+def salome_study_init_without_session(theStudyPath=None):
+ """
+ Performs only once study creation or connection.
+ optional argument : theStudyPath
+ None : attach to the currently active single study;
+ create new empty study if there is active study
+ <URL> (str) : open study with the given file name
+ """
+ global myStudy, myStudyName
+ global orb, lcc, naming_service, cm
+ if verbose(): print("theStudyPath:", theStudyPath)
+ if not myStudy:
+ import CORBA
+ orb = CORBA.ORB_init([''])
+ # get Study reference
+ if verbose(): print("looking for study...")
+ import KernelDS
+ myStudy = KernelDS.myStudy()
+ if verbose(): print("Study found")
+ pass
+ myStudyName = myStudy._get_Name()
+ return myStudy, myStudyName
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
def salome_study_init(theStudyPath=None):
Performs only once study creation or connection.