--- /dev/null
+ TestFilletInteracting.py
+ Unit test of SketchPlugin_Fillet feature.
+ In scope of interaction with another constraints applied to filleted features.
+from GeomAPI import *
+from GeomDataAPI import *
+from ModelAPI import *
+import math
+import unittest
+from salome.shaper import model
+__updated__ = "2017-03-06"
+def isArcLineSmooth(theArc, theLine, theTolerance):
+ aCenter = geomDataAPI_Point2D(theArc.attribute("ArcCenter"))
+ aDistance = distancePointLine(aCenter, theLine)
+ aRadius = arcRadius(theArc)
+ return math.fabs(aRadius - aDistance) < theTolerance
+def isArcArcSmooth(theArc1, theArc2, theTolerance):
+ aCenter1 = geomDataAPI_Point2D(theArc1.attribute("ArcCenter"))
+ aCenter2 = geomDataAPI_Point2D(theArc2.attribute("ArcCenter"))
+ aDistance = distancePointPoint(aCenter1, aCenter2)
+ aRadius1 = arcRadius(theArc1)
+ aRadius2 = arcRadius(theArc2)
+ aRadSum = aRadius1 + aRadius2
+ aRadDiff = math.fabs(aRadius1 - aRadius2)
+ return math.fabs(aDistance - aRadSum) < theTolerance or math.fabs(aDistance - aRadDiff) < theTolerance
+def arcRadius(theArc):
+ aCenter = geomDataAPI_Point2D(theArc.attribute("ArcCenter"))
+ aStart = geomDataAPI_Point2D(theArc.attribute("ArcStartPoint"))
+ return distancePointPoint(aCenter, aStart)
+def distancePointPoint(thePoint1, thePoint2):
+ return math.hypot(thePoint1.x() - thePoint2.x(), thePoint1.y() - thePoint2.y())
+def distancePointLine(thePoint, theLine):
+ aLineStart = geomDataAPI_Point2D(theLine.attribute("StartPoint"))
+ aLineEnd = geomDataAPI_Point2D(theLine.attribute("EndPoint"))
+ aLength = distancePointPoint(aLineStart, aLineEnd)
+ aDir1x, aDir1y = aLineEnd.x() - aLineStart.x(), aLineEnd.y() - aLineStart.y()
+ aDir2x, aDir2y = thePoint.x() - aLineStart.x(), thePoint.y() - aLineStart.y()
+ aCross = aDir1x * aDir2y - aDir1y * aDir2x
+ return math.fabs(aCross) / aLength
+class TestFilletInteracting(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ model.begin()
+ self.myDocument = model.moduleDocument()
+ self.mySketch = model.addSketch(self.myDocument, model.defaultPlane("XOY"))
+ self.myTolerance = 1.e-6
+ self.myDOF = 0
+ def tearDown(self):
+ model.end()
+ assert(model.checkPythonDump())
+ model.reset()
+ def checkDOF(self):
+ self.assertEqual(model.dof(self.mySketch), self.myDOF)
+ def collectFeatures(self):
+ self.myFeatures = {}
+ for aSubObj in self.mySketch.features().list():
+ aFeature = ModelAPI.ModelAPI_Feature.feature(aSubObj)
+ if aFeature is not None:
+ if self.myFeatures.get(aFeature.getKind()) == None:
+ self.myFeatures[aFeature.getKind()] = 1
+ else:
+ self.myFeatures[aFeature.getKind()] += 1
+ def checkNbFeatures(self, theFeatureKind, theFeatureCount):
+ if theFeatureCount == 0:
+ self.assertIsNone(self.myFeatures.get(theFeatureKind))
+ else:
+ self.assertIsNotNone(self.myFeatures.get(theFeatureKind), "No features of kind {0} but expected {1}".format(theFeatureKind, theFeatureCount))
+ self.assertEqual(self.myFeatures[theFeatureKind], theFeatureCount, "Observed number of {0} is {1} but expected {2}".format(theFeatureKind, self.myFeatures[theFeatureKind], theFeatureCount))
+ def checkFillet(self):
+ aPtPtCoincidences = self.getCoincidences()
+ for coinc in aPtPtCoincidences:
+ aConnectedFeatures = self.connectedFeatures(coinc)
+ self.assertEqual(len(aConnectedFeatures), 2)
+ if aConnectedFeatures[0].getKind() == "SketchArc":
+ if aConnectedFeatures[1].getKind() == "SketchArc":
+ self.assertTrue(isArcArcSmooth(aConnectedFeatures[0], aConnectedFeatures[1], self.myTolerance))
+ elif aConnectedFeatures[1].getKind() == "SketchLine":
+ self.assertTrue(isArcLineSmooth(aConnectedFeatures[0], aConnectedFeatures[1], self.myTolerance))
+ elif aConnectedFeatures[0].getKind() == "SketchLine" and aConnectedFeatures[1].getKind() == "SketchArc":
+ self.assertTrue(isArcLineSmooth(aConnectedFeatures[1], aConnectedFeatures[0], self.myTolerance))
+ def getCoincidences(self):
+ aCoincidences = []
+ for aSubObj in self.mySketch.features().list():
+ aSubFeature = ModelAPI.ModelAPI_Feature.feature(aSubObj)
+ if aSubFeature is not None and aSubFeature.getKind() == "SketchConstraintCoincidence":
+ anEntityA = aSubFeature.refattr("ConstraintEntityA")
+ anEntityB = aSubFeature.refattr("ConstraintEntityB")
+ if not anEntityA.isObject() and not anEntityB.isObject():
+ aCoincidences.append(aSubFeature)
+ return aCoincidences
+ def connectedFeatures(self, theCoincidence):
+ anEntityA = theCoincidence.refattr("ConstraintEntityA")
+ anEntityB = theCoincidence.refattr("ConstraintEntityB")
+ aFeatureA = ModelAPI.ModelAPI_Feature.feature(anEntityA.attr().owner())
+ aFeatureB = ModelAPI.ModelAPI_Feature.feature(anEntityB.attr().owner())
+ return [aFeatureA, aFeatureB]
+ @unittest.expectedFailure
+ def test_fillet_two_lines(self):
+ """ Test 1. Fillet on two connected lines
+ """
+ aSketchLineA = self.mySketch.addLine(10., 10., 20., 10.)
+ aSketchLineB = self.mySketch.addLine(10., 10., 10., 20.)
+ self.myDOF += 8
+ self.checkDOF()
+ self.mySketch.setCoincident(aSketchLineA.startPoint(), aSketchLineB.startPoint())
+ self.myDOF -= 2
+ model.do()
+ self.checkDOF()
+ self.mySketch.setFillet(aSketchLineA.startPoint())
+ self.myDOF += 1
+ model.do()
+ self.checkFillet()
+ self.checkDOF()
+ self.collectFeatures()
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchLine", 2)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchArc", 1)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchConstraintCoincidence", 2)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchConstraintTangent", 2)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchFillet", 0)
+ model.testNbSubShapes(self.mySketch, GeomAPI_Shape.FACE, [0])
+ model.testNbSubShapes(self.mySketch, GeomAPI_Shape.EDGE, [3])
+ model.testNbSubShapes(self.mySketch, GeomAPI_Shape.VERTEX, [6])
+ def test_wrong_fillet_two_lines(self):
+ """ Test 2. Check the fillet is wrong on two connected lines when selecting incorrect point
+ """
+ aSketchLineA = self.mySketch.addLine(10., 10., 20., 10.)
+ aSketchLineB = self.mySketch.addLine(10., 10., 10., 20.)
+ self.myDOF += 8
+ self.checkDOF()
+ self.mySketch.setCoincident(aSketchLineA.startPoint(), aSketchLineB.startPoint())
+ self.myDOF -= 2
+ model.do()
+ self.checkDOF()
+ aFillet = self.mySketch.setFillet(aSketchLineA.endPoint())
+ model.do()
+ self.checkDOF()
+ self.collectFeatures()
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchLine", 2)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchArc", 0) # no arcs should be created
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchConstraintCoincidence", 1) # number of coincidences should not change
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchConstraintTangent", 0) # no tangencies should not be created
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchFillet", 1) # fillet feature should still exist. it should be wrong
+ model.testNbSubShapes(self.mySketch, GeomAPI_Shape.FACE, [0])
+ model.testNbSubShapes(self.mySketch, GeomAPI_Shape.EDGE, [2])
+ model.testNbSubShapes(self.mySketch, GeomAPI_Shape.VERTEX, [4])
+ # remove fillet for correct python dump
+ self.myDocument.removeFeature(aFillet.feature())
+ @unittest.expectedFailure
+ def test_fillet_arc_line(self):
+ """ Test 3. Fillet on connected arc and line
+ """
+ aSketchLine = self.mySketch.addLine(10., 10., 20., 10.)
+ aSketchArc = self.mySketch.addArc(20., 10., 20., 20., 10., 10., False)
+ self.myDOF += 9
+ self.checkDOF()
+ self.mySketch.setCoincident(aSketchLine.startPoint(), aSketchArc.endPoint())
+ self.myDOF -= 2
+ model.do()
+ self.checkDOF()
+ self.mySketch.setFillet(aSketchLine.startPoint())
+ self.myDOF += 1
+ model.do()
+ self.checkFillet()
+ self.checkDOF()
+ self.collectFeatures()
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchLine", 1)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchArc", 2)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchConstraintCoincidence", 2)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchConstraintTangent", 2)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchFillet", 0)
+ model.testNbSubShapes(self.mySketch, GeomAPI_Shape.FACE, [0])
+ model.testNbSubShapes(self.mySketch, GeomAPI_Shape.EDGE, [3])
+ model.testNbSubShapes(self.mySketch, GeomAPI_Shape.VERTEX, [6])
+ @unittest.expectedFailure
+ def test_fillet_two_arcs(self):
+ """ Test 4. Fillet on two connected arcs
+ """
+ aSketchArc1 = self.mySketch.addArc(20., 0., 20., 20., 10., 17.32050807568877293, False)
+ aSketchArc2 = self.mySketch.addArc(20., 34.64101615137754586, 20., 14.64101615137754586, 10., 17.32050807568877293, True)
+ self.myDOF += 10
+ self.checkDOF()
+ self.mySketch.setCoincident(aSketchArc1.endPoint(), aSketchArc2.endPoint())
+ self.myDOF -= 2
+ model.do()
+ self.checkDOF()
+ self.mySketch.setFillet(aSketchArc1.endPoint())
+ self.myDOF += 1
+ model.do()
+ self.checkFillet()
+ self.checkDOF()
+ self.collectFeatures()
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchLine", 0)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchArc", 3)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchConstraintCoincidence", 2)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchConstraintTangent", 2)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchFillet", 0)
+ model.testNbSubShapes(self.mySketch, GeomAPI_Shape.FACE, [0])
+ model.testNbSubShapes(self.mySketch, GeomAPI_Shape.EDGE, [3])
+ model.testNbSubShapes(self.mySketch, GeomAPI_Shape.VERTEX, [6])
+ @unittest.expectedFailure
+ def test_fillet_with_horizontal_vertical(self):
+ """ Test 5. Fillet on two connected lines in case of Horizontal or Vertical constraints applied
+ """
+ aSketchLineA = self.mySketch.addLine(10., 10., 20., 10.)
+ aSketchLineB = self.mySketch.addLine(10., 10., 10., 20.)
+ self.myDOF += 8
+ self.checkDOF()
+ self.mySketch.setCoincident(aSketchLineA.startPoint(), aSketchLineB.startPoint())
+ self.myDOF -= 2
+ model.do()
+ self.checkDOF()
+ self.mySketch.setHorizontal(aSketchLineA.result())
+ self.mySketch.setVertical(aSketchLineB.result())
+ self.myDOF -= 2
+ model.do()
+ self.checkDOF()
+ self.mySketch.setFillet(aSketchLineA.startPoint())
+ self.myDOF += 1
+ model.do()
+ self.checkFillet()
+ self.checkDOF()
+ self.collectFeatures()
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchLine", 2)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchArc", 1)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchConstraintCoincidence", 2)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchConstraintTangent", 2)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchConstraintHorizontal", 1)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchConstraintVertical", 1)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchFillet", 0)
+ model.testNbSubShapes(self.mySketch, GeomAPI_Shape.FACE, [0])
+ model.testNbSubShapes(self.mySketch, GeomAPI_Shape.EDGE, [3])
+ model.testNbSubShapes(self.mySketch, GeomAPI_Shape.VERTEX, [6])
+ @unittest.expectedFailure
+ def test_fillet_with_orthogonal(self):
+ """ Test 6. Fillet on two connected lines in case of Perpendicular constraint applied
+ """
+ aSketchLineA = self.mySketch.addLine(10., 10., 20., 10.)
+ aSketchLineB = self.mySketch.addLine(10., 10., 10., 20.)
+ self.myDOF += 8
+ self.checkDOF()
+ self.mySketch.setCoincident(aSketchLineA.startPoint(), aSketchLineB.startPoint())
+ self.myDOF -= 2
+ model.do()
+ self.checkDOF()
+ self.mySketch.setPerpendicular(aSketchLineA.result(), aSketchLineB.result())
+ self.myDOF -= 1
+ model.do()
+ self.checkDOF()
+ self.mySketch.setFillet(aSketchLineA.startPoint())
+ self.myDOF += 1
+ model.do()
+ self.checkFillet()
+ self.checkDOF()
+ self.collectFeatures()
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchLine", 2)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchArc", 1)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchConstraintCoincidence", 2)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchConstraintTangent", 2)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchConstraintPerpendicular", 1)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchFillet", 0)
+ model.testNbSubShapes(self.mySketch, GeomAPI_Shape.FACE, [0])
+ model.testNbSubShapes(self.mySketch, GeomAPI_Shape.EDGE, [3])
+ model.testNbSubShapes(self.mySketch, GeomAPI_Shape.VERTEX, [6])
+ @unittest.expectedFailure
+ def test_fillet_with_parallel(self):
+ """ Test 7. Fillet on two connected lines in case of Parallel constraint applied
+ """
+ aSketchLineA = self.mySketch.addLine(10., 10., 20., 10.)
+ aSketchLineB = self.mySketch.addLine(10., 10., 10., 20.)
+ self.myDOF += 8
+ self.checkDOF()
+ self.mySketch.setCoincident(aSketchLineA.startPoint(), aSketchLineB.startPoint())
+ self.myDOF -= 2
+ model.do()
+ self.checkDOF()
+ # third line to apply parallel constraint
+ aSketchLineC = self.mySketch.addLine(10., 0., 20., 5.)
+ self.myDOF += 4
+ self.mySketch.setParallel(aSketchLineB.result(), aSketchLineC.result())
+ self.myDOF -= 1
+ model.do()
+ self.checkDOF()
+ self.mySketch.setFillet(aSketchLineA.startPoint())
+ self.myDOF += 1
+ model.do()
+ self.checkFillet()
+ self.checkDOF()
+ self.collectFeatures()
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchLine", 3)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchArc", 1)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchConstraintCoincidence", 2)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchConstraintTangent", 2)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchConstraintParallel", 1)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchFillet", 0)
+ model.testNbSubShapes(self.mySketch, GeomAPI_Shape.FACE, [0])
+ model.testNbSubShapes(self.mySketch, GeomAPI_Shape.EDGE, [4])
+ model.testNbSubShapes(self.mySketch, GeomAPI_Shape.VERTEX, [8])
+ @unittest.expectedFailure
+ def test_fillet_with_equal_lines(self):
+ """ Test 8. Fillet on two connected lines in case of Equal constraint applied
+ """
+ aSketchLineA = self.mySketch.addLine(10., 10., 20., 10.)
+ aSketchLineB = self.mySketch.addLine(10., 10., 10., 20.)
+ self.myDOF += 8
+ self.checkDOF()
+ self.mySketch.setCoincident(aSketchLineA.startPoint(), aSketchLineB.startPoint())
+ self.myDOF -= 2
+ model.do()
+ self.checkDOF()
+ self.mySketch.setEqual(aSketchLineA.result(), aSketchLineB.result())
+ self.myDOF -= 1
+ model.do()
+ self.checkDOF()
+ self.mySketch.setFillet(aSketchLineA.startPoint())
+ self.myDOF += 2
+ model.do()
+ self.checkFillet()
+ self.checkDOF()
+ self.collectFeatures()
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchLine", 2)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchArc", 1)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchConstraintCoincidence", 2)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchConstraintTangent", 2)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchConstraintEqual", 0) # Equal constraint expected to be removed
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchFillet", 0)
+ model.testNbSubShapes(self.mySketch, GeomAPI_Shape.FACE, [0])
+ model.testNbSubShapes(self.mySketch, GeomAPI_Shape.EDGE, [3])
+ model.testNbSubShapes(self.mySketch, GeomAPI_Shape.VERTEX, [6])
+ @unittest.expectedFailure
+ def test_fillet_with_equal_arcs(self):
+ """ Test 9. Fillet on two connected arcs in case of Equal constraint applied
+ """
+ aSketchArc1 = self.mySketch.addArc(20., 0., 20., 20., 10., 17.32050807568877293, False)
+ aSketchArc2 = self.mySketch.addArc(20., 34.64101615137754586, 20., 14.64101615137754586, 10., 17.32050807568877293, True)
+ self.myDOF += 10
+ self.checkDOF()
+ self.mySketch.setCoincident(aSketchArc1.endPoint(), aSketchArc2.endPoint())
+ self.myDOF -= 2
+ model.do()
+ self.checkDOF()
+ self.mySketch.setEqual(aSketchArc1.results()[1], aSketchArc2.results()[1])
+ self.myDOF -= 1
+ model.do()
+ self.checkDOF()
+ self.mySketch.setFillet(aSketchArc1.endPoint())
+ self.myDOF += 1
+ model.do()
+ self.checkFillet()
+ self.checkDOF()
+ self.collectFeatures()
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchLine", 0)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchArc", 3)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchConstraintCoincidence", 2)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchConstraintTangent", 2)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchConstraintEqual", 0) # Equal constraint expected to be removed
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchFillet", 0)
+ model.testNbSubShapes(self.mySketch, GeomAPI_Shape.FACE, [0])
+ model.testNbSubShapes(self.mySketch, GeomAPI_Shape.EDGE, [3])
+ model.testNbSubShapes(self.mySketch, GeomAPI_Shape.VERTEX, [6])
+ @unittest.expectedFailure
+ def test_fillet_with_length(self):
+ """ Test 10. Fillet on two connected lines in case of Length constraint applied
+ """
+ aSketchLineA = self.mySketch.addLine(10., 10., 20., 10.)
+ aSketchLineB = self.mySketch.addLine(10., 10., 10., 20.)
+ self.myDOF += 8
+ self.checkDOF()
+ self.mySketch.setCoincident(aSketchLineA.startPoint(), aSketchLineB.startPoint())
+ self.myDOF -= 2
+ model.do()
+ self.checkDOF()
+ self.mySketch.setLength(aSketchLineA.result(), 15.)
+ self.myDOF -= 1
+ model.do()
+ self.checkDOF()
+ self.mySketch.setFillet(aSketchLineA.startPoint())
+ self.myDOF += 2
+ model.do()
+ self.checkFillet()
+ self.checkDOF()
+ self.collectFeatures()
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchLine", 2)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchArc", 1)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchConstraintCoincidence", 2)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchConstraintTangent", 2)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchConstraintLength", 0) # Length constraint expected to be removed
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchFillet", 0)
+ model.testNbSubShapes(self.mySketch, GeomAPI_Shape.FACE, [0])
+ model.testNbSubShapes(self.mySketch, GeomAPI_Shape.EDGE, [3])
+ model.testNbSubShapes(self.mySketch, GeomAPI_Shape.VERTEX, [6])
+ @unittest.expectedFailure
+ def test_fillet_with_radius(self):
+ """ Test 11. Fillet on connected arc and line in case of Radius constraint is applied to arc
+ """
+ aSketchLine = self.mySketch.addLine(10., 10., 20., 10.)
+ aSketchArc = self.mySketch.addArc(0., 10., 0., 20., 10., 10., True)
+ self.myDOF += 9
+ self.checkDOF()
+ self.mySketch.setCoincident(aSketchLine.startPoint(), aSketchArc.endPoint())
+ self.myDOF -= 2
+ model.do()
+ self.checkDOF()
+ self.mySketch.setRadius(aSketchArc.results()[1], 12.)
+ self.myDOF -= 1
+ model.do()
+ self.checkDOF()
+ self.mySketch.setFillet(aSketchLine.startPoint())
+ self.myDOF += 1
+ model.do()
+ self.checkFillet()
+ self.checkDOF()
+ self.collectFeatures()
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchLine", 1)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchArc", 2)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchConstraintCoincidence", 2)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchConstraintTangent", 2)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchConstraintRadius", 1)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchFillet", 0)
+ model.testNbSubShapes(self.mySketch, GeomAPI_Shape.FACE, [0])
+ model.testNbSubShapes(self.mySketch, GeomAPI_Shape.EDGE, [3])
+ model.testNbSubShapes(self.mySketch, GeomAPI_Shape.VERTEX, [6])
+ @unittest.expectedFailure
+ def test_fillet_with_distance(self):
+ """ Test 12. Fillet on two connected lines in case of Distance constraint applied
+ """
+ aSketchLineA = self.mySketch.addLine(10., 10., 20., 10.)
+ aSketchLineB = self.mySketch.addLine(10., 10., 10., 20.)
+ self.myDOF += 8
+ self.checkDOF()
+ self.mySketch.setCoincident(aSketchLineA.startPoint(), aSketchLineB.startPoint())
+ self.myDOF -= 2
+ model.do()
+ self.checkDOF()
+ # third line to apply Distance constraints
+ aSketchLineC = self.mySketch.addLine(10., 0., 20., 5.)
+ self.myDOF += 4
+ self.mySketch.setDistance(aSketchLineB.startPoint(), aSketchLineC.result(), 10.)
+ self.mySketch.setDistance(aSketchLineB.endPoint(), aSketchLineC.result(), 5.)
+ self.myDOF -= 2
+ model.do()
+ self.checkDOF()
+ self.mySketch.setFillet(aSketchLineA.startPoint())
+ self.myDOF += 1
+ model.do()
+ self.checkFillet()
+ self.checkDOF()
+ self.collectFeatures()
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchLine", 3)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchArc", 1)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchConstraintCoincidence", 2)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchConstraintTangent", 2)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchConstraintDistance", 1) # only one Distance should be left
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchFillet", 0)
+ model.testNbSubShapes(self.mySketch, GeomAPI_Shape.FACE, [0])
+ model.testNbSubShapes(self.mySketch, GeomAPI_Shape.EDGE, [4])
+ model.testNbSubShapes(self.mySketch, GeomAPI_Shape.VERTEX, [8])
+ @unittest.expectedFailure
+ def test_fillet_with_fixed_point(self):
+ """ Test 13. Fillet on two connected lines in case of Fixed constraint applied to the fillet point
+ """
+ aSketchLineA = self.mySketch.addLine(10., 10., 20., 10.)
+ aSketchLineB = self.mySketch.addLine(10., 10., 10., 20.)
+ self.myDOF += 8
+ self.checkDOF()
+ self.mySketch.setCoincident(aSketchLineA.startPoint(), aSketchLineB.startPoint())
+ self.myDOF -= 2
+ model.do()
+ self.checkDOF()
+ self.mySketch.setFixed(aSketchLineA.startPoint())
+ self.myDOF -= 2
+ model.do()
+ self.checkDOF()
+ self.mySketch.setFillet(aSketchLineA.startPoint())
+ self.myDOF += 1
+ model.do()
+ self.checkFillet()
+ self.checkDOF()
+ self.collectFeatures()
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchLine", 2)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchArc", 1)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchConstraintCoincidence", 2)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchConstraintTangent", 2)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchConstraintFixed", 0) # Fixed constraint expected to be removed
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchFillet", 0)
+ model.testNbSubShapes(self.mySketch, GeomAPI_Shape.FACE, [0])
+ model.testNbSubShapes(self.mySketch, GeomAPI_Shape.EDGE, [3])
+ model.testNbSubShapes(self.mySketch, GeomAPI_Shape.VERTEX, [6])
+ @unittest.expectedFailure
+ def test_fillet_with_fixed_line(self):
+ """ Test 14. Fillet on two connected lines in case of Fixed constraint applied to one of lines
+ """
+ aSketchLineA = self.mySketch.addLine(10., 10., 20., 10.)
+ aSketchLineB = self.mySketch.addLine(10., 10., 10., 20.)
+ self.myDOF += 8
+ self.checkDOF()
+ self.mySketch.setCoincident(aSketchLineA.startPoint(), aSketchLineB.startPoint())
+ self.myDOF -= 2
+ model.do()
+ self.checkDOF()
+ self.mySketch.setFixed(aSketchLineA.result())
+ self.myDOF -= 4
+ model.do()
+ self.checkDOF()
+ self.mySketch.setFillet(aSketchLineA.startPoint())
+ self.myDOF += 1
+ model.do()
+ self.checkFillet()
+ self.checkDOF()
+ self.collectFeatures()
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchLine", 2)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchArc", 1)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchConstraintCoincidence", 2)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchConstraintTangent", 2)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchConstraintLength", 0) # Fixed constraint expected to be kept
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchFillet", 0)
+ model.testNbSubShapes(self.mySketch, GeomAPI_Shape.FACE, [0])
+ model.testNbSubShapes(self.mySketch, GeomAPI_Shape.EDGE, [3])
+ model.testNbSubShapes(self.mySketch, GeomAPI_Shape.VERTEX, [6])
+ @unittest.expectedFailure
+ def test_fillet_with_angle(self):
+ """ Test 15. Fillet on two connected lines in case of Perpendicular constraint applied
+ """
+ aSketchLineA = self.mySketch.addLine(10., 10., 20., 10.)
+ aSketchLineB = self.mySketch.addLine(10., 10., 10., 20.)
+ self.myDOF += 8
+ self.checkDOF()
+ self.mySketch.setCoincident(aSketchLineA.startPoint(), aSketchLineB.startPoint())
+ self.myDOF -= 2
+ model.do()
+ self.checkDOF()
+ self.mySketch.setAngle(aSketchLineA.result(), aSketchLineB.result(), 60.)
+ self.myDOF -= 1
+ model.do()
+ self.checkDOF()
+ self.mySketch.setFillet(aSketchLineA.startPoint())
+ self.myDOF += 1
+ model.do()
+ self.checkFillet()
+ self.checkDOF()
+ self.collectFeatures()
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchLine", 2)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchArc", 1)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchConstraintCoincidence", 2)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchConstraintTangent", 2)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchConstraintAngle", 1)
+ self.checkNbFeatures("SketchFillet", 0)
+ model.testNbSubShapes(self.mySketch, GeomAPI_Shape.FACE, [0])
+ model.testNbSubShapes(self.mySketch, GeomAPI_Shape.EDGE, [3])
+ model.testNbSubShapes(self.mySketch, GeomAPI_Shape.VERTEX, [6])
+# TODO: Remove unittest.expectedFailure if the Tangency in PlaneGCS will be updated
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()