void SketchSolver_ConstraintMultiTranslation::getAttributes(
Slvs_hEntity& theStartPoint, Slvs_hEntity& theEndPoint,
- std::vector<std::vector<Slvs_hEntity> >& thePoints,
- std::vector<std::vector<Slvs_hEntity> >& theCircular)
+ std::vector< std::vector<Slvs_hEntity> >& thePoints,
+ std::vector< std::vector<Slvs_hEntity> >& theEntities)
DataPtr aData = myBaseConstraint->data();
AttributePtr aStartPointAttr = aData->attribute(SketchPlugin_MultiTranslation::START_POINT_ID());
// Also all circles and arc collected too, because they will be constrained by equal radii.
FeaturePtr aFeature;
ResultConstructionPtr aRC;
- std::vector<Slvs_hEntity> aPoints[2]; // lists of points of features
- std::vector<Slvs_hEntity> aCircs; // list of circular objects
+ static const size_t MAX_POINTS = 3;
+ std::vector<Slvs_hEntity> aPoints[MAX_POINTS]; // lists of points of features
+ std::vector<Slvs_hEntity> anEntities; // list of translated entities
std::list<ObjectPtr> anObjectList = aRefList->list();
std::list<ObjectPtr>::iterator anObjectIter = anObjectList.begin();
while (anObjectIter != anObjectList.end()) {
- aPoints[0].clear();
- aPoints[1].clear();
- aCircs.clear();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < MAX_POINTS; i++)
+ aPoints[i].clear();
+ anEntities.clear();
for (size_t i = 0; i <= myNumberOfCopies && anObjectIter != anObjectList.end(); i++, anObjectIter++) {
aFeature = ModelAPI_Feature::feature(*anObjectIter);
if (!aFeature)
anEntityID = changeEntity(aFeature, aType);
+ anEntities.push_back(anEntityID);
Slvs_Entity anEntity = myStorage->getEntity(anEntityID);
switch (aType) {
aPoints[0].push_back(anEntity.point[0]); // center of circle
- aCircs.push_back(anEntityID);
- aPoints[0].push_back(anEntity.point[1]); // start point of arc
- aPoints[1].push_back(anEntity.point[2]); // end point of arc
- aCircs.push_back(anEntityID);
+ aPoints[0].push_back(anEntity.point[0]); // center of arc
+ aPoints[1].push_back(anEntity.point[1]); // start point of arc
+ aPoints[2].push_back(anEntity.point[2]); // end point of arc
myErrorMsg = SketchSolver_Error::INCORRECT_ATTRIBUTE();
- if (!aPoints[0].empty())
- thePoints.push_back(aPoints[0]);
- if (!aPoints[1].empty())
- thePoints.push_back(aPoints[1]);
- if (!aCircs.empty())
- theCircular.push_back(aCircs);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < MAX_POINTS; ++i)
+ if (!aPoints[i].empty())
+ thePoints.push_back(aPoints[i]);
+ if (!anEntities.empty())
+ theEntities.push_back(anEntities);
Slvs_hEntity aStartPoint, aEndPoint;
- std::vector<std::vector<Slvs_hEntity> > aPointsAndCopies;
- std::vector<std::vector<Slvs_hEntity> > aCircsAndCopies;
- getAttributes(aStartPoint, aEndPoint, aPointsAndCopies, aCircsAndCopies);
+ std::vector<std::vector<Slvs_hEntity> > anEntitiesAndCopies;
+ getAttributes(aStartPoint, aEndPoint, myPointsAndCopies, anEntitiesAndCopies);
if (!myErrorMsg.empty())
- // Create lines between neighbor translated points and make them parallel to the translation line.
- // Also these lines should have equal lengths.
- Slvs_Constraint aConstraint;
- Slvs_Entity aTranslationLine = Slvs_MakeLineSegment(SLVS_E_UNKNOWN, myGroup->getId(),
- myGroup->getWorkplaneId(), aStartPoint, aEndPoint);
- aTranslationLine.h = myStorage->addEntity(aTranslationLine);
- myTranslationLine = aTranslationLine.h;
- std::vector<std::vector<Slvs_hEntity> >::iterator aCopyIter = aPointsAndCopies.begin();
- for (; aCopyIter != aPointsAndCopies.end(); aCopyIter++) {
- size_t aSize = aCopyIter->size();
- for (size_t i = 0; i < aSize - 1; i++) {
- Slvs_Entity aLine = Slvs_MakeLineSegment(SLVS_E_UNKNOWN, myGroup->getId(),
- myGroup->getWorkplaneId(), (*aCopyIter)[i], (*aCopyIter)[i+1]);
- aLine.h = myStorage->addEntity(aLine);
- // Equal length constraint
- aConstraint = Slvs_MakeConstraint(SLVS_E_UNKNOWN, myGroup->getId(),
- SLVS_C_EQUAL_LENGTH_LINES, myGroup->getWorkplaneId(), 0.0,
- SLVS_E_UNKNOWN, SLVS_E_UNKNOWN, aTranslationLine.h, aLine.h);
- aConstraint.h = myStorage->addConstraint(aConstraint);
- mySlvsConstraints.push_back(aConstraint.h);
- // Parallel constraint
- aConstraint = Slvs_MakeConstraint(SLVS_E_UNKNOWN, myGroup->getId(),
- SLVS_C_PARALLEL, myGroup->getWorkplaneId(), 0.0, SLVS_E_UNKNOWN, SLVS_E_UNKNOWN,
- aTranslationLine.h, aLine.h);
- aConstraint.h = myStorage->addConstraint(aConstraint);
- mySlvsConstraints.push_back(aConstraint.h);
+ // Create translation line
+ if (myTranslationLine == SLVS_E_UNKNOWN) {
+ Slvs_Entity aTranslationLine = Slvs_MakeLineSegment(SLVS_E_UNKNOWN, myGroup->getId(),
+ myGroup->getWorkplaneId(), aStartPoint, aEndPoint);
+ aTranslationLine.h = myStorage->addEntity(aTranslationLine);
+ myTranslationLine = aTranslationLine.h;
+ } else {
+ Slvs_Entity aTranslationLine = myStorage->getEntity(myTranslationLine);
+ if (aTranslationLine.point[0] != aStartPoint || aTranslationLine.point[1] != aEndPoint) {
+ aTranslationLine.point[0] = aStartPoint;
+ aTranslationLine.point[1] = aEndPoint;
+ myStorage->updateEntity(aTranslationLine);
- // Equal radii constraints
- for (aCopyIter = aCircsAndCopies.begin(); aCopyIter != aCircsAndCopies.end(); aCopyIter++) {
- size_t aSize = aCopyIter->size();
- for (size_t i = 0; i < aSize - 1; i++) {
- aConstraint = Slvs_MakeConstraint(SLVS_E_UNKNOWN, myGroup->getId(),
- SLVS_C_EQUAL_RADIUS, myGroup->getWorkplaneId(), 0.0, SLVS_E_UNKNOWN, SLVS_E_UNKNOWN,
- (*aCopyIter)[i], (*aCopyIter)[i+1]);
- aConstraint.h = myStorage->addConstraint(aConstraint);
- mySlvsConstraints.push_back(aConstraint.h);
+ // Set all objects unchanged (only initial object may be changed by user)
+ myCircsAndCopies.clear();
+ std::vector<std::vector<Slvs_hEntity> >::const_iterator anEntIt = anEntitiesAndCopies.begin();
+ std::vector<Slvs_hEntity>::const_iterator aCpIt;
+ for (; anEntIt != anEntitiesAndCopies.end(); ++anEntIt) {
+ std::vector<Slvs_hEntity> aCircs;
+ for (aCpIt = anEntIt->begin(); aCpIt != anEntIt->end(); ++aCpIt) {
+ const Slvs_Entity& anEntity = myStorage->getEntity(*aCpIt);
+ std::vector<Slvs_hConstraint> aNewConstr;
+ if (anEntity.type == SLVS_E_CIRCLE) {
+ aCircs.push_back(anEntity.distance);
+ // for circles we fix only center
+ aNewConstr = myStorage->fixEntity(anEntity.point[0]);
+ } else
+ aNewConstr = myStorage->fixEntity(*aCpIt);
+ mySlvsConstraints.insert(mySlvsConstraints.end(), aNewConstr.begin(), aNewConstr.end());
+ if (!aCircs.empty())
+ myCircsAndCopies.push_back(aCircs);
return true;
+void SketchSolver_ConstraintMultiTranslation::addFeature(FeaturePtr theFeature)
+ SketchSolver_Constraint::addFeature(theFeature);
+ std::map<FeaturePtr, Slvs_hEntity>::iterator aFeatIt = myFeatureMap.find(theFeature);
+ if (aFeatIt == myFeatureMap.end())
+ return;
+ // store list of points of the feature
+ const Slvs_Entity& theEntity = myStorage->getEntity(aFeatIt->second);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ if (theEntity.point[i] != SLVS_E_UNKNOWN)
+ myPointsJustUpdated.insert(theEntity.point[i]);
void SketchSolver_ConstraintMultiTranslation::adjustConstraint()
Slvs_Entity aTranslationLine = myStorage->getEntity(myTranslationLine);
+ std::list<Slvs_Constraint> aCoincident = myStorage->getConstraintsByType(SLVS_C_POINTS_COINCIDENT);
+ std::list<Slvs_Constraint>::const_iterator aCoIt;
+ double aCoord[2];
// Update positions of all points to satisfy distances
- std::list<Slvs_Constraint> aParallel = myStorage->getConstraintsByType(SLVS_C_PARALLEL);
- std::list<Slvs_Constraint>::iterator aParIt = aParallel.begin();
- std::vector<Slvs_hConstraint>::iterator aCIt;
- for (; aParIt != aParallel.end(); aParIt++) {
- for (aCIt = mySlvsConstraints.begin(); aCIt != mySlvsConstraints.end(); aCIt++)
- if (aParIt->h == *aCIt)
- break;
- if (aCIt == mySlvsConstraints.end())
- continue;
- Slvs_Entity aLine = myStorage->getEntity(aParIt->entityB);
- if (myStorage->isPointFixed(aLine.point[1], aFixed))
- continue;
- Slvs_Entity aStart = myStorage->getEntity(aLine.point[0]);
- Slvs_Entity aEnd = myStorage->getEntity(aLine.point[1]);
- for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
- Slvs_Param aFrom = myStorage->getParameter(aStart.param[i]);
- Slvs_Param aTo = myStorage->getParameter(aEnd.param[i]);
- aTo.val = aFrom.val + aDelta[i];
- myStorage->updateParameter(aTo);
+ std::vector< std::vector<Slvs_hEntity> >::const_iterator aPointsIter = myPointsAndCopies.begin();
+ std::vector<Slvs_hEntity>::const_iterator aCopyIter;
+ for (; aPointsIter != myPointsAndCopies.end(); ++aPointsIter) {
+ aCopyIter = aPointsIter->begin();
+ const Slvs_Entity& anInitial = myStorage->getEntity(*aCopyIter);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+ aCoord[i] = myStorage->getParameter(anInitial.param[i]).val;
+ // if the point is coincident with another one which is temporary fixed (moved by user),
+ // we will update its position correspondingly
+ Slvs_hConstraint aFixed;
+ for (aCoIt = aCoincident.begin(); aCoIt != aCoincident.end(); ++aCoIt) {
+ if ((aCoIt->ptA == anInitial.h && myStorage->isPointFixed(aCoIt->ptB, aFixed, true)) ||
+ (aCoIt->ptB == anInitial.h && myStorage->isPointFixed(aCoIt->ptA, aFixed, true))) {
+ Slvs_hEntity anOtherId = aCoIt->ptA == anInitial.h ? aCoIt->ptB : aCoIt->ptA;
+ if (!myStorage->isTemporary(aFixed) &&
+ myPointsJustUpdated.find(anOtherId) == myPointsJustUpdated.end())
+ continue; // nothing to change
+ const Slvs_Entity& anOtherPnt = myStorage->getEntity(anOtherId);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ Slvs_Param anInitParam = myStorage->getParameter(anInitial.param[i]);
+ const Slvs_Param& anOtherParam = myStorage->getParameter(anOtherPnt.param[i]);
+ anInitParam.val = anOtherParam.val;
+ myStorage->updateParameter(anInitParam);
+ aCoord[i] = anOtherParam.val;
+ }
+ }
- }
- // update positions of centers of arcs for correct radius calculation
- std::list<Slvs_Constraint> aRadii = myStorage->getConstraintsByType(SLVS_C_EQUAL_RADIUS);
- std::map<FeaturePtr, Slvs_hEntity>::iterator aFeatIt;
- for (aParIt = aRadii.begin(); aParIt != aRadii.end(); aParIt++) {
- int aNbFound = 0; // number of arcs used in translation
- for (aFeatIt = myFeatureMap.begin(); aFeatIt != myFeatureMap.end(); aFeatIt++)
- if (aFeatIt->second == aParIt->entityA || aFeatIt->second == aParIt->entityB) {
- if (aFeatIt->first->getKind() == SketchPlugin_Arc::ID())
- aNbFound++;
- else
- break;
+ // update copied points
+ aCopyIter = aPointsIter->begin();
+ for (++aCopyIter; aCopyIter != aPointsIter->end(); ++aCopyIter) {
+ // update position
+ aCoord[0] += aDelta[0];
+ aCoord[1] += aDelta[1];
+ const Slvs_Entity& aTarget = myStorage->getEntity(*aCopyIter);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ Slvs_Param aParam = myStorage->getParameter(aTarget.param[i]);
+ aParam.val = aCoord[i];
+ myStorage->updateParameter(aParam);
- if (aNbFound != 2)
- continue;
- // two arcs were found, update their centers
- Slvs_Entity anArcA = myStorage->getEntity(aParIt->entityA);
- Slvs_Entity anArcB = myStorage->getEntity(aParIt->entityB);
- if (myStorage->isPointFixed(anArcB.point[0], aFixed))
- continue;
- Slvs_Entity aCenterA = myStorage->getEntity(anArcA.point[0]);
- Slvs_Entity aCenterB = myStorage->getEntity(anArcB.point[0]);
- for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
- Slvs_Param aFrom = myStorage->getParameter(aCenterA.param[i]);
- Slvs_Param aTo = myStorage->getParameter(aCenterB.param[i]);
- aTo.val = aFrom.val + aDelta[i];
- myStorage->updateParameter(aTo);
+ for (aPointsIter = myCircsAndCopies.begin(); aPointsIter != myCircsAndCopies.end(); ++aPointsIter) {
+ aCopyIter = aPointsIter->begin();
+ const Slvs_Entity& anInitial = myStorage->getEntity(*aCopyIter);
+ const Slvs_Param& anInitRad = myStorage->getParameter(anInitial.param[0]);
+ for (++aCopyIter; aCopyIter != aPointsIter->end(); ++aCopyIter) {
+ const Slvs_Entity& aCopy = myStorage->getEntity(*aCopyIter);
+ Slvs_Param aCopyRad = myStorage->getParameter(aCopy.param[0]);
+ aCopyRad.val = anInitRad.val;
+ myStorage->updateParameter(aCopyRad);
+ }
+ }
+ myPointsJustUpdated.clear();