- <translation>\"%1\" assigned but:
+ <translation>"%1" assigned but:
- <translation>Can not assign \"%1\":
+ <translation>Can not assign "%1":
- <translation>Can not unassign \"%1\":
+ <translation>Can not unassign "%1":
<translation>It seems that there is not enough memory to show the mesh
+so that the application may crash. Do you wish to continue visualization?</translation>
- <translation></translation>
+ <translation>MED file has overlapped ranges of element numbers,
+ the numbers from the file are ignored</translation>
<translation> The file is incorrect,
+some information will be missed</translation>
<translation> The file is empty,
+there is nothing to be published</translation>
- <translation>There are duplicated group names in mesh \"%1\".
+ <translation>There are duplicated group names in mesh "%1".
+You can cancel exporting and rename them,
+otherwise some group names in the resulting MED file
+will not match ones in the study.
+Do you want to continue ?</translation>
- <translation>During export mesh with name - \"%1\" to MED 2.1
+ <translation>During export mesh with name - "%1" to MED 2.1
+polygons and polyhedrons elements will be missed
+For correct export use MED 2.2
+Are you sure want to export to MED 2.1 ?</translation>
- <translation>Mesh - \"%1\" does not contain triangles</translation>
+ <translation>Mesh - "%1" does not contain triangles</translation>
- <translation>Mesh - \"%1\" contains another than triangles elements,</translation>
+ <translation>Mesh - "%1" contains another than triangles elements, they are ignored during writing to STL</translation>
- <translation>During export mesh with name - \"%1\" to UNV
+ <translation>During export mesh with name - "%1" to UNV
+ pyramid's elements will be missed</translation>
- <translation>\"%1\" unassigned but:
+ <translation>"%1" unassigned but:
<translation>Mesh visualization failed, no memory even to show a message,
+so all visual data have been removed to let the application live.
+Consider saving your work before application crash</translation>
- <translation>%3 %2D algorithm \"%1\" is assigned to geometry mismatching its expectation</translation>
+ <translation>%3 %2D algorithm "%1" is assigned to geometry mismatching its expectation</translation>
- <translation>Hypothesis of %3 %2D algorithm \"%1\" has a bad parameter value</translation>
+ <translation>Hypothesis of %3 %2D algorithm "%1" has a bad parameter value</translation>
- <translation>%3 %2D algorithm \"%1\" misses %4D hypothesis</translation>
+ <translation>%3 %2D algorithm "%1" misses %4D hypothesis</translation>
- <translation>%3 %2D algorithm \"%1\" would produce not conform mesh: global \"Not Conform Mesh Allowed\" hypotesis is missing</translation>
+ <translation>%3 %2D algorithm "%1" would produce not conform mesh: global "Not Conform Mesh Allowed" hypotesis is missing</translation>
- <translation>There is no \"%1\" geometrical object in the current study
+ <translation>There is no "%1" geometrical object in the current study
Please select valid object and try again</translation>
- <translation>\"%1\" is not a cylinderical face
+ <translation>"%1" is not a cylinderical face
Please select a cylindrical face and try again</translation>
- <translation>\"%1\" is not a face
+ <translation>"%1" is not a face
Please select a face and try again</translation>
- <translation>\"%1\" is not a plane
+ <translation>"%1" is not a plane
Please select a plane and try again</translation>
- <translation>Library already contains filter with name \"%1\"
-New name \"%2\" is assigned to added filter</translation>
+ <translation>Library already contains filter with name "%1"
+New name "%2" is assigned to added filter</translation>