// Partition
- Handle(GEOM_Object) Part0 = aBooleanOperations->MakeHalfPartition(theShape, face_t);
- if (Part0.IsNull()) {
- std::cerr << "Impossible to build partition between TShape and 1st face" << std::endl;
- SetErrorCode("Impossible to build partition between TShape and 1st face");
- return false;
- }
- Part0->GetLastFunction()->SetDescription("");
- Handle(GEOM_Object) Te3 ;
- if (isNormal) {
- if (Abs(aR1Ext - aR2Ext) <= Precision::Approximation()) {
- std::cerr << "External radius are identical: we do not make partition with plane OXZ" << std::endl;
- Te3 = aBooleanOperations->MakeHalfPartition(Part0, aPlnOZ);
- }
- else {
- Handle(GEOM_Object) Part1 = aBooleanOperations->MakeHalfPartition(Part0, aPlnOXZ);
- if (Part1.IsNull()) {
- std::cerr << "Impossible to build partition between TShape and plane OXZ" << std::endl;
- SetErrorCode("Impossible to build partition between TShape and plane OXZ");
- return false;
- }
- Part1->GetLastFunction()->SetDescription("");
- Te3 = aBooleanOperations->MakeHalfPartition(Part1, aPlnOZ);
- }
- if (Te3.IsNull()) {
- std::cerr << "Impossible to build partition between TShape and plane OZ" << std::endl;
- SetErrorCode("Impossible to build partition between TShape and plane OZ");
- return false;
- }
- Te3->GetLastFunction()->SetDescription("");
- }
- else {
- if (Abs(aR1Ext - aR2Ext) <= Precision::Approximation()){ // We should never go here
- SetErrorCode("Impossible to build TShape");
- return false;
- }
- else {
- Handle(GEOM_Object) Part1 = aBooleanOperations->MakeHalfPartition(Part0, aPlnOXZ);
- if (Part1.IsNull()) {
- std::cerr << "Impossible to build partition between TShape and plane OXZ" << std::endl;
- SetErrorCode("Impossible to build partition between TShape and plane OXZ");
- return false;
- }
- Part1->GetLastFunction()->SetDescription("");
- Handle(GEOM_Object) Part2 = aBooleanOperations->MakeHalfPartition(Part1, aPlnOZ);
- if (Part2.IsNull()) {
- std::cerr << "Impossible to build partition between TShape and plane OZ" << std::endl;
- SetErrorCode("Impossible to build partition between TShape and plane OZ");
- return false;
- }
- Part2->GetLastFunction()->SetDescription("");
- Te3 = aBooleanOperations->MakeHalfPartition(Part2, face_t2);
- if (Te3.IsNull()) {
- std::cerr << "Impossible to build partition between TShape and 2nd face" << std::endl;
- SetErrorCode("Impossible to build partition between TShape and 2nd face");
- return false;
- }
- Te3->GetLastFunction()->SetDescription("");
- }
- }
+// Handle(GEOM_Object) Part0 = aBooleanOperations->MakeHalfPartition(theShape, face_t);
+// if (Part0.IsNull()) {
+// std::cerr << "Impossible to build partition between TShape and 1st face" << std::endl;
+// SetErrorCode("Impossible to build partition between TShape and 1st face");
+// return false;
+// }
+// Part0->GetLastFunction()->SetDescription("");
+// Handle(GEOM_Object) Te3 ;
+// if (isNormal) {
+// if (Abs(aR1Ext - aR2Ext) <= Precision::Approximation()) {
+// std::cerr << "External radius are identical: we do not make partition with plane OXZ" << std::endl;
+// Te3 = aBooleanOperations->MakeHalfPartition(Part0, aPlnOZ);
+// }
+// else {
+// Handle(GEOM_Object) Part1 = aBooleanOperations->MakeHalfPartition(Part0, aPlnOXZ);
+// if (Part1.IsNull()) {
+// std::cerr << "Impossible to build partition between TShape and plane OXZ" << std::endl;
+// SetErrorCode("Impossible to build partition between TShape and plane OXZ");
+// return false;
+// }
+// Part1->GetLastFunction()->SetDescription("");
+// Te3 = aBooleanOperations->MakeHalfPartition(Part1, aPlnOZ);
+// }
+// if (Te3.IsNull()) {
+// std::cerr << "Impossible to build partition between TShape and plane OZ" << std::endl;
+// SetErrorCode("Impossible to build partition between TShape and plane OZ");
+// return false;
+// }
+// Te3->GetLastFunction()->SetDescription("");
+// }
+// else {
+// if (Abs(aR1Ext - aR2Ext) <= Precision::Approximation()){ // We should never go here
+// SetErrorCode("Impossible to build TShape");
+// return false;
+// }
+// else {
+// Handle(GEOM_Object) Part1 = aBooleanOperations->MakeHalfPartition(Part0, aPlnOXZ);
+// if (Part1.IsNull()) {
+// std::cerr << "Impossible to build partition between TShape and plane OXZ" << std::endl;
+// SetErrorCode("Impossible to build partition between TShape and plane OXZ");
+// return false;
+// }
+// Part1->GetLastFunction()->SetDescription("");
+// Handle(GEOM_Object) Part2 = aBooleanOperations->MakeHalfPartition(Part1, aPlnOZ);
+// if (Part2.IsNull()) {
+// std::cerr << "Impossible to build partition between TShape and plane OZ" << std::endl;
+// SetErrorCode("Impossible to build partition between TShape and plane OZ");
+// return false;
+// }
+// Part2->GetLastFunction()->SetDescription("");
+// Te3 = aBooleanOperations->MakeHalfPartition(Part2, face_t2);
+// if (Te3.IsNull()) {
+// std::cerr << "Impossible to build partition between TShape and 2nd face" << std::endl;
+// SetErrorCode("Impossible to build partition between TShape and 2nd face");
+// return false;
+// }
+// Te3->GetLastFunction()->SetDescription("");
+// }
+// }
-// Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient) partitionShapes = new TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient;
-// Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient) theTools = new TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient;
-// Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient) theKeepInside = new TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient;
-// Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient) theRemoveInside = new TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient;
-// Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfInteger) theMaterials;
-// partitionShapes->Append(theShape);
-// theTools->Append(aPlnOZ);
-// theTools->Append(aPlnOXZ);
-// theTools->Append(face_t);
-// if (!isNormal)
-// theTools->Append(face_t2);
-// Handle(GEOM_Object) Te3 = aBooleanOperations->MakePartition(partitionShapes, theTools, theKeepInside, theRemoveInside, TopAbs_SOLID, false, theMaterials, 0, false);
-// if (Te3.IsNull()) {
-// SetErrorCode("Impossible to build partition of TShape");
+ Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient) partitionShapes = new TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient;
+ Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient) theTools = new TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient;
+ Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient) theKeepInside = new TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient;
+ Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient) theRemoveInside = new TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient;
+ Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfInteger) theMaterials;
+ partitionShapes->Append(theShape);
+ theTools->Append(aPlnOZ);
+ theTools->Append(aPlnOXZ);
+ theTools->Append(face_t);
+ if (!isNormal)
+ theTools->Append(face_t2);
+ Handle(GEOM_Object) Te3 = aBooleanOperations->MakePartition(partitionShapes, theTools, theKeepInside, theRemoveInside, TopAbs_SOLID, false, theMaterials, 0, false);
+ if (Te3.IsNull()) {
+ SetErrorCode("Impossible to build partition of TShape");
// Handle(GEOM_Object) aCompound = aShapesOperations->MakeCompound(theShapes);
// TopoDS_Shape aCompoundShape = aCompound->GetValue();
// theShape->GetLastFunction()->SetValue(aCompoundShape);
-// return false;
-// }
-// Te3->GetLastFunction()->SetDescription("");
+ return false;
+ }
+ Te3->GetLastFunction()->SetDescription("");
TopoDS_Shape aShape = Te3->GetValue();
catch (Standard_Failure) {
Handle(Standard_Failure) aFail = Standard_Failure::Caught();
- try {
- aChamfer = aLocalOperations->MakeChamferEdges(aShape, theH, theW, theEdges);
- }
- catch (Standard_Failure) {
- Handle(Standard_Failure) aFail = Standard_Failure::Caught();
- SetErrorCode(aFail->GetMessageString());
- return NULL;
- }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (aChamfer.IsNull()) {
+ SetErrorCode("Chamfer can not be computed on the given shape with the given parameters");
+ return NULL;
try {
aChamfer = aLocalOperations->MakeChamferEdges(aShape, theW, theH, theEdges);
- catch (...) {
- aChamfer = aLocalOperations->MakeChamferEdges(aShape, theH, theW, theEdges);
+ catch (Standard_Failure) {
+ Handle(Standard_Failure) aFail = Standard_Failure::Caught();
+ SetErrorCode(aFail->GetMessageString());
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (aChamfer.IsNull()) {
+ SetErrorCode("Chamfer can not be computed on the given shape with the given parameters");
+ return NULL;
if (theHexMesh && nbEdgesInFillet == 1)
- Handle(GEOM_Object) aFillet = aLocalOperations->MakeFilletEdges(aShape, theRF, theEdges);
+ Handle(GEOM_Object) aFillet;
+ try {
+ aFillet = aLocalOperations->MakeFilletEdges(aShape, theRF, theEdges);
+ }
+ catch (Standard_Failure) {
+ Handle(Standard_Failure) aFail = Standard_Failure::Caught();
+ SetErrorCode(aFail->GetMessageString());
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (aFillet.IsNull()) {
+ SetErrorCode("Fillet can not be computed on the given shape with the given parameters");
+ return NULL;
+ }
TopoDS_Shape aFilletShape = aFillet->GetValue();
if (theHexMesh && nbEdgesInFillet == 1)
- Handle(GEOM_Object) aFillet = aLocalOperations->MakeFilletEdges(aShape, theRF, theEdges);
+ Handle(GEOM_Object) aFillet;
+ try {
+ aFillet = aLocalOperations->MakeFilletEdges(aShape, theRF, theEdges);
+ }
+ catch (Standard_Failure) {
+ Handle(Standard_Failure) aFail = Standard_Failure::Caught();
+ SetErrorCode(aFail->GetMessageString());
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (aFillet.IsNull()) {
+ SetErrorCode("Fillet can not be computed on the given shape with the given parameters");
+ return NULL;
+ }
TopoDS_Shape aFilletShape = aFillet->GetValue();