std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Circ> aCircle = anEdge->circle();
double aRadius = aCircle->radius();
+ double aNormalsDot = aCircle->normal()->dot(aSketchPlane->direction());
+ if (fabs(fabs(aNormalsDot) - 1.0) > tolerance)
+ return; // circle is not in the plane, parallel to the sketch plane
std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Pnt> aCenter = aSketchPlane->project(aCircle->center());
std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Pnt2d> aCenterInSketch = sketch()->to2D(aCenter);
std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Pnt> aCenter = aSketchPlane->project(aCircle->center());
std::shared_ptr<GeomAPI_Pnt2d> aCenterInSketch = sketch()->to2D(aCenter);
- bool isInversed = aCircle->normal()->dot(aSketchPlane->direction()) < 0.;
+ double aNormalsDot = aCircle->normal()->dot(aSketchPlane->direction());
+ if (fabs(fabs(aNormalsDot) - 1.0) > tolerance)
+ return; // arc is not in the plane, parallel to the sketch plane
+ bool isInversed = aNormalsDot < 0.;
if (!hasPrevProj)
aProjection = sketch()->addFeature(SketchPlugin_Arc::ID());