero !=3 && num_neg == 3))
+ // calculated geometry is inconsistent if we have one of the following cases
+ // * one term zero and the other two of the same sign
+ // * two terms zero
+ // * all terms positive
+ // * all terms negative
+ if((num_zero == 1 && num_neg != 1) || num_zero == 2 || num_neg == 0 || num_neg == 3 )
+ std::map<double, TetraCorner> distances;
//std::cout << "inconsistent! "<< std::endl;
- // find TetraCorner nearest to segment
- double min_dist;
- TetraCorner min_corner;
- for(TetraCorner corner = TT::O ; corner <= TT::Z ; corner = TetraCorner(corner + 1))
+ for(TetraCorner corner = O ; corner <= Z ; corner = TetraCorner(corner + 1))
// calculate distance corner - segment axis
- // NB uses fact that TriSegment <=> TriCorner that is first point of segment (PQ <=> P)
- const TriCorner ptP_idx = TriCorner(seg);
- const TriCorner ptQ_idx = TriCorner( (seg + 1) % 3);
- const double ptP[3] = { _coords[5*ptP_idx], _coords[5*ptP_idx + 1], _coords[5*ptP_idx + 2] };
- const double ptQ[3] = { _coords[5*ptQ_idx], _coords[5*ptQ_idx + 1], _coords[5*ptQ_idx + 2] };
- // coordinates of corner
- const double ptTetCorner[3] =
- {
- COORDS_TET_CORNER[3*corner ],
- COORDS_TET_CORNER[3*corner + 1],
- COORDS_TET_CORNER[3*corner + 2]
- };
- // dist^2 = ( PQ x CP )^2 / |PQ|^2 where C is the corner point
- // difference vectors
- const double diffPQ[3] = { ptQ[0] - ptP[0], ptQ[1] - ptP[1], ptQ[2] - ptP[2] };
- const double diffCornerP[3] = { ptP[0] - ptTetCorner[0], ptP[1] - ptTetCorner[1], ptP[2] - ptTetCorner[2] };
- //{ use functions in VectorUtils for this
- // cross product of difference vectors
- double crossProd[3];
- cross(diffPQ, diffCornerP, crossProd);
- const double cross_squared = dot(crossProd, crossProd);
- const double norm_diffPQ_squared = dot(diffPQ, diffPQ);
- const double dist = cross_squared / norm_diffPQ_squared;
- // update minimum (initializs with first corner)
- if(corner == TT::O || dist < min_dist)
- {
- min_dist = dist;
- min_corner = corner;
- }
+ const double dist = calculateDistanceCornerSegment(corner, seg);
+ distances.insert( std::make_pair( dist, corner ) );
+ // first element -> minimum distance
+ const TetraCorner minCorner = distances.begin()->second;
// set the three corresponding double products to 0.0
static const DoubleProduct DOUBLE_PRODUCTS[12] =
- TT::C_YZ, TT::C_ZX, TT::C_XY, // O
- TT::C_YZ, TT::C_ZH, TT::C_YH, // X
- TT::C_ZX, TT::C_ZH, TT::C_XH, // Y
- TT::C_XY, TT::C_YH, TT::C_XH // Z
+ C_YZ, C_ZX, C_XY, // O
+ C_YZ, C_ZH, C_YH, // X
+ C_ZX, C_ZH, C_XH, // Y
+ C_XY, C_YH, C_XH // Z
for(int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; ++i) {
- DoubleProduct dp = DOUBLE_PRODUCTS[3*min_corner + i];
+ DoubleProduct dp = DOUBLE_PRODUCTS[3*minCorner + i];
// std::cout << std::endl << "inconsistent dp :" << dp << std::endl;
_doubleProducts[8*seg + dp] = 0.0;
// -- (2) check that each double product statisfies Grandy, [47], else set to 0
- for(TriSegment seg = TT::PQ ; seg <= TT::RP ; seg = TriSegment(seg + 1))
+ for(TriSegment seg = PQ ; seg <= RP ; seg = TriSegment(seg + 1))
- for(DoubleProduct dp = TT::C_YZ ; dp <= TT::C_10 ; dp = DoubleProduct(dp + 1))
+ for(DoubleProduct dp = C_YZ ; dp <= C_10 ; dp = DoubleProduct(dp + 1))
// find the points of the triangle
// 0 -> P, 1 -> Q, 2 -> R
const int off1 = DP_OFFSET_1[dp];
const int off2 = DP_OFFSET_2[dp];
- const long double term1 = static_cast<long double>(_coords[5*pt1 + off1]) * static_cast<long double>(_coords[5*pt2 + off2]);
- const long double term2 = static_cast<long double>(_coords[5*pt1 + off2]) * static_cast<long double>(_coords[5*pt2 + off1]);
+ const double term1 = _coords[5*pt1 + off1] * _coords[5*pt2 + off2];
+ const double term2 = _coords[5*pt1 + off2] * _coords[5*pt2 + off1];
const long double delta = MULT_PREC_F * ( std::abs(term1) + std::abs(term2) );
- if( std::abs(static_cast<long double>(_doubleProducts[8*seg + dp])) < THRESHOLD_F*delta )
+ if( std::abs(_doubleProducts[8*seg + dp]) < THRESHOLD_F*delta )
if(_doubleProducts[8*seg + dp] != 0.0)
- std::cout << "Double product for (seg,dp) = (" << seg << ", " << dp << ") = " << std::abs(_doubleProducts[8*seg + dp]) << " is imprecise, reset to 0.0" << std::endl;
+ // std::cout << "Double product for (seg,dp) = (" << seg << ", " << dp << ") = "
+ // << std::abs(_doubleProducts[8*seg + dp]) << " is imprecise, reset to 0.0" << std::endl;
_doubleProducts[8*seg + dp] = 0.0;
_isDoubleProductsCalculated = true;
+ double TransformedTriangle::calculateDistanceCornerSegment(const TetraCorner corner, const TriSegment seg) const
+ {
+ // NB uses fact that TriSegment <=> TriCorner that is first point of segment (PQ <=> P)
+ const TriCorner ptP_idx = TriCorner(seg);
+ const TriCorner ptQ_idx = TriCorner( (seg + 1) % 3);
+ const double ptP[3] = { _coords[5*ptP_idx], _coords[5*ptP_idx + 1], _coords[5*ptP_idx + 2] };
+ const double ptQ[3] = { _coords[5*ptQ_idx], _coords[5*ptQ_idx + 1], _coords[5*ptQ_idx + 2] };
+ // coordinates of corner
+ const double ptTetCorner[3] =
+ {
+ COORDS_TET_CORNER[3*corner ],
+ COORDS_TET_CORNER[3*corner + 1],
+ COORDS_TET_CORNER[3*corner + 2]
+ };
+ // dist^2 = ( PQ x CP )^2 / |PQ|^2 where C is the corner point
+ // difference vectors
+ const double diffPQ[3] = { ptQ[0] - ptP[0], ptQ[1] - ptP[1], ptQ[2] - ptP[2] };
+ const double diffCornerP[3] = { ptP[0] - ptTetCorner[0], ptP[1] - ptTetCorner[1], ptP[2] - ptTetCorner[2] };
+ // cross product of difference vectors
+ double crossProd[3];
+ cross(diffPQ, diffCornerP, crossProd);
+ const double cross_squared = dot(crossProd, crossProd);
+ const double norm_diffPQ_squared = dot(diffPQ, diffPQ);
+ assert(norm_diffPQ_squared != 0.0);
+ return cross_squared / norm_diffPQ_squared;
+ }
* Pre-calculates all triple products for the tetrahedron with respect to
* this triangle, and stores them internally. This method takes into account
for(TetraCorner corner = O ; corner <= Z ; corner = TetraCorner(corner + 1))
// std::cout << "- Triple product for corner " << corner << std::endl;
- bool isGoodRowFound = false;
- // find edge / row to use
- int minRow;
- double minAngle;
- bool isMinInitialised = false;
+ // find edge / row to use -> that whose edge makes the smallest angle to the triangle
+ // use a map to find the minimum
+ std::map<double, int> anglesForRows;
for(int row = 1 ; row < 4 ; ++row)
- DoubleProduct dp = DP_FOR_DETERMINANT_EXPANSION[3*corner + (row - 1)];
+ const DoubleProduct dp = DP_FOR_DETERMINANT_EXPANSION[3*corner + (row - 1)];
// get edge by using correspondance between Double Product and Edge
TetraEdge edge = TetraEdge(dp);
// use edge only if it is surrounded by the surface
if( testTriangleSurroundsEdge(edge) )
- isGoodRowFound = true;
// -- calculate angle between edge and PQR
- // find normal to PQR - cross PQ and PR
- const double pq[3] =
- {
- _coords[5*Q] - _coords[5*P],
- _coords[5*Q + 1] - _coords[5*P + 1],
- _coords[5*Q + 2] - _coords[5*P + 2]
- };
- const double pr[3] =
- {
- _coords[5*R] - _coords[5*P],
- _coords[5*R + 1] - _coords[5*P + 1],
- _coords[5*R + 2] - _coords[5*P + 2]
- };
- const double normal[3] =
- {
- pq[1]*pr[2] - pq[2]*pr[1],
- pq[2]*pr[0] - pq[0]*pr[2],
- pq[0]*pr[1] - pq[1]*pr[0]
- };
- static const double EDGE_VECTORS[18] =
- {
- 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, // OX
- 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, // OY
- 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, // OZ
- 0.0,-1.0, 1.0, // YZ
- 1.0, 0.0,-1.0, // ZX
- -1.0,-1.0, 1.0 // XY
- };
- const double edgeVec[3] = {
- EDGE_VECTORS[3*edge],
- EDGE_VECTORS[3*edge + 1],
- EDGE_VECTORS[3*edge + 2],
- };
- const double lenNormal = sqrt(normal[0]*normal[0] + normal[1]*normal[1] + normal[2]*normal[2]);
- const double lenEdgeVec = sqrt(edgeVec[0]*edgeVec[0] + edgeVec[1]*edgeVec[1] + edgeVec[2]*edgeVec[2]);
- const double dotProd = normal[0]*edgeVec[0] + normal[1]*edgeVec[1] + normal[2]*edgeVec[2];
- const double angle = 3.14159262535 - acos( dotProd / ( lenNormal * lenEdgeVec ) );
- if(!isMinInitialised || angle < minAngle)
- {
- minAngle = angle;
- minRow = row;
- isMinInitialised = true;
- }
+ const double angle = calculateAngleEdgeTriangle(edge);
+ anglesForRows.insert(std::make_pair(angle, row));
- if(isGoodRowFound)
+ if(anglesForRows.size() != 0) // we have found a good row
+ const double minAngle = anglesForRows.begin()->first;
+ const int minRow = anglesForRows.begin()->second;
_tripleProducts[corner] = calcTByDevelopingRow(corner, minRow, true);
// this value will not be used
// we set it to whatever
- std::cout << "Triple product not calculated for corner " << corner << std::endl;
+ // std::cout << "Triple product not calculated for corner " << corner << std::endl;
_tripleProducts[corner] = -3.14159265;
_validTP[corner] = false;
_isTripleProductsCalculated = true;
+ double TransformedTriangle::calculateAngleEdgeTriangle(const TetraEdge edge) const
+ {
+ // find normal to PQR - cross PQ and PR
+ const double pq[3] =
+ {
+ _coords[5*Q] - _coords[5*P],
+ _coords[5*Q + 1] - _coords[5*P + 1],
+ _coords[5*Q + 2] - _coords[5*P + 2]
+ };
+ const double pr[3] =
+ {
+ _coords[5*R] - _coords[5*P],
+ _coords[5*R + 1] - _coords[5*P + 1],
+ _coords[5*R + 2] - _coords[5*P + 2]
+ };
+ const double normal[3] =
+ {
+ pq[1]*pr[2] - pq[2]*pr[1],
+ pq[2]*pr[0] - pq[0]*pr[2],
+ pq[0]*pr[1] - pq[1]*pr[0]
+ };
+ static const double EDGE_VECTORS[18] =
+ {
+ 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, // OX
+ 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, // OY
+ 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, // OZ
+ 0.0,-1.0, 1.0, // YZ
+ 1.0, 0.0,-1.0, // ZX
+ -1.0,-1.0, 1.0 // XY
+ };
+ const double edgeVec[3] = {
+ EDGE_VECTORS[3*edge],
+ EDGE_VECTORS[3*edge + 1],
+ EDGE_VECTORS[3*edge + 2],
+ };
+ const double lenNormal = sqrt(normal[0]*normal[0] + normal[1]*normal[1] + normal[2]*normal[2]);
+ const double lenEdgeVec = sqrt(edgeVec[0]*edgeVec[0] + edgeVec[1]*edgeVec[1] + edgeVec[2]*edgeVec[2]);
+ const double dotProd = normal[0]*edgeVec[0] + normal[1]*edgeVec[1] + normal[2]*edgeVec[2];
+ return 3.14159262535 - acos( dotProd / ( lenNormal * lenEdgeVec ) );
+ }
* Returns the stable double product c_{xy}^{pq}
// products coordinate values with corresponding double product
- const double coordDPProd[3] = { coordValues[0] * cQR, coordValues[1] * cRP, coordValues[0] * cPQ };
+ const double coordDPProd[3] = { coordValues[0] * cQR, coordValues[1] * cRP, coordValues[2] * cPQ };
const double sumDPProd = coordDPProd[0] + coordDPProd[1] + coordDPProd[2];
- const double sumDPProdSq = coordDPProd[0]*coordDPProd[0] + coordDPProd[1]*coordDPProd[1] + coordDPProd[2]*coordDPProd[2];
+ const double sumDPProdSq = dot(coordDPProd, coordDPProd);
alpha = sumDPProd / sumDPProdSq;
- const double p_term = _coords[5*P + offset] * cQR * (1.0 - alpha * coordValues[0] * cQR) ;
- const double q_term = _coords[5*Q + offset] * cRP * (1.0 - alpha * coordValues[1] * cRP) ;
- const double r_term = _coords[5*R + offset] * cPQ * (1.0 - alpha * coordValues[2] * cPQ) ;
+ const double cQRbar = cQR * (1.0 - alpha * coordValues[0] * cQR);
+ const double cRPbar = cRP * (1.0 - alpha * coordValues[1] * cRP);
+ const double cPQbar = cPQ * (1.0 - alpha * coordValues[2] * cPQ);
+ // check sign of barred products - should not change
+ assert(cQRbar * cQR >= 0.0);
+ assert(cRPbar * cRP >= 0.0);
+ assert(cPQbar * cPQ >= 0.0);
+ const double p_term = _coords[5*P + offset] * cQRbar;
+ const double q_term = _coords[5*Q + offset] * cRPbar;
+ const double r_term = _coords[5*R + offset] * cPQbar;
// check that we are not so close to zero that numerical errors could take over,
// otherwise reset to zero (cf Grandy, p. 446)
const long double delta = MULT_PREC_F * (std::abs(p_term) + std::abs(q_term) + std::abs(r_term));
if( epsilonEqual( p_term + q_term + r_term, 0.0, THRESHOLD_F * delta) )
return 0.0;